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Esoteric Wizardry

Seeker 2017-01-12 22:28:51 No.12152 >>12254 >>12159

>On Aug. 21, 2017, American skywatchers will be treated to a rare and spectacular celestial show — the first total solar eclipse visible from the continental United States in nearly four decades. Next year's "Great American Total Solar Eclipse" will darken skies all the way from Oregon to South Carolina, along a stretch of land about 70 miles (113 kilometers) wide. People who descend upon this "path of totality" for the big event are in for an unforgettable experience, said eclipse expert Jay Pasachoff, an astronomer at Williams College in Massachusetts.

>A total solar eclipse last darkened soil on the U.S. mainland on Feb. 26, 1979. But August 2017 will mark the first time in 99 years that such an event is "readily available to people from coast to coast," Pasachoff said.

>The fact that total solar eclipses occur at all is a quirk of cosmic geometry. The moon orbits an average of 239,000 miles (384,600 kilometers) from Earth — just the right distance to seem the same size in the sky as the much-larger sun. But most solar eclipses are of the partial variety, in which the moon appears to take a bite out of the sun's disk. Indeed, two to five solar eclipses occur every year on average; total eclipses happen just once every 18 months or so. (Eclipses are relatively rare because the moon's orbit is inclined about 5 degrees relative to that of Earth. If the two bodies orbited in exactly the same plane, a solar eclipse would occur every month, during the moon's "new" phase.)

>Furthermore, the narrow path of totality is often inaccessible to skywatchers — most of Earth is covered by water, after all — so a total solar eclipse that occurs over populated areas is quite special. Indeed, the August 2017 event will be the first one whose totality path lies completely within the United States since 1776, experts have said.


Cross posting from 8/pol/






Seeker 2017-01-12 22:33:05 No.12154

Daily reminder that the solar eclipse passes the Georgia guidestones. And when the eclipse occurs, the Sun is going to be in the paws of the lion and Saturn is going to be the ONLY planet on Earth's side of the Solar System at that time.


>In alchemic and Hermetic traditions, suns (Sun symbol.svg) are employed to symbolize a variety of concepts, much like the sun in astrology. Suns can correspond to gold, citrinitas, generative masculine principles, imagery of 'the king' or Apollo, the fiery spirit or sulfur,[1] the divine spark in man,[2] nobility, or incorruptibility. Recurring images of specific solar motifs can be found in the form of a "Dark" or "Black Sun", or a green lion devouring a sun.


>An important form found among Freemasons is the "Lion's Paw," or grip formed by placing the fingers in the form of a cat's paw. This grip, and its attendant reference to the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, has significance in several respects, both legendary and allegorical. Its message of transition and everlasting life are a critical part of the Third Degree.

>As a symbol, the Jews sometimes used the lion as an emblem of the Tribe of Judah as they expected the Messiah to descend from this tribe. This reference carried over to Christianity where the Lion of the Tribe of Judah refers to Jesus Christ, the Messiah. To the ancient craft, this symbolism was seen further in the death and the resurrection to life of man. Legend had that a lion's cub, or whelp, was born dead and brought to life by the roar of its sire. As such, the reference to the lion may be applied to the Messiah, who brought life and the light of immortality to the tribes of Israel, through the roar of God's word.

Seeker 2017-01-12 22:58:20 No.12159 >>12160


Remind me what happened in September 2015, the last time /pol/ predicted a massive astrology-related happening.

Also this is Trump's 71st year, not his 70th.

Seeker 2017-01-12 23:37:46 No.12160 >>12176 >>12162


Regardless of if there is gonna be a physical happening and which in all likelihood there will be the eclipse is still of great importance on the subtle planes and for those who work with them.

>Also this is Trump's 71st year, not his 70th.

>Born on 14 June 1946 at 10:54

Clearly math is not your strong suit. He won't have crossed the threshold of the completion of the 70th year (and the start of the 71st one) until the summer, where as he will be crowned in January.

Seeker 2017-01-12 23:58:43 No.12162 >>12166


>Clearly math is not your strong suit. He won't have crossed the threshold of the completion of the 70th year (and the start of the 71st one) until the summer, where as he will be crowned in January.

