Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead.
Previous thread >>>/ask/32
Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead.
Previous thread >>>/ask/32
You know, the /div/ board is specifically for that purpose, I'm sure they have lots of tutorials in the various ways of foresight.
Repost cos thread moved
Hello, I'd like to get into scrying, or other forms of future prediction (preferably not tarot). Can anyone recommend me some good starting points? Books, guides, mentors, anything?
Thanks in advance.
Nope. Literally nothing except one link to a bunch of tarot books, and most peoople there only do tarot and were taught by someone irl
Recommend using cross links >>>/ask/783 to reference old threads. They will work even after subsequent threads (such as this one) are moved into the /ask/ archive.
Internal thread links are stable and are automatically corrected upon moving.
I'm curious about animal spirits in shamanism, totem spirit, i don't know how to call it.
All i can find is new age shamanism. Is there any good read out there?
Google has some great stuff, not really an occult specific thing.
Some general tips; studying an object, then close your eyes and try to recall as much of it as possible and hold the object there, open and see how accurate you were
-imagine a spinning ball, change it into different colours, move it to every corner and side of you vision
-read more, fiction especially, or anything that'll require it
also you'll have to pracitce pretty much daily otherwise progress might reverse
Yeah I guess. just meant that some people will get really good at it so decide to stop for a while and end up back at square one. It's like strengthening a muscle but easier to forget about cos you're not always aware when you're doing it
I used to have loads of notes on visualisation stuff i got from research but i lost it all when i moved, rip
https://www.lumosity.com is also a nice place to train basic brain skills that'll help
>I met my twinflame too, but fucked up grandly
if it makes you feel any better, the psychic that told me that she and I were twins said this. "Flames are formless. Anyone lucid can be a twin. What you are supposed to do is burn away your falsehoods and then you can be twins in a healthy way."
So I assume he's right, and that there may be people more in tune with you, but that they don't have to be The One.
So I think if we can let them go entirely and dedicate ourselves to finding ourselves/a soulmate, that they'll be our Twin as well.
>You will never heal until you stop expecting others to come and fix you.
yeh. and you're not supposed to fix anyone else, either. You can provide an environment/tools for them to do so, but make sure they want to, if that's important to you.
>A muay thai/kickboxing place?! Really? There is no art in any of it anymore. Those are just places to vent people's anger, anon. You'll never really learn anything if your desire is to beat up people.
Yeah, I dunno, and I said as much. I'm new to martial arts as a place for this, and the only one I've found that's good is a taichi one at a school of oriental medicine.
[As for muay thai, a psychic said that would be good for me]
Your advice sounds legit, in terms of martial arts. As for yoga,
>Don't follow any gurus and don't expect to find enlightned people at these places.
generally true, but people there will at least often be spiritually aware of things and be a decent starting point to find fringier people if one cannot find them easily.
> Usually they are the kind of people who "have an ego about not having an ego".
I've met all sorts at yoga places.
I've been having an issue with a very stubborn and very evil entity for a while now. I tried performing a modified and empowered version of the Grand Order of the Draco Slayers LBRP a few times, and, while I feel it works effectively of clearing debris, making the voices and terrible imagery more infrequent and improving my mood, it hasn't done shit at effectively banishing the entity. I have a few tulpas that've been hiding until now (because they're new), but I just thought of asking them to help me in banshing this monster with an actual pentagram ritual while they're still in their dreamworld/wonderland/local astral plane. (Previously I was asking them to gain their strength so that we could confront this thing head on while I was focusing on a white light and they on killing it with enchanted armor and weaponry.)
What would be a more effective ritual to perform with their help in a manner where they don't have to confront this thing directly?
I was thinking about using a pentagram ritual, and instead of infusing the energies of the pentagrams with Mars and Venus, I want to infuse it with that of Sol and have the pentagrams funnel a brilliant white light into my Aura.
Ideally, since this ritual is more effective in the astral, I want to know what the correct intent is to burn away any evil entities from my mind and aura, preferably putting them in a significant amount of pain or discomfort in order to leave.
Does anyone know why the hell a brilliant white light is most effective?
I'm new to this too, and I don't know how pentagrams work. My thought is that they're essentially energy-vaginas and suck up any essence put into them. Is this correct?
I've been having an issue with a very stubborn and very evil entity for a while now. I tried performing a modified and empowered version of the Grand Order of the Draco Slayers LBRP a few times, and, while I feel it works effectively of clearing debris, making the voices and terrible imagery more infrequent and improving my mood, it hasn't done shit at effectively banishing the entity. I have a few tulpas that've been hiding until now (because they're new), but I just thought of asking them to help me in banshing this monster with an actual pentagram ritual while they're still in their dreamworld/wonderland/local astral plane. (Previously I was asking them to gain their strength so that we could confront this thing head on while I was focusing on a white light and they on killing it with enchanted armor and weaponry.)
What would be a more effective ritual to perform with their help in a manner where they don't have to confront this thing directly?
I was thinking about using a pentagram ritual, and instead of infusing the energies of the pentagrams with Mars and Venus, I want to infuse it with that of Sol and have the pentagrams funnel a brilliant white light into my Aura.
Ideally, since this ritual is more effective in the astral, I want to know what the correct intent is to burn away any evil entities from my mind and aura, preferably putting them in a significant amount of pain or discomfort in order to leave.
Does anyone know why the hell a brilliant white light is most effective?
I'm new to this too, and I don't know how pentagrams work. My thought is that they're essentially energy-vaginas and suck up any essence put into them. Is this correct?
To the anon who gave me flak for having disdain for degenerates on /fringe/, there is a prime example of what I meant on 8/fringe/ in form of a penis enlargement thread with some anon's dicks posted in the OP. The fapping achievements thread is from the same opera.
The exact details of a ritual don't matter as much as your faith in them. What is it that you believe will purge an entity? Some people manifest their will in form of an astral flamethrower or swords or guns or more traditional balls of energy. It matters very little as long as you feel that it will work 100%.
Pentagrams and all that jazz are similar to that with one exception. I found it useful to find one system that uses them and utilize pentagrams according to those rules due to the fact that a particular method has the thoughtforce of people who used it before you. For example look up how to draw pentagrams for banishment rather than invocation.
>Last night while meditating I started to feel an intense vibration in the perineum. What could this be?
Probably your root chakra.
>recommend me a good book on chakras
BoK's got a nice, concise yet very helpful few sections on chakras, it's in here:
>Is there any point for me to keep checking 8/fringe/?
Not much of one, I only go there maybe once a week or 2 to see and I've been disappointed every time.
>It feels as if all who's left there are shitposters, fedoras and outright degenerates who care not about our work.
Yup, agreed. I mean I've seen literal porn posted, by non spam bots, and it left there, not even spoilered, threads on >how many times can you fap in a day, and it still has all the same problems it had before the exodus.
I'm comfy here and I know many others are as well, we'll just occasionally bump the lifeline/migration thread bumped from time to time, else it has pretty much become the 4chan to our ∞(chan).
>What is love?
Love, in its purest form, is unconditionally appreciating and giving in a way which supports the highest good/growth. It does not expect anything, it does not desire anything in return, it's cosmically detached actually, desiring only to help, and in any way, even if that way takes them away from you, what ever is best for them. However do not take this as an excuse to enable people or harmful actions, that is not love.
Love is the vibration of infinite truth. What resonates with love aligns toward the Creator. Seeing with love means seeing with the eyes of the Creator, a perspective chosen to be undistorted by prejudice, intolerance, ignorance, or separation. With love, all things are made possible because anything that is of the Creator is understood, allowed, accepted, and forgiven. To feel love is to feel the joy of remembering the divine unity of all existence and acknowledging the absolute truths within and before you. Loving another means recognizing the common godspark within them and therefore caring for their spiritual evolution as much as you would for your own. It is compassion without pity.
>What do you do when you can't find it?
I turn within and seek the divine love that is eternally present. It powers and sustains me.
>…when every time you think you feel it turns out to just be desire
Remove desire for that which ephemeral. Or at least remove expectations of those worldly desires.
>and are rejected for it
Move on, take it in stride, don't let the past get you down or limit you in any way. The path is about transcending limits and you can not do that if you choose to be molded by what has already happened, exert your freewill to choose to be better. (And ideally, to choose to be divine love embodied.)
>It's like the world expects me to love, but won't give me any… and because I fail to feel it I am being punished, which just makes it harder to love.
In my experience, you need to love yourself before you can love another in a health way, else it turns into a consuming "love" of the other person and not an overflowing love of yourself & creation over the rim of the cup of your being unto your partner.
>you have no idea how gratefull I'd be just for some hope
There is always hope, but too often people avert their eyes. Like God, it is eternally there, but you have to choose it. Let me quote an excerpt which I really like that way help
Faith is trusting that in Creation, all things are possible. It is the suspension of disbelief. It works where knowledge fails. While knowledge stops at every precipice, faith leaps across it. While knowledge further refines knowledge, faith expands it. Simply put, knowledge is deterministic and faith is non-deterministic. Expanding knowledge requires leaping into the unknown, an act that knowledge finds irrational but faith finds necessary. Making paradigm leaps requires faith – not blind faith in what one chooses to ignore, but pure faith in what one cannot yet know.
Hope is knowing that in Creation, all things are possible. It is the reconciliation between faith and knowledge, of knowing that having faith allows one to accomplish the impossible. Hope is confidence in non-determinism, freedom from bondage to causality. It comes not from the ignorance of facts, but from the recognition of higher truths demonstrated by miraculous experience.
>What do you call a mindset between STO and STS i.e. not wanting to help others, but not wanting to exploit others either?
Depending on how exactly you interact with creation at large, this would vary from either a self contained STO (which from the outside could appear neutral) or it could be mildly STS. It really depends on how you live your life, if you actually are totally self sufficient, living in a forest by your self, it's the former, if you're just living in society keeping to yourself, since nearly all societies feed the matrix control system, it's mildly STS (since you are helping).
>The time for trust and openness is not at the very beginning the relationship.
It is truly a sad state of (world/socitial) affairs that this is often true.
>hmm, I wonder if singing along with sad music is bad.
I removed all music of that nature from my library as not to invoke those states within me, but I've heard some can use it to be releasing when they actually are sad. So perhaps use with discernment, but not regularly.
>I don't know… I just want things to be simple, for once…
What anon said in >>>/ask/779
>stop expecting others to come and fix you
It may happen, it may not, but ultimately it's your responsibility aid or no.
>Things ARE simple. You are the complicated one. Uncomplicate yourself. This is what worked for me.
This also was similar to the path I took. I asked myself one day, "why not simply choose to be happy?" I couldn't find a good answer and thus I exerted my freewill and was happy, in large, hence forth.
>Did I do what I intended to [aid in APing] or something else?
Well it certainly won't hurt your ability to AP.
>I fear I might have stored energy into my head's dantian instead of stimulating my third eye…
First, release all fear, secondly, it's fine, and there seems to be little difference any how.
>I'd like to note that I also got a slight headache that subsided as soon as I directed some so back to my naval area.
Probably because energy is supposed to get up there by raising/overflowing from the lower to the middle to the upper and it was out of balance.
>I would've never thought this shit would feel so real and material to be honest…
Welcome to energy work, you're a wizard now, this is our every day. It only gets more wild from here
>Hello, I'd like to get into scrying, or other forms of future prediction (preferably not tarot).
>>>/div/294 has many various different methods. I usually do a mix between tarot, runes and straight up RNG.
>Can anyone recommend me some good starting points?
No resources, but I shall explain a bit. Quantum mechanics says that everything not directly observed is in super position and on the larger scales where it's likely to simply be averaged out it's still often influenced by variables beyond time (will).
With that in mind one can use any scrying system to cast out desires and see what sort of echo you get from beyond the veil of knowingness, into the universal intelligence. Through this one is able get information back according to the system it was cast out with. You can even use premade systems in other ways than in just their traditional use by temporarily casting/laying out a new framework or archetypes upon them and reading it. What I mean by that is, for example normally tarot cards have certain meanings, well I could number them 1 to 78 and redefine each of those to be/have a different meaning and then just use the deck itself (or a RNG otherwise) to discern data not using the original system. A simple application of such is would be a yes/no (even/odd) reading or an elemental reading (draw minor arcana for suit).
>any advice for improving visualization?
Use it. Do things such as >>7 , >>15 , >>16 and otherwise often engage your imaginative senses in as much detail and clarity as you can.
>Is there any good read out there?
I've been recommended Way of the Shaman >>>/library/230 many times but I have not personally had a chance to read it yet, so take it as you will.
>What would be a more effective ritual to perform with their help in a manner where they don't have to confront this thing directly?
Confronting the effects upon you directly is good, telling it off, even if it need be face to face, is good, however I think trying to kill/destroy it is a good use of energy, banishing it and removing it's effects from your being/life is more than enough.
>I want to know what the correct intent is to burn away any evil entities from my mind and aura
>preferably putting them in a significant amount of pain or discomfort in order to leave.
Seeing as how pure love is literally on the opposite end of the vibratory spectrum from them "the light will burn."
>Does anyone know why the hell a brilliant white light is most effective?
God is light, God is love, God is what you are invoking and the above stated reason.
>I'm new to this too, and I don't know how pentagrams work. My thought is that they're essentially energy-vaginas and suck up any essence put into them. Is this correct?
I am illequipped to comment because to be honest I don't really use LBRPs or anything of that nature. All of what I do banishing wise is moving energy around impregnated with my will.
>"degenerates" just sounds like moralising and arrogance.
They are de-generating, they are negativily growing instead of growing (generating) and in so, accelerating their decay. It is perfectly accurate. If one finds that, the truth, offensive, they better then alter who/what they are instead of continuing to lie to themselves.
Thank you for the advice. It seems sound, and I'll take it to heart.
I'll keep my eyes open for dojos like those you suggested.
I totally understand your point of view (and in part I share it). Words like "perverse" and "degenerate" carry a moral judgement I don't like to hand out, so I prefer to just qualify them as useless or nonsensical.
I am with you 100% though. That shit isn't what /fringe/ is about.
Thank you for the book recommendation. Yesterday I did some energy work and tonight I woke up with the most intense feeling of vibration both in my third eye and root chakras. I've had pre-OBE vibrations before and this was 10 times more intense (almost scary since I've had migraine attacks in the past in the middle of the night and shit's not fun). It wasn't painful though.
given the fact that some magic(k) uses orgasms, being able to fap for x hours mighte be a fucking advantage, though yeah penis enlargement is bullshit.
>They are de-generating, they are negativily growing instead of growing (generating) and in so, accelerating their decay. It is perfectly accurate. If one finds that, the truth, offensive, they better then alter who/what they are instead of continuing to lie to themselves.
how is it accurate? it's fucking subjective. one person's negative growth is another person's growth.
Not everything is subjective though. Not everything is relative and you can't be healthy at every size.
Look into health at every size (HAES) and you should get your demonstration that I think anon was trying to give you.
The summary of it is there are fat (unhealthy) people that promote an idea that they are healthy at every size.
You might argue that someone who is pushing towards death could be growth for that person in the grand scheme of things, but at that point it is semantics and can safely be ignored.
What you want is a 100% yes or no choice but things are not always like that.
but health is (pretty much) objective.
"degeneracy" is more abstract and moral, and some people might consider things degenerate that others don't (plus it has certain over tones), so…
What I was trying to convey in few words is that, although reality is subjective, some people (all of us at some point) deceive themselves and pretend their lie is just a relative truth.
Not every relative truth is so, and in the human sphere, more often than not it's actually self-delusion. Caution. That's what I meant.
perhaps. but
a. IT seems a bit disingenuous to label the shitty posts on 8/fringe/ as "degenerate", when it could be more more accurately described as petty (or similar), or perhaps as suggested above, perverse.
b. calling stuff "degenerate" reminds me more than a little of people who call everything they dislike fascist.
>using a picture when starting questions thread
>making people have to scroll past more stuff to get to the other threads
>Faith is trusting that in Creation, all things are possible. It is the suspension of disbelief. It works where knowledge fails. While knowledge stops at every precipice, faith leaps across it. While knowledge further refines knowledge, faith expands it. Simply put, knowledge is deterministic and faith is non-deterministic. Expanding knowledge requires leaping into the unknown, an act that knowledge finds irrational but faith finds necessary. Making paradigm leaps requires faith – not blind faith in what one chooses to ignore, but pure faith in what one cannot yet know.
>Hope is knowing that in Creation, all things are possible. It is the reconciliation between faith and knowledge, of knowing that having faith allows one to accomplish the impossible. Hope is confidence in non-determinism, freedom from bondage to causality. It comes not from the ignorance of facts, but from the recognition of higher truths demonstrated by miraculous experience.
I like this.
>>and are rejected for it
>Move on, take it in stride, don't let the past get you down or limit you in any way. The path is about transcending limits and you can not do that if you choose to be molded by what has already happened, exert your freewill to choose to be better. (And ideally, to choose to be divine love embodied.)
yeah… had this real bad, with someone who by most or all appearances wanted the same thing I did.
Getting over the thought loops. Dang, it's been months already.
Mostly over it emotionally, but I'm still getting to have the openness of heart that I had before, since I was taught that I need to be more calculating/have my eyes open instead of blindly putting faith where it doesn't belong.
>>The time for trust and openness is not at the very beginning the relationship.
>It is truly a sad state of (world/socitial) affairs that this is often true.
Yeah, it's hard for me to know when to be open sometimes.
The person who I could have told anything from the start is the one who hurt me, so dang, I dunno.
I'm not sure at this point whether to seek someone for fun/helping us both grow, or to seek out my soul mate.
Because I "have" the first person at this point, if I don't screw it up, and I haven't had a real relationship before, just a quasi one with the person I thought was my soulmate, and might still be. Though I don't like the idea of someone who hurt me being my life partner, I don't know the line between not working/developing enough and working/developing too much/self-destructively. Working on self-love should fix that, but I did love myself to a good extent with her. It was harder to pick that back up afterward though.
I oscillate between wanting to be in divine love, and feeling it's self-destructive. But that's because self-love wasn't there enough. And now I'm having a hard time with finding the difference between "Self-love" and what feels like being "cold", because I've prioritized others over myself for too long.
Time will tell what my path is, but right now I'm not sure if I can be loving while calculating, or vice versa. It's like an on/off switch of empathy, and when it's off I feel I emit coldness/unloving detachment. But not always, and I'm learning where to apply what and how not to be overwhelmed by all the new stimulation of *suddenly energy and emotions everywhere and I haven't learned what any of it means and it makes me anxious and/or angry if I get too into it/don't meditate enough*.
Used to meditate frequently and drain myself of energy by emitting the kind of love-energy I'd be able to emit freely when I've developed for a few months to a year from now.
I imagine "do everything lightly, and love lightly always" is the key here, and only emit strong love-energy when it feels natural/something resonates with me strongly.
part of me feels this is too long, and another part of me is like "who cares", and another is "post it, maybe someone else has these issues"
>Welcome to energy work, you're a wizard now, this is our every day. It only gets more wild from here
(:) Yer a wizard, harry
>not using the catalog
>thinking it matters when there's not many threads yet
it is speeding up though, so I think by question thread 3 or 4 this can be a valid point
On 8/fringe/ I have the sticky with a pic because in that case it doesn't matter and the board needs a mascot anyways.
but the question threads… you are making more lines to scroll past by adding in pic.
I know what the main form of this evil creature looks like. What would be the best method to destroy it? by visualizing it in a cage being burned away by a pillar of light?
What's the most effective sigil for seeking out and destroying a demon? Would a straight up use the of the astrological symbol for Sol work well? How about the Hagal rune?
Mental universe.
Whatever you imagine can be your reality if you let it. Do whatever you feel is best, just make sure you have absolute belief that it works and as well that you put enough energy into it.
