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Esoteric Wizardry

Seeker 2016-04-23 23:46:58 No.2436 >>2469 >>2437

Hey /fringe/, I was curious as to what you all think we could classify people who think they're magically inclined, but are not, as? The sorts that make facebook groups about how to use loosh to charge their ipod and blog on tumblr about when they where "abducted by aliens". I don't think they ought to be called mundanes, as they're far more irritating. Any suggestions?

Seeker 2016-04-23 23:59:02 No.2437 >>2439


1. shouldn't this be part of the questions thread?

2. Plastic occultists? Lampreys? hopeless cases? wastes of time? New Agers?

Seeker 2016-04-24 00:01:27 No.2438 >>2439

wicans (rimshot)

i usually just call them new age

Seeker 2016-04-24 00:11:50 No.2439 >>2469 >>2440



New-Ager's seems to be the most likely name, but I want something that sprints off the tongue like mundanes or normies.

Seeker 2016-04-24 00:15:59 No.2440 >>2442


something that connotes being a fake, a watered down version, or (for want of a better word) a poseur.

Seeker 2016-04-24 01:42:13 No.2442 >>2448


bullshit/armchair occults, mundanes (because thats what they are), degenerates, disinformants

Seeker 2016-04-24 14:48:42 No.2448 >>2470 >>2469 >>2459


>le degenerate meme

And what makes them so degenerate?

Seeker 2016-04-24 20:16:22 No.2458 >>2487 >>2479

What makes you think they 'don't' charge their ipods this way? I have witnessed many weird things. If you believe that this is literally impossible then you're the mundane.

What is so mundane about 'alien abductions'? It's not a very explored topic.

At least they 'do' something, unlike the "occultists" who claim to be 'powerful' while being unable to use paranormal abilities.

Garbage occultists are only those who are unable to release their limited belief systems and can't comprehend 'everything is energy, everything is spirit' who believe telekinesis is unattainable or that Breatharians must be fake. That's basically all of traditional Western Occultism.

That's the kind of people who are truly ruining everything, not the children who charge their ipods. They aren't limited to that degree of an armchair occultist who still belives in 'science'.

And what's with the mocking of 'New Age'? It's a very broad term for everything related to this board and nobody actually calls themselves a 'new ager'.

You want to know what communities truly are mundane 'occultists'?




They will outright tell you that 'magic' is limited (because they themselves are very low level). They don't know the slightest about energy cultivation, how to purify the physical body and what the real fundamentals of everything spiritual truly are. They throw terms such as vampire, werewolf, power and energy around as if it was just words. Think of the 'shapeshifters' or 'lycanthropes' who never actually 'do' anything for real. It's same level of retardation as the "The Secret" readers who only go for trash goals and the 'witches' who think that Astral Projection is flying. They're all garbage occultists because they are stuck in dogmatic beliefs and refuse to open their mind and not because they are weak or inefficient in their practice (because that can be easily solved).

It doesn't really matter what you call them. Some people are just more advanced than others.

Seeker 2016-04-24 20:40:04 No.2459 >>2491 >>2479 >>2460


'Degenerate' fits the trope if you actually look at them. They're often edgy cutters, tainted with tattoos and piercings, live in filth, have fat and ungroomed bodies, do all sorts of drugs, are sexual deviants and look like they belong into concentration camps. Non-degenerate seekers usually don't parade their spiritual prowess, they know it's not a party joke.

Also, spiritually inclined but impure and untrained are prone to possessions.

Seeker 2016-04-24 21:17:46 No.2460 >>2473 >>2470 >>2469 >>2461


>They're often edgy cutters, tainted with tattoos and piercings etc.

All those assumptions.

>Non-degenerate seekers usually don't parade their spiritual prowess, they know it's not a party joke.

Some more assumptions.

>Also, spiritually inclined but impure and untrained are prone to possessions.

And even more of them.

Firstly, could you provide anything to back up these claims?

Secondly, I don't really know where are you coming from with all these. First thing in mind I have when thinking about people OP mentioned is some chilled out dudes straight out from a "yoga" class, peace n' love, gud vibes shit.

Okay, so lets assume that you are right, and those "fake" occultists do and are all those things you mentioned. I never quite got why some people assume that only "non-degenerates" have real power.

>live in filth

So help me out and tell me exactly why you assume that people who live in filth aren't "real" occultists. Do you mean to tell me that your physical surroundings have such a great effect on you that you become less of a magician if you don't clean your room? As far as my knowledge goes, without doesn't really matter, within is all that counts.

