Upon watching more of Bear Heart's videos, there's actually a far more effective ritual, both for banishing and activating your planetary bodies.
The Complete Banishing Ritual
This is a merger of the LBRP and MPR. Begin by performing the same beginning steps (astral body expansion, ball of light above your head, light descending down, forming a solar cross, vibrating Uranus, Terra, Mars, Jupiter, Sol, forming the breastplate, flying swastika, clasping hands, etc.) with one amendment: when performing the astral body expansion, imagine your body beginning to illuminate with bright white light (before ever drawing down the light from Uranus).
Once done, begin again to draw light from the ball of light and into your forehead. Vibrate Uranus. Now have a projection of the symbol for Uranus drawn in a platinum-white filled-in circle swallow you and putting you into a sphere–the sphere of Uranus. (Imagine a circle becoming larger and tracing out the shell of a sphere–that circle carrying the symbol for Uranus.) Bearing in mind ( >>3152 ), your Uranian body might not be as you expect it to look. Now, repeat this phrase:
"In the name of Uranus, I demand that my body of Uranus appear before me. By the name of Uranus, if you are not my Uranian body, I compel you to leave."
The name of this godform alone should be enough to compel any foreign spirits trying to trick you to leave.
Now, have your Uranian body stand to the left of you. Have your Uranian body trace the master planetary symbol, that is, two pentacles (one up, the other inverted) superimposed to make a hexagram with a cross, and around all this a circle. More than this, this symbol is an energetic pathway between the various nexuses (which is probably why it works so well). Begin by drawing the first pentacle by starting your Uranian body's arm angled from your left hip and drawing the symbol a few feet in front of you, go up slightly above your head, to your right hip, to your left shoulder, to the right shoulder, back to your left hip. This is the true banishing pentagram. Now, begin by having your Uranian body draw the other (inverted) pentacle by beginning at your right shoulder, down just slightly below your genitals, to your left shoulder, to your right hip, to your left hip, back again to your right shoulder–this is also referred to as a banishing pentagram (not sure where the invoking one comes into play, as I thought inverted pentagrams were meant to invoke). Now, with your Uranian body's hand at this point, draw a circle in a counter-clockwise direction (relative to your viewpoint), which is thought to be the warding aspect. Finally, vibrate the godname "Uranus," which will seal the master key symbol with the energies of Uranus, in his correct planetary sphere. Do this in all four directions. It is not clear whether you should actually physically turn when doing this procedure.
Now, do this same procedure for the following areas (use the respective symbol for each planetary sphere when doing the projection of the symbol) except for some slight modifications for Luna and Terra
Planet – Part – Color
Pluto – Neck – Radioactive green (different from the original MPR's deep purple)
Sol – Chest area/upper solar plexus – brilliant gold
Luna – Genitals – Not specified; I'm guessing bright purple (from the original MPR)
Terra – Feet (upper half at feet, lower hemisphere below ground) – dull black (probably solid and rock-ish, not dense black, light absorbing, vibrating anti-matter-ish, but that's just my guess)
Because of ( >>3156 ), I'm not sure what to do for your lunar body. Perhaps just imagine yourself tracing the symbols.
Once you get to Terra, actually open your eyes and for the first time draw out the symbols with your physical arms.
Be sure to vibrate "Luna" if female and "Lunar" if male, unless you want to masculinze/feminize yourself slightly.
Now you've activated each of your planetary bodies and protected them with wards.