Can I become Super Saiyan in the astral?
Yes but no.
Technically it should be possible but having such ridiculous phantasm would make it impossible for you as it is a mark of immaturity and such feat wouldn't be granted to immature persons.
t. Astral Doctor
With enough motivation, you could make it but you'll still remain inferior to Kakkarot.
Only when super sayan will become a mean & not a goal, you'll truly be a super sayan, but it would form a paradox.
cucked by Kakkarot
How dare you vegataposting while asking such beta questions!?
True astral Super Sayan don't need no question, they just do.
Let me guess, you were raised by a single mother, have a sister, and was born in a industrialized country full of degeneracy called USA?
Make your jokes while you can... you see... I finally realized the legend.
That's right, you aren't dealing with the average anon anymore, I have finally become the legendary SUPER SAIYAN.