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Esoteric Wizardry

Seeker 2016-10-17 23:14:42 No.9005 >>9304

How do we define the personality of the mind inside?

What's the difference between our mind's voice and our essence?

Is ego a necessity in order to live in our modern society or the product of said society?

What is ego-death?

This thread will house the meta-topic of ego and allow discussion to flourish.

Re (previous comments):

>The ego is not something to be transcended exactly, what should happen is that a wizard should gain control over the ego and shape it into something better. It is a tool by which we use to interact with this 3rd density plane of existance.

>In many systems it is exactly to be transcended in order to be enlightened (although I don't think it's equal to Moksha/Nirvana as I think that one should also consider karmic stuff and the fact that enlightenment is by definition permanent while so called "ego death" isn't necessarily).

>Even when we are talking solely about magic and not generally understood "spirituality", there are many techniques that require you to drop, if only for a certain amount of time, your individual ego.

>I believe the biggest risk with all of this "ego death" going on in spirituality is that people, after "killing" their ego and no longer percieving it as a part of them, move their ego into the shadow self - causing the ego to have control over the subconcious. I've seen it, "gurus" and whatnot thinking that whatever they do must the right and the only possible truth and everyone else is ignorant because they thought they literally had no ego, thus it is impossible for them to be driven by it so their words MUST be the truth.

Seeker 2016-10-18 06:25:31 No.9018 >>9062

Everything you could ever want.

Seeker 2016-10-19 04:40:44 No.9062 >>9066


You link a book that actually teaches something useful but every spoken word from your mouth further proves that you have neither understood nor done the exercises provided in that book.

That constant desire to prove me wrong, tell me that I am this and that, and that my sessions are bad is your John Smith personality, which is the ego (Me). If you were truly free and realized your true essence, you'd spend time transmuting yourself rather than loosh farming others, the (I AM).

Ask yourself in your mind: "Who am I?". Don't stop asking yourself that until your John Smith learns to STFU and your IAM touches your heart. Until then, your fancy name is but an extension of your John Smith.

Seeker 2016-10-19 05:13:54 No.9065 >>9305

This all stems from the radical obsession /fringe/ users have with refusing to


I mean anyone actually completing step 3 correctly will be visible by their changed behavior. I can't help but wonder why everyone refuses to practice IIH.

Seeker 2016-10-19 05:51:34 No.9066



I don't think you are talking to who are talking to.

Or maybe just drunk posting, who knows.

Are you ok anon?

Seeker 2016-10-19 21:23:09 No.9084 >>9253 >>9089 >>9086

If your ego is a natural part of your soul then it has a purpose - yet in modern spirituality, it is rejected deeply. Some "kill" it because they think it is bad. Some think life is easier without it. Some just simply blame it for everything.

What I see a lot latly is that people confuse the shadow self - all of you that you reject and your subconcious - with the ego because of how the ego is being rejected, thus pushed "into the shadow", but it does not belong there.

But let's take a step back here. What IS the ego? The ego (or "me") is a product formed together by the shadow (or "it") and the higher self (or the "superego"), a little bit like a little angel and a little devil on each of your shoulders. It is the "you" that each of your parts percieve based on experience. Because the shadow and the superego are opposites, the result is a balanced ego. Unless, of course, I dunno… you get dropped into a world that constantly feeds the desires of your shadow while it doesn't give your higher self a true purpose. But usually this is a system that works, and that's why it is what it is.

Now, think about this: If the ego, so to speak, is the avatar of (the rest of) your soul and a reflection of the perspective you have on it, what do you think would happen if you, subconciously or on purpose, blame it for all that is wrong with the world. Well, then ego BECOMES all that is wrong in the world. Or to put it into different terms: A demon.

Ok, but so what, since we can actively observe and interact with our ego if we notice that we become like that we can still work on ourselves. The superego, of course, will try all it can to fix this mess. That is unless it does the one mistake that can make the fuckup perfect: Denying the existance of the ego.

Some people take "ego death" very literally at this point: They notice that something is wrong with them spiritually and seek help. One of the many people who preach "ego death" reaches them, they end up using some sort of ritual to "kill" their ego and boom, since they no longer have an ego all the problems are gone. Except they are not.

The pros at this point will want to point out "ego death is about accepting your ego, not rejecting it" but this has become something rare. When you look at discussions online, ego gets blamed for everything lately instead of accepted. And what happens when you reject your ego so much that it is as dead to you as your little brother is after he accidentally deleted your 50+ hours savestate on Pokemon Blue? It becomes part of the part of your soul that is literally "what you reject about yourself": The shadowself.

