Hermetic and General Western Magic Tutorials and Practice
Introduction - What can I find here?
Hello and welcome to another theory and practice tutorial. The original intent of this thread was to teach evocation since I've always felt it to be one of the most major and integral techniques that an aspiring metaphysician/occultist/wizard should learn and master. Namely because of the effectiveness of it in "bending" reality. Chances are if you're an occultist on this site then your life is not all sunshine and rainbows. Most of us have come from having nothing and being screwups into alchemizing ourselves to a far greater human than we ever thought possible. Evocation is one of the tools which allows you to take this to the next level. Ideally western magic in general is good for this. I'll teach you some practices which can be applied for both lesser and higher magic. As always, what you do with this stuff is up to you. Do the work, make it your own and use it to better your own life.
Be careful what you wish for. Be careful about crazy wizard syndrome. Don't take things too seriously or let it get to your ego. I suggest you all to read my previous Qi-gong thread since I merge eastern and western esoterism into a wholesome combined field(Though I will be keeping it simple for the new comers. Though you may add the energy work parts in later to amplify the rituals). Finally the most important thing to know is that there is no right or wrong way to do any of this. You're always doing it right. But there is a gauge of how effective you've done it. For example if you keep chanting a spirits name but still don't hear them then chances are you've still made contact(we'll go over that later). Unlike energy work where meridian blowout symptoms or kundalini shocks are a problem of misconduct, the problems here are far more mental and metaphysical.
What is Expected of you?
I do expect you to have a decent grasp of the occult already if you're thinking of undertaking the practices here. But if you are a complete occult noob then this read will do you good and if you feel like undertaking these practices then by all means do. You should know by now a basic understanding of things like the 5 elements, 7 chakras, planar theory, egregore and deity theory, basic planetary magic Qabalah and lesser magic. I'll be going over and giving a simplified explanation for most of these while we go through the practices but it will aid you to already have some understanding in these fields. What's absolutely required is that you are currently performing at least 10 minutes of mindfulness mediation per day. This is so you can still and quiet your mind enough to perform the rituals. Aside from that you're ready to jump in.
[Admin note: importing for posterity, courtesy of Khan]