"The Limits to Growth" is supposed to be relevant to this:
This thread is really better fit for /arcane/, although for some reason nobody posts on any board besides /fringe/, so this should probably stay here until the other boards pick up.
One should not even try to make sense of it, because 98% of the information is a big red herring.
If one wants to document the 'Illuminati', look for connections between major world events, not for so-called plans, because plans hardly ever work out the way one wants.
If one want to fight the system, one should gain the initiative, instead of chasing phantoms.
The way things are going, it seems to be the Jews. Seems.
We need to know more about the symbols they use to identify each other and what they mean or what their interests are. We live in a panoptic society. Anyone who gets too wise is systematically watched, at least until they can figure out if that individual is attempting to move forward or is going to forget about it and move on.
We therefore need to learn to watch the watchers, so we can be one step ahead of them. Jews are definitely involved, but something tells me many others are, too. Nothing is ever as simple as just "its this one thing"
From what I've gathered on Montalk's stuff, they exist in the astral and can manifest in the physical (although I'm not sure on this last part)
Greys are just an anonymous form that lots of beings control remotely to hide their identity. That's why abductions are done through them and not directly by reptilians or whoever.
I wouldn't worry about it, honestly. Work on inner work and astral projection and then go meet these beings instead of relying on unreliable anonymous sources.
I've had a dream experience with a very elaborate reptilian encounter. It was interesting because I am not at all into this stuff and when it comes to the "reptilian shapeshifters rule the world" I consider it the worst kind of tinfoilery.
Posted here if anyone wants to read it:
Why exactly do you believe anything at all on montalk? It just looks like a scheme by a crazy person to sell shitty books onlulupress.
The "Illuminati" meme must come to an end. There's a reason why its shilled so much in entry-level conspiracy circles. It's because it leads to fuggin' nowhere, and is 'shilled' as often as it is for that exact purpose. The collective of the modern day "Illuminati" seem to be mere shades, no real figureheads or anything to go upon, leading to much speculation and people to assume plenty of things without basis. For example that forsaken "the thirteen family"-meme. And this is exacts purpose, to act as faceless puppet that get's all the flak while being no one in actuality. Just like this wise anon said >>4086
The ZOG is the real 'Illuminati'. The Zionist Jews and their gentile lackeys, supported and maintained by nefarious extraterrestrials, this damned construct held in place by massive psychic momentum harvested through the abuse of millions of willing souls through programs like Christianity, New Age, and all mundane followers who never question authority and 'written history'; the legions of bluepills.
Welcome on prison planet/soul farm Earth. It didn't always used to be like this, however. Neither are our bodies and souls designed to be used as slaves.
>are the reptilians real
Yes, they are physical beings just like you and me. They are more advanced, but lack the altruistic qualities we have, thus leading them to operate in a parasitic behavior. They are part of the nefarious alliance of extraterrestrials that lead this prison planet regime, but not exclusively however.
Contrarily to the reptilians, Nordics aren't inherently malevolent. There seem to be two primary warring factions of Nordics; one of them being aligned with the clique of extraterrestrials of the prison planet regime, the other faction being responsible for the conception of the human race as we know it today (and are still on our side). Though make no mistake, as the prison planet regime often puts out new programs promoting contact with supposed benevolent Nordics, whilst these are of the malevolent faction. Also, the extraterrestrial malevolent Nordics also pose and masquerade as 'divine angels' in the Abrahamic trinity of religion; Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Obviously these religions are just another program of the prison regime.
>little greys
Too many differing sources of information as to what they actually are - yet generally agreed principle/consensus seems to be that they operate from a hivemind – at least the group/species that is aligned with the malevolent faction. There seem to be both malevolent and benevolent greys, even hybrids.
So would freemasons fall under the umbrella of gentile lackeys?
Do you know anything about 3rd reich survival theories? ( antartica, die dritte macht, and all that.) Some people think they are still around and sabotaging the Jewish NWO/draco.
you can confirm none of this except the jews, and then it's not like it's only jews in some grand unified jewspiracy. this prison planet bullshit is so stupid, go for a walk outside man, prison is in your mind
> no real figureheads or anything to go upon, leading to much speculation and people to assume plenty of things without basis
Started off in the right direction then you went off into the exact thing this thread wasn't supposed to be about. Nothing of what you wrote mentions any named organization or person. And no, jews, christianity, islam, etc doesn't count.
Who are the actual executors of the elite's agenda? We need to go specific and look higher up. For example, obvious major news outlets are still low level. Where do they get their orders from? There has to be a command structure.
All this speculation about aliens still just fall under
>wild conspiracy theories
as written in the OP.
