Hey X,
I feel like I'm at a cul de sac / crossroads in life.
I lost my father in November 2014 and my girlfriend at the time and I aborted what would have been our child a couple of months before that.
The relationship was badly affected by this and I found out at the beginning of the year that she had got pregnant on purpose and we broke apart after 4.5 years together.
I work in my dream field and my career is slowly but steadily progressing, but it is quite a solitary position a lot of the time and lately I'm feeling a bit adrift and lonely despite focussing my energies as much as I can on self improvement and focusing on the things in my life I want to improve.
I turned 30 in January and I'm drifting along on a path that is very different to the one I was preparing to walk; marriage/family etc.
I'm wondering if there is a compassionate tarot bro out there who would be willing to do a reading for me to gain insight on my situation?
My question is:
Given the above, what should I focus my attention on to build a lifestyle that I enjoy and move positively forward in life? Am I right to be focussing on my career or is my path and purpose in another direction?
My first initial is S.
With love and thanks.
Maybe try at /div/? Although every other board except /fringe/ is dead, so it's understandable why you wouldn't want to post there.
I've got some tarot cards. I'm still a bit new to them and focusing mostly on the major arcana but I could pull them out and do one for you. Will be back in a bit
Back. I'm still new to the tarot so my interpretation won't be as clear as someone who is experienced but I will do my best.
the fool, in the past, typically represents the start of a new journey. That you should be open to new ideas yet not naive. The wheel of fortune, in the present, signifies that your luck can change and that perhaps you should try your luck now to get out of the rut you feel you're in. The tower, in the future, signals several things. That something or someone you may rely or depend on for support might no longer be supporting you, that change from the outside may come and shake things up and chaos will govern your life for a time. But it also signifies letting go of the junk from your past and starting anew.
Hope that helped somewhat.
i read this exact post on x did a reading as well. maybe my reading was trash
anyone know which tarot deck is best to buy? I was thinking the Crowley-Thoth deck, and I've heard the Rider-Waite is pretty good. There may be a Hermetic deck which is supposed to be great.
I'm really looking for some old, good deep dark stuff with lots of information on correspondences packed in. Greek/Hebrew letters or other Hieroglyphs or astral realm significations on the decks would be a big plus.
This thread on /div/ more or less adressed that
Generally any card deck is best if it works best for you. Get the one that interests you the most. Personally I got the Richard-Waite one only because it's the most well known.
November 2014 was a dark period for me too but there where light at the end of the tunnel.
Don't need to pull out the hermetic tarot to tell you are trying to force the hard mundane side of the world to gel with the light esoteric side. You're better off with some Nietzschean mindwork in order to get what you want. The seen and the unseen do not play nicely together in your cauldron of chaos. Impossible to lead an exo/esoteric life.
I don't think the finer waters of enlightenment are what you seek either.
The real reason why esotericism is in the shadows is because of the forces that wish it to remain in the shadows. The unenlightened masses are easier to control, and the last thing nefarious beings want is for them to be saved, for them to be self-sufficient, and for spirit to remain present and unwavering. Similarly, by having the enlightened ones stranded, isolated, and forbidden from converting and saving others is just as advantageous - have them contained and convinced that the only ones to be saved are themselves.
Personally I think we're due for a massive greenlilling event.
What we're overdue is the overthrow of the system that encourages materialistic pursuits of money and instant sexual gratification which reduced the vast majority of humanity to a very animalistic state. Once a system that heals the poor spiritual state of society is in and does its thing for a generation or two, then we can think about a mass greenpilling event.
In other words gas the kikes, race war now.