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Seeker 2016-01-28 20:55:12 No.562 >>566 >>1034 >>1626 >>12448 >>10504 >>11807


Inedia is the ability to obtain your energy required to support your physical flesh and psychic body directly from the universe, the all, God.

What drives a person to breatharianism is an inner calling to unite with God. We are all born split off from the God and only through denying yourself the illusions and fake traditions of materialist that was created in this world can allow you to reunite.

Inedia is not for the weak and not for the doubter. But within 100 years you will see people live without food become more common for every generation.

It might be the call you need right now. Remember to ground yourself by standing on soil barefoot or other methods. Mental grounding is not really effective for newbies.

Various Approaches to Inedia


A gradual transformation of the diet into purer food. A conscious choice to only eat the highest vibrational food and to avoid foods that are very dense and clog the digestion process.

This is roughly summed up as the removal of, in order:

1. fried, grilled, baked, and smoked meats & grains

2. milk and dairy products

3. sweets, candies, and soft drinks/sodas

4. any processed foods e.g., boiled, steamed, pickled, or cured foods (the only exception is rinsed and cut/diced)

5. any grains or meat

6. vegetables

By this stage you are left with nuts and fruits. The next step is a transition to pure fruit juice only.

7. nuts

8. fruit pulp

You then now start diluting the juice until it's nearly water.

9. fruit juice

10. water


This is about changing your mind and belief system to support the energetic phenomena becoming manifest in the physical. You work on expanding your consciousness, this may involve just your or your higherself, or others, a guru or guide perhaps, maybe angels or a spirit guardian or ancestor or the ultimate all, God.


This is not so much a method as an effect or result. One day the body starts to reject food, forcing it to eat makes on uncomfortable or sick, possibly even painfully or debilitatingly so. Eating may feel like an abominable act. Or may be that one is so involved in things that they forget they even "need" to eat.


This is the brute force way, and not one I can personally recommend in the least. But it goes like this, you declare to yourself and the universe, "From now on I am a non-eater", and then live it or die trying. One thing to be said is, even if one does break from their declaration and eat, it will still have a cleansing effect on the body. And like any magic, faith unbounded and hope eternal, never discouraged by the past is key to manifestation.

21 or X Day Process(es)

This is all about awaking the, divine one within, as Jasmuheen calls it, your inner connection to spirit. This process in divided into 3 parts of weeks (some other X day processes accelerate or lengthen this template). This can be dangerous to jump right into, much as the forceful method if you are not adept at fasting or don't otherwise have a relatively pure temple/body. It is roughly summed up as:

Week 1, dry fast (no water or food)

Week 2, water and/or diluted fruit juice (3 parts water 1 part juice)

Week 3, water and/or less diluted fruit juice (6 parts water 4 parts juice), 1.5L/day recommended

You should be able to have peace and solitude during this period, should have extremely minimal, ideally no worldly responsibilities. You should also be able to meditate at least 2 hours 3 times a day. This process does not always grantee a complete conversion to inedia but it will definitely bring purity to the body and make the overall transition easier.

Hypnotic/Neurolinguistic Programming

This is a process of programming the (sub)consciousness as it is the interface between the body and the mind. It is about altering this, either through multitudes of affirmations to the self or by literal hypnosis, by the self or another.


This is done by slowly reducing the amount you eat. From say eating a set amount thrice day, to eating twice, then once, then by fasting every 4th day, then fasting every 3rd, and 2nd. Then you start eating every 3rd day, every 4th day, etc. etc. Do not push it too fast else it may become starvation and not adaptation.


This is the trial run version of inedia. It is where you adopt the inediac lifestyle and live it as long as you feel healthy, energized, and otherwise well. If starvation symptoms occur one stops and resumes eating until strength is restored, and tries again, hopefully for as long or longer. The longer the time the better chances the body will adapt to pranic nourishment.


This is the scientist's way, it is the consumption of all material on the subject, the com-parson/analysis of the data and the perhaps most importantly, the internalization of it.

Sungazing/Pranic Collection

This involves collecting solar energy by gazing into the sun and walking barefoot on the ground. The method is detailed here:


But in brief it is to gaze at the sun, at sun rise or sun set, no more than 1 hour in either direction. Starting with 10 seconds and building it up 10 seconds per session. Ideally you would have your feet on raw Earth/dirt or at least grass. Do this until you reach 45 minuets per session. By the time you are an adept at it you should have significantly less caloric requirements.

Note that gazing at the sun at periods of time outside this window can result in damage to your body as it will be overloaded by the amount of energy. Only do this if you are magus-tier sungazer.

It is also advisable to draw in energy from the environment as well, see >>289 & >>290


This is done via the activation of the energy body by means of the philosopher's stone, the holy grail, ORME (orbitally rearranged monoatomic elements), ORMUS, etc. Inedia is a byproduct of the purification of the body.

Conscious Eating

This method is detailed here >>291

7 Week Transformation

This is related to bi-gu (see resources), and literally translated means the avoiding of grains or food, it is now synonymous with inedia in Chinese. First you need to prepare before you undertake it, this is done by doing energizing exercises, closeness with nature, proper food, meditation, especially on joy, stretching/relaxing/loosening the body, proper sleep, and protection from radiation (EMF, electro-static, geopathic, etc.) for several months to a year before.

A mentor is certainly extremely helpful, but I've met few who have had such a luxury. You need a place, similar to the 21 day process, where it is peaceful and non-toxic, physically, energetically, emotionally, etc. As close to nature as possible is generally best other ideals include:

not too warm nor cold nor humid


where you can see sunrise/set

access to a river, spring, lake, or sea

sunny most (of) days

removed from civilization

no sound pollution, just nature

Gently explore nature, doing light energizing exercises through out the day, and drinking water. Cleansing your colon of food remnants is important, you can do this by "alimentary canal washing" or enemas. Do this for the 1st week. Ease off the colon scrubbing until at least week 3. If you still have matter putrefying in there you can do more of them then. Take breaks often as you go about your day-to-day life. If you find yourself getting weaker and weaker, you're hungry all the time, you are dizzy does not pass, and/or have other persistent symptoms it may be best to abort, prepare more, and try again.

Your Own

This is where I am personally. It's an individualized mix, suited to you. It may contain elements listed above. Some are slow, some are fast, there is no wrong way. Every one is different and has a unique path.

As with all the above, you must release all fear. Fear is the absence of love, love is what drives, powers, and motivates not just inedia, but all of creation.

Seeker 2016-01-28 20:56:28 No.563 >>566 >>1085

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Seeker 2016-01-28 21:16:47 No.564 >>566 >>571

Well before I was even aware of magic or the powers of the mind, I almost always "skipped" breakfast and instead opted to break my fast around lunch, or at least 5 or so hours after I awoke (while I was monophasic, as an aside I'm going to attempt polyphasic again once I make more progress in inedia). I was always just repulsed by food soon after awakening. I could force myself to eat, but it was very unappetizing. As a note, my vessel was of a nominal weight, strength, and of good mental clarity.

For about 4 months I had the chance to sungaze at least once a day, almost every day. This was my first time, and I followed HRM's method (solarhealing.com). During that time I started only eating when hungry and my necessary meals went from 2 or 3 a day, to once a day, to once every few days. No other inediac practices at the time, just listening to my body. I will say this though, there a glutinous obsession with food, the habit of eating "because I thought I should" and then because I was literally addicted to it (as a taste pleasure) and not that I actually needed it, indeed often I would feel worse after eating that before, especially if I didn't consume high quality organic food that was low on the food chain.

After breaking my addictions and learning to reply on my intuition. I managed to fair much better and make some real progress. At the peak of that season of my life I was eating modestly once, maybe twice a week, while maintaining weigh and mental clarity and building strength/muscle mass. I started to really notice how much food, especially meats and (hyper)processed food really grounded me. I felt free-er and more aware I was when I did not have those within my system, and until I defecated I would be a rather grounded. From then on I tried to stick to plants mostly and as natural (raw, unprocessed) as possible.

I moved there after into an area with far too much cloud cover, and in a valley so I could no longer sungaze, but save the rare occasion. I went back to a normalish volume of food for my diet, how ever I did keep my better/purer/higher standard of food. When I tried anything too adulterated, especially fast food my stomach would turn in protest. I noticed that things that I used to think tasted bad (such as many juiced veggies or greens, notable fresh spinach) started tasting much better, and as a result there was a positive feedback loop impelling my to maintain and further my quest for ever purer foods. And I started getting more from then that I used to, before I could eat several apples, and still not feel full, now a single apple will sustain me for a good chunk of the day.

From then on I started removing animal products from my diet (my only exception is honey, local, which is still in small quantities) as I learn how the bodies digestion process works and how animal proteins are actually quite bad for your health (if consumed as more than 5% of your dietary intake). And how continued consumption of such actually causes all sorts of dis-eases and allows the growth of many more, that if they (the disease) where not fed what they needed (the animal proteins) your immune system could manage, but can not if you fuel the fire consonantly.

This only further purified my body and drove me to be repulsed by what modern man calls food even more. From then on I started fasting (strict, water only), at least one day a week, perhaps more if I felt like it. At this point it was quite rare that I would eat more than twice a day, sometimes only once.

After a time of this I started including a meditation in place of meal(s) on my fast day as I would still feel a bit hungry. I would take a glass (preferably crystal or ceramic, plastic is ok, metal is last choice), then I would collect each of the elements (using the IIH elemental breathing technique, 10 breaths/elements) and push the energy into the water charging it, then I would collect some prana and push it into the water and intend/program the water to nourish and sustain me, and to finish it, I would then ask God to fill the water with his divine love, that it would nourish, sustain and purify me. I would drink said water. If I was hungry it would be gone, and, well I would not feel 'full' (as that is a physical sensation due to food in the stomach) but I would be energized and revitalized.

After a time of doing this, I started not to need the whole glass of blessed water and I started offering the last 1/10-1/3 back to the earth of an offering/tithe unto the universe, usually on a tree, fern, bush, flower, etc. that cough my eye. But then I got curious, how far could I push this? So I extended my fast several days, doing this meditation at least once a day and including affirmations "I am sustained by the purest of foods, the light of God, it nourishes and sustains me" which eventually morphed into a daily affirmative mantra (I have 5 of them that I cycle though depending on the day and my mood). I managed to get a week of fast doing this while still feeling great (and in some respects better, since I didn't need to partake in my daily grounding, however minuscule).

I now sungaze, weather permitting, at sunset, being more of a veteran now, I usually do at least 5 or 10 minuets, but the days are not always the cloudless as to permit such time and the terrain forbids morning gazing. I continue my quest for the purest of foods, whether they be physical of energetic in nature. And now a days I, if I do eat a meal (a decent amount in a single sitting) it is rarely more than once a day, and some days it is not much more than a banana and/or apple, some tea, and maybe some fruit or veggie juice. I feel far better now and more energized after eating even a single apple than I did after a 8 oz. steak years ago.

