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Esoteric Wizardry

Seeker 2016-01-22 15:58:46 No.340 >>2102 >>7860

In the beginning, there was the redpill and the bluepill. Those who sought the truth of reality, no matter the cost, and those who would rather have the comfort of illusions and ignorant bliss. This is exemplified well in The Matrix movie (image 1).

There formed communities of truth seekers, redpills as they called themselves, they shared information about the corruption of this world, how it worked, and what was really going on. Most of them where good people who wanted to make the world a better place, compassion compelled them to speak what they knew and 'redpill' others. For a time it was good. However those who where earnest and persist in their search for truth started uncovering truths the others where not ready for, information they did not want to hear and refused to believe could even be, similar as to how a bluepill reacts to a redpill.

Out of this rift a new community was formed, still redpills, truth seekers, at heart but unable to use that call themselves such. They adopted the name of greenpill, they sought the truths beyond this world and material realm, beyond the illusion of separation and physicality. Insights into how the mind and God worked. We, in large, where largely compassionate, STO folk, but not every one held the same view. Some saw it as cosmically futile and ultimately all the same in the end, out of this came the brownpill. Another faction was born as well, those who desired to aid the archonic matrix control system for personal gain, but in an enlightened way, the indigopill.

Now we at last had settled on a higher order "spiritual alignment chart" of pills. You where either enlightened or not to the truth of reality, and you either opposed the matrix, supported it, or where neutral. In my honest opinion this is where it should have stayed. As it was a way to categorize beyond just a simple enlightened/unenlightened and actually explain what sort of path one walked as well.

However pills morphed from being pure archetypes into being a marker of a philosophic school. The Iron pill was born, greenpills who knew that it was necessary not just to train the mind but the body as well. It was not just enough to be wizard, but you had to be a warrior monk as well.

In time many, many other pills came to be as well. I will not go into these, and in my opinion most of them are pretty inconsequential any how.

Seeker 2016-01-23 01:58:18 No.366 >>371

Which pill do you prefer, OP?

Seeker 2016-01-23 04:52:40 No.371


In the truest sense. I am a redpill (truth seeker) of course. In the Archetype sense, I'm a greenpill. In the Philosophy sense, I haven't seen one for my unique flavor, but it would be a mix of green-iron-gray-brass pills plus Tesla/DaVinci.

Seeker 2016-01-23 09:14:25 No.384 >>388

OP prefers the brown pill: utter crap with an easy-to-swallow coating of artificially sweetened profundity.

This forum is what happened when uneducated millennials get all of their knowledge from /x/ and /fringe/

If you could see yourself as you really are, the embarrassment would be devastating. Perhaps that is why you persist: you're so into your own bullshit that it would be too painful to extract yourself, and witness your own shit-covered body, and so you simply bear it.

Seeker 2016-01-23 15:30:18 No.388 >>391


Nice presumptions bro. First off I didn't say

I was brownpill anywhere, my compassion compels me to at least attempt to aid my brothers and sisters.

Secondly I've gotten my knowledge from many, many sources, yes /fringe/ was one of them, but it probably made up less than 20% of the initial impetus, the rest was a mountain of books.

And Thirdly, I'm beyond associating with the ego, I've left behind concepts which no longer serve me, such as embarrassment.

Seeker 2016-01-23 18:47:42 No.391 >>392 >>401 >>8142


>First off I didn't say I was brownpill anywhere

I was using it to mock you, because brown is the color of feces. Apparently your immense enlightenment makes it so that you can't understand satire.

>a mountain of books.

Garbage in, garbage out.

>And Thirdly, I'm beyond associating with the ego, I've left behind concepts which no longer serve me, such as embarrassment.

A complete lack of self-awareness does explain you, but let's do some testing.

Tell us a bit about yourself, though nothing self-doxxing of course. Your occupation, educational history, social relationships, and notable events in your life.

Seeker 2016-01-23 20:03:32 No.392 >>398


>garbage in, garbage out

Have you read any of the fringe recommended reading? Which ones, and what specifically did you think of them?

Seeker 2016-01-23 20:13:56 No.398 >>399 >>431


Not that person, but /fringe/'s FAQ reading list is shit. I've read almost all of it, and the basic problem I have with them is that Atkinson was a fat fraud, who knew nothing but still wrote books which didn't convey anything of worth for the most part just to make a living.

Seeker 2016-01-23 20:19:40 No.399 >>400


In general, most people on fringe can just summarize the books for you in practice form, which is saving a lot of time. So I've found reading them it be pointless.

Seeker 2016-01-23 20:26:08 No.400 >>402


I don't understand how writing a summary of a shitty book will make it not shitty.

Also, I'm not a neophyte, so I don't need anyone to give me any summaries of anything. I didn't finish /fringe/ reading list because it would be a waste of time. I got my knowledge from other sources and made much more progress.

