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Esoteric Wizardry

Seeker 2016-07-10 22:23:21 No.4244 >>6107

Thread for discussion of influencing the universe with your mind.

Share your opinions of what allows one to and prevents one from doing such things.

2016-07-10 23:48:32 No.4252

> opinions «»

Seeker 2016-07-14 13:02:46 No.4338 >>4361 >>4362 >>4628 >>6127

Just do it man.

It took me about three months to get some solid results.

There does not seem to be anything very complex about it. It just takes time to develop the ability to concentrate.

Set up some easy experiment, look at it, and see it moving.

While I have done it quite a few times(with a straw hanging in a jar, wind movements, water movement), I think that grasping its full nature is quite difficult.

It seems that the worst thing that you can do is to try to force the items to move.

The best way that I could describe it, is you actually merge with the item, and because you move, the items moves.

Its not really possible to move items with the mind on the material plane. However, if you make changes and influences on the higher planes, aka mental plane, if you do it with enough energy and focus, it goes down to the material. I am saying this so that you would not try to force the items to move. Its impossible. You have to reach them at a deeper level, and let them move by themselves….

Seeker 2016-07-14 18:16:43 No.4360

You cannot influence the universe with your mind. Instead, the universe can influence itself through your mind. This basically translates to "things happen".

Separating yourself from the universe in any way only ever had pragmatic value. If you want to contemplate stuff just because, and have no specific goal in mind, you probably are better off not making the difference, except perhaps when you take a look at this common distinction

Seeker 2016-07-14 19:40:32 No.4361


This guy knows what he's talking about.

Seeker 2016-07-14 19:50:30 No.4362


thanks a lot for that. cheers

Seeker 2016-07-23 05:47:27 No.4628 >>5183


I can only get things to move in my dreams. I thought I had a string swinging one time, but it was difficult to tell if it was just the ground shaking.

Sometimes I think the power is there but there could be a counter power or ward to keep the undeveloped souls here from messing up the training ground. From what I can tell poltergeists aren't actually ghosts in most cases, but adolescents doing psychokinesis unwittingly.

Seeker 2016-08-03 14:37:56 No.5183 >>6095


You feel that too? It feels like something is wedged between my influencing something and what it is im trying to influence. Almost akin to pressing my palm against a brick wall and continuing to apply pressure. The harder I try the more I can feel the wall.

Seeker 2016-08-07 21:18:33 No.5349

Are there any telekinesis instructions available?

Seeker 2016-08-24 10:04:22 No.6069


What would those prerequirements be?

Seeker 2016-08-24 16:06:54 No.6074

IIH is the best bet.

Seeker 2016-08-25 18:24:49 No.6095


Not who you're replying too, but I've found that trying to force something to move builds a structured foundation that will sometimes not be a system the objects energy can flow through. A light touch works better than pushing with everything you've got. All I can move is a pencil occasionally thought. TK is some interesting shit. Its not a barrier put up to test us. Entities will try and test your opinions on morality to see if you're developed enough to sit at the big kid's table instead of the toddler section. Most of the time we're just holding ourselves back by our own dogmas. Try and perceive existence from the perspective of the object in question

/pol/ 2016-08-26 09:11:53 No.6107 >>6116


the universe dont even care what you do

who do you thing you are?

Seeker 2016-08-26 10:47:10 No.6109

Find the axiomatic link between the objects position in the world, and yours.

The joke becomes funny when you realise neither the object nor you are where you think you are.

No Ptah, no House, no God.

Seeker 2016-08-26 16:27:11 No.6116


Nice change of tactics brazillian shitposter.

Seeker 2016-08-26 21:06:46 No.6127 >>6161

So I'm not the best at complex techniques when it comes to spirituality, but I'm the kind of person who just powers through the limits by compensating quality technique with quantity of energy. I was able to force astral projection and bilocation that way, for example. I can heat up the air around me. Stuff like that, nothing too flashy of course. But telekinesis, so far, is a BITCH to pull off. It seems like the side effects on the body are just too much to just power through it. One time I was able to move something a tiiiny little bit by using drugs (DXM) to help me let the energy flow better I literally puked blood a second later. So, from my experience: It's not about the amount of energy but about how you use it.

What >>4338 said seems to be the proper way to do it,

>you actually merge with the item, and because you move, the items moves.

as in your send your soul into the object and link yourself to it rather than trying to push it around with energy. It would explain why, for example, I became so skilled with my sword just because I mixed shrooms with DXM once. It was like it was a part of me I had just as much control over like I have over any other part. It wasn't telekinesis but the experience was definetly special. So if I were to be serious about it I'd take a small object that can hold a lot of energy (like a gem or something) and work with that every day, and also try to integrate my energy into it every day. But that sounds like a lot of work for just using TK on one object. So there probably has to be a more direct approach.

Seeker 2016-08-27 13:07:40 No.6161


I feel like we have a similar approach to magic so I'll share what technique I'm trying while practicing telekinesis. You're absolutely right that filling an object with energy every day just to TK it is wasteful but I believe there's a better way. If you're capable of seeing auras, even as a transparent outline seen with your peripheral vision, you could try seeing the aura of your hand and the object, a pendulum for example that you're trying to move. Become conscious of your aura near your object's and merge them. If you've ever been stabbed before, you sort of feel the knife sticking out of you, so try to emulate that feeling with your object, make it a part of your mental body with the auric (maybe mental body, who knows) connecting you.

I've only been able to move my training object a tiny bit and with my eyes closed, my consciousness completely absorbed in the task of moving it, but I know that the pendulum was swinging a little when I opened my eyes. This is still a pretty taxing method, I can only practice it for 10-15 minutes before I take a break. In that period of time I usually manage to get a little bit of movements on 3 separate occasions but it becomes easier with time, requiring less concentration, or perhaps I've become better at concentrating with practice.