>you are making more lines to scroll past by adding in the pic
How is this seriously an issue? Quit sperging out over pointless things, it is not the path of the wizard. A wizard should have control over themselves and should not get upset over such a trivial thing.
Winston Churchill said: "A man is about as big as the things that make him angry"
I expect your response to this to be "I am not angry" or something similar, but you are still irritated and made those posts. It really shows what level of advancement you are at…
Yesterday I tried to project qi (quite forcefully) out of my right hand in order to unclog my toilet. It did not work. I had to use mundane methods.
I have some joint swelling in that hand's thumb today, and while painkillers help, the pain won't go away completely. Advise? I can barely type ffs
Neophytes beware, do not try to unclog toilets with qi blasts.
It'll probably heal on its own soon enough but pouring some gently green or golden energy charged with healing intentions will accelerate the process. Also pouring large amounts of energy should be done out of your entire palm if your energy body is somewhat untrained to handle large energy transfers.
that seems like a waste of energy to try
i wouldn't combine western medicine with eastern practices caused pain. painkillers just mask the pain, not solve the problem.
>painkillers just mask the pain, not solve the problem
Precisely why they are called "painkillers" and not "problemremovers". Duh.
The painkillers (this kind in particular) reduce the swelling and the pain that comes with it. It is a means of being more comfortable while I wait for the body to heal on its own. That is the function of most western medicine aimed at treating the symptoms and not the causes (barring high-end stuff and surgery).
I get it. Eastern medicine is more aimed towards the causes themselves. It's a different approach. In a sense, I'd argue western medicine is more naturist, because it removes the pain but lets the body do its natural healing process. Eastern medicine meddles with the natural processes. How does that point of view make you feel? ;)
Don't fall in the new ageist trap of thinking that that means western medicine is useless because you'll end up killing your child for refusing to vaccinate him.
Everything man has invented he has invented for a reason. Both in the east and in the west. And you should take advantage of all.
I'm sorry but I need to tell you something else. This I was told by a Chinese teacher of mine when I was suffering terrible diarrhea in Beijing.
They combine eastern and western approaches there quite intelligently. In principle they usually let the symptoms resolve themselves, and use eastern medicine (which is, admittedly by teacher, gentler but more limited) to solve the underlying problem (don't cure a cold, but strengthen the immune system kind of approach). If, however, the symptoms are too painful or if they are life-threatening or the body cannot resolve them on its own, then they include western medicine into the treatment.
In my case my problem was resolved by eating bananas, but I was to go to the doctor if that didn't solve it, who I was told would prescribe me some tea and it that didn't work, more potent (western) pills.
It's a stupid western thing to be afraid of western medicine or to regard eastern as superior in any way. Some kind of complex like white guilt that makes us act stupid. As a hispano myself I can tell you how amazed I am at the lengths some brits sometimes inconvenience themselves in order not to offend me over non-issues. Your attitude towards western medicine reminds me of that in some way, but I digress.
At no point did I advocate for any specific type of medicating, I just said combining eastern and western medicine seemed like a bad idea. I brought up painkillers because a lot of people just use them to "put aside" pain and stop worrying about it.
> I'd argue western medicine is more naturist, because it removes the pain but lets the body do its natural healing process. Eastern medicine meddles with the natural processes. How does that point of view make you feel? ;)
That's definitely an interesting thought.
>Don't fall in the new ageist trap of thinking that that means western medicine is useless because you'll end up killing your child for refusing to vaccinate him.
I haven't, I'm just saying that in this case it doesn't seem sensible to use painkillers as a cure and not just to numb the pain temporarily while you meditate on it or something.
So it all worked out then? Good.
Interesting. I was wrong in my assumption. Probably a good thing the person I was quoting didn't take my advice then.
Again, I'm not entirely against western medicine.
I'm sorry. I was trying to provoke you, but I didn't mean to offend.
So i hooked up with this girl right. It was all meant to be a little messing around, you know, young people exploring each other, funny innocent little kissing and that sort of thing.
But then i fell in love. Ever since we parted i have a wierd feeling in my stomach, i hardly feel any desire to masturbate (i've masturbated like a madman before), i've lost any desire whatsoever for food, and i don't find myself looking at other girls boobs and asses. And i don't know what she's feeling, we talked about it the morning after and we agreed it was going to be just a sort of friends with benefits situation, but i've started to miss her really much. She also told me that, so i don't know what to think. She asked me if i was coming to her town again, i said i was. And i really want to, it's just that i feel that when we build up this relationship and then break up im gonna be a mess. I don't understand my feelings, i realize i love her and i miss her but i don't get all the side effects i've mentioned earlier, and i sort of have this urge to cry alot… What do i do? I feel like just breaking all contact and polarizing out of love is a wrong move… Maybe it's just the simple fact that i miss her?
I wrote this because i just want to tell my story to someone, although i'd like some help.
I'd try being frank with her, telling her that you might be falling, building a wall that keeps you from going too deep unless you're sure that you're okay with being hurt.
Polarizing to the opposite side doesn't seem to help matters, and in my karmic system, doing that without a good reason like trying to help someone and being abused for it will end not well.
I don't know yours.
I'm planning on messing with someone and playing at love a bit too, partially to get away from someone else, partially to help her and I grow/share something beautiful, partially bc lonely, but that part of me is something I'm taking care of on my own and I don't want her near it, having learned from the last one that darkness isn't to be shared… that I know of.
I've told her that i love her but not in a direct way, but she shrugged it off with just don't fall in love k? xd
>it's [wasting loosh on degeneracy] fucking subjective.
It is not.
>how is it accurate?
Loosh is used to work magic and bring/cause change is reality. When you are taking the very vital force necessary to keep your body working well and squander it on ephemeral pleasures of the flesh and senses to your long term detriment you are not generating yourself you are de-generating or destroying yourself. You are literally accelerating the aging process and furthermore you also robbing yourself of any energy you could have otherwise used to work magic with and should you try your magics will be significantly less effective/powerful.
>one person's negative growth is another person's growth.
I will admit that sometimes one needs to go deeper into hell to see the light and come out to the benefit of their spirit, but that does not change the transjective truth that they are hurting their flesh and soul in the process.
>"degeneracy" is more abstract and moral
Just to be absolutely clear:
DEGENERATE, verb intransitive [Latin Grown worse, ignoble, base.]
1. To become worse; to decay in good qualities; to pass from a good to a bad or worse state; to lose or suffer a diminution of valuable qualities, either in the natural or moral world. In the natural world, plants and animals degenerate when they grow to a less size than usual, or lose a part of the valuable qualities which belong to the species. In the moral world, men degenerate when they decline in virtue, or other good qualities. Manners degenerate when they become corrupt. Wit may degenerate into indecency or impiety.
DEGENERATE, adjective
1. Having fallen from a perfect or good state into a less excellent or worse state; having lost something of the good qualities possessed; having declined in natural or moral worth.
2. Low; base; mean; corrupt; fallen from primitive or natural excellence; having lost the good qualities of the species. Man is considered a degenerate being. A coward is a man of degenerate spirit.
>compare to
GENERATE, verb transitive [Latin genero. See Gender.]
1. To beget; to procreate; to propagate; to produce a being similar to the parent. Every animal generates his own species.
2. To produce; to cause to be; to bring into life; as great whales which the waters generated.
3. To cause; to produce; to form.
So kindly keep your subjectivism and/or check it at the door. There are truths beyond illusion, and magic is about working with those.
>IT seems a bit disingenuous to label the shitty posts on 8/fringe/ as "degenerate"
Some of them are simple shitposts, but there are plenty of degenerate and simply ignorant ones as well.
>it could be more accurately described as petty, or perhaps as suggested above, perverse.
It's pretty much all semantics, I personally find degenerate accurate in most circumstances, especially since both of the latter often fall under it as well.
PERVERSE, ''adjective pervers. [Latin perversus. See Pervert.]
1. Literally, turned aside; hence, distorted from the right.
2. Obstinate in the wrong; disposed to be contrary; stubborn; untractable.
PETTY, adjective Small; little; trifling; inconsiderable; as a petty trespass; a petty crime.
1. Inferior
And in the context of spiritual growth, one is petty, acting in the smaller interests of their lower self at the expense of the growth of the higher, usually this is by engaging in self destructive activities or they are perverse which is, in large, more literally degenerate.
>I like this.
See http://montalk.net/metaphys/42/principles-of-spiritual-evolution-part-i for the rest.
>I oscillate between wanting to be in divine love, and feeling it's self-destructive.
I'm going to have to assume there is some illusion here if you think divine love is destructive in any way, at most it may rend your illusions from you, but that would be a good release of the bad and not true lessening of your being.
>But that's because self-love wasn't there enough. And now I'm having a hard time with finding the difference between "Self-love" and what feels like being "cold", because I've prioritized others over myself for too long.
Your task is to learn to channel more love into yourself so you can fill yourself and then overflow unto others instead of leaving yourself empty and pouring into them and hoping they will do the same to you. Perhaps you need some time being alone to master this, but it would at least require plenty of introspection and meditation.
>is the key here, and only emit strong love-energy when it feels natural
Then trick is to make it your natural all the time, or at least as often as possible and then increasingly so.
>part of me is like "who cares"
I love you anon khru.
>What would be the best method to destroy it?
As previously stated you should focus on sanctifying your temple (mind and body) first, then once you're stable and embody unwavering light you can, if you still so desire, go chasing demons.
>by visualizing it in a cage being burned away by a pillar of light?
You can engulf yourself in this pillar of divinity, this will help, but it may not get it all. I've found that sometimes there are stubborn bits that require more than simply filling oneself with light (if you desire results faster). What I will do is create a small dense "laser" point of light and use that to burn away the stubborn bits that are especially stagnant. What this does is increase the "pressure" of the energy to dislodge them from where they are, then you simply need to sweep them away. This is the essence of >>644 & >>645
>What's the most effective sigil for seeking out and destroying a demon? Would a straight up use the of the astrological symbol for Sol work well? How about the Hagal rune?
I'm unqualified to answer this as I don't go chasing them once they are banished, I see it as not worth the effort.
>I have some joint swelling in that hand's thumb today, and while painkillers help, the pain won't go away completely. Advise?
I can think of 2 things, both involve the energy flowing through your hands. One is to put your hands on the Earth and then let her ground you and feel the energy flowing through your body, though your hands and into Gaia. After a time if you feel like it you can also then take in energy from your hands as well.
The second one is to put your hands together and create a circuit of energy flowing from one hand to the other, up the arm, across the shoulder and down the other arm.
The key thing you need to do is to get the stagnant energy out. Also, in the future, be careful with things when you don't know what you're doing. I've hurt myself before doing magical experiments as well. This is when being a healer really helps…
>In a sense, I'd argue western medicine is more naturist, because it removes the pain but lets the body do its natural healing process.
I would disagree. Western medicine is more about trying to dissect the pieces and see what chemicals they use and trying to fix it part by part. This is why it often fails, the sum is greater than the parts. This is why every one is crazy about pharmaceuticals and surgery.
>Eastern medicine meddles with the natural processes.
Eastern medicine is about using the body's whole system and empowering it to work better. Eat this herb/food, don't eat that, do this tai chi and meditate, etc. Things to boost your bodies innate power to restore itself while minimizing the factors that are contributing to its inability to heal.
>western medicine is useless
It is nearly useless and often causes more problems than it fixes, I would only go to a western doctor if I had a broken arm needing to be set or some other strictly physical problem.(which is not the grand majority of diseases).
>because you'll end up killing your child for refusing to vaccinate him.
Now this is just disinformation, vaccines have heavy metals and all sorts of stuff that is extremely bad for you, don't even correlate to disease rates and furthermore through proper understanding of the flesh's interaction with the spirit and what the flesh actually needs all disease can be cured. It's a simple restoration of harmony.
>Everything man has invented he has invented for a reason.
And sometimes that reason is entrapment and limitations.
>Both in the east and in the west. And you should take advantage of all.
And I do, East and west together can be very powerful, however I am no fool, I very throughly do my research and check my source's interested/backing parties.
>Ever since we parted i have a wierd feeling in my stomach, i hardly feel any desire to masturbate (i've masturbated like a madman before)
Sounds like you formed an energetic tie to her, probably through your sacral (the creativity/sexuality) chakra.
>i've lost any desire whatsoever for food, and i don't find myself looking at other girls boobs and asses.
Sounds like the symptom of love to me.
And i don't know what she's feeling, we talked about it the morning after and we agreed it was going to be just a sort of friends with benefits situation, but i've started to miss her really much. She also told me that, so i don't know what to think.
>She also told me that
Go for it anon. If you really desire to you can meditate on it more but I think it's pretty straight forward.
>She asked me if i was coming to her town again, i said i was. And i really want to,
>I really desire to
Then do it.
>it's just that i feel that when we build up this relationship and then break up im gonna be a mess.
>it's just
That's probably just your ego trying to make excuses out of fear of being hurt.
Here, I'll do a reading for you two.
>Is anon's relationship true or is it the product of interference?
(Bolding what intuitively stands out to me)
A youthful figure, looking intently at the pentacle which hovers over his raised hands. He moves slowly, insensible of that which is about him. Divinatory Meanings: Application, study, scholarship, reflection another reading says news, messages and the bringer thereof; also rule, management.
>Crossed/clarified by
The waters are beneath, and thereon are water-lilies; the hand issues from the cloud, holding in its palm the cup, from which four streams are pouring; a dove, bearing in its bill a cross-marked Host, descends to place the Wafer in the Cup; the dew of water is falling on all sides. It is an intimation of that which may lie behind the Lesser Arcana. Divinatory Meanings: House of the true heart, joy, content, abode, nourishment, abundance, fertility; Holy Table, felicity hereof.
>What will be the results of anon's relationship?
A calm, stately personage, with his back turned, looking from a cliff's edge at ships passing over the sea. His cloak is 3 parts, primarily red with green over the left shoulder and a checker pattern on the right arm. Three staves are planted in the ground, and he leans slightly on one of them. Divinatory Meanings: He symbolizes established strength, enterprise, effort, trade, commerce, discovery; those are his ships, bearing his merchandise, which are sailing over the sea. The card also signifies able co-operation in business, as if the successful merchant prince were looking from his side towards yours with a view to help you.
>Crossed/clarified by
The face suggests that of a dark woman, whose qualities might be summed up in the idea of greatness of soul; she has also the serious cast of intelligence; she contemplates her symbol and may see worlds therein. Surrounding her is a vine/wreath of roses. Divinatory Meanings: Opulence, generosity, magnificence, security, liberty.
Overall it seems rather promising. I see the first question as bearing the intensity of the news of the (true) heart (compare to the inverted ace of cups which is false heart), the lilies are flowers also known as lotus which is symbolic of spirit.
The latter question, I see the herald of travels, attraction is drawn the black-&-white bit, symbolic of yang and yin and on the queen you have to attention to the (red) flowers/roses, symbolic of beauty and love.
Now if you're really worried about it you can start researching alien love bite/dark side of cupid, but I'm personally not really getting that vibe and the cards don't suggest that at all either.
>i don't get all the side effects i've mentioned earlier
It's the metaphysical results of the energy you're feeling as emotion.
>I sort of have this urge to cry alot… What do i do?
If you really desire to, cry, let it out and release, it's healthy but don't wallow in sadness.
>I feel like just breaking all contact and polarizing out of love is a wrong move…
>is the wrong move.
Totally agreed.
>Maybe it's just the simple fact that i miss her?
There is more going on than just that.
>I thought /fringe/ was all for self-improvement
It is. The growth of the spirit unto and through infinity.
>It is. The growth of the spirit unto and through infinity.
ok but how is improving your physical body not self-improvement?
>squander it on ephemeral pleasures of the flesh
but again,what about magic(k) that uses orgasms? even if you accept the idea that the "vital force" of your body is expended, you are simultaneously increasing your returns in terms of the amount of magic you can do.
>how is improving your physical body not self-improvement?
I never said it was not, indeed keeping your physical body is good working order is very important as when your flesh is in disharmony your mind will also too likely to be as well, or it will at least make it more difficult to attempt to keep one's mind pure while their body is desecrated.
If one is in disharmony with another the whole of your being will try to find balance somewhere between to eliminate the dissonance, and often, I've found, it's a lower denominator.
>what about magic(k) that uses orgasms?
They can be powerful, but most people do not properly cultivate their sexual energy nor make good use of its force in magic. Much is wasted. By proper utilization of it (through tantra) it is extremely potent. Mantak Chia has written several good books on this subject. They can be found here https://www.mediafire.com/folder/myk29g5i444p6//Initiate's%20Gold
Another consideration is also the nature of the relation as well, many people, even sometimes those who have lived together for a long time, such as husband and wife can still mutually lust after one another and their sexual relations are of a mutually consuming nature and not of a Godly, yearning for unity based one. This fundamentally changes the entire energy mechanic, for the highest power should be the latter and not the former. The line between the two can be quite indistinct, I know.
>even if you accept the idea that the "vital force" of your body is expended, you are simultaneously increasing your returns in terms of the amount of magic you can do.
You are technically correct, however there is a way to achieve the same end without the loss of energy at all. That is the essence of tantric sex.
If one is in disharmony with another the whole of your being will try to find balance somewhere between to eliminate the dissonance, and often, I've found, it's a lower denominator.
could you elaborate?
Hey, you're right thanks alot man. I've been having problems with some egoistic feelings. Sometimes i catch my self looking down on people or i feel to sorry for myself, it's probably all the symptoms of egoism (loving yourself much more than others i think)
I think i've managed to transmute this into humbleness, which is valuing oneself less than others (i think). This helped me socialize better somehow and i enjoyed the concert i was much better. The whole time i felt really great, but after the night i was with the girl i woke up and those feelings i described in the last post started popping up and now im just scared to go back into egoism because im afraid she won't like me, etc.
How do i break this egoism once and for all? Do i need to keep breaking it because of rhythm or is maybe ignorance the root cause?
Interesting. I've read some old qigong literature that goes as far as detailing the normal amount of ejaculation of healthy males at different ages. If you don't feel like ejaculating (either having sex or masturbating) twice a day before 20 and once before 30 (and are able to keep up your energy regardless), you are basically a weak man.
Three times a week up to 40, twice a week up to 50 and I forget what beyond that.
I took 500g ibuprofen this morning and tried not to use my hand much. 7 hours later and it feels as good as new.
>It is a means of being more comfortable while…
you mask the pain, you mask the problem, and you mask your awareness of it
painkillers are a terrible idea
If you ever need surgery pray that the doctor doesn't think the same way you do and masks the pain you'd otherwise feel while he opens you up in order to fix your shit up…
So, what's a "astral temple" and how exactly it works? How can i create one?
No short answers please.
it seems like just today or yesterday this chan started dropping in quality quite a bit.. shame
8/fringe has a thing.
"you love her for the energy she's emanating. your energy yearns to connect with her energy for various reasons. most probably because your energy recognizes that it requires what her energy has in order to become whole. your energy is being drawn to her energy on the less conscious level. on more conscious level you label this experience as "love"
to make her love you, her energy needs to start yearning for your energy just like yours yearns for hers
first question to ask is why doesn't her energy draw to your energy as well?
your energies need to yearn to interact with each other. to make her love you, you need to "make" her energy draw to yours
doing that with rituals results in artificially forcing her energy to draw to yours. have you ever been high on amphetamines? it's like you experience emotions but they're not quite yours. they're artificially manafactured. she will experience love on the subconscious level but on the conscious level she'll hate herself and yourself for that. and then it will pass
what you need to is to get in trance but not to send spirits to manipulate her energy to direct to yours, but to simply dissect her energy and yours and become completely aware of the relation they stand in. you need to become fully aware why you love her and why she doesn't love you. once you know that, you'll NATURALLY connect to her in a way she'll love you back because she'll subconsciously see you fit in her. you'll get in the social flow and start talking to her and in minutes the lower and higher layers of both of you will start "fitting" each other."
