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Esoteric Wizardry

Seeker 2016-03-25 22:00:49 No.1801 >>1802

Basically I´m calling to everyone to share and discuss the properties of the different tools a wizard might need for the various purposes the art pursuits.

>Crystals and stones

>Cards and icons

>Altars and sanctuaries

>Drawing implements and wands

>Charms and trinkets

I believe the topic is broad enough for its own thread, and I'd like to discuss the specifics of every material, not the generalities that everyone knows (or should know).

Seeker 2016-03-25 22:24:00 No.1802 >>1803


The only tool you need is your mind. The rest is optional or even detrimental to your progress.

Seeker 2016-03-25 22:44:08 No.1803 >>1804


This is exactly the kind of answer I didn't want to see.

You could say the same about 9/10 of what is posted in this site, even about physical conditioning. As the very second hermetic principle states "As within so without", so, why ignoring all the external tools?

Limiting yourself to just one tool is detrimental.

Seeker 2016-03-25 23:11:20 No.1804 >>1805


You asked about what you NEED. You don't need anything, the mind will suffice.

>why ignoring all the external tools?

Because they are useless to me and I can get better results without them, but if you need a crutch then help yourself.

>You could say the same about 9/10 of what is posted in this site

And I do.

Seeker 2016-03-25 23:28:29 No.1805 >>1806


Well after making me reply twice:

Can you please abstain from posting here, if you think this thread is useless?

I feel happy for you and your success without tools, but the topic is all about what can you do WITH them.

I already know I can do pretty much everything without them, but I'm hitting several walls and I just want to know all the paths around.

Seeker 2016-03-26 00:20:29 No.1806 >>1807 >>1809


Psilocibin mushrooms are free if you know how to find and identify them

Any psychedelic will destabalize your normal way of thinking, which can be useful if used mindfully and respectfully for a "soft reset" on your dogmas leaving you a more cleaner slate to work from IMO

If you think I'm a degenerate you're probably right


Seeker 2016-03-26 00:21:48 No.1807


>more cleaner state

fuck me

Seeker 2016-03-26 02:04:23 No.1809 >>3779


I think I'll do that when I have already mastered some basics. I'll stick with Julius Evola's counsel for a while, that the "corrosive waters" are for people who has already mastered the fire.

Anyway, for future reference, I´ll bookmark that site. Thanks for your contribution.

Seeker 2016-03-26 12:26:03 No.1815 >>2098 >>1821

Hopefully someone will share some orgonite info that I've last seen in the freedomboard days.

If I remember right, it had some wonderful healing properties but I forget what else some anons there have used it for.

Seeker 2016-03-26 18:06:19 No.1821


As limited as my understanding is, I think its about making energies circulate in the ambient. The structure of the orgonite is meant to strongly polarize the energies in a room, making them move - basically preventing stagnation, which is a common cause of sickness in the oriental model.

Of course, this might be just an asian flourish, without a factual correlation, but I haven't bought one because it looks new agey as fuck. If I ever buy/craft one, it'll be under strict study of the effects and requisites for it to work.

Seeker 2016-03-26 20:45:48 No.1838 >>1864 >>1846 >>1849

I use only stones and herbs. Nothing more.

Personally, i don't feel confortable with a lot of wizardry stuff, it's like i'm losing my sanity when i need any of those kind of things.

Seeker 2016-03-26 22:04:00 No.1846 >>1864 >>1863 >>1855


"Sanity" is as imaginary as anything else

But it is useful, and not something to throw away without good reason

Seeker 2016-03-26 22:21:57 No.1849 >>1855


Well, if you could elaborate on what stones and herbs you use, in what way and with what purpose, I'd feel a lot more enlightened.

Seeker 2016-03-26 23:06:35 No.1855 >>1863


No, please…


Tourmaline, black obsidian, fluorite and stones crafted with runes.

Herbs that i use are most cayenne, mint, red pipper, cinnamon, thyme. I make some preparations smashing other herbs too (sorry, i don't know what word to use, smashing, squashing, mashing)

khru !/49HvHXCOk 2016-03-27 02:27:34 No.1863 >>1864




that images trips me out a little.

Seeker 2016-03-27 02:42:59 No.1864 >>1904 >>1873




>losing sanity

>trips me out

And I thought we had wizards on this site, not helpless little mundanes.

