>Where do u think shills are the most active right now?
Try /pol/ and /x/.
Or just avoid /pol/, if someone isn't a shill he's a mindless white trash racist, white supremacist or a womenhater. That board is dead.
If you want to see something interesting, try /x/. Start a thread about Sandy Hook (good vid to use: https://youtu.be/IxTafqejV6k ) "moon landing hoax" or "flat earth conspiracy."
If the thread gets a few replies you'll find all sorts of experienced people from different work fields posting and giving a set of standard textbook explanations to whatever isues you bring up.
>I'm an airplane pilot, I've flewn this and this line with proves the earth is round
>I'm in the navy etc
>I'm an engineer constructing railways
>I'm a long distance sniper and I know etc
>I work for NASA
…and so on.
Just like that thread when more than half the posters claimed to be from, or have relatives in, Sandy Hook, which supposedly proved it wasn't fake.
I'm not implying any of these conspiracies are real, but I've observed the shilling in these threads and it makes me wonder why.
>How can I tell them apart from real posters?
This entire post may be bait from a shill, so… just watch what they type. They never get the chan culture right, always expressing opinions which are a bit off from what you're supposed to think here.
It's not that you don't have free speech, but there's a difference between rants, intentional trolling, posting things meant to cause rage or being edgy, and posting things that are plain dumb.
>if someone isn't a shill he's a mindless white trash racist, white supremacist or a womenhater
>This entire post may be bait from a shill
>They never get the chan culture right, always expressing opinions which are a bit off from what you're supposed to think here.
Listen to your own advice shill-kun.
I'm merely pointing out the absurdity of differentiating between "shills" and "real posters" on websites actively shilling for racism, white supremacy, anti-islamism and hate against women.
"Real posters" are all shills themselves, so the label is redundant. It's simply a matter of board culture shills and external shills. With no membership, all you can do is shill for your version of what is the "right opinions" until it's accepted as board specific.
If you mean racism and white supremacy in the classic sense and not this retarded modern PC shit, then yeah, it's juvenile to hate people just because of their race, but considering you think islam is A-Okay I figure you're one of those BLM supporters
>"Real posters" are all shills themselves, so the label is redundant.
Nope not playing this game. Diluting the meaning of shill to make it encompass more isn't gonna work. inb4 the term shill is already diluted and/or that somehow makes it okay. Even if it was that doesn't make your point valid.
>It's simply a matter of board culture shills and external shills. With no membership, all you can do is shill for your version of what is the "right opinions" until it's accepted as board specific.
The scenario you described is how shills take over a board. All you really did in that point is remove the context so that it sounds incidental. You've extracted the meaning of shill, extracted the scenario for how a website community maintains its identity and put them together - somehow that's supposed to make it sound natural. Nice try.
Here's the response you're hoping for:
>Well when you put it that way I guess we're all shills and there's nothing wrong with shilling :^)
That logic is akin to the subjectivism taught at cultural marxist schools. Playing around with words, their meaning, and context is a tactic of a person with no real ground to stand on. My only hope is no one falls for your lies unlike the people who eat this stuff up at colleges.
Is anyone else recognizing what this poster is really saying?
>Is anyone else recognizing what this poster is really saying?
good point, man. Thanks for the heightened awareness
The endless shilling and portraying Satan and his Demons as "muh evil incarnate" is prevalent on nearly any board - even here. Not sure to what extend (((alphabet agencies))) are behind this, but its pretty noticeable.
>if someone isn't a shill he's a mindless white trash racist, white supremacist or a womenhater.
That's a pretty shill-esque statement. /pol/ still mostly just consists of national socialists, that's the foundation – those who talk the loudest (eg. about females) are not the majority or a good representation of the average user. I'd argue that the division they create between both genders is even the work of shills, divide and conquer and make sure that white folk don't breed with other whites, or at all.
You gotta be kidding me. The entire foundation of Islam is spiritual imprisonment, just like its sisters religions. Anyone who doesn't follow the Qur'An as described, eg, not resorting to violence against infidels and whatnot, is not a true muslim. It really is that fucking simple. In a rational society, Islam would be seen as a threat for what it expects its followers to do - its inhuman and works directly for the benefits of (both literal and figurative) inhuman beings.
>he fell for the racism buzzword.