Seeker 2016-01-23 20:26:43 No.401 >>407 >>8142


At the moment I'm on living/helping out on an organic farm. I've been on a few different ones in the recent past. I've been trying to find a sustainable community that is at least open minded and ideally more consciousness orientated. Prior to that I had done various things, mostly in the computer science/technology/web development field however I found that was rather saturated and I wanted to get out of the system and back closer to Gaia.

I'm pretty much entirely self educated simply pursuing my endless curiosity about all of nature. I have for a few years been in school, both public and private, and I even attended college for awhile too but the mis/disinformation and propaganda/brainwashing left a sour taste in my mouth. And so again I returned to my personal scholarly pursuits.

I had a few girl friends over the course of the years but I didn't like how shallow the relationships where and so I decided to pledge myself to my soulmate. About 6 months later we met and married each other.

Notable events… Hmm, probably the biggest one in my opinion was when I finally found the empirical link between science and spirituality. And could actually synthesize, with evidence, a unified spiritualized science.

At 12 years old I experienced ego disillusionment, the realization that I was not my ego and actually I was just the awareness, all other things, "my" ego, "my" flesh, other's opinion's etc. are not actually the I am presence that is the true me.

Otherwise, pretty much your normal coming of age stuff that any wizard goes through.

Seeker 2016-01-23 20:27:55 No.402 >>403



I mean a summary of the random gems found in a multitude of shitty books.

Seeker 2016-01-23 20:43:33 No.403


Oh, okay. But the risk involved is trusting in the judgment of others. What they think of as a "gem" can be utterly worthless. I prefer to find my own gems.

Seeker 2016-01-23 22:39:11 No.407 >>408 >>410 >>8142


I will be upfront with the prospects for this conversation. If you continue with me, your ego will be broken and shattered. If you do not continue, you will be admitting to yourself the fragility of your own ego and your lack in confidence in your claim to have discarded it. This suspicion will remain with you, exposed from time to time duringrecollection, which is being reinforced by the words I am writing right now. The sense of concern you are now feeling is leading you to read this post further still, to prove to yourself you have nothing to fear, thus reinforcing the connotative networks to ensure recollection. Your psyche is under attack, at this very moment, but you have nothing to truly fear, as it is all for the good. The tick that has burrowed itself so deep into you that you believe it is gone will be beared, even now it is shouting to you "I'm not here!" Now being assaulted from under itself, it is forced to raise, thus even now you continue to read.

Let us play.

So as far as your actual accomplishments in life, you are doing manual labor, are a college drop-out, and as far as your intellectual pursuits are concerned, they are entirely insular and "self-educated" while being demonstrably guided by various fringe chan elements. Now you claim to have developed a "unified spiritualized science" and found a link between "science and spirituality" while posting shitty pill memes and writing comic-book level narratives.

You're a crank, a crackpot, whose very egotistical arrogance has led him to believe that he is a "wizard" and has uncovered magical truths. This arrogance is shown by how you regard academia, as "propaganda and brainwashing" without even realizing that academic traditions are the work of millions of people over generations devoting their lives to knowledge and progress in their respective fields. But you know better than any of them, you know to select shitty crank books, PDF's, and chans, and can influence the very fates themselves.

At about 12 years old almost all children begin to develop the capacity to think more abstractly, including about themselves. What happened to you is completely normal, it's just your egotism that has led you to believe yourself to be special and for the occurrence to be magical.

What is this "science" of yours? Have you posted any other threads here containing it?

Seeker 2016-01-23 23:26:33 No.408 >>411 >>413


>What is this "science" of yours? Have you posted any other threads here containing it?

Based on >>193 if it indeed is the same anon, seeing as the same flag is used, I would say that his science is a bunch of ego centered ramblings about things that anyone on this board has already a firm understanding of, mixed with some truisms in form of a shit ton of quotes and such inspirational words as

>To grow. To develop. To become more than you were before in every aspect. Physically, energetically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. To expand your perspective to the horizon, and then, to do it again ad infinitum.

Which is basically rephrasing "to grow" in more and more convoluted ways.

>It is making decisions, and then letting go and trusting that decision. It’s acknowledging when you've made a mistake, and hurt some one, or broke something and then cleaning up your mess.

etc. you get the idea. Basically shit sounding like you can put it in helvetica font on some picture of a waterfall or whatever.

Also, it is worth of notice, that the person writing this is using simple statements without ever expressing the possibility that they can be wrong. No shade of doubt can cloud their ego, as all knowledge is undoubtedly already theirs.

Which such titles as

>On the meaning of life

>On enlightenment

we are left to simply learn from the guru dropping some serious knowledge about the mysteries of the universe onto us.

A curious thing: it took them only 59 words to explain the meaning of life, thus putting the philosophers of all ages to shame. But then again, it could also be counted as only two words as well.

Also, what do you know? It seems that Albert Einstein was not only an expert on quantum physics, but also in such fields of expertise as imagination and enlightenment.

