> cranial deformation is a well-known and well-documented practice in the ancient world
Yes, and they could have been emulating someone. Humans have three plates in their skull. It is claimed that some elongated skulls have only one such fusion, hence being due to at least a genetic deformity (or maximally a different [sub]species), rather than merely headbinding.
> 5 videos; 5 debunked
Not so fast on this one. Head binding does not change the volume of the resultant skull shape, it's squeezed and formed into a shape. Archaeologists uncovered pattern of conical skulls with larger overall volume. Point being that if those skulls shapes were due to head binding, and they were left unbound then they would still be significantly larger in volume than the human norm – enough so to be classified at the least as sub species.
So, consider that there may be two types of conical skulls, the one rooted in a genetic dissimilarity, and head binding done to emulate their appearance.
Also, "peer reviewed" doesn't mean shit today because scientific journals are censored by ideologues, even 60minutes did a segment on ideological feminism suppressing the science of gender differences.
So, the fact that you find nothing from the propaganda laden censor happy establishment sources does not mean the information isn't true or does not exist. Don't rely on your enemies to tell you the truth. The way occult knowledge stays occulted (hidden) is by suppressing its spread by a myriad of means.
Humanity may not be billions of years old, but civilization surely existed long before the "accepted" archaeological establishment says as only being 5000 years old, as demonstrated by new findings such as Gobekli Tepe, or the similarities in large stone building practices around the world similar to those in Egypt (indicating sea faring and trade of at least information was rampant), megalithic structures off the coast of India and Japan indicate civilization being around before the last ice age ended, sinking the ruins.
There are many "respected" archaeologists in Egypt so why isn't the truth known? It erodes Egypt's claim to their land. Egyptology scholars will lose their jobs if they admit that ancestors of modern Egyptians did not erect the great pyramid of Giza as a tomb in the ridiculous 20 year span.
Good luck debunking this one, even the BBC is being forced to acknowledge the accepted history of Egypt blatantly false… King Tut having been found to have European markers in his DNA might have something to do with their renewed revisionism…
Similarly, China suppresses investigation of the over two dozen pyramids dotted about it because it overturns their established narrative that the Chinese people emerged in isolation and invented everything they had themselves. There are also red haired mummies buried in China (European DNA).
And ancient Chinese legend speaks of Sun Gods who ruled them, similar to Egyptian stories… Chinese writing is ideographic, early writing was hieroglyphic like Egypt's… Today Chinese people still believe the dead need items from this world in the afterlife, and they build paper cars, houses, print cash for the dead… similar to Ancient Egyptian burial practices.
Rather than allow archaeologists to scan or dig at pyramids in China, the Chinese pay farmers to grow lumber and other crops atop the pyramid mounds to blur their shape so they can deny their very existence in the near future.
So, here we have two very clear examples of governments officially cocking up a significant portion of the accepted origin story of humanity; And a 3rd example of idealogical censors actively corrupting scientific journals.
Unrelated, but this fits in with other trends, such as the blatant ignorance that light follows the same optical principals in space as it does here on earth. For example, light in space could refract as it passes into a massive hydrogen envelope of a star or galaxy. And indeed, the "Einstein rings" which are given as proof of "gravitational lensing" are all shifted to the blue end of the spectra – like a prism or lens might. However, gravitational lensing should not cause any refraction – it should bend light without shifting its spectra. If you even try to investigate sources of non-cosmological redshift (redshift that is not due to distance, such as in quasars) then you are drummed out of the Astronomy field, denied time on telescopes, have funding canceled, and may have your tenure revoked.
Any bending of light in space that's not due to gravity is ignored, and any spectra shift not due to expansion (such as simple refraction) is completely censored out by the "peer reviewed" establishment academia sources. So, it's asinine to hold peer reviewed works in higher regard than any other researcher, as you've done.
But, as you say:
Indeed. That's not very "scientific", eh? The whole point of Tenure is so that unpopular theories can be explored against the accepted paradigm, but exercising this in practice proves to be difficult if not impossible.
In other words, I think you're at risk of not thinking critically enough. It's blatantly clear that everything, from history to medical research to space research is full of purposeful misdirection and falsehood. It's a waste of time NOT to question our origins and trust "scientific academia" to be the gatekeepers of what is legitimate.
I'm not jumping to conclusions saying humans were created by aliens by manipulating DNA a million years ago, but it's very clear that our origins are unclear and quite different than what you'll read in a school book.
There are structures far older than archeology is letting on.
Heres' a neat channel if you actually care to do some research beyond the mental prison that is academia:
They're having a trip to investigate megaliths themselves, first hand, without the filter of others.
My point is that there really is reason to question the origin of humanity which established sources proselytize.
Take everything with a grain of salt. Some people jump to absurd conclusions in order to shield themselves from attack, remaining a "nutjob". Beware that propagandists also use this method to discredit a field of research. They start with a premise like "NASA is falsifying information" (of course they do http://sli.mg/a/wH1hsr), then jump to "They're hiding little green men on the moon!" Ignore the outlandish claims, and consider each proposition separately. No volume of scientific inquiry will be 100% true. Thus it is folly to disregard the entirety of the evidence presented simply because the hypothesis is wrong. In that case one should filter out the wrong, and keep the good solid evidence, then make one's own determination.
It's not a "huge waste of time", to investigate, there is hidden truth to be found, but let me caution that this very statement is often posted by shills in order to dissuade people from investigating for them selves. They then claim the resource is absurd and provide short and misleading quips to disinform and deflect, focusing on a minute or particular mistake and then saying this discredits the entire body of info. Shills also like to use "argument from authority" fallacies, such as, "peer reviewed experts said this was bullshit" (did you look into who's paying these peer reviewers or consider that the peer review process is outright fucked and corrupt, as evidenced by the fact that MOST scientific papers published by so called peer review process CAN NOT BE REPLICATED: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Replication_crisis – so, value the "experts" above all else at your peril)
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Not saying you're a shill, just that you should try not to act like a forum spy.
Because threads like these attract shills. Anywhere truth is at risk of being uncovered the agents of the powers that be attempt to throw up a smoke screen, and frequently employ those tactics.
All scientists start with the premise that everything they know is wrong – how wrong it is varies. In the case of human history, the mainstream narrative is full of blatant lies, not just accidental untruth.