And since reading the treatise on bi-gu and doing some linguistic research, I have reason to suspect the forbidden fruit of the bible may have been wheat, or grains more generally. As the word for wheat (????) shares a root with the word for sin (??) which just means imperfection and furthermore the word for tree (???) also included such things as stalks, reeds, not just trees in the contemporary usage (as differentiated from the word for herb, which would be like a bush). It is written, "But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest there of thou shalt surely die." And I have noticed that as of late (the last couple of months) my body really does not like the 'density' of bread, it is reminiscent of a milder, yet still discernibly undesirable variation of the feeling I get from meats. This squared with bigu and personal experience too so I will probably be going full fuitarian soon.

I've started urine therapy, nothing too extreme, perhaps 5 or 6 ounces each time I urinate (which is 3-5 times/24 hours) I've noticed that it has really cut down on the level of food I require. My body has even indicated to me a 'craving' urine.

I started urine therapy about a month ago and about 2 weeks ago I started consuming at least one whole cup a day. I usually now drink several, usually 3-4 a day. I've the difference in taste is quite noticeable if I eat something cooked or processed.

I'm down to <15% of what I "should" require per 24 hour period now. I still am plenty active, mentally & physically. I often will eat only a few bites at any given time (and I use the conscious eating method) and be sustained as though it where a meal of the days of old. Even a whole (small) apple or pear now is quite filling.

I mostly have been surviving on water (or urine) as far a physical sustenance is concerned. I've always drunk quite a lot of water and I always bless it, "God pour forth your love into this. It is my will that it cleanse, purify, & heal my body, that it nourishes and provides for me, and that through it I resonate with divine love and through it I grow closer to the all." I obviously drink less now that I'm looping a good portion of it.

As I've been consuming more more urine I've noticed an increase a marked increase in energy, energy sensitivity, and how overall vital my body is. My hair looks great, my eyes are very strong. I've also started getting more of a resistance to the cold. I need to wear less layers out side and I was even shoveling snow with to shirt the other day cus I was just too damn hot.

Another thing I've noticed as I do this, especially since I started on urine in earnest, is my body, it's cellular memory, is working out old traumas in addition to the other physical detox, I'm going through an energetic detox too. Places where I was hurt or injured are resurfacing, they will start to hurt again for a few days and then it will pass/heal.

I've been guided to start dry fasting. I was meditating, my normal routine and I went to grab some water and I could hardly stomach it due to it just being so far, vibrationally, from where I was in my heightened state despite the blessing. Thus I believe I'm ready to start introducing dry fasting that into my life.

I want to stress though, this, for me was a long, multi-year process, your mileage may vary. Be safe and sound in your approach, ventures, and research, keep good 'lab notes' (even if they are only mental) on progress and check yourself often. I'm of the personal opinion this slow transition to inedia is the better way than something sudden as a 21 day transition as suggested by some, but to each their own.

Seeker 2016-01-28 22:07:52 No.566




Thanks for the great thread!


Seeker 2016-01-29 00:27:24 No.570 >>574 >>579

I've been down to

>6. vegetables

But then I reverted back to step 1 because I got a manual labor job and generally higher energy needs in winter.

Now I'm a total mess, sometimes eating anything, sometimes just fruits and water.

My sleep is irregular as well.

I guess this indicates that I only do things when I need them? Or am I just fooling myself?

Seeker 2016-01-29 00:35:46 No.571 >>579


>there a glutinous obsession with food, the habit of eating "because I thought I should" and then because I was literally addicted to it (as a taste pleasure) and not that I actually needed it, indeed often I would feel worse after eating that before

This this this.

You do not realise it so much when you are eating like a mundane but as you progress you will notice when you eat too much your body will warn you with pain. At my stage if I eat too much my stomach might start to turn and I will get "the itis", which is inflammation. The inflammation is most noticed in the sinuses which will become noticably obstructed. Fasting for a day or two will cleanse this inflammation and put my body in a sort of neutral state. These tells can be used as a gauge to determine the quality of food and how much you should be eating. Mundanes will not understand this because they are always in a state of "itis".

The above is from someone who was less than two years ago eating mundane "food" and is now eating small amounts of mostly fruit once a day. Also added a second day of fasting to this week and will likely do so for following weeks untill I feel ready for more.

The info in the above posts looks like a reformed and condensed copy of the 8/fringe/ inedia thread. Looks a lot easier to understand. Hope to see more condensed info like that.

Seeker 2016-01-29 00:39:09 No.572

I've never heard of this working for anyone on any site.


>Inedia is the ability to obtain your energy required to support your physical flesh and psychic body directly from the universe, the all, God.

implying food & nutrition isn't part of the universe and god

Seeker 2016-01-29 00:44:51 No.574 >>577 >>579


It's that pendulum. Always swinging back and forth.

Do you ride it back to step 1 or do you hop off at step 6 and maybe wait for it too come back and then ride it beyond step 6?

I too have a manual labor job and outside of that I still exercise.

You just have to set a clear goal in your mind and things will work themselves out in reaching that goal. Being open to all possibilties certainly does help though.

Seeker 2016-01-29 01:10:35 No.577 >>579


>It's that pendulum. Always swinging back and forth.

Yeah, sometimes it feels like the back and forth makes one desensitized to the source of the energy - I'm feeling more and more fed up with this back and forth, it's such a hassle. It would be so nice to drop this eating and sleeping altogether to finally have peace from these pendulum swings and moods.

>I too have a manual labor job and outside of that I still exercise.

I know it's possible because I have spend some days like that without eating or feeling the lack of food, but I don't have full control about it.

Do you regenerate in sleep though or only through meditation?

Seeker 2016-01-29 01:18:27 No.578


Quite simply my sleep is a mess. It is one of my main goals right now.

While taking breaks at work I meditate to various purposes. Sometimes that is regeneration. Most of the meditation is directed toward not going insane from working in such a challenging environment.

Though I have found a way recently to put myself in a state where it is almost as if I had just woken up in the morning after having the perfect amount of sleep. Currently that takes about twenty minutes to induce.

What exactly did you mean by regeneration?

Seeker 2016-01-29 02:06:55 No.579


>Now I'm a total mess, sometimes eating anything, sometimes just fruits and water.

You should try to stick to the purest level of food as you can. Eating below that level will bring further toxins into you body and retard the process.

>My sleep is irregular as well.

That is fine so long as you are rested. If you are not well rested it is, and I would recommend meditating, laying down, and relax and draw energy into oneself in a recharging/regenerative way.

>I guess this indicates that I only do things when I need them?


>Or am I just fooling myself?

Maybe. You need to answer this yourself. Maybe you body does really "need" that fish or that cheese. But if that's the case you need to work on making it so it does not. This is usually due to a either a psychic/mental craving creating that physical need or simply a parasite.


>looks like a reformed and condensed […] 8/fringe/ inedia thread. […] a lot easier to understand. Hope to see more condensed info like that.

That's the plan.


>manual labor

I three have one.


>It would be so nice to drop this eating and sleeping altogether to finally have peace from these pendulum swings and moods.

From what I've read once one is inediac their sleep requirements are only a few hours a day and often a meditation will suffice. A half way step to this is where Khan is only needing 4 or 5 hours a night.

>I know it's possible because I have spend some days like that without eating or feeling the lack of food, but I don't have full control about it.

>I don't have full control about it.

Careful with statements like that. Don't wanna affirm it. Instead what I would do is when you start to notice the impulse try to step back and gain increased awareness, try to disconnect and just observe it.

>Do you regenerate in sleep though or only through meditation?

It can be both depending on the type of meditation. The one listed in >>289 runs the MCO in "sleep mode".

Seeker 2016-01-30 09:11:37 No.592 >>597 >>599

Can you still get a muscular physique this way?

Khan 2016-01-30 11:29:01 No.593 >>594 >>597

I've many times come to pure levels of pure fruit and herbs as well as fasting, though there's always one thing which starts to get me. That is that I use food as a crutch to ground my emotional problems of the world. I used to use dope for this, moved onto alcohol and then moved onto food when I restricted these. The big problem is that I feel how much cooked food and drinks like coffee fuck you up because of my bodily sensitivity.

You can trust I have a lot of journaling ,experience and contemplation when it comes to the cycle, inner workings and such of this. So I'm not coming in blind or working in ignorance. I think I may have screwed myself over by going through kundalini really early(Not sure if you've done it before but it amplifies everything, especially your negative habits).

So I've gotta ask plainly. What do you do when the going gets tough?

I mean if I could seclude myself in a hermit hut up in the forest away from everything I believe I would be able to make it.

Anyway I'll keep taking it slow. I've found that's the best way to do it. Ultimately every step is a step in the right direction. That's the mindset which keeps me going.

AuntWatermelon 2016-01-30 14:25:14 No.594 >>595 >>597 >>614


Been going through something similar too, setting unrealistic standards to live up to, in light of my own shortcomings.

It's been a general train of thoughts during these past months:

>"It would be so cool if I didn't eat and sleep anymore, I'd have so much tiiiiimmmmeeee".

Of course, at first, I felt for the meme I created and did all I could to cut down on as much sleeping and eating as possible. Polyphasic sleeping, various kinds of light diets, intermitent fasting,… What could go wrong?

I went so far as to contact beings to make my sleep more regenerative for me and put me into deep, conscious, sleep states at the sound of a formula. And yeah, it worked, Merlin/10.

Now on paper that sounds all fine and dandy, but in practice and over long periods of time, it falls short. Especially when your only reason for doing this is getting more time to "do stuff" and because, "it sounded like a great idea".

You find yourself working hard to maintain a standard and to live up to it. You get enclenched into working so much to keep up to some imaginary, unrealistic goal and get nothing in return from your efforts, since you didn't need to get anything from working on it in the first place!

That is probably the first question I should have asked myself: "What would I do with all the time I'd have, if I would be to succeed?". Sure, I thought about many things, mainly about more meditation, spiritual development and magick. But the thing is, if I needed that much magickal time, why would I be typing this post instead of adding more magical hours to my life? Why would I let any kind of distraction enter my life in the first place?

Obviously, it wasn't time I needed, I have restructured my life to allow for full time magick a long time ago, nope, time wasn't the issue, if it is for you, they are many easier ways to do so. In many ways, changing your life alltogether from the ground up, is a lot easier then being an inediac.

What I wanted was a sense of self reliance, of knowing that if the world goes to shit tomorrow, I'd be in "the secret survivor's club", or something like that…

I don't think an irrational concern is enough to motivate annyone for inedia, however, to my perception, it seems to be what fuels most attempts and it certainly fueled mine. And my fedora-oclam-razor-worshiping left brain tells me that most attempts fail.

Inedia is a long term project. Yep, even the 21 day process takes months of adaptation and months of integration to one's life. All in all, it amounts to about a year and a half to reach a stable state. The 10 day one will still take you about half a year before truly adapting to the changes.

Quickly, the more I looked into why I was doing it, the more I found myself with no reason to even attempt such a thing.

After understanding and personal experience I believe that inedia is something that comes when one needs it. I've been a "breatharian" for two weeks as a side effect of my kundalini rising, no food or water for about 11 days. And since I didn't need it anymore after that, even though I had done more then enough to complete the 10 days process, it didn't become a permanent stage.

It happened, because I needed the time to make sense of it All. If you need it, your body(ies) will provide it to you. One pointed concentration on anything, even utterly mundane, brings about inedia. If for whatever reason, you need to put the body in idle-mode and use more of your mind, it'll happen, most of the time, without you being conscious of the process. Don't be like these mundanes who "hit the gym" all day to get "them six packs", but never use them. It's not a show off, it's your time, effort and life on the line. Last time I checked, wanting things you don't need keeps you in suffering.

