There are a lot of people asking for meditations so here is the centralized place for them.
There are a great many meditations, diverse in form, for many varied and wonderful purposes that develop a multitude of different aspects and I want to help open up the wonderful world of meditation to /fringe/.
Meditation #1
Meditation Name: Quiet-Mind Meditation (Q-MM)
Type: Concentration, Thought-Control, Entity Detection, Banishing
Technique: Allow your mind to go silent, do not let any dialogues take place in your mind, let no thoughts intrude upon you. Hold your mind in silence for a minimum of about 5 minutes to a maximum of 15 minutes. If you want to go longer that is OK but for daily practice 5-15 minutes will do. If you can make the silent mind your default mental condition throughout the whole day that is even better and you will have more energy to do things without inane internal banter draining you of your vitality.
Comments: This is the most basic and well known meditation which usually precedes many other more advanced meditations. When people think of meditation, this is usually what they know about, even though meditation is so much more than this. I find doing a one-pointedness meditation beforehand easier to clear the mind of invasive thoughtforms or reading 1 to 3 chapters out of an occult book can help. It doesn't always do the job though, like last night for example I picked up an extremely invasive thoughtform from just a few minutes of exposure to a radio and it was very difficult to banish and took about an hour to banish. Radios and televisions are prime sources for nuisance thoughtforms that can disturb the silence and peace in your mind by forcibly repeating themselves in your mind against your will. It can be incredibly easy or incredibly hard to do, depending on what entity attachments you've picked up. It allows you to detect the presence of these attachments because in trying to resist them and keep your mind silent, you can suddenly realize these thoughts are not actually coming from you, but originate as an outside force intruding upon your consciousness against your will. So it serves as a basic entity detection meditation as well although more advanced meditations exist for this purpose and to root out more deeply embedded and less obvious thoughtforms either attached to you or just hanging around in your immediate etheric environment.
Featured In: The Book of Knowledge, Initiation Into Hermetics', and countless other books. You will always find this meditation, under various names, as the start of any serious occult development plan – which is why I'm describing it here first.
[Admin note: importing for posterity]