>Not Mana, or at least SP, Chi/Phi, Pneuma/Rueh/Ruach/Rukh/Ruh or Prana
Why are you such special snowflakes? Do you really enjoy inventing those silly new terms literally out of thin air? I'm surprised you call yourselves "Wizards", despite term being mainstream in general fantasy too for Lawful Good magic users (opposed to "Evil" Warlocks), aswell as amongst normalfags who lately are into "nerdy" things like D&D too. Oh wait, but no! You also use "Magus", which is generally term refering specifically to the clergy of Zoroastrianism - ake Mobad, MAGE being term for the user of magic. Why such cultural appropriation? Do you want some Persian/Farsi or Parsi to beat you up for this desecralisation?
It sounds as laughable as "Energy/Psychic/Energetic Vampire", name which me being Slav triggers personally on every level and rustles my majongles quite srsly. I mean why not a fucking Chupacabra or something (Vampire like Striga must undo formal death, to be, well… undead), whose name quite literally means "sucker".
Your sincere – Mytholoy, history, fantasy, religion w/mysticism, legends & folklore student whose ignorance of charlatanry tingles bürgers personnelly.
If magic ("indeed") does real, then systems like D&D, Warhammer or hell even Megaten/SMT or the Witcher are better representatives of than any of you. I recommend starting playing roleplay fantasy games, LARP would do well for many of you. Mandatory reading of Tolkien, Lovecraft, Will Blake and Lewis too, pioneers of the brand, check Sakowski too if you enjoyed the Witcher series, very popular in Russia. Aside bestiaries and rulebooks you can check Beowulf, Nibelungenlied and Arthurian Legends too. Since you're into majick historical grimoires aswell, this is something I'd call real one, even tho many of it are pseudoepigrapha hoaxes (muh authorship King Solomon and Malach Raziel themselves, INFA 100%)