>do all sorts of drugs

What of it? If they can handle it, then it's no big deal. Why doing drugs would be an inherently bad thing? It won't make you more powerful of course, but it doesn't automatically indicate that a person is deluded or weak.

>sexual deviants

You mean homosexuals or people having weird fetishes? Each person enjoys their sexuality as they want, what is wrong with it? As long of course as they have the other's person consent. There used to be a shit ton of threads on the 8ch /fringe/ about homosexuality and transgenderism and each time some of the posters who claimed that "gays cannot into magic" were asked to back up these claims, they couldn't. Maybe they mumbled something about feminine and masculine energies, but obviously one can and do have both.

>look like they belong into concentration camps

And there I thought that "real" occultists always try to get to the source of the matter, not just scrap the surface.

>tainted with tattoos and piercings

>have fat and ungroomed bodies

I do not like these things too so I'm not gonna argue against, but by this point I hope you see that one could argue that it doesn't really matter.

A word of advice: don't give so much power to the physical.

Seeker 2016-04-24 22:15:02 No.2461 >>2464 >>2463


Yes, these are all assumptions. The term mundane is also an assumption.

I would not take advice from someone who is physically unfit, as their body reflects their mind.

Seeker 2016-04-24 22:24:32 No.2463 >>2471 >>2470 >>2469 >>2464


I never did use the word "mundane" in my whole post, so that's an admission on your part.

You assume that I am physically unfit. Why is that?

Seeker 2016-04-24 22:29:31 No.2464 >>2471 >>2470 >>2469 >>8035



And also, the body does not necessarily reflect the mind, else all fit people would be intellectuals or great thinkers, would they not?

I have yet to have an intellectual conversation with someone who cares only about their flesh sheath.

I've met some people with beautiful mind and body, some with one or the other and mostly those with neither.

The body will rot and wither away in the end. There are things which are eternal.

Seeker 2016-04-24 23:23:52 No.2469 >>2470







>uses the indigo pill

>gets this butt hurt and loosh farmed

I think you have some things to work on.

Seeker 2016-04-24 23:38:05 No.2470 >>2472


I am not the same poster as OP.

This is me:





>Loosh farmed kek!

I think you need to work on learning the mechanics of loosh, and of "farming" it. I was emotionally detached when posting (I am most of the time anyway if emotional attachment isn't something I need at given moment) and only presented my view. My butt isn't hurting, my loosh isn't leaking and I'm only a little curious why is that when someone is loosing a discussion it always turns out they were only loosh farming all along.

Seeker 2016-04-24 23:57:07 No.2471 >>2491 >>2479


I never said you were unfit, I was referring to

>A word of advice: don't give so much power to the physical.


>And also, the body does not necessarily reflect the mind, else all fit people would be intellectuals or great thinkers, would they not?

For the most part, they are. See: the Romans

>The body will rot and wither away in the end.

Which is precisely why it must be utilized to it's fullest extent.

Seeker 2016-04-24 23:57:15 No.2472



Also, upon the same topic as above.

A proper wizard will work upon their body as much as their spiritual advancement. The body can be considered to be a temple of where your awareness sits.

The more mundane occultists do not have a higher understanding of reality and come in many different forms. They may do magic upon some level, but do not fully understand it and have control. This separates mundanes from ourselves. Mundanes as well may believe in false paths. Such as the new age disinfo or similar things. They may have larger control then say, christians, but they still are not provided with the correct truth and are opened up to attacks.

Seeker 2016-04-25 00:50:32 No.2473 >>2491 >>2479 >>2478


>First thing in mind I have when thinking about people OP mentioned is some chilled out dudes straight out from a "yoga" class, peace n' love, gud vibes shit.

Yes, it depends what you think of first. I was thinking about 10-12 year-old snot-nosed brats who want superpowers, goths who want to do 'evil', teenage 'witches', hippies, etc.

>Okay, so lets assume that you are right, and those "fake" occultists do and are all those things you mentioned.

I didn't call them "fake", it's just they're lacking purity which is not just some fancy thing.

>I never quite got why some people assume that only "non-degenerates" have real power.

Purity a) eliminates obstacles and b) builds you up with the most efficient methods. 'Degeneracy' is a burden and limits the occult advancement. I am not saying you can't develop so far that it won't even matter or that you won't advance at all but it makes things so much more complicated. Good example is the Wiccan millionaire.

>So help me out and tell me exactly why you assume that people who live in filth aren't "real" occultists. Do you mean to tell me that your physical surroundings have such a great effect on you that you become less of a magician if you don't clean your room? As far as my knowledge goes, without doesn't really matter, within is all that counts.

