I think I'm haunted
everytime I leave my room and come back the lights are on
tv's turn on and off in the other rooms
paper towel dispenser give me towels when I'm not near it
and I always think I'm seeing stuff out of the corner of my eye
keep in mind I have no real training only research on magic
what do?
Questions go into the questions thread.
Its literally right there at the top of the screen, with the word "QUESTION THREAD" on it. You have eyes to read, use them. Please.
Since you are a complete newbie, start reading the Neophyte's Gold in /library/ and start learning. This is not /x/ where you can post whatever shitty question you want, WE GOT A THREAD FOR THAT! REMEMBER? please use your mind and try to adapt to the fringechan culture. I am sure you could figure out what you really need to do on your own if you truly desired.
But, as lazy as you are, you decided to make an easy thread to get easy answers that you will most likely never apply. Much less, if I gave you an actual serious answer, you wouldn't understand half of it due to your low level of fringe knowledge.
So please, use the question thread.
>>155 ask there and try again.
If you want to start a thread on a topic then you need to actually contribute enough content to start a discuession.
This isn't your first time here, you should know better.