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Esoteric Wizardry

Seeker 2016-06-24 20:16:55 No.3767 >>3777 >>3769 >>3768 >>3801

So Fringewizard got v& and sent to psych ward.


For those of you who don't know, he is the board owner of 8ch.net/fringe and he was (still is?) admin here.

This should be a reminder that no matter what system you use you must always remember: Magic is to bring desired change trough will. At its core, magic is power. Power over yourself, power over others, power over your environment. At its most simple, magic is about living the life you want. Don't make the mistakes fringewizard made.

ITT: Post your stories of strength and mastering will. Post the ways you keep yourself away from slipping to lunacy. Chaos magicians specially, since chaos magic is riding the edge between craziness and enlightenment.

Alpam 2016-06-24 20:31:25 No.3768 >>7635


>he was (still is?) admin here.

He was, for a brief period of time. Not anymore, there's only three active mods. Backups are made daily and stored offline. We, and the information presented and posted here, is here to stay.

Seeker 2016-06-24 21:27:25 No.3769 >>3790 >>4137 >>11664


I read his shenanigans, and it is depressing.

As OP says, magic should be about self growth and strength. This is of note:

> All was going very well until I met the main psychiatrist who was a negro from Africa

A real magician could've waltzed his ass outta there no matter the race nor dick size of the shrink. But this guy handled it as the bitch he is: "Boohoo, the big mean doctor made uncomfortable"

I recommend reading the psychopath's bible. Also, IDK why everybody says chaos magic makes you lose your marbles. It doesn't.

Seeker 2016-06-25 04:14:05 No.3777 >>3905 >>11664


>Chaos magicians specially, since chaos magic is riding the edge between craziness and enlightenment.

>implying they are anything special

Khan 2016-06-25 06:49:45 No.3782 >>3790

You guys gotta see this for the true comedy gold it is.

Seeker 2016-06-25 13:30:31 No.3790 >>3818 >>11664


This, his over inflated ego and inability to see that all of his misfortune he brought on himself makes me laugh every time I open 8/fringe/.

I fully expect the "powerful wizard" that promised to teach him survivalist things will just rape him in the woods, since everyone Smiley surrounds himself with inevitably turns out to be some nutcase.


He is literally complaining about the same shit he's complained about years ago when I started posting on /fringe/. From what I know his growth has been minimal, that is if he hasn't regressed.

Seeker 2016-06-25 17:33:12 No.3801 >>3877 >>3855 >>3819


I wonder what they do in the super sekrit Skype group of his?

Seeker 2016-06-25 20:51:23 No.3818 >>3855


>fully expect the "powerful wizard" that promised to teach him survivalist things will just rape him in the woods

That is exactly what I thought when I read that. I just had a flash of insight this whole thing. Smiley is the exact kind of person that would let Crowley buttfuck him relentlessy because Crowley told him it would reveal the hidden planetary essence of Uranus.

Seeker 2016-06-25 20:57:51 No.3819


It's not secret and it's basically just spam filled with people who constantly mock /fringe/ and Fringe Wizard.

Seeker 2016-06-26 13:00:24 No.3855 >>3877


I just hope he survives what now seems to be inevitable to tell us about it.


pic related is a screencap I took recently

The group is complete cancer and should be avoided.

Seeker 2016-06-26 17:07:51 No.3874

I was depressed for too long. lsd helped for awhile but it was a crutch rather than a step. the faith came from studying some practices of the harichrishina's also, learning about shiva. spending a couple years acting like a megalow maniac. then plunging into western magic. I am jachin and boaz with a focus on jachin. The two pillars keep me grounded while they both support the light. you then have a pentagram in the center that gets it's energy from both pillars.

maybe sounds like lunacy. but he have job now after thinking this way, I doing things that help grow individual after thinking this way. I am also much more concerned about my brother's and sister's i come in contact. ( how can i help/use them type of thing.) That's all thanks this thread.

Seeker 2016-06-26 18:29:31 No.3877 >>3886 >>4261


Uh, that's the wrong group. I think this anon ( >>3801 ) meant the SOFA group.

here are the good part of the chatlog.

[6/16/16, 1:31:19 PM] Fringe Wizard: I immediately feel energy surging through me and focus it towards muh shapeshifting goal.

[6/16/16, 1:32:12 PM] Fringe Wizard: Hmmmm I like to say anything is possible. Of course, you have to desire it strongly or persist at investing your loosh into it for a long time, and those things seem silly.

[6/16/16, 1:32:25 PM] Fringe Wizard: I'm going to become le pleiadian alien.

[6/16/16, 1:32:28 PM] Fringe Wizard: That's muh goal.