Seeker 2016-01-23 23:30:29 No.410 >>8142


>That first paragraph

I chuckled. Ok, very well then, the game is afoot.

>Further paragraphs

>Ad hominim after ad hominim

Aaaand, I was expecting far better. Well, nonetheless.

I will address one point about academia though. Do you not know the NWO controls pretty much all of the mainstream? Which in turn controls what is allowed to be taught as 'fact'. If you do not know this I suggest you check out /pol/, they'll help open your eyes.

>What is this "science" of yours?

It's the science of consciousness. The how & why reality is that it is and the insight to alter or engineer with it. In a word, magic.

>Have you posted any other threads here containing it?

Some of the findings are >>193 I have yet to post a real good fringe science thread but if you look into Quantum Mechanics. If you'd like I can provide a few additional precursory links, there are already some in the sticky though.

You see, a lot of the left brained way of looking at things is needlessly overcomplicated, the beauty of of this is it's an intuitive science. Strictly speaking you don't need books, labs, or other people, just yourself and a rational yet intuitive disposition.


Elucidates on this quite nicely.

Seeker 2016-01-23 23:30:35 No.411


>Which such titles as

*With such titles as

Seeker 2016-01-23 23:40:05 No.413 >>415


>A curious thing: it took them only 59 words to explain the meaning of life, thus putting the philosophers of all ages to shame. But then again, it could also be counted as only two words as well.

Seeker 2016-01-23 23:53:07 No.415 >>417 >>3244


Oh man, you sure got a quote for every occasion, no? But what do the quotes prove? Nothing.

Seeker 2016-01-24 00:05:30 No.417 >>421 >>426


>Oh man, you sure got a quote for every occasion, no?

Can you not feel the power of the truth when it is spoken?

>But what do the quotes prove?

The wisdom of the wise and the experience of the ages are perpetuated by quotations. - Isaac D'Israeli

Seeker 2016-01-24 00:11:34 No.418 >>419

The pills are a degenerate meme. It was funny with red, blue and green variants but now this crap has degenerated into complete nonsense.

The pill meme needs to go.

Seeker 2016-01-24 00:18:00 No.419


>implying you can stop it

We have the edgy pill right here.

Seeker 2016-01-24 00:18:22 No.420 >>421 >>422 >>423 >>425


I never revealed my beliefs regarding the matter. I'm only poking holes in your overconfidence.

And I would never reduce "the meaning of life" to just "to grow". Growth is obviously part of it, but is it the only aspect of "the meaning of life"? Not to mention that the meaning of life isn't a well defined term and basically can mean whatever you want.


>Can you not feel the power of the truth when it is spoken?

What the fuck is this argument?

If we use feelings as arguments in discussion then there is no point in discussing at all, as we can't use logic to debunk the "argument" of feeling what is true or not. You can feel, and you do, as you wish. I do the same. You can't extrapolate the way you feel what is right or wrong on others.

>The wisdom of the wise and the experience of the ages are perpetuated by quotations.

But anon, one post above you have two quotes directly opposing each other. Then, some quotes have more wisdom and experience of the ages I presume? If so, then who can guarantee that the quotes that use are those "accurate" ones? And if the truth is somewhere out there, between these polarities, then what is the purpose behind using quotes at all, when they do not give any truth set in stone whatsoever and are basically equal to expressing one's opinion?

Seeker 2016-01-24 00:19:08 No.421


Meant for >>417

Seeker 2016-01-24 00:19:33 No.422 >>423


Nice 420 get.

Seeker 2016-01-24 00:21:35 No.423


>If so, then who can guarantee that the quotes that use are those "accurate" ones?

It should be: "that you use"


blaze it fagget :^)

Seeker 2016-01-24 01:32:24 No.424

So I don't know whether you threw the towel or are just busy and will come back to share some more quotes with us at a later time, but just wanted to tie things up on my end.

Believing that something is true just because someone else said it before doesn't make you look like a scientist of consciousness or whoever you pose as, but it does make you look like a brainless idiot who has nothing original to say.

Seeker 2016-01-24 01:38:32 No.425 >>428


> Growth is obviously part of it, but is it the only aspect of "the meaning of life"? Not to mention that the meaning of life isn't a well defined term and basically can mean whatever you want.

Cosmically speaking, the meaning of life, the very purpose of existence is for the soul(s) to grow. Yes there is many aspects of that, but it all comes back to the same thing. If you wanted to be real technical about it. The mean of life is to increase the complexity of the spirit through increasing the average vibratory rate. Or you could just say to grow and clarify it as I did.

>You can feel, and you do, as you wish.

Let me explain what I mean. Can you can feel sense the inherent intrinsic power, the energy, that resonates within truth? The closer to cosmic truth it is, the more energy it will have.

>But anon, one post above you have two quotes directly opposing each other.