There's nothing wrong with racial segregation. Hating other gentile races is quite pointless, but distinctions and proper follow up laws and systems should be build around it so that BOTH races can flower and bloom at their fullest potential - that is not by racemixing in a big melting pot multicultural marxist shithole, which is currently case for nearly any civilized western country, unsurprisingly shilled for by Jews.
Pic related.
Weird how all the statements addressed are the parts where /pol/ shilling was critized.
/pol/ culture is currently leaking everywhere over the web, just go into youtube and check the comments, it's ironic how obvious they are, always using anime pics, trump posters, the happy merchant etc.
There's another funny thing about it:
White supremacists are actually pro immigration. Take a step back and think about it, the entire slave owner system was based on immigration - black immigration to a white nation.
That's not me twisting words, that's reality.
The abolitionists may just have wanted to enslave everyone, but it doesn't really matter here. They didn't actively support mass immigration of people from an incompatible culture.
Not to mention how the KKK was the extremist wing of the democratic party, much like the tea party is for the republicans today.
Then for the anti-islamism. Why do right wingers fall for this, obvious zionist idea? Hitler himself liked muslims, he called islam "The perfect soldier religion - everyone prays together, fight together, and if they die they all go to paradise."
Wether this is intentional shilling or not doesn't matter, it's shilling just the same.
Someone is spreading these ideas in right wing forums and making the discussion stray from the original national socialism. I'm not a natsoc myself but I kinda like the general view of economy applied in germany during that time. It's not like DDR was all that different, so in my view it's more of a german version of nationalism than any version of socialism.
This is what the shilling is aimed at destroying, and it's pretty cleverly done, doing exactly
>Playing around with words, their meaning, and context
…and who did you point out as responsible for this?
Main diversion is aimed at;
>spreading the american white supremacy thesis in natsoc forums to make them stray from their german roots
>spreading anti-islamism, again to distance the movement from the ideology of the founder
This is turning nationalism into what is now called "alt right", a pro gay, pro israel, anti-muslim movement, based on an ideological grounding (white supremacy) created by the same people who founded the american democratic party - now liberals, feminists, SJWs and propagaters of PC culture.
You want to share table with these people?
Your post is a mess. On top of side-stepping what was aimed at you your sentence-space-sentence format is yet another giveaway. You've fallen into nonsensical rambling that you make Jared Lee Loughner sound reasonable. You somehow tried to frankenstein together white supremacy and pro-immigration with national socialism and then posed it as proof of shilling as if those were in any way connected.
There's inversions of the truth, there's twisting of facts, and then there's whatever you posted.
You are delusional, the majority of the political power pushing ""refugees"" into europe is made up of jews, the western media is controlled by the jews and it is doing everything it can to protect islam, islam is one of the abrahamic religions, it is also a tool for jews
>anyone expressing authentic cultural identity is a shill
>anyone expressing belief systems is a shill
>expressing anything is shilling
No. Shilling is a method of subversion. This implies a foreign entity covertly infiltrating and/or maliciously manipulating another entity and its members. Mostly either to:
- Ultimately assume control (either directly or not) by injecting ideas, concepts, altering accepted norms, corrupting existing notions and concepts, etc.
- Assure destruction.
- Incite its authentic members to a certain, or multitude of, action(s).
That aside, what you said was somewhat disjointed, and some of it is pretty silly:
>white supremacists being pro immigration
The argument you listed for this is bollocks. The Jews were the primary patrons in the slave trade, they dominated most of the mercantile industries from around that time and still do. Like most of the atrocities they committed and were responsible for, they blamed whites and gentiles for. This is just a repeating pattern. The logic you use to describe white supremacists as pro-immigration is inherently flawed in multiple ways. The fact that blacks integrated and thus immigrated as they did is a byproduct - an unintended result - of the failures of slavery - not the main portrayed aim, even if it was by white supremacists. Kitchen knife factories and producers are not "pro-death" because their products get used in homicides - an unintended byproduct as well.
Though I'm with you on the fact that senselessly hating other gentile races is futile. Racial segregation is however vital - its of the essence in the survival in all of our species, and thus souls, as soul and race are inherently bound.
>Hitler and Islam
Hitler pandered to both Christianity and Muslims to ally with as many gentiles as he could. Hitler admired the Muslim warrior spirit, as they are extremely eager to defend their Gods, ready to give up their lives in defense. You can a similar warrior spirit within Imperial Japan and its history - another of Hitler's ally's. In actuality, he knew full well the origins of both Christianity and Islam, those both being Abrahamic religions. Hitler is neither Christian or Muslim. He's a Satanist.
