>I never said you were unfit
I gave you a word of advice. You told me that you don't take advice from someone physically unfit. I asked you why do you presume I am such a person. You denied calling me unfit. Am I missing something?
>For the most part, they are. See: the Romans
Didn't you mean to say "were"? I know, Romans, Greeks, mind and body in unison. But they are long dead. I'm speaking from the personal experience here (but so far everyone in this thread did) but I rarely encountered someone who would care for both mind and body. Look at some of the "mundanes". Do you honestly think that guys and girls who care only about their body have a great mind too? Those people who post their selfies after workout on the Internet for example. And btw. haven't you heard of the dreadful degeneracy in ancient Rome?
Also, if someone is only working out and not doing much of anything else, where would they get this beautiful mind from? A trainer from gym is gonna initiate them into magic?
>I didn't call them "fake", it's just they're lacking purity which is not just some fancy thing.
Okay, that was my admission then, but the rest of my post was about there not necessarily being a necessity for purity.
>Purity a) eliminates obstacles and b) builds you up with the most efficient methods.
Sure, if you define "purity" as only being focused on the path and getting more powerful, then I think we can all agree that someone pure could advance very quickly. Also, if you can harness the powerful energy of your desires and "impurities" you can be on a highway to power, even when indulging in lots of "degenerate" stuff.
>I am not saying you can't develop so far that it won't even matter or that you won't advance at all but it makes things so much more complicated.
From your other posts I got the feeling that you claim exactly that.
>Oh, most certainly they are "real" occultists. I've seen the fat, drinking, smoking, aging, sick 'wizards and witches' whose greatest "occult" achievement is fortune telling, spirit healing, cursing, having only green lights when driving, getting a parking space, and endless chatter about occult topics. One of them struggled all his life with attaining astral projection, and he was deadly obese, very sick and yet a 'national socialist wizard'.
But in >>2459 you sound exactly like a natsoc anon. And again: assumptions. I'm not saying that "degenerates" are more powerful, or that they are less powerful, all I'm saying is that generalizing people in this way isn't a smart thing to do. There are stupid people who can't do anything even remotely magical, sure. They may smoke, drink, fuck etc. What does it prove?
>The bad thing about drugs is a) addiction and b) you don't really need drugs
Well, that's pretty much what I said, is it not?
>Again, the power of purity is greatly underestimated.
So is the power of "impurity", of breaking all social and moral taboos and of committing transgressions. It is an enormous storehouse of energy if one can use it. The impurity has it's own power, it is pretty hard to wield it and you can get consumed, but it is a fun and quick path if one is capable.
>At some point it is even necessary to advance further.
Elaborate please.
>Seeking pure enjoyment that lasts a moment is a disease. Seeking pure enjoyment that lasts forever is divine.
There are paths (most tantrik schools for example) that provide practitioner with both.
And I'm getting tired of all this talk about dualities. Everything is pure.
pdf related is a short essay on using transgressive rituals in Śakta and Thelema, just posted it as it is somewhat relevant and a fun read. From what I can tell it is pretty okay and well informed when it comes to Śakta, but I can't say for Thelema as I'm not acquainted with it.