The Mencken quote is not wrong, however there is grey area between the 2. Just because something is simple does not mean it must be false, i.e., God [in the universal all sense] loves creation is quite simple, and very apparently true, while you could just as easily have a simple falsehood as well, i.e., stress is healthy it's clear that it's not the case. But you also have…

>Then, some quotes have more wisdom and experience of the ages I presume?

Well you can certainly have quotes that are (partially) false and those that are more representative of the truth. Lets take Friends come and go, but enemies are here forever as an example. While it's partially true that enemies typically have a longer memory, forever is not accurate. In time they will forgive you, or die, but as far as most are concerned it's some what usable.

So that presented idea is actually a false dichotomy.

>If so, then who can guarantee that the quotes that use are those "accurate" ones?

Intuition, linguistic analysis, seeing if it stands to the test of time.

>And if the truth is somewhere out there, between these polarities, then what is the purpose behind using quotes at all?

They can help spread crystallized wisdom. Also I've found people often give truth more credence when it was not you who said it.

>[quotes] are basically equal to expressing one's opinion?

They certainly can be perspective, and that perspective may be grander or lesser but nonetheless all the various perspectives will help you assemble a better concept of the transcendental truth.

Seeker 2016-01-24 01:40:13 No.426


And I didn't mention that before, but you used a quote to prove that quotes are real deal and it's circular reasoning at its best.

Quotes are true because that quote is telling me that they are, thus

>quotes are true because quotes are true

You make an assumption that quotes carry some meaning and truth and provide a quote supporting that belief, but guess what? Outside that assumption - i.e. if the quotes aren't true, the quote about quotes being true is false.

Seeker 2016-01-24 02:19:20 No.428 >>429


>Let me explain what I mean.

Let me explain what I mean. I never had any real problem with you claiming that the purpose of the existence is growth. Depends on how you define growth to be honest. The problem is with your needless threads in which you put most obvious things and expect to be praised because you figured out shit we did long ago.

>Can you can feel sense the inherent intrinsic power, the energy, that resonates within truth? The closer to cosmic truth it is, the more energy it will have.

Yes, that is why I used a word "truisms" in my first post.

>Just because something is simple does not mean it must be false

To be honest, I was mostly making fun of you, because you took the most basic shit, then wrapped it up in some meaningless words and wanted to sound as if you made the greatest discovery in the world.

Also, the way I see things you are talking about some ideal "goal" that a soul has before it coming from the fact that All is Mind and we are all on our way back to unite with the All as infinitely advanced beings, while it can also be understood as a personal choice of every soul, for example

>The mean of life is to increase the complexity of the spirit through increasing the average vibratory rate

So what about negative entities? Or those far on LHP? I'm pretty sure their definition of the meaning of life is pretty far away from yours.

Seeker 2016-01-24 02:34:53 No.429 >>434



I don't expect anything. If some one benefits from my writings great, if not, so be. I'm not too concerned one way or another.

>Implying I was sound as if you made the greatest discovery in the world.

That is you projecting.

>So what about negative entities? Or those far on LHP?

They consciousnesses is still highly complex (and ever increasing in such). Vibrationally it is very high, if you don't understand what I mean check out cymatics. The higher the frequency the more complex the pattern.

The key difference is how they use the power they have and how they got it. Otherwise their spirit is similar to a being on the other end of the spectrum

>I'm pretty sure their definition of the meaning of life is pretty far away from yours.

They too want to grow (more powerful) too. I see no conflict.

Seeker 2016-01-24 06:21:08 No.431 >>434


I've read some of Atkinson's works and they seemed fine on their own. I know little about the author, though. What evidence is there that he was a fraud?

Seeker 2016-01-24 12:34:21 No.434 >>437 >>439




>They consciousnesses is still highly complex (and ever increasing in such). Vibrationally it is very high, if you don't understand what I mean check out cymatics. The higher the frequency the more complex the pattern.

But anon, aren't negative entities vibrating on a low frequency? That's what is making them negative (or vice versa). Even Montalk, whom you obviously admire, wrote about this. That's some basic knowledge. So how the meaning of life, for a negative entity which is sitting on low vibrations is raising their vibrations?

From http://montalk.net/alien

>Hyperdimensional beings occupy a bandwidth of probable realities whose spectrum corresponds to their soul frequencies. So those of a negative nature who vibrate at a lower and more restricted rate tend to operate within a more limited range of probable realities.

Just to be clear - I don't give a shit about Montalk, but you do.

Seeker 2016-01-24 16:21:11 No.437 >>438


From my research & experience this is how it works.

You have the wave length of the soul, the "polarity" (STS/STO) aspect of it which controls the amount of freewill. But then you also have the the "information" wave of the soul that determines the complexity of being. In engineering terms this would be the comparable to the carrier wave and it's modulation.

Also, I want to thank you for being persistent and testing my paradigm. It is only through the fires of debate that one can come out with a well forged ideology. If you do happen to poke a hole in it I'll actually be happy as it will have exposed a flaw, one demands examination, and in doing so I'll expand as a being.

