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Esoteric Wizardry

AtheistScum8 2017-02-05 16:57:18 No.12805 >>12916

So I was writing up some info for my friends who are complete noobs to psyches, and I thought I'd share and maybe get some magic + drug stories and elaborations going. These are just my 2cents for newbs.

First 1-2 times you do mushrooms, you're gonna have a shit time. It's basically just getting all the trauma out, aslong as you stay calm and collected it can actually be a fun time listening to depressing music and talking about depression, this is how the mushies work if you believe in Karma it's just gonna try and allign you on a path of purity and goodness.

Basically mushrooms is just a slower more mellow trip than LSD (ITS AMAZING TOGETHER WITH SOME GUD KUSH)


You can get a WAYYY better out of body high just doing a heroic dose of sativa (which won't fry your brain at all, worst case you just fall asleep, eventho it's all about staying awake in your mind while your body's shut off, this is the most amazing and eye opening experience ever, dudebro watches over us! My recommended drugs: Cocaine(You can extract the alkaloids from the coca leaves and then make it into a tea [advanced ADHD medicine]) REAL LSD(hard to find, most is n-bome) And oh god are mushrooms amazing, they've been here since the beginning of time and spores are everywhere and they are literally already making us zombies and latching unto our receptors, doing mushrooms is probably no1 third eye opener.

DMT is supposed to be mixed with other drugs, in its pure form it's basically just a lucid dream where you have no control (ALSO CALLED NIGHT TERRORS/NIGHTMARES) Some people like that shit, I don't LUL. But trust me DMT was always meant to be brewed with other substances, cocaine/coffee+dmt TEA is the most amazing experience you will ever have, trust me.

AtheistScum8 2017-02-05 16:57:48 No.12806

This basically describes the internal battle between your demons and 'angels' (Sins and counter-sins) It's a symbolical battle as each brain is built up on the same thing truma (Bad[sins]Good[counter-sins]) And if you choose to split your brain up in these simple things you will see the world becoming a brighter place as you walk towards your angels instead of your demons, yes that means fx eating a pineapple instead of masturbating, helping an old lady across the street instead of mugging her, you get the idea. Your brain and body is trying to relate to you through symbolism as it can't talk persé, and most people get freaked by 'the voices in their heads' Just depends on the ammount of Karma you have accumulated throughout your life, I basically hear angels and feel demons, drugs are just one long battle to get to know your inner and outer self better. If you focus on fixing your mind(inner) your physical body will also become healthier(outter).

Wish it was easier to tell you guys what to focus on in a trip in person, but it's basically 100% the same thing happening but a different story if you catch my drift, so take some info from this guys' ÜBER HEROIC dose and try to tie them together with your own thoughts, that's what it's all about.


AtheistScum8 2017-02-05 16:58:23 No.12807

On top of that I would like to explain to you how you can use trinity in the drug world, there are 3 different realms you can go to, ethereal(hell)(The blackboard), Heaven (the whiteboard), and the matrix(your very own realm coded by your brain, I've been there, let me just tell you that it's basically like having super powers, I would say something they would say 2 seconds before they even said it, and interrupt people just to tell them what they were about to tell me, I also closed my eyes for a good minute or two, and I was in my own house shown as a grid, as if you were wallhacking in cs:go, everything was just grids and shit, like purely mathematical and binary, I would just see the dimensions of the rooms in my house as I had it all in rememberance, but it wasn't necessary to fill it out with colour. I could also hear the others walking around in the next room, and I wouldn't visualize their entire bodies, only where their feet were (so basically from the shoe area and 10-20 cm up), was very weird to know every single thing that was going on in my house, it really felt like wallhacking in reality.

This was on LSD btw

AtheistScum8 2017-02-05 16:59:16 No.12808

Basically what LSD does for me better than any other drugs, is portraying my current set and world view, and then I get visuals portraying that.