>I'm going to have to assume there is some illusion here if you think divine love is destructive in any way, at most it may rend your illusions from you, but that would be a good release of the bad and not true lessening of your being.
It's that I didn't know how to act around a woman, wanting to be in divine love.
It doesn't cause physical sexual attraction, and I had no idea where to bring the two together.
Also, I didn't know how to have self-love well enough, so "divine love" for others hurt my emotions and I just figured that I was being irrational.
So, yeah I'm still not really sure on this, because I have to figure out at what point emotions are valid and at what point are they a response to neglect that is related to the current situation, rather than a response to the situation itself.
>Mostly over it emotionally, but I'm still getting to have the openness of heart that I had before, since I was taught that I need to be more calculating/have my eyes open instead of blindly putting faith where it doesn't belong.
I did 9 online divinations yesterday that said "yes she is actually your soulmate but forget about that for now, focus on yourself."
Then asked /div/ and was told not to make a decision and focus on myself. So that's what I'm doing.
Will have to figure out how to proceed, and will probably ask an akashic reader for guidelines on that, since she's already contacted me asking for something.
I don't think I should respond; not sure how to. Part of me wants to say something rather than "play this game" though, where I leave someone hanging.
I've been tired of "relationship games" and treated her as if her words were true, rather than indicative of her emotions as The Way of the Superior Man said; and a host of other mistakes. I acted less "manly" and more what I perceived as "empowering".
We both have a good ways to grow, and maybe by the time I'm ready for my soulmate, we'll meet somewhere in between to be over that. At this point she'd rather dismiss my emotions than deal with them.
>I love you khru.
Thank you (: it feels nice.
I love you too.
>Your task is to learn to channel more love into yourself so you can fill yourself and then overflow unto others instead of leaving yourself empty and pouring into them and hoping they will do the same to you. Perhaps you need some time being alone to master this, but it would at least require plenty of introspection and meditation.
Yeah, for sure.
I am intentionally opening my heart again as of late, and learned how to do it without hurting.
>through proper understanding of the flesh's interaction with the spirit and what the flesh actually needs all disease can be cured. It's a simple restoration of harmony.
attempting to learn this through oriental medicine.
>It's that I didn't know how to act around a woman, wanting to be in divine love.
she seemed to want more of a sacral/lust type of connection, where I wanted more of a heart/soulmate/divine relationship, and, being a virgin (in part because the idea of random sex never appealed to me despite intense loneliness in the past,
though I did waste a lot of time/energy on porn)
and her having her heart closed from a former relationship, made things very difficult when I didn't put my all into being my best self.
> humbleness, which is valuing oneself less than others (i think).
I think it's valuing oneself less than one's part in the divine plan, going with the flow when ego doesn't want to.
[Incidentally, I've had a hard time with this recently.]
I think it's better to value oneself equally with others. Less than might allow others to take advantage of you.
when your mind is refined but you poison your body, the mind will suffer and lower vibe more easily than the body raising its vibes.
and vice versa.
>as good as new.
I dunno, I've refrained from masturbation overmuch in the last 6-7 months and it's like I'm a teenager again, though my lust is much more controlled/I spread the energy throughout my body instead of letting it get stuck.
and the top of my head gets pains which Mantak Chia [in Cultivating Male Sexual Energy] says is the kundalini energy softening the skull sutures, making an initiate's head more pliable like a newborn's is.
As a neophyte who's stayed on the arm chair for far too long, I've decided I want my first concrete and powerful entrance into occultism to be the creation of a personal Sanctuary.
However, as a neophyte, I've only learned a great deal about occultism over the years but have never stepped into it first hand. So I've never developed my energy body, achieved AP for longer than a minute, lucid dreamt for more than 2 nights in a months, have infrequently created sigils, and so on.
Before the achievement of any of major magical functions or states, I want a sanctuary to "center" me, away from the distractions and negative habits of my mundane day to day. Beyond the obvious benefits of having a safe, energy magnifying, mentally tuned sanctuary, my main reasons for wanting this is to achieve a static, consistent, productive, personalized environment of direction and progress that I've found very difficult to achieve for longer than a few weeks.
I've gone through dozens of "projects" and life changing ideas that "will finally make me achieve what I want in life" in the past, all of which have lacked internal consistency. After a while my progress in whatever "phase" I may be in is spread too thin and I lose track of where I've been and what it was that I had achieved. To counter this I want to create a sanctuary.
On a lighter note, anyone know any /fringe/ possibilities for dance? I can dance similarly to webm related. I imagine this is akin to moving energy around your body. How might you fuse such a dance ability with /fringe/ progression?
just want to throw something out there
i'm sure many of you already know this or could figure it out yourselves, but if you have a sunburn, rub some pee on it. I was beet red last night and this morning one shoulder has no sunburn, the other is mostly faded away. will be applying more piss throughout the day, expect to have no trace by tomorrow
The acidity of pee helps accelerates the removal of damaged skin and forces it to heal faster.
There are other things better than pee for this (like some kind of tea I think).
It is better to just use either a cream specifically made for sunburns or aloe vera paste or cream.
If you use urine to remove the damaged skin, you can use aloe vera to help healing, as it is a accelerates cicatrization.
If you have very severe burns though, this will fuck you up by leaving unhealed skin exposed that could even get infected.
I have a question that perhaps is a bit meta, but please indulge me. How many of you here are overweight? Have you ever used magic for weight loss or /fit/ purposes? Why? If you could throw in your age I'd also appreciate.
I just want to have an idea of the type of people that post here. Because sometimes I get the impression it's old battle-worn sage dudes and sometimes I get the impression it's edgy teenage fucks who watch too much TV.
I'm 30. Still 6 or 7 kilos overweight but slowly getting there. Using exercise and eating well mostly. No magic.
I'm below my ideal body weight. Like almost 20 kilos.
I have a nice body shape (bones) it's like they was made to be a strong body, but i can't get my ideal weight.
I've used magic to gain muscles, run for longer periods of time and quicken recovery.
I'm 18 years of age but lack the edge and knowledge of TV of witch you speak of.
After a lot of reading and studying the occult (without the actual practice), I decided that Bardon has one of the most (if not the most) complete systems, and being a truly fan of the Hermetics, I decided to follow his teachings.
With this in mind, can someone give me some other books that can be added to my study of the Hermetics? Even though I said that Bardon's system is pretty much everything you need, I'm not saying he has it all, I'm pretty sure there are other great authors that can give me that extra pill I need.
(Besides Swami Vivekananda wich I'm studying as well)
Much appreciated.
You like it study-wise or results-wise?
I personally find the terminology a bit arbitrary, but I guess I still have a lot to study.
I like both;
Knowledge that makes me understand better the concepts Bardon talks about, and books with practical stuff I can add to my routine
Is it better to always be aware of oneself or to lose awareness of the self/ego and focus entirely on the outside world?
I think you should always remember your true I, but still realize that even if you're not your personality and body you are still inside them and still living in the real world.
"Know Thyself"
It's extremely important to know what you do and why. How you react to everything, and why.
What made the person you are today.
What can be perfected.
The list goes on and on.
Know Thyself, before anything else.
on the subject of IIH, how necessary is the entire "wash in cold water and scrub self with brush until your skin turns read" thing?
That practice as a lot of health benifits I believe, and you can look them up.
But on the topic of being necessary, I actually skip the "scrub" part, and just take simple cold showers.
This is very good to test your will, especially if you are like me, and used to bath with very hot water.
The practice of the shower (without the rubbing part) is really good for cleansing, if during the shower you stop all your thoughts, and visualize all dirtyness leaving your astral body.
Again, for the rubbing part, I believe it's merely for health improvement, so not EXTREMLY necessary
>better to just use either a cream specifically made for sunburns or aloe vera paste or cream
I don't excrete those from my physical body, though
18 year old here. I seriously need advice on dealing with energy-sucking mundanes. I recently had a break from school, and it was amazing. Devoted every day to meditation and study. I felt powerful and like my spirit was finally breaking free of its chains. I spent some joyous time with family and friends, and I could feel my aura becoming more positive.
Came back from school the first day, I was dead. My mind is filled with irrational anger, annoyance, and distraction. I can only take a nap and waste the rest of the day. If I try to study or meditate, my mind is racing and I get distracted quickly.
There's something about being surrounded by brainwashed, phone-obsessed, fidgeting and impulsive, always bitching and complaining mundanes for hours that destroys me. Everything they say and do advocates laziness, hatred, and materialism. And my mind is extremely sensitive to strong external stimuli. I can feel their negative energies sucking away my free will. I don't want to dislike them though, I love all life, and I know they mean no harm.
>inb3 blog post
I'm sensitive as fuck. How do I maintain my divine will when surrounded by very negative people every day? What can I do do shield/protect my spirit?
I've got the same exact problem. Although the quiet of my dormroom allows me to focus more than I can at home, the crowds of people really throw me off and make me anxious no matter how much I try to affirm that it will not.
I have a similar problem. I also spent the break studying and doing meditation and energy work. I went to Chinese class yesterday and I swear not only I had a much easier time learning, I could actually *see* the world in more vivid colors, and the faces of people all seemed more authentic, more expressive (also my hair seems to be getting thicker.)
But last night I slept at my parent's and I have a problem with my mum. She really saps the energy out of me (and probably other people). It sucks because I love her, but she's very negative and it's hard to keep positive…
>inb4 nice blog post faggot
I'd also like a way to keep myself steadfast but without shutting myself in. I'm enjoying this new found sensitivity to other people and my surroundings.
>look at how edgy I am!
Perhaps basic education and guidance if your teachers are good human beings.
At least developing as a teenager and socializing with people your age in some way or another so that you don't become an anxiety-ridden emotionally crippled virgin adult at worst.
You can sharpen that edge as much as you want, but you won't develop your psyche properly as a kid if you don't go throughout the imprinting of what Robert Anton Wilson describes as "circuits" (anal, oral, sexual) as a kid/teenager. Even if you are surrounded by brainless morons (specially if so).
It amazes me to no end at the amount of people here who claim any kind of wizardry, sacrifice and dedication when they haven't even been able to conquer the fears and challenges that every mundane ever has to go through. You are deluding yourself.
You can't go to college before you've graduated kindergarten.
>if your teachers are good human beings.
They're not, they inject as much bullshit liberal values as they can into their material.
Basically you're saying that people should go into debt for a useless degree just because other people do it? Would you jump off of a cliff if it were something most people did?
It's important t finish high school, but after that education should only be continued if your goal is some field that you need a degree to work in. Just going to college because it's what other people do is a waste of money.
passive-aggressive much?
I agree you should only go to college if there's a goal you're pursuing and not just because it's the thing everyone does. In fact I agree with you 100%, except the part where you assume every country on Earth is as much a liberal shithole as the US or Britain.
You have to consider that the US is not the whole world. There's countries where pre-college education is decent, countries that are not as capitalistic brainwashed as the US, where teachers are allowed to have all kinds of ideologies and where they try to teach kids to have their own criterion, where believe it or not, the government actually gives out money so that you can have a college education if you want to and can't afford it with your job, so that you don't have to become a slave of the banking system.
It's me again. I really have the urge to feel sad all the time. I mean everything feels so empty at home, i'd just want to go over to her town and meet her but i can't, i don't have any means of transportation, and i have to wait 2 weeks for one. It feels like i'd have nothing to do when she stopped texting me… I just listen to rock music nowadays because it probably reminds me of her. But we just met like five days ago so it just seems very abnormal for me to be feeling so sad.
Now, as i said, i tried something where i just focused on the feeling of me being less important than other people, because i was getting signs from people that im egoistic.
And somehow that day i managed to accomplish changing my self, but now when i try repeating it i don't get the same feeling. Im just afraid of her not loving me. But that night i was not afraid…
Sometimes i wish i never met her, but i feel like she made me feel alive again. Just the thought of being in a time machine back to that night where i didn't meet her at all feels horryfing. I somehow get the feeling that i couldn't be the same i was, so she wouldn't like me?
How the fuck do i figure myself out?
How do i fix myself? I mean i went on fringe because there was a similar situation in my life, only the girl was in Poland, and not like 30km away. So i try fixing my self, like 5 years, then the fifth year i found fringe, tried the being humble thing i described and it seemed i was back to my old self again (this was the thing i wanted the most). But then she came and now im completely lost.
Why did my Higher Self make this kind of situation for me? What do i have to learn? This isn't learning, this is painful. Even the idea of waiting for a week to meet her seems like death, because time goes so fucking slow…
Sorry if im boring, but i can't talk to people. Even if i try mentioning the way i feel to my mom or my dad it's like im gonna burst out crying… And they notice something is on
What you describe sounds perfectly normal. If you're in love and you have to wait 2 weeks to see her it's perfectly normal to be bummed out.
I'm sorry I can't do something to make you feel better man.
>mfw I wish I was in love
>They're not, they inject as much bullshit liberal values as they can into their material.
that just makes them average.
>anxiety-ridden emotionally crippled virgin adult
oh god. I'm kind of that.
but I'm a lot better, and I don't mind being a virgin; I did it for good reasons; didn't wanna share my shittiness.
i made the observation the other day that, as a formerly lonely person, love seemed to be this great thing I can't have, and that I've been told I don't know waht love is unless I've done x (sex in one case), and that yet it seems I am neither as together or as lonely as someone who's had a breakup.
It's kinda invalidating, but I suppose that comes of living an existence of invisibility.
>This isn't learning, this is painful.
I've been there…
it's still learning.
Pain always has a lesson, and it tears you apart, wanting to cling to one side or another, to polarize, so that you don't have to feel it anymore.
that's what it felt like to me when I got hurt in "love"
To shut off your heart or to throw yourself into it.
The only thing to do is deal with it, find the balance, focus on self-love/other things, and send love on the occasions when you don't feel the need for her.
That will set a positive non-needy tone for teh relationship.
>Sorry if im boring,
worst case, we skip your post (:
don't worry, mang, we gotcha.
if no one had love problems it wouldn't be a *chan would it ;)
much love.
some people might, but whatev.
I wrote a longgg /blog post above.
I'm sure several of us are pretty universally
loving/accepting, and everyone is familiar with the need for love.
yo're welcome
Dude chill, it will be addressed when and by some one capable. At least wait a week or 2 before bumping like that, it's unnecessary, /fringe/ is not a fast board.
>/fringe/ is not a fast board
and China has a fair amount of traffic jams.
Short answer, yes.
Longer answer, read the sticky, lurk more, read a gorrilion books in the /library/, there's a fucktone on healing, realize that there are people here who can turn off street light with their mind, bend the weather to their will and accelerate natural healing by a significant amount.
The only thing you have to invest is your time and some effort, for most people such an initial investment is not a risky venture.
Apologies for the delayed responses, I'll get to the rest when I get time.
>>If one is in disharmony with another the whole of your being will try to find balance somewhere between to eliminate the dissonance, and often, I've found, it's a lower denominator.
>could you elaborate?
If part of your body, say your physical flesh, is attempting to create a certain energy in your mind due to the shape of feedback-loop-pattern it is in the result will that it induces in the other (parts of your or) bodies, in this case your mind/aura, an energy appropriate to its form. If this is not in alignment with what you desire then you shall have to spend extra energy/attention healing/nullifying it.
And if your body is in misalignment with your mind, if they are not in harmony/balance with each other and the energies of all aspects of you will try to find that median where they can resonate with each other without dissonance. What ever pattern is the median is where the collective of your bodies will drift to, however due to the nature of it there is a tendency, a sort of metaphysical friction, which results in a net energy loss as the disharmonics clash and influence each other, this causes the lowering of the flow/vibration of your whole being.
>How do i break this egoism once and for all?
awareness. (Ideally eternally, but for as long as possible and ever increasing is a good start.)
>Do i need to keep breaking it because of rhythm or is maybe ignorance the root cause?
Pain is a reminder, something to unsettle and alert you to the presence of a thing which needs to be addressed and attention given to so a change can be made. The fundamental root case is belief in the illusion (of separation, maya) of the world, it's choosing fear over love.
>'ve read some old qigong literature that goes as far as detailing the normal amount of ejaculation of healthy males at different ages.
There is a difference between having a biological urge to do something and acting upon it. Ideally one would cultivate their jing (raw sexual energy, of the lower dan tien) and then transmute it to chi (middle dan tien energy) and eventually shen (upper dan tien energy). This can only happen if you do not spill or otherwise squander your seed.
>So, what's a "astral temple" and how exactly it works?
Also sometimes called a mind palace or a wonderland. It is a place in which you have coheared together via pure imaginative will; as such it can be literally anything you desire or can imagine.
>How can i create one?
Extensive visualization.
>No short answers please.
It is actually quite simple but I shall go on and give an example.
You may start with a room, in your mind's eye imagine it, how the floors look, how the feel on your feet, the color of the walls, the decorations of the room, the temperature and sensation of the atmosphere, etc. etc.
Engage all your senses possible and in as much detail as possible. When ever you find objects or aspects fading simple rework/recreate that area, over time it shall become increasingly coherent and will remain.
>anyone know any /fringe/ possibilities for dance? I can dance similarly to webm related. I imagine this is akin to moving energy around your body.
That is correct, the trick, IMHO, is to channel the energy (and to move yourself) it ways in which the flow is not impeded.
This can be done by either using moves similar to physical movements that already move chi, such as tai chi or you, if you desired to opt for something a little less physically fluid, could have the energy breaking out of your flesh when you suddenly shift and then loop backing in once you alter vectors; At least that way with the latter the flow is not as broken (though it would take some effort & visualization).
>How might you fuse such a dance ability with /fringe/ progression?
I use something kind of like that, but with lots of forward movement when I clear/cleanse houses so I am collecting a mass of the energy purifying as I move through it, sometimes it helps with stubborn places of darker darkness, else ways it just feels right so I do.
>[topical urine cures]
It's great for many skin problems, not just (sun)burns, but also cuts & poison ivy. It's remarkable how great and effective it is. I've heard other people having good success with warts too.
>It is better to just use either a cream specifically made
>Buy stuff, consume, you need to power the machine.
Dependency upon the physical realm, much less artificially manufactured things, is not very /fringe/
Aloe vera is good though, but I would still obtain a plant and not a cream/jel/etc.
>If you use urine to remove the damaged skin
That's not what the urine is used for, it's used to accelerate the healing process. It's not just the physical components but also the energy as well.
>If you have very severe burns though, this will fuck you up by leaving unhealed skin exposed that could even get infected.
Trials, even on people with 3rd degree burns, say otherwise.
>I have a question that perhaps is a bit meta, but please indulge me. How many of you here are overweight?
I used to be, but not any more.
>Have you ever used magic for weight loss or /fit/ purposes?
It was years ago but I did use some magic. It was when I started sungazing, I used that to fuel my flesh and despite barley eating I still managed to have enough energy to roller blade several hours a day. Lost 50 some lbs over the course of the summer/fall
Because I was curious. Also it made me feel good.
>If you could throw in your age I'd also appreciate.
>Because sometimes I get the impression it's old battle-worn sage dudes
Perhaps in another life. I certainly did come into this one possessing skills I never learned, skills that others who have obtained them in this life have told me took them years or ever decades.
>sometimes I get the impression it's edgy teenage fucks who watch too much TV.
There is probably our share of edge as many who are young are often interested in magic (if their environment does not totally squash that). Personally I avoid TV like the plague, it has far too many invasive thoughtforms.
>Still 6 or 7 kilos overweight but slowly getting there. Using exercise and eating well mostly. No magic.
Try simply visualizing your flesh in the desired form, even if it's only 20 minuets a day, it will greatly accelerate the process by bending your aura into the desired form.