Are you one of those people who can't understand why this is called the 21st century even though the year begins with 20 instead of 21? Trump completed his 70th year last year, when he turned 70.

Seeker 2017-01-13 06:01:28 No.12166 >>12186 >>12176 >>12171 >>12170


You turn 70 when you've completed 69 full years and are now starting the 70th one and it is partially complete. When you complete that you'll be 71. I'm not gonna waste any more time debating you on this, if you still can't count that's not my problem.

Seeker 2017-01-13 10:51:05 No.12170 >>12177


>You turn 1 when you've completed 0 full years and are now starting the 1st one and it is partially complete. When you complete that you'll be 2. I'm not gonna waste any more time debating you on this, if you still can't count that's not my problem.


Seeker 2017-01-13 12:07:54 No.12171


>You turn 70 when you've completed 69 full years

>if you still can't count that's not my problem

I don't think it's him that can't count, friendo.

Seeker 2017-01-13 13:31:45 No.12176 >>12195 >>12178




Seeker 2017-01-13 14:02:45 No.12177 >>12189


You turn I when you've been out of the womb for 12 months, so trump is 70 and th months old

Seeker 2017-01-13 14:15:23 No.12178 >>12195 >>12179


I want to hug you!!

Seeker 2017-01-13 14:18:23 No.12179 >>12195 >>12180




Seeker 2017-01-13 14:34:55 No.12180 >>12195 >>12181



Seeker 2017-01-13 14:43:42 No.12181 >>12195


Seeker 2017-01-13 16:05:11 No.12186 >>12207


>You turn 70 when you've completed 69 full years

But Trump has completed 70 full years, from 6/14/1946 to 6/14/2016. So by your logic, he's already 71. Even if we go with the other definition, Trump will be 70 years, 7 months and 6 days old. Goddamn, /pol/ is dumb.

Seeker 2017-01-13 18:10:48 No.12189 >>12191


In some societies when you're born it's considered the start of your first year instead of year 0. In some societies when you're born you're already considered 9 months old and you are 1 year old 3 months later. It's a matter of cultural perspective.

Seeker 2017-01-13 18:48:23 No.12191 >>12195


But that would make him older, not younger, so you're not making sense either way.

Seeker 2017-01-13 21:04:07 No.12195 >>12198







This is why fringechan is shit, because the mods don't ban faggots. Nobody wants to watch you suck each other off homos.

Seeker 2017-01-13 21:13:00 No.12198 >>12241


Yes yes, we were derailing a great thread, shame on us.

Seeker 2017-01-14 00:20:57 No.12207 >>12208


>/pol/ is a singular entity

>other absurdity "trolling"

Smells like shilling.

>Donald Trump was born on June 14th, 1946. If you move ahead 70 years from that date, that brings you to June 14th, 2016. Moving forward another 7 months brings you to January 14th, 2017, and moving forward another 7 days brings you to January 21st, 2017.

>And if Donald Trump wins the election, January 21st will be his first full day in office.

>Of course Trump would be inaugurated on January 20th, but he would only be president for part of that day.

>So that means that Donald Trump would be 70 years, 7 months and 7 days old on his first full day as president of the United States.

Oh, and by the way

>And this would happen during year 5777 on the Hebrew calendar.


>Inaugural Swearing-In Ceremony

>When: Ceremony begins at 9:30 a.m. Eastern time; opening remarks at 11:30 a.m.; swearing in at noon by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts Jr.


So being born at 10:54 (AM) and being sworn at noon, the first day (24 hours) of his presidency will last until noon of the morrow. At which time of 10:54 he will be Mr. 777 and it will still the day of his crowning. All the commotion is over the fact that these two very precise 24 hour windows overlap.

Seeker 2017-01-14 01:10:23 No.12208 >>12209


>>/pol/ is a singular entity

You would have a point here, but then you called me a shill and reminded me that the stereotypes about /pol/tards are true.

>>So that means that Donald Trump would be 70 years, 7 months and 7 days old on his first full day as president of the United States.

Now this is some shameless goalpost-moving. Don't pretend you would be saying this if Trump had been born a day earlier, and the spooky seven had coincided with Inauguration Day. The moment of his inauguration is clearly far more important than the day after. Not that this superstitious garbage amounts to anything anyway. Believing this crap when it was brought up in 2015 is one thing, but believing it when it's recycled is beyond satire. This is the classic /pol/ routine of believing what you want to believe.