As I suspect that this issue is relevant to many people. It may be beneficial to many to ask themselves this question:

Why are you doing this? To get what? To do what? Do you need it to live, or do you live to need it? Is it what you truly need?

Khan 2016-01-30 15:00:26 No.595 >>614


I appreciate you writing all of that out.

It's comical how much I could relate. I worked myself into a state of sleeping + meditating no more than 4 hours a day. I would sit there nearly going crazy thinking what I could do with all of that time. I have a couple hobbies of course but it was ultimately never enough.

As you said, unless you "need" it you wont really keep it up as a permanent thing.

I figure inedia is more of a natural outcome and result to slowly raising your body and cleaning it. Clearing away all blockages, intaking enough natural energies, etc. Similar to certain spiritual abilities coming from gradual meditation and other works.

Anyway I figure it'll happen when it happens. Just go slow. I mean taking one food item out every month cycle and then taking one meal out after that and a day worth of food. This is a long enough term plan to take up to a year. But I've come to understand that there is no rush in anything. Not that we take inaction, but subtly push the scale as not to cause a rubber band effect.

I've really come to learn my cycles doing this. As right now we're heading into the more yin part from the full moon to new. I become extremely passive so that's why I've been a little slack on the videos, notes and such ever since the new moon. This works on the daily and yearly scale as well. So for me summer is my down period funny enough (I think it's because being near the tropic of Capricorn does some kind of strange opposite effect).

Seeker 2016-01-30 15:32:32 No.597 >>599 >>681


Yes. See Jericho Sunfire


>kundalini […] (Not sure if you've done it before

I have not, or at least not in any extreme way. I felt a slight 'shadow' of what I suspect may have been it once. But it was not powerful nor did it have the extreme consequences I've read typically accompany a true awakening, so I'm going to say no.

>Ultimately every step is a step in the right direction. That's the mindset which keeps me going.

That is a very good way of looking at it. Even when I do stumble and and take a step back, I've already taken 2 forward so it is progress nonetheless.

>That is that I use food as a crutch to ground my emotional problems of the world

I've tried using food the same way but I my body always feels bad as a result of the toxins I put in it in a vain attempt to take the easy way and ground those energies out of me.

>What do you do when the going gets tough?

I don't have any secret method, I don't even have anyone or thing else but myself, and so that is what I use.

I've found listening to my body (which not infrequently my mind has troubles doing, save the hard way) is the best. Before I stopped wasting my seed I would literally feel sick the next day, coughing and drained. Now I'm finding similar is happening when I partake in less pure foods not to mention how utterly shit and sometimes even painful it is to my stomach & bowels and how extremely much better I feel after I release it all from my system.

These all help contribute to the process, to making the right choice next time, to having the will to keep on.

Another thing that helps motivate this is the level of unity I feel with God, the energy, the joy beyond words that creeps in spontaneously from time-to-time, the bliss of the oneness that results from being sustained in this way.

>Anyway I'll keep taking it slow. I've found that's the best way to do it.

My process is rather slow as well, but it is also steady in it's progress and so for that I'm grateful and persistent.

>I mean if I could seclude myself in a hermit hut up in the forest away from everything I believe I would be able to make it.

That would certainly help me as well, there is no shortage of invasive thought forms, even in my food and bad vibes from society that are around me but I must deal with them. This is part of why it's been so slow for me but I worry not as I can see, and feel, the transformation occurring.


Insightful Auntie, especially the part about motivation, why one is doing this (or anything else), the true needs of the mind and bodies. Thank you.

I actually decided to (partially) abandon polyphasic because dreams where rather infrequent and I was mostly just staying present in/around my flesh. My motivation was "more hours a day" but then I found out I valued dreams more than time, even to the point of sometimes sleeping more despite not needing it, just so I could dream more.

My nap times, they pretty much turned into meditation sessions, which I decided to keep, but also resume sleeping a chunk at night as well. So I dream at night, and sometimes I sleep less.

>What I wanted was a sense of self reliance, of knowing that if the world goes to shit tomorrow, I'd be in "the secret survivor's club", or something like that…

That's a nice side effect, but for me the primary motivation is (a closer degree of) unity with God. Knowing what I do about the spirit, the soul, reincarnation, etc. I'm not truly worried about it one way or another.

>I don't think an irrational concern is enough to motivate annyone for inedia

I agree. You can not do it from a fear based or motivated state. That is fundamentally, diametrically opposed to where you need to be vibrationally.

> Last time I checked, wanting things you don't need keeps you in suffering.

This is correct, if you don't need something, yet you want/manifest it, it will be slow, it will be hard and it will often bring suffering. Now through that one may grow, even to the point requiring it (assuming it was a spiritual thing that was sought after), but not necessarily so in a short amount of time.

This is part of why I'm taking tummo & kundalini so slow, I'm working my way there in a very methodical manner, not lusting for results nor desiring what it brings, just letting it happen naturally through steady growth and meditation.

Khan 2016-01-30 16:13:23 No.599 >>603 >>617 >>619


I can completely agree with how toxic food is. My organs are in constant shock mode if ever I eat anything cooked and dehydrating. It makes me question how most of humanity survives on their diet. But it also makes me think that if one were to live on a clean diet or go for the breatharian route like ourselves that immortality or an extended life is very much within our grasp. Can't wait until that herb shipment arrives. Gotta cancel out that negative organ damage in the meantime with them.

This is without taking in account daoist alchemy since I find that daoist alchemy raises you in similar ways that cleaning the body and improving your lifestyle choices does. It forces you to realize the insane damage we do to ourself. No longer can we live in ignorance of the suffering our body (especially the organs) goes through with overeating and acid foods.

As for dreaming I absolutely agree. If there's anyway to trigger quicker dream states I need to figure it out. Laying for hours in a conscious sleep state gets old after a while hahahah. I can hit samadhi but even then I'm waiting in that state for a couple hours before the dream state kicks in.


You will look more defined like a shaolin monk. Check out some raw vegans who train their bodies for examples.

We have a fixed hight and weight. What I hear from a lot of breatharians is that you go to your natural hight and weight through the transition.

Seeker 2016-01-30 17:02:16 No.602 >>603

Some of you seem to treat this as something that will happen if it is meant to be and because of that do not put much effort into it. That to me is a lazy way of thinking.

What I am doing to using it as a stepping stone on my path. I know where I am going and what I need to do to get there. Inedia is a small part of that. The sooner I get to inedia the sooner I can get to the next stepping stone.

Use everything at your disposal to reach your goals. If you are stuck on the pendulum then abuse its momemtum to push you even further next time.

You may not need inedia for various reasons but there is really no downside to having it. Some might consider that to be a possitive thing.

Seeker 2016-01-30 17:12:31 No.603 >>605


>My organs are in constant shock mode if ever I eat anything cooked and dehydrating.


I forgot to mention that. When I eat anything even remotely processed (save juicing) my water requirements go up at least 2L that day. It's really quite marked how much it depletes the body.

>It makes me question how most of humanity survives on their diet.

They don't

>But it also makes me think that if one were to live on a clean diet or go for the breatharian route like ourselves that immortality […] is very much within our grasp.

That's my path.

>much extended life

Even without going full magic mode, you can still live quite long without limiting beliefs, see Li Ching-Yuen:


>acid foods

My body actually has an ab-reaction if I even try to consume too much cooked stuff/acidic food, it throws my alkalinity out of balance. I'll get these boils in my mouth, it's fine in a few days as long as I don't aggregate it. I've been like this my whole life. Probably part of what nudged me on down this path.

>Height & weight

My research has shown that people will, while transitioning will lose wight until they reach their ideal, sometimes they dip slightly below it while purging/detoxing but once done they will gain the 5 or so kg back.


>then abuse its momemtum to push you even further next time.

This is good advice.

Seeker 2016-01-30 17:51:11 No.605 >>606


>This is good advice.

Careful with that.

You may lose your grip while at a low point and the pendulum will leave you behind.

Seeker 2016-01-30 17:55:44 No.606


[If you must ride the pendulum, it is.]

But yea, you're correct.

Seeker 2016-01-30 20:39:39 No.614



What's all the talk about?

Inedia is just one form of perfection. There's no real benefit to it besides the aesthetics of pureness.

If you don't care about it, then you won't need inedia. In this case fruitarian or vegan nutrition is really good enough.

> In many ways, changing your life alltogether from the ground up, is a lot easier then being an inediac.

Yes, of course you'll have to change your life from ground up to be even able to go inedian.

Otherwise it's like attempting to build a high-tech processor unit in a gross backyard garage: it just won't work.

Attempting to acquire inedia in a gross lifestyle won't work as well.

It will require to adapt your lifestyle - if that is too much effort and hassle, that's okay because we're existing in gross material bodies after all so there's no shame in eating material food. Just drop the idea of inedia and lower the level of food grossness until you reach a comfortable level.

Acquiring Inedia is not just a change of diet, I hope you all realize this. It's perfection of existence.

Seeker 2016-01-30 22:02:49 No.617


>We have a fixed hight and weight. What I hear from a lot of breatharians is that you go to your natural hight and weight through the transition.

Just googled, and wow there are actually accounts of people becoming taller through this method.

Seeker 2016-01-30 22:29:12 No.619 >>627


>overeating and acid foods

From what I understand, both acid and alkaline foods are equally needed? If I'm wrong please help me understand this, but I've seen Apple Cider Binegar recommended by many spiritualists and it's pretty much acid.

Seeker 2016-01-31 00:51:59 No.622

This is a great idea OP, I could have never made up such a perfect plan to starve millions of vegan-friendly hippies to death.

Khan 2016-01-31 03:54:43 No.627


Apple cider vinegar acts as an alkalizer in the body. We need about 80% alkaline and 20% acid. Though we get much more than enough acidity from the environmental toxins.

Seeker 2016-02-02 05:24:31 No.681 >>687


>Yes. See Jericho Sunfire

He's an obvious fraud.

Seeker 2016-02-02 14:29:42 No.687 >>689


I'm not gonna say that's exactly top tier proof. Regarding the money aspect, it certainly does seem as through he is starting to get into the more STS type energies. This could have implications on himself personally or his image as he trades freewill away.

If you deal with STS (trade away freewill) or if, in general, you do something with out at lest a degree of plausabile denibility, it does not preserve the possibility of freewill nearly as much. A result of such will probaly produce a backlash effect from every one who was loosh farming the people who now where 'forced' to open their eyes due to the 'undeniable proof' or cus of the metaphysical agreements you made for worldly thing.

All that said, maybe he is a fraud, now that's not the vib I got from him in the past when I was researching him, however maybe he's changed. Either way it does not alter my path, I know through magic anything is possible, and I've seen first hand how much better and closer to God I felt while walking this path, and furthermore, regarding proof there is always HRM* and even if I didn't physically look like Bruice Lee (which I could still use magic to do any way) I would be able to, via putting my mind into it, possess such strength regardless.


Seeker 2016-02-02 18:22:06 No.688 >>695

>not being immortal AND eating for pleasure

>plebs thinking you have to give up to obtain anything

Seeker 2016-02-02 21:01:44 No.689 >>695


>I'm not gonna say that's exactly top tier proof.

