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Esoteric Wizardry

Seeker 2017-01-08 13:55:20 No.11950 >>11979 >>11978 >>11957 >>11953 >>12941


is this real?

Seeker 2017-01-08 14:23:26 No.11952 >>11954

So that means that I can't have love moments with my wai- I mean tulpa.

Seeker 2017-01-08 14:29:10 No.11953


This belongs in the Question Thread.

Seeker 2017-01-08 14:30:35 No.11954 >>11955


well, you risk your life and your very existence when fucking (literally) with the unknown…

Seeker 2017-01-08 14:48:41 No.11955 >>11956


But I don't want to fuck a tulpa. I just want to make love with it.

Seeker 2017-01-08 15:22:00 No.11956 >>11958


be wary of it wanting to make love with you… like in OP's case

Seeker 2017-01-08 15:23:03 No.11957 >>12290 >>11993


putting oneself at the mercy of a psychotic tulpa-girl with femdom fetish

enjoying the think she can put you out of existence by just wishing that

becoming that powerless and intentionally giving her more and more power

obeying a being who is using you like a mere toy for her own sick pleasure


Seeker 2017-01-08 15:28:01 No.11958 >>11961


So is it really impossible to have a true relationship with a tulpa? That's sad.

Seeker 2017-01-08 15:37:02 No.11961 >>12020 >>11962


If you want a relationship with a tulpa, you are probably weak-minded.

The tulpa will eventually notice your weakness and exploit it.

You will have to play by her rules and end up in her hell like OP.

Is it worth it?

Seeker 2017-01-08 15:42:08 No.11962 >>11971


What the hell, then tulpas are like "demons"?

Seeker 2017-01-08 20:04:32 No.11971 >>11974


there is a theory that tulpas are in reality just empty shells that become home to a god or demon.

Seeker 2017-01-08 20:54:24 No.11974 >>11977


So either way they will fuck me?

Seeker 2017-01-08 21:25:55 No.11977


or use you as a fuck toy, yes.

Seeker 2017-01-08 21:31:09 No.11978



Seeker 2017-01-08 21:46:45 No.11979


No this is not real it is obvious LARP.

Now delete this thread and fuck off it belongs in the question thread.

Seeker 2017-01-09 07:18:04 No.11993



Seeker 2017-01-10 07:30:01 No.12020 >>12027


Complete mallarcky. They are what you make them to be if you believe you are making a being that is hollow or negative then guess what happens fam. Success with Tulpa is greatly dependent on your initial understanding of it and your expectations of what it and its relationship will be with you.

Seeker 2017-01-10 09:10:42 No.12027 >>12037


surely it is what you create it

now, try to imagine a red square

it cannot have any other colors in it

remember: no blue or green

not even in the corners…

is it still perfectly red now?

nobody is perfect, nobody can create an ideal tulpa

and the tulpa will continue to grow with all the imperfections

and sometimes they will outgrow you and your will

and you may end up like OP or even worse…

Seeker 2017-01-10 19:57:28 No.12037


Armchair occultists please leave.

Seeker 2017-01-17 10:44:14 No.12290 >>12322


I would like to know the answer to this myself.

Seeker 2017-01-18 21:12:21 No.12322 >>12637


Abusive older female during childhood. It becomes intrinsic to survival. The first impression I get is him recreating the birthing process and traumatic breast feeding. Then literally being under foot of this horrible doubletalking retard. Probably a single child to a promiscuous, alcoholic, single mother.

If the story is real, I doubt he will ever wake from his delusion. There's really nobody to wake people up and that info is suppressed. The highest functioning case I've seen is that Stefan Molyneux, but he got lucky when his mother was just a hateful bitch instead of using him as a toy for her own pleasure. You can see him lose awareness sometimes. He goes completely instinctive and emotional like an animal whenever the programs are triggered.

A tip off for this thing is the emotional overwhelm and rational mind being unable to make sense of it. Probably what led to the op. On a logical level he knows something is wrong, but he starts convulsing whenever he touches on the truth, asking people to prove impossible things that he himself can't prove anything about and misinterprets his feelings. Its just nonsense as he loses awareness time and again.

Seeker 2017-01-30 11:37:29 No.12637 >>12656


>Abusive older female during childhood. It becomes intrinsic to survival. The first impression I get is him recreating the birthing process and traumatic breast feeding. Then literally being under foot of this horrible doubletalking retard. Probably a single child to a promiscuous, alcoholic, single mother.


Seeker 2017-01-31 05:27:21 No.12656


You're the guy? You can confirm?

Seeker 2017-01-31 22:54:58 No.12670 >>12679

>Tfw you've been wanting to create a tulpa

>Now your seeing talk about a waifu tulpa being a bad idea


Seeker 2017-02-01 18:22:58 No.12679


That guy was retarded. Most of them go without incident. There are millions of Fluttershy sex slave tulpas out there right now and you're missing out.

Seeker 2017-02-11 21:00:46 No.12941


How did this end?

Did the OP get spiritually consumed by his tulpa?

Physically ended up in her ass or pussy as her toy?

Does OP even exist anymore?