Seeker 2017-01-14 01:26:25 No.12209 >>12225


>but then you called me a shill and reminded me that the stereotypes about /pol/tards are true.

it is a classic fallacy made by outsiders, however the accusation was directed at the thread in general as well.

However given the rest of your post, perhaps I was actually not far off base with my original assessment.

Seeker 2017-01-14 04:31:49 No.12214 >>12241 >>12221 >>12217


btw here's absolute proof that Donald Trump is jewish, /pol/tards eternally btfo

>the man that /pol/tards worship is a jew

>/pol/ claims to hate jews

Seeker 2017-01-14 04:42:12 No.12217



It's sad how deluded poltards are, they'll probably just ignore this. It's amazing, a jewish man who built his empire using illegal immigrants and non-whites, and cheated and lied his way to being a billionaire, who will take from the average man and give to the rich, this is who pol worships. Pol really is the end result of severe cognitive dissonance. pathetic

Seeker 2017-01-14 05:52:06 No.12221 >>12222


Wtf, I love Hillary now!

Seeker 2017-01-14 06:20:00 No.12222 >>12230


Don't play coy jew slave. Both Hillary and Trump are jews. You /pol/tards worship jews.

Seeker 2017-01-14 07:17:29 No.12225


>No argument

Pretty much what I was expecting. All you can do is dismiss criticism as shilling, just like you do in your hugbox over at 8chan. None of this shit stands up to any scrutiny;

Seeker 2017-01-14 12:09:06 No.12230


cant argue with repeating digits

Seeker 2017-01-14 17:02:03 No.12241 >>12247 >>12244


>great thread



Shit thread is more like it.


Just look at the evidence. How could anyone seriously believe that Trump was going to be helpful to anyone? They think they are in control with their fake "meme magick" (which is literally worthless) but are instead lead around by the jews themselves.

Why people are still going for this guy makes me wonder if they are either deluded idiots or shills.

Seeker 2017-01-14 17:22:54 No.12244 >>12247 >>12245


>How could anyone seriously believe that Trump was going to be helpful to anyone? They think they are in control with their fake "meme magick" (which is literally worthless) but are instead lead around by the jews themselves.

Even if Trump is literally and totally jewish that does not change the cultural effectiveness of meme magic nor does it change the etheric & astral results of this eclipse happening. It seems as though (((people))) don't want to talk about that, they would rather squabble over unrelated things rather that the implications or ways to ply this cosmic cycle convergence.

Seeker 2017-01-14 17:29:57 No.12245


>cultural effectiveness of (((meme magic)))

>implying it is functional in any way

Seeker 2017-01-14 18:18:42 No.12247 >>12262


>Shit thread is more like it.

>what is irony


Lets face it - meme "magic" is shit that people do when they are interested in the occult, but they don't want to put any real effort nor have any real experiences, but they still want to feel somewhat relevant.

Seeker 2017-01-15 03:44:43 No.12254 >>12259


>the August 2017 event will be the first one whose totality path lies completely within the United States since 1776, experts have said.

As was said in >>>/fringe/11941, does the 1918 eclipse not count?

Seeker 2017-01-15 14:30:47 No.12259


Yes, it counts. However, this is one of them fake news thingies which people cling on to to invoke some sort of greater significance. It's pretty hot nowadays in social media news, since people will click on these links, and more clicks = greater revenue.

Seeker 2017-01-15 15:41:52 No.12260

September 23rd 2016 was supposed to be the end of the world too. Is every year going to have doomsday now? We are living in eternal happenings.

Bob Elvis 2017-01-15 18:09:33 No.12262 >>12263


My hick was that meme posters atribute succes to there memes and not themselves thus never putting self development high on there to do list. (If you isolate all other characteristics ( ex : Red Pill Memetician. )

So the verdic on meme's is both bad and good it is good because it has some effect but is bad because the actors fail to atribute the effects to there works.

Bob Elvis 2017-01-15 18:17:45 No.12263


Ex ; Red Pill Memetician , probably dose push himself to develop but because he is red pill not because he is memetic. So he develops his red pill aspects but not the occult aspects which he has chained togheter whit the memes.

