Having experienced with remote viewing, meditation and spiritual alchemy for some time (and even spontaneous astral projection for my whole childhood) I came to this with some preconceptions and my own theories and I came out of it with some of them changed and some unchanged. In any case I have a lot of food for thought to process, and I got it for free.
I certainly think there is something for everyone to take and learn here. Mossa knows his shit and is also very good explaining it, so really, even if you have no idea how any of this goes, don't be afraid.
I for one I'm happy I have a framework and a different point of view on my old friend AP, as I'm very bad coming up with those on my own. My main reason for joining the session was improving visualization for evocation and magick, and also for divination.
It was fun and informative. I'm looking forward to the next sessions for sure.
>as long as they leave their arrogance and ignorance at home
I have to say, though, this should be phrased differently. Do bring your ignorance, for you shouldn't be ashamed of it, and it will be transmuted.
>That last testimonial
I appreciate the attempt to give a balanced view, but why would you include hearsay from someone who didn't even come to a session?
The testimonial at the bottom of the page basically says 'I didn't go but I heard it was shit'. Not very helpful.
It's to show some contrast. The people that went versus the people that didn't.
The plot thickens when you know who that friend is and why he is complaining. It shows a great deal how the ego processes a session about ego.
>I have to say, though, this should be phrased differently. Do bring your ignorance, for you shouldn't be ashamed of it, and it will be transmuted.
More reason for it to remain the same.
I doubt you really know who wrote that testimonial or which "friend" sat through that horrid ego session. I should know because I wrote that testimonial. I've actually had 2 friends sit in these vocal sessions. The 1st friend had a good experience but my analysis of his story had me questioning the "benefit" of these sessions. My thoughts were confirmed when my 2nd friend came out of the ego session completely disappointed.
I don't claim to be a master or anything, but I can at least see a shill when its there. I'd know because I ran the same sort of group back around 2012 for similar purposes.
Buzzwords like ego and astral projection attract like moths to a flame. Its the same tactic youtube gurus use to pull in chump views. A more serious occultist would already be on to other subjects I would hope.
Disappointed with a free session given online? Shit, I wonder how disappointed people get for things they pay for.
Didn't even bother to write a testimonial, that's how disappointed he was.
>A more serious occultist would already be on to other subjects I would hope.
Wait. How would that more serious occultist get to other subjects without dealing with his ego first?
Ego is a bit of a buzzword, and people usually downplay what the True Self is. Provided you can keep your desires and thoughts in control or void them for the time of your occult workings you can do anything. You can have a very bloated ego and still be able to do considerable feats of magic if you are true with yourself and can control it.
The kind of people that think they are egoless have the biggest ego usually. If you have no ego at all then you are basically enlightened, as enlightenment is a state of eternally abiding in a non-dual state with the Ultimate Reality. Well, at least in terms of yoga terminology.
Before I got into studying yoga and Tantra I was also thinking that spiritual/magical progress are linked to the enlightenment and dissolving your ego, but now I don't think so anymore. First of all, my personal experience says otherwise, secondly, the yogic scriptures say that you are already perfect and one with the ultimate reality, you just don't conceive of it, living in a "false" state of duality and maya (I don't consider maya as something false but whatever, semantics). You don't need to perfect your being, gain knowledge and powers to be enlightened, you have to give up the notions of yourself, dissolve your ego and become one with everything. Occult knowledge and ability is about gaining something, enlightenment is about giving something up.
I never really cared about ego or enlightenment and I don't really like the term as it has plenty of new-age connotations with it, as long as I can keep my thoughts in check so they don't prevent me from doing magic then I'm set. But then again I don't know in which way Mossa used the word and where he went with the session.
Also, about my testimony regarding the first AP session, the only one I attended, as Mossa wrote in the OP it was directed at the beginners so I haven't really learned anything I didn't encounter before.
So Mossa has thrown a hissy fit and abandoned the site, like he said in >>>/meta/40?
[Ego at the round table inside of your subconcious with all the other villians you created]
"Gentlemen, this is the ultimate plan. Check this out:
First, I plant this idea that I am literally all that is wrong in the world. No, no, guys, shut up, hear me out here. Then I pretend I die because superego wants me dead, right? I ACTUALLY GO ALONG WITH THAT, they don't know I can't actually die. Give them all the peace and quiet they want, right? So then they believe that if ego is evil, everyone but them must be because everyone else still has an ego. And what does that make them? That makes them be ALWAYS RIGHT AT EVERYTHING. Because if the ego is all that is wrong, how can they ever be wrong without an ego, right?! It's genius! I just shut up, lean back, enjoy the show and they do all the goddamn work for me. GOD I love being smart!"
>The kind of people that think they are egoless have the biggest ego usually.
Fucking THIS. However, I'd like to add that Mossa really doesn't seem nearly as bad as all the other people I know who """have no ego""". However, I still don't think being on an anti-ego crusade is an act of justice just because letting go of your own ego has worked for you. It is a great service to raise awareness of the ego and the other parts of your soul for if you know yourself fully you have nothing to fear - but don't turn one of your parts into the scrapegoat for everything just to get rid of it. This is super, super dangerous. Magic works by forming the ego by your faith - if you believe the ego to be all that is wrong in the world, this is what he will become.
It is the temptation to take this easy path, to simply blame everything on one thing and then get rid of it so that no evil remains, which creates true evil in the first place.
This is how demons are born - even angels can give birth to them if they only believe someone or something to be evil hard enough.
(In fact the greatest evil that exists in this universe has been created exactly this way, but thats a story for another day)
OK, I get that Mossa doesn't want to do this anymore, but is there any way we can get his session archive back? I put some thought into my 'testimonial' and I think it was pretty inconsiderate to delete it.
The journey continues at:
All the testimonials are saved offline. In due time there will be a place for them to be.
You can still be apart of the ego sessions that mossa does.
All you have to do is go on freenodes go to ##satoru leave a message and if he isn't there go back later with the same name and see.
Thanks, but I think I've already attended every session that Mossa does. I'm mostly just interested in having those testimonials back, because they're useful for noobs who doubt the truth of magic. The posts in which they were originally recorded should never have been deleted.
mossa himself might have them, he took up a board on 8ch.net/satoru/ or his skype or maybe the ircs.
there are plenty of ways to get his attention eventually.
>noobs doubting magic
Let them fucking doubt it. People find magic when they want to. People experience real magic when they are ready to. Hell, I just find those people in person and show them a tiny bit of what energy can feel like and they follow the wizard path.
Mossa's a pushover who couldn't handle criticism for his subpar sessions. Don't go trying to teach anyone when you can't even take criticism and learn how to teach better. Fucking skrubs, all of you.
>mossa himself might have them
He does, he said so here >>10530. It seems that in his arrogance he considers those posts and the threads in which they were made to be his property, not ours. 'In due time' he'll decide what to do with them…
>People find magic when they want to. People experience real magic when they are ready to.
If someone comes here wanting to learn about magic, we should have the material ready to show them how it works. That's partly why this site exists.
>Fucking skrubs, all of you.
Go somewhere else then.
If you click on a few buttons based on what's been said in this thread, you will find the testimonials in picture form. You don't even have to use your keyboard.
The community split isn't about the criticism to the sessions, it was about the admin of this website's opinion that he is right and everyone else is wrong. Now he's forcing people into a pledge after 6 weeks that people have no idea of the consequences off. Call me an enemy for allowing people to see an astral being while he himself is being a pyramid schemer with contracts that holds grave consequences.
>blood binding, do you know it?
Go fish. The testimonials are on the Internets again.
Slander all you want. I teach awareness and consciousness, not through ignorance, but with experience.