So thank you anon, not too many persist this far.

Seeker 2016-01-24 16:59:29 No.438


>Also, I want to thank you for being persistent and testing my paradigm. It is only through the fires of debate that one can come out with a well forged ideology. If you do happen to poke a hole in it I'll actually be happy as it will have exposed a flaw, one demands examination, and in doing so I'll expand as a being.

My pleasure, really. I also like a good bit of discussion, and I'm all for growing and getting more powerful, and I agree with there being a difference between LHP/RHP and STS/STO, as a person who would be considered following the LHP, but being mostly STO.

As I've stated earlier, I didn't really question the essence of your writings (save for some differences of opinions which you eventually did explain), but the form of them and using a shitload of quotes.

I mostly operate within the paradigms of Eastern Esotericism and not Western schools, and this "science of spirituality" you are referring to doesn't really bother me, as I have a different perspective on the matter, but I did discuss it, just for the sake of there being a discussion.

I want the new /fringe/ to be better than the old one. Every theory must be evaluated and discussed, else we will fall into the pit of disinformation. And I don't want us to just circle-jerk over the ideas everybody already understands, hence my not liking your other thread as the only part of it that I found fresh and somewhat useful was expressing the notion of music being important to magical development, which was confirmed by my individual practice over the course of my life.

>So thank you anon, not too many persist this far.

You said you are going to make a thread about fringe science and quantum physics. So if you do, you better make it a good one, because I've had my fair share of quantum physics at university from which I didn't drop out :^) and I'm going to get my notes, get my books and revise all this shit and then check if you are correct. And if you are not, then I will roast you to a crisp.


Seeker 2016-01-24 17:50:22 No.439 >>440


Ehh, I don't see much evidence he was a fraud in that thread. It looks more like people are just mad he didn't talk about some things they wanted him to talk about, while he wanted to focus on something different. His books have obviously helped people, given how much he's praised so I'd just let him be.

Of course, people should expand to other authors to learn more though.

Seeker 2016-01-24 18:01:51 No.440 >>441 >>633


But the argument that his Eastern-oriented books are incorrect stands still. Writing books on topics one doesn't have a clue about, just because the topic itself is hot, can be an indicator of a fraud.

I only profited from reading the Kybalion and the Arcane Teaching, because I was just starting out and it kinda helped me open my mind and realize some things, but then again I've felt like I knew these things all my life subconsciously, so it has only brought to light something that was already in there.

Seeker 2016-01-24 20:59:05 No.441


Yeah he does seem much better for Western philosophies like hermeticism, I'll agree with you there. When I want to study eastern practices I'll focus on other teachers first and foremost. Right now I'm still a neophyte reading and learning.

Seeker 2016-01-31 10:01:24 No.633 >>640 >>650


Can you help a fellow out with some purple pill reading material? Almost every time I see someone posting with that flag, their message resonates with me and their diction feels so familiar.

Seeker 2016-01-31 16:03:31 No.640 >>641 >>642


Did you check the >>>/library/1 index? The following indigopill books, from the OP image are in the following libraries at the following locations:

The Temple of Solomon the King\Grimoires\Scheibel, Johann - The Seventh Book of Moses.pdf

The Temple of Solomon the King\Grimoires\Scheibel, Johann - The Sixth Book of Moses.pdf

The Temple of Solomon the King\Golden Dawn\Rosicruscians\Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz.pdf

The Temple of Solomon the King\Golden Dawn\S.L. MacGregor Mathers\The Lesser Key of Solomon - Goetia.pdf

The Temple of Solomon the King\A.'. A.'. Expanded, Organized, and Revised by a Student of the System\Aleister Crowley\Aleister Crowley - Book of Lies.pdf

The Temple of Solomon the King\A.'. A.'. Expanded, Organized, and Revised by a Student of the System\Aleister Crowley\Aleister Crowley - LIBER 777.pdf

The Dark Tabularium\Hell Mode \The Key of Solomon the King- Translated from Ancient Manuscripts in the … ?????- King Solomon.pdf

fringe books & files package\Chaos Magic\Peter J. Carroll - Liber Null.pdf

There are probably more of them else where, but here are a few.

Seeker 2016-01-31 18:17:29 No.641


Excellent, thank you!

Seeker 2016-01-31 19:20:29 No.642 >>756


>The Temple of Solomon the King\Grimoires\Scheibel, Johann - The Seventh Book of Moses.pdf

>The Temple of Solomon the King\Grimoires\Scheibel, Johann - The Sixth Book of Moses.pdf



Seeker 2016-02-01 00:17:21 No.650


I don't read much these days, but if you want to start on the tantric LHP then Kali Kaula is a good place to start.

The author did a great job with his research and when he says something he supplies quotes and references to original tantras, unlike most Western (and some Eastern) authors who teach about their view of Tantra (mostly it being just New-Age sex-education garbage, as most people still think that tantra is somewhat synonymous with sex magick) and never get the real essence and true power of the system. You can find it in The Temple of Solomon the King mega.