Seeker 2017-02-07 03:00:27 No.12846

Salvia though

Seeker 2017-02-07 06:25:49 No.12848

>mental patient in an asylum giving people advice

Keep going, at this rate you could become the next Smiley in a few years.

Seeker 2017-02-07 07:38:34 No.12849 >>12852 >>12853

So many things wrong with this

>Never had a bad shit mushroom trip

>Dissociatives are always my go to

>In fact I dont take psychedelics without a dissociative on standby

>You don't understand dmt nor can you control it yet(not saying I can either)


>lsd is a shit psychedelic

You shouldn't be taking drugs anyways so I won't even reveal my drug rituals I've developed over the years. So much you could learn if you just stepped back from the drugs for long enough to learn some real magic first before delving back in.

AtheistScum8 2017-02-07 12:06:56 No.12852


That's what I'm doing atm integrating my past drug experiences and reading through the esoteric libary.

I see this as a sign from the universe to let me collect my thoughts and take it slow, as I am a pretty 'impatient' man, I just like seeing results, you know.

Just didn't want to start a thread with nothing to go by, and if you read these are just some hints I was giving my friends who have crippling depression like me, on how to start their journey to becoming 'happy' like I've been the last 2 months.

I like writing from 'the heart' instead of using ages to sound super literal, I like the authenticity of the stories created here and now, that's what philosophy's all about atleast. Was just hoping to get some conversation going as this is something I can DEFINITELY relate to, and everyone has different views on drugs and shit.

AtheistScum8 2017-02-07 12:09:12 No.12853


They're just not completely 'like us', I've never been scared for my life in a drug trip, I've always been good at 'just letting go' and let it take me where I needed to, the first two trips just emphasized my depression so much they weren't very enjoyable, had lots of laughs in the third one though and saw a lot of pepes for some reason.

sage 2017-02-07 16:00:42 No.12857 >>12893

Hey newfag, guess what, you're not experienced and you dont know your shit. You act like you're an expert when you're a novice in the real world, you're going to get wrecked. Grow the fuck up and get some real world experience, or at least fucking read through erowid. You are a novice, learn before you give advice.

Bob Elvis Gratton 2017-02-08 20:18:30 No.12886 >>12887

Here is my two cents on drugs. Enteogens (Psycadelics) I recomend. Stimulants and Downers I discourage.

Allso ive had witnesses witness that deep meditation is expodently more "tripy" than any drug use.

In conclusion, drugs can help but of its not a universal master key and they can become a crutch if your not carefull. Allso the body builds tollerence so the more you use to more youll ned to use to keep obtain the same state of mind hence the danger of drugs being your only meens to an end.

Bob Elvis Gratton 2017-02-08 20:19:47 No.12887


***The more you use the more youll need….

AtheistScum8 2017-02-09 09:14:45 No.12893



Seeker 2017-02-10 01:39:21 No.12909 >>12916

Since this is the general drug thread, here's my opinion on them.

I have never been so happy in my life like I was when I took 5g of shrooms once. I didn't gain very deep insights from it though, I was just really happy in my own little world where I could see grinning, colorful faces everywhere. What is really fucking amazing thugh is shrooms+DXM. DXM is a pretty cheap and "dirty" drug but also super underrated because of that. If you know what other shit you should combine and with then it's amazing, shrooms + DXM awakens your true self fully and basically puts you into god-mode. Hard to explain, try it for yourself, seriously.

LSD is overrated, assuming that my 1P-LSD is the same as regular LSD (since it's supposed to be) - though OP seems to be implying it's not. Don't get me wrong, if an entire generation of goddamn hippies declares it THE spiritual drug it can't be shit, but since it connects your left and right brain hemispheres more then they normally should be connected it can also cause massive crazyness if you are not the most mentally stable person - and I do not know a single person who does drugs like that regularly who I'd call "mentally stable".