Oh, most certainly they are "real" occultists. I've seen the fat, drinking, smoking, aging, sick 'wizards and witches' whose greatest "occult" achievement is fortune telling, spirit healing, cursing, having only green lights when driving, getting a parking space, and endless chatter about occult topics. One of them struggled all his life with attaining astral projection, and he was deadly obese, very sick and yet a 'national socialist wizard'.

Your environment reflects yourself and is a factor in your development. Cities are the worst places on Earth and no sane soul would allow their surroundings be filled with layers of dust and litter. A healthy environment is pefect, and while not always attainable it is beneficial to keep it neat.

>What of it? If they can handle it, then it's no big deal. Why doing drugs would be an inherently bad thing? It won't make you more powerful of course, but it doesn't automatically indicate that a person is deluded or weak.

The bad thing about drugs is a) addiction and b) you don't really need drugs, just meditate and reach higher consciousness. It's just a waste of time a fruitless eascapism.

>You mean homosexuals or people having weird fetishes? Each person enjoys their sexuality as they want, what is wrong with it? As long of course as they have the other's person consent. There used to be a shit ton of threads on the 8ch /fringe/ about homosexuality and transgenderism and each time some of the posters who claimed that "gays cannot into magic" were asked to back up these claims, they couldn't. Maybe they mumbled something about feminine and masculine energies, but obviously one can and do have both.

Seeking pure enjoyment that lasts a moment is a disease. Seeking pure enjoyment that lasts forever is divine.

The people I was talking about are the usual people, I am not even remotely implying LGBT or weird fetishes. The usualy people are already very degenerate. They masturbate excessively, have multiple partners and use unhealthy remedies such as contraceptive pills.

>And there I thought that "real" occultists always try to get to the source of the matter, not just scrap the surface.

>A word of advice: don't give so much power to the physical.

Not taking care of your physical vessel is an indicator that you're not wise.

Again, the power of purity is greatly underestimated. All the "degenerate" things mentioned, including bad diets and other lifestyle choices, greatly impede advancement. Purification, bodily and mentally, will always lead to better results. At some point it is even necessary to advance further. How many spiritualists had cancer and other diseases just because in their arrogance they didn't realize their sick bodies couldn't withstand higher powers?

Seeker 2016-04-25 09:17:31 No.2475

Don't understand why you are so pissed.

Its all just levels of understanding. This board might seem like a playground in kindergarten for some ultra high level wizard.

For some mundane person, a pamphlet about law of attraction can be an amazing growth experience, doesn't matter that's is just new agey shit, at his level, it is a new idea, its the idea that we affect our reality. Not everyone is ready to get slammed in the face with the truth of just how much it is true.

Seeker 2016-04-25 09:59:34 No.2476

Where do you even draw the line? Some people would call everyone on this board this new term OP wants to invent. Others would claim all and every experiences are real and important. The problem is that spiritual development is completely subjective. Plus, people change - some who started out as faggot roleplayers 6 years ago may now be masters at astral projection, for example.

Seeker 2016-04-25 14:47:33 No.2478 >>2481


Isn't that the famous "idea guy"?

Seeker 2016-04-25 17:30:38 No.2479 >>2481


>the "The Secret" readers who only go for trash goals

the Secret is trash…


>do all sorts of drugs


>sexual deviants


look, stop claiming that other people are unable to release their limited belief systems, while you can't go beyond limited morality


romans stole most of their shit from the greeks.



morality, morality, morality

>They masturbate excessively, have multiple partners and use unhealthy remedies such as contraceptive pills.


you're no better than christians who are obsessed with chastity.

why should someone chain their self interest.

also, what about CMers who use masturbation/sex to obtain their 'gnostic state'?

Seeker 2016-04-25 18:07:05 No.2481 >>2482


not really important


It's not about morality.

Seeker 2016-04-25 18:34:44 No.2482 >>2485


it essentially is that.

either way, it involves individuals sacrificing their own interests to an abstract purity, whether moral purity or quasi-religious purity, and you're hypocritical for saying other occultists are unable to release their limited belief systems, when you have a limited belief system you refuse to release yourself.

Seeker 2016-04-25 19:07:39 No.2485 >>2488


i already said that it's just about making things a lot easier. This is not about morality when there are facts. Do your own research.

Seeker 2016-04-25 19:59:03 No.2487


>And what's with the mocking of 'New Age'?

Seeker 2016-04-25 20:38:48 No.2488


you still haven't responded to my other criticisms.

Seeker 2016-04-25 21:42:46 No.2491 >>2498 >>5137


>I never said you were unfit

I gave you a word of advice. You told me that you don't take advice from someone physically unfit. I asked you why do you presume I am such a person. You denied calling me unfit. Am I missing something?