Truth: Mundane 'sanity' is only a matter of perspective. Of which being that you follow mundane patterns and go with their flow.

Mundane 'insanity' can be either an imbalance with the higher and lower chakras, or simply being very very 'strange'.

Having imbalanced chakras and becoming the common schizo is an actual issue wizards should be careful of, but not feared.

Things such as the image in: >>1846

Are just boring chaos magician stuff that are made to open up or mind to 'chaotic' stuff. For more things, read the Principa Discordia.

Also, on the topic of 'chaos' magic, its nothing of edge lord teens who think they have made their own path of magic and that its better than the rest. In reality though, chaos magic is entry teir shit that gets blown the fuck out by actual wizardry books.

Seeker 2016-03-27 10:10:27 No.1873 >>1878


I know what "sanity" means and i don't need be a fat boy with schizophrenia to progress on any path. Go pray to Atkinson and forget this "true wizard" bullshit, please.

Seeker 2016-03-27 11:14:05 No.1878 >>1912 >>1904 >>1881


>I know what "sanity" means

Then why did you type out: Personally, i don't feel confortable with a lot of wizardry stuff, it's like i'm losing my sanity when i need any of those kind of things.

>i don't need be a fat boy with schizophrenia to progress on any path

I never said you were and was not pointing towards that as a goal.

Also, by mundane definition, we could all be considered schizo's here due to us believing in things 'normal' people don't believe in.

>Go pray to Atkinson and forget this 'true wizard' bullshit, please.

>Go pray to Atkinson

If the point of these words were to point towards the idea that I have read and indeed worship the author William Walker Atkinson, who I never mentioned in my earlier posts, then you are clearly wrong. Spiritual advancement is a path of discovering new things and creating a path of magic for yourself. Worshiping a specific author or an idea which does not fit into the big picture are false paths which only limit yourself.

Also, by the way, what books do you read and by what author?

I personally think WWA's books are very well written and provide more or less accurate info with good evidence. Although, upon the wizard himself, he is an armchair wizard.

>"true wizard" bullshit, please

Can you please explain what is the 'true wizard' and how it is bullshit? If you speak upon the topic of chaos magic vs authors like WWA, then chaos magic clearly loses. The general books, guides, and chaos magic text in general do teach some of the basic building blocks of spiritual advancement, but hardly go any further. Along with that, they often feel the need to insult practitioners who have limited themselves to other paths, as they did themselves.

From my perspective, the 'true wizard path' is a path that you yourself create through all of the lessons you have learned and teachings you have read. Calling yourself a follower of the LHP or RHP or different pills are all limitations. Understanding that there are no true limitations in reality and keeping your life clear of blockages is a goal all wizards should strive for.

Here, in the 3rd density, you get reminded every day through normal physical actions about being limited. This mindset must be changed.

Seeker 2016-03-27 12:15:24 No.1881 >>1904


>From my perspective, the 'true wizard path' is a path that you yourself create through all of the lessons you have learned and teachings you have read.

I will not answer everything, because, well, you know… I will just answer this, because this is what i'm trying to say. There's no right path or wrong path. You follow what you want, there's no reason to say

>And I thought we had wizards on this site, not helpless little mundanes.

Just because i don't feel confortable with insanity? In my perspective, when you think that something is crazy or stupid enough to don't be real, or you don't feel confortable with this thing, you just don't need to follow the path of this kind of thing. You can be a great wizard only reading Chaos Magic books, or you can be a fool reading thousands of books and doing what everyone says without even think about what you're doing.

You try to find words when there's no need of a word.

khru !/49HvHXCOk 2016-03-27 20:16:06 No.1904 >>3780


you forgot the "a little".

I tend to allow a small bit to see what it's like before rejecting things. Perhaps not a good idea, but it comes from enjoying games/plays/acts. After all, that's what life is, innit?

Far from helpless, but not what I'd call anything but a basic wizard.

I feel nothing from the pic at the moment.


> Understanding that there are no true limitations in reality and keeping your life clear of blockages is a goal all wizards should strive for.

that's basically all I'm doing. I'm self-learning and progressing because I have a hard enough time managing my rapid progress after kundalini.


>you just don't need to follow the path of this kind of thing


progress is progress, and if something is useful we'll get to it when we need it.

I'm being blown in good directions/taking the path of Yin/Providence right now.

Seeker 2016-03-27 20:53:09 No.1912 >>1921 >>1920


>we could all be considered schizo's here due to us believing in things 'normal' people don't believe in.