[6/16/16, 1:32:36 PM] ***: Just thought it'd be good to start small.

[6/16/16, 1:33:11 PM] Fringe Wizard: I want my basic form to be beautiful, strong, and healthy so I am identifying with that and absorbing it into my etheric body.

[6/16/16, 1:33:29 PM] Fringe Wizard: It's like, I'm gradually forgetting how I used to be, and gradually assuming my new form.

[6/16/16, 1:35:21 PM] Fringe Wizard: I haven't slept at all but I will continue to draw in more loosh and reshape the patterns upon which my cells are molded.

[6/16/16, 1:35:27 PM] Fringe Wizard: Yep indeed.

[6/16/16, 1:35:40 PM] Fringe Wizard: I set my goal to be to get across the US-Canada Border and see Dwarf.

[6/16/16, 1:35:54 PM] Fringe Wizard: I don't want to do it mundane way but I haven't told Dwarf that at all because muh rule 4

[6/16/16, 1:36:01 PM] Fringe Wizard: she thinks I'm probably going to do something like

[6/16/16, 1:36:11 PM] Fringe Wizard: get someone to drive me to her or I might get a motorcycle and come to her

[6/16/16, 1:36:18 PM] Fringe Wizard: but what I'm really going to do is

[6/16/16, 1:36:26 PM] Fringe Wizard: I'm going to motherfucking magick my way over there.

[6/16/16, 1:36:40 PM] Fringe Wizard: Teleportation or some kind of fast-travel or similar shit.

[6/16/16, 1:36:47 PM] Fringe Wizard: "mobility magicks"

[6/16/16, 1:37:12 PM] Fringe Wizard: This is why I tell her (and she is like "wtf does that mean") that no matter what happens, it's an entirely worthwhile pursuit for me to come to her.

[6/16/16, 1:37:23 PM] Fringe Wizard: It's a Win-Win-Win situation no matter how it goes because.

[6/16/16, 1:55:24 PM] Fringe Wizard: So, I'm going to create a thoughtform of a mirror sometime, and it's going to aid me in my transformation in this way.

[6/16/16, 1:55:37 PM] Fringe Wizard: back to astral now

[6/17/16, 1:27:15 AM] Fringe Wizard: I've already fapped with her lots, I'm going to fuck her, deal with it. What she does next is up to her.

[6/17/16, 1:28:06 AM] Fringe Wizard: When I fuck Dwarf I am going to be very satisfied and have much to brag about.

[6/17/16, 1:28:19 AM] Fringe Wizard: Doesn't matter if she straightens up and becomes a nice waifu for me or not.

[6/17/16, 1:28:32 AM] Fringe Wizard: My virginity is not worthless to me.

[6/17/16, 1:28:33 AM] Fringe Wizard: Dude

[6/17/16, 1:28:36 AM] Fringe Wizard: she opens her legs for me

[6/17/16, 1:28:37 AM] Fringe Wizard: all the time

[6/17/16, 1:28:40 AM] Fringe Wizard: I have fapped with her

[6/17/16, 1:28:41 AM] Fringe Wizard: so many times

[6/17/16, 1:28:55 AM] Fringe Wizard: You'll see.

[6/17/16, 1:28:59 AM] Fringe Wizard: I'm going to fucking teleport to her

[6/17/16, 1:29:02 AM] Fringe Wizard: and caste thoughtforms over her

[6/17/16, 1:29:06 AM] Fringe Wizard: and turn her into a semen demon

[6/17/16, 1:29:13 AM] Fringe Wizard: it is all worthwhile challenge

Seeker 2016-06-26 21:17:55 No.3886 >>3890


how did smiley get so crazy.

Seeker 2016-06-26 22:26:18 No.3890


He always was. Now he just reaps what he has sown.

Seeker 2016-06-27 05:45:35 No.3901 >>3903


He's leaving image boards for good. He is going to study computers. He is a happy renewed man.

I don't know. It feels like an addict swearing he is healthy now.

Seeker 2016-06-27 07:07:52 No.3903



Seeker 2016-06-27 08:33:04 No.3905


Beautiful trips of truth.

A_Wizard 2016-07-01 18:18:43 No.4053 >>4062 >>4057

Be true to yourself in all things.

Listen to your own words as if they were the words of another, analyze them and dissect their meanings, syntax, and whatever logic is behind them. This is how you know if your thoughts are doing what you want them to do.

READ THE DICTIONARY! People are woefully inept at their native tongues, and fail to realize that this lack of understanding is a handicap on their entire being. Language is our fucking source code, if you fail to understand that and find power from that information, you're no wizard.

