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/div/ - Divination

For readings and discussion of theory/practice of divination.

2016-07-22 16:16:38 No.489 >>524

>Do you trust people

>your partner?


>Who do you trust and why?

2016-07-22 18:50:27 No.490

Habit, it really is just easier to trust people when they do not seem to want to kill you. It can also be that what you get of them is worth more then the risk, such as a girl you has sex with you but also makes you feel like shit.

2016-07-23 03:31:47 No.491

I trust people in general to not harm me, for the most part.

Why? Because my intuition takes me out of bad situations.

Aside from that. I don't have a partner but I know I could trust mine because the psychic connection between me and the last person I liked made me feel when she intimate with others. So it's not like they could hide much from me.

Myself? Hm.

I do for the most part. I trust me to get things done eventually and be reliable enough. I don't yet trust me to be everything I want to be superfast tho.

2016-07-24 00:10:59 No.492

I trust Kraftwerk to do the right thing.

2016-07-29 11:36:16 No.498

>only the trustworthy

>why else would you call them a partner?

>only when i'm not depressed

those who are reliable and not ill-willed

2016-10-16 18:59:15 No.524


holy shit, what deck is that?

2016-11-25 05:54:27 No.538

myself and no do not trust people

2017-01-11 01:10:19 No.589

I trust everyone.

2017-01-30 10:20:04 No.631

I don't trust people, not per se. The implication of a statement of trust is that one believes to the utmost that another one will adhere to some ideal and never deviate or fall. This is completely unrealistic and would result in such trust being broken the first time someone is human.

What I do trust is nature. Once I learn someone's nature I can act in full faith that they will behave in accordance with what ever it is.

And in the ultimate sense, I trust nature itself, the process of creation at large to be Good for all.