Over on /pol/ we've dug up a site called Forgotten Languages.
Most of it is untranslatable, but it has some tantalizing snippets in English.
Forgotten Languages Thread
>Summing up: accepting simple explanations is rewarding, and creates pleasant feelings of understanding in an otherwise stressed society. XViS is a powerful tool for non-invasive psychological belief forming, encoding, and false memory formation. Society has never been so ready to accept specific distorted views of reality."
>"Memes allow to modify brain connectivity in specific ways, and to elicit neurodynamics processes that finally encode beliefs. We can so far force a target brain to filter incoming information the way we wish, and we can get that target brain to distort and transmits further the information we want to."
>"Conspiracy theory may be treated as a memeplex that is easily activated by various pieces of information, giving it meaning consistent with the memeplex responses. From neurobiological perspective learning requires adaptation, changing functional connectivity, adjusting physical structure of the brain. Learning is thus energy-consuming, requires effort that should be carried out only when there are potential benefits."
>"Social networking allows us to add new information to the existing pool of interacting memes, or attractor states - the so-called memeplex - which is then replicated further. As we control the information being fed, we obviously control what beliefs will finally be encoded in millions of brains"
>"Once a set of distorted memory states is entrenched it becomes a powerful force, attracting and distorting all information that has some associations with these states, creating even broader basins of attractors. Encoding of information in this way enhances the memeplex and is one of the reasons why conspiracy theories are so persistent."
NOTE: The videos may be infohazards and/or have occult effects.
There's a lot of active discussion on 4/pol/, but it's above our paygrade, we have no idea what's going on.
Can anyone here make heads or tails of it?