And avoid chaos magic,lol. I've known hundreds of chaos magicians, in person over the years, and the vast majority either got nowhere or went stupid crazy, because they fucked with their own registry files, or just got lost thinking belief = power, rather than that belief = confidence, which compensated for their atrophied ego.

Make some friends who are different from you.

Find something other than ritual and sorcery to be great at', so you have something appropriate to show off, like swordfighting.

Eggs and bacon.

Seeker 2016-07-01 19:28:22 No.4057 >>4261


>if you fail to understand that and find power from that information, you're no wizard.

According to whom? If language is be all end all, then why is it so imperfect? Why can't we put into words the subtle inner states? If language were "our fucking source code" then surely that would be possible.

You don't need language to be a wizard. You can do magic only using will and emotions, and in fact most magic is done like that - without using any words whatsoever.

In fact, the constant babbling in our heads is something most would classify as detrimental to magical efforts.

>Make some friends who are different from you.

Different how? You mean mundanes?

>so you have something appropriate to show off, like swordfighting.

Why would anyone want to be a show off?

Seeker 2016-07-01 21:39:38 No.4062 >>4068


> avoid chaos magic

> they fucked with their own registry files

It's not a problem with chaos magic, it's a problem with the motivations people have, and the lack of proper groundwork. If you already have a strong belief system and have developed some abilities already, then chaos is a great tool.

..and there is nothing wrong with editing your registry as long as you know what you're doing.

I've done it in windows ever since w95 and never fucked up, even when self proclamined computer nerds and experts told me not to.

I also started off doing karate, jujutsu and ninjutsu way before I did anything occult, but I don't think that helped. Smiley did judo right? It didn't help him. Martial arts is just exercise.

Seeker 2016-07-02 01:02:21 No.4068


>Martial arts is just exercise

Yes and no. There is nothing inherently "magical" about martial art katas/forms relative to any other repetitive task that can be practiced enough times to be repeatable with out conscious thought.

The thing is if someone actually practiced their katas 10,000 times, what they discover is that it has not trained their body so much as it has trained their mind. Again to reiterate, there is nothing special about the martial art movements themselves, it is just that they are packaged in a procedural fashion as to be repeatable. A lot like magic rituals.

The thing is a karate-ka is to practice their katas to the point they can actually do visualization while practicing them. To many practice martial arts without engaging their minds. For example, this is like going through the motions of the LBRP without visualizing anything happening.

Seeker 2016-07-02 21:04:33 No.4088 >>4101 >>4099

I think we should pay attention the the experience we observe of him and understand why wizards must keep hidden, to draw attention to ourselves seems to be only a negative experience.

Seeker 2016-07-03 01:34:34 No.4099 >>4101


this. anonymity is a blessing

Seeker 2016-07-03 02:25:57 No.4101



dubs confirm it

Seeker 2016-07-05 23:49:56 No.4137 >>11664


> IDK why everybody says chaos magic makes you lose your marbles

Because it attracts a lot of people who have already lost their marbles or are on the verge of losing them and they blame it on the sick summoning ritual they did the first day they learned about magic.

Seeker 2016-07-11 12:39:41 No.4261 >>4263


>Smiley 'The most powerful wizard on the internet'

Does not understand the workings of the universe.

Does not understand how shapeshifting works

Does not control his sexual urges

Does not understand shaving


Not the same guy, but i thought I'd respond anyway

>if you fail to understand that and find power from that information, you're no wizard.

Language conveys meaning, and your native language is the closest to your mind. I can explain myself pretty decently in English, but my native tongue is the one I can truly express myself in. When people experience strong emotions, they will return to their native language in a heartbeat.

If one has a good grasp of their native tongue, one can truly speak and understand the language of the spirit in the mundane world.

>Make friends who are different from you

Not necessarily mundanes, but someone who can offer a different viewpoint is valuable. Some people can derail themselves through their own thoughts echoing in their heads, and maybe Smiley is a great example of this. Find someone who can put you back on track.

The showing off part makes no sense to me either, but it's still a great idea to have an 'earthly' hobby to clear your mind.

Seeker 2016-07-11 13:00:31 No.4263 >>4913


>Language conveys meaning etc

It does, but you can't really convey abstractions though it, the best you can do is using metaphors and approximating what you mean.

Example: I can't exactly explain the feeling I have when I think about how and why language is imperfect. I can use the metaphor that words are only roadsigns leading one (or not) to understanding the matter for themselves.

