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/library/ - Library

The great esoteric library

Librarian 2016-03-29 17:54:18 No.252

Just curious as to why there are no Jane Roberts books anywhere on Fringe (whether on 8chan or here). Is that a bit of a newfag question? Or is it because they're copyrighted?

Librarian 2016-03-29 19:04:39 No.253 >>254

>The material is regarded as one of the cornerstones of New Age philosophy, and the most influential channeled text of the post-World War II "New Age" movement (source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seth_Material)

Two things that most of /fringe/ doesn't like: New Age and channeled material.

Librarian 2016-03-29 21:15:10 No.254 >>255


Why is that, if I may be so stupid as to ask?

Librarian 2016-03-29 23:16:36 No.255 >>265 >>264 >>256


New Age is disliked because it contains truth mixed with a lot of disinformation. Toxic thought forms, detrimental belief systems, and nefarious entities are pulling the strings here, which brings me to the next point; channeling. Anyone could theoretically channel any sort of being, and to take all that information at face value, as most people tend to do, is really harmful. Unsurprisingly, New Age and channeled information go hand in hand in most situations. I can list plenty if you want to know.

Some more red flags for me personally, and so should they be for most people here:

>According to the Seth Material, Jesus Christ exists as part of the Christ entity, a highly evolved entity who exists in many systems of reality. At the time of Christ, the Christ entity incarnated as three individuals: John the Baptist, Jesus of Nazareth, and Paul or Saul of Tarsus [source: wikipedia, same article as in my other post]

Anyone who has done a bit of research knows that fictional being named 'Jesus Christ' is a compilation of various beings and entities throughout our history parsed into one mess of a character. Secondly, Christ is the spearhead of Christianity, one of the Abrahamic religions. Do you know of Yahweh? You should do some research upon this being, as its basically the God that these religions worship. A cruel dictator who wants you to not develop yourself and basically be a spiritual slave. Actively condoning magick, forcing you to wait for 'the savior' and 'the end times', full of malevolent prophecies making you nothing but a passive cuck and furthering their psychic energy momentum.

Pic somewhat related, the Jews are in cahoots with most of these nefarious entities. They have been the cause of a lot of havoc and destruction and continue to do so now more then ever before.

Librarian 2016-03-30 00:58:52 No.256 >>274


What, in your opinion, is a really influential book? I'm trying to get a feel as to what you think what be something good.

Based on what you said, it seems like you don't even believe in magick. Are you into runic magic and the like? Or better yet, just tell me what you like.

Librarian 2016-04-08 15:00:08 No.264 >>274


I'd also like to ask why the dislike of channeled material? As you only answered the new age part of the discussion.

Librarian 2016-04-10 08:37:50 No.265 >>266


> Actively condoning magick

You mean condeming, right?

Librarian 2016-04-12 06:14:18 No.266


9/10, it's probably a typo.

Librarian 2016-04-20 16:37:34 No.274


>Based on what you said, it seems like you don't even believe in magick.

First of all, nothing that they wrote indicates they don't believe in magic.

Secondly, magic isn't something you believe in, magic is something you do.


Not that person, but I'm also highly skeptical of channeled materials (except some ancient Hindu texts, they're dope, but they are not "channeled" per se).

The problem is, anyone can claim their disinfo-filled book is channeled and thus isn't a subject to criticism and is be all end all. Take christian Bible for example, and how these morons claim it to be "the word of God".

Also, a material can be actually channeled, but in this case we are left to believe that the entity that is behind revealing the information is actually benevolent and that the channeler is capable of receiving and interpreting the information correctly and belief is something I don't like.