>With this in mind, can someone give me some other books that can be added to my study of the Hermetics?
There is an archive under
fringe books & files package\Hermeticism\ ( >>>/library/1 )
Notably the Corpus Hermeticum.
>Is it better to always be aware of oneself or to lose awareness of the self/ego and focus entirely on the outside world?
It's best to obtain such great and detailed awareness of oneself that it goes beyond the flesh and into the world.
At first this may be part of the world and part of yourself, but always start with awareness of the self, the I am observer admist all the circumstances. Then extend your awareness into all the circumstances in ever increasing clarity.
Man know thyself; then thou shalt know the Universe and God. - Pythagoras
how badly does not being able to avoid worrying about the success of a sigil affect the chances of it functioning? not at all? badly? very badly? (I'm presuming the last one).
>I use something kind of like that, but with lots of forward movement when I clear/cleanse houses so I am collecting a mass of the energy purifying as I move through it, sometimes it helps with stubborn places of darker darkness, else ways it just feels right so I do.
I wonder if you could give me a suggestion for how to raise the energy of a house.
Though, it's also messy so I'm sure that scatters me/my mind.
But I do live/sleep there. Is moving out the best option?
presume that worrying about it not working makes it work better ;)
>If this is not in alignment with what you desire then you shall have to spend extra energy/attention healing/nullifying it.
You're talking here about not being comfortable with your body or smething? Also could you give an example of a median?
>You're talking here about not being comfortable with your body or smething? Also could you give an example of a median?
I believe yes, it's a matter of comfort in the body, which involves whether one totally accepts the body, which is *far far far* easier when the body is in alignment/fit, and indeed, that if the aura is maintained the body will begin to align itself by forcing itself to move in the ways that will make it so.
I am sure someone else will recommend some more info for you.
I would really recommend to start practice while reading. Its all about practice anyway. There is no point in becoming a theory junkie, except to go insane from the information overload or simple become a theoretic dude with no practical change in his life.
I need to break out of the current situation I am in mentally and phisically as fast as possible
should I work with entities?
When i do the humble polarizing thing, it seems that it opens up the gateway for all the good emotions and i feel exactly the way i want to feel. I just managed to do it yesterday, everything just felt amazing people didn't think i was a creep, i talked with the girl and it's like i wasn't just seeking her to love me so i can feel good about myself, it's like i started caring about how she feeled.
Does this have anything to do with the present moment?
btw im sure it was the same mental state i was in the night i met her, so thanks to everyone you've helped me alot
Hey /fringe/ need some help here.
For about a year I was diagnosed with Essential Tremor, so my hands shake a little bit, especially my thumbs, this happens when I try to do something like taking a picture with the cellphone.
Anyway, from about a year, I'm okay with the tremors, and they don't bother me that much, but from a couple a months ago I got my self involved with magic and spirituality, so I started to frequent /fringe/ and other boards, And I would like some help about my tremors. Does anyone know about meditation techniques that can help with the tremor? Or what kind of magical rituals I can do? I heard that some people can cure their own diseases with magic, is it really possible? And What kind of books can you guys recommend me that talk about health and magic?
sometimes I get those when I'm overloaded on energy. I wonder if that has anything to do with it.
also, the braverman test says tremors are a gaba deficiency.
I think it can be "lack of grounding" as well.
>How do I maintain my divine will when surrounded by very negative people every day?
Short answer, exertion of awareness.
Longer answer, discipline to transform yourself into your desire whenever you notice you are not such.
Long answer, do the above, even if it's 100 times an hour, it will get easier the more you practice. You can also set up wards to protect you and/or to repel undesired influences if you're not awareness to overpower it with raw willpower.
>What can I do do shield/protect my spirit?
Basically what you do is create a shape, I prefer using an ovid shape around my personal self, fill it with energy and then program it. I use golden, nearly white, light and the intent "It is my will that all negative, disharmonic, and/or fear based vibrations and energies be repelled and forbidden from entering and influencing me and that only love based energy shall be allowed in." You can also do very similar for a room, in that case all I really change is I draw imagional/visualized shapes covering the walls, floor, ceiling and around & over the doors windows and then use a like programatical intent.
>But last night I slept at my parent's and I have a problem with my mum. She really saps the energy out of me (and probably other people). It sucks because I love her, but she's very negative and it's hard to keep positive…
You must keep your energy within you and if you sense it going else where conscious recall it do not let any more go else where. This will subconscious alter her behaviour as she's feeding off you (and probably other's as well).
>Perhaps basic education and guidance if your teachers are good human beings.
I've had many friends who were teachers and a lot of them where very good people, however the one's who worked for the system lamented that they where literally forced to teach disinfo and had to choice in the matter. Locked in their careers and should they try to change anything they would end up jobless and it short order homeless.
>At least developing as a teenager and socializing with people your age in some way or another so that you don't become an anxiety-ridden emotionally crippled virgin adult at worst.
This can be overcome mentally. Also
>Implying virginity is a bad thing.
Part of why sexual degeneracy is such a bad thing is not only the squandering of vital life force but also the forming of cords of energy betwixt people, which are sometimes never severed and only further complicate potential future bonding.
>You can sharpen that edge as much as you want, but you won't develop your psyche properly as a kid if you don't go throughout the imprinting of what Robert Anton Wilson describes as "circuits" (anal, oral, sexual) as a kid/teenager.
This is patently false and I'm living proof of that. My developmental order was all of out wack compared to the supposed norm, in some cases more than a decade off, but through pure exertion of freewillpower I managed to sculpt myself into the ideal regardless. This was one of the many ways in which I was told I would be irreparably broken.
>You can't go to college before you've graduated kindergarten.
Enjoy your system, we're choosing a different path entirely. Also
>willfully putting a dept collar on yourself.
>It's me again.
>Is anon.
It's not like I know who "me" is. I'm gonna presume you're the one I did the reading for however it's not like it's that obvious.
>I really have the urge to feel sad all the time.
Act upon it only if that is what you desire to vibrate it (which I think that answer is most probably no), choose elseways. Use your awareness (freewill) anon.
>I'm just afraid
This is, again, ego. All fear is illusion.
>Why did my Higher Self make this kind of situation for me?
It provided the unique set of circumstances that would most probably best benefit you.
>What do i have to learn?
To say specifically, I can not, but to wager a guess, to see the futility of attachment to that which is ephemeral and why not to overestimate the reality of illusion.
>This isn't learning, this is painful.
Sometimes you need to go through hell and face the darkness within to transcend it. The pain is only necessary to prod you from your comfortable, yet stagnate, place you currently are in.
>Is it possible to reverse balding?
Yes. And just for the record, anything is possible. Carrying on, cultivate your energy, especially your sexual energy, if you're male, don't fap. Then use said energy to visualize/imagine yourself in the shape/form you desire and some affirmations would be good as well.
Hilton Hotema wrote a lot about regeneration, but it all basically follows the above stated sketch.
>Cures to diabetes?
See what I just wrote above to anon, regeneration and empowering your bodies natural restorative systems are very related to this as well.
In addition, don't make it worse by further harming yourself with a bad diet. If you remove all animal proteins you may be able to cure yourself entirely without any magic at all depending on how advanced it is.
>I've been told I don't know waht love is unless I've done x (sex in one case)
That is bullshit. Sex, in nearly all cases comes from lust in society today. With true love, sex is only a small component.
>if no one had love problems it wouldn't be a *chan would it ;)
It would just be a better grade of one, *chans by strict technical definition are a medium of communication, not a cultural-social complex (though that's what it currently used to refer to).
>how badly does not being able to avoid worrying about the success of a sigil affect the chances of it functioning?
It certainly does not help. Any doubt, is technically a type of belief or direction of energy in a way, and in this case, it's to the end of it not working. Which is undesirable. Avoid at all costs, but if you're charging it diligently, it should still come to pass (even if it does take longer).
>I wonder if you could give me a suggestion for how to raise the energy of a house.
First, realize that all physical things store energy, so physically cleaning and organizing will help a lot. Also doing regular energetic cleansing and blessings can make a big difference as well.
>Though, it's also messy so I'm sure that scatters me/my mind.
It does, as without, so without.
>But I do live/sleep there. Is moving out the best option?
I'm not sure about the best option, but it may be a good one. I can not say, sometimes you just have to deal with it, sometimes it just requires extra magical work to offset.
>You're talking here about not being comfortable with your body or smething?
Well that can be a factor, as ease is flow, but there is also this on subconscious levels as well. If your flesh is in a state of dis-ease it will have a like impression upon your aura, or vise versa. In doing such it will result in things that you need to clear up to restore harmony.
I was trying to be broad, but here are two.
I. In your mind, you say have unresolved communication issues, you can not convey your ideas to other's, you misunderstand what is said to you, you obsessively lie, to others or to yourself, etc. Disharmony is this way may result in problems with your thyroid gland and maybe even abnormal growths around the are of it or your neck/throat chakra.
II. You are constantly eating bad food, which due to its components cause problems in your flesh, a dis-ease, say colon problems, which your body as the physical feedback loop component of your mind, will distort your being from the perfection that it could otherwise be in if that was not present. This could result in problems or general insensetivites to energy (like lack of "gut feelings") or other issues, perhaps with your root or solar chakras depending on why you do such things.
>Also could you give an example of a median?
Your body will always attempt to seek balance, if your mind is attempting to manifest health but your flesh is attempting to manifest disease it will manifest only a semi state of health.
>I need to break out of the current situation I am in mentally and phisically as fast as possible, should I work with entities?
It may be a solution, I personally prefer to limit my interations with them but I know plenty of other magicians who have gotten really good results from such. As long as you're not selling your soul or anything stupid it should be fine.
>When i do the humble polarizing thing, it seems that it opens up the gateway for all the good emotions and i feel exactly the way i want to feel.
I'm glad.
>I just managed to do it yesterday, everything just felt amazing people didn't think i was a creep, i talked with the girl and it's like i wasn't just seeking her to love me so i can feel good about myself, it's like i started caring about how she feeled.
Great, this sounds like progress, or, in another work, growth, like you learned something. *nudge nudge*
Good for you anon.
>Does this have anything to do with the present moment?
Probably. Remaining in the present moment is a key to being at peace. Detachment from results or circumstance will help you simply be and flow since you're less likely to be biased (in a bad way) by the past.
>For about a year I was diagnosed with Essential Tremor, so my hands shake a little bit, especially my thumbs, this happens when I try to do something like taking a picture with the cellphone.
Does it happen around other things with none or minimal EMF or just higher output devices such as phones or transformers/power lines? If the latter is the case you can do your best to avoid them and/or due what you can to mitigate it the aberrant energy radiated from said technology.
For the latter you have 3 options, you can either keep said phone in airplane (wireless disabled) mode and turn it on to check messages from time to time (though there will still be a minimal EMF from it being on), switch from Wifi to wired, etc. to minimize the energy pollution in the air.
Or you can obtain something like orgonite, which transmutes the energy around it. I keep one in my bag when I go about the city due to all the energy pollution, and if I don't have one I can't even carry a phone on my person. Keep one in your pocket and/or several around your house or in problem places. There is a whole movement about gifting them to the environment to help purify the world at large.
Else ways, you can deal with it by creating a psychic construct/servitor to help, but that is (almost) a sub par solution because it takes the most energy while orgonite actually gives you energy. It depends on how much you have to work with. I still prefer the middlemost solution in combination with the foremost.
Assuming it is not the result of EMF there are 2 other possible things that come to mind, one is energy in your body and then the subconscious discharging the excess buildup because it's not being properly channeled or otherwise utilized or grounded. This can be remedied by regularly grounding yourself, you can do this psychically by connecting to Gaia and/or by walking barefoot on raw earth or you can actually put that energy to productive use and cycle it around your body like in meditation #31 ( >>289 ).
Elseways it may be some sort of nervous/electrical system disorder, if that is the case you would just use a general restorative approach of properly treating your body and with a correct & healing mindset. (Don't associate with the disease but instead the desired state of wholeness and perfection.)
Though a better understanding of the nature of what is going on is most certainly required.
>Does anyone know about meditation techniques that can help with the tremor? Or what kind of magical rituals I can do?
Pretty much any basic meditation will help, at least a bit however I think you need to attempt to figure out the cause before you attempt a non general restorative course of action.
>I heard that some people can cure their own diseases with magic, is it really possible?
Yes, infinite flawless regeneration is totally possible.
>And What kind of books can you guys recommend me that talk about health and magic?
>>563 Even if you don't plan on going inedic it's still good for boosting energy within you and understanding how food effects your flesh. Furthermore there is a whole library over at >>>/library/1 Health & Physical Wellbeing and I would also recommend checking out the index file ctrl+f "health" or the like.
Ok, I found out it is called visual snow. Very odd that I could not find info on this last time I put it in a search engine, but just search for "seeing static" or "visual snow".
Those interested should look into this further as there is a decent amount of info but the short version is that the static is just stuff that is always there which is simply not seen by most people. Some people can sense it in various ways. The visual part looks something like the related picture but with more layers of depth and separate from eye sight.
Funny that when I first read your post I thought crystal child sounded like new age nonsense and left it at that but when looking into this static I found that crystal children are able to see the static and then your post was right there in front of me as I was gathering the 5 post links at the top of this post. I recommend you take a second look into crystal children as it looks to have some legitemacy.
I wonder if other people who reported seeing static have similar attributes to crystal children.
> I recommend you take a second look into crystal children as it looks to have some legitemacy.
right? ;)
as I said, new-age seems to have some good stuff/be observations of new magic and people shouldn't dismiss it so quickly
I was thinking today about yin and yang. It seems like when I look at people with anxiety(too much yang?) in their eyes, I can look within myself into the void/universe, and the anxiety in their eyes usually calms down.
and that when I pour out too much energy because of my "instinctive" desire to look lighter/people-please or whatever, I get that anxious look, and assume that's too much yang/outpouring of energy.
Yin and yang has nothing to do really with anxiety.
It is totally possible to project (yang) many different sorts of energy and to receive (yin) as well. They are not so much flavors of energy as much as they are directions of flow.
Sometimes mundanes may react strangely to energies or other things they are unfamiliar with, espically if it's a subconscious reaction.
People dismiss it because it often sounds like complete bullshit.
Take crystal child for an example. Why crystal? Why child? It just sounds really suspicious like a snake oil salesman.
Surely there could have been a better name than crystal children.
Does anyone know if ectoplasm is a real thing or just a ruse created by bullshit occultists of the 20th century?
If it is real please share what you know or direct me to a book I could read on the subject, thought from what I've found so far my expectations are low.
I'm talking mainly about personality. I've re read some parts and he talks about not being /caught up/ in emotions. Does this mean that if i wanted a specific personality trait it means that i can't have it all the time, does it mean that if i polarize to one trait and then get carried by the pendulum to the other polarity opposite to that trait, i cannot do anything other than focalize on will and hold out? Seems lame, i really need to be the same person i was for the girl mentioned here >>898 , because if i change i'll fuck something up…
>Yin and yang has nothing to do really with anxiety.
Maybe you're right.
I mentioned how I perceived it as out=yang,
I get anxious by pouring out too much energy/wanting/needing something in return (acceptance, yin.)
Maybe the Universal Master Key can help me with that.
Perhaps so.
I think "child" is about the idea of children are less corrupt than adults/adults would more likely find it while looking for "why my child is weird" or something, hence raising the odds of those people being raised more properly.
As for crystal, one source said their auras are like a pastel rainbow ish.
Maybe it has to do with a capacity to hold/radiate certain energies.
Which any wizard can do but maybe it's a natural aptitude/vulnerability.
I think yeah, meditate on that feeling as much as possible to keep it within yourself, and when you feel that you cannot hold it much longer, withdraw and radiate that feeling more subtly.
It's like working a muscle. Flex it super hard and you'll have to let go/suffer the opposite unless you have some methods of keeping that from happening.
But flex it very slightly much of the time and that's fine. (I don't know about all of the time and if that's possible without detriment. For muscles, constant flexion causes it to become more like bone, and is not desirable)
Flex it strongly at the right occasions, and keep yourself from pouring out too much.
I've been trying to radiate joy/love for the last plenty months and I've learned this subtle radiance through draining myself.
& I am in a similar boat, with a new/fun girl but it won't work out if I can't hold back my demons/anxiety problem from being uncomfortable with overloading with energy/being ungrounded
i just finish reading kybalion, i found some principles myself in the past, and i found other truths there too, but how does one increase the willpower?
i cannot diference "I am" from "me" my whole life was being controlled by me or by others influcended by their own "me".
Also how i can put my willpower making a difference on me or on others? i think the problem is with me that doesnt want to change, changing is quite hard for me.
Btw this is my first post here and i am still learning, sorry for the dumb questions.
>Btw this is my first post here and i am still learning, sorry for the dumb questions.
don't worry about it, I still have a hard time distinguishing one part of me from another in more complex situations, and I don't know the answer.
haven't been reading books though, already having a hard time trying to deal with all this new info/energy/senses
>Part of why sexual degeneracy is such a bad thing is not only the squandering of vital life force but also the forming of cords of energy betwixt people, which are sometimes never severed and only further complicate potential future bonding.
this is the attitude I have/had as well, which is another reason why I got so upset when my apparent soulmate decided to have sex with someone from her past instead of being with me.
I saw it as choosing degeneracy.
But you know, unconditional love and all.
So I dunno what to do about that still and she's talking to me, so I have to work on myself/maybe get an extensive akashic reading.
on that note, I'll cut off internet usage for a week starting tomorrow.
that's the exact same situation im in
i want to be with her, it just wont work out if i keep being the asshole i normally am
how similar is Bardon's IIH to ancient Hermeticism compared to the Kybalion's new-thought-disguised-as-hermeticism?
Anyone know a technique for seeing around yourself?
I tried forming a mirror and looking into that but it was not clear enough to make out the details I wanted.
How would reincarnation work if 90% of the human population on earth perished? Would less beings incarnate here? Would they go to other planets?
>How would reincarnation work if 90% of the human population on earth perished? Would less beings incarnate here? Would they go to other planets?
anyone can aswer this?
>is ectoplasm a real thing or just a ruse created by bullshit occultists of the 20th century?
From what I've read ectoplasm is an aetheric substrate you create, sort of suit that what you're evoking can step into to interact with you/the world so it takes less energy to become manifest.
>How do i neutralize the negative swing of the pendulum?
More steady & gradual progress. If you try to push too hard too fast you'll have a snap back effect. If you have enough awareness/freewill you can go as fast as you like, but if you're pushing your limits it shall pendulum back a bit.
>I'm talking mainly about personality. I've re read some parts and he talks about not being /caught up/ in emotions.
Yea, you should learn to detach from emotion, become the observer, only act, do not re-act. Mindfulness shall help with this.
>Does this mean that if i wanted a specific personality trait it means that i can't have it all the time
No, it means that if you desire to be something you are not then you start to embody it as much as you can, and the more and more untill it becomes the totality of you. Over time you transform yourself into your imagined-idealized form/self.
>does it mean that if i polarize to one trait and then get carried by the pendulum to the other polarity opposite to that trait
It could (probably will) be that way.
>i cannot do anything other than focalize on will and hold out?
Apply your will, as much as you can possibly muster, to be as you imagine-desire. This will minimize the back swing.
>i just finish reading kybalion, i found some principles myself in the past, and i found other truths there too, but how does one increase the willpower?
Freewill == awareness == willpower. Just in different forms. If you are aware of something you possess a degree of freewill over it, by exerting your will(power) you can alter or change it. But without that awareness you can not do such. The trick is to become increasingly aware, this is the whole purpose of meditation.
> i cannot diference "I am" from "me" my whole life was being controlled by me or by others influcended by their own "me".
The true you or the I am awareness is the observer and not the circumstances, flesh, name, etc. You are simply the observer of all these things.
