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Esoteric Wizardry

Seeker 2016-05-13 17:41:25 No.2653 >>4492

A few days ago I had an experience where I descended to the instinctual plane of mind while sweating profusely and producing intense amounts of heat. I experienced things as happening instead of happening to me. I could not turn my thoughts inward at all and it was like I was merely an observer of an automatic-instinctive process. Pain was felt and reacted to as were other things but not as something happening to me, merely as something happening. I felt it but I could not think about it and everything was out of mind the moment it had passed, there was no dwelling on anything.

Anyways, since then some weird changes have come over me. I don't know how long this will all persist for but this is it:

1. Disturbing things disturb me again. I can't look at gore, weird stuff, sexual perversions, anything depicting anti-social behaviour, madness, etc. without FEELING it and having to immediately close/hide/get-away.

2. I can not tolerate negative stuff anymore at all. At most only a few minutes of it and I then have to turn the mind to something else or go about addressing the problem happily and without it hurting my astral body.

3. My sleep cycle which has for a very long time been fucked has nearly completely reset to being awake during the day and asleep at night instead of the other way around.

4. I am able to sustain myself on very little food all day. I used to have to eat tons of food and still feel undernourished.

5. I am able to breath through both nostrils now about 80% of the time (used to barely ever have more than one nostril open) and pranayama is easier for me and it feels as if the air is sustaining me, vivifying my thoughts, healing my body, etc.

6. I can't touch anything or focus on anything without feeling and seeing everything or at least many things connected to it. Some objects I have to put away now until I cleanse it properly with the astral light because there's all this negative stuff tied to it. Some stuff draws to me all kinds of wonderful things.

7. I can't seem to fap anymore or become sexually aroused after having done a solar-fap ritual that seems to have reset my sexuality to a most basic, pure configuration free of perversion…

I am not sure if this is all a good thing or not. I feel I may have regressed into a more infantile state or something and been robbed of aggression and other qualities I think I need to not be an effeminate push-over. I only like 3, 4, 5, and 6. I think 7 would be OK but only if I had a waifu to have normal sex with and I don't, I'm completely alone.

Seeker 2016-05-25 12:13:04 No.2795 >>2810

what was the solar fap ritual that you did

Seeker 2016-05-27 07:40:15 No.2810 >>2825


Bumping for solar fap ritual as well

Seeker 2016-05-28 09:23:21 No.2825



Seeker 2016-06-23 01:11:10 No.3711 >>3712 >>4975

You'll be fine. Welcome to the life of an empath. If you just remain calm, confident you'll never need to use aggressive force again. Anyone who ever directs hostility at you, will have it reflected back to them if you just keep your cool. Of course, if you ever inflict violence on another, you'll feel it as well. I don't mean that in a poetic sense–I mean, you will feel in your nerves every bit of damage you inflict on others.

On the flip side, this is a very useful skill for love making. The primary difference between your state of mind before, and after, is that previously your mind seems to have been configured for a bottom-up modality. Meaning you were looking at the universe from the perspective of self, and going outwards in that direction. Now, it seems like your mind suddenly shifted to a top-down perspective–viewing the universe as an infinite whole, and dissecting the pieces as necessary to put them into a form that can be communicated with words, and such. The heat came from your brain, as it burned a whole bunch of calories in order to shift its configuration in a short amount of time. That's also why your nostrils are clearer–your brain literally moved into a more comfortable place, easing the pressure off your sinuses.

If you haven't yet, you need to go find a cat and go pet it. It's the best.

Seeker 2016-06-23 01:11:48 No.3712


Then go find one of these, and pet it as well. It's even better.

Seeker 2016-06-23 03:58:52 No.3713

OP, could you explain what caused you to experience this change?

Also, the solar fap ritual.

Thank you.

Seeker 2016-06-23 11:33:24 No.3719 >>3720 >>5172 >>5010

The OP is Smiley/Fringe Wizard and should be ignored.

Seeker 2016-06-23 12:54:24 No.3720



I hope he goes back to his dead boards and doesn't spread his cancer here.

Seeker 2016-07-29 11:19:49 No.4975

yeah i used to be an edgy 12 year old too OP, then i became an empathic schizo too


god i love petting my little panther

Seeker 2016-07-30 00:56:52 No.4999 >>5010

Bumping for interest in the ritual. Honestly, OP, what you're describing doesn't sound so bad. Sounds like a real spiritual development. Given your discomfort with aspects of it, perhaps it's premature growth.

Even if it's uncomfortable, remember that this too, shall pass. Enjoy the state your in, learn from it, and come back and post about your solar ritual.

Seeker 2016-07-30 11:59:28 No.5010



Seeker 2016-08-03 09:24:13 No.5172


I think people can decide for themselves whether they want to ignore it or not.

Seeker 2016-12-08 05:41:26 No.10895

Came back to this thread for updates from OP. You still around fringechan anywhere?

Seeker 2016-12-08 06:32:55 No.10898

>instinctual plane of mind

>just an observer

>intense amounts of heat

It sounds like you've accidentally stumbled upon the Tummo meditation.


Seeker 2016-12-09 01:01:25 No.10934

What you lived OP was great.

What are you practicing? Meditations?

Sage 2016-12-09 23:48:58 No.10954 >>11069

I swear to fucking christ you people better not be dumb enough to actually pursue this type of existence.

Grow a fucking tolerance to neg energy newb. Stop trying to masturbate your own ego through other people because you lack self-confidence. Go start a blog or something. Fuck off REEEEEEEEEE~

Seeker 2016-12-13 07:40:35 No.11069 >>11169


only people paid to say this shit would actually bother to post this shit

Seeker 2016-12-14 22:03:24 No.11169


If only I was actually paid for posting the truth.