Random anon pitching in. You can go read up on the criteria for schizophrenia and realize how ridiculously wrong you are about your reality tunnel regarding "mundanes". Tone down that elistist shit for fuck's sake. Show some humility.

Seeker 2016-03-28 02:46:16 No.1920


There's a quote that goes "the schizophrenic drowns in the same ocean the shaman swims." or close to that

Seeker 2016-03-28 02:47:36 No.1921 >>1991


>ridiculously wrong you are about your reality tunnel regarding "mundanes"

>Tone down that elistist shit for fuck's sake

This seriously made me laugh. I have a feeling you are not a wizard at all.

Here are the symptoms of schizophrenia:

Delusions - false beliefs strongly held in spite of invalidating evidence, especially as a symptom of mental illness: for example,

Paranoid delusions, or delusions of persecution, for example believing that people are "out to get" you, or the thought that people are doing things when there is no external evidence that such things are taking place.

Delusions of reference - when things in the environment seem to be directly related to you even though they are not. For example it may seem as if people are talking about you or special personal messages are being communicated to you through the TV, radio, or other media.

Somatic Delusions are false beliefs about your body - for example that a terrible physical illness exists or that something foreign is inside or passing through your body.

Delusions of grandeur - for example when you believe that you are very special or have special powers or abilities. An example of a grandiouse delusion is thinking you are a famous rock star.

Hallucinations - Hallucinations can take a number of different forms - they can be:

Visual (seeing things that are not there or that other people cannot see),

Auditory (hearing voices that other people can't hear,

Tactile (feeling things that other people don't feel or something touching your skin that isn't there.)

Olfactory (smelling things that other people cannot smell, or not smelling the same thing that other people do smell)

Gustatory experiences (tasting things that isn't there)

Disorganized speech (e.g., frequent derailment or incoherence) - these are also called "word salads".

Grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior (An abnormal condition variously characterized by stupor/innactivity, mania, and either rigidity or extreme flexibility of the limbs).

Negative symptoms, these are the lack of important abilities. Some of these include:

lack of emotion - the inability to enjoy acitivities as much as before

Low energy - the person sits around and sleeps much more than normal

lack of interest in life, low motivation

Affective flattening - a blank, blunted facial experession or less lively facial movements or physical movements.

Alogia (difficulty or inability to speak)

Inappropriate social skills or lack of interest or ability to socialize with other people

Inability to make friends or keep friends, or not caring to have friends

Social isolation - person spends most of the day alone or only with close family

Some of these are indeed negative even if you are a wizard. But things such as the hallucinations and delusions fit into the wizard life. Advanced wizard can hear and speak with entities which do not show up on the physical density.

This specifically:

>Delusions of reference - when things in the environment seem to be directly related to you even though they are not. For example it may seem as if people are talking about you or special personal messages are being communicated to you through the TV, radio, or other media.

Directly ties to synchronicities. The entire universe gives you many signs every moment. By paying attention to every single detail around you, you can gain knowledge upon what you seek. A common example of this are series of number, certain objects or symbols, and sometimes the words people say are reflected into your life repeatedly that can provide you with significant information to future progression.

Seeker 2016-03-28 03:14:16 No.1923

to add to what he said, all of the delusions are things wizards know are true,

hallucinations = paranormal senses,

disorganized speech/behaviour, easy to get when you're ungrounded/manic.

and all of the rest can happen to anyone at times, tbh.

Seeker 2016-03-28 22:15:27 No.1991 >>2033


>This seriously made me laugh. I have a feeling you are not a wizard at all.

>1337 w1z0rd

Seeker 2016-03-29 23:22:01 No.2023 >>2033 >>2028 >>2024

Leaving the elitist/humble discussion apart, can we go back to the topic:

>stones you carry in your pocket when you need help with money

>charm you carry when you work out

>wood is the best for invocation wands

>animal paws you have in your keyring to always find it

>sigils you have drawn under your bed to bind funnel negative influences

Seeker 2016-03-30 00:15:23 No.2024 >>2085


You should tell us too.

Also, nice pic, anon

Seeker 2016-03-30 07:37:59 No.2028


Really interested in this. I've read it really could be anything you or another wizard has infused.

I have no experience with this as I'm very much a newfig

>wood is the best for invocation wands

What kind of stuff is invocation used for?

