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/loosh/ - Loosh farming & random

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything shitposted here as fact.

Anonymous 2016-04-10 10:57:50 No.476

Tell us what makes you feel good

This is a thread for every time I feel depressed to come and remind myself that I have great things to look forward to

Whatever I do, it will be the best for me. Whether I become a reclusive chaos magician or an outgoing normalfag , it will only be the working of the highest energies moving me towards the better version of myself.

Sometimes I don't know if I should be doing X or Y, but I should not forget that there are greater powers looking after me, and if I trust in them and in myself I will walk the right path for me. I just have to give up all my formed beliefs and all my emotional blocks, and just let my inner self flow into the outside naturally. Which btw happens quite nicely when I take acid, or mushrooms. But I am convinced that through practice and work on my personality I will manage to reunite with my lovely higher self and gather around me nothing but the most beautiful energy frequencies that one could aspire to.

Feel free to use this thread to remind yourselves that you are all beautiful human beings ;)

Anonymous 2016-04-10 14:49:39 No.479 >>480

Anonymous 2016-04-10 14:51:11 No.480 >>486


Albeit Cigars Booze and Weed may bring about some negativity in the future I find them to be directly beneficial to my emotions in the present therefore I judge them as good

Anonymous 2016-04-10 17:34:46 No.481

A positive /loosh/ thread, I approve.

Anonymous 2016-04-11 14:41:17 No.485

I had three dreams last night.

In the first dream I was attacked by a bear.

In the second dream I was asked to take care of someone else's child for $100 a month. I said no.

In the third dream I was told that I had to manage something like a big power plant and I refused to, or felt like saying so.

I think the message was: Responsibilities. I just moved to a big city and this is the first time I am away from my parents. And I'm fucking 29 lol. I guess other people go through this when they are younger and haven't seen as much world and have more time to enjoy themselves.

So the panic I feel today and all those intrusive thoughts in my brain about what am I going to do since I don't have a diploma (having dropped out of college). I don't have to worry about that, I am right where I should be. The decisions I make are guided by the highest spirits. Or maybe I made mistakes. Maybe I should have become an engineer, and have a typical job in an office building. Or maybe I didn't. Maybe I have to learn about god, maybe I fear death because it is my time to learn about it, maybe this is the way for the universe to tell me: This is a special time for you. Maybe I'm supposed to be like flowing water, always changing, giving up solidity, being of emotions. Maybe it's not a coincidence that I find the figure of Jesus so attractive, me being a Pisces and the fish being a very important symbol in the Christian tradition.

Also: I'm great at programming. And I know CSS and javascript. I can always work as a web designer. Relax.

Pic of a beauty place I visited.

Anonymous 2016-04-11 20:21:40 No.486


I think that's rather silly, but if you need it.

I'd try going without it, figuring out what specifically you think they provide you, and finding out/asking how to get that naturally/from Spirit/Self/brain instead of drugs.

Anonymous 2016-04-12 05:10:27 No.487

gay af tred kill youreselfs

Anonymous 2016-04-12 11:57:10 No.488

I'm somewhere between initiate and neophyte. I'm trying to join A∴A∴ while practicing and learning whatever I can.

What makes me feel happy are those little glimpses of light I get at the end of a ritual, exercise, tarot reading, meditation, or hard esoteric book reading session.

Those fleeting feelings, sensations, emotions, thoughts, whatever that show me that yes, there is something to all this. People aren't just writing meaningful sounding garbage to sell books to truth seekers in a simple world, there is something beyond all this that I will see, and will have seen.

Shit like that is what keeps me going.

Anonymous 2016-04-12 19:23:08 No.489 >>869

Anonymous 2016-04-12 23:45:15 No.490 >>491 >>869 >>868

I read old emails involving some girls I have been involved with in the past. Why does it always end up badly? So many emotions, so much pain I have caused. I wish I could go back in time and do things right. But I can't. I want to reach across space and time and hug these girls, apologize for those tears, for those negative emotions. They were beautiful and I wasn't able to see their beauty. I was looking for something else. Something stupid.

I feel so dumb! But I also feel joy. I feel happy because I have gone through these experiences. I am genuinely sorry that I have caused them so much sadness. But now I am better prepared to make someone else happy. I'm sad that they had to be my sentimental guinea pigs, but right now I can only hope that they're doing okay. There's still love for them in my heart, and I will probably love them for as long as they exist in my memories.

But I am moving forward. It is a painful process, but it is better than stagnating. I fail , and I fail again, and then I learn how not to fail. And then I fail again. But I always get up. I will always get up. Dust myself up and scream at the sky. I WILL NOT GIVE UP.

For myself, I feel nothing but happiness when I see that I am still alive and that I have stopped being so negative. I am so excited about the future. If I continue improving just as I have been improving in the past couple of years, there is hope.

I love you, myself. I love you so much. Grow strong, become a successful human being, and help those people that you hurt. Don't mop. Create. Expand. Evolve.

Pic related. Dear R., I hope you're doing great. I hope you enjoy one year of happiness for every day of sadness I caused you. I hope you are with someone who appreciates how beautiful you are, someone who helps you grow as a person and makes you genuinely happy.

Anonymous 2016-04-13 00:25:31 No.491


Beautiful anon.

Anonymous 2016-09-06 11:14:15 No.867

Anonymous 2016-09-06 13:19:38 No.868


> I fail , and I fail again, and then I learn how not to fail. And then I fail again. But I always get up. I will always get up. Dust myself up and scream at the sky. I WILL NOT GIVE UP.



Anonymous 2016-09-06 13:31:52 No.869


>Dust myself up

>Don't mop

Dusting but no mopping.

Got it. ;)


The creative nothing would give such pleasure that one os in risk of entirely dissolving so if he was legit that would be pretty sweet

Anonymous 2016-09-07 11:49:48 No.877

>tfw you transform your anger into a serene state of mind that lets you do anything

Anonymous 2016-09-17 11:36:57 No.896