The problem is that if you want to explore spirituality through drugs you can and the rate of accessability / usefulness for this spiritual expierence goes through the goddamn roof BUT YOU NIGGER BETTER HAVE SOME GODDAMN SELF-DISCIPLINE. Do these drugs by yourself or with a very passive trip-sitter and only when you are feeling stable as fuck. And most importantly don't make it your hobby. Make it something you SOMETIMES experiment with to gain deeper understandings of your own conciousness.

The biggest idiots are those who treat LSD or shrooms like fucking party drugs. Drugs are not toys. Real drugs are not like goddamn alcohol, you should not take them just for fun just to have a good time with your bros. I have seen to many spiritually interested people end up with drug addictions and their sanity fucked.

When you take shrooms, LSD, salvia, DMT, peyote or anything like that: Only do it once per month max, take it with the intention of learning from the experience and gaining a deeper understanding and make sure to keep your goddamn respect for the drug.

Also, a word on LSD: That shit can be dangerous if you overdo it. Start with really, really small doses, see how you react to it. What's a medium-dose for your main drugbro is probably overkill for you. And you don't wanna get stuck on something like a bad LSD trip.

Oh, and I guess a word on weed, since everyone smokes it these days: Very overrated because of all the hype and culture around it but definetly usefull. I especially recommend to smoke it with a friend with the intention of understanding each others perspective on life better. Weed allowes you to tap into other peoples frequencies which can be an experience you can learn so much from. But do not 420 blaze it everyday, lads. Don't care what all the stoners say, I've seen it: Too much weed turns you into a complete idiot. It's still a drug. Respect it, my niggas.

Seeker 2017-02-10 09:00:32 No.12911 >>12940

Ok so to contribute to the discussion here are my thoughts regarding drugs:

Anything addictive (heroin, coke): DON'T DO THAT SHIT

Weed: It's a great anti-depressant. But I feel like it makes me more "feminine"; it makes me want to be hugged and taken care of, rather than being a masculine source of energy. Nothing wrong with that I guess, but these days everything moves so fast that you really need to be super sharp in order to catch opportunities. I think weed can make you lazy. But I smoke it as a replacement for anti-depressants. Also my job is sitting down for hours in front of a computer and I am very hyperactive so I need to get a lot of this energy down. The alternative would be taking Paxil or Ritalin and I think that's even worse.

LSD: Lovely. Be careful with those analogues ( nbomes, bdf ) those ones can kill you LITERALLY , if you think you have 2 blotters of LSD and they turn out to be Nbome, you can literally die from overdose. LSD is safer. If I tried to explain what it does…it makes the "voice" talk, when I take it I feel like I am getting into someone else's personality. I experienced something like telepathy on LSD. Could have been all a hallucination ( I just heard voices and felt like they came from spiritually advanced people around my area ).

Mushrooms: Lovelier. They make me feel like a child. Like I lose 20 years and become young and cheerful again. You will find yourself having fun doing silly things like talking to plants, or to yourself. I would eat some, get a jar of nutella and a small spoon, and walk around my city eating nutella and admiring everything. It was awesome.

Salvia: Someone above said that DMT was a drug that had to be combined, I would think salvia is also more fun when you are on something else. I am afraid to do high doses of Salvia when I'm sober, but when I am on LSD I can smoke lots and have the same experience but I am not afraid at all.

Should you take drugs? I don't know, I can't tell you. Lots of people say it's bad, lots of people say it's good. If you have ever got drunk I think you already can't use the moral argument, the idea is pretty much the same, you take a substance and it alters how you experience life. So why not try something different? Specially psychedelics that change your personality , like shrooms. I remembered what it meant to have fun after eating mushrooms, and I brought a lot of that fun with me into my normal life. I suppose just like everything, the more you do it the less fun it will become.

I wouldn't recommend drugs to anybody under 20, and only doing it once every month / two months.