Here ya go. The fucks who caused both world wars, aided in the Armenian genocide, and are running the show in depopulating Syria.
You ought to understand that such high level information is on the order of religion. This is practically a unified theory of religion. I would expect it to be obtained through similar magical means or a hunch based on observation of these phenomena.
I don't see why this needs to be explained on fringe, unless you're still a bunch of lizard conditioned shills.
>I don't see why this needs to be explained on fringe, unless you're still a bunch of lizard conditioned shills.
If you don't see why this needs further cross examination, than you need to read more Aristotle or RAW if you can't read older things. It's pretty obvious by now that humans are completely unreliable in terms of information since they are prone to error even if you ignore the fact that many will lie and misdirect once they get on this high level of information. Instead of basing theories on religions, almost all of which have been completely destroyed by translations over the millennia, you should be basing ideas on more reliable, or at least more recent, information.
The problem that I have with people talking about ayys is that they evoke the idea the same way a wizard would talk about a demon in the 1300s. Using the once mysterious but now more mainstream Lesser Key of Solomon as an example, wizards for a long time now have been "summoning" these demons for various reasons. There used to be a good thread on summoning on old /fringe/, not sure if it was saved, but basically you start at a sigil of one of these demons in a trance state, and in your mind's eye will appear one of these demons whom you can converse/make a pact/jerk off in front of/etc with.
What I'm more interested here is how older wizards used to be absolutely terrified of the demons in Solomon's Key. This was partially due to how wizards over the years described how they appeared (first pic related) and would later write down in their own Goeticas for reference. Often each demon would have the appearance of partly human, party animal and partly Lovecraftian qualities.
Now if you look at a more modern Goetica of someone who doesn't take the older ones so seriously (http://perdurabo10.tripod.com/id226.html), all of the demons in the Lesser Key of Solomon don't have the appearance as described in more "official" versions of the Goetica. However, the person who made that website appears to have a more refined approach, as he claims to be able to "see past" the disguises given by each demon and to see their true form through remote viewing while summoning (first 4 according to this website seen here).
This either means that whatever these demons are, they have successfully fooled many humans for a very long time. Or it means that "what the seer sees, the prover proves" according to RAW, in that the person who made this modern Goetica is so convinced of ayys existing, that he replaced how the Lesser Key of Solomon is usually depicted and saw each demon with an ayy version he imagined after reading the antiquity description.
Going further, if someone who doesn't believe that demons or ayys exist tried to summon each on the Lesser Key of Solomon, then the results would be predictable, in that nothing would happen. That person wouldn't see anything, hear anything and much less have the opportunity to make a pact with something that's believed to not exist.
In no way am I saying that Plato is wrong or being completely materialistic, but further elaboration is needed when claims like >>4180 are made.
> I would expect it to be obtained through similar magical means or a hunch based on observation of these phenomena.
>I don't see why this needs to be explained on fringe, unless you're still a bunch of lizard conditioned shills.
Once again, I get the feeling here that the very simple point I made somehow wasn't clear enough…
Suppose all of what was written in >>4180
is true, how does this get us anywhere along the way of identifying the human face of these entities?
I don't care if there are reptilian shapeshifters, spiritual reptilian leeches, physical/non physicals greys etc… this thread is about what we can see on the human side.
>Suppose they are spirits and possess someone,
then that person has a name and a position of some significance, we can find out who it is.
>Suppose they are physical, existing as alien races right among us,
then they still need a human organization to operate through, because we have not seen any aliens appear publicly yet.
This means there are organizations being led by aliens from behind the scenes.
Which organizations?
How are they organized, what do they do etc? How are orders passed from the aliens to the humans carrying out their agenda? What is their agenda?
It's a classic STP (segmenting, targeting, positioning):
S) We find out who they are and what they are capable of
T) we decide which ones are important and which to ignore
P) then we decide how to handle them.
I'd like to add that I do have my own experiences which both reptilians and greys. From this I'm leaning towards the stance that they are either spiritual in nature or exist physically in a parallell dimension.
Some humans have a soul that looks like an alien though, whatever that means. I've worked with 2 such persons and also met some more at a facility where I sort of expected it (an antroposophic boarding school, but this is not a discussion for this thread). They're all very analytic and have an unpleasant tone of voice when speaking. If you look past that and just talk to them they are ok, but a lot of people are turned off by this and keep their distance from them.
JFK to 911: Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick
Yes, it is kosher, but I trust everyone will see through that old trick. It still gives a good idea of what is going on.
>muh special snowflake form of capitalism is the one true mode of production
kill yourself in real life please