>Also how i can put my willpower making a difference on me or on others?
It can be naieve/foolish to make presumeptions about what they need precisly, even in the realm of healing and so it's best to attempt workings "for the good of all" lest you step in the way of their spirit's (life) path of least resistance.
That said, something more (energetically) practical would be to shine (divine) light upon them and their realm.
>i think the problem is with me that doesnt want to change, changing is quite hard for me.
I know that quite well. My best advise is ask yourself what do you truley desire? And the persue that and remind yourself:
Your effort to remain what you are is what limits you. - Masamune Shirow
>Btw this is my first post here and i am still learning, sorry for the dumb questions.
Do not worry, it is just fine, that is the whole point of this thread. Also, every one needs to start somewhere. Welcome to the path seeker.
>I still have a hard time distinguishing one part of me from another
This is a great video on tha nature of awareness (albeit from a rather mundane, yet enlightened, perspective).
>this is the attitude I have/had as well, which is another reason why I got so upset when my apparent soulmate decided to have sex with someone from her past instead of being with me.
You can cleanse it, though it may take a good bit of effort. I understand your sentaments though.
>I saw it as choosing degeneracy.
It was also almost certainly a choice out of ignorance (if it was even a conscious choice)
Forgive them; for they do not know what they do.
>So I dunno what to do about that still and she's talking to me, so I have to work on myself/maybe get an extensive akashic reading.
Perfect yourself, when she is ready she'll return. And If not, you'll still be well on your path. Be not attached to the world, it's win-win.
>how similar is Bardon's IIH to ancient Hermeticism compared to the Kybalion's new-thought-disguised-as-hermeticism?
I have actually not yet managed to read much of the Corpus Hermeticum or other more ancient Hermetic works so I'm not really qualified to answer. That said, from what I do know they are both quite foundational books and have proven to be very useful to any aspiring wizard (and myself included).
It yielded good results/10
Best I got for ya.
>Anyone know a technique for seeing around yourself?
You could use your clairvoyance to see. Project your awareness beyond your flesh and then look back upon it.
>I tried forming a mirror and looking into that
The actual mechanics of how you imagine it to work are of lesser importance so long as it does work.
>but it was not clear enough to make out the details I wanted.
That's a sign you need to train your imagination more. See meditation super thread.
>How would reincarnation work if 90% of the human population on earth perished? Would less beings incarnate here? Would they go to other planets?
There is nothing saying one must reincarnate in the same time line. That said, there are lots of spiritless humans as well (those without a higherself).
>anyone can aswer this?
Patience, all things come in time. There have been many an occasion in which the answers I saught didn't come into full bloom for months or even years. Persistance is the key.
Ask and keep on asking and it will be given to you; seek and keep on seeking and you will find; knock and keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who keeps on asking receives, and he who keeps on seeking finds, and to him who keeps on knocking, it will be opened. - Matthew 7:7-8
Depression and anxiety/fear can be from comparing oneself to others.
Both from wishing you had something you don't.
Doesn't have to be temporally-related
>Perfect yourself, when she is ready she'll return. And If not, you'll still be well on your path. Be not attached to the world, it's win-win.
Yeah, it's rather mundane of me to think of things as if it will really matter later on, when every moment is a choice/new opportunity for birthing a new self.
According to the book of knowledge, there is nothing impossible with the meditation where you constantly repeat "I and the creator am one", is this true? Share your experiences
>There is nothing saying one must reincarnate in the same time line.
I see, so in one timeline some sort of cataclysm could happen lowering the amount of available vessels, but in another everything is fine so they would just go there instead? Is reincarnating sequential, by that I mean, if I was here during the 1800s, would I continue to reincarnate into lives up to the current date, or can we skip around? Is it predetermined by us, something else, or a random throw of the dice?
>That said, there are lots of spiritless humans as well (those without a higherself).
This transitions nicely into the next thing I was thinking about. Are spiritless humans the default state of this lifeform? Will humanity continue after every soul has ascended? When we come into this world, are we possessing a native life form to experience this, or are these vessels designed for us?
>Is reincarnating sequential, by that I mean, if I was here during the 1800s, would I continue to reincarnate into lives up to the current date, or can we skip around?
Let me reframe it. Where one incarnates could be anywhere in time or space with an appropriate vessel. It can be in any time, it by no means needs to be "sequential" in fact the very notion of linear time is an illusion.
Every slice of time exists somewhere in the holographic fractal reality matrix in super position. It is merely our perspective moving from moment to moment that creates the illusion of time. Due to this "past lives" are in actually simultaneous lives.
>Is it predetermined by us, something else, or a random throw of the dice?
Our higherself. In a way it is us, or rather, we are a small part of it which is awakening.
>Are spiritless humans the default state of this lifeform?
It's the default state of all life forms (I think). It's only when a spirit chooses to inhabit a vessel that it becomes distinguished from the NPCs.
>Will humanity continue after every soul has ascended?
There are souls at lesser (and greater) levels of growth compared to us. As we ascend to higher realms (relative to our perspective) new ones will as well (from forms of lesser complexity such as crystals, plants and animals to people). See image 2
>When we come into this world, are we possessing a native life form to experience this, or are these vessels designed for us?
They are designed for spirits at this level of growth to have an experience through as a stepping stone to the next form. If no spirit choose a vessel it would simply just have ego and that's it. And when it died it would dissipate back into the all, completely, unlike spirited folk, who return to their higherself.
You have helped me tremendously. I've realized that the whole situation was for me to realize the true nature of the I. The fear of girls rejecting me, the constant fear of not being loved and appreciated, is all there because i was too attached with the Corporeal Self. I've had this happen with 3 girls actually, and i now see that any emotion is very vital to our growth. It tells us something's wrong. Somehow i bless all the bad things that had happened.
This will not mean anything to you in the long run, but you have my sincere gratitude.
>>I know that quite well. My best advise is ask yourself what do you truley desire? And the persue that and remind yourself:
what i desire is meaningless since i desire what i have been programmed to, yet i cannot change.
>>Freewill == awareness == willpower. Just in different forms. If you are aware of something you possess a degree of freewill over it, by exerting your will(power) you can alter or change it. But without that awareness you can not do such. The trick is to become increasingly aware, this is the whole purpose of meditation.
Can you give me some ideas on how to meditate?
once i stare at a wall in a dark room (not know how much time) and i found some things that lead me too niilishm, i made a thread on wizchan about it. the point is that i did not think i just stared and find facts and things about life and the world. yet still cannot use my will on myself.
it is like being traped inside a cage and see the key but cannot reach it.
i come to this path already biased by the niilism ideas in my head it is like trying to make a mrathon without a leg.
>i desire what i have been programmed to, yet i cannot change.
>I cannot change
Be careful with affirmations such as that lest you limit and trap yourself in stagnation and deterministic programming. You are literally giving your freewill away by not even attempting.
>Can you give me some ideas on how to meditate?
>i come to this path already biased by the niilism ideas in my head it is like trying to make a mrathon without a leg.
Nihilism is false, it may take time for you to see that, so in the mean time here is my word.
>This will not mean anything to you in the long run
Life is a series of moments, each with its own merits. Little means anything in the long run, but each moment of gratitude is special, and I appreciate this regardless of not being the intended recipient.
In the science of breath It says I should breath through my nose, will the exercises be any less useful if I don't
How do i know i have some and i am not just an ego?
i saw you(i think it was you) talking about humans that do not have souls but yet are born and live.
sorry if i upset you it is quite hard for me, and tahnks for the recomendation, will do it when i am alone.
I'm trying to get into numbers meditation to improve visualization, so when I get into a session, I start by sitting straight up or laying down, and then closing my eyes, and trying to picture the numbers, but my mind won't stop saying the numbers I see when the post says not to. I am able to do quiet-mind, but when the numbers start showing up, my mind voice becomes active again. Also sometime's when I close my eyes and lay there, my eyelids start twitching and I feeling of irritation overwhelms my body. Any thoughts on how to overcome these issues?
I've seen many different theories on this so let's end it, do thoughtforms actually have control over matter, even if very little?
Thanks for your help, guys! I tried going to a Catholic church that offers prayers/minor exorcisms and it seemed to agitate the living FUCK out of the thing. Now, whenever I say a name of a god, like Odin, Thor, etc., or especially Jesus Christ or Osiris, my body twitches.
Unfortunately, a lot of the time I just want to fucking run around now, and I have no idea why. I think it's due to the spirit. How does one eliminate the spirit without feeling uncomfortable as fuck?
Also, what does the cross function as for a sigil? Is it different from the rose cross/zodiac sign (the one with a circle)? Does the rose cross sigil act as a form of astral invisibility, given the nature of the rose cross ritual?
Does the prime creator have a sigil, or is a bright white light the best way to incite its presence?
An interest and innate ability of magic is a pretty sure sign. People without souls would not be asking themselves such question to begin with.
>mind won't stop saying the numbers
Had the same problem, what you're doing is associating the number that you're visualizing with their names. You must dissociate the shapes of 1,2 etc. from their linguistic meaning. At the same time seeing the combination 1+2 in your minds eye must immediately put out a 3 though that'll come after a month or two of practice.
If you're new to this I recommend you start with something more simple like triangle square circle in sequence without saying the names of the shapes. Also making them bigger helps a bit.
Finally if you do catch yourself saying the numbers, stop, deep breath, void meditation for a minute and then start again.
>when I close my eyes and lay there, my eyelids start twitching and I feeling of irritation overwhelms my body.
When I was starting on the path, my eyelids were twitching when doing visual meditations like the one you're trying. Beats me why they'd do it randomly. Could you describe the irritation a little more?
If you're talking about the All bright light is how it's commonly associated though anything will do since any manifestation either mental or physical is part of the All.
Thank you for your response! As far as the irritation goes, it's feels like little needles stabbing my upper back and a burning sensation as well. It usually does happen when I'm stressed, so maybe I'm just feeling stressed because I kept associating the number with the name. I'll try the shape meditation that you recommended and come back to this one after I have that down.
I learned how to increase my energy but it's just swirling around my body chaotically and making me restless and unfocused, how do I control it?
Recommend me a book for healing/transforming? I'm trying to rid myself of my major sleep problems and depression. Working on changing the way I talk and think, and doing some visualizations here and there and it has helped but I want to kick it up a notch.
was in a half asleep state, about to fall into a nap. it wasn't like a dream, it was like regular "hypnagogic imagery" only longer and more vivid
I was looking at a wall in a place unknown to me, if I stared at it in one place a mandala would start to protrude. I insisted to some people I was with that there was some kind of energy inside/behind that wall; a girl came up and said she felt it too (think she said "I scry there), upon which I was paralyzed and transfixed with an intense vibration, ringing in the ears, vision went red, I fell into a chair and grasped my forehead… woke up in my bed here in fetal position grasping my forehead. My head feels like it does the morning after a dxm trip, like a sponge that's taken on water or something
any ideas? been reading about egypt today if that's relevant
>In the science of breath It says I should breath through my nose, will the exercises be any less useful if I don't
>what kind of nihilism
The kind that says life/creation/reality is pointless and/or meaningless, often with an implication of there being no God. Such is false. Creation has a purpose (and, of course, a creator).
>How do i know i have some and i am not just an ego?
Know you have some… spirit? That's something you'll probably have to answer for yourself, however that you are questioning it and seeking things beyond ego is a good indicator that it is likely.
>i saw you(i think it was you) talking about humans that do not have souls but yet are born and live.
Yes, spiritless humans are a thing.
>sorry if i upset you
You didn't, you won't & you don't need worry about that sort of thing with I.
>tahnks for the recomendation, will do it when i am alone.
Journey well.
>I'm trying to get into numbers meditation to improve visualization, so when I get into a session, I start by sitting straight up or laying down, and then closing my eyes, and trying to picture the numbers, but my mind won't stop saying the numbers I see when the post says not to.
>I am able to do quiet-mind, but when the numbers start showing up, my mind voice becomes active again.
More practice. Sometimes drawing the numbers slowly helps. What you need to do is detach the automatic association with it, this is literally rewiring your brain, it may take time.
>Also sometime's when I close my eyes and lay there, my eyelids start twitching and I feeling of irritation overwhelms my body.
The twitching may be energy starting to flow, depending on the nature of the irritation it may be related, I'm not totally sure, note the may.
>do thoughtforms actually have control over matter, even if very little?
Yes. Thoughtforms are made of energy, energy biases the physical realm, with enough energy it can directly create matter.
>Thanks for your help, guys!
>Now, whenever I say a name of a god, like Odin, Thor, etc., or especially Jesus Christ or Osiris, my body twitches.
Sounds like some progress.
>Unfortunately, a lot of the time I just want to fucking run around now, and I have no idea why. I think it's due to the spirit. How does one eliminate the spirit without feeling uncomfortable as fuck?
I don't know if there is an easy way. In my experience when ever you uproot something disharmonic there is often pleasantries accompanied with it's release.
>Also, what does the cross function as for a sigil?
All symbols are sigils of a kind.
>Is it different from the rose cross/zodiac sign (the one with a circle)? Does the rose cross sigil act as a form of astral invisibility, given the nature of the rose cross ritual?
These I'm not qualified to answer and I would require more information to even attempt such.
>Does the prime creator have a sigil
None that I'm aware of.
>or is a bright white light the best way to incite its presence?
I prefer this.
>I learned how to increase my energy but it's just swirling around my body chaotically and making me restless and unfocused, how do I control it?
Willpower, visualizing is a good and easy beginner aid. If you can't do that then just use your tactile imagination as you sense it. Shy of that, affirmations or other verbal commandments.
>Recommend me a book for healing/transforming?
There are many different ways this could be approached, different books focusing on different things. But most metaphysics books should provide insight into how you work and this how you can change yourself.
Even things that may not seem strictly relevant often are due to:
As above, so below; as within, so without.
My personal top recommendations for new folks to all of this is the Neophyte's Gold collection >>>/library/1
>I'm trying to rid myself of my major sleep problems and depression.
Depression is a focus on the past, which is a function of transcending your ego and association with the past as the limiter of the present.
The sleeping problem could be many different things, without more details it's hard to recommend a specific course of action other than just a general bringing your body into a state of ease.
>Working on changing the way I talk and think, and doing some visualizations here and there and it has helped but I want to kick it up a notch.
Imagine your idealized form then pursue it. When you achieve that form and/or that form changes alter your manifestations.
>any ideas?
All I can say was apparently there was some intense energy that lingered around after said experience, otherwise… nope.
>Such is false.
I disagree; if life has on objective meaning and purpose (other than what we subjectively assign to it), that means that there is no free will, and reality is deterministic.
>if life has on objective meaning and purpose (other than what we subjectively assign to it), that means that there is no free will, and reality is deterministic.
The meaning/purpose is to learn/grow (our spirit) and in doing that reach for God and awaken to our unity with him, however we have the freewill to choose how that happens and if we really desired to, to even ignore the latter part and attempt to remain in stagnation. However even despite our attempts not to become more, collect experience and learn, we do every day, even if it's only a little bit and should we ever get too caught up in stagnation physical death will release us. We return to our higherself with what we learned and we are again projected forth into matter to learn more and the cycle begins anew.
Are there any other paranormal themed imageboards (or at least imageboards with a paranormal board) that are worth visiting?
Free will is the ability to turn away, which can be done indefinitely.
But eventually one will get bored of being shitty, or become a demon and try to rule with full alignment with whatever negative trait and draining others.
>Free will is the ability to turn away, which can be done indefinitely.
Assuming immortality and/or 4th density STS "ascension" is not achieved samsara will prevent that, even if it's 50 years later.
>But eventually one will get bored of being shitty, or become a demon and try to rule with full alignment with whatever negative trait and draining others.
Typically the former is the case, sometimes the latter could be as well, but, IMHO, even demons eventually, even if it is an aeon later, turn to STO. And even still, in the mean time, they grow and complexify their souls and spirits and help facilitate the growth of others as well.
>>do thoughtforms actually have control over matter, even if very little?
>Yes. Thoughtforms are made of energy, energy biases the physical realm, with enough energy it can directly create matter.
Can same thoughtforms be used to evaporate matter? Also any thoughtform-charging tips?
What's the most common way (if there is one) to visually distinguish between a banishing and invoking pentagram, other than the order in which the lines are drawn?
I want a lazy version of the GOODS LBRP that I can do every hour on top of a more robust banishing ritual.
That is, I like how earth, fire, water, air, and spirit pentagrams are colored differently. So why not some effect for a banishing/invoking pentagram. I want the thoughtforce of other people behind it, too.
No, and Smiley typically posts with ☻ in the name field.
>Can same thoughtforms be used to evaporate matter?
Energy can be used to manipulate matter in any way, how responsive the physical realm is depends proportionally upon the energy flow, it's density & persistence.
Thoughtforms are simply programmed, sometimes semi-intelligent, masses of energy. Autonomous spells basically.
>Also any thoughtform-charging tips?
Collect energy, an easy way to do this is simply like a psi ball. You can get more fancy as your imagination blooms, you do more energy work and understand it better; the meditation super thread has some ideas you can use.
I rather like charging from the wind personally, grabbing the energy from the air as it blows past me, another way I enjoy doing it is to channel the energy up from Gaia and down from heaven, other times I'll gather it every directly into me from all around regardless of source or just channel it directly from God.
Once you have it directing it into something is a pretty trivial matter, it's basic energy work to direct it.
>What's the most common way (if there is one) to visually distinguish between a banishing and invoking pentagram, other than the order in which the lines are drawn?
I don't actually do use pentagram based banishing/invoking rituals so I can not say.
>I want a lazy version of the GOODS LBRP that I can do every hour on top of a more robust banishing ritual.
You know there is nothing stopping you from making your own version. I've made several magical workings for myself (or taken others and tweaked and fine tuned them into a nearly unrecognizable form compared to the original).
>I want the thoughtforce of other people behind it, too.
Well then, you better find (or make) a high quality ritual and then proliferate it then.
>Well then, you better find (or make) a high quality ritual and then proliferate it then.
Woops, I didn't word the sentence you replied to correctly. I was just restating what I said earlier–I meant no offence.
My thought is that a simple circle around the pentagram would work for banishing, and the sigil of something in the middle of the pentagram for whatever I'm summoning.
Thanks for your help in my previous questions and this one!
So I've been working pretty heavily on meditation, energy work, and all that jazz; I'm feeling ready to take on the hilarity of thoughtforms, but before I do, is there a reliable way to recycle them? Heck, I've posted before about having issues with thoughts/images being stubborn about going away and the advice here helped, but I'd rather find a way to get energy/loosh/whatever back out of it and not have to fight it constantly popping back in.
Can someone explain the concept of "Kia" in Chaos Magick?
Is it the same as "Chi", or the "Tao", or the "Fluids" in IIH? Does also have that dualistic Passive and Active nature like Bardon describes with the Magnetic and Eletric Fluids?
(Yes, as a former student of Bardon's system I still see alot of his concepts on other paths of magic)
7 chan/x/
420chan /spooky/
99chan /x/
uboachan /x/
most of these are dead
and there's probably a lot more boards
Does anyone here know any good astrology programs/apps I can use to construct/calculate an accurate natal chart on windows?
Because 8/fringe/ has just enough traffic to keep the shitposters there.
If every poster stopped posting there and moved here, the problems of 8/fringe/ would come with them.
Enjoy the slow comfy slow board we have here.
Hello /fri/ends
I am /r/ing source on the
aibi.txt or pdf or whatever it is
Why does it have that name? Where did it come from?
Are there any good before and after stories of someone who went from a mundane to a wizard? I'd like to see how it improved individual lives.
You might get better results in the book request thread: >>>/library/5
that was me
from >>>/ask/776
A friend told me about a yoga retreat center and I went to it, prepared to work and change myself entirely into who I wanted to be instead of the NEET shithead I'd been for ~26 years.
