Hey, all! I'm absolutely fascinated by Christopher S. Hyatt's Psychopath's Bible. Does anybody know of any book that is extremely similar to that one? I like PB, but I don't want to get tired of reading it over and over. I haven't really read any LHP books that are at all similar to it. If you know of one that is, I would also appreciate if you could provide a free pdf link if possible. Thanks!
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Sorry I can't answer your request.
No problem. Thanks for the info.
Isn't Thelma close to the psychopathic worldview?
I'm not really well versed in Thelema, but from what I understand, Aleister Crowley was a Right Hand Path worker. He was an important precursor to the Left Hand Path, but he was by no means wholly Left Hand Path. I get the impression that you might not know what I'm talking about. I don't mean any offense.
Haven't read it, but it seems like its along the same lines as 'satanism' - i.e which is just extreme individualism & rejection of social contracts or rules.
You may like 'Might is Right' and anything by Ayn rand (objectivism)