>For the most part, they are. See: the Romans

Didn't you mean to say "were"? I know, Romans, Greeks, mind and body in unison. But they are long dead. I'm speaking from the personal experience here (but so far everyone in this thread did) but I rarely encountered someone who would care for both mind and body. Look at some of the "mundanes". Do you honestly think that guys and girls who care only about their body have a great mind too? Those people who post their selfies after workout on the Internet for example. And btw. haven't you heard of the dreadful degeneracy in ancient Rome?

Also, if someone is only working out and not doing much of anything else, where would they get this beautiful mind from? A trainer from gym is gonna initiate them into magic?


>I didn't call them "fake", it's just they're lacking purity which is not just some fancy thing.

Okay, that was my admission then, but the rest of my post was about there not necessarily being a necessity for purity.

>Purity a) eliminates obstacles and b) builds you up with the most efficient methods.

Sure, if you define "purity" as only being focused on the path and getting more powerful, then I think we can all agree that someone pure could advance very quickly. Also, if you can harness the powerful energy of your desires and "impurities" you can be on a highway to power, even when indulging in lots of "degenerate" stuff.

>I am not saying you can't develop so far that it won't even matter or that you won't advance at all but it makes things so much more complicated.

From your other posts I got the feeling that you claim exactly that.

>Oh, most certainly they are "real" occultists. I've seen the fat, drinking, smoking, aging, sick 'wizards and witches' whose greatest "occult" achievement is fortune telling, spirit healing, cursing, having only green lights when driving, getting a parking space, and endless chatter about occult topics. One of them struggled all his life with attaining astral projection, and he was deadly obese, very sick and yet a 'national socialist wizard'.

But in >>2459 you sound exactly like a natsoc anon. And again: assumptions. I'm not saying that "degenerates" are more powerful, or that they are less powerful, all I'm saying is that generalizing people in this way isn't a smart thing to do. There are stupid people who can't do anything even remotely magical, sure. They may smoke, drink, fuck etc. What does it prove?

>The bad thing about drugs is a) addiction and b) you don't really need drugs

Well, that's pretty much what I said, is it not?

>Again, the power of purity is greatly underestimated.

So is the power of "impurity", of breaking all social and moral taboos and of committing transgressions. It is an enormous storehouse of energy if one can use it. The impurity has it's own power, it is pretty hard to wield it and you can get consumed, but it is a fun and quick path if one is capable.

>At some point it is even necessary to advance further.

Elaborate please.

>Seeking pure enjoyment that lasts a moment is a disease. Seeking pure enjoyment that lasts forever is divine.

There are paths (most tantrik schools for example) that provide practitioner with both.

And I'm getting tired of all this talk about dualities. Everything is pure.

pdf related is a short essay on using transgressive rituals in Śakta and Thelema, just posted it as it is somewhat relevant and a fun read. From what I can tell it is pretty okay and well informed when it comes to Śakta, but I can't say for Thelema as I'm not acquainted with it.

Seeker 2016-04-25 22:45:11 No.2498


I meant of course, well informed for someone who isn't grasping the truly occult side of Tantra, has purely academic viewpoint and is focusing mostly on system's most notorious and poorly understood part.

Seeker 2016-04-26 21:36:20 No.2521 >>2547

>if you have tattoos you cant be a wizard

/pol/ calm yourself

Seeker 2016-04-28 16:04:40 No.2545

henceforth they will be named the Novelty Snowflakes. Or we can go whit the some classic names:




Seeker 2016-04-28 22:07:03 No.2547 >>2548


Tattoos are lame, all esoteric discussion aside. It is attention-seeking behavior for stupid women and convicts.

!/49HvHXCOk 2016-04-28 22:33:38 No.2548 >>2551


I disagree in the sense that tattooing a sigil or rune should heighten its effect/legit tribal stuff can be cool/evoke primal energies.

They're definitely overdone

Seeker 2016-04-29 02:09:34 No.2551 >>2554


The non eternal substance commonly known as Ink dose the same thing than permanent discoloration.

Seeker 2016-04-29 07:01:14 No.2554 >>2562


But that isn't permanent ;)

Seeker 2016-04-30 15:43:42 No.2562


I was trying to be smart about it but that's exactly the point I wanted to make

Williamvob 2016-05-12 07:09:17 No.2638

Im thankful for the forum.Really thank you! Great. Martinov

Seeker 2016-05-17 03:21:42 No.2710

I don't know what book is this from, but it sorta goes straight to the point of charlatans… is this what you wanted?