I had some meditations I'd done before that that had me realize some divine love, and I was ready to throw my "self" away into love.
I went there, and I was afraid of like everything. Afraid of trusting, people, etc. But I kept it in by being self-centered, focusing as much as possible on personal growth and stuff. But I flinched when a friend would touch me, because I wasn't used to touch. [Not sure if I am yet, still, but I'm much better.]
If I had to give a general guideline, find someplace to volunteer and hopefully live at for awhile, WWOOF is a good resource to find that.
Then just focus on loving oneself, being the person one wants to be.
I'd learned basic body language and had some minor ability to analyse people, along with guided meditations to help me, and I happened to come to a place with a good amount of loving people.
>If I had to give a general guideline, find someplace to volunteer and hopefully live at for awhile, WWOOF is a good resource to find that.
>Then just focus on loving oneself, being the person one wants to be.
>I'd learned basic body language and had some minor ability to analyse people, along with guided meditations to help me, and I happened to come to a place with a good amount of loving people.
Those parts weren't in the quoted post, which was more about my story finding a twinflame/soulmate.
Where exactly, should I look at if I want to deal with identity and self awareness?
Sometimes I feel moments of clarity as to why I behave a certain way to certain things and how it correlates to past issues, but I have difficulty reproducing these moments again so I can analyze it.
I seem to have serious deficiences in the sacral and the solar plexus chakra, and I'm trying to pinpoint why.
One of my mundane coworkers just bought the lesser key of solomon. He read some lines outloud in his house and now he thinks he could be haunted, but he's trying to deny it and say he's just paranoid. Heard someone say his name at 2am and another day heard a girl crying when his roomie's gf wasn't home.
I haven't worked with the book personally, what am I dealing with here? Im gonna try and help him out and train him up from mundanehood.
>He read some lines outloud in his house and now he thinks he could be haunted
Is your friend an idiot? Most of the stuff in that book is for evokations of various spirits that are meant to do various tasks for the wizard.
What the hell did he expect would happen?
Anyway find out what exactly it is he read and banish the entity. In fact you don't even really need to know what the entity is to banish it, I just think asking it to leave on good terms would be more polite is if it's not malicious.
He's a mundane, what do you expect. He doesn't remember which page he read it from either. I just wanted to see whether its jump straight into banishing or if there was something I should know about that's lost to me. Seems banishing will work though, I just gotta convince him to let me do it. He's still paranoid, and in charge of my area at work, I don't want no entity fuckin with my work.
The first bit about tensing and relaxing your muscles to use your nervous system to pump energy into something is not a bad neophyte way to get it flowing but IMHO you should transition to pure imagination as soon as possible. That way you're not having to rely on the physical to move the aetheric it's just pure aetheric.
The middle bit about the dynamic nature of the imagined form of the being, I think is quite good advice.
The latter bit about having a defined concept, persistent desire & determination, and resolute expectation is very good advice for all magic.
>I meant no offence.
And none was taken nor will it ever be. The notion of offense is absurd it and of itself when looked at objectively. It's an involuntary re-action to a specific (environmental) stimuli which results in a negative emotion or thought. It's the metaphysical equivalent to punching yourself in the face.
One should strive to eliminate all such things as part of cultivating your mindscape. Positive programming is better but awareness and individuated discernment is best.
>My thought is that a simple circle around the pentagram would work for banishing, and the sigil of something in the middle of the pentagram for whatever I'm summoning.
I prefer to use spheres instead of circles (though I'm sure it's a mere semantical difference for some). Regarding the pentagram, do as what you find is effective, experiment and tweak it; every iteration refining your process further. This is where the science of magic comes in.
My processes evolve, a least a little bit, nearly every casting.
>Thanks for your help in my previous questions and this one!
As always, it's my honor and pleasure.
>I'm feeling ready to take on the hilarity of thoughtforms, but before I do, is there a reliable way to recycle them?
As you projected energy to them simply reverse the flow and take/reintegrate the energy. Practice doing such with energy so you're familiar with the process before you need to do it on something more complicated like a servitor (or greater).
>Heck, I've posted before about having issues with thoughts/images being stubborn about going away and the advice here helped, but I'd rather find a way to get energy/loosh/whatever back out of it and not have to fight it constantly popping back in.
They will eventually dissipate if you don't feed them, the problem for many people is they do so subconsciously, (letting their creations loosh farm them).
>Can someone explain the concept of "Kia" in Chaos Magick?
In the few chaos books I've read there was no mention of Kia, I can not comment.
>Are there any other paranormal themed imageboards (or at least imageboards with a paranormal board) that are worth visiting?
I do not know of any, a long time ago I used to browse /x/ but it's pretty shit, even by 8/fringe/ standards. I do not know of any hence why I never replied.
>So why didn't everyone migrate here?
If I had to wager a guess it would be the uninitiated (curious mundanes, neophytes, trolls, shitposters, etc.) can't discern truth from untruth and thusly judge value on quantity rather than quality.
>Does anyone here know any good astrology programs/apps I can use to construct/calculate an accurate natal chart on windows?
If you find one that uses an embedded app/javascript/etc. you may be able save the widget itself. Otherwise, I don't know of any off hand but I'm sure there would be a myriad of them to popup if you simply searched for a program; you can even torrent if necessary.
>aibi.txt or pdf or whatever it is
>Why does it have that name? Where did it come from?
I don't even know what you're talking about and you didn't even attach it either. You're gonna have to be a bit more specific if you desire something actually insightful.
>Are there any good before and after stories of someone who went from a mundane to a wizard? I'd like to see how it improved individual lives.
Prior [to becoming a wizard] I was what one may call "a pitiful excuse of a person" I had literally more than a dozen different dis-eases, several of which where said not to be curable. All of which I have healed and transcended.
Though magic (insight into God) I've achieved not only that but also learned how to achieve perfect everlasting peace, peace that transcends situations. A level of unity with God that is literally beyond words, and sensation on a daily basis of the love flowing forth from God that comforts and energizes me.
Part of that is also mastery of emotions and thoughts and the insight into how to transmute them. Another facet is though my union I can be a greater channel of divine love, in addition to literally powering my flesh it also empowers granting me the ability to heal others as I have been as well.
I am a totally different person now that I was before I started this journey. Before I was quite worldly, mundane as we call it here, chasing idle sense pleasures now I am in the world but not of the world, I work, live, and breathe in the name of divine love; and it brings me joy unbounded to do such.
>Where exactly, should I look at if I want to deal with identity and self awareness?
What do you desire to identity with? If your answer is flesh, form, circumstance, etc. then that is ego speaking. Regarding self awareness or awareness of what you are (and ergo freewill over it), that is the goal of (most) meditations.
>Sometimes I feel moments of clarity as to why I behave a certain way to certain things and how it correlates to past issues, but I have difficulty reproducing these moments again so I can analyze it.
Best I can offer is to ruminate/muse on them and meditate on what you can recall.
>I seem to have serious deficiences in the sacral and the solar plexus chakra, and I'm trying to pinpoint why.
It may be possible to work out, become aware of and/or heal the issues by doing lots of energy work on said chakras.
>One of my mundane coworkers just bought the lesser key of solomon. He read some lines outloud in his house and now he thinks he could be haunted, but he's trying to deny it and say he's just paranoid. Heard someone say his name at 2am and another day heard a girl crying when his roomie's gf wasn't home.
Silly mundanes thinking magic is a joke, *tisk* well he's in for a ride one way or another.
>I haven't worked with the book personally, what am I dealing with here?
I haven't either but from what I know it's full of various entities which can held you in respect to their various dominions, he may have disrespected one due to sheep ignorance or perhaps he simply asked (and received) something he didn't realize. The latter bit is the potential problem with doing magic one does not understand.
>Im gonna try and help him out and train him up from mundanehood.
You're gonna need to at least get him to take seriously your instructions, even if he does not "believe" them (though ideally he would have faith in you and/or them).
>He doesn't remember which page he read it from either.
It may be helpful, but IMHO not strictly required as you're gonna be severing interactions not continuing them.
>I just wanted to see whether its jump straight into banishing or if there was something I should know about that's lost to me.
It should work.
>Seems banishing will work though, I just gotta convince him to let me do it.
Mmmm, I wonder if you can get him to temporarily grant you 'metaphysical power of attorney'
>He's still paranoid, and in charge of my area at work, I don't want no entity fuckin with my work.
You can always protect yourself, that is not too hard, it's others (who's freewill you do not have direct divine command of) that may be subject to tampering.
> you should transition to pure imagination as soon as possible.
So imagining energy being trasmitted from your body to the thoughtform right?
Pretty much. Visualize how you want.
I recommend learning how to condense energy from the universe into yourself before making heavy use of this technique. It can be draining
Help me out - I'm trying to compile a list of machines that consistently work differently in the astral than they do here.
Give me any machine, mechanism, or object you've seen act differently or fail to work as expected in the astral or in dreams. Anything helps.
Light switches - often refuse to work
Guns - ineffective 90% of the time
Computers - very responsive to thought, when they work
Television - often sucks you in to what's playing, leaving behind the room you were in
Mirrors - you can see things in a mirror that are hazy or invisible outside the mirror. this creates a manifestation feedback loop
What is a tulpa metaphysically? Do they have souls of their own, or are they portions of your own soul, but with their own consciousness?
Essentially, if someone undergoes ego death, they come into contact with their oversoul, or atman. I've heard of your own consciousness as a preprogrammed shell, and my extrapolation is that tulpas are also preprogrammed shells with the same oversoul/soul/atman.
So what does that mean or entail? What does it mean to be bound to the soul with someone?
I'm new to the theory aspect of this, what I used to do frequently every night before sleep was imagining I was drawing in massive ammounts of energy till I would get this "full" feeling, and I kind of just did it because it would make me feel good, but after reading up on some of the stuff here, when I would do this atleast half of my chakras would activate/tense up, I haven't come across any texts detailing practices similair to what I'm doing so I'd aprecciate it if anyone would explain
>Essentially, if someone undergoes ego death, they come into contact with their oversoul, or atman.
This is true. But when you see it you understand it's the same one in everyone.
Everything lower than that can be, but not need be separate.
As far as a soul that can be said to belong to one person alone, a tulpa starts sharing with his creator, but may grow to have his own.
What it means is that, while you share a soul, one existence is dependent on the other. There is a seed of a soul, but it is not developed. If you ignored a tulpa in this state, he would dissolve back into you.
After proper soul growth a tulpa's existence is independent and at least equal to yours.
This is what is meant by a second-order beings becoming first-order.
/Fringe/. I have no idea what I just did but I imagined myself pulsating white waves, very hard, in rythm to a song I listened too. I felt very tired but yet clean after it. What did I do?
i'm guessing you cleansed yourself a bit.
i get tired using white energy too.
I like the idea of white arcs of energy emitting powerfully from the body,
and white (chirping at times) birds too.
all manga/anime inspired >_>
oh well.
I've since tried to channel energy rather than using my own chi.
filling yourself up with chi. tense=blocked to some degree, relative to other parts of the body.
>filling yourself up with chi. tense=blocked to some degree, relative to other parts of the body.
Figured as much, I can use this energy for various needs like making and charging thoughtforms right?
Meditate, silence your ego and follow your intuition, that is your higher self's advice.
Not to be an edgelord but can anyone share stories of using magic to kill entities?
>be me sitting at home
>a whole bunch of bees or wasps appear
>fuckers buzz threateningly
>some sting me, hurts like a bitch
>convert pain and anger into dark energy
>send into the insects
>they disappeared somewhere within a minute
I can only assume that they died in random places since all windows and doors were closed.
Aside from that, any ideas on how to heal inflammation apart from water element and overloading on healing energy? It's decreasing but not fast enough.
Hay, I'm the guy that was asking about clairvoyance and I really need some help.
I was practicing for about a week and had some successes, I used different athletics in order to achieve this but over that week I found that my old methods weren't working and was forced to develop new ones witch became annoying but I still had a degree of successes that still surprised me.
I ended up burning myself out emotionally and mentally and couldn't continue so I took a brake from all of it for about two weeks upon returning to it none of my methods work, there's no degree of successes in all attempts I'm way off the mark.
I'm not sure where I wen't wrong, if I didn't use the right method or use the right intent or intent at all, perhaps I don't know what it feels like to have the intent necessary for this.
Also I seem to lack focus ever since burning myself out and can't seem to fix it and I seem to unconsciously try to procrastinate to stop myself from continuing working on it, I'm aware of it but I'm having problems regain control over myself and I'm not sure how to fix this or what happened.
I'm dedicating this week to starting back up but I'm not sure where to start considering nothing I did before works so I clearly miss something important.
Also thought I should mention my emotions seem to be leaning to wards the negative since the burn out.
As you can probably tell this is really affecting me, please help I'm lost and can't seem to move forward.
I asked a bunch of questions here about emotions and rhythm, avoiding the pendulum swing and i have definently made some progress in controlling my self, but some things bug me.
How do i know if i really love someone? When i was living on the plane of Personality and the plane of emotions i just felt a lot of bad emotions, like jealousy, anger, but mostly i felt sad and melancholic. Now, i don't know if it's because i miss her, but i've figured out that it's most probably the fact that don't have the same personality that made her like Me, so im afraid she will dump me, etc.
Then i realized the true nature of the I, that nothing can harm I, that whatever personality mask is granted to it, the I remains eternal.
I've tried to imagine her leaving me, cheating on me, but it doesn't phase me as it did before, before i would become really sad or something like that…
How can one even love then? Once you find out that you don't really need this world, what's the point? If you something bad happens, do the Masters just not get negative emotions? Seems kind of lame, sometimes i like sadness and that feeling of melancholy.
Can anyone give me a good book to read on removal of parasitic attachments? I have a succubus/sexual entity attached to me for a few years now in which I summoned unknowingly with will/desire.
I have made attempts to get rid of it with desire and will but it is followed by sharp pains in my chest area. (presumably where it is rooted, I also feel a light pulse in my chest during the day when I am not actively thinking about removing it.) My most recent attempt I felt it dislodging but I also felt my heartbeat abnormally as if I was harming myself in removing the entity. I was afraid if I had continued the removal I would have damaged myself in the process, please recommend me books or instructions.
>sometimes i like sadness and that feeling of melancholy
perhaps there is a higher emotion that feels somewhat similar.
But, I don't think there's much point in romanticizing sadness.
I know it may seem inhuman or something, but we're here to transcend humanity, but have the experience of suffering so we are not without compassion. From what I understand.
i believe the burnout was you… burning out. it takes a little time to get back, take it a little easy, work on stabilizing first.
If you pull a muscle, so to speak, it takes time to heal.
When attachments are near-removed, fear arises from the sense of the unknown.
From what I understand, anyway
I wonder if there is a one-and-only soul mate. I don't think so/I've been told otherwise by an empath who's fair farther along the Path than I.
She seems to believe soulmates/twin flames are about the same, they mirror you in a lot of ways and you grow with them but there are a lot and they don't often work out. At least not 'til inner peace is there.
This whole thing makes me want to have sex, tbh. and not care too much about who it's with, just as long as there's a heart connection to some degree.
I don't think I want to spread cords among too many people.
I'll take some more time from it but how will I know when I'm ready and is there any way I can speed up the process?
The dude sources RT which is a Russian Government backed news/anti-USA shilling machine, so take what's in that video with a very large grain of salt.
Many people were let in the old one without passing the minimum bar, hell the password was even literally public for a while.
And besides, if you where actually as good as you think you where obtaining the new info would be trivial.
>>Astral Space Lolis
>I know we all do it eventually
Au contraire, do you think we're all degenerates?
>but is that actually still a thing?
It has not been mentioned explicitly within the inner cloister but perhaps some clandestinely partake.
>Is it still a hive of fun-posting?
No, it's more serious now. Probably because it's not just "muh secret club"
I've had similar, and I tried many times but I was never able to clear the chest pain directly.
You must fight it head on. A parasite of that sort preys on all your sexual desires (and potentially other weaknesses, you know best), so you will not win until you gain complete mastery over your own desires and feelings. Don't masturbate, don't even have sex until you're through with this. Don't indulge in fantasy of any sort. This will make things much worse in the short term, but your goal is to get the attachment to surface so you can destroy it. Once it becomes clear you won't be tempted and you're really going to get rid of it, things will get nasty. It depends on how long you've had it and how much control you've relinquished, but if you feel chest pain it already has its hooks deep into you. Best of luck. It will be a struggle, but you will learn much.
Robert Bruce's Practical Psychic Self Defense should give you some good ideas but I don't recommend reading it until things get bad.
When I tried to remove it a year ago there was a very sharp pain, the attempt I made a few days ago didn't include this pain anymore and I felt it surfacing though the heavy beating of my chest felt like I was harming myself, should I have continued? I think the fear was brought about from hearing other people say if you remove an attachment you had for a while it will cause harm to you since its rooted deeply.
I have actually begun abstinence for a few weeks now as I read occult literature though sometimes I get the urge to look at such sexual material and tell myself "It's fine, I only gazed at it for a second at my own accord of will" but I am now sure it is trying it's best to gather energy from me.
Dude, thing is getting rid of the energy excess. Don't just meditate, tire your body with some aerobic exercise, open some windows and get shivering of cold; transform that jing in chi, transcend that energy to fuel your higher spiritual work.
Ok so there's a thunderstorm outside and I was wondering:
What would be the effects of receiving the full impact of a lightning?
If you have your energies aligned, will it just pass through? What if you don't?
Would you get the energy boost equal to the surface of the sun?
I remember reading of some mystical experiences related to this, but nothing serious, mostly mundane things.
>What would be the effects of receiving the full impact of a lightning?
>What would be the effects of touching exposed high voltage wires while standing on the ground?
Probably death.
>Au contraire, do you think we're all degenerates?
I was referring to a joke screencap of an /illuminati/ thread someone posted to /fringe/ once, don't take it personally lol.
Neophyte for about 4 months now…
I've been making progress in thought forms and channeling energy into my prayers during meditation. One thing I still can't seem to grasp is the ability to "fix" oneself to a sound state of being immune to the fickle wave-like state of this reality. I am still affected by the ebb and flow of emotions, habits, and outside influences. Any advice on how to affix myself to rise above the merciless tide?
The mechanism of lightning is not the same as high voltage wires. And even if the nature of lightning is a million times stronger, harshly 10% of lightning struck people die from it. Those who do are struck in the precise 120 ms lapse of their QRS waves in their heartbeat.
For starters, the amount of energy is ridiculous, our petty cooper wires are a little stream compared to a tsunami.
Second, the time lapse is tiny; if it wasn't thunderstorms would be a great great disaster. In the millisecond they last, they're not able to transfer their full heat to the atmosphere. I don't remember where, but I think it was 5 million degrees (for comparison, every spark you see is about 2000°C degrees, but it last so little that it cannot transfer that heat even if it touches your skin).
So back to the topic, a developed energy body might do wonders with all that free boost, even if 99% of the electricity manages to just pass by. Or that's my guess.
Anyone has any reference to this?
I think it's silly to think that a 300kV burst of electricity into your body will do anything other than permanent nerve damage or in a worst case scenario, kill your heart. Plus the heat would give you pretty weird burns, I forget what they're called but the kind of look like blood vessels.
I have never actually heard of anyone being able to safely transfer physical (for lack of a better term) electrical energy through their energy body. Before you go touching flag poles in a thunderstorm try transferring energy from a small taser if you want to test it. Though for the love of god pick one that won't hurt too much.
Send love to the burnt-out part, it's probably concerned about burning out again/in hiding.
If you don't have an inner knowing of when it's ready/have a hard time listening to its psychic response, just go slow.
Do whatever you did for maybe 1 minute a day, increase to 2 after x days, etc.
