>What are some occult pets that could benefit a neophyte?
In my honest opinion. Crystals, and maybe some plants, but foremost crystals. Now before you cock your head, hear me out.
My pets, and I do mean this quite literally, have been my crystals, and over the years several plants, (mostly aloe veras) as well. I'll speak mostly about my pet crystal ball, who is my baby, as it has grown and helped me grow the most.
It is a reconstituted quartz crystal ball about 6 inches in diameter. Due to the process of manufacturing (the melting down and reforming of the quartz into the flawless sphere) it had quite a lot of aetheric-energetic damage done to it. I spent many many hours and a lot of loosh with it the first several months healing/repairing it.
The change in how it felt was quite marked and it was no longer felt (internally/psychically) fractured. I from then on always kept it close to me, typically within arm's reach if I was lounging around the house.
That was a few years ago, I often keep it close and would meditate with it. Since then it has grown and is much more powerful than it was even after I healed it. I personally do not scry with it (yet) I primarily use it as an energy toy-buddy-tool. And through its cultivation it has allowed for my growth and increased awareness of energy and how it flows and feedback loops not just in short amounts of time (on the hours or minuets scale) but also over the years and months as well.
That has allowed me to cultivate my clairsentience of energy, and not just with this, but through interactions and conscious union with other crystals as well.
Regarding plants, even most mundanes know that you should give daily attention to your them, speak to them, play music for them, etc. When you are actually doing is providing them with loosh by focusing your attention upon them. This, similar to the crystal process I described above can be a quite magical process, just to watch, but even more so especially if you actually end up consuming the plant as you will then be taking all those cultivated energies back into oneself.
I in several of my plants, noticed that after several months of petting them, physically running my hand along them, giving them tactile attention on a daily basis, they started to soften their spines. I theorize it was because they no longer felt they needed to defend themselves, they where in a safe place where that was done for them and they could let down their defenses. After a time it was so soft it pretty much felt like cartilage and would bend as I ran my hand over them.
Pouring your energy into plants like this, aside from helping them grow (and in doing so, helping creation grow) you also become more aware, again, of how energy flows work betwixt you and "other" things, you start to break down the artificial barriers of the illusion of separation. In addition they will grow faster, be more luscious, and if you do consume them aside from having more loosh, they will have more vitamins and nutrients as well.
I know you intended to ask about animals, however my experience is not there, and there is still much to be learned from the other kingdoms of life as well.
Regarding your inquiries directly:
>I just happen to have a cat - should I be weary of it?
I would not.
>Revere it?
Certainly give it some attention, but do not let it train you too much, as you are the superior more conscious life form, co-exist and co-learn with it, do not let yourself become its servant.
>In what ways can I interact with animals to benefit my training?
You can work on projection of ideas/visualizations/thought/emotions. Lesser life forms communicate in this way. Language, in the abstracted form we commonly use now is beyond them. When they think of something, they imagine that in their mind. You can do this too and project said emotion-thought-images at them and learn to receive and observe-read what they are thinking as well. You can practice telepathy with them.
I think they're good.
Cats are known to be able to neutralize energies in an environment. Though that might be new age bullshit, pets come to people when they're feeling down and can help one relax.
I've also heard from this man about how he was once threatened by this woman about how she'd throw a curse on him, and instead his cat became sick and died, so they might serve as wards against magickal assaults.
I'm not 100% of what I'm saying, but I have a feeling they're benefic.
Cats are good at astral projection and sensing presences. Whenever I used to have hostile nighttime visits (AP'd into my room and was intercepted) my cat would come outside my door and yowl until I let him in.
Some animals are more spiritually gifted than others. Cats are great sensers generally but their individual personallity defines more of what theyd do. Some animals even have "abilities" as you'd call it but stay in the shadows unless they sense someone of a high enough energy level. A wild animal once projected a "shadow creature" out of the darkness to try and scare me but I barely thought anything of it and the shadow dissolved midair in front of me. Then I heard the animal rustling in the bushes just 10ft away. Haven't seen anything like that in another animal yet though. Just use your senses to try and feel out the potential of your pet/other animals you're interested in owning.
