I have am immense desire to desire but an inability to transmute my meta-desire into desire.
I have gone to great lengths recently to produce any kind of emotions in myself across the whole spectrum, from lust to hate to sadness to love to joy and so on.
All I feel is anxiety, tiredness, vagueness, nothing much at all. Just a horrible, emotionally dead, nothing.
I have tried a silly experiment and trick recently to see if I could produce lust and it has utterly failed.
No matter what I try, I can't fucking FEEL. Everything that's supposed to feel like something, feels like nothing. I've tried eating really unhealthy for awhile and different things, nope, just made me feel a little sicker; and going back to my usual healthy eating didn't work. I've tried to talk in sexually provactive way and to remind myself to see things in sexual way and act horny around people, it failed to translate into a genuine sex-drive though. I try to get angry with people but I can only produced "mildly agitated" at best, even if I have good reason to be angry. I try to get sad and cry, and it feels counterfeit, even though I have every reason to be crying my eyes out with all the horrible shit that has happened in my life and especially this month. I have intentionally embarassed myself, got myself shamed, acted weird, etc. but again... it feels like nothing.
Why am I so fucking deficient of emotions?
Why does nothing move me?
Little things, big things, simple, complicated, it doesn't matter.
My mom sums it up adequately when she says I just stare through everything with an empty expression on my face all the time.
I find myself constantly tired and sore all the time and just looking for a place to rest. All day and night I want to sleep and can't. My dad took me out and I just layed down in a hallway in public and tried to rest because I couldn't read through my book due to eye strain and being super-over-tired.
I'm not sure I'm even capable of sleeping anymore. I just meditate and remain fully aware. I feel so beat up, so sore.
I don't understand what's wrong and I am so desperate.