WEW LOLDY. Bust out those tinfoil hat kitties
I got a BIG ONE 4U. Every major chan is infiltrated by Freemason shills
Oath breaker faggots BTFO by single lain poster
Freemason shills REALLY should just kill themselves already.
Or as I like to call it arts and craft so you can learn how to make those dank maymays. Also remember to push the narrative we want other wise we will ban you ;^) But you don't wanna be a newfig forever do ya slowmo?
/pol/ is especially good at brain washing you on what is and what is not chan culture. again push the narrative that we want other wise we will ban you. Or will tell you to take to /cancer/ so you dont give anons any bad ideas. I though it was about having fun and NOT taking yourself too seriously. But what do I know I just love lain a little too much. <3 Dont ya know slowmo that chan culture means acting like some delusional cringe tier anon. Come on guys lefties are just butthurt they cant handle the bantz. :^)))))))))))))))))))
It's just satire guys normies cant handle us because we just go over their heads.
When did pol become the ultimate hipsters
Finally we get to https://endchan.xyz/
if you followed my instructions you should be a good goy who will make us propaganda and hack does evil lefties. Cause republicans have been known for their great track record ;3
They are trying get you to do their dirty work and if you don't get with the program they will either ignore you or outright ban you. Be careful who you trust, That includes me :^)