I first found it on as a Wicca ritual and never got any deep into it.
I have no idea how efficient the ritual is and you might want to change it to fit your needs because it's poor translation from a another translation(it used to rhyme), but it goes somewhat as follows:
>(optional) create a physical circle around you made form anything (chalk or rocks for example)
>Close your eyes and visualize a circle of pure white light around you
>Say "Circle of light, circle of almighty power, take away my light. please return it when I command, take away my color. So mote it me"
Again, it's just a a base to make your own ritual(which is encouraged in chaos magick)
Thank you for that book recommendation.
Could you please describe your method in detail?
Karma would be a thread on it's own, but in short, there is no one punishing you but yourself and that happens on various levels.
As for free will, it's also a burden ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHrbeBTiO5w )
And you can only influence other people's actions because they allow it.
>What are the functions of these?
>Be 15 yo me at school.
>stupid school checks homework and stamps my books when I don't do it.
>I make the teacher skip me by not noticing my existence.(with the spell described above)
>stupid girl notices it and warns the teacher.
On its current state, I would say only for practicing to change the way people notice you, but it has potential.
>Why use a belief known to be false, a lie that is
Because it works. At least on the level of toughforms, any god can be used sucessfully.
"Nothing is true, everything is permited".
There are exercises on some chaos magick books where you roll a dice, and each number corresponds to a religion that you have to keep for a week.
When I did that I realized that I was not so different from people who grew up on those religions. Exactly like them I had doubts, fears, joys, and the feeling that those religions hold some truth.
After experiencing most most mainstream religions, I could understand why christians and atheists discuss so ferociously on the internet and why someone could make a terrorist attack. It's all the same feeling of "finding your purpose in life" and "connecting to the divine."
Beneath all the "lies", there is truth
>when you could simply be free from assumptions and expectations, working as one with the current?
Having no expectation is simply expecting that you will see something unexpected.
"No belief" is a "belief".
And from the original post: "It is a mistake to consider any belief more liberated than another."
Chaos magick is as free as anything can be can be from assumptions.