Seeker 2017-02-10 13:34:18 No.12916 >>12935



Since you brought up DXM, I'll share my experience because I'm curious to see if anyone has gone through something similar. I tried it for the third time last month with 2 other friends. The music euphoria stage wasn't nearly as long/intense as the first time, where I felt completely out of my body and on another planet. I definitely felt some sort of energy surging through my body when I was lying down with my headphones. It felt like it was trying to leave my body, almost like my soul leaving the body for an OBE/astral projection type deal (which I've done neither of yet), but fizzled out just before it could. I feel like having my Macbook (yes, a Macbook, fuck off before y'all even start) sitting on my lap might have stopped whatever was supposed to happen. The introspective part afterward is where it got weird though. Instead of getting this guiding shamanic vision or whatever that I was expecting, it felt more like something was trying to tell me "you're already on the right path, you know what you should be doing, stop fucking around with drugs and get back to work". For context, I'm in a band that just got our first show and I've been dropping assloads of time and money into recording/production gear and software to get more into writing/creating stuff (I'm the drummer and we usually aren't the ones to tackle those kinds of duties). My friends that did it with me had a similar experience, and they're at a similar turning point in their own lives.

Side note on weed: Used to be a 'round-the-clock stoner for ~2 years. It helped me to understand myself/the world/reality differently when I was a fat, depressed NEET, but lately it's done nothing but make me feel tired and hungry most of the time that I smoke it now. I've been working on cutting down for that reason, and because I'm not the same person with the same problems that I had when I smoked it all day erry day, so it doesn't make sense to keep taking the same treatment as if I was. Oddly enough, browsing /fringe/ and getting into esoteric research was a motivating factor in my learning to function and interact with the world fully sober again, and I'm in the same boat as a lot of people seem to be here- weed is best in moderation and when treated with respect.

Back to what I said on DXM though, has anyone had the experience where you take a drug like that and then the experience basically tells you "don't do drugs, just go live your life"?

Seeker 2017-02-11 17:30:10 No.12935 >>12956


I swear to fucking christ this is getting weird. Since taking dxm I've felt strange things in the world around me. It's awakening my ability to feel and see energy along with severely amplifying my astral sense of smell. Along with a more direct control over my own energy as well.

But the strangest fucking part is that there's always "the call". I start to feel it in the world around me out of nowhere and suddenly people mention dxm on forums I've never met or I start seeing/hearing walgreens commercials fucking everywhere. It started a few days ago and then I saw the posts on this forum. FFS when I was experimenting my hardest there was a definite moment where my being felt like it was rising up until it reached a plateau and I could sense so many other beings welcoming me into their collective. What the fuck have I gotten myself into?

Also, no drug has ever told me to stop using drugs and move on with my life. I think that's more something deep in your subconscious trying to reach out to you m8.

Seeker 2017-02-11 20:58:30 No.12940 >>12949 >>12950 >>12956 >>12968 >>13002


>Ok so to contribute to the discussion

This is a veiled blogpost.

Which goes for all posts in this thread. There's hardly any discussion going on. Just self-centered stories on drug use..

AtheistScum8 2017-02-12 12:27:57 No.12949


>Implying your comment isn't pure garbage and completely unnecessary.

Seeker 2017-02-12 12:56:24 No.12950 >>12952


>noone disagrees with the posts so there is no discussion, just a storage of info for everyone to read

>it's the fault of the people sharing their experiences

AtheistScum8 2017-02-12 14:46:22 No.12952 >>12968


>People in here trying to raise questions and are asking questions

>This is a slow board

What's your point dude, you're just bumping this 'useless' thread anyway. A lot of fringe enthusiasts haven't ever had the pleasure of satori through drugs. And you haven't either, you're probably just offended because you think your ways are better than everyone elses, typical human or lower entity logic.

Get lost.