Shouldn't the onus be on him to prove he doesn't eat, rather than on others to prove he does?

Seeker 2016-02-02 23:30:48 No.690 >>695 >>747

What's with all the skeptics here?

Seeker 2016-02-02 23:58:13 No.695


You do have a logically consisnat point. Which is why I went with the path of least resistance when trying to prove it as a possibility to myself and went with the data that was easier to obtain. (As other's have actually submitted themselves to extreme level of scrutinity.)

What he claims to have done/do is totally possible within the paradigm and practices he has and has been proven by others to be physically possible (assuming you didn't believe in magic at all). So it's not much of a leap to assume he actually has insight into the subject.


It's easier when you first start off on the path to do it this way, as you learn to master yourself more and more you could if you wanted to with less and less effects. But there is still 1 key thing, and that is desire for material things, even if it's only food. Untill you can release that you will be bound here in the 3rd density.


Honestly I'm not sure. But either they will leave or they will be enlightened. Either way unless they start going full fedora troll mode on us I'm not worried, and besides a little healthy skepticism is good thing and it keeps our debating & explaining skills sharp.

Seeker 2016-02-05 15:41:42 No.747


i think of all the things to be skeptical about, "you don't need to eat food" is probably pretty high on the list. for my part i maintain a firm position of "sure why not." not ready to try such a thing though

Seeker 2016-02-18 05:37:39 No.1034


Thank you for this genuine advice.

Khan 2016-02-18 23:10:41 No.1047 >>1052

While it's a little uncomfortable to start up I'd suggest people try out urine drinking if they're intending to go breatharian or lighten up their diet. I've found that it hydrates and cleans you out as well as sustains you to make it all an easier ride.

Seeker 2016-02-19 00:40:20 No.1052 >>1053


The problem is that your piss tastes really bad if your diet is bad.

Seeker 2016-02-19 00:47:20 No.1053 >>1068


This is true, I recommend doing a water fast for at least a 24 hours to help with it. Or you could just dealwithit.jpg

The sheer awesomeness of it makes it worth dealing with, bad tasting or not IMHO.

Khan 2016-02-19 08:45:07 No.1068 >>1097


If you keep away from processed/refined foods and oils I find it's fine. Along with keeping proper alkalinity and hydration.

Seeker 2016-02-19 08:56:56 No.1069 >>1073 >>1092

urine drinking is the dumbest thing I've ever heard don't actually try that

Seeker 2016-02-19 14:21:16 No.1073 >>1074 >>1092


>Urine therapy is not effective, trust me I've never done it!

Seeker 2016-02-19 14:24:16 No.1074 >>1092 >>1093


>Killing yourself is not effective, trust me I've never done it!

Khan 2016-02-20 00:09:16 No.1092




My experiences have been in water/dry fasting, herbs and other suplaments, raw/alkaline diets as well as sungazing and qi-gong. I've found urine to be far superior to any of those at healing and detoxifying the body and raising up your vibrations.

Obviously we all need our own experiences in this kind of field so I'd suggest that.

Seeker 2016-02-20 00:10:43 No.1093


Actually I have. And God said no.

Seeker 2016-02-20 00:26:28 No.1097 >>1109 >>1113


In addition to that I have found that urine can have a sweet taste to it if you are eating mostly fruit. Apples(organic) make for an easily noticable effect. This can go to a point where it tastes good. Fat of any kind seems to make it taste foul.

In a thread on 8/fringe/ (inedia I think) there was a link posted to some article where a politician or something in India was talking about drinking his urine in an interview with some western news group. They were astounded that someone would do that must less talk about it. The Indian was like "what? don't you drink your urine?".

Seeker 2016-02-20 13:10:13 No.1109


>I have found that urine can have a sweet taste to it if you are eating mostly fruit

While I don't drink my own fluids I'd like to support that statement by saying that some anons in the past have reported sweetening their cum by eating fruit. (no homo /fit/izens)

Like-wise, acidic foods and drinks like coffee have made it sour according to their reports.

Khan 2016-02-21 01:31:56 No.1113 >>1141


Yeah I've recently found out that not only is oil/fat adding to all forms of foul bodily excretions (excess oil on skin, acne, excess hair oil, etc) but it also is the number one addictive substance. It also seems to keep me awake and give poor sleep as well as digestion fatigue. This stuff is really not for human consumption. I can't speak on foods like avocados or nuts(more speaking of refined products).

I recommend everyone to work towards giving up all processed foods. The high amounts of refined salt, oil and sugars in them manage to dehydrate your body significantly. Ultimately what allows your body to experience reality at a high and stable vibration is proper organ function through hydration.

Seeker 2016-02-21 15:25:00 No.1124 >>1196

First not eating at all, now drinking piss;

I legitimaly can't tell if the content is serious.

Seeker 2016-02-22 20:47:44 No.1141 >>1196


poly unsaturated fatty acids are the shitty things.

coconut oil is basically the only decent one for smell/digestion. others go rancid inside. Idk about avocados.

Seeker 2016-02-24 05:21:04 No.1196


We are completely serious. If you don't believe us, do the research yourself. Us, the initiates of /fringe/ would not put this much effort into misleading or spreading disinfo.



I eat a good amount of them, they are good and I've noticed no ill effects.

Seeker 2016-03-08 23:41:09 No.1464 >>1509 >>1869

>fried, grilled, baked, and smoked meats & grains

Why are these put above soft drinks and such? I understand frying and baking, but not grilling or smoking. What are the alternatives to these, eating meat raw? Isn't all grain baked?

I figure the order you remove things would be

junk food -> grain -> dairy / meat -> vegetables -> nuts -> fruit

with most people not going past junk food or grain (if they're health conscious)

Seeker 2016-03-09 21:53:08 No.1509 >>1525 >>1713 >>1869


>Why are these put above soft drinks and such?

It has to do with how hard it is on your body to process it. You can do soft drinks and other 'junk' food right by using actual cane sugar or even maple sugar, organic ingredients, etc. this puts them on a whole different tier than junk with HFCS, GMO & artificial seasonings.

>I understand frying and baking, but not grilling or smoking.

Because the cooking process destroys the natural form of the food, this makes it lose almost all it's loosh, and even on a physical level the molecular shape as it goes through the chemical process is deformed or altered into something else entirely if it even stays the compound.

>What are the alternatives to these, eating meat raw?

Well aside from the next step any processed foods save cutting and rinsing (e.g., boiling, steaming, pickling, or curing), yup. I've had raw meats on occasion, they aren't that bad actually, but I just don't really like meats at all now, so I doubt I would do that.

>Isn't all grain baked?

Typically but not necessarily. You can get grains yourself and eat them raw, or just soaking them for a while. (Or boiling if you really wanted to cook them).

Pic related is a great way to do raw with minial processing or cooking.

Seeker 2016-03-10 18:17:25 No.1525 >>1526


Certain foods don't go together, which can be confirmed by simple self-experimentation. What is the point of this useless diagram and many like these? One day humanity will drown in corporate buzzwordish articles and images. They swarm more and more first pages on google since 2011 and there are people who don't remember what it was like on the Internet before. Imagine the time and effort they put to position this stuff on google and manafacture these information-empty diagrams and articles with stock pictures of smiling people and pretty colors. Information about nutrition is pulled from random paragraphs in studies with context ignored. These pieces of bits of info are then pasted into articles and diagrams. It's like they don't even matter. And maybe they're right they don't matter. At least 40% of the studies were already skewed by corporate agendas in the first place. But even if post-human dystopia it will never stop amusing me that we have media that are produced and received by people who're not interested in information itself, but they simply want to experience looking at colorful diagram or article the same way they watch tv shows

Seeker 2016-03-10 18:20:21 No.1526


Yeah baby, thank you for informing me in order to make a smoothie I've got to put a fruit in my smoothie to have a smoothie

Khan 2016-03-10 21:05:05 No.1531 >>1603

I've been doing a fast every fortnight starting at 2 days, 4 days and recently 6 days (though that was more of a juice fast, it still worked the same for whatever reason). It feels like each fast I regain a little piece of my energy and self. Like each time I can push it further without negative effects of detox.

So I don't know about you my road to breatharian brothers but taking it slow is the best I think. Autumn is coming up so I'm wondering how that'll effect my spirits. I think it might be slower but still steady.

I've found the sungazing and urine therapy to be the most beneficial/healing as well. And the largest tip is to have a precaution for end fast binging. Stop a fast safely and slowly lol.

Seeker 2016-03-11 05:09:02 No.1540 >>1586 >>1603

With urine drinking, I wonder whether I should drink all of it, or I think I read in another thread that someone flushes the first of the day and drinks the rest, and that's what I was thinking to do but I haven't started in earnest (tried a bit though, tastes *so* much better when I'm eating fruitarian)

Seeker 2016-03-14 09:07:49 No.1586 >>1593 >>1603


if you drink yerba mate, the first 2 days your pee will smell really bad as it cleans all the shit

I eat very healthy and it still smelled

perhaps do that if you do urine drinking

Seeker 2016-03-14 12:45:35 No.1593 >>1606 >>1612


sounds good.

Pee tastes medicinal, but also not great. Got pretty used to the taste, though it's worse than it was when I ate cleaner.

I got to the point now after a few days where my poop smells like my pee, and it's kinda foul.

I don't particularly want my body to start smelling like that! and I'm sure it already does.

I should start detoxing with healthier foods/tea/herbs. I ate a little cheese recently and I've been eating a bit loosely with beans and a few grains and stuff to keep me grounded bc Chinese medicine says to do that in the winter and it's kept me from getting as cold as I would have otherwise.

Now that Spring is blooming I can switch to lighter things again.

Seeker 2016-03-14 16:13:27 No.1603 >>1614 >>1642


>yerba mate

I tried that stuff, I found the caffeine to be way too much for me. Even just 1 small cup sent me off kilter for the remainder of the day.


>With urine drinking, I wonder whether I should drink all of it

My norm now is to drink ~1.5 (standard US) cups each time I urinate taken from the midstream and I'll usually still urinate a good bit more than that though. The remainder I'll just get rid of, sometimes it's 100% or more of what I consume so I still can get plenty flowing out if necessary although I don't do anything that would be in my urine (like drugs) and my diet is really good.


>So I don't know about you my road to breatharian brothers but taking it slow is the best I think.

I completely agree.

>I've found the sungazing and urine therapy to be the most beneficial/healing as well.

This as well, it's just amazing.

I don't have further comments, but thanks for the updates.

Seeker 2016-03-14 17:28:18 No.1606


update: after a few days of urine I feel super sensitive and high vibe, can notice how much i'm affecting others with emotions

Khan 2016-03-14 21:22:18 No.1612 >>1613


You actually defecate the urine out. I only really drink himelayan salt water so everything I drink comes out at a root level lol. Drink a bunch of urine and salt water on an empty stomach in the morning. Stay close to a toilet and enjoy the free flush.

Seeker 2016-03-14 22:11:33 No.1613


>defecating urine

I actually noticed that, when your body really does need to get rid of something via urine, and if you're looping much (or all) of it, then it will exit another way (if necessary).

