I'm in the making of some wet ormus now using lye and dead sea sea salt. Lets get some tips and tricks going and people can post their ratio recipes, chemicals and more.
Necessary disclaimer:
Chemicals are bad to ingest, inhale and touch. If you fail to take precautions when using dangerous chemicals, you aid in the statistics for natural selection. Also the doctor and nurse that will force you to vomit and have raging diarrhea will hate you for wasting their time when other patients need actual help. So do your chemical mixing outside, with clothes, mask, gloves and lab coat and take precaution in chemical rules.
Read safety instructions for each chemical.
Look up mixing of chemicals to get previous experiences from professionals and beginners.
Don't add water to sodium hydroxide. The sudden increase in temperature will cause a violent reaction leading to glass shatters everywhere.
Acids burn your tissue, alkaline compounds like lye water disintegrates tissue. Rinse with water for many minutes even after the point where it doesn't hurt.
That being said:
What is Ormus?
Ormus, often named ORME means (Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Element or M-state element). According to alchemists, Ormus is a mix of precious metals that turn into a powder or misty liquid, which is then edible by humans and can be applied to plants and on wounds for it's effects. There are several different Ormuses in different shape such as wet, dry, white, red which are the result of different alchemical processses one may use. It can be extracted from any living thing, but most common is salts, urine and some plants but also direct extraction from gold and silver.
When tested, M-state powder or liquid have contained:
Cobalt, Nickel, Copper, Ruthenium, Rhodium, Palladium, Silver, Osmium, Iridium, Platinum, Gold and or Mercury.
When ingested the tester reports heightened senses, healing, mood change and boosted spiritual abilities. But it's crucial to know the limits of M-state and it's effect. One to two drops in water per day may boost healing and long term spiritual abilities. One teaspoon or tablespoon may induce a complete shock that is similar to LSD or DMT trips.
The problem however is that fresh Ormus have a lifespan of around 90 days and reaches it's peak effect after 4 weeks of storage. To sell Ormus in bottles past 90 days expiration have little to no effect. There's also no standardized testing agency that tests the quality of Ormus or the lethality of the bottles sold through websites. To make your own is easy but somewhat dangerous, depending on the method. The daring alchemist might learn a thing or two by doing the process self.
The good thing about Ormus however, is that the first batch you make that is still in the strong alkaline solution, may be stored for up to a year. So any Ormus that is rinsed once will start degrading.
That's the basics. Lets rev up some tips and recipes. Also general question thread for Ormus and the such.