"The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity's illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew. The deliberate lie in the matter of religion was introduced into the world by Christianity. Bolshevism practises a lie of the same nature, when it claims to bring liberty to men, whereas in reality it seeks only to enslave them. In the ancient world, the relations between men and gods were founded on an instinctive respect. It was a world enlightened by the idea of tolerance. Christianity was the first creed in the world to exterminate its adversaries in the name of love. Its key-note is intolerance. Without Christianity, we should not have had Islam."
- Adolf Hitler, Night of 11-12 July 1941.
The thread at hand is about shilling, and to that extend, subversion and disinformation, which is also heavily prevalent in metaphysical circles and portrayed religious systems. Pic definitely related.
>your sentence-space-sentence format
When you can't find real arguments, attack grammar
I think my post did a pretty good job of exposing the objectives of the shills currently ruining the right wing.
The refugee crises or media ownership was never mentioned.
Nice try at associating islam with judaism, as if I cared, I'm not against either. All I did was show how the shills are moving right wing extremism and nationalism away from it's german roots, and into the PC field were it can be easily controlled.
Just take a look at EDL (english defense leage), waving the flag of israel and the gay pride flag next to their own crusader flag. That's your new PC right wing this campaign has created.
I don't have a lot to say, I agree with most of what you wrote. As for Hitler's religious beliefs this could probably be argued endlessly.
>white supremacy and immigration
I don't feel you are addressing my argument, implying you either ignored it or didn't see it.
White supremacists may have intended to keep the black slaves seperated - as slaves, but this is not important. They are effectively playing the role of useful idiots here.
I see a bigger strategy here; creating mixed race populations everywhere to weaken the national culture. It doesn't really matter if the people who brought the blacks to america or anywhere else only intended to use them as slaves.
Once the blacks are there, they can be employed as a proxy army, just like what is done today in different parts of the world.
The blacks were brought to america as infiltrators, sleeper cells hiding in plain sight. They themselves are not aware of this, they're being used just like everyone else.
The strategy is as simple as it is clever and effective:
>Spread the idea of the superiority of the white race
>Find support in religion; this was done by referring to the old testament, were a slave should obey his master. Originally this was aimed at the religious followers who were themselves slaves, this was turned around to mean oppression of slaves was ok.
>Push this until slave trade takes place
>Import huge numbers of slaves with a completely different culture and skin color, again under the pretense this would make it harder for them to escape, you can see by his skin color he's a slave.
>Start a movement for the freeing of the slaves
>Push this until the slaves are freed
>You now have a population of blacks in a white nation, feeling entitled to compensation for being kept as slaves, while at the same time kept down by former slave owners
>Support the former slaves in their "rightful claims"
This follows the same logic as the NATO support of rebel groups in non-western countries. Lately Russia applied the same tactic in Ukraine.
America is a huge country, that's why such a longsighted strategy was used to assume control of it. Just look at the current president and tell me they weren't successful.
Seriously, what in the fuck is race? I'm sick of getting confused, because whenever people start to argue the shit, genetic, biological, and hereditary sciences are brought up, but then cultural, artistic, psychological, and other factors are introduced like they aren't separate, as though a black child born of black parents will develop the exact same culture 100% of the time, regardless of upbringing, environment, individual experiences, etc.
Is race cultural or biological? If it's biological, argue your immunities and traits, argue about diseases and disabilities, but culture exists independent of these medical truths except in relation to the understanding thereof.
It's inconsistent. Draw a fucking line, make a fucking consensus, and argue on those grounds god damn it.
The claim that black people are genetically inferior isn't easy to defend. The claim that black american subcultures are often destructive to large areas is kinda defensible. The claim that the subcultures created in shitty areas that got raped by historic, economic, and other collosal fuckups tend to be retarded and destructive barely needs defending.
Dear fucking Jesus, this is supposed to be where the wizards and truthseekers are? You're still plagued by backward thinking and biases taught to you by people who don't think.
>Seriously, what in the fuck is race? I'm sick of getting confused, because whenever people start to argue the shit, genetic, biological, and hereditary sciences are brought up, but then cultural, artistic, psychological, and other factors are introduced like they aren't separate, as though a black child born of black parents will develop the exact same culture 100% of the time, regardless of upbringing, environment, individual experiences, etc.