Seeker 2016-03-30 11:50:04 No.2033 >>2047 >>2036


Why are you so defensive about that anon differentiating himself from mundanes? I don't know if it was you in the other thread but mundanes are just everyone who's not a wizard. While they're undoubtedly inferior to us in their spiritual evolution, the name itself carries no malice towards them. Plus even if some wizards are arrogant in relation to mundanes, who cares? Pride is certainly something that a wizard should aim to surpass but it's not the worst of emotions a wizard can feel.


I used to wear a little amulet with my star sign on it, but having something on my neck got a bit annoying and any effects if any were negligible.

As far as working out, I've infused my work out gear with expansive fire type energy which somewhat energizes me when I wear it. I've also developed techniques to give myself quick boosts of energy from the great All to punch out the last set, sometimes doing even more reps than on the second from the sheer energy I receive.

I don't actually draw any sigils, living with mundanes prevents me from doing things like evoking circles and such which is a shame.

Seeker 2016-03-30 12:46:46 No.2036


It wasn't me. It's not really that I'm defensive about differentiation, or even care much about people out there.

What bothers me is the fact that some people in this board claim to be wizards, which requires a lot of self-knowledge and hard work at controlling one's passions, but they are actually ridden with complexes (superiority complexes as well as inferiority complexes). Very hypocritical.

polite sage

Seeker 2016-03-30 17:55:47 No.2047 >>2065


>I've also developed techniques

do want

I'd probably just ask and channel a giant pillar of energy

Seeker 2016-03-30 17:56:18 No.2048

& imagine using the neareset leyline/earth/spirits/etc

Seeker 2016-03-31 08:42:44 No.2065 >>2076


Personal techniques that are instinctive are hard to put into words but I'll give it a shot.

To start with I sit on a bench, feel flat on the ground and do a rudimentary draw of energy from the Earth's core. Apart from sending that energy all over my body, I also send a significant amount into my root chakra as it's associated with survival, this causes something akin to an adrenaline shot. Finally I say something along the lines of "I am I" or "I am All" and visualize myself in the middle of a great ocean of energy which I then draw into my solar chakra.

After opening my eyes I feel the energy disperse all over my body which seems to create a soothing effect for sore muscles and something akin to a caffeine rush when you feel light as a feather and want to run around from the excess energy, allowing me to effortlessly punch out a set.

Don't know how clear this was but all this takes up about 2-3 minutes and it seems to be less effective every time I do it in a workout session, so this isn't the source of endless endurance or anything. Highly recommend doing either before trying to beat your one rep max or some time late in the session.

Seeker 2016-03-31 14:32:36 No.2076


Thank you, I'll try it.

>Personal techniques that are instinctive are hard to put into words

still, it can help people reading it to expand their imagination

Seeker 2016-03-31 23:42:25 No.2085 >>2086


Well I´m asking precisely because I'm a bit lost on that.

What things I do?

I carry 3 stones (2 shiny stones, 1 small quartz crystal) around all day in my key pocket (that useless little pocket in the right), signifying my spirit, body and mind. I try to touch the correct one to attune it to my excess energy.

Also I´ve been charging 5 quartz crystals under my mattress, touching them before and after sleeping, to attune them to my sleep patterns. I plan on hiding them in a couple months, in an attempt to attract my astral self to them and project in the process.

I practice the water magic, and eucharist as read on step 1 of IIH.

I'd like to enrich my magickal daily life, that's why I ask.

!/49HvHXCOk 2016-04-01 02:39:49 No.2086


Oh, I'd think crystals should be charged and or cleansed by sun. Nice to keep em in ur aura.

I like to imbue quartz with stuff, like one has my fiery lionheart in it.

I like the site healing-crystals-for-you.com for crystal advice and info. No idea how legit it is but it informs my purchases, and has sections for specific things like money and stuff.

Seeker 2016-04-01 22:57:55 No.2098 >>2148 >>5314


Did some one say orgonite? Pic related, one I made, my moldavite, and a dollar coin for scale.

traditional orgonites are made with a metal, resin and a crystal. I've made several myself. Various metal have different properties, I've only experimented with a few types of metal (3 to be precise, Aluminum, Copper (Cu), and Bismuth), out of those bismuth was the one I liked the most, followed by copper. I've heard mixed things about Al, I think it's fine as long as you have a crystal, my pieces didn't feel bad, they where just lesser.

