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Esoteric Wizardry

tipp 2016-09-01 01:40:36 No.6450 >>7391 >>7362 >>6480

Prelude, as below so above.


now stay with me

>have this idea planets grow since before

>looking at youtube video that brings up piri reis map

>getting tired of hearing about it with no new discoveries

>look up world tectonic plates over southern america in relation to video and "Aztlan", lost home of the amerindians

>tectonic plate not broken over argentina, argues against the piri reis map being a coast line depiction in favor or being an actual map of antarctica looted or copied from greek/egyptian libraries with connections from earlier kick start civlizations built by and given knowledge to by the people, "gods", from ruined antarctica or from another planet

>looking at the tectonic plates they remind me the plates on a skull

>back to planets grow

>now to saturn

>back to planets grow

>find below detailing idea


> . . .

>during a planets evolution it reaches intervals of equilibrium and stability where the rotational speed allows for inflation without breaking apart

>back to saturn

>back to earth

>earth is hollow

>all planets are hollow


>if it has a non corporeal soul manifest in the electro magnetic spectrum like the earth it must at the very least have a semi solid non gaseous core


>>Saturn is approximately 75% hydrogen and 25% helium with traces of other substances like methane and water ice.

>it must have a solid core or else the aliens wouldn't garden the rings to broadcast it

>further the core must be incredibly hot due to pressure

>if not saturn already has passed its interval of equilibrium and is instead rotating as such speeds that the outward force causes the pressure of the gases density to be at a negative

>but then the planet wouldn't be?

>depends on how quickly this happens

>we'd know

>saturn lives

>it has a core of molten rock and metal


>> What they have never been able to confirm beyond a shadow of a doubt is the answer to does Saturn have a solid core.

>>core accretion theory

>>it’s low density seems to point to more of a liquid metal and rock mixture at the core.


>anti thesis to spirit

>composition of an infant sun

>no ignition

>a living planet has a hollow core of molten metal much like a soap bubble, sometime hitting a sweet spot in its planetary evolution with an enough forceful rotation a planets core expands from the center

>if conditions are right the rotational speed will counteract the ludicrous vacuum caused by a potentially air tight sphere of matter, stretching space towards zero causing the dimension of energy upon which matter rests to pierce the veil, creating a sun


tipp !OzbsBxls3s 2016-09-01 03:24:00 No.6480


>>outward force causes the pressure of the gases density to be at a negative

throwing off energy and matter into space, planet tearing apart due to rotational speed*

>> hitting a sweet spot in its planetary evolution with an enough forceful rotation a planets core expands from the center

inflates* with vacuum, with nothing.

Seeker 2016-09-05 17:39:30 No.7362 >>7363


I'm not an astrophysicist so I can't say for certain, but I started my undergrad with 3 years in the track for an applied physics B.S.

When it comes down to it, every force is the result of one body acting upon another and all of the fundamental forces (weak/strong nuclear, electromagnetic and gravitational) all work by the principle of an inverse square law.

That is, the force is proportional to 1 divided by the radial distance between the two squared.

There's an interesting consequence of this: comparing the force vector field of a sphere with a hollow sphere you get the exact same thing. So, effectively, the only way we could tell for sure if the Earth were hollow would be to drill all the way through.

The main idea behind a solid metal core is a means of supporting why there's a magnetic field around Earth, but this could just as easily be from a spherical shell; something that has made me a bit dubious of geology.

If you're interested enough I can type up a rough proof in LaTeX for you and or find something already worked out online (the whole sphere force is the same as a hollow sphere force thing).

tipp 2016-09-05 17:46:31 No.7363 >>7505


Please do.

Seeker 2016-09-06 08:12:18 No.7391 >>7505


>implying any of this will actually happen

Seeker 2016-09-06 17:37:42 No.7418 >>7505 >>7465

Hol up

What if the Earth is not actually a planet at all but a giant spaceship made to look like a planet with a hollow center?

Seeker 2016-09-07 18:32:18 No.7465 >>7505


What is "a planet" anyway? Is there way to prove they are real?

Seeker 2016-09-09 05:53:33 No.7505


Here you go:



I'll use similar logic to prove to you why the Earth can't be flat from a physics standpoint, see you soon fam.


Earth might very well be some a space ship, but it's unlikely due to the scale.


Planets are satellites (something that orbits another thing) that are large enough be rounded by their own gravity and small enough to not become a star. I'm sure there's a more specific definition though.

When it comes down to it, we have to assume that our perceptions are reality. This might not be true. If it's not, the entirety of science is useless and every breakthrough would have to have been sheer dumb luck.

Seeker 2016-09-12 04:59:47 No.7614

I'm currently tly reading a very interesting G book called world's beyond the poles which has me thinking my theory might only be half right, while it is true according to observed physics, we could be living on the inside of a giant sphere with stars and planets being gas formations.

Such as ( o x)

We live at x, o, supposedly observable universe (how much has NASA lied?) Is gas and the interior of the sphere is landmass divided by water.

I'll finish my read and update after some thinking.

Seeker 2016-10-20 12:06:53 No.9104 >>9158

i had a dream once that planets were actually eggs for giant space animals. the sun was like an incubator and nature/life was like the sperm used to fertilize them.

tip 2016-10-21 12:58:52 No.9158 >>9197


You're not far off if I'm right on second hypothesis, but consciousness rather than animals.

Seeker 2016-10-22 17:14:03 No.9197 >>9201


what kind of giant animal will come out of this egg

Seeker 2016-10-22 18:25:17 No.9201


A frog