Other than that I can't really recommend anything as, aside from the one I already mentioned, I haven't found any book particularly useful. There are some original tantras and other texts regarding Tantra which I quite enjoyed but Kali Kaula is your first stop either way.

Right now I'm starting on reading up on Typhonian Thelema, so we'll see how it goes. I never really liked Thelema, but I'll see if it will be of use to me after all. You could consider Crowley indigo pilled.

I've heard that the Dragon Book of Essex is quite good, but personally I was discouraged by practicing it's system because of all those rituals. I dislike ritual magic.

Seeker 2016-02-06 02:38:26 No.756


Obviously those books were not actually written by Moses.

Radical Skypill Researcher 2016-04-02 00:50:44 No.2102 >>2133 >>2127 >>2112 >>2103


Skypill is an ancient pill that originated in a now dead board that our Lord and Saviour Smiley manifested in.

Henceforth I'm HIGHLY saddened to see that that one extensive pill chart lacks it.

Here a picture to remind you fools.

The skypill has quite a following, albeit I only know of an obscure group on Steam for certain. I also know it somehow gained a rather silent following in various bodybuilding and occult alt right forums, as well as a weird pseudochristian-political forum (the most amazing source in my eyes in regards of fringe elements) and in at least two blogs of the secular orthosphere. I myself am German, but I know that Norwegian forums and chatgroups exist around the skypill. In Norway "Hunger", an 1890 novel by Knut Hamsun, is being considered the primer to skypill. I didn't read it myself. though. Not yet at least.

Attached image was found on a bodybuilding board, as the origin of the skypill is so ancient that no material can be found on my current hard drive and I'm too lazy to go through my digital library for it. Notice the image says "orange pill on /pol/". Orange pill couldn't establish itself as a name. The origin of "skypill" as a name eludes me.

The skypill itself was presented with an extensive reading list and a nice introduction. Maybe someone saved it. Pls repost.

I highly recommend not to forget the skypill and to cultivate the informtion that it exists.

Radical Skypill Researcher 2016-04-02 00:54:02 No.2103 >>2112


>rejects supernatural beliefs

Hm. the guys I chat with consider themselves skypill and are all "rational mystics". it might require an update.

Seeker 2016-04-02 02:42:37 No.2112 >>4072 >>2119



>Skypill is an ancient pill

I have been on /fringe/ since freedom board and have never heard of this.

>that originated in a now dead board that our Lord and Saviour Smiley manifested in.

Smiley, from my personal view, is a very poor representation of what a wizard should be like. Much less worship in any way.

>Henceforth I'm HIGHLY saddened to see that that one extensive pill chart lacks it.

The extensive pill chart is more or less a false chart. Anybody can make a 'pill' but the main pills are where a path truly stands and progresses.

>Here a picture to remind you fools.

I believe that the large majority of users on this website are not fools. More or less, everyone here is working towards their spiritual advancement.

>The skypill has quite a following, albeit I only know of an obscure group on Steam for certain. I also know it somehow gained a rather silent following in various bodybuilding and occult alt right forums

Personally, I don't believe that an occult group dedicated to spiritual advancement would be on a platform that supports the belief in false worlds and the removal of one's awareness. To expand upon that, Steam is a very invasive software that does not respect the users on many levels.

As I wrote before, I have never heard of this pill nor anyone who associates with it. If there is a 'body building pill' it would be the iron pill. Although, in your chart, the iron pill is represented in a rather poor way.

>as well as a weird pseudochristian-political forum (the most amazing source in my eyes in regards of fringe elements) and in at least two blogs of the secular orthosphere. I myself am German, but I know that Norwegian forums and chatgroups exist around the skypill. In Norway "Hunger", an 1890 novel by Knut Hamsun, is being considered the primer to skypill. I didn't read it myself. though. Not yet at least.

Nothing to say here except that I have never heard, in all of my time upon /fringe/, of this pill and its path.

>Attached image was found on a bodybuilding board


>as the origin of the skypill is so ancient that no material can be found on my current hard drive and I'm too lazy to go through my digital library for it. Notice the image says "orange pill on /pol/". Orange pill couldn't establish itself as a name. The origin of "skypill" as a name eludes me.

Still nope.

>The skypill itself was presented with an extensive reading list and a nice introduction. Maybe someone saved it. Pls repost.

May I have the reading list?

If you want people to circulate yet another pill, please provide the information in a good way. Your ranking system of the current pills, along with a few others, is imbalanced and needs to be changed.

>I highly recommend not to forget the skypill and to cultivate the information that it exists.

The pill has more or less been forgotten.

You have not provided any information except the short description. Many pills in the main post in this thread are exactly like yours.

If you want to go anti-NWO go Green Pill. If you want Viking stuff, follow the correct Iron Pill.If you aim to advance yourself and generally ignore the NWO, follow the brown pill. The rest of the pills are more less useless.