My process was, I would cleanse the metals shavings and the crystals I used (I only used quartz, but I've heard many others work, however I was trying to keep it simple for science's sake untill I had more data). Then I would charge the crystals in the sun for a day and meditate with them programming them with divine love.

I did not however program them while curing, which, according to some material I've since found can be extremely powerful and effective and according to some sources even capable of dwarfing the power output of more traditional pieces with even less physical things. I shall be doing that next time I craft some.

My findings where that the level of power (energy) they radiated seemed to be directly proportional to the ratio of the surface area between the metal and the resin. Furthermore there seems to be some bias, the heavier the metal the more as well. (I would *not* advise using beyond Bi though, and I'm sure the metaphysics of the elements also plays in but my sample size was low so these are rough data points.)

I also played around with geometry of both the orgonite itself and also internal geometries, like those of coils within the devices. I found that the external shape had a much greater influence, 80-90% or more, compared to the coils. At least for the more sacred geo-esque shapes (including non-phi pyramids too), however for more 'dull' geometries such as pucks coils where responsible for the majority of the flow direction so long as they did not also clash with the point of the crystal (I only used single terminated, non cluster quartz). Coils could still typically overpower the crystal's direction but it was overall pretty non directional, rather "fuzzy" with a small bump of flow rather than a clear stream.

Furthermore, putting entire pieces in geometries (preferably sacred) in relation to one another can amplify effects as well. You can also make and use them in the same fashion in/with a crystal grid.

Personally I was never that found of putting other crystals and stones in my orgonite because if I desired to flavor the energy I could simply set the stone near it and there would be a very similar effect.

http://www.loohan.com/index.html Is a great reference and he goes way beyond the classical definition of orgonite.

http://orgone-art.all4orgone.com/anglais/visibleeffectgarden2.htm Extremely marked positive plant health and biomass as a result of exposure to additional energy.

http://baligifter.org/blog/uncategorized/how-orgonite-works Some additional science on the mechanisms behind orgonite.


Moving on to crystals by themselves. Varying molecular geometries result in specific energies unique to that stone. Since the feedback looping mechanism of the mineral is very solid what typically happens is it's energy influences the environment instead of too much of vise versa. Especially with humans where our form-vessel is very malleable to persistent and consistent energies.

Find a something you like, keep it on or around you and it's energy shall influence your energy, and by pouring energy into it said stone shall broadcast stronger.

I keep a bag of stones in my pocket literally all the time. My favorite one (my pet crystal balls aside, I talk of them in >>723 ) is moldavite, followed by amethyst. Moldavite is very powerful and is quite high in vibration, I like to lay down with it on what ever chakra needs work and meditating.

I have a pair of hematite rings (they fit my index fingers), I very rarely use them as they are almost oppressively grounding, but sometimes it is quite useful and exactly what is needed.


Onward, other tools I posses include sage (a standard for any mage), which is useful for clearing, cleansing and banishing.

I've made a number of small pocket charms, small crafts in which, while I made them I imbued them with an intent or energy to do a certain thing. I like working with small ropes, twine-esque, and braiding them in varying ways.

Candles, can't forget them, quite useful. I like to have at least 1 for each of the elements, red, fire; yellow, air; blue, water; green , earth; white, spirit. White can substitute for any as well element and also makes a nice generic one as well. By imbuing candles with a specific energies for a purpose you can release/cast that energy by burning them, also anointing them with various oils as well. (Check out the metaphysics of aromatherapy for info on this.)


Regarding scrying, I'll use tarot & (Norse) runes. I'm probably most familiar with tarot as it uses symbols and abstractions I'm much more familiar with but I feel called to the runes so I'll use them from time to time as well. For more info on how scrying works see >>>/div/108 It's quite invaluable to any one walking the path.

Seeker 2016-04-03 19:15:03 No.2148 >>2150


Now this is informative, since the only interest I can have in these magick tools is making them myself.

I think you covered pretty much everything about the manufacture here, which is nice. I think I'll some work in my sacred geometry studies before I can do any directed effort towards specific ends with any crystal, let alone orgonites.

Thanks, anon.

Seeker 2016-04-03 21:17:47 No.2150


One thing I forgot to mention about the surface area thing. Some may assume powdered metals work the best but the problem is sometimes if it's too fine you don't get resin between the metal and it simply creates a wall of material. For that reason small shapes, spheres, shavings, etc. are most ideal.