Race is genetic & hereditary. A person's race can severely limit or greatly expand their individual aspects. The more intellectual a race is, the more individuals one can find among that group of people.
>Is race cultural or biological? If it's biological, argue your immunities and traits, argue about diseases and disabilities, but culture exists independent of these medical truths except in relation to the understanding thereof.
Culture exists dependent on the genes and hereditary traits of a particular people and their interactions with other groups. A primitive culture is derived from a primitive people. Conversely an advanced culture is derived from advanced peoples.
>It's inconsistent. Draw a fucking line, make a fucking consensus, and argue on those grounds god damn it.
Consensus from where? Race has essentially become a new concept within the last 200 years because of disinformation. It's used as a political tool and it's a taboo subject in most countries.
>The claim that black people are genetically inferior isn't easy to defend.
It is easy to defend. It's just not 'popular to defend. Inferiority is the keyword. Propagandists made the conversation about race implicitly determined to about what is superior and what isn't so that people can be petty. But the fact remains that race determines the person and the people who form a culture and what kind of society that culture will produce. The next time you hear how much a tribal culture in African is vibrant, ask yourself if that vibrancy has produced anything useful or beautiful.
>The claim that black american subcultures are often destructive to large areas is kinda defensible. The claim that the subcultures created in shitty areas that got raped by historic, economic, and other collosal fuckups tend to be retarded and destructive barely needs defending.
You have to recognize that the blacks in america are not the same as the ones in Africa, and even amongst Africans there's subtle lines of differences. Blacks in america have a degree of white blood which imparts some white traits. The more recognizable ones are called mulattos and its etymology can be traced to the spanish (jewish) sailors that brought africans to america as slaves. Despite the prevalence of white genes, mulattos are just as prone to violence and crime as their purer-blooded cousins. Similarly the more mixed a black is, the less he is accepted even by his most primitve cousins. A full-blooded negroid has very defined and limited traits. The slightest difference is enough to provoke conflict which is why west and east africans are historically enemies. Left to their own devices the negroid lives a very simple lifestyle that is most comparably primitive. All humanitarian ventures in African have been demonstrable failures because a true-blooded negroid is not capable of maintaining a sophisticated society. Given the choice, the negroid prefers what's recognizably black but seeks the riches of others - the epitome of instant gratification. The most successful blacks are mixed. There are no exceptions. As I mentioned before, "The more intellectual a race is, the more individuals one can find among that group of people," - so where are the distinctly individual blacks in the blackest of black areas in Africa? Blacks are hardcoded to operate a certain way, have particularly defined interests, and never ascend beyond those. This isn't "racism" it's fact. It's gloriously simple fact. Another fun fact: Racism, the term, was invented to cause this confusion.
>Dear fucking Jesus, this is supposed to be where the wizards and truthseekers are? You're still plagued by backward thinking and biases taught to you by people who don't think.
The only thing backwards and biased is the belief that race is not a factor. Right now there are blacks in first world countries trying to rewrite history and claim ownership of important historical civilizations, events, and inventions. It would only be funny if it weren't so demonstrably honest of their achievements. Their only achievement is being patsy to schemes where they can get what they want because it takes away from the honest labor of others. To accomplish this, the fooled altruistic people are taught to remain altruistic and believe excuses that hide the truth about race. Now race is being seen as a "social construct," a new evolution in covering for lies. The topic of race has exploded from simple observable fact to convoluted and pretentious lies. That's where the real confusion comes from.
Even in fringe thinking race is vitally important because it helps identify the true origins of certain races, the genetic engineering that went into earth's inhabitants, and how some advanced races were left behind and cut off from their true origins. Let's move away from the emotional obfuscation. Ever wondered why eye color seems to change in people with psychic abilities? And which races have the most varying eye colors? A small example but a clear indication of racial differences and the inter-twining effects of psychic abilities. When a person reincarnates, it's almost always along the same line of blood and/or genetics. As said before, regardless of the political propaganda, race is vitally important in every aspect because it pre-determines the potential a person has. Some people never tap into their truth potential. Some were never born with potential. Some people choose to be a nigger. Some are and always will be. Some people choose to atrophy their energy body and it will only rise up to just below what is sometimes called the heart chakra. Some never had anything there, and above. Accept race as it is. Put aside the emotional obfuscation that comes with decades of disinformation and propaganda. Free yourself from the confusion. It's not "racism," it's race, perhaps even species.
The topic of this thread is important but I find it more suitable for /arcane/ so sage.