If you give your pets loads of loosh, do they reciprocate more or will they just loosh farm you?
I saw some guide on invoking familiars before but didn't save it. Maybe someone else has it?
>If you give your pets loads of loosh, do they reciprocate more or will they just loosh farm you?
I suppose that depends on the pet. I don't really try that hard to quantify my loosh output (save in relative, time dependent reference frames) because I can always get more from the God/the all.
With my pets, they certainly gave me energy back, now if it was an equivalent or greater amount, I am unsure but, again, I don't really worry about it, especially as I grew and benefited either way.
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My cats can see things that I can't (yet) see. Purring is one of the most comforting sounds I have ever heard. I love having them around. I also have a cactus, an onion, a spider plant, and an aloe vera growing.
I have this tarantula that beats me at fasting (will reject food for long periods, sometimes 4-5 months in a row), won't interact with me even when I genuinely care for her and won't even obey my commands.
I guess her lack of a developed nervous system is what keeps us apart.
I have 2 dogs.
One is a German shepherd/collie mix. I don't notice anything particularly special about him, but his presence is particularly soothing.
The other is a black lab/Great Pyrenees mix who looks like a grim. His bark is one of the most powerful wards I've ever seen with my own eyes. I've only seen him do the real thing aside from playing twice, though.
Elementals? Where can I find/create these things?
Also, upon the subject of 'pets', tulpa are pretty good. (By 'pretty good' I mean AWESOME)
How would I go about buying a crystal? I heard that you should go into a store and see if any stand out to you, but I'd not be have to meet any of the "new age" people that crystals tend to attract.
Energy leeches. I had one until I realized that wasting my energy on a companion is like putting a bandage over a gaping wound. Address why you want a tulpa, first.
>wasting my energy on a companion
>address why you want a tulpa, first
I didn't choose a tulpa for that reason, but more for the fact that it can learn/grow and is an interesting journey. Also, it does not have to be an energy leech. I channel energy from the sun into it to keep it charged, instead of my personal energy. When connected to the All, you gain infinite energy.
A tulpa helps you with all basic magick things, such as AP and all areas of psychomancy.
And, yes, it does provide someone to talk to. Although, since I created it as a more perfect version of my ego and we share current memories, there is nothing that we 'talk' about.
>How would I go about buying a crystal? I heard that you should go into a store and see if any stand out to you, but I'd not be have to meet any of the "new age" people that crystals tend to attract.
So… just do it and deal with people? I don't see the big deal; there are unpleasant people. Just be business-like, don't speak much, be on your way, even be slightly rude/curt if you want, whatever. "Sorry, not interested in talking right now" goes a long way.
>How would I go about buying a crystal?
Find a store, it doesn't even have to be a metaphysical store. You can just find a stone shop, lapidary or even some bead stores, you could also go to a gem/crystal/mineral show. Or online if you really wanted to. I would strongly suggest do it in person.
>I heard that you should go into a store and see if any stand out to you
Pretty much, that is a great way, you could also do research and see what the properties of it are if you had a specific goal or intended purpose.
>but I'd not be have to meet any of the "new age" people that crystals tend to attract.
You can be civil and just keep to yourself if you really wanted to, but I think you may be surprised. That said with those preconceived notions (e.g., previsualzations of said possible event) you're more likely to manifest-experience that.
Also I just want to point out, you are trying to avoid magic… by getting into places where magic is attracted to.
Alright, well I surprisingly found a store in my town and I'll pop in when I'm nearby.
I'm just not a big fan of western occultism or "new age" things you hear about commonly like crystals, chakras, tarot, etc (even though I practice the latter two..), I guess that's just a prejudice brought over from being mundane.
Apparently they're smarter than dogs, but I doubt they make better pets. All the pigs I've seen are very very messy.