Seeker 2016-03-14 23:05:25 No.1614 >>1618


would anyone like to comment on sungazing a bit? anything you might have to say about it

I started doing it a week or two ago, got up to 1 minute doing the 10 seconds a day, but it's been cloudy for a while. while i certainly didn't go blind, i can't say i feel/felt much different, though i have read 10min is where 'it' starts to really kick in, whatever that may mean

Khan 2016-03-15 04:38:33 No.1618 >>1637


I'll go for about 1-2 hours when it's a clear day. That along with urine therapy is the best thing for raising your vibes and juicing up your energetic body.

I used to do the 10 seconds a day thing but found out it's kind of rubbish. I went from about 3 minutes to 10 then 25-30-1 hour, etc. It's all about how strong your eye lids are. They take some time to develop but then you can sungaze as long as you want. Though this method will leave a semi permanent sundot (you can get rid of it if you stop) in your vision. It's strongest the first week and I've found it has started to lighten up or I'm just getting so used to it that I forget it's there. I've noticed it's the same blur effect as what psychedelics give.

I've noticed that I'm going through some pretty insane mental detox unless I heavily ground with food and other things(Though it might just be because I've been surviving of terrible quality grains for two weeks. I'll be able to buy real food soon lol). Other than that it's amping up everything. Best way to explain it would be saying that it speeds up everything you could think of, the good and the bad.

I started increasing my time because of this vid


I had to go over it a couple times to really intake it though I'm glad I did.

Seeker 2016-03-15 15:43:54 No.1626 >>1627 >>1629 >>1631


Do you think pic related would be the next step? Or just a diff rent staircase.

Seeker 2016-03-15 15:44:17 No.1627



Seeker 2016-03-15 18:47:02 No.1629


That looks like a set down actually. If the person was really that connected, why the fuck would they need to eat a LOT of food? Thinking that eating food is still good for you at that level is completely retarded.

Living off of pure energy vs shitty items your body needs to process.

Its basically having a car running on gas vs a car that runs by simply existing.

Seeker 2016-03-15 23:53:48 No.1631


You can be das ubermensch without food. Doing it with food is the mundane way.

If you could do inedia eating would actually lower your vibration.

!/49HvHXCOk 2016-03-16 13:00:52 No.1637 >>1639 >>1652


>It's all about how strong your eye lids are.

so, sungaze with eyes closed you say?

I did it for 10 seconds with eyes open, +1 second per day.


>'ve noticed it's the same blur effect as what psychedelics give.

i should try more psychedelics

Seeker 2016-03-16 13:29:45 No.1639 >>1641


>so, sungaze with eyes closed you say?

I personally gaze open eyed. On occasion, in the middle of the day, I may bask with closed eyes, however this is pretty rare for me.

I'm not sure about Khan.

Furthermore the sundot that was mentioned only persists for 5 or 10 minuets for me and my vision will be a bit… different, it's kind of blurry, but not in the normal way (like bad vision). I've noticed that will happen when I meditate or project myself. It will take a few minuets to come back to physicality all the way.

!/49HvHXCOk 2016-03-16 13:57:44 No.1641 >>1644


>I personally gaze open eyed.

for how long?

I've only done like 20ish seconds open-eyed, concerned about sunspot, it lasts for awhile with me.

!/49HvHXCOk 2016-03-16 14:09:43 No.1642

and dang it guys, you've got me drinking urine (works great) and I'm amused-exasperated by it (:

I can't tell anyone without wanting to laugh/cover my face lol


>I tried that stuff, I found the caffeine to be way too much for me. Even just 1 small cup sent me off kilter for the remainder of the day.

sounds like I shouldn't do that either then, I have similar caffeine issues

Seeker 2016-03-16 15:04:31 No.1644


Pretty much as much as I can. Usually it's like 10-15 mins because of local weather, but if I can, I like to do it 45 mins to an hour, this only happens on occasion due to my location. Both are very similar in effect as far as the sunspot is concerned. Note well however that I've been doing this for a few years now and I've worked up to this, that may well be a factor as well.

I have never noticed any problems resulting from it, the sunspot goes away usually pretty fast, and even while it is there it's not a problem, it's just a faint disc of yellow tinting.

Khan 2016-03-16 21:33:50 No.1652 >>1658


Open eyed. Though you can start out closed eyed during the day if you can't look at it very well.

!/49HvHXCOk 2016-03-17 02:06:33 No.1658 >>1661


Oh, since you mentioned strong eyelids I thought closed. Not sure what eyelids have to do with anything then.

Seeker 2016-03-17 02:47:43 No.1660 >>1661

I've been dreaming about sungazing and the sun in general almost every night for the past few days, even in multiple, unrelated (as far as I can remember) dreams a night. Last night I was watching a pelican's silhouette against the sun

Khan 2016-03-17 05:03:38 No.1661


I find when you look at the sun the body tries to clamp the eyes down. This is magnified from a couple blockages I have in the eye brow region.


Take advantage of the powers of nature brother. Sungazing is what our ancients have always done to gain enlightenment. It's definitely worth it.

Also guys check out Ormus or monoatomic gold. I made some out of alkalizing beach water + himelayan salt with soda ash (carbonate soda). It's like liquid sunlight. Really helps to "enlighten" or up your vibes. This is what the old alchemists did cause you can make it from anything organic (hence people being an ingredient to the philosophers stone).

Anyway I'm off to that beach. You guys gotta ground in that water. There ain't nothing like it.

Khan 2016-03-17 09:06:15 No.1664 >>1670

Here's a question to those in warm climates or countries in summer/spring. Do you find that you feel the heat? I've noticed that after cleaning my life out and raising myself up that I no longer feel warm temperature and more welcome it. I only bring this up because I find everyone I speak to complains and starts small talk about the heat. Thus I hypothesize it's possible that the more you clean your body of junk the less the heat effects you. Heat, warmth and sun being a cleaning and healing energy.

Seeker 2016-03-17 21:04:12 No.1670


While it does not usually get hot here, when it does I find that it does not bother me at all anymore.

It does get very cold in the winter and that also does not affect me like it did in the past.

I had though this was just due to being more fit thanks to certain cardio activities.

Seeker 2016-03-19 01:52:52 No.1692

Excellent resource on the myriads of benefits of sunlight


!/49HvHXCOk 2016-03-19 12:45:00 No.1696 >>1698 >>1701

I seem to have a long-lasting sunspot in my eye.

I wonder if it's too early for me to sungaze.

It's the standard green-red spot that happens when staring at a bright light.

I can see through it, sure, but I think I'll consult a psychic/akashic reader before extending staring at the sun beyond 10-20 seconds (which is about how long it took for me to develop this, over a few days).

When I do it I breathe in the heat-energy into cool eyes (like the inner smile meditation) and I can feel my body warm up as I imagine the light/heat spreading into all of it.

Seeker 2016-03-19 14:37:15 No.1698 >>1708


How lasting is long?

Also, have you been gazing right at sunrise/set? It's a lot gentler then. Also you can try staggering your gazing days, 1 on 1 off, or the like.

Khan 2016-03-20 04:11:11 No.1701 >>1708


It takes on average 3-4 days to completely eliminate a sundot. You get them, it's not a bad thing. This is what they call the third eye. You get the same effect on psychedelics, the blur in your vision.

You can either take it slow or work through it. Either way both work.

!/49HvHXCOk 2016-03-21 02:25:08 No.1708 >>1714


ah, no, I've been doing it whenever I think to do it, usually around midday, or morning.

It has been lasting days.


Yeah I feel like it's a shadowy thing, like if I don't focus too much I can see the greenish purplish blur around people and I wonder if I'm seeing their astral/light body or aura.

and I feel that when my eyes are closed those are the shadows that can move around there.

I thought it might be astral vision or something but no idea.

Seeker 2016-03-21 04:03:22 No.1713 >>1714 >>1869


This is retarded, soda and junk food (corn syrup and carb loaded things) are what make people fat asses and kill them. People live to over 100 eating bacon and eggs everyday. Cutting out carbs and sugars is the best step someone can take towards getting healthy and that means using fat to fuel yourself instead of sugar. People who live on juice are always in reality really weak and unhealthy. Even vegan body builders aren't total vegan, only during certain parts of their process.

Seeker 2016-03-21 04:37:23 No.1714 >>1782 >>1869


>usually around midday

Well there is your problem. You didn't read the warning anon:

Note that gazing at the sun at periods of time outside this [sunrise/set] window can result in damage to your body as it will be overloaded by the amount of energy (you may not be able to adapt fast enough). Only do this if you are magus-tier sungazer.


>People live to over 100 eating bacon and eggs everyday.

Why only live to 100? Why not 200? Why not 1000? We're not trying to just do normal human things here we're trying to maximize our bodies natural regenerative and energy systems to the fullest.

>People who live on juice are always in reality really weak and unhealthy.

Depending on the person, their belief system(s) and their level of spiritual growth this may or may not be true. It's certainly no hard rule.

>Even vegan body builders aren't total vegan, only during certain parts of their process.

>Implying body builders use magic.

The rest of your post has valid points.

Seeker 2016-03-24 19:49:51 No.1782 >>1794 >>1811


>Why only live to 100? Why not 200? Why not 1000?

I don't think this is related to our diets. I believe the answer to that lies somewhere a few ten thousand years ago with higher tier humans mixing with lower tier humans leading to degradation.

Seeker 2016-03-25 12:07:37 No.1794 >>1811


Yet with magic we've been able to surpass heaps of mundane limitations of their narrow view of reality.

I don't see why lifespan isn't just another parameter we can tweak as far as our ability development allows us.

Seeker 2016-03-26 03:23:56 No.1811 >>1814


>I don't see why lifespan isn't just another parameter we can tweak as far as our ability development allows us.

You are correct, but another consideration to be made regarding longevity is dis-ease and it's tendency to put a damper on that; one must have an understanding its cause(s) and other contributing factors.


>I don't think this is related to our diets.

If you do something, such as consume a thing which poisons you or otherwise leads to/causes degeneration of your body you'll be having to work extra magic to heal/restore/counter act that.

Now you certainly could do magic to integrate what ever it is, but then again, it's still not the path of least resistance and you're expending extra time and/or loosh.

Seeker 2016-03-26 12:20:48 No.1814 >>2111


>one must have an understanding its cause(s) and other contributing factors

Apart from diseases that are caused by dis-balances in the energy body which are easily fixed by a trained wizard, physical trauma to the bodily organs and karmic caused diseases, what else is there?

I feel like everything is within my grasp with the exception of karma transference as I can't find or figure out a technique for that. Although I don't suppose there is a way to push one's karma onto an unwilling subject, I'd like to know a way to take up that karma of another to lighten their burden.

Seeker 2016-03-27 04:22:51 No.1869


I actually meant to say this >>1713 post in reply to >>1464 not to >>1509 (whoops)

Seeker 2016-03-29 00:10:26 No.1996 >>2099

Do you gazers see any movement when staring at the sun? This is directly related to "seeing static" as posted about in the first question thread.

Seeker 2016-04-01 23:32:40 No.2099 >>2101


>Do you gazers see any movement when staring at the sun?

Movement of the sun? No. The rest of the world is fine and normal/static. Barring the fey I mentioned and the occasional bug nothing else moves.