Keep a journal of how it feels.
If your emotions lean toward negative, the work may be simply to meditate to bring it to neutral.
>What would be the effects of receiving the full impact of a lightning?
Yeah, your best bet is to have it pass through as much as possible. If you resist you will probably die. Or so I think.
Just stare into the sun for energy. The inedia thread mentions sungazing urine drinking and ORMUS for energyboost
I believe some entities are at work regarding my spiritual process. There are things i know i should do and sometimes i manage to accomplish them, but i keep having these very wierd dreams. Sometimes i get attacked in these dreams, and most of the times these dreams have sexual content.
I know i love a girl (in real life) but it's like in dreams she gets swapped with other girls so i end up kissing that other girl and i feel guilty and wrong when i wake up. Sometimes it's really her, it's just that her appearence is greatly changed. Other symbols involve some older women trying to throw a huge flower pot on my head from a huge height, which should be fatal.
So yeah, i get some progress, and these dreams just bring me back where i was. They have been getting much more frequent, and i don't know, they have a different feel than my normal dreams. They do happen in locations i have never been in dreams (i have been there in real life).
Am i just entering a different plane of the astral? This could be progress then. I wouldn't rule out foreign entities though…
Think of your future self as where you are right now. How grateful you would be if you started practicing again. There's an ultimate purpose to why you started this path and you intend to finish.
If you give up now, you won't only fail but also die a certain death. Death should be a choice, not accepted as the end of the road. Will you be able to say that you chose to die 70 years from now or will you be able to live another 100 years without any issues?
>So imagining energy being trasmitted from your body to the thoughtform right?
Yes, this is the key; pure exertion of imagination.
>What is a tulpa metaphysically?
A feedback loop of energy. (Though this is the basic definition of all consciousness.) It must reach a certain degree of complexity to be considered a tulpa, before then it's more so a servitor.
>Do they have souls of their own, or are they portions of your own soul, but with their own consciousness?
They have an energy field (which is the montalkian definition of a soul) which allows them to bias/interact with reality. This, while often powered by or otherwise energetically attached to your soul is, strictly speaking, a distinct loop (awareness).
>Essentially, if someone undergoes ego death, they come into contact with their oversoul, or atman.
Once the illusion of the lowerself is gone all that remains is the higher.
>I've heard of your own consciousness as a preprogrammed shell,
>and my extrapolation is that tulpas are also preprogrammed shells with the same oversoul/soul/atman.
Except in this case the creator of the soul (tulpa) was not spirit but your own soul.
>So what does that mean or entail?
It means any creation you make is a 2nd order being, that which lacks a divine spark. This is not something you can imbue them with, only God can do such.
>What does it mean to be bound to the soul with someone?
It means that your energy fields and perhaps even destinies are intertwined.
>imagining I was drawing in massive ammounts of energy till I would get this "full" feeling, and I kind of just did it because it would make me feel good, but after reading up on some of the stuff here, when I would do this atleast half of my chakras would activate/tense up,
It just sounds like you where collecting energy in your chakras, which in and of itself is not bad, though may result in imbalances relative to the rest of your body if you don't work on it all.
>This is what is meant by a second-order beings becoming first-order.
It can only become a first order being by learning to connect to God directly for energy (and not simply loosh farming the environment) and in doing so it will be imbued with a Godspark.
>/Fringe/. I have no idea what I just did but I imagined myself pulsating white waves, very hard, in rythm to a song I listened too. I felt very tired but yet clean after it. What did I do?
Sound like you rode the wave of loosh from the music to purify your energy body.
>How do I ask for advice from my higher self or the divine?
In any way you can imagine, simply asking the universe, out loud or mentally, in your room, as you travel, etc. is sufficient. In any way you can receive information (all of the universe you can perceive) you shall be sent the answer. Be on the look out for it coming from seemingly unlikely avenues.
>Not to be an edgelord but can anyone share stories of using magic to kill entities?
I simply banish them, works well enough for me; even annoying things like bugs. (They fly away from me.)
>how to heal inflammation apart from water element and overloading on healing energy?
I use tons of divine light/love, but I'll also get it flowing as well. In addition to using a focused beam of energy to work it out I'll also make conal/vortex shapes (like in >>>/fringe/645 but on a smaller scale) if I need something more powerful than just imagining the energy flowing.
>Hay, I'm the guy that was asking about clairvoyance and I really need some help.
>I was practicing for about a week and had some successes, I used different athletics in order to achieve this but over that week I found that my old methods weren't working and was forced to develop new ones which became annoying but I still had a degree of successes that still surprised me.
>I ended up burning myself out emotionally and mentally and couldn't continue so I took a brake from all of it for about two weeks upon returning to it none of my methods work, there's no degree of successes in all attempts I'm way off the mark.
I'm not really sure what to tell you other than keep experimenting, and that going into the full unknown of untested waters may prove insightful or even useful.
>I'm not sure where I wen't wrong, if I didn't use the right method or use the right intent or intent at all, perhaps I don't know what it feels like to have the intent necessary for this.
It may be intent, or maybe you have some subconscious blockage.
>Also I seem to lack focus ever since burning myself out and can't seem to fix it and I seem to unconsciously try to procrastinate to stop myself from continuing working on it, I'm aware of it but I'm having problems regain control over myself and I'm not sure how to fix this or what happened.
I would advise on just doing general chakra/energy work until this starts to clear up, at least that will give you a good basis.
>Also thought I should mention my emotions seem to be leaning to wards the negative since the burn out.
That is something you try not entertain and ideally transmute into positive ones.
>I asked a bunch of questions here about emotions and rhythm, avoiding the pendulum swing and i have definently made some progress in controlling my self, but some things bug me.
>How do i know if i really love someone?
If it's totally unconditional is it true love.
>When i was living on the plane of Personality and the plane of emotions i just felt a lot of bad emotions, like jealousy, anger, but mostly i felt sad and melancholic.
Now there is human love too, which is often quite flawed and can result in the above (in short, suffering) because of it's attachment to that which is ephemeral.
>Then i realized the true nature of the I, that nothing can harm I, that whatever personality mask is granted to it, the I remains eternal.
That is good.
>I've tried to imagine her leaving me, cheating on me, but it doesn't phase me as it did before, before i would become really sad or something like that…
While I wouldn't recommend imagining things that you actually do not desire to manifest, the fact that they didn't emotionally react is a good sign (however not an absolute indicator.)
>How can one even love then?
Without expectations.
>Once you find out that you don't really need this world, what's the point?
This world is needed to help one master themselves. Beyond that, it is not, but up until that point, it is useful.
>If you something bad happens, do the Masters just not get negative emotions?
They would consciously choose not to experience them.
>Seems kind of lame, sometimes i like sadness and that feeling of melancholy.
And that is your choice, when you choose not to experience fear based emotions or otherwise suffer, you can choose that, otherwise, do as you will.
>Can anyone give me a good book to read on removal of parasitic attachments?
Not quite a book, though it is still kind of lengthy (& helpful).
The key is to become aware of them and then to apply your (free)will to choose otherwise.
>I have a succubus/sexual entity attached to me for a few years now in which I summoned unknowingly with will/desire.
First, stop feeding it, this may be very hard but for as long as you nurture/reinforce it it will be hard to detach.
>I have made attempts to get rid of it with desire and will but it is followed by sharp pains in my chest area.
There may not be a way to rid yourself without pain, I know working out of issues often involves working through the pain. The way I've rid myself (and others) of them is by energy work with pure divine light.
>My most recent attempt I felt it dislodging but I also felt my heartbeat abnormally as if I was harming myself in removing the entity. I was afraid if I had continued the removal I would have damaged myself in the process.
It sounds like it's, like a parasite, is attempting to manipulate you into keeping it attached. In a twisted way, due to the interconnection, it has become part of you, but it is not part of the perfection you can embody.
>I wonder if there is a one-and-only soul mate. I don't think so/I've been told otherwise by an empath who's fair farther along the Path than I.
I believe there is one who is the literal perfect one, the absolute compliment and mirror of you, who their and your higherselves have agreed to come together for the most idealized growth in this incarnation.
I do also believe that there are those who can have highly similar complimentary and mirroring traits however since they where not appointed (to be predisposed) by spirit to be that perfect mate they will be sub par in comparison, without (relative) excess of freewill being exerted to shape into such.
I would technically call one a soul mate if their soul and your's where arranged in such a way, potentially even beyond time, as to mutually benefit each other in a highly harmonic way and also often bound by past lives or fate.
>This whole thing makes me want to have sex, tbh. and not care too much about who it's with, just as long as there's a heart connection to some degree.
>I don't think I want to spread cords among too many people.
That is wise, however you must balance this desire with the outlook of not caring about who you have sex with and ideally it would never be sex, it would be love.
>I'll take some more time from it but how will I know when I'm ready and is there any way I can speed up the process?
Meditate more, be more aware, be more loving, etc.. If you can find the will to do it 23 or 24 hours a day then by all means, else you'll progress at what ever rate your dedication is equivalent to.
>What would be the effects of receiving the full impact of a lightning?
It would probably overload at least part of your flesh, if not the whole of it, resulting in damage to your vessel or at least a large and sudden disturbance to your aura (which may or may not be good).
>If you have your energies aligned, will it just pass through?
In theory, if you where extremely adept at channeling energy there may be a possibility of directing it in a way which does not harm you and/or allows you to leverage it for practical work.
>What if you don't?
Damage to the vessel.
>Would you get the energy boost equal to the surface of the sun?
The sun is far gentler than lightning.
>I've been making progress in thought forms and channeling energy into my prayers during meditation. One thing I still can't seem to grasp is the ability to "fix" oneself to a sound state of being immune to the fickle wave-like state of this reality. I am still affected by the ebb and flow of emotions, habits, and outside influences. Any advice on how to affix myself to rise above the merciless tide?
Awareness of what you are and then altering yourself when you are not what you desire. This first requires awareness though, which is the big task for many.
delineates the different levels of awareness.
>So back to the topic, a developed energy body might do wonders with all that free boost, even if 99% of the electricity manages to just pass by. Or that's my guess.
>Anyone has any reference to this?
The closest thing that comes to mind is Taoist masters, such as Dynamo Jack, who can use (metaphysical) energy to create physical electricity.
There are a few videos of him in which he demonstrates this power, here are also some books regarding his teachings as well >>>/library/270
>How can I motivate myself to start studying/practicing again?
You will only do what you desire, if you desire to remain mundane then you will for as long as you will. For me, what motivates is, the transcendental states of bliss I am able to achieve, the lasting effects of such and the ever growing nature/intensity of it, I am compelled further down the path.
There have been times in which I choose not to practice, sometimes even for a while, however upon returning to my practices it was always accompanied with not only a renewed desire but a stronger drive not to do such
>Am i just entering a different plane of the astral? This could be progress then. I wouldn't rule out foreign entities though…
Technically yes but that my no means rules out intervention by less than friendly entities. Which it does sound like that is rather possible.
I have difficulty balancing being a spiritual being with being a human being. [Especially in the context of romance.]
I know it's about self-love and I assume it's also about meeting halfway,
but if I get hurt by someone and I feel that I wouldn't have been if I were more mature, does that mean I shouldn't speak for the part of me that was hurt?
For examples,
a friend of mine that was a twinflame hurt me in the sense that I felt used/the exchange of energy wasn't equal, I didn't get as much as I gave, and I can't be sure what she thinks of me. I was friends with her and assumed that she'd felt the same about me romantically, but was uncomfortable with it, and I was ignorant of things she'd say/do that contradicted that because there were significant things that seemed to go with it.
Something she'd said made me uncomfortable with being masculine/assertive for fear of hurting her, and that kinda screwed things up in the sense that she's more comfortable with pursuing people sexually than emotionally/has intimacy issues stemming from trauma.
Then she slept with someone else and I felt a good deal of pain, not all of it mine.
(as an empath told me recently, I'd been holding onto other people's energies and screwing myself up.
This person in particular had energies constricting my throat, heart, and solar plexus, but I don't know how intentional it is/how much is my attachment to her/if she'd just deny it if I told her, which the empath told me she's experienced and would probably happen)
So now after being parted for a few months, she asked me to do something for her (that she cannot do, she's in another country) and I told her I don't feel we've had an equivalent exchange and don't feel emotionally understood either.
Like… I misunderstood her to a good deal, so I can't help but feel used/that I can't know if she's actually a decent person, so I don't want to deal with her anymore, if only because I've come to realise there has to be a similar exchange of energy for me not to feel drained, and I don't think she wants there to be, just for me to be reliable (she's got issues about that too).
So I feel that she treated me as replaceable and that I have no obligation whatsoever to treat her differently, and that I should, yet she thinks that I'm trying to fight her emotionally. I dunno, maybe I'm being dramatic, but my logic here seems to go:
1) Emotionally and logically I don't feel this is equal so I don't want to continue this.
2) Even if we "started fresh" I don't owe her anything so there's no reason to help her.
Yet, I feel that if I'd been "more of a man" or "more spiritual" then I'd not feel so bad about this. Or maybe I'd feel worse because then I'd have done more and still gotten rejected.
So either way, I feel like it's my fault enough that I should be over it/I don't feel much about it when I release all the energies in me (time and again).
We resonate too much and will have to deal with each other probably at the end of summer (and maybe at the end of May/a few times before summer's end, if I decide to go to a place we both like where I'd work this summer if she weren't doing the same), and I know I'm unstable and have to focus on myself more than anything, but I'd like an opinion on this; where to "grow up/let go/be less hurt" and where to have boundaries/speak up for oneself. I haven't meshed "traumas/feelings are valid" with "be an adult/man/spiritual person", and to a degree I feel I've suffered for not having stronger boundaries/idea of validity in what I feel. Yet I know I've also been a 'whiny bitch'.
Another example is when a girl suspected my motives for spiritual growth/gaining abilities and I kinda got triggered into thinking of myself as less than a decent person, then getting a feedback loop where I want to defend myself verbally but assume I won't be believed/anything I say would just make it worse/maybe I'd even get too defensive about it to the point where I'd just make them feel bad for "no reason", which seems too aggressive/angry/compulsive for me.
So then I withdrew and sorta left my body and the people I was with could see that, and then I came back and said what happened and various reasons and felt awkward as hell about it, not to mention making her feel uncomfortable/start to be ungrounded herself, because of the semi-helpless/withdrawn state I was in.
I'm not sure what I really want, if anything, since I can just keep to myself and imagine having physical touch if I feel I need that, and loving myself in a divine way.
Having not experienced much of anything and being a little awkward when I get energetically overwhelmed (which happens fairly frequently because I'm not terribly used to asserting my presence/seeing myself constantly in my mind's eye),
I wonder if I should be more in the world before rising higher/being alone to do that.
And I feel weird about leaving behind physical pleasures like sex without having experienced it in a certain manner. I guess I always wanted it to be more about emotions/higher emotions than lust, but being hurt when I pursued it in that fashion made me reconsider that strongly and want to just get it over with so I don't feel a lack about it anymore.
>>What does it mean to be bound to the soul with someone?
>It means that your energy fields and perhaps even destinies are intertwined.
This can be broken though, I assume.
I was (may still be) soul-bound to the twinflame I mentioned.
I initiated it (about 8 months ago) with ignorance of the consequences, went bad, then kinda-good,
then bad, and now I've been releasing her energy as much as possible when it comes up.
I've done it, I read about it in the inedia thread.
Khan says it raises vibes faster than fasting,
After ~3 days of it my body was buzzing with energy,
and after 1-2 weeks, I was unstably energetic/ungrounded, and realised I needed to stop to stay sane.
I wonder if "the" answer is "forget about romance until you love enough/don't care about the physical aspect of sex".
Yet part of me (my body I assume) is anxious about this whole thing and has a hard time doing things it's never done before/hasn't done much, which makes touching properly difficult.
It's the type of thing I'd need to read about or have someone else show me by example :\
which I guess is okay.
But I still want a relationship and I don't know how I feel about spending months with people and having only a friendship. I think it's kinda fine now that I don't have expectations, and thinking that my twin was "the one and only" (she might be when we're both healthier) partially caused me to take things for granted, and I think she took me for granted as well, but probably not as a future relationship.
I have been trying to get into urine therapy since I heard a lot of people talking about it and talking how it was le "magic pill". I guess I will try it, I don't really think I will get that ungrounded because of my preponderance to earth element.
btw on the urine therapy thing, just drink my piss 24/7. I mean isn't there instruction or just "drink ur piss"?
>I have difficulty balancing being a spiritual being with being a human being. [Especially in the context of romance.]
Like where to draw the line between accepting and rejecting things/behaviors, how much to help others vs saying no.
It's tougher because part of me doesn't want to try much at all/is depressed/anxious/angry/oversensitive/etc, and I have to get over that without being insensitive to myself by ignoring it entirely to my detriment.
Maybe I just need some time alone to figure that out.
I did that, yes, but do as much as you like.
One guy did "perhaps 5 or 6 ounces each time I urinate (which is 3-5 times/24 hours) I've noticed that it has really cut down on the level of food I require. My body has even indicated to me a 'craving' urine.
I started urine therapy about a month ago and about 2 weeks ago I started consuming at least one whole cup a day. I usually now drink several, usually 3-4 a day….
My norm now is to drink ~1.5 (standard US) cups each time I urinate taken from the midstream and I'll usually still urinate a good bit more than that though. The remainder I'll just get rid of, sometimes it's 100% or more of what I consume so I still can get plenty flowing out if necessary although I don't do anything that would be in my urine (like drugs) and my diet is really good."
I think I read in another thread that someone flushes the first of the day and drinks the rest.
Do whatever.
>I think I read in another thread that someone flushes the first of the day and drinks the rest.
Uhh the first of the day is the best for you though.
So this one entity hasn't left me alone in 10+ years, targeting my fragmented sense of self. Attacks very light first, and slowly inflicting greater levels of torture as years went by. Very opportunistic. Now I possess a fatally impacted mental body that is host to a wonderland of narcissism, obsessions and delusions. Unfortunately, I often slip up and start thinking it is me who owns those thought sequences, amplifying hatred towards my person, and so inadvertently playing into its trap. I've been turned into a vegetable, and lately have started having physical symptoms of such too. It is my understanding that it wants me to take my life, but also wants to see how badly it can make me suffer, being careful not to blow its load too early. I have been told before my family was cursed a few generations ago and suspect a connection. So, I need a remedy or something here you guys. I really don't want to find out what it's planning for me next.
Just joking.
If you are getting into it for the first time, I suggest drinking a lot of water so your piss is more or less clear. Then proceed to drink that and slowly work your way up to darker piss. Soon enough, you can drink your morning piss without wanting to throw up.
I drank it alone, started when i was on a good diet and it tasted medicinal but not bad, then more foul when i drank milk.
I drank it for a bit (1-3 days), then got kinda sick of it, body was buzzing with energy either before or after getting sick of it, then I got used to it at some point and drank it for 1-2 weeks straight, then got way overloaded on energy and scattered (didn't notice bc low bodily sensitivity), stopped when I gave someone a massage and got overwhelmed and ungrounded both of us/made us anxious.
When you guys do rituals, do you only do them while scrying astrally?(Imagining the ritual taking place and completing it only in your mind without doing anything physical) Or do you guys go all the way and offer sacrifices?
Grounding is bringing yourself into your body more. Reduces anxiety, reduces mania, reduces delusions. Also can reduce perception of spiritual phenomena, but it's better to be grounded than insane. there's a quote that goes something like "the schizophrenic drowns in the ocean the shaman swims". The difference between them is grounding.
1st q: because Khan said it works better than fasting. And it does. I get too energetic after drinking pee. Read the inedia thread; there are multiple sources of the benefits of drinking one's own urine; indeed, ayurveda has known and practiced this for quite some time.
