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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry

Seeker 2016-02-06 02:48:42 No.757 >>765 >>2106

Dasher is a tool to input text using the mouse, unique in that you can set it going and receive full paragraphs of random text without any conscious input.

Let's misappropriate it for our own ends.


>Do you have anything to say to /fringe/?


>Bvalog to But each Kat blood check to find the m! food, tK jurt!' said, thand been leave's haETright years after a free a tea cslimisQue.

>WhSamus, pachronic mechanicsindLamal chief differ!'

>Sgavo's!' an equal naUnts. d's large back an after thatTeW race, one Darks experience heard of physical banklse. manufacture, or they Washing the shrillared that with all >they broke a line sBecad kind of prospect.' TR requirevi's thrShlyavyereign with reasoUd's long common by work. When the "a" section of Such >objectificcoackeWhoweded another htabeldeograpQut, CoNets, except for, scient, we were following thePruggle.' Patrincex?

>ual fat

How to:

1. Download and install dasher http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/dasher/Download.html

2. Open dasher, and go to edit->preferences

3. Go to control tab, set speed to maximum, uncheck "Adapt speed automatically"

4. Close the settings, move your mouse to the right of the vertical line, and click once

5. Hold onto the mouse as the text comes, and receive your prophecy

6. Click to stop when you're done, click on the save button, and post it here so we can interpret

Seeker 2016-02-06 11:02:11 No.762 >>764

Seeker 2016-02-06 18:26:38 No.764


Seeker 2016-02-06 18:41:42 No.765


Interesting… Very interesting. I shall have to try this. I will report back.

Seeker 2016-02-07 12:58:05 No.773

What appreceived in the board maximum all the natuHi, more she had to the That it had been visible light. The fire asked into questions sharping normalleYouP.John, Grand welcountieUFhApplegant to manufacturerjY! Hown's VERDage has acquainscoment of commaZpy avager and eff

Seeker 2016-02-07 19:23:13 No.782 >>785

What everyone should know about this:

>On a normal Ouija Board, the spirit SEES the letters. In this this case it doesn't. On best case scenario you are asking it to your higher self.

>There are way better divination techniques for computers

Alpam 2016-02-07 19:36:04 No.785 >>792


Could you elaborate regarding these better divination techniques for computer devices?

Seeker 2016-02-07 19:58:12 No.792


Any translucid object can be used for scrying. (That includes the screen while turned off.)

The "white noise" can help you try to listen to entities.(some of them could tell you the future)

Even tarot websites and apps are arguably better than trying to make sense from a literally random text.

Seeker 2016-02-18 05:36:51 No.1033 >>1049

I practiced with this software for awhile, I've gotten both good and very clear results and plain random trash. I shall continue use and see what else I may get.

Seeker 2016-02-18 23:16:21 No.1049 >>1050


please post results

Seeker 2016-02-19 00:13:28 No.1050


Kars best mathemat. So she works. Such suj.My name is that a rjuchrouPTpplaces with that the world's possibirds eme times thatIDough, she has the zWERE times that is unusually.But to inX. From jerk as Pip, actually of getting upper hands.gzath.pnM&IMEam (Garbled)

Seeker 2016-02-19 00:38:48 No.1051 >>2264

Oh wow, I noted this thread and installed the program but didn't actually try it till recently. I must say I am absolutely amazing by its effectiveness. I wish to keep my reading private because it was rather personal, but I will say this, it was 85% real text, it even had proper grammar, some apostrophes (as needed), and all of it was spot on to my life & circumstances.

I will also say this, that I feel it's quite important to watch it while it's typing it out as well as some words, I noticed, it would backspace a letter then do another one in its place so you need to watch it while it works to see what it's divining not just the finished product.

I shall definitely consider this another viable scrying tool. Cheers OP.

?? 2016-04-02 01:44:10 No.2106


I pdranch. On Novembers arises in particlear the universection. I'll get the"' Father, and they are thought iDecuously for

the maintenance in the first be cause and the first be herself. Many of the first come of the state of the capital of

history, he said the prediction of the precisions. United on this so she formed politically beginning dares at the possible

to formation from a thickness of a program.

Seeker 2016-04-02 14:48:50 No.2124 >>2208

I spoke aloud "what is now?" and held that in my mind, real quick:

Even then doors of infavour insurgendants.m. Pear.' One creating conscientists were lobserved herself, or ones of rocket pfe

>One creating conscientists were lobserved herself

a little garbled, but, i mean..

Seeker 2016-04-07 11:45:15 No.2208 >>2225


"lob"… lobotomy?

Seeker 2016-04-07 19:43:43 No.2225



Remove the L and you get observed.

Seeker 2016-04-10 07:15:37 No.2264


Good! If someone understands its true value, then this thread has served its purpose.

I had better readings than I posted, but they're also too personal to post. They addressed me directly, by name.