I don't want to derail the questions thread so, here is what an anon said:
>Diet/Health plays a big part, it's simply more difficult to focus when overweight or not active much.
>Foods that raise your genders pertinent hormone help (I won't assume here). Also foods (like ginger) that increase bloodflow. While complex carbs (like pasta, natural whole-wheat breads, oatmeal) can feed an active brain that is constantly nipping up blood glucose, simple carbs (put down the ramen cup and fake airy/sugary bread!) and all modern sugars wreak havoc on focus and concentration: use honey and fruit to sweeten or don't sweeten.
>A better diet will increase focus full-stop, so go to your local /fit/ for more help on that.
>If you're on the internet the chances are pretty extreme you're addicted to a constant stream of dopamine as well (which hurts attention span and focus). Dropping porn/masturbating will likely be your biggest dopamine high to cut out. Things like constant video games can also feed you a steady supply and muddy your reward circuitry. Just cutting out high-action video games down to something slow like strategy games and reading books instead of watching things (a la anime, or worst, porn) can get you to raise your attention span dramatically. I find just sitting outside and doing nothing but being outside and enjoying it for a while also dramatically helps.
>Those will help you for lack of negative focus'/dis''focus and a short attention span. To get you back to baseline. To build from there you might take up hobbies like fishing/hunting which traditionally rewire the male brain to a focused implement as it is supposed to be. You can substitute for nature/bird watching, waiting for hours to see a buck or boar doesn't necessarily mean you have to do anything to it (Even if you hunt your freezer may well be full and so spotting keeps you sharp. If you're of the double-X persuasion then sewing/tailoring/stitching, gardening and cooking seem to really wire the brain for the unique feminine kind of focus. Either way focus is still somewhat neuter and locking your awareness onto any one thing regularly will build it (though I've certainly found that male and female focus and concentration have their dimorphisms).
>I'm sure the local wizards have their meditative practices to go beyond normal limits as well.
>Also, some books on focus/motivation/managing distraction:
I am male. I did cut video-games years ago (replaced it with IRC, chans, internet browsing in general, this is what I do 14 hours a day), masturbation is a weekly cycle (1 week masturbating, 1 week off) which means it is somewhat easy to cut aaaand I watch TV for 2 hours a day mostly because of my parents (it is close to my door). My daily diet is
morning: pure bread (no butter, pic related) and coffee (this is an everyday constant)
lunch (1 plate): rice, beans, salad (lettuce, tomato, onions, varies a lot), meat is mostly chicken or bovine.
dinner is any of these (1 plate max or i simply dont eat): corn+fried eggs or tuna, bread+meat, soup, other variations I don't remember atm.
and lots of coffee (300-500ml, which is a lot I guess) during the day so i dont snack (otherwise i get fat), that is my main source of (modern) sugar too, which i will stop sweetening from now on (thanks!). This sums up my daily routine and diet. Cutting out internet will be a PITA, because it is my main coping mecanism for the lack of things to do, but I will take your advice and try going outside to random places (or choose one to idle at) and see if it works out for me.
Anything else I could improve here?