One of the main things I'd like to say is this:

Associating yourself with a specific thing is nothing more than a limitation, unless you are associating yourself with a path that removes limitations.

For example:

Someone associates themselves with being hipster, and it becomes their identity. Same thing with pills. Creating more pills for more identities is pointless. If you want to help people grow in a STO manner and remove the STS hierarchy, then you can identify yourself with the green pill even if you don't meet every requirement.

Anti-NWO: Greenpill

Pro-NWO: Indigopill

Neutral: Brownpill

These are only identities for specific paths.

Seeker 2016-04-02 10:06:11 No.2118 >>2136 >>2133

>Skypill is an ancient pill

>I have been on /fringe/ since freedom board and have never heard of this.

Its origin predate /fringe/. It was on 4chon. However it appeared in the large pill thread, not sure if on /fringe/ or another board.

>Smiley, from my personal view, is a very poor representation of what a wizard should be like. Much less worship in any way.

That's your opinion. He inspires me.

>The extensive pill chart is more or less a false chart. Anybody can make a 'pill' but the main pills are where a path truly stands and progresses.

Reasonable point. But everyone knows the basic points and I am sure people are interested in the multitude of pills and even the "official pill chart" is incomplete.

>I believe that the large majority of users on this website are not fools. More or less, everyone here is working towards their spiritual advancement.

I said fools without meaning it. The memes have conditioned me to insult, a habit hard to beat.

>Personally, I don't believe that an occult group dedicated to spiritual advancement would be on a platform that supports the belief in false worlds and the removal of one's awareness. To expand upon that, Steam is a very invasive software that does not respect the users on many levels.

It's less an occult group, and rather an amateur learned society, or let's say enthusiasts. We still experiment with the principles of that pill. everyone has the archetype in mind, but its difficult to describe it in words. You know how the skypill archetype would act, but why does he do it? I for one think he's an idealized father figure, a modern working professional-druid hybrid, a rational mystic.

>As I wrote before, I have never heard of this pill nor anyone who associates with it. If there is a 'body building pill' it would be the iron pill. Although, in your chart, the iron pill is represented in a rather poor way.


last post

Seeker 2016-04-02 10:10:41 No.2119 >>2136


>If you want people to circulate yet another pill, please provide the information in a good way.

I'm merely a novice. I hoped to find fellow current or former skypillers here. Thinking about it I'm not sure if I want it spread, but the other option is that it is being forgotten. A true dilemma.

>If you want to go anti-NWO go Green Pill. If you want Viking stuff, follow the correct Iron Pill.If you aim to advance yourself and generally ignore the NWO, follow the brown pill. The rest of the pills are more less useless.

The pills do not only represent alignments, but also methods. The chart lacks a multitude of pills. I think a pill chart is always a good primer to find which one resonates immediately with you, pierces through mind and heart. This one archetype is your calling and with its associated books one should start.

Seeker 2016-04-02 15:14:26 No.2125

I think we could use an expanded reading chart for brown pill.

Seeker 2016-04-02 18:24:48 No.2127


Skypill seems like how I thought everybody here thought.

Seeker 2016-04-02 18:55:15 No.2130

skypill rejects supernatural beliefs? That seems pretty strange on /fringe/, to me

Seeker 2016-04-02 19:08:41 No.2133



"Skypill is my may-may so you must respect it or else I'll get upset".

Seeker 2016-04-02 23:19:36 No.2136 >>2139 >>2137 >>4445



From Montalk:

Observe what people do and say, the anecdotes and gossip they speak, how they may communicate via recitations of lines from

movies or TV shows, speak in trite memetic phrases without conscious thought or originality, engage in ludicrous programmed

behavior, engross themselves in petty dramas, and switch to goofy or borrowed personalities that you never question—as long

as you are asleep.

Learn to deprogram the memes from your mind and to cultivate creativity. Life is not to please the people around you with the repetition of memes or the creation of them.

khru !/49HvHXCOk 2016-04-02 23:58:52 No.2137 >>2145


idk i think it's fine to reference some things.

music/poetry for example.

is it wrong to appreciate and spread art?

Seeker 2016-04-03 00:17:31 No.2139 >>2145


It's good to not repeat other people's ideas all the time, but this is an imageboard and memes are fun for a while. You are just copying an idea written by an authority to you, where is the creativity in that?

Seeker 2016-04-03 05:33:21 No.2145


I copied it since it explained what I meant clearly. Quoting text is not what it is describing.


It is not about referencing but more of keeping yourself in a certain mindset. For example, people will often use anime images to convey their emotion in *chan threads. (This is often called avatar fagging) They often chain themselves using a specific character or just the whole genre. They think THROUGH the use of their images.

The removal of limiting mindsets is very important to wizardly advancement.

Seeker 2016-06-07 22:28:32 No.3244


he was refering to a hard subject to comprehend having falsity to it - such has simple answers pointed out by your picture quote. The picture he posted was that that which is simple is often true. However, people tend to accept simple lies many time because they do not think.