Usually the shadows job is actually pretty damn important as long as it is kept in balance. In a world where fulfilled desires are not the most normal thing in the world the shadow is what keeps your ass alive as your main desire becomes survival and not something like pussy or entertainment. But now, with the ego finding refuge in the shadow, they both team up against the superego and the balance is oh so utterly fucked.

Worst of all: Since the shadow is a subconcious being (usually), the superego doesn't even notice this. It believes itself surpreme ruler of the soul, it is just and fair and cannot be otherwise, as there is no evil left within the soul with the evil lord "Ego" banned from its kingdom. But meanwhile, shadow-self and the now called "shadow-Ego" control the soul unsupervised, literally "from the shadows". With the ego gone, it is impossible to be wrong - no more need to worry about yourself, no more doubts, you can be a dick all you like since it is literally impossible for you to be wrong, DAMN, not having an ego is awesome!

I guess this is the point where I should finally make a point and click on "New Reply". So my point shall be: Before your face your ego, face your shadow. And don't throw yourself away, fix yourself. One guy said "what should happen is that a wizard should gain control over the ego and shape it into something better", but you already are in control. The shadow and the higher self, together, are not just in control, they are the creators. In order to control the ego, you have to teach your other two parts to work together. Work on the parts of yourself you don't understand rather than putting labels on your ego.

This is a really big topic and one single post can't take care of it all, it is bound to be full of holes and mistakes that can be pointed out. So please don't treat this as the one and only truth - it is just the personal opinion of a random anon.

Seeker 2016-10-19 21:46:21 No.9086


I appreciate your post random anon. What I needed to read at this point in my life with all the energy surrounding me. Didn't realize I had demonized my ego for so long…

Seeker 2016-10-19 22:12:32 No.9089 >>9091


Ego death is a meme.

What the real goal should be is as stated in IIH, to transmute the negative aspects of the self into positive and transcend in an upward spiral purifying the mind body and soul.

Seeker 2016-10-19 23:31:17 No.9091


To be fair, this is kind of what a fair share of people are actually doing when they are undergoing an "ego death". But ego death being an actual meme is the real problem here - because it certainly spreads like a meme.

Seeker 2016-10-23 08:53:16 No.9253 >>9487


this was something I needed to hear. I experienced what I understood as "ego death" in the usual sense, and I realize now that it's just left me bored and detached from everything while I have an even harder time dealing with bad habits/passions (as per IIH/Bardon's methods) because like you said, "hurr durr I killed muh ego so every decision made from here on out is good and logical and divine" when the actual results that have emerged show otherwise. this is by far one of the most insightful and helpful posts I've read here, thank you based anon.

Seeker 2016-10-24 10:41:04 No.9304 >>9306 >>9305


Speaking solely for myself, the beginning practices of actively observing your thoughts and being engaged in the present moment were things I started working on before I even got into fringe knowledge (although this practice made me more receptive to it when I did stumble upon it). I'm sure that I'm missing a greater point here, but as someone with already vivid imagination, imagining most forms of sensation through any of the 5 has come naturally to me for as long as I can remember. But I'm sure that Bardon is very hand-holdy through these steps for a reason, and this isn't the first time I've seen a post on /fringe/ insisting upon IIH as essential to the work being done here, so I'll take it to heart and try again.

Seeker 2016-10-24 10:42:01 No.9305 >>9306


oops, meant to reply to >>9065

Seeker 2016-10-24 11:20:19 No.9306 >>9312 >>9308



I highly recommend reading this book by Evola to you.

And if you are going to read IIH don't do it without this companion and the correct edition of IIH, here you go.

Most people fail IIH not out of misunderstanding the instructions due to not using the companion

Seeker 2016-10-24 12:52:36 No.9308


Thanks for the PDFs. But why is the companion structured in such an inconvenient fashion? First it has the new commentary on Part II, then the commentary on Part I, then the old commentary on Part II.

Seeker 2016-10-24 14:17:44 No.9312


Thanks for the files, and I appreciate the response! I haven't ready any Evola yet so I'll give him a shot and I'll start the IIH work again with the files you gave me. I also started The Universal Master Key a week or so back, and that has also been helpful both in reading and practice, to anyone else struggling with IIH.

Nobody 2016-10-29 00:16:53 No.9487


Thank you, nice to hear that someone likes what I have to say on this board, makes me feel like maybe my knowledge can be more useful to people then I thought.