Quality post on race. Everything you said is spot on and true, you should post more here, seriously.
Race is closely related to the souls they inhabit and thus each race has differences in the elemental composition and makeup - both physical AND spiritual. Therefor, it is very much in the scope of fringe.
Secondly, this isn't even off-topic. The anon you quoted directly explained what race is to clear up any disinformation that shills and misinformation campaigns have brought forth.
This isn't even off-topic.
So there are people that choose to incarnate as black?
And yes you got some points there that makes sense, in my country most of black ppl aren't trying to move up, in any sense, be it in the physical or spiritual, some of us "brown" or as it is called in Portuguese "pardo", try to get better conditions at life, material and spiritual.
>So there are people that choose to incarnate as black?
Possibly. Some choose to reincarnate on Earth in particular forms in the hopes of achieving a certain effect. The challenge of course, regardless of the form they take is discovering their destiny despite reincarnation-amnesia. However it's more than likely - almost to a certainty - that people choose to reincarnate within their own race or even further down their previous life's bloodline (or extended family).
Besides that, I think >>5091 meant by "choose to be a nigger," as in some people choose to squander their genetic gifts and live like a "nigger."
Don't mind me, just trying to get shit back on track while you go off on a race tangent.
GLP is one big shill convention, not to mention Tavistock institute is doing social experiments/research on the people who post there.
http://decryptedmatrix.com/why-cant-you-say-tavistock-on-godlike-productions/ (For those of you who haven't posted there in a while, it's been a few years for me, trinity has changed his screen name to ghetto monk.)
This was all over mainstream news at the time. The method described is quite rudimentary, this tells more of the media "exposing" it than it does of so called pro russian "trolling."
The clumsiness of the "russian troll factory" itself here functions as a trolling of the media reporting it. It may even be a kind of smoke screen by the pro russian side, spreading misinformation portraying the russians as thug trolls posting mean comments on mainstream media websites.
This only shows the bias of said media, so desperate in trying to frame russia as shills that they fail to see that the report itself is exposing their own shilling - anyone reporting this story is a pro US-NATO-zionist shill. Like the anti theft system spraying paint on the bank robber, they are now easily spotted in the crowd.
Are you familiar with the concept of branding? Here it means the media platform itself is the shill by its very existence, it doesn't have to publish any biased message, the media is the message.
Alternatively, if you were an African and your entire existence surrounded being an African and worshiping your ancestors, I don't see how you would be able to reincarnate into something other than an African, especially for those who weren't even aware that people that weren't Africans existed.
>die not knowing anything outside of africa
>now you have gone through the lessons that that life has taught to you
>higher self chooses another life (or similar) to reincarnate you into so you can learn there
Simple. This continues until you get a proper understanding of the difference between "I" and "me", and you get a good understanding of magickal ability in general. Then you can stop reincarnating if you choose, or if you do reincarnate you will remember your past life and carry some ability over.
It's not like you "choose to be a nigger", you choose to be be more faulted and have more obstacles so you can learn from them.
What I would suggest to this discussion is:
Consciousness transcends physical (or at least dense if you want to argue) matter. The brain is just a processor of information it receives from the universe. Most notably from the nearby matter that surrounds it.
With that in mind. Once the essence or consciousness has ejected itself from the body. I would assume it no longer has or possess less blockage from far away information as it is no longer contained in a dense "vehicle" shall we call it. Therefore the consciousness should have more awareness of the universe around it, at least to a degree. Depending on the frequency in which that particular essence vibrates it could find other bodies that house a similar experience, like to its previous incarnation for example.
Although the different human tribes diverged many many, many moons ago. They could still house an experience to a similar enough degree that the essence could pick up on that energy and incarnate into it. Although in all likelihood it would lean more towards an incarnation of a very similar experience depending on the past incarnation's circumstances. Most likely incarnating as an offspring or a not so distant cousin/tribe.
>Left to their own devices the negroid lives a very simple lifestyle that is most comparably primitive. All humanitarian ventures in African have been demonstrable failures because a true-blooded negroid is not capable of maintaining a sophisticated society
Blacks act more like primitive animals because they received less genetic engineering from extraterrestrial sources.
Thus they are more in touch with the Earth's nature which is still pretty primitive in itself. Civilization is man's own kind of artificial nature that suits his needs better and due to it's artificial nature, blacks are less able to cope with it. The blacks' home is the natural environment and his thinking is more aligned with the primitive essence of the planet.