An example of mental fallicys is when /pol/ thought kek cared about dubs yes a god of chaos would manifest as dubs and trips but he remains a 2000+ year old egyptian god so to think that he has awoken because of random memes and that it is the memes that fuel his existance and that the only way to confirm his aproval is to recieve dubs is falling cruely short of understanding a god of chaos.

(Every digit from 1-100 is just as random as any other ( 08 , 88 , 80 )

Bob Elvis 2017-01-15 21:03:16 No.12264 >>12265

Yo, just finished going throught the tread my last two replys where from b4 when I had only seen the last two.

Trump is based because he dosent care if you get offended of course he will shit on everyone thats what leaders do. They reform shit. Trump is a buisness man hes gunna run the contry like an enterprise. basicly i foretell he will put on the bosses hat and then do what he wants. The good thing is that he wont take shit from no one (in my opinion once more) this being said he will disregard everyone equally which is true justice and equality and he will do what he thinks is right witch wont be perfect but I think the good intentions are there which is all that matters to me at the end of the day. ( Obama had good if not better intentions but no guts so at the end of the day he was fucking awfull, hillary was braindead so it would of been the Zombie Queen. )

Seeker 2017-01-15 21:46:09 No.12265 >>12267


>Obama had good if not better intentions

Obama is the son of a jewish mother and a radical communist kenyan. I'm sure he just wanted to save the world goy.

Bob Elvis 2017-01-16 00:25:11 No.12267 >>12273 >>12271 >>12268


Dont hate the players hate the game.

Obama marketed himself as the man to end wars, close unlawfull bay penitentiary and calm the racial tensions. Obviously after 8 years we see he has failed but he had good ideas (on paper) so I must say he had to be somewhat a good person just not fitted for the task.

Trump too me seems to be less of a public figure and more of a boss. He has laid down the buisness plan (Time will tell if he is truthfull) and sold his ability to follow it trought mabey got the Casus Beli of Divine Right when he declared he would straigten out the debt (sword in the stone) but he stands out as beeing less good/peacfull when he says shit like ( Ill bomb the shit out of them / or when he endorses the killing of traitors (snowden)) but I blame that on being honest on his stance unlike obama who pretty much did the same (droned bombed arabia / tryed to imprisson snowden)

So yeah Obama WAS a good person but turned out his trueface was otherwise

And Trump, well I believe he is the savior of earth but in this day and age the savior of earth can't be a good person he has to get his hands dirty

Im a polythesist so I dont polarise good and evil. The therms I prefer are wellbeing and ill

Obama was all about wellbeing now at the cost of ill later

Trump is about ill now for wellbeing later

Bob Elvis 2017-01-16 00:27:30 No.12268


When I say savior of the earth see it as the butterfly effect he may not save it personally but he (in my view) will be a conduit for the salvation of this plane

Seeker 2017-01-16 06:52:57 No.12271 >>12279


>Dont hate the players hate the game.

Lets hate both.

Also fucking namefags shitting everything all up.

Seeker 2017-01-16 16:24:39 No.12273 >>12282


>That terrence mckenna quote

One can control a dream and it's called lucid dreaming.

Seeker 2017-01-16 23:59:13 No.12279


Behold I have become anon the unshitting.

Seeker 2017-01-17 00:32:02 No.12282 >>12296


Yeah I thougt about that too.

Well you have me linguisticly stumped. I still stand by the Quote.Offering uncomplete critisisim like this provides no argumentation so even if you where right I wouldnt be able to find out from what you have posted alone. ( If you would have said I lucid dream frequently and retain 100% control but you dont even claim having experienced lucid dreaming personally) doing so allso forces my hand to expound the teaching/philosophy im trying to "sell"

Allso note that he uses the therme dream and not lucid dream

Terrence Mkenna said you should never belive anything fully because doing so automaticly rules out the opposite. Allso a mushroom told him (after he injested it) that nobody knows jack shit. Il finish this argumentation whit a french expression. Seul Dieux le sait et le diable a ses doute.

Only god knows and the devil has his doubts.