Seeker 2016-06-10 13:26:28 No.3386 >>6565


I created pill.booru.org please add anything that isn't already in it, or post it here and I'll add it.

I'm working on archiving pill comics. I think I have all the green pill comics (+ 3 videos made with voice acting) and probably all the iron pill comics.

It's hard work digging it all up and deduplicating and stuff, anyway I was excited to find this thread. I think I'm going to re-do the text on that huge pill chart today.

Seeker 2016-07-02 05:42:47 No.4072 >>4076 >>4075 >>4426


>Pro-NWO: Indigopill

Do people who identify as Indigopill seriously support the NWO or do they merely identify with other aspects of it?

I'm asking here instead of the questions thread because this seems like the appropriate place, rather than cluttering the question thread with the pill meme.

Seeker 2016-07-02 12:51:07 No.4075 >>4076


The anon on /fringe/ that uses the indigo pill flag isn't really NWO, I think he just uses it to represent his STS mindset to magical advancement though according to him he doesn't identify under that label.

Seeker 2016-07-02 13:35:10 No.4076 >>6567


I don't really care about NWO.



And also I like the color, don't forget :^)

Seeker 2016-07-16 23:47:33 No.4426


I pretty much agree with everything in the indigo pill definition but add the work out and paleo diet of iron pill. Not sure about the so called NWO but I'm pro illuminati. I just post anti illuminati stuff to cause problems for them so they'll respect me more.

Seeker 2016-07-17 20:29:41 No.4445


some memes are more complex and clever than i am :- (

also, is "meme" a meme?

Seeker 2016-09-01 22:53:52 No.6565 >>6575 >>6574


>>3386 here

the pill booru just hit 60 pills! thank you to everyone who contributed

I finished my blog post and it's up here now - http://blog.bibanon.org/on-pepe-and-wojack-pill-booru-and-more/

it's about a couple other things more than just pills though. also there is a link to download of various pill comics.

Seeker 2016-09-01 23:30:07 No.6567 >>6593


>I like the color

Purple confirmed for the color of queers.

I always wondered if it was just a stereotype but I now know it to be absolute truth.

Seeker 2016-09-02 00:20:11 No.6574 >>6578

pills are stupid and no one serious about their ideology is going to express it with a fucking pill


the comics are hilarious though nice to see someone keeping a record. I didn't see this one so add it, it's a parody/critique of the black pill

Seeker 2016-09-02 00:21:52 No.6575 >>6578


wait you only have pill pics there, should have the actual comics those are real funny

Seeker 2016-09-02 00:53:13 No.6578


omg! i'll upload it right now


yeah the booru only has pills, the comics are linked at the end of the article

Seeker 2016-09-02 02:54:18 No.6581

Pills are fucking stupid

Seeker 2016-09-02 10:42:35 No.6593 >>6594


Purple best color.

Pink is hideous though.

Mâsh 2016-09-02 11:32:54 No.6594 >>6603 >>6599


Purple a queer color?

One of the colors most associated with spirituality is a queer color? :(((((((((((


Guess we queer, brother :(

Seeker 2016-09-03 10:36:56 No.6599 >>6600


>Purple a queer color

You get purple when you mix Red and Blue. Look at the second op-pic: Blue is representing Gnosis, Red is illuminatipyramidiacs.

Seeker 2016-09-03 11:31:41 No.6600


perhaps is has something to do with the red color of sunset. and the blue color of dawn.

Seeker 2016-09-03 13:09:57 No.6603


>Guess we queer, brother :(

I don't have to guess :^)

That's what the other poster was getting at anyway

Seeker 2016-09-21 06:35:39 No.7860


Does anyone have a version of the Official Pill Chart without the jpg artifacts?

Seeker 2016-09-29 02:56:13 No.8142


>I was using it to mock you, because brown is the color of feces


>Notable events… Hmm, probably the biggest one in my opinion was when I finally found the empirical link between science and spirituality. And could actually synthesize, with evidence, a unified spiritualized science.


>I will be upfront with the prospects for this conversation. If you continue with me, your ego will be broken and shattered. If you do not continue, you will be admitting to yourself the fragility of your own ego and your lack in confidence in your claim to have discarded it. This suspicion will remain with you, exposed from time to time duringrecollection, which is being reinforced by the words I am writing right now. The sense of concern you are now feeling is leading you to read this post further still, to prove to yourself you have nothing to fear, thus reinforcing the connotative networks to ensure recollection. Your psyche is under attack, at this very moment, but you have nothing to truly fear, as it is all for the good. The tick that has burrowed itself so deep into you that you believe it is gone will be beared, even now it is shouting to you "I'm not here!" Now being assaulted from under itself, it is forced to raise, thus even now you continue to read.

>Let us play.


>I chuckled. Ok, very well then, the game is afoot.

You guys are just too funny.