It's truly the white people who are more foreign to this planet but due to their superior intellect, they cope just fine living outside of Africa by creating the civilization and means of survival that are needed.
The conclusion is that white peoples' civilization and lifestyle shouldn't be forced on blacks through "humanitarian" efforts.
Likewise blacks should stay in Africa or the equatorial regions because they will be unhappy in other places.
It really came to me when I became conscious of the primitive essence of the planet and how human doesn't fit in with all his technology and civilization. No other mammal is this fucked up.
But those things are indeed necessary for survival - except in the warm regions of the planet (equator).
Later I noticed how blacks are indeed lacking in these things and it's perfectly fine because they can live in touch with nature. The warm climate and food-richness allows them to mimic the animal lifestyle.
Now I obviously could bash on blacks for being inferior monkeys but instead I'm jealous of their easy life in Africa.
The only thing that sucks for them are the efforts of confused people to copy the white man's civilization and lifestyle. Many people don't realize that these things are not needed in certain parts of the planet.
Also those blacks living in white people civilizations suffer for the same reason. It's not part of their genetic programming to live in artificial environments.
It's okay for blacks to call the white man a devil nowadays because, indeed, he brings things that the black man doesn't need. Colonization by the white man was a his natural thing but still a bad idea.
But likewise the blacks shouldn't even be in white man's land in the first place, their place is Africa and the warm countries: When I see blacks living in fucking Sweden or England I can't stop cringing about this amount of fuck-up.
Now I'm presenting different views on the race difference.
One is emphasizing the extraterrestrial engineering, the other makes it look like simple evolution.
I'm not sure which one is more true but I doubt that white people would have started living that far north if they didn't receive some genetic programming beforehand.
There's this theory that the spores of psychedelic mushrooms came from space and thus are the source of extraterrestrial genetic programming that made apes to human thus so much different from the other animals.
So it could be both really. Apes eating funny mushrooms, evolving into human and going north to collect even more mushrooms. Evolving further to deal with the harsh climate while Africans remained in chill mode.
Changed my flag intentionally for this post :3
Just adding this: After reading your initial post, I wondered why it is whites that care for other animals and nature even though they are much more "alien", when by your logic it should be blacks that care for them the most. But then it occurred to me that whites are the most empathetic because they are alien/spiritual, and no other animals care so strongly for other animals and nature. And as blacks are more related to animals than to us by their behavior, it would make sense that they would compete with animals rather than view them as equals.
Anyway, to your post.
>but instead I'm jealous of their easy life in Africa.
"I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders."
>"I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.
Dude, I just want to hang out in the jungle and meditate by the waterfall. Later eat some tasty fruits and run around half-naked.
I used to be very winter-hardy but I'm getting tired of the cold. Only thing better than warm African jungle would be some tropical island. I crave the sea and beaches so much, it's getting unreal.
>I wondered why it is whites that care for other animals and nature even though they are much more "alien", when by your logic it should be blacks that care for them the most.
It might be a consequence of different evolution as well because blacks aren't really confronted with resources management yet.
Life like plants and animals strive best in African climate. Why worry about animals and nature? It will regrow fast there.
inb4 starving Africans
That's a modern thing and caused by overpopulation.
Africa isn't The Jungle Book, it sucks. It's full of disease and poor people who will do anything to get by. If you want the tropics, go to the tropics. Lots of fruitarian people stay in tropical areas because of the warmth and the fruit.
>Why worry about animals and nature? It will regrow fast there.
Because they're living things with things to teach us? I'm talking about how whites can sympathize and relate with other beings while animals usually attack or ignore them and nothing more.
> It's full of disease
Diseases strive where life strives
>and poor people
civilization problems
Blacks shouldn't live in civilization, small tribal living would make the whole poorness thing redundant.
Just look at the many animals and insects to hunt, it's a fucking paradise although nature can seem harsh there as well - for civilized people
every time an on topic post is made its followed by off topic race discussion.
>Fringe chan shill infestation confirmed
I tried, also implying its not BOTH
Seriously man every post in the thread seem like shills larping as anon mayme
>I'd argue that the division they create between both genders is even the work of shills, divide and conquer and make sure that white folk don't breed with other whites, or at all.
you just outed yourself as a retard. modern feminism is responsible for woman hate, not "shills". every time a modern feminist opens her mouth, she proves a negative stereotype correct. women are their own worst enemy.