(I think both god and the devil are legitimate individuals (( unrelated shit but Lucifer is the best candidate for being the original Christ )))

I understand that by publishing my oppiginon in a quick and grotesque fashion opens the door to critisisim I would only ask you judge each point seperatly as failing to do so may be trowing the baby out whit the bath watter.

Mabey im just a delusional psycopath and those who call out my bullshit are the smart ones but the wiseman learns more from the fool than the fool from the wiseman.

If after this your still convinced of my wrongness and would like to see me gone, Dont worry my readyly available acces to internet ends tommorow.

Bob Gratton 2017-01-17 00:38:23 No.12283 >>12285

I only namefag because I dont see the diffrence it makes exept being reconsiable for those who know about that name. if you dont enjoy what I have to say you may skip my posts as my namefagging offers you a clear warning conviniently placed at the top of the walls of texts unlike this from of name fagging:

-Bob Elvis Gratton

Seeker 2017-01-17 02:18:17 No.12285 >>12292


Stop changing your name, I had you filtered and now I have to do it again goy!

Bob Elvis 2017-01-17 14:08:24 No.12292


Thank you for the cnstructive critisisim pal

Seeker 2017-01-17 20:21:39 No.12296 >>12303


You are going awfully in the defense here.

I merely posted a single statement to refute the conclusive figure of speech.

I highly respected him, but for me he has fallen from grace: he is charismatic and linguistically proficient, but his intense drug use and daily dependence on marijuana has made him an unreliable source of information for me.

>Lucid dreaming.

I have experienced, but it's still driven a lot by my subconciousness. To become concious is to become in control.

>dream vs lucid dream

Definitely. We can pingpong all we want, but will probably have a hard time decyphering what he truly meant with that.

>Terrence McKenna & a full believe system

And here he becomes a hypocrite. He pushed that 21/12/2012 agenda very, very hard. He believed that with all his conviction. Watch his last interview (something with Earthbound I believe) to see him laying it out. It has proven to be folly. Perhaps this zealous belief was just an dying man trying to find some sort of solid spiritual ground in his twilight.

>Seul Dieux le sait et le diable a ses doute.

Who do you mean with God and who do you mean with the Devil?

>unrelated shit but Lucifer is the best candidate for being the original Christ

Very related to my question :)

>I understand that by publishing my oppiginon in a quick and grotesque fashion opens the door to critisisim I would only ask you judge each point seperatly as failing to do so may be trowing the baby out whit the bath watter


>Mabey im just a delusional psycopath

Maybe.. I don't know you

>and those who call out my bullshit are the smart ones

Maybe a bit more lucid, otherwise just a differing belief system.

>but the wiseman learns more from the fool than the fool from the wiseman.

Definitely. I've learned a lot from your post


>If after this your still convinced of my wrongness and would like to see me gone,

? If I disagree with you, that does not mean I wish you gone: I'm not a liberal SJW

Bob Elvis 2017-01-18 00:09:01 No.12303


Pardon me for taking the defensive in responce to you.

It aprears I accidently deleted my post after corecting my corection by deletion.

Here I go again.

I would seem to me that even Lucifer would have a god. And it is my belif that he acts whit righteousness are virtue in respect to this god.

As for god I simply will to deal whit what would be called the Prime Creator or Source and not deal whit any secondary beings unless it is gods will. Allso I respect/honor him for the life that is given


This being said I have more affinity whit the northern dietys but have made my peace whit the devil. Allso I view existance on this plane as a blessing not a curse and intend to partake in it (existance) until Ragnarok

I was having an intresting thought a few nights back where I labbeld mother nature a demon. I obviously quickly realised the error in vicabulary and now use the word fey to describe Lucifer/Mother Nature…

The defenition I give the word fey is for a : 1st order beeing who has ancored/attuned himself/herself to this reality/plane. Some fey have nobler intentions then others.

As for christ it is said (no sauce…) that he was the original teacher who made the knowledge available for people like Jessus Christ to use. Now when I say this it is as far possible from personally verified experience so take it whit two or more grains of salt but Lucifer strikes me as the most potential candidate for being Christ.

To end this off what I like the most about mkenna is that he constantly reminds his students/audience that to trust themselves before him.

I enjoy all his lectures even when they have me laughing for being obvious miscalculations/errors in judgement