Seeker 2016-04-02 00:35:41 No.2101 >>2110 >>2108


Fey? Only 1 result found and I don't recall something like that posted. I am not talking about a sun dot.

What I saw the other day was some unusual movement in the static, some wave/line like oscillations around the sun.

It would be very hard to draw.

A shame I cannot test this more.

The sun has not come out for a few days now.

I found out something on this static. It is called visual snow.

From wikipedia

>Little is known about this rare condition, and it has conventionally been regarded as a variant of migraine aura—though recent research shows this is not the case. Visual snow is now regarded as a unique syndrome—usually presenting with other symptoms, such as persistent afterimages, photophobia, enhanced blue field entoptic phenomenon and tinnitus.[1]

The article is very lacking but does seem to be refering to the static. Other articles I found seem to have the same info.

I will also post this in the question thread in reply to the static questions there.

Pic related is probably as close as you can get to illustrating it with an image.

Seeker 2016-04-02 02:09:59 No.2108 >>2114


I see it too, dude. there are sometimes just straight line rays coming from the sun, then sometimes sort of pulsing circular ones.. like you said, pretty hard to describe, but I think I know what you mean

the sun itself might starts to sort of waver too.. but that happens to everything I stare at long enough

and I think fey is faeries or s/th

Seeker 2016-04-02 02:12:15 No.2110


also, I have the static and all those other symptoms, which imo are connected with /fringe/ stuff, as they seem to increase in intensity when my vibration increases

!/49HvHXCOk 2016-04-02 02:37:02 No.2111


Unless you're in a perfect place I'd not recommended that at all. Pretty sure I've done it to some degree. Reiki/energy them with the intent of taking it, shining light into dark, take a cursed item and sever the bonds. Ive done those to a degree and probably suffered for.it

Seeker 2016-04-02 04:01:33 No.2114 >>2129 >>2123


I did not mention pulsing circular motions but I had the idea of typing it, in the end I did not.

It seems that we are both seeing the same thing.

Do you also have tinnitus almost all the time? I am thinking "tinnitus" is an audible form of the static.

Seeker 2016-04-02 09:39:21 No.2117 >>2121

Some questions for anybody who has gone through this process:

>How much muscle will be lost during the dry fast of the 21 day method?

>Is there ever a situation where you've forgotten about having a will to survive? I heard that you need this constantly.

>Is it recommended to avoid sungazing so you do not rely on the sun for prana?

>Is there any hard proof on living on a 7 day dry fast? I'm not very skeptical but I also don't want to die. This seems like a big risk to take.

I'm reading "A Year Without Food" by Ray Maor right now and he talks about his experiences, but I'm not sure how much I can trust him and he also had a guide and a safe nature resort. I have neither.

Seeker 2016-04-02 14:20:01 No.2121


>but I'm not sure how much I can trust him

I was reading his book untill he said something about growing up in isreal. Never trust one of the tribe.

His info may be good but still do not trust.

It is funny how many of them are putting out info on this subject and that alone makes me suspicious.

Seeker 2016-04-02 14:42:36 No.2123


yes, I have subtle tinnitus all the time (starts to seem pretty loud in silence, just like the static gets more intense in darkness). I've never made that connection between the two before, but it seems pretty reasonable now that I think about it

sometimes it will come in really loud in one ear which is usually accompanied by a strange feeling, sort of like I'm dreaming or something. I don't know how to describe it exactly, it's sort of like the same "genre" of feeling as deja vu, that sort of eerie, sudden twilight zone vibe, but not that

!/49HvHXCOk 2016-04-02 18:51:20 No.2129


I'm the guy who mentioned static/crystal children in the other thread.

I do have tinnitus like constantly, though I usually ignore it enough for it not to be noticeable.

Seeker 2016-05-02 13:46:48 No.2569 >>2572

3rd day on fruits and nuts with some vegetable for easier transitioning.

I noticed that a lack of water will cause head-aches while a lack of food causes balance problems and cold extremities.

I haven't incorporated meditation or sungazing for energy yet.

Also I wonder about the light-headedness being a sign for lack of food/water or natural occurrence for this diet - it vanishes after eating but that might be the food numbing down the mind or something).

My smell and taste capabilities have increased. I used to stuff my belly with food without paying special attention to the food, but now I can taste the different spices. I smell freshly cooked food from a greater distance now - almost feel like an animal now.

Fun fact:

I remember one of my army instructors who told us to use water sparingly by keeping it in the mouth instead of gulping it down.

I'm not sure whether he was aware of prana but he also ate less than all the other soldiers around while being the most physically fit of them all. I guess his intense physical activity just made him more aware of his body's needs.

From this I derive that physical activity or workout should be incorporated in the daily routine.

Sitting around for extended periods of time makes it easy to miss the lack of energy - at least that's the case for me.

Seeker 2016-05-03 05:25:40 No.2570

Ray Maor is holding several "retreats" for his 10 day process technique. I found the information on his site:


Thoughts on this?

Seeker 2016-05-03 11:31:22 No.2572 >>2573 >>2577 >>2601


Right after posting this I went for a run in the hills.

It was hell. I had a serious lack of energy. Didn't eat that much tbh but it was surprising how bad my physical performance was.

Prana from fresh air my ass. Physical activity needs some energy preparation, either from food or serious energy work.

I'm a bit disillusioned now.

Sure, sitting on your ass all day requires only a few fruits per day, but moving in the physical plane is tough. Life is suffering

Seeker 2016-05-03 13:39:44 No.2573


eat many fruits

Seeker 2016-05-04 11:37:17 No.2577


> I had a serious lack of energy

That's because you need carbs to sustain exercises.

>I'm a bit disillusioned now.

That's because breatharianism is bullshit.

>moving in the physical plane is tough.

You need physical energy to do physical things. Have a decent diet, and that will make you feel better.

>Life is suffering

Only if you make it so. It is certainly not fair, but if are smart don't procrastinate too much you can build a good life.

(Please let this thread vanish into the depths of thelast pages please)

Seeker 2016-05-04 16:37:21 No.2579

Remember, just ignore trolls. Don't reply.

Seeker 2016-05-07 19:55:13 No.2601


dry fasting and going bushwacking/mountain climbing in the woods outside of town for days at a time has been no trouble at all for me, no lack of energy, and no hunger

though I do have considerable stamina from cardio training, moving through a thick forest is very hard on the body so my less used muscles hurt but the bigger ones keep up the same level of performance throughout

you will find that bursts of activity require bursts of energy and that slower activities use energy more gradually and smoothly which makes it easier to recover and sustain for a long time

it might be worth knowing that my goal was not to avoid eating while doing activities but rather to do something and the not eating was incidental

Seeker 2016-05-08 04:38:16 No.2609

The OP illustration is correct but you're all doing it the wrong way around.

If you are strongly awakened, you will feel the need to eat very little, and heavy foods will make you feel awful. You will eat less and derive more energy from it.

Trying to awaken yourself by not eating will just make you hungry and tired for no benefit. Fasting has its place, but not long-term.

Seeker 2016-08-29 17:43:54 No.6208 >>6209

Question: The guide in the OP says you should drop all cooked food before dropping nuts. Are there actually any nuts that can be eaten raw? As far as I know they all have to be cooked to be eaten. Most of the time when you see "raw" nuts they are just very lightly roasted. Some, like cashews, are actually poisonous when raw. Thoughts on this?

Seeker 2016-08-29 18:04:48 No.6209 >>6210 >>6211 >>6213


Peanuts and cashews are poison.

Pistachios and soaked almonds are the only viable mainstream nuts. Macadamia are better than almonds but expensive as shit.

Seeker 2016-08-29 18:08:54 No.6210


Are roasted pistachios fine or can they be obtained raw?

Seeker 2016-08-29 18:14:22 No.6211


Also, walnuts?

Seeker 2016-08-29 18:49:19 No.6213


And, while I'm on a roll, are supplements of all kind pettyr much useless? Are there other fruits/vegetables to avoid? Many thanks.

Seeker 2016-08-30 02:28:47 No.6240 >>6373

It's really strange.

I find that I feel bad when I eat meat and my vibration is lowered, I get an ache above my third eye and feel really lethargic.

But I just fucking love the taste of beef and chicken so much. The combination of the fats and the proteins melting in my mouth is pure ecstasy, fruit just can't compare.

>tfw you realize you are an addict

Seeker 2016-08-31 10:41:23 No.6373 >>9576


Is your meat clean? Is it organic and was the animal fed its natural diet? If it was you wouldn't have problems after eating it. You could even eat it raw. Raw organic grass fed beef is heavenly. The fats are actually healthy because it's not storing things that made the animal sick.

Seeker 2016-10-04 22:23:49 No.8332 >>8437

I've been considering the nature of inedia and nutrition. Wall of text coming

The average modern diet consists of mainly solid material, devoid of prana through the various processes such as heating, irradiation, chemical adulteration. It also contains heavy amounts of toxins, chemicals, hormones, and various poisons, especially in so called developed countries (USA drinking water contains chemicals that are all extremely toxic). This diet results in a lack of vitamin and mineral saturation in the body, and usually also leads to calcification of the bones and certain organs such as the pineal gland due to the calcium added to food and drinking water which is actually poisonous to the body.

Nutritional 'scientists' claim that calories are necessary to survival, that large amounts of solid matter must be digested in order to survive. However the digestive system actually expends large amounts of energy in expelling this matter, the kidneys and liver are taxed by the large amounts of unwanted material and the small amounts of nutrition in the food are trivial. In response to this nutritionists devised 'vitamin' pills, which actually contain toxic materials that must be sublimated by the kidneys and expelled and cause damage to both the liver, kidneys, and digestive system. The calcium in these pills calcifies the bones and pineal gland, and the various inorganic salts disrupt hormones and displace nutrients from the body.

In actuality I do not believe the human body needs 'calories', solid matter, in fact solid matter taxes the organs and creates stress and oxidation in the body. Starvation is not caused by a lack of solid matter, calories, it is rather caused by the lack of vitamins, minerals, and prana.

As far as I can tell there are only three basic requirements the human body needs to operate.




Vitamins are not sufficiently saturated in the average person due to poor diet. Minerals are not supplied to the average person due to modern agricultural practices and the leaching of minerals from the soils. Prana is not sufficiently supplied due to the lack of awareness on the matter and prevalent disinfo spread by well-meaning ignorants and those who use ignorance to control.

The most basic approach to inedia would in my opinion be to remove the toxins from the body, saturate the body with vitamins, and resume sufficient mineral intake. There are various ideas on the cleansing of toxins and heavy metals from the body, I don't feel the need to go into that since the information is available, but it would be wise to clean the body of toxins as much as possible. If the body is free of toxins and the blood is clean, and inorganic salts (such as sea salt) are not consumed the urine is clean and contains only excess vitamins and minerals that the body cannot currently use. By consuming the clean urine continuously the body will reach equilibrium, nothing will be wasted. Vitamins should be consumed from fruit sources as possible. The minerals and vitamins that are usually most deficient are sulfur, vitamin c, iodine, and magnesium.

Magnesium can be increased by the juice of spinach or chard. Iodine can be increased by using kelp powder, about 1g a day taken over the course of the day. Sulfur should be taken using USA sourced MSM and increased to 10-30g per day, preferably with a fruit based vitamin c source such as acerola powder or citrus juice at 1-5g of vitamin c to increase absorption of both. There are of course other vitamins and minerals but these can by and far be obtained from fruit juices.