Seeker 2017-02-12 16:26:53 No.12956 >>12966 >>13002


You mean people are sharing their personal observations/experiences and the meaning they draw from it on an esoteric forum? Yeah, what a bunch of pricks those guys are for not contributing to the dis- OH WAIT


>Also, no drug has ever told me to stop using drugs and move on with my life. I think that's more something deep in your subconscious trying to reach out to you m8.

That's what I'm inclined to think, but I feel like it's worth noting that my 2 friends that tripped with me had a similar feeling, as if our subconscious mental energies got mixed up and were interacting, or some other being was trying to tell us something.

sage 2017-02-12 18:55:08 No.12960 >>12963

Why isn't OP banned yet? He's namefag trolling several fringe boards and has no desire to contribute, only spread disinfo and deluded bullshit.

AtheistScum8 2017-02-12 19:47:29 No.12963


Because you think it's disinfo lol, every one has their side of the truth.

Seeker 2017-02-12 20:45:01 No.12966


Its definitely the drugs lowering the barriers of your consciousness and allowing you and your friends to communicate telepathically. The different variations of telepathy are so vast though, and the entities that could try and take advantage of you in an open and receptive state will try to fuck with you if they notice you.

As an example, I was with a group of friends waiting for someone to show up on a hike, and Im tripping a bit. I get this feeling theyre not gonna show up, a few seconds later my friend says "Haha what if they never show up." Surprise surprise they didnt show up. Could be any number of things, but I felt some sort of energetic influence when I got the thought.

Learn to solidify the self in these moments of receptiveness. Take it with a grain of salt always. But dont ever actually consume physical salt, yuck.

Seeker 2017-02-13 00:34:56 No.12968


Uh, what? Did you accidentally quote the wrong post or something? I agreed with you that >>12940

comment is garbage etc. Why are you the one offended now? My point is that this thread isn't automatically useless just because there is no discussion / disagreement, quite the opposite.

Really no idea what your problem is. Whatever you're projecting, you got the wrong guy.

Seeker 2017-02-14 16:30:43 No.13002



so? Sometimes people don't want to discuss things, they just want to know what other people think about X, Y or Z.

There is magick to every aspect of the mundane life, even jerking off has its very occult meaning so why not talk about drugs as well? Seeing how a lot of people these days have abandoned other forms of magical trance as per the simplicity of taking a drug that makes you see things you would only see after years of meditation or personal development

Seeker 2017-02-15 18:51:03 No.13040 >>13050




sage 2017-02-15 21:41:45 No.13050 >>13089 >>13079 >>13092


sage because op=commie


Salvia is weird until you learn it's currents. I actually learned to walk and be physically functional while stuck in that whirlpool, then started training kickboxing while smoking salvia… I only know how to kickbox while on salvia as a result. I wonder how fucking weird my life must become for this to ever be actually utilized..

Seeker 2017-02-16 07:12:37 No.13079


If you get some strong currents… after some trippy perception and ominous feelings I felt like I left my body zooming around room and at the end it was like a hammer hit my head and then the trip ended

I barely even read the OP stuff so idk what's going on with this guy.

Seeker 2017-02-16 17:04:52 No.13089 >>13102


Well, I'd certainly prefer you around as a trip sitter in case somebody in the room goes bonkers on a bad trip and tries to fight a nigga.

Also, watching somebody kickbox somebody else into submission while tripping would be some of the most awesome shit ever.

Seeker 2017-02-16 18:32:11 No.13092 >>13102


I've also experienced drugs being able to increase your physical skills. I only practice sword art as a hobby but when I took shrooms once I became a fucking god at it, could do movements I didn't even know were possible.

sage 2017-02-16 23:56:31 No.13102


I fucking love swordfighting on heroic doses of acid, the kind where you can actually see your dose or even count the grains… 2grains is pure crystalline lsd is astonishing. If you measure in micrograms, you're doing it wrong or are a newbie still. Shrooms are weird though, better for indian styles imo.


I usually just oscillate my voice in time with their brain's and fuck their short term memory for a moment and then distract them.