In theory you could mix the powder into the resin while it's still liquid (instead of casting it over/through it), but you'd have to be rather quick about it.

There are also cost considerations. I got most of my metals (which where shavings) for free or near free from machining shops or junk yards. Compare to buying powdered metals online…

Seeker 2016-04-06 01:14:28 No.2182 >>3894 >>2204

>Wizardry tools

Listen son, the most valuable tools you could possible have are the ones you are personally involved in the fabrication of.

All of magick comes from a deep understanding and mastery of one's own mind. What do you think will be more beneficial to your journey of enlightenment, a staff you hand carved from a branch that fell and knocked you unconscious or one you bought from a pink haired vegan woman from a convention?

All this shit about crystals and charms and trinkets come from the people who want to sell them to you. It's snake oil. I keep a satchel of various psychedelic substances and a notebook for recording epiphanies or other developments, and that has served me far better than a necklace sold by a vegan woman with a shaved head who won't shut the fuck up about my "energy".

Things you find useful or have an emotional attachment to. Anything past that is a scam being pushed to you by faggots who know most people won't make them back up their claims.

Seeker 2016-04-07 01:33:18 No.2204


But anon that's exactly what I want to know, the content of your psychedelic satchel, if there's anything that worked in an unexpected way; if your recordings are recalled easier if handwritten, or if its the same.

I'm all about making my own tools, I just want to hear experiences.

Seeker 2016-06-25 05:24:52 No.3779 >>3911 >>3781


>the "corrosive waters" are for people who has already mastered the fire.

Could you elaborate a bit on what you mean by "fire"? And I assume corrosive waters here means forcibly-achieved altered states of mind? And which book would that little excerpt be from?

Seeker 2016-06-25 05:55:22 No.3780 >>3781


>my rapid progress after kundalini.

Halp. How do I do/awaken/stimulate/fuck my Kundalini? For some reason, I'm REALLY obsessed with that above everything. I guess it resonates with me. And yet, I am also unable to get the information I feel would be useful for some reason.

Seeker 2016-06-25 06:09:17 No.3781



Also, sorry for double posting. I'm rather sleep deprived and forgot I'm revisiting the same thread. kek.

A_Wizard 2016-06-26 23:58:18 No.3894


And what the fuck do you know? Do you even know ANYTHING about actual tools, what they are used for, or how they are made? If not, stfu and move to a topic you know about.

Seeker 2016-06-27 14:56:39 No.3911


Here you go, anon.

You grasped the concepts quite well there: fire is the magickal will, and corrosive waters are those substances and situations that present a risk/benefit aspect via altered state of being.

Finder 2016-08-03 23:27:44 No.5215 >>5219

Wow, that orgonite device with the magnets in the middle, etc…. I'd really love to feel that baby in my hands! WOW

So there's a lot to being sensitive to subtle energies, that I would like to just speak up about- we should all do it, if we want heightened awareness. I think it makes sense to build your own tools, but I just want to say it's amazing when you can FEEL anything. If anybody is interested, there's a great, free course that teaches the original way to reach enlightment, as preserved 3000 (or so) years ago by Guatama Buddha… which as a result of doing the meditation training, left me and some others I have spoken with about their experiences, a profound awareness for subtle sensation: www.dhamma.org

Wow, that said, I can't claim to understand everything about them, but I can feel many things. I think it's important to say that subtle energies react with other subtle energies, and that therefore one's own experience isn't always consistent, and that there is sometimes interference of other subtleties… it's the real of the subtle, here… it certainly exists, but you would be crazy to think that it was NOT subtle, while still being SUBTLE. I don't know how to explain it any better… but if you take the time to isolate objects and yourself, etc., you will find very consistent results with this kind of sensitivity that I am discussing. One thing that I think helps amplify energies of crystals, is to apply pressure to them. I've heard this works because they are created through expansion under pressure within the earth, so when you squeeze them a little in your hands, that energy then reacts by continuing to expand. But I don't like to squeeze them too hard (maybe sometimes), because the gross sensation of squeezing that any individual can feel might make it more difficult to isolate the subtle sensation. All that said… sensitivity is individual and must be trained. Spend hours trying to feel all the details of a very subtle sensation (such as your breath), and you will start to feel SOME SHIT YOU NEVER KNEW EXISTED.

