I'm not here to convince you of anything. I am merely here to provide resources for those who can recognize their value.
If this material means nothing to you, then move along.
Math is based on understanding of Truth as is language.
The universe is derived from Truth.
If all things then derive from the same source they must form patterns as all things form patterns. Such is not anymore the voice of God than is the wind blowing through the forest or the glint of sunlight on the water.
It always amazes me how much of this stuff is just purely subjective, yet they are supposed to objectively mean something.
That water picture for example. If you use any other system than Fahrenheit, then you won't end up with 180 degrees but with 100.
Or I dunno, the pic with Earth, Moon and LHC. If you take two circular objects, and superimpose one another in a certain way then you will end up with this shape, no mystery about that. I can do that with watermelon and apple. Will it mean anything?
This is bullshit.
I just thought you are cool anon and I wanted to jump the bandwagon! c:
> I am merely here to provide resources for those who can recognize their value
So when will you start posting porn?
For someone who utilizes the concepts of sacred geometry, what exactly do you use it for, and why?
Personally I could see the potential value in a numbers-based occult system as the brain functions primarily on numerical values as representations of true and false thereby ordering the entire universe into numbers could be a useful psychological approach to magick.
>there's mathematics inside of you right now
Man, relations between numbers and geometry show so many blatant harmonics you'd think there would be more mainstream interest, but instead the best we get is:
>It's a mistery! Whack-whappidy-do! Tehe~
The thing with the planets, for example. I'd say it pretty much proves astrology. The romans called the planets gods, right? Then it would mean the "gods" indeed play us like damn fiddles as a matter of fact. We are in the middle of an harmonic resonance and might as well be avatars of the planet-gods, each playing a song with our very lives.
Yes my boy, it's all a coincidences. Theres no consequence and no consistency and I'm writing this while horse riding nude at the plains of Guatemala, trust me…Or maybe, just maybe…Those guys knew very well what they were doing, like clockwork…
Jokes on you, the golden mean is all over the human body and what we find attractive, so this thread might as well be full of porn already.
That one about vibration: it wouldn't be more accurate to say circles/cycles instead?
Everything cicles around something, going back and forth between the same points of equilibrium. Everything is a hierarquy of redundance, the center of this organization aways a point of "mass".
>The thing with the planets, for example. I'd say it pretty much proves astrology
How? That seems a bit of a stretch.
>Yes my boy, it's all a coincidences
Some of the things in this thread are total nonsense. Anything comparing arbitrary measurements like miles and degrees is bullshit. Like you say there are plenty of genuinely interesting geometrical harmonies so there's no excuse for including contrived rubbish.
Ah, the myth of arbitrariness
Together with its twin, the myth of coincidence, they form the backbone of scientifically-minded ignorance
>myth of arbitrariness
I can invent my own measurement system in which the distance between north pole and south pole is exactly 666 Indigos. But it really is nothing arbitrary, it just means that the Earth was created by Satan who left this little hint there for the true seekers.
But you don't, and it's not what society uses, either. So you basically made an irrelevant strawman.
It's an analogy. Dividing the distance between the poles into 20 million metres is no less arbitrary than dividing it into 666 indigos.
>But you don't
Who knows, maybe I do.
>it's not what society uses
If more people use something then it becomes less arbitrary? Basically what the anon above me said.