shills disapprove of this image
they hate it like you can't imagine. I'm spreading it and you should too. they will come up with stupid arguments and try to explain why it isn't good enough. look at what happened in the last thread. https://archive.is/QgZRT
it's/they are on every board giving bad advice on purpose.
>on /ck/ they shill monsanto shit and try to make people eat gmo's and pesticide "enriched" foods and fanatically try to convince people they don't deserve to know what they are buying so foods in the store should "never" be labled. (promoting corn syrup, gmo soy, roundup, yellow 5, and other additves or unhealthy foods as safe or healthy)
>on /fit/ they give bad advice on purpose that will get people hurt or sick (dentist threads promoting vaccines, mercury dental fillings, fluoride)
>on both /ck/ and /fit/ they shoot down and make a scape goat meme out of vegans who try to share their success stories on how they got healthy eating their veg "wow vegans are such gay fairies and sissy wimps! here eat some unhealthy shit like a man"
>on /tech/ they always say "well hue hue guys its okay that I use windows 10" "here use intel" "I love google chrome"
>on /v/ they want people to give money to EA and Ubisoft and Microsoft and Sony and Activision and Bethesda
>on /pol/ they shill obvious things like "stop knowing things you shouldn't know", attempting to trick people into accepting mainstream promoted AAA ideas and kosher thoughts and thread slide all the good threads all the way to the bottom at alarming speeds so that topics that they don't approve of are not seen, and if thread sliding fails they create arguments and disrupt all civilized discussion in the thread until the thread reaches the bump limit and disappears.
>on /x/ they are always being skeptical or claiming others are crazy or paranoid
>on /n/ they shit everything up and prevent real discussion about news
>on /newsplus/ they post the "real news" (only "certified" "special" "people" are allowed to post "real" "news" threads)
>on /cuteboys/ they tell everyone the risk of getting HIV is 1% or "you would have to fuck 92 people to get aids" so that they trick people into having unsafe sex and getting HIV
>Missing from your list is /k/. Do they avoid that board?
>What are they gonna shill on /k/? Gun control? That'll never fly. Anytime things do get political over there it becomes pretty clear where /k/ lies on the political spectrum. And it's gonna be a lot harder to budge them with constant disinfo and D&C shit since that board isn't for discussing politics, so spam is easy to spot and shut down. don't automatically assume that shills on /k/ are impossible. shills offer bad or tricky advice everywhere they go.
be careful anyway.
on all boards they tell everyone to "take your meds" to which everyone replies "bake your breads" or "we already took the red pill"
anyone who disagrees with them or calls them out on their bullshit gets a bunch of scripted SJW type replies like "oh you are just intolerant/uneducated/too young/too old/too stupid/ too this/ too that/ not good enough/"
anyone else notice this trend?