>Most religions oppose each other and claim to be the only true faith.
But how is that even relevant to what you wrote in >>4514
>maya vs buddhism
explain please.
>or you get mental problems
Ever heard of emotional alchemy?
>but when it comes down to it you will follow your basest desires
Or not. I mean, we all here on /fringe/ (I guess) are pretty much for being something more than an animal. I don't see why, someone who progressed enough, would still follow base desires which he would have already mastered.
>I'm also here to spread their view.
>The purpose is to form the succubus religion
>I ask the collective of succubus and sometimes I let one of them type the reply using my body
Now, that doesn't bring any more credibility to your persona, does it? Maybe they are lying, because they have something to gain from spreading such picture of themselves.
>So the "guru act" is fully acceptable.
It only is acceptable if someone accepts you as their guru. I never did, so I'd ask you not to try and enforce your views but just present information and support it with examples/evidence whenever you can.
>A message doesn't have to be true, and it doesn't have to be based on facts, as long as it is based on emotions people recognize.
So you actually admit that whatever you write here isn't necessarily true? This actually further reinforces my previous point about succubi probably lying to gain something.
>Sorry for being blunt but all I need to do is hammer it in in multiple online platforms.
No problem and hammer away, but I doubt you will find any cultists here, especially after you were so straightforward with us.
>Images in your mind can appear in any way, there is no limitation
>When a succubus appears in the physical
Wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute. You said yourself in >>4500
>they do not have physical bodies
so I assumed we were talking about their appearance in the astral. You never suggested otherwise until now even when I openly stated that I talk about their astral bodies, so please, cut the bullshit, you just directly contradicted yourself.
>What you see is just images
>Images in your mind can appear in any way, there is no limitation
>Looking at the astral and seeing things with wings or tails is just like looking at a different species. They can't suddenly change either, they look different to begin with, that's all.
>Can you will another person into being by just thinking about it? Put like this you know it won't happen. Why would it be possible with a non physical person?
And, even if this is some silly misunderstanding and you were talking about "physical" succubi all along in >>4485 you told us
>some do have a penis folded in somewhere inside/above the vagina
but indeed
>the human world doesn't work that way
>I always aim at industrial scale effectiveness with the things I do.
Some attention to details would be nice too nonetheless :^)
>Most people are very ordinary mainstream normies, it's them I aim at. Social movements of 1000s of individuals.
Yeah, you just came to the right place! Welcome to fringechan, the biggest normiehole in the galaxy.
Listen, either you and your succubi posse are trying o fuck us over or you are being fucked over by them.
>I feel this should be my last post in this argument
Aww, don't thrown in the towel, we had a good thing going on here.