That said, I like the idea making my own tools. I want a crown. I've heard that wire wrapping crystals puts them under pressure, but even just having a custom fitted crown that I could rotate and would press a different crystal against my 3rd eye… would be an awesome wizardry tool to experiment with, and also just to focus magix.

Seeker 2016-08-04 05:27:09 No.5219



Cube 2016-08-06 04:52:28 No.5279 >>5298

>all that orgonite shilling paid off

Today is a good day.

Seeker 2016-08-06 16:20:56 No.5298 >>5299


do you own stock in orgonite?

Cube 2016-08-06 17:21:40 No.5299



Cube 2016-08-06 17:23:05 No.5300 >>5330

>I've been found out

Seeker 2016-08-07 02:56:21 No.5314


If you're going to make orgonite in a pyramid you should read this.


It is my opinion that the ratio of the pyramid is important.

Seeker 2016-08-07 02:59:32 No.5315 >>5321 >>5316

Also, your body is the most important tool you have.

If you can't stay in a handstand for 8 hours (or some similar feat which requires total body balance for a long period of time) you should stop being a [bullshit occultist].

Seeker 2016-08-07 04:16:12 No.5316


I want to see you do that.

Seeker 2016-08-07 10:20:50 No.5321 >>5333 >>5324


Mind over matter mate.

Seeker 2016-08-07 11:00:36 No.5324 >>5327


Hiding behind excuses is what armchair occultists do.

Cube 2016-08-07 11:12:57 No.5325 >>5327

Just call him a bullshit occultist, you know you want to.

Seeker 2016-08-07 12:35:28 No.5327



Seeker 2016-08-07 13:59:41 No.5330 >>5356


You sound like some sort of merchant tbh.

Seeker 2016-08-07 16:54:59 No.5333 >>5337 >>5336 >>5334


"As above so below"

bullshit occultists don't understand this and claim that being obese is fine

Cube 2016-08-07 17:59:53 No.5334



Seeker 2016-08-07 18:29:01 No.5336


Good thing I've never claimed that obesity is fine :^)

Seeker 2016-08-07 18:36:22 No.5337 >>5367 >>5347 >>5340 >>5339


Anyway, sorry for double post. I didn't think I'd reply seriously, but I changed my mind.

I know a guy who lifts a lot. Perfect muscles, he eats his proteins and stuff, he works out, goes to the gym etc.

Yet, strangely, he hasn't become any more wise, spiritual or magic-inclined because of that. I don't know maybe some error in the matrix or something.

If by caring for your body you could gain any spiritual powers then most people I know would be at least low-level wizards.

Seeker 2016-08-07 18:51:59 No.5339 >>5340


>I know a guy who lifts a lot. Perfect muscles, he eats his proteins and stuff, he works out, goes to the gym etc.

>If by caring for your body you could gain any spiritual powers then most people I know would be at least low-level wizards.

There are 2 ways of exercise

>mundane way of using science to grow and maintain muscle mass and lose fat while eating what's needed to achieve this

>using the same exercises while focusing on body control, endurance, controlling your metabolism, overcoming mental barriers

Your mindset determines if you're just growing your body like cattle going to beef or if you actually evolve mentally.

Hint: a useful healthy body doesn't have below 10% bodyfat, just a short period of not eating will wear down on those hard earned muscles at once.

Seeker 2016-08-07 19:54:49 No.5340 >>5343 >>5341


To add to what >>5339 said there is a difference between mindless exercise and development of the body.

You can look to the yogi who first follow the path of hatha yoga in order to prepare their bodies for the ascension of the spirit, you can look to the followers of Christ "Know ye not, that your body is the temple of the holy Ghost, which is in you, whom ye have of GOD? and ye are not your own. For ye are bought for a price: therefore glorify GOD in your body, and in your spirit: for they are of GOD.", and that which can be understood from the words of Trismegistus among countless other examples.

The truth is that the development of the body has always been attributed as greatly important by the sages and mystics of history, though some of lesser import ruined themselves with half-truth. If you simply look you will see.

Seeker 2016-08-07 20:11:10 No.5341


Nevertheless, you can do magic without it.

Also, yogis (especially in hatha yoga) were much into asceticism. Does asceticism equal "development of the body"?

Depriving body of food, water, enduring pain and all that stuff had it's place in many cultures, how does it fit your view?

