A Mexican teenager kills himself over his waifu. He spent most of his time thinking about his waifu, and his allowance went to anime merchandise of Ikaros. He commited suicide by hanging himself with a chain, like how Ikaros has a chain around her neck. He sounds like a very powerful mage to me.
Also, the parents thought he was controlled by a demon and burnt all his anime merchandise.
Here is a news story if you can read Spanish or use google translate.
This made me lol
This kid will be taken care of in the astral.
Hope he can come back and love the way he wants, in reality
I don't think he was a mage, but this has potential to be something unnatural. He was definitely abused though, so maybe not. What kind of parent burns their child's possessions? That would drive insane anyone not prepared to give them up.
>He spent most of his time thinking about his waifu, and his allowance went to anime merchandise of Ikaros
Ain't guerrilla marketing a bitch?
He was a legit mage or at least a mentalist, this is why this is a serious fringe topic for >>171. This topic might deserve its own thread though.
Isn't magic by definition manipulating reality for your will? Thus, thinking hard about something, like being with your waifu, will eventually manifest in the astral. He hung himself with a chain which symbolizes his waifu's chain around her neck, a very powerful magical ritual. The anime merchandise can be seen as magical objects since it reinforces his will to be with his waifu. The anime T-shirt can be seen as a mages robe.
I should rephrase that part about his parents. The parents thought Ikaros was a demon and caused him to commit suicide. That is why after his death they burnt his anime possessions.
In conclusion, this shows how magic can manifest itself in strange ways. Its not all about robes and chanting around a sigil. Thus, us waifufags are quite the powerful mages, since we spend all the time and energy to our waifus.
>wanting to be reincarnated to this 3dpd reality
What is the value of this thread?
His waifu may be the representation of a type of succubus. If you take into consideration the letter he wrote and how he committed the act, he may have given away his soul to her. Then he really is with her forever as her slave. But this is still an extreme method, it shouldn't be supported.
He's not a mage, it's pretty pathetic tbh.
He isn't from Mexico
He is from Costa Rica although he might be with his waifu now in the higher planes
It's hilarious that you can be taken by these cunts so easily. They just make you feel good whenever you see a cartoon and you're done. Believing this and that, if only it will bring more of the feeling.
I need to get in on this scheme.
>Implying you would want to come back after being succubus sex slave
With how much loosh trumptards leak how long before the anime does become real?
>Revealing the secrets of the waifufags
You'll be seeing us shortly
>His waifu may be the representation of a type of succubus
Definitely possible
>he may have given away his soul to her
possibly but I thought the soul was just pure consciousness?
>But this is still an extreme method, it shouldn't be supported.
Agreed, how are going to make anime real if we keep killing our selves?
>it's pretty pathetic tbh.
>Dying for your love is pathetic
You don't deserve that flag
I think there was just a mix up at the office and he got Yandere succubus
>You don't deserve that flag
>flagless shitposter detected
WEW all that sage, I didn't realize talking about waifufags was taboo.
Thanks for the loosh mundanes
>He isn't from Mexico
>He is from Costa Rica
Are you one of those rare South American spurdos I only herd whispers about?
>I need to get in on this scheme.
It helps if you don't call them "cunts"
dat flag though 10/10 perfect
>This coming from anon
When did you guys get a sense a of humor?
I'm liking this!
Seriously though
Is this how the waifu consciousness looks like?
Seems like TO ME that this video is saying if you get horny and obsessed enough SOMEBODY might pay you a visit.