You can't explain colors with words. You can talk all you want to a blind person and still not make him understand what red is. In the same way you can't put into words what love is or what hate is. Even if you try, and think you succeed, how can you be sure that the other person got it right? The subtle movements of subconsciousness, intuitions, feelings - they are ineffable and this is the real source code. Language is only useful in communication between one personality and the other and in gathering and preserving knowledge. The hardest thing is actually understanding it and letting it soak deeper. Maybe that's why mystical, ancient texts are usually written in such poetic and often cryptic manner.

>no magical qt3.14 to prevent me from derailing myself through my own echoing thoughts

why live? ;_;

Seeker 2016-07-24 11:26:29 No.4764 >>4913 >>4904

It's probably high-functioning autism along with ADHD.

He seems to enjoy spending his time doing very repetitious things, provided that said things are very easy and don't have a high learning curve.

He spends a lot of time with occultism because there is no rigor or proof to it. No one within occultist communities can necessarily "prove" him wrong because proofs are not integral to occultism. In a way you could consider it to be free style poetry. It's all fun and games until the issues arise where he tries to apply some of that "poetry" in real life.

He was homeschooled. That should be a red flag because his "bluepilled" parents must have had some reason to decide that. While I'm against the school system in principle because of its inherent design to produce cogs in the wheel, Kenneth did not receive any decent education outside of the public school system. Kenneth claims it's his parents' fault he's not well educated, but it could be that he suffers from an intellectual disability that hinders his ability to learn.

His attention span appears to be very low for any activities that require substantial cognitive and visual-spatial ability (unusual for HFA people but it happens). He always comes up with some excuse for his inability to learn and practice.

When he bought a drawing tablet with the hopes of drawing art, he only spent a few minutes drawing some scribbles, then he decided he's satisfied because he doesn't have the attention span to practice. The tablet is now collecting dust. Same thing with his clay models, he spent a minute making basic cylinders meant to represent human legs and arms, but didn't have the attention span to chip away and refine the clay pieces so that they actually resemble something.

He says he doesn't like to listen to any song more than once. I can understand that some songs can be repetitious and get boring quicker than others, but he takes it to an extreme level and refuses to spend even a second thinking about any of the lyrics, and what parts of the song make it sound pleasing (is it rhythm? harmonic consistency? etc.)

Seeker 2016-07-27 03:21:09 No.4904


This. Believing in /fringe/ is considered eccentric but as long as you seem like a well balanced person nobody is going to consider you mentally ill.

Similarly, being an extremely mentally unbalanced person, even a total psychopath is permissible as long as you can perform properly in society.

Its when you combine /fringe/ beliefs with maladaptive behaviors, terrible personality, or poor thought that you start to look mentally ill.

Seeker 2016-07-27 11:45:35 No.4913


You're right, language is a not an ideal form of communication; a non-native language is even worse. Not everyone can share thoughts or communicate with imagery, so we'll have to stick with language on a daily basis.

I guess you're onto something with mystical texts being written in a peculiar manner.


I feel bad for him, really, if he has both those conditions he's destined to be fucked up from the beginning.

I don't know much about autism, but as an AD(H)D-person myself, I know there aren't any excuses not to learn and progress from that condition.

ADHD does not specifically mean you can't concentrate on a single thing, although things get boring easily. Other things just 'slip' into your mind and you'll forget about the first thing you were engaged in. It just happens and sooner or later it becomes a ball of yarn with things to do or think about, with a couple of half-assed projects as a result. Refusal to listen to music twice or deliberately having a short attention span can be an indicator that there are other problems, such as very high stress or maybe a burnout.

ADHD is NOT an excuse you can't learn or can't finish projects. He will just have to think differently and understand himself, and keep his mind in check. Meditation is key in this, and he should know.

I think there's the real problem: he's totally out of balance, he has completely lost his mind and maybe he doesn't mind that at all.

Seeker 2016-08-18 17:08:09 No.5758

what did he do do get locked up?

Seeker 2016-09-12 20:18:28 No.7635


thank god. you'll probably never see this but Thank you!

Seeker 2016-12-30 21:21:36 No.11664 >>11665





>why everybody says chaos magic makes you lose your marbles

bc part of magick - a part pretty much no one I've met has actually gone through - is desconstructing one's self. negredo in the alchemical language. the problem with chaos magick is it doesn't give you a structured system for rebuilding yourself, so you stay caught in a state of flux. To use Freudian terminology, you're in a chaotic nothing-but-Id state without the ability to rebuild your Superego and Ego.

Seeker 2016-12-31 00:27:15 No.11665



Nice try KIKE!


Seeker 2016-12-31 01:06:46 No.11666 >>11676

"If you can't run with the big dogs, stay your ass on the porch"

Seeker 2016-12-31 08:35:11 No.11676


Well said Satan