Hi! I am visiting to invite fringechan to add a directory listing to the Coalition of Invisible Colleges directory, at http://coalitionofinvisiblecolleges.org.
The CIC is a meta-meta-organization which indexes meta-organizations, in order to make it easier for people from each meta-organization to find the others, to promote cross-pollination amongst these different communities, and to provide a convenient menu for accessing the different places in the various colleges. (It may look empty now, but it just launched! We have 7+ organizations who will be listed soon.)
Adding a listing to the directory implies no political affiliation, organization structure, "membership", or any such bullshit. It is merely a public directory where different invisible colleges will be listed alongside each other, increasing openness.
If someone here would like to add a listing, there are complete instructions on the Documentation page: http://coalitionofinvisiblecolleges.org/documentation/. One of the first steps is to contact me (@deicidus) or one of the other admins on the site, so we can give you edit access.
The website is hosted publically on GitHub under an unlicense, so anyone can fork the website or copy it for their own purposes. It is also pretty easy to edit—just slightly more difficult than editing a wiki.
I've had some interesting conversations with people from fringechan, and I would love to have it in our directory!