In the beginning, there was the redpill and the bluepill. Those who sought the truth of reality, no matter the cost, and those who would rather have the comfort of illusions and ignorant bliss. This is exemplified well in The Matrix movie (image 1).
There formed communities of truth seekers, redpills as they called themselves, they shared information about the corruption of this world, how it worked, and what was really going on. Most of them where good people who wanted to make the world a better place, compassion compelled them to speak what they knew and 'redpill' others. For a time it was good. However those who where earnest and persist in their search for truth started uncovering truths the others where not ready for, information they did not want to hear and refused to believe could even be, similar as to how a bluepill reacts to a redpill.
Out of this rift a new community was formed, still redpills, truth seekers, at heart but unable to use that call themselves such. They adopted the name of greenpill, they sought the truths beyond this world and material realm, beyond the illusion of separation and physicality. Insights into how the mind and God worked. We, in large, where largely compassionate, STO folk, but not every one held the same view. Some saw it as cosmically futile and ultimately all the same in the end, out of this came the brownpill. Another faction was born as well, those who desired to aid the archonic matrix control system for personal gain, but in an enlightened way, the indigopill.
Now we at last had settled on a higher order "spiritual alignment chart" of pills. You where either enlightened or not to the truth of reality, and you either opposed the matrix, supported it, or where neutral. In my honest opinion this is where it should have stayed. As it was a way to categorize beyond just a simple enlightened/unenlightened and actually explain what sort of path one walked as well.
However pills morphed from being pure archetypes into being a marker of a philosophic school. The Iron pill was born, greenpills who knew that it was necessary not just to train the mind but the body as well. It was not just enough to be wizard, but you had to be a warrior monk as well.
In time many, many other pills came to be as well. I will not go into these, and in my opinion most of them are pretty inconsequential any how.