Then there are the so called fulvic or humic acids. I believe these to be a fundamental building block of all organic creatures on earth. In my opinion the best form is shilajit, but it must be legitimate shilajit which is a resinous and tarry substance that completely dissolves in water leaving no residues and has a slightly bitter taste which is not entirely unpleasant (though it may take getting used to). Note that shilajit can create toxic compounds if dissolved in chlorinated water so pure water must be used. Even if you have already become an inediac, if you still drink water shilajit is definitely beneficial to use.

Lastly the most important, sunlight and prana absorption. Current health fads have made many people in the west afraid of sunlight, many even use SPF lotions containing toxic compounds to 'avoid skin cancer'. You should actually get as much direct sunlight as possible and preferably sungaze also. Of course if you are pale you should gradually increase sun exposure, but once a sufficient tan is acquired you should aim for at least 4 hours a day of sunlight. By prana absorption I mean energy work which >>108 is a good enough resource. As principle inedia can be dangerous without some form of energy work or prana from the sun, the body needs sufficient energy to survive.

Seeker 2016-10-05 19:11:57 No.8383 >>8405

It amazes me everytime how this subject separates the bullshitters from the legitimate teachers.

Seeker 2016-10-05 22:41:19 No.8405 >>8406


In that the bullshitters turn away?

Seeker 2016-10-05 22:52:42 No.8406


Food culture is so deeply ingrained in the consciousness it agonizes them whenever they're being confronted with

the proper 'diet' or its approximation.

Seeker 2016-10-06 17:23:55 No.8437 >>8474


The body is a factory. It creates all the vitamins, minerals and metals it needs from prana, if the body is pure enough to not be blocked in those respective areas.

In order to become a breathariian, you must seize intake of all foods and water for a 6 day period in order to trigger the body to receive pranic energy. That is the fastest way to do it unless you want to spend 10 years shifting from normal diet to vegetarianism to veganism to juicetarianism to water drinking to nothing. After the 6 day dryfast, the body is ready to come off the high calorie diet and you can immediately go to drink diluted juices and pure water.

When the body is getting rid of mucus and excess fat, the mouth will have a constant bad breath every day and it's hard to get rid of the bad breath without using chemicals that affects the body because the mouth can absorb liquids into the bloodstream.

From my research and understanding, the only reason the body needs vitamins and minerals is because it's an elaborate game of rock, paper & scissors that the body has to play with the food we eat. Vitamin C is needed to combat calcium, Vitamin K is needed to combat Chloride compounds, Vitamin B deals with sugar and fat.

If you remove minerals, toxins and sugar and drink diluted juice you lower your calorie intake to 500 kcal per day, your body will stop craving vitamins and minerals because the sugar in the juice is so direct, the water in the dilution will keep you hydrated while the body burns the fat (which creates sugar, water and mucus). Eventually you will feel when it's right to stop the juice intake and you can go over to drinking only pure water and only to drink when you feel dehydrated.

It is also required of the breathairian initiate to know how to meditate, do energy work and also play with the pranic energy and the chakras prior to starting the breathairian lifestyle.

To not do the 6 day dryfast and eating little food is to starve yourself. To do the 6 day dryfast and eat little food, is to starve yourself. The last stage of breathairinism can only be fulfilled on a very low calorie liquid diet.

A final note:

Starvation and hunger are two different things. Starvation is when your body takes damage because of lack of energy and too much poisoning. The body takes damage every year that we persist in eating and eventually it has it's toll with diseases, brittle bones and aging. Eating minerals and metals is a slow type of poisoning that affects the body long term, much like mercury poisoning affecting the body over a long period of time as well.

Hunger is the feeling we feel when the stomach organ shrinks in size, not starvation. Just because our stomach shrinks is not the same as starvation. You can test this by eating a pizza every evening. You'll survive a long time eating only one pizza every day, but the stomach will grow and shrink in size and the illusion of hunger will trick you into thinking that you are starving, but the energy measured in a pizza is greater than the average energy consumption per day of the body.

Hunger is the best spice. But this leads to a dependence of food and you will always associate a shrinking stomach with the need to eat, and the need to eat is associated with starvation. That is one of the reasons Buddhist Monks eat only one meal per day in the noon and drink tea in the afternoon. They are learning to de-associate hunger from starvation.

Seeker 2016-10-07 19:42:36 No.8474 >>8495


I am assuming you have done this, please correct me if this is wrong.

What is your experience with eating food again after going through this process? Is it easy to switch back and forth or more of the same exacting process?

Could you list some of your sources regarding vitamins as rock, paper, scissors-style tools? Very interesting.

Do you recommend any preparatory fasts before a 6-day water fast? any other factors?

Thank you for the information!

Seeker 2016-10-08 12:00:48 No.8495 >>8499 >>8503


I've done it 6 days the first time and 5 days a second time. My body changed, my energy levels changed. Some days I slept only 4 hours on a night and woke up energized.

You can always start eating again after fasting but the older you are the more dangerous it is. Food is essentially an infection that you do on the body, gaining the attention of white blood cells when cooked food enters the stomach.

Next time you are having a cold or fever, seize eating all foods. You will notice that the symptoms of the cold will lighten, your nose runs less and your throat feels better.

This is because food needs white blood cells in order to break down in the stomach. The body can only handle one infection well at any time. Plus, all dead foods create mucus, which will run from every pore on your body available.

If you read about vitamins on Wikipedia you can easily see the pattern.

A: Keeps tissues and skin healthy (A non-problem if you don't eat)

B1: Convert food into energy

B2: Convert food into energy

B3: Convert food into energy

B5: Convert food into energy + make fats

B6: Regulates sleep (Sungazing and non-eating people doesn't need this)

B12: Breaks down fat

C: Antioxidant, neutralizes chlorine compounds

D: Maintains calcium and phosphorus in blood

E: Same as C

K: Fixes protein and calcium issues

You can plot it out on a graphical chart and draw lines like pic related. The only reason we have a need for vitamins is because we eat foods that requires vitamins to break it down into parts that we can digest. Eating only one type of food that requires another vitamin to break it down leads to Scurvy like symptoms for bones, teeth, skin and brain. While if you turn it around and only eat vegetables and fruit without any additives, the body will detox from the old diets. Problems occur when you try to go back into fast food diets after detoxing, as the body lacks proper vitamins and minerals to break down the chemical soup of additives those foods brings.

I recommend you watch Straubinger's documentary on the topic:


Then you can read Jasmuheen's book:


Remember to do the initiation to breathairianism for the right reasons. The economical benefit of not eating food is a side effect, not the main attraction.

Seeker 2016-10-08 16:02:28 No.8499 >>8503 >>8507


I'll definitely check out those resources.

>Remember to do the initiation to breathairianism for the right reasons. The economical benefit of not eating food is a side effect, not the main attraction.

Yeah, the main attraction is energy levels, reduced need for sleep, and the fact that it is a more optimal state overall.

I understand what you mean when you say that it is more dangerous to re-introduce food the older you get but I suspect that this practice combined with energetic techniques, sungazing, looping, and maybe physical yogas could heal the body to a point that actual age becomes irrelevant. That's all speculation on my part though.

Seeker 2016-10-08 18:03:18 No.8503



Also, what did you use to juice your fruit?

And have you had lasting effects from this?

Sorry for the double post.

Seeker 2016-10-08 20:21:34 No.8507


Your main attraction should be to reverse the original sin of eating the apple in the garden of Eden. Realize that man was made to live in harmony with nature and not be a cancer on Earth. The state of breatharianism is the normal, non-degenerate state of being. By forcing humans to eat food you are forever dooming them to die and live as slaves. The food also creates lust and negative emotions and will have children of all ages trapped in becoming mindless slaves like their parents for long periods of time.

When you have succeeded in converting into a pranic being, all things like: age, health and disease will be a thing of the past.

Life is a riddle, solve it or die.

Seeker 2016-10-09 01:07:59 No.8519 >>8521

Started the 21 day process today.

I'm pretty sure it won't kill me, probably.

Seeker 2016-10-09 02:23:06 No.8521 >>8522


Why not the 7 day process?

Seeker 2016-10-09 02:32:33 No.8522 >>8525


From what I read the 7 day process is no food and no water followed by drinking water again and/or diluted fruit juices.


I was planning to dry fast for 7 days and then drink water after that.

Seeker 2016-10-09 03:06:31 No.8525 >>8526


Yes, that's what it is. Sounds like the 21 day process includes the recovery process. The day who made the 7 day process went through the 21 day one though, so it's weird that he would name it differently.

Also, you better have someone checking in on you.

Seeker 2016-10-09 03:20:26 No.8526 >>8528 >>8538 >>8597


Yeah I have people checking in on me.

It's normal to feel like shit during the process and have a slight fever right?

Seeker 2016-10-09 03:36:49 No.8528


Haven't done it yet. I wouldn't do it if you feel sick before the harder parts begin (day 4). If you feel like shit and have a fever from a day of dry fasting, I would back off and practice more.

Seeker 2016-10-09 11:07:13 No.8538 >>8569


>not your blog

If you need help you could have reached someone on the chat and ask for a guide in the process. There's at least 2 people there that can help you.

If you are having trouble astral projecting, you will have trouble visualizing what needs to be done. Nonetheless, if you do the fast it will benefit you long time. You can always do it again.

Seeker 2016-10-10 02:50:00 No.8569


I was just interested if anyone had done the process and had good advice, no need to be a bitch Mossa.

Seeker 2016-10-10 19:14:48 No.8597


It's normal to, during the process of detoxing, to feel quite bad, however after you start to release things from your body, which may be hours or days (many factors), you will start to feel better.

And what ever you do, for the love of god, don't binge eat, even if it's fruits or juice. It's forcing your body back into a more toxic state all of a sudden and the shock of such can be extreme.

Seeker 2016-10-17 16:14:15 No.8956 >>8961


>you'll cowards don't even smoke crack

Why don't you go fuel your ego and looshfarm elsewhere, begone vile snake.

Seeker 2016-10-17 16:32:22 No.8960 >>8961


Begone demon

Seeker 2016-10-17 17:27:36 No.8961



You're not wrong. At least in cases where the person in question is healthy enough to go that fast. Not just physically healthy but also emotionally and mentally. Pointing out that fear holds us back can be useful but some will definitely act defensively.



Fighting fire with fire?

Calling someone a vile snake and a demon is also a form of loosh farming.

Seeker 2016-10-17 20:19:24 No.8997

I imagine breatharianism is very frightening to anyone with social control.

Without the need to eat or drink men can only be controlled through overt violence, such a thing threatens the very nature of society.

Seeker 2016-10-17 21:23:22 No.8999 >>9002


I'm waiting for a breatharian to go on a 24/7 livestream for a few months. I know /fringe/ doesn't like mixing science and the occult, but from what we've observed, I can't make a hypothesis on how a human would be able to turn sunlight into energy. Since there haven't been any intensely recorded breatharians, I can't buy into it.

If you can actually dry fast for 3 weeks, livesteaming this in a scientific way would make you famous and probably give you the potential to make some serious money.

