A thought: When Jesus died on that cross, it was God actually committing suicide. God downgraded himself to a mere human and let himself get sacrificed. Ever since then the holy spirit has been in the cycle of reincarnation just as the rest of us. The reason why he did this, was that his creations were constantly rebelling him. Adam and Eve, Sodoma and Gomorrah, tower of Babel etc. God loved his creations too much to wipe them all out again and again, so the only way for him to stop the ride was to descent to the level of his own creations, and die.
jesus was a holy man who's sacrifice on the cross was symbolic. he wasn't god, but he was enlightened.
god would have known that his creations would rebel against them, and wouldn't create them unless he was comfortable with what they would do. this is why the existence of a single, all knowing, yet personified and opinionated god makes no sense.
Yes, believe in Jesus goy
What a weird tag and picture, jews don't "believe in jesus". They think he was a complete hack. You have a long way ahead of you, if you still succumb to petty feels such as racism.
>le gobbles is ded xDDDDDDDDD
"God is dead" is a quote meant to allude to the death of morality in modern culture, gas yourself.
>people on /fringe/ actually think being a nu-liberal with post-modern views on humanity and a lack of racial realization makes them enlightened and masturbate to their progressiveness
You have a long way ahead of you, the road to The Oven is littered with one thousand knives.
You should learn to use the same flag twice in the same thread or just fugg off with samefagging because mods can see your ID and IP.
Maybe you should understand that most things that have happened in the past is theories or wishful thinking.
>What is history but a fable agreed upon.
Jesus might have existed. Jesus might have claimed to be the sun of god. Read other gospels than the accepted cannons of gospels. Jesus might also be a metaphorical story about the internal cosmos of the body.
>If you read the bible literally, you are the anti-christ.
Even Buddha said not to take his word literally.
You're basically a walking pol meme.
"Racial realization", lol. You mean realizing how the white race exclusively are the chosen race of the anti-reptilian gods? People like you will call anything they don't like post modern or new age, all so you have someone or something to look down on.
Also, I hope you die burning in an oven, you sick fuck.
Not really answering your exact question, but Plutarch wrote about a sailor named Thamus who, during a voyage, heard a divine voice call from across the water that told him to spread the word that "the great god Pan is dead."
Interestingly, this is said to have happened during Tiberius' reign of Rome (14–37 AD) which would have most likely been a point during Jesus's life. Even more interestingly, both of these also seem to correlate with the transition from of the age of Aries (represented by Pan, the horned god of nature) into the age of Pisces (represented by the ichthys of Christianity).
Strong advocates of Christianity have historically interpreted this to be the death of pagan mythology and the advent of theology within human culture, which I believe does hold a certain degree of truth.
However, if you're a follower of Julian Jaynes' theory of consciousness, this could also be indicative of the final remnants of the bicameral mind and one last "message from the gods" before it was fully integrated into an apparently singular (monotheistic) human mind.
In this regard, Jesus could certainly have been a symbolic harbinger of the death of the mythological gods/mind and their rebirth into an integrated and omnipresent god that exists as one with everything, as distinct from man and the gods having two separate realms of existence (ie the kingdom of God is within you).
Now as we transition into the age of Aquarius, it's possible that we are on track towards another large-scale shift in human consciousness. Whether it will manifest in a way that's at all reminiscent to the previous astrological shift is another story, however.
OP here, just wanted to thank you for your quality post.
What idea, what human construct, what arbitrary rule would compel any god to wipe out anything? Why would he need to act if being betrayed? Rules and laws, cause and effect, logic and reason, or any idea of any person doesn't restrict any god in any way. If what they do doesn't make sense, they are making insanity. Or something too complicated. They can break the rules like a child can break his bones after trying to fly.
He can wipe or not wipe us out however he pleases. He doesn't have (just one set of) human emotions that keep him from or compel him to do things. He has none, he has all of them at once. He is the emotions, and he's also the sky, and the humans that hide in trees from the lightnings they made. God is a fuck, a left, a to, a pre- and a later. He ignores or acts upon reason as he sees fit. And yes, he dies whenever he wants, a fifteen thousand sixty one and a half times a Martian day, because dying all over again is rad as fuck.
>ebil racists
Magick isn't for everyone kiddo. Whites are the only ones capable of higher forms of magick. This is because they are genetically and physically superior.
Gas yourself kabbalistic scum.
>"Racial realization", lol.
It means understanding the purpose of race.
The idea of an arbitrarily "chosen" race is nonsensical, as anyone with half a mind can understand. However, the existence of a specific set of genetic material, in the form of a race, as a main earthly vector for higher consciousness is a very straightforward and relatively easy to understand concept.
In this case, the ones incarnating in the midst of said race are not destined for salvation no matter their actions, they are simply granted the means to work in ways that are in adequation with their level of spiritual advancement as well as their purpose. It simply needs to be.
As it stands, this race is indeed the most advanced as far as the human species is concerned. Or maybe it used to be, taking into account the tremendous damage that has been wreaked upon it during the course of the last centuries (or even millennia). Nevertheless, the Aryan race still is and has been for quite a long time, the number one means to bring about change in humanity on Earth. One could say it is closely tied to the element of fire.
As for remaining on topic, Jesus was never crucified. This is but disinformation. Also,
>the source of all
>incarnating on Earth
>and sacrificing Himself
For what purpose?
The jewish god Yaweh is not seen as the source of all rather as a tyrannical king of existence and creator of the earth who is both insane and cruel.
>"God is dead" is a quote meant to allude to the death of morality in modern culture, gas yourself.
Yeah wasn't the full quote
>God is dead and people now worship the snakes that roam in the ruins of his temple
It's a pretty good description of how religion has deteriorated since the early 1800s.
> fugg off with samefagging because mods can see your ID and IP
Not him, just want to point out samefagging has a long tradition and can be used to present opposing views which may benefit the discussion in some cases. Whether the mods can see… it's not for the mods you write here is it.