Did some one say orgonite? Pic related, one I made, my moldavite, and a dollar coin for scale.
traditional orgonites are made with a metal, resin and a crystal. I've made several myself. Various metal have different properties, I've only experimented with a few types of metal (3 to be precise, Aluminum, Copper (Cu), and Bismuth), out of those bismuth was the one I liked the most, followed by copper. I've heard mixed things about Al, I think it's fine as long as you have a crystal, my pieces didn't feel bad, they where just lesser.
My process was, I would cleanse the metals shavings and the crystals I used (I only used quartz, but I've heard many others work, however I was trying to keep it simple for science's sake untill I had more data). Then I would charge the crystals in the sun for a day and meditate with them programming them with divine love.
I did not however program them while curing, which, according to some material I've since found can be extremely powerful and effective and according to some sources even capable of dwarfing the power output of more traditional pieces with even less physical things. I shall be doing that next time I craft some.
My findings where that the level of power (energy) they radiated seemed to be directly proportional to the ratio of the surface area between the metal and the resin. Furthermore there seems to be some bias, the heavier the metal the more as well. (I would *not* advise using beyond Bi though, and I'm sure the metaphysics of the elements also plays in but my sample size was low so these are rough data points.)
I also played around with geometry of both the orgonite itself and also internal geometries, like those of coils within the devices. I found that the external shape had a much greater influence, 80-90% or more, compared to the coils. At least for the more sacred geo-esque shapes (including non-phi pyramids too), however for more 'dull' geometries such as pucks coils where responsible for the majority of the flow direction so long as they did not also clash with the point of the crystal (I only used single terminated, non cluster quartz). Coils could still typically overpower the crystal's direction but it was overall pretty non directional, rather "fuzzy" with a small bump of flow rather than a clear stream.
Furthermore, putting entire pieces in geometries (preferably sacred) in relation to one another can amplify effects as well. You can also make and use them in the same fashion in/with a crystal grid.
Personally I was never that found of putting other crystals and stones in my orgonite because if I desired to flavor the energy I could simply set the stone near it and there would be a very similar effect.
http://www.loohan.com/index.html Is a great reference and he goes way beyond the classical definition of orgonite.
http://orgone-art.all4orgone.com/anglais/visibleeffectgarden2.htm Extremely marked positive plant health and biomass as a result of exposure to additional energy.
http://baligifter.org/blog/uncategorized/how-orgonite-works Some additional science on the mechanisms behind orgonite.
Moving on to crystals by themselves. Varying molecular geometries result in specific energies unique to that stone. Since the feedback looping mechanism of the mineral is very solid what typically happens is it's energy influences the environment instead of too much of vise versa. Especially with humans where our form-vessel is very malleable to persistent and consistent energies.
Find a something you like, keep it on or around you and it's energy shall influence your energy, and by pouring energy into it said stone shall broadcast stronger.
I keep a bag of stones in my pocket literally all the time. My favorite one (my pet crystal balls aside, I talk of them in >>723 ) is moldavite, followed by amethyst. Moldavite is very powerful and is quite high in vibration, I like to lay down with it on what ever chakra needs work and meditating.
I have a pair of hematite rings (they fit my index fingers), I very rarely use them as they are almost oppressively grounding, but sometimes it is quite useful and exactly what is needed.
Onward, other tools I posses include sage (a standard for any mage), which is useful for clearing, cleansing and banishing.
I've made a number of small pocket charms, small crafts in which, while I made them I imbued them with an intent or energy to do a certain thing. I like working with small ropes, twine-esque, and braiding them in varying ways.
Candles, can't forget them, quite useful. I like to have at least 1 for each of the elements, red, fire; yellow, air; blue, water; green , earth; white, spirit. White can substitute for any as well element and also makes a nice generic one as well. By imbuing candles with a specific energies for a purpose you can release/cast that energy by burning them, also anointing them with various oils as well. (Check out the metaphysics of aromatherapy for info on this.)
Regarding scrying, I'll use tarot & (Norse) runes. I'm probably most familiar with tarot as it uses symbols and abstractions I'm much more familiar with but I feel called to the runes so I'll use them from time to time as well. For more info on how scrying works see >>>/div/108 It's quite invaluable to any one walking the path.