Seeker 2016-10-17 21:44:13 No.9002 >>9011


You realize a prime rule of hermeticism is secrecy right?

Can't speak for everyone who uses /fringe/ but I don't give a fuck if you mundanes don't "believe it's possible".

Let me let you in on a secret, modern "science" is to Philosophical Science what African hoodoo is to science. Most people don't even know the human brain needs iridium to work properly.

Seeker 2016-10-18 01:42:52 No.9011 >>9013 >>9012


Truth doesn't fear investigation. I agree that living on light is a secret since nobody has been able to do it yet. Those that claimed to have been able to do it have been proven wrong or did what they did in an unscientific way.

Modern science is shit, but it doesn't mean it's all trash. Right now it has a very good idea on how cells work but I'll be the first to admit that science does not know how to make them work to their maximum potential. What I'll say on nutrition that is occult is that modern scientists are so focused on the base components of what we eat, proteins, carbs, fats, that we don't examine other qualities that food items have and what kind of impact those qualities have on our health. The easiest and most attractive to /fringe/ is their bio electric field. Naturally grown items have different electric fields than things that are made in factory farms. I would then assume that eating factory farmed items would affect the bio electric fields of ones cells which then affect the bio electric fields of oneself.

Assume that ones bio electric field is related to, or is, ones "aura" or ones ability to do magic, and you have a theory to work towards. I really don't like the word, but breatharianism is LARPing until more information is known on what the process is. I'm not saying it's impossible, but it may as well be with our limited knowledge.

Seeker 2016-10-18 01:43:26 No.9012


Nobody publicly at least.

Seeker 2016-10-18 02:05:10 No.9013 >>9014


See you make a fundamentally incorrect assumption. Nobody cares whether you believe it is possible or not, believe it or not it doesn't matter to people what you think. I doubt you believe in siddhis such as levitation and translocation too since living on light is much more grounded in scientific thought than those.

Seeker 2016-10-18 02:36:32 No.9014


My incorrect assumption is that I don't believe something because I haven't observed it? I never said that breatharianism is impossible but rather it's still a secret, one that would found through changing one's composition, aka genetic engineering. As of right now the breatharianism community is full of gurus and charlatans who profit of off people who don't have enough scrutiny.

Seeker 2016-10-18 03:07:33 No.9015 >>9050

For those without knowledge I will supply this information.

Air - oxygen, the bones and blood

Earth - minerals/metals, the bones and blood

Water - water/vitamins, the muscular tissue, the skin

Fire - heat/electricity, the fat

Akasha - prana, the cranial and nervous tissue

It is through the combination of the elements that the magnetic and electric fields of the human are formed and their interaction precipitates all action.

You have been taught that humans create a negative energy state, that by nature they expend more energy than is available, however this is untrue. The Sun, Sol, shines light which is known as a radiation. This light contains both fire and akasha. Through the interaction of the fire from the sun and the water of the skin and eyes energy is absorbed.

The digestive system is a complex system of organs designed to eliminate waste and toxins. Vitamins aid the body is the elimination of wastes and toxins when found in the proportion and ratios naturally seen in those of raw milk, meats, and most fruit and vegetables. Foods which are processed do not have the correct ratios and often have too little of the water principle and too much of the earth/fire principles, this causes imbalance in the system and a build up of unpure toxins within the body. Foods are also imbued with thoughtforms, whether from the plant/animal they came from or the production process they followed, the employees who helped create them and those who stocked them in the market, the processing strips these foods of most of their prana. Berries and vegetables found in nature are the highest in prana and contain only neutral thoughtforms from the plants themselves which bore them, second to this in health is that of organically grown berries found in conventional markets, though they may have residual thoughtforms these can be cleansed and the prana content while not as high is suitable for food that is to be consumed.

Vitamins are not necessary to human health, they are necessary to remove egregious wastes from the digestive.

However metals and minerals, the earth principle, are fundamental to the composition of a human, a great many of them that the general consensus has no understanding. The scientific consensus sees the importance of metals and minerals such as iron, calcium, potassium, sodium, etc.

However most do not realize that gold, copper, platinum, iridium, rhodium, silver are all critically needed by living beings. Deficiency in these metals is very common, yet relatively unknown, they are required for the body to function properly. The body attempts to reach and maintain a perfect equilibrium of earth, water, air, and fire. With enough metals and minerals supplied to the body, enough oxygen supplied to the body, enough water supplied to the body, a sufficient amount of tissue and fat above equilibrium, and sunlight and prana absorbed through the mental body it will if maintained properly seek equilibrium and reach a state where nothing is required to maintain this equilibrium but breath, sunlight, and prana, and in extreme cases only prana. I don't feel the need to explain the mechanism and function of the mental and spirit bodies as this is covered in IIH and elsewhere, it should be knowledge to anyone on /fringe/.

If you actually read IIH all of this would be self evident through basic observation of the world and material processes. These words will fall deaf upon the ears of those without understanding.

Seeker 2016-10-19 00:33:07 No.9050 >>9061 >>9052


Hi Mossa.

Seeker 2016-10-19 00:56:45 No.9052


>he thinks I'm Mossa

Do I even write like Mossa? I'm fairly sure he lives in a different country than I and also is a different age.

Seeker 2016-10-19 04:21:10 No.9061 >>9332


That's why I tripfag. That's why I should have kept tripfagging.

But no, lets play the pronoun game.

Hey Turk.

Seeker 2016-10-24 20:13:54 No.9332



Seeker 2016-10-31 01:55:59 No.9569

My experience from going on a fruit based eating has taught me the following things

>don't eat only sweet fruits

>balance the 6 flavors

>seriously don't eat only overly sweet fruits it will make you feel lethargic and like shit

You can consume all of the 6 ayuverdic tastes from fruits, peppers are a fruit. If you balance the tastes with salt water, peppers, sour fruits like green grapes, olives, cranberries, you will get along much better eating fruit.

Eating overly sweet fruits too much actually made me feel much worse than not eating at all, it fucks your energy right up.

Seeker 2016-10-31 04:44:17 No.9576 >>9579


Not him but I've had some raw beef lately. It wasn't organic, but it was fresh tasting. Well-done to me is not energetic and harder to chew, which led me going rarer and rarer.

Seeker 2016-10-31 08:47:55 No.9579 >>9589


Raw organs are energetically the best part of the animal.

If you can get ahold of raw fresh calf/deer/grazing animal brain (it has to be less than 6 hours old brain does not stay fresh, you need a slaughterhouse or hunt) and eat the brain it actually imparts amazing benefits due to both the energy and the vital metals held within brains that are depleted in modern agriculture and livestock.

Seeker 2016-10-31 16:27:18 No.9589 >>9624


I've never had brain before. I looked up eating brain and was surprised to see that it's actually pretty common in many countries.

Seeker 2016-11-01 07:20:32 No.9624 >>9633


The most beneficial food for humans is that which resonates closest to their own form and essence.

For instance watermelon is mostly water in a crystalline structure and is basically water that has been highly energized and infused with the taste of the flesh around it.


>citrus fruits (grapefruit, oranges, tangerines)

>prunus (apricots, plums)

>grapes (especially concord due to the deep root structure which absorbs trace minerals such as iridium)

>peppers (hot and non-hot varieties)

>SOME berries

What's really important to the body is the energetically and mineral infused water contained within the fruits. Some fruits I think are too dense, like domesticated strawberries for some reason fail to be good for the body while wild are fine.

Seeker 2016-11-01 14:51:35 No.9633


Cold fruit is so refreshing after waking up. Most of those can grow where I live. Local grapefruit is very good.

Seeker 2016-11-08 12:49:04 No.9827 >>9830 >>9860

what would be the point to this if you hate sunlight and want to die as soon as possible?

Seeker 2016-11-08 15:40:24 No.9830 >>9851


Apart from longevity I think there is a multitude of benefits coming from being able to not need food to sustain yourself.

Also, if you learn to sustain your body on energy only, it is safe to assume that your proficiency in directing energy and magic would be great too.

So yeah, more power and ability is always good, even if you hate this existence.

Seeker 2016-11-09 07:28:55 No.9851 >>9855 >>9860 >>9862


I rarely move from my bed to do anything apart from shitposting in 4chad, eating/taking my meds, cutting myself and going to the toilet.

The interesting thing is I don't eat because I'm hungry is more of OCD anxiety thing, I actually feel closer to the void when there isn't anyone around and I don't eat anything except for maybe a cup of water or some variety of tea.

Seeker 2016-11-09 15:09:23 No.9855 >>9862


What meds are you taking? If they are SSRI's or anti-psychotics you should taper and then get off them. Bad shit, does not jive with energy work. Take up meditation.

Seeker 2016-11-09 18:11:03 No.9858 >>9862

What's your opinion on honey, my fellow lads?

I went cold turkey into the fruits and nuts level again because fuck it and honey is helping me out a lot.

Seeker 2016-11-09 18:21:58 No.9860 >>9862



All suffering stems from ignoring your higher self bro.

Don't kid yourself, your higher self might place very high demands upon you that seem like a real struggle but the alternative is pointless suffering like you are doing right now.

Also stop the 4shit timewaste. It's full of distractions and shills

Seeker 2016-11-09 19:44:42 No.9862 >>9865


If you survive this then you will become one tough motherfucker :^)

Sometimes getting really deep into the darkness and perceiving the emptiness inherent in everything is a blessing in disguise.

It may sound strange, but research and practice Buddhist Death Meditation, it really helps sometimes.

FWIW I really hope you find the strength inside sweetie.


Second that, SSRI are shit and benzos make holes in your head the size of watermelons. The only med I really didn't mind taking was mirtazapine.

But don't try to go off your meds cold turkey, and actually don't get off meds before you get at least somewhat proficient in meditation and controlling your emotions, else it may end badly.


I absolutely love honey.


>pointless suffering

Well, pleasure is as much pointless as anything else too. There is no inherent point in anything.

Seeker 2016-11-09 20:34:46 No.9865 >>9869


>pleasure is as much pointless

Yeah well, pointless as in "not contributing productively to the path".

Seeker 2016-11-09 22:12:18 No.9869


If you define "having a point" as in "contributing to the path" then anything can be pointless or have a point as pretty much everything can be either detrimental, neutral or advantageous for your progress on "the path". For me suffering for example wasn't pointless at all as it helped me greatly with the whole occult thing ;^)

Someone can define the point of life in some other way. What I mean is these are all man-made distinctions and we are pretty much arguing semantics here.

Seeker 2016-11-29 03:55:31 No.10448

>go fruitarian

>eat only fruit for a few months

>feel full of energy and light as fuck

>week and a half ago decide to eat pickles because I figure it can't hurt

>spiral back into a mundane diet


Seeker 2016-11-30 00:48:13 No.10504


Look at the HIDDEN meaning.

leftmost: has food, noms away happily.

in-left: has food but gives jelly looks for leftmost's tasty stuff. he could buy them himself if he stole that silver spoon!

middle: at least i have this apple i got from a tree. i'll pray for food so that i might not starve to death:

right-in: if i pray hard enough to kami-sama this glass of water will turn into a Happy Meal!

right: pic related

Seeker 2017-01-12 12:27:24 No.12132 >>12133

What about moonlight?

Seeker 2017-01-12 14:28:01 No.12133


It's called moongazing.