I'm interested in rings OP, is making them expensive? Do you sell them?
Ack, didn't expect interest that fast. Praise Kek indeed.
Working through shapeways with these for now, there's no way I could cast these fast enough to keep them affordable myself. Luckily, kek is good with tech, unlike most of the other gods I work with, needing tediously hand carved bones and teeth and endless sanding…. endless sanding… Which means these are actually affordable. Prices vary a bit by ringsize, though mostly by material. Averaging 25-35 for gold plate and similar, and this silver one is under a hundred.
So, uploading as many sizes as can be done tonight. If you need bigger or smaller just say, and I'll see what I can do.
Hmm, never asked this, but will I get in trouble for posting links to sales pages? :/ Either way it's the only kek ring on shapeways
Several of the sizes are up on shapeways now.
Link http://www.shapeways.com/product/4NJWEW4WS/kek-signet-size-12?optionId=60344974
What should come next?
Hey, those looks awesome. I read they are 3d printed, meaning one could get some other designs on them. Have you experimented with other designs? Could it be possible to do custom requests?
Also I'm not in the US so maybe transportation fees would be a bit prohibitive, who knows
Thanks! As for shipping, shapeways is pretty good. Highest I saw was 11 bucks so far, but someone just told me about these discounts, so you might not have to pay shipping at all https://www.retailmenot.com/view/shapeways.com?c=7806923
As for custom designs? That's how we make our living… but these things can take a lot of hours of work to do, depending on the design.
Awesome, I want to save some money to buy some magic items and I would definitely would like something custom, nothing complicated (like the KEK on the OP image) . As soon as I have at least $100 I'll invest in some of this stuff, saved the link to the store just in case this thread disappears
are you still taking orders? can you imprint a more detailed kek design? possibly including the heiroglyph?
Honestly the technology can't handle muh more detail than this. If the lines anywhere were any closer togeher, they would wind up blended together. The hieroglyphs could probably be woked in, but if they went on he face of the ring, it would need to be enlarged again. Would mke a hell of a face stamper though.
And apologies for the slow resposes. Had a hell of a time dealing with life and elections the past few months.
Any way you can upload these on a different site while still being affordable?
the checkout forces me to give 'em a phone number i do not have (rather, my phone is very fucked up), and using a relative's or even a friend's phone number would get me in deep doodoo, since everyone around me is full-on anti-kek. i can hide the ring itself though, even easier if i can receive it on a thursday.
If not though, that's cool.
Here ya go. spoilerhttps://www.sculpteo.com/en/s/mysticoasis/spoiler
Prices aren't quite the same, but the quality should be. Also, update on process, these rings actually are created using lost wax casting, just the wax it's self is what's 3d printed.
I am apprently too sleepy to work a spoiler this morning… combined methods togeter… getting coff3
Seriously? Ug… Well, if enough sell, I'll be able to have a proper workshop going by spring and cast them myself, though, if the workshop is funded, I want to make bullet resistant shields with memes on them….
Honestly? Not that many. The first design was released during the height of the elections, so like everything else, it was hard to get the word out. I'm not really sure what to do to advertise these. All I've done so far is post up on a few of the chans. Any suggestions would be appreciated. If these sell, then I might finally have funds for bigger projects. Fuck, if a hundred sell, I could then start welding up full sized idols of Kek.
same anon posting both pics. yeah, im gonna see about getting a polished silver ring next. one question though, is it full silver or just silver plated?
Ordered a polished silver version of the new ring. will post pics here when I get it. Keep a thread alive! Praise Kek!
So, you're saying you just made (how many?) posts on (which?) a few chans and you sold (ballpark number please?) what a few dozen?
i have suggestions for marketing, for sure. i am trying to set something up myself, but nothing that would compete with what you're doing. would you like to collaborate? right now, I'm trying to do market research.
ps. those rings are epin. I think they could really sell tbh.
> Call them "Meme rings"
> Make a silly video about how meme magic is cool
> launch viral campaign on youtube
> send a couple of them to famous youtubers and tell them meme magic is real, they make videos and your rings become popular
>everyone is wearing meme rings
i was going to say this same thing. you need to call them "mememagick rings of power" or something. that way its "cool" and people have something to say to their friends. instead of saying "hey look at this new ring i have" they can say, "hey why haven't you faggots gotten your mememagick power rings yet?"
also, where did our ring salesman go?
>same anon
Ug, that makes more sense. The second post, the ring looked like a completely different metal due to the reflection or lighting.