Seeker 2016-08-07 20:13:21 No.5343



>using exoteric christianity as any sort of argument

Cube 2016-08-07 21:04:53 No.5347 >>5348


They are high level wizards, they just can't use it because they either don't believe or got the knowhow to actively guide energy for desired results.

Your friends aura is likely stronger than yours, hes got natural LOA like a champ, "coincidences" and presence.

Teach him a trick or two, he'll come around quickly once he notices results.

Seeker 2016-08-07 21:11:18 No.5348 >>5350


>Your friends aura is likely stronger than yours


>hes got natural LOA like a champ, "coincidences" and presence

He's the dumbest mundane I've ever met tbh.

Cube 2016-08-07 21:18:45 No.5350 >>5351


If hes more buff than you he has, naturally, not counting being able to consciously channel from heaven & earth, energy body is strengthened and can flow freely in a body that supports it well to near perfection which is why the body changes drastically upon doing energy work, to align with, and why the body is a crooked shit if your energy body is full of mental constraints like "I can't do anything good." or "I'm an ugly purple dildo." & of course "I have a tiny penis."

Seeker 2016-08-07 21:34:17 No.5351 >>5353


In my perspective and experience the strength of your aura as well as the energy you can put forth to your magics don't correlate with the shape and size of your physical body. If you think otherwise then exercise and stuff, I'm all for it mate, just don't claim that anyone needs to be able to stand on their hands for 8h to be any good.

>the body is a crooked shit if your energy body is full of mental constraints like "I can't do anything good." or "I'm an ugly purple dildo." & of course "I have a tiny penis."

Thanks kind anon! I used to think that my energy body is weak, but now you tell me it's perfect!

Cube 2016-08-07 21:52:08 No.5353


>In my perspective and experience the strength of your aura as well as the energy you can put forth to your magics don't correlate with the shape and size of your physical body

You're right, but its a tell of how well the persons energy flows, if he can channel it and how much raw loosh he can muster excluding external sources and emotions.

>> claim that anyone needs to be able to stand on their hands for 8h to be any good

>i did


Cube 2016-08-07 22:22:37 No.5356 >>5357


I occasionally peddle love, gemstones that break, something to believe in and recreational drugs…

>full circle

◙ 2016-08-07 22:32:50 No.5357


Always and Forever.

Seeker 2016-08-08 11:57:17 No.5367 >>5391 >>5368


I think it's pretty obvious that the relationship isn't

>lift/get fit

>enlightenment for as below so is above

Plenty of people take care of their bodies but that in itself is not a trigger of spontaneous enlightenment or even an affinity for the esoteric.

People who already had an interest in the occult are more likely to fix all aspects of their life including their body.

Armchair occultists are the obvious exception.

Seeker 2016-08-08 13:40:23 No.5368



Cube 2016-08-09 01:22:21 No.5391


its both you hapless hermeticist.

Seeker 2017-02-16 18:35:54 No.13094

My latest orgonite project. Pics one and two show the crystals and other (non metal) materials I used. I used Smokey Quartz, Amathyst, and normal Quartz. In addition the baggies, are lower right Shungite, and in the upper left Black Tourmaline.

After obtaining the crystals I blessed, charged, meditated with and flowed the planetary elements through over the course of 3 whole days in which I had them set up in a ritual space in the local temple.

A shot in the middle, giving each pocket full of Bismuth some love.

A overview shot of the workshop (kitchen table). You can clearly see what sort of resin I used. In the teacup an old piece of mind that I needed to repair I'm recasting. My crystal ball is helping oversee the whole thing. The big brown tub is my mixing container for resin, but I'm also gonna add the contents of the blue tub into it after I'm done to make a 13th orgonite.

Onward to outside.

Seeker 2017-02-16 18:38:57 No.13096

I have the table aligned with the magnetic field, partially for grins and suspicions of possible amplification, also partially so I could be sure I knew which pieces where where after I cast them.

Here I am just about ready to start. It's the day prior to the full moon that just happened.

My buddy helping out. Moments before adding the small cup of activating agent to the resin.

All set and waiting to cure now. I leave them out under the moon and the eclipse and we meditate with them as well.

Now they are cured and I took them out from the casts yesterday. Lesson learned, don't use porcelain, at least without some kind of agent to prevent sticking. I assumed it would slide right off but not so much actually. Despite leaving a smooth surface much of it stuck better than the plastic or earthenware pan I used.