Feeling stressed? Visualize all the sources of your stress. Work, bills, school, whatever! Picture them all in detail, then make an effort to do the same for the sources of all these problems. Leave no mental stone unturned.
Put them all in a single room just big enough to hold em all, walk out, then close and lock the door behind you. Walk out of the building this room is in, and close it up like it's your own business locking up for the night.
Start laughing/screaming/hysterically sobbing/growling as you run in circles around the damned place, dumping gasoline all over the shit. Fuck yeah. Soak the motherfucker.
Soak it.
Imagine the sound of a match striking as your middle finger extends, a white-hot flame pouring from the tip with all the fury of a dying star. Burn it. Burn it all. Burn the motherfucking everything.
When you're done dancing, and the fire has dulled; when the building that held all your pain is a black skeleton glowing with the embers of your fury, take out your cell phone.
Request an immediate extraction and meet your chopper at the designated evac-point. Continue your call, demanding an immediate airstrike bombardment. Listen to the scream of two jets streaking overhead as your chopper lifts you away into the sunset, and watch the smoldering carcass of everything you hate get obliterated by two bunker-buster payloads.
You're not fucking done yet.
Your chopper has lead you back to your command base. Bribe some big-wigs, override some commands. Get some codes, turn some keys, and watch the missile launch. Watch from satellite cameras as your nuclear bombardment system hits the debris-field that was once your building full of stress with bomb after bomb, glassing the area completely. Fourteen nuclear explosions, one after the other (It helps the visualization if you watch nuclear testing/bombing footage). Ominously mutter "Now I have become death, the destroyer of worlds" with each earth shaking emanation of your rage, resisting (if you can!) the urge to giggle.
Take a deep breath, and hum the word "OM", and watch your stress melt away into radioactive dirt.
Alternatively, take some cheap night-time cough medicine and go to bed early. You seem agitated.