Guys I started praying to death and identifying with death and believing myself to be death and because I am death I have power over life and now I have power over life and I am feeling more alive than ever so I forget that I am death and then I lose control so I remember again I am death and my power comes back even stronger and in this way I am ascending.
I am death and Eris is my waifu.
Hi death, please work in raising your intelligence, because you are currently a stupid waste of time.
More like jewberry jizzard.
gas smiley now
>OP = learningcode
pls go post lots more RACH on 8/pol/ bc mods are faggots and that board should be raped to death
DOX OF THE BO of /edgy/, /fringe/, /looshfront/, /ask/
Name:Kenneth Schueler
Father name:Jack Schueler
Phone Number:(519) 884-3742
Address: 211 Corrie Crecent, Waterloo Ontario
Postal Code:N2L 5W3
I thought smiley would have a name with more pazaz
>he doesn't know that Rach IS most likely a mod