Here's a funny fancy of a tale I did know and live. The life and crime of Blackfoot.
Afroed man, from North Africa
Skin dark like good coffee, with
even darker hair that would blend
with shadow and void, bearded, he.
Scantily clad in trophy robes of leopard
muscles on full display, feet bare and
experienced, armored by journeys
of thousands of miles; Blackfoot
[// In soulcalibur 3 on the xbox 360 I made a character and spent many hours refining him and perfecting his image. My mind was his mind, I commanded his movements and I won his battles on-screen and against my friends who also commanded their characters. Blackfoot was his name of that custom character I made. My friends and I would ritually fight in honorable combat, never abusing gameplay mechanics but fighting for the sake of fighting very well. NEVER did we look up how to do ANY of the combos in the games. We simply learned how to fight by playing the game and against eachother. The winner would be presented with a shot of sake poured by the loser humbly. The following match would sometimes be in the loser's favor. This was done a few times a week in the evenings.
Then something strange happened in my life and I met Blackfoot in person twice, once as a female and once as a male. The female came first, we met randomly at a bar after I was punched in the stomach by a random woman whom I never met before who wanted my attention but I didn't give it to her. And on my way out of the bar I was stopped by the one who would dress up as Blackfoot at a costume party she would invite me to shortly after that encounter. She never played video games with me or shared any communication with anyone who had any knowledge of the Blackfoot character but appeared at a costume party wearing a muscle suit, a large afro, the very same Horseshoe mustache and beard combo.
And the male representation of Blackfoot was even more strange. Both of the encounters happened years apart and years after we (my friends and I ) stopped playing console video games. I got a job at a comedy club and there he was. Afro, Horseshoe and beard, same eyebrows this time, same expressions but this time he was a comedian. A comedian who also worked at the comedy club to fill in when the weeks were slow and there was a cancelled show. I'm not going to name names because they are not important nor are the places. What was weird was not seeing him again but the words he spoke which remain in my mind: "sometimes I just feel like I'm living inside of someone else's dream"
Be careful what you meme.
Based upon what I've seen
reap what you sow
always and forever
infinite and eternal
love the seeds you throw
love the trees you grow