Why Seattle?
Icelanders aren't as much into the occult as you would wish them to be.
Southeast Asia is a hotspot. Florida has a scattered interest in the occult, real mix of people. Ohio is good. Greece has an interest in anything fringe. Russia, Mongolia, and Kazakhstan might have something fringe going on.
Judging from this thread >>8178 Australia and particularly Melbourne is full of occultists.
Bali, Greece and somewhere in Central America, Costa Rica I think, there are large gatherings who perform rituals where it seems like most people are welcome
A friend told me about this a few years ago. He was living in SE Asia and heard about these rituals from a friend. Apparently the more adept participants did things like cutting off limbs and growing them back at will. He was a mundane at the time, but took the guy who told him about this very seriously, so he went to try it for himself. He went there and joined some sort of ceremony where they were to lay out in the jungle for the night and let demons feed on them in order to cleanse their soul or something. Disappointingly he was the only one there who didn't experience anything. Still, he does not reject it entirely, but I think he has stopped searching for now.
Anyone heard about any of this and can corroborate?
My friend also told me about some friends who traveled through Mongolia where they met a real creepy shaman woman who told your fortune if given a bottle of vodka and could figure out really intimate details of your life
Seattle isn't just icelanders. There's a good portion of celtic peoples (via loggers, etc), as well as slavs, mediterraneans, japanese, etc.
Misty forests, coastland, etc. Feels pretty witchy at times.
seattle because I listen to this occult podcast called speech in the silence and they talk about upcoming conferences and plays and a lot of them take place in seattle. and when I think about it, seattle seems very fitting
Seattle is a new age hotspot, that's not occult that obullshitism.
>hey bro look at my wiccan candles ayo
>I channeled an alien totally not LARPing fellow neo-pagan
you in Seattle? Because it would comfort me that at least someone in this damned city is into this as seriously as I am.
I lived for a few years in Girona, Spain which is one of the places were the Qabbalah originated. These days it's just shit. Just like any other city. Barcelona is shit too (i live here atm)
The Himalayas are pretty fringe.
Just take care that the reptilians won't get you :^)
central africa (if you can dodge the crazy witch murdering gangs)
>/pol/ does more magic than all the fringe boards and occult forums fucking combined.
/pol/ is the most delusional place on the internet. All they do is LARP and take credit for things they have very little to do with.
I'd argue something just as simple. Experienced practitioners have all of jack and shit to discuss online because everything good is flooded out by morons and muh first AP (which is more often thn not, a failure thread) and instead congregate where shit actually gets done. There is no direction to any of the communities left alive. Not the iot gd oto cos degenerate-chaos-rum-cults, not the forums and not even here, is there any direction or flow. Just people hanging onto the side of the riverbank afraid to ride the fucking currents.