Also, /astral/ is missing from the top bar.
Also, /astral/ is missing from the top bar.
/astral/ has more problems than that, none of the threads exist when clicking them them from the catalog
>file not found
If this caused by the thread not being actually moved from a different board but only linked? The original has been deleted and now nothing shows up here.
I'm pretty sure /astral/ got wiped, as they don't appear in the paged view but moved threads do in /loosh/
Indeed; It was taken out of the top bar because of non use and then it fell into the abyss and was full of spam & shitposts, if you really care to see, you can via >>>/grave/
Perhaps it can be used in proper form it may go back up on the top but it sat unused collecting dust & spam for many months, we though it best to wait till fringe was more mature of a site to reinstate it. That time may or may not be now.
But by not having it in the top bar, it can never come back into use because very few will discover it.
The problem with /astral/ is that there's a very small amount of people who AP and use fringechan. So the board will naturally be pretty dead until traffic picks up a lot. You could merge /astral/ into /fringe/ if you think it's overexpansion, but I don't think it's such a bad thing to have a couple of really slow boards for specialized topics.
I'd also suggest putting /meta/ in the top bar.
Thank you for your submission. I have corrected all the SSL points, the bad score was mostly caused by leaving SSL3 connectivity available.
>I'd also suggest putting /meta/ in the top bar.