Thank you, can't wait to see the pics. I hope it ships faster since Keksmas is almost over. (the orders have been processed completely randomly over the past few weeks for everything from shapeways. Holiday Season I suppose.)
About 20 rings have been ordered between the two designs now, over maybe three months? Most sales came in the past month though. As for posting, I've made about four threads, two were on the same board. The rest of the time I just post pics of the rings while shitposting and have run out of Putins and confederate anime girls. a couple other people have been posting the renderded images too, or maybe I got lsd in my vitamins again.
I'm too poor to send presents to celebs, and I'd rather give them to bands, in hopes for back stage passes…
Can normies actually use that many syllables though? Do they deserve Kek? If it must be, it must, we cannot force a meme to be anything but what it must.
>Where salssman go?
I ate too much weird icecream, curled up into a ball, felt ill, passed out, and then started to cut and carve things. Have to keep busy.
nevermind this. my browser didn't load…
>Can normies actually use that many syllables though?
i don't think normalfags would buy these rings anyway. plus, it actually increases your magick when normies repeat it without understanding it. then it becomes an even funnier more esoteric secret for you to share with the true chosen.
how many did you sell? I'm trying to do market research so I can get a loan to start a company
What? Why? Loans are bad, do not sell your freedom or your future lightly. Also, art is not profitable unless you live in a 3rd world country and sell it online yourself. Out of all the artists I know, it's a small minority that aren't poor, no matter the scale of what they do, or the quality of their work. If I had the land for it, I'd farm for a living, and make things solely because I enjoy if.
>Loans are bad
no they aren't. they're awesome if you do it right – and they're subsidized!
>sell your freedom or your future
its called limited liability, anon. I'm shifting the risk to the bank and taking government subsidies. That's how you start a business.
>art is not profitable
I'm not simply doing the art. I'm going to do the manufacturing as well. Vertical integration, bro.
>inb4 you'll never be able to compete
that's why you get a loan for capital (ie. machines) so that you can compete
> farm for a living
speaking of things that aren't profitable and leave you poor… you must be city folk
So, could you please answer my questions so I can get more market research done. If you help me I swear I'll advertise your rings on my website. I'm working out advertising connections right now so that I'll have traffic.
Farming is very profitable if you do it right.
>About 20 rings have been ordered between the two designs now, over maybe three months? Most sales came in the past month though. As for posting, I've made about four threads, two were on the same board. The rest of the time I just post pics of the rings while shitposting and have run out of Putins and confederate anime girls.
Could you put it on your middle finger, extended at the camera? I'm going to try and shoop it onto donald trump a few times.
>Farming is very profitable if you do it right
No. Not its not. It's absurd for you to say that. You can make a decent living, and if you like living in the country you can have a very nice life. But, it is not in any way "very profitable." Maybe if you go straight Monsanto and have thousands upon thousands of acres and hire Mexican slave labor, but not for your average start-up farmer; it is not "very profitable" at all. and i won't even go into the facts about how much of your "profits" come from subsidy But, hey, I'm not going to tell you not to. I've thought a lot about it myself, except I was maybe going to do the part-time, small-farm thing (maybe organic, niche market) and have a job as a high school teacher or something. I really do wish you the best of luck, and if you have any documents and market research showing how to make money farming (or ranching), then I'd be very, very much interested in examining them, if you can provide.
Anyhow, yeah, it looks like you have actually sold quite a bit considering your no offense minimal efforts at marketing. Have you posted on any large imageboards or forums like 4chan?
>wanting a ring and worshiping a shitty thoughtform
>not being your own god and letting the loosh farming entity rot
Shiggy diggy
Thanks for the pics anon, and for the patronage. If it wasn't for these sales, I'd of probably gone under this month when a bunch of my clients got randomly screwed over. ie one of them even had his wife spend all his business money the day after ordering my usual wares, and was mid-divorce and almost lost his shop by the time I came in. Had to drive around 200miles to get the merchandise sold to somebody else.
Btw, did you do a lot of climbing as a kid? You have climber's knuckles.
indeed I did and i still put my hand through hell. the second ring has a much better to capacity to sell, having the kek(heket) symbol on it
It's disturbing how much you can tell by a person's hands. I think I even dodged a serial killer while on the bus late one night by reading a guy's hands late one night.
So now I have a dilemma. How do I advertise these without spending money? I don't really use things like social media… Actually, it's disturbing how few places I go onlin now that aren't the chans. Any advice?