2nd q: subjective.
also, one needn't be so tentative (:
question thread is for questions, and even if it's a basic one, we're all learning. worst response should be "read this thing" rather than an answer
I am in need of a mentor of some sort, would this be a good thread to find one or should I make a separate thread?
If you are a complete beginner you should just follow the basics and see how that works out for you. There are way too many methods and teachings to choose from beyond that and often it's pretty personal what is more suitable for you.
The people on this board are willing to help if you have questions. Of course, anyone can write a seemingly helpful post as it is often the case with arrogant armchair occultists.
in addition if beginner i'd start with energywork/qigong, get a reiki attunement if you want a power/sensitivty boost.
I often go to a place in nature, some kind of sanctuary, to complement about life and metaphysics. On one such occassion, I meditated and focussed on my purpose in life. The result was the following, I will try to greentext it;
>All grassland, dusk so the sun shines softly on the grass
>Its summer/early autumn, small sandy road
>White, germanic shaman on foot walks towards a Scythian warrior nomad
>both from two different families with feuds, they come together to make peace
>they shake hands and make a vow to eachother that one day their kinsmen shall marry with eachother and that then the family shall have true peace, in the mean time they won't attack eachother
>the child shall protect the land, maintain it and clean it
Can anyone make sense of this?
They were an Iranian speaking tribe living around southern Russia and Ukraine. Greeks described them as fair haired and long.
Hi! Does anyone have good reading material for me? I'm a big big fan of Carlos Castaneda, I read all of his books, some of them twice. I'm looking for similar stuff
Hay guys just need to clarify what is loosh and how to use it?
Also after doing some self work I've been able to predict most future situations but i'm having issues acting upon the premonition for it feels week and although I recognize it my conscious mind doesn't react or is too scared to react to it.
Any suggestions on what to do about this?
The premonitions happen about one minute before hand some time awhile before hand.
Also how dose one become more aware? and how dose one direct loosh?
I understand that some of this is subjective but i suppose the one thing I have the biggest issue with is not knowing if I'm doing some thing right or having achieved something because my interpretation of something maybe different from what is meant or perhaps I mistake and interpret my experience wrong and think I'm doing something that I'm not.
it's actually your LOWER self
in the form of bacteria in your tummy.
they, too, communicate with you.
First things first: You are being very fatalistic. You can pull yourself out of this.
You are free from any curse. You are not fatally impacted, you can recover. You are fine, not a vegetable. These are all illusions created by your enemy to distract you from the fact that, in truth, you have the upper hand.
Don't fear it. It can make life hard for you, for the time being, but it can't really hurt you. Just take positive action to make things better, one thing at a time.
You'll have to destroy each illusion one by one. Your Will is your one infallible weapon. Learn to wield it properly and nothing can touch you.
As a first step, repeat positive affirmations to yourself. The general guide is that the feeling you get when you say them is more important than the words, and avoid using negations. Say "I am worthy" instead of "I am not feeling worthless"
Watch your thoughts and don't feed the negative ones, just change your mood or let them pass away without a mental response.
And keep fighting, things will get better.
From what little exposure I've had to Solomon's Lesser Keys I'd say you have to take them on a case by case basis, some are meant to be charged and fired off, while others kept as a talisman. Reading the description of the sigil should give you a hint of what you're supposed to do.
Deus Vult, remove rapefugees or they'll breed us out of existence.
>what is loosh and how to use it?
Emotional energy that you can generate yourself, or as most people do is harvest it from emotions of other people directed at you. 90% of trolling on the chans is done by /fringe/ loosh farmers.
>mind doesn't react or is too scared to react to it
Why would you be scared? You should leave the mindset that you're powerless behind, gotta remember that we as humans have a pretty decent amount of free will, better learn to use it.
>how dose one become more aware?
More meditation and spiritual advancement, it'll come automatically in time.
>how dose one direct loosh?
It's basically directing a strong emotion. Look up emotional alchemy but a good example is channeling anger in the gym to lift more. Ultimately I find anger the easiest to generate but virtually any boiling hot emotion will do.
Relax and trust yourself.
Receive the Armstrong techniques that have been passed down for generations in your family.
Alternatively get your armchair wizard ass to the gym and magically lift some weights.
Invoke any deity/entity that gives you strength, a masculine war deity for example.
Also check >>811 because most of the same things apply.
Besides that, the usual; affirmations, thought forms and visualization.
Do all the above in combination with regular exercise with a proper diet and you'll make much more improvement then you would without.
>Deus Vult, remove rapefugees or they'll breed us out of existence.
what a retarded interpretation.
how does one form a tulpa? the 8chan-fringe-onion-thing denizens say that with /fringe/'s help, they can be formed in weeks, but they call them thoughtforms?
Tulpas, from what I've read, are fished out of the Astral, how do I do this? Sorry if this question is inept.
Tulpa's are not fished out of the astral, but you are creating a thoughtform (just like when you think of anything) but with enough energy to become it's own being. Read the top post in 8ch fringe's tulpa thread for an easy way to power thoughtforms.
Using that method, I created one through 20 seconds of meditation every day for 2 weeks, and some light talking to them between those meditations. Although i regretted it as I found that I was not putting enough time towards them.
Don't rush the progress just because you can. You're creating life, after all.
It did not. Although 8ch is shit and down 24/7 so I will post the method here:
You can create an astral body of such an Entity in the following manner. You can do it while seated, but it is more effective to do it in a lying position. Concentrate on your starting idea –or decision, which constitutes the backbone of your Entity. While you are concentrated in this way, contract all the muscles in your body powerfully, without moving any part of your body. Then imagine the Entity in the shape of a small thick cloud or of a ball of condensed fog above you. Gradually loosen the muscle tension and simultaneously visualize that neuromuscular energy flowing out of your body and into the Entity. Do this for about ten seconds, until you become completely relaxed.
This pumps vital force out of you and into your entity. I suggest not being sick or fatigued beforehand when you do this. It is best to have an excess of energy before you start. I don't visualize it as a thick cloud or condensed fog, I visualize it as a pulsating light ball, that is mostly white light but also throws off some random vibrant colours from it and which spins around and pulses rapidly. I find this starting form is really powerful for creating an astral body for yourself to AP with as well as creating entities or creating a disruption in the ether to attract and evoke entities too. The movement in the form also gives it a lot of vitality over a static image.
It is creation of tulkus and tulpas by means of sharpened visualization it is possible to create a thought form in human shape, which is called tulpa. If reflective concentration is intense enough during a long period, and if it is supported by strong will, often by energy invested by a lot of people, such a form ceases to be a phantasm and incarnates as a normal human being, receives a palpable physical body and an appropriate personality. In that case, it is called tulku or the “phantom body”.
How does one go about killing/banishing a reptilian that's trying to possess you. I've had one fucking stubborn case of impending possession for a while now. I thought it was a demon, but the various "surround yourself with white light" or the LBRP don't work. It tried to influence me to make a reptilian tulpa a while ago, and it had a long tongue in my visions of it.
Hey guys, how do I avoid arching my back while meditating?
Also after like 10 minutes my muscles start being strained and tremble even if I'm on "comfortable" positions like sitting on a chair trying to stay with my back erect. If I arch my back that's supposed to be bad, right, because I'm "simulating sleep"? The thing is I have to constantly remind myself to NOT bend forward and this is no good.
Also while I'm at it, there are periods when I start seing the same numbers over and over.
It's usually 22,33 or my date of birth.
I'm pretty sure it's not me being focused on it because I'm not even thinking about it when I see them and on the contrary if I start thinking about it they don't appear.
What's the meaning of this and why only on certain periods (like a week) and then it stops for returning later another week?
> after like 10 minutes my muscles start being strained and tremble even if I'm on "comfortable" positions like sitting on a chair trying to stay with my back erect
You might be arching backward a bit. When one sits straight one uses core muscles as well as back muscles.
Thanks, I think I was probably doing just that but I still tend to move forward with my back. I suppose I'll just ignore it.
Do you think 20 minutes meditations are good? I've read on a book it's best to do 20 minutes sessions but is that good enough? Should I go on longer?
Also I basically asked the same question on the other fringe and got 22 as final post numbers and here I got 33 lol.
Go longer if you can keep squarely at your task. The goal is not to sit down for a long period of time.
First: drink more water, that thing is way too dark second: WTF!
There is a reason that leaves you body, don't put it back inside.
Sadly, i don't think they are trolling.
The only things your body can use from piss is micronutrients that could not be stored(for people who take vitamin pills) and water. The yellowish color is pure garbage your liver and blatter decided it couldn't be used.
Drinking your own piss is at the same tier as breathtarianism.
People who say that shit should Just leave this chan and die of starvation covered with own on your piss somewhere.
I am surprised that no one, not even admin said anything against this.
Are you thinking it's some role-playing troll? I won't take chances.
I remember reading somewhere that if you were to tell a lucid dreamer to look up and down repeatedly (or other similarly specific directions), that the eye movements could be seen from the outside world. So it's possible for there to be some kind of communication between a lucid dreamer in the midst of the dream and the outside world.
My question is, if one could design a machine that could read these eye movements and then use that signal to inject a drug into your body, would it be possible for you and your tulpa in the midst of a lucid dream to go on a trip together?
I like the idea of having a tulpa but I was told that they were dangerous and so you should only interact with your tulpa in your lucid dream. If I wish to trip with my tulpa, it would have to be from within a lucid dream then. I would need to enter the dream and somehow consume the drug. Originally, I did think of some kind of machine that lights the drug and then using a fan, some tubes and a special mask, the drug could be lightly inhaled (like a scuba diving air tank but with drugs) but apparently, in order to get the effects of smoking a drug, it has to be really deep, intense puffs which cannot be done unconsciously. Naturally, ingestion is out of the question. Injection is the only way to go.
take the drug in the dream, man. ingesting some sort of stimulant with your physical body would probably just wake you up. just manifest the drug you want and consume it. dream trips are always interesting
it isn't trolling or role-playing dude. I've personally found that topical application heals sun burns completely (straight from bright red to tan, no peeling or pain), clears up acne, and speeds up the healing of any wounds by a great deal. also, a little hard to tell, but I'm pretty sure it's clearing up my acne scarring bit by bit. generally makes your skin super smooth and nice as well
as for drinking it, I can't really say whether or not it's producing any effects that couldn't be attributed the various other things I'm doing (meditating, exercise, energy work and so on). however, it certainly isn't harming me in any discernible way and based on how it heals the outside of my body I imagine it would have the same effect on the inside
if you do some cursory research on the internet, I think you'll find only positive reports. all I can find "against" are basically angry skeptic bloggers. the only report I've found of a genuine negative effect was a report in which people used it to treat conjunctivitis (as in, putting urine in their eyes); they had gonorrhea (or syphilis, one of the two) and the urine carried it to their eyes
it seems to me you're just rejecting things because they seem strange. but just think about how silly that is with what I'm sure you already know. how would you have reacted some time ago if somebody told you jacking off to weird symbols you drew with a sharpie could alter reality?
If you bend backward, try engaging the core/sucking in the gut a little bit. Don't put too much effort in or you'll have terrible stomach pain.
Meditate as long as you're comfortable with.
Increase time slowly, sustainably. Better to do 20 minutes every day than 3 hours one day and then forgetting about it/not wanting to do it anymore.
Longer is "better" but only in that you go deeper into yourself. The general goals of meditation are awareness and calm, both of which increase the deeper you go.
>First: drink more water, that thing is way too dark second: WTF!
Doesn't look too dark to me; I think you're judging based on the part the fingers darken.
In the breatharianism thread Khan said drinking pee raises vibes faster than fasting does.
There is plenty of literature there too for urine therapy.
I have personally used it and gained tremendous increase in vibes/energy to the point I couldn't handle the ungrounding effect it had on me. However, my body was buzzing with energy and people could feel it when I transferred it to them.
>as for drinking it, I can't really say whether or not it's producing any effects that couldn't be attributed the various other things I'm doing (meditating, exercise, energy work and so on). however, it certainly isn't harming me in any discernible way and based on how it heals the outside of my body I imagine it would have the same effect on the inside
as for the effect it had on my energy, it also raised my body sensitivity to the point that acupuncture got significantly more painful than before. I actually screamed a bit when I got certain points needled, at the height of my urine therapy.
I wasn't meditating much at the time, little energywork either.
>if you do some cursory research on the internet, I think you'll find only positive reports. all I can find "against" are basically angry skeptic bloggers. the only report I've found of a genuine negative effect was a report in which people used it to treat conjunctivitis (as in, putting urine in their eyes); they had gonorrhea (or syphilis, one of the two) and the urine carried it to their eyes
>it seems to me you're just rejecting things because they seem strange. but just think about how silly that is with what I'm sure you already know. how would you have reacted some time ago if somebody told you jacking off to weird symbols you drew with a sharpie could alter reality?
There is some info in >>>/fringe/563
In brief, it raises your vibrational level which helps and also does cleanse your body. The more you drink, the better. Don't worry about drinking too much, if you need to get rid of urine it will pass through your bowels.
>if I get hurt by someone, I feel that I wouldn't have been if I were more mature [or aware]
>does that mean I shouldn't speak for the part of me that was hurt?
You should not defend it, the suffering comes from a non unity perspective, which is ultimately illusion.
>Then she slept with someone else and I felt a good deal of pain, not all of it mine.
When you're connected (close) to some one you will receive their vibes, for better or worse.
>I dunno, maybe I'm being dramatic, but my logic here seems to go:
>1) Emotionally and logically I don't feel this is equal so I don't want to continue this.
>2) Even if we "started fresh" I don't owe her anything so there's no reason to help her.
Give what you feel you can without harming your own being but not more. That said, you are right in a sense, you don't owe her (or any one else) anything however that should never be why you help some one, it should be out of love not obligation.
>Yet, I feel that if I'd been "more spiritual" then I'd not feel so bad about this. Or maybe I'd feel worse because then I'd have done more and still gotten rejected.
The former is true but the latter is false, being more spiritual would mean your perspective is less attached to the outcome (yet still with the same level of love & effort).
>So either way, I feel like it's my fault enough that I should be over it
As an aside, be careful with over using should on/with yourself. The past has happened and dwelling on it so much only undermines your ability to create a better present.
>I'd like an opinion on this; where to "grow up/let go/be less hurt" and where to have boundaries/speak up for oneself.
Suffering is the result of attachment to outcome; you can love without expectation, giving the energy of love without feeling hurt then certain perceptorial obligations are not met in return, this is the unconditional aspect. Once internalized it allows you to love without the pain that many fear from such.
Regarding boundaries, the only limits you should have is not to over extend yourself and not to enable destructive behaviour.
>Another example is when a girl suspected my motives for spiritual growth/gaining abilities and I kinda got triggered
Let me stop you right there, when ever you are triggered or otherwise have an involuntary re-action you are not in control, you lack freewill in that aspect in that moment. It is a mechanical response to stimuli, if it is negative I recommend you detach yourself from that and become aware so you can avoid the resultant suffering. Moving on.
>into thinking of myself as less than a decent person, then getting a feedback loop where I want to defend myself verbally but assume I won't be believed/anything I say would just make it worse
Assume nothing, putting preconceived ideas or stories on top of circumstances, especially without any way of testing the varsity of said notions is an ego trap. You simply do not know, embrace it untill you do.
I have no data yet. It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories instead of theories to suit facts. - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
>I'm not sure what I really want
Perhaps you should spend some serious time pondering you truly desire. I know this is not a simple question, nor one that can usually be answered in a matter of minuets or even days. Ruminate & muse on this subject and then go with what you intuitively feel is right, try it out see how it vibes with you or you can wander until something sparks you.
>Having not experienced much of anything and being a little awkward when I get energetically overwhelmed (which happens fairly frequently because I'm not terribly used to asserting my presence/seeing myself constantly in my mind's eye),
You won't learn but through experience.
>I wonder if I should be more in the world before rising higher/being alone to do that.
Do as you feel is necessary, and as you desire. Sooner or later your impulses will be rectified to the divine, in this lifetime or the next.
>I feel weird about leaving behind physical pleasures like sex without having experienced it in a certain manner.
When you find a spiritual mate you can partake in such but without the indiscriminate lust that most are drawn together with, on a higher level you will be able to tantrically bond.
>This [soulbond] can be broken though, I assume.
If it was an agreement between higher selves, one or both of you would need to reach at least that level of awareness to cancel it. If it was a lower self bond, then yes. Otherwise you could always apply freewill to avoid destiny… but that's not changing it.
>I wonder if "the" answer is "forget about romance until you love enough/don't care about the physical aspect of sex".
That would be a prudent answer and, IMHO, a wise one however "best" is subjective and relative to the individual.
>Yet part of me (my body I assume) is anxious about this whole thing and has a hard time doing things it's never done before/hasn't done much, which makes touching properly difficult.
So then do it improperly, you'll learn.
>It's the type of thing I'd need to read about or have someone else show me by example :\
Intelectualizing about things is no substitute for the actual experience thereof.
>which I guess is okay.
There is nothing wrong about naivety, indeed it's the portal to discovery.
The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing. - Socrates
>I have been trying to get into urine therapy […] I don't really think I will get that ungrounded because of my preponderance to earth element.
I don't really see it as ungrounded per se, but rather more so that what your grounded to, that level of vibration, changes, which in respect to the norm of physicality is quite distinctly different. (And as such has its own unique differences compared to a more 3rd density perspective of grounded.)
>on the urine therapy thing, just drink my piss 24/7. I mean isn't there instruction?
What I'm doing now is actually drinking nearly all my output, on occasion I'll rub it into my hair or on my skin (like if I get scraps, bruises, etc.) but I'm consuming 95%+ now. What I need to eliminate goes through my bowels, which also greatly helps with digestion and literally cleaning them to get the shit out.
>Do you think that any kind of sexual contact without love is degenerate?
Yes. As that would be lust, which is mutually consuming in nature (it's a fear based emotion). Such is the very definition of STS and is furthermore wasteful of vital forces and ergo entropic.
>Also, so from bullshit to 10, how useful are these Solomon Keys and Pentacles?
insufficient data for meaningful answer. I have never tried to use them before and given how busy I am now-a-days it may be some time before I get around to such strictly elective magic research.
>How does one activate them?
It's rather hard to say without understanding the context and or the hebrew. I would assume one probably uses them similar to any other sigil, pour loosh into it, receive result, but I can not say with any degree of certainty hell they may even just be ancient loosh farming sigils, kek.
>I have been told before my family was cursed a few generations ago and suspect a connection.
That may have been true, but any STS entity would be just as opportunistic should one allow or entertain such things.
>So, I need a remedy or something here you guys.
Awareness, you are not the collection of things, obsessions, delusions, etc. you are the observer of such. Pause and detach yourself from the association/ownership of the experience. Then choose what you desire to vibrate to and hold that energy pattern for as long as you can. The next time you realize your exertion of freewill has slipped simply reassert it.
Repeat until you are a changed man. As you start to cultivate your consciousness into form the pattern of your being will sculpt your energy body and flesh accordingly. Right now this is happening in a negative way as the result of outside influence, you need to take command of your own being and mind.
Also (something akin to) the Declaration of Freewill
otherwise, will help.
>I hope I'm not being trolled into drinking my own piss
I sware I do not troll, not on this nor anything else.
>Any additional advice?
When you first start it may be somewhat hard to stomach, you may need to begin with only a small bit and then build up. If you drink lots of water it will dilute it a bit so it's not so strong. If you eat better/lighter foods it's better, if you eat primarily fruits it can literally be sweet.
When I first started drinking a lot of it I could really feel the buzzing of energy as noted >>1048 but I got used to it after a while. It's still there, but it's not so much at the forefront per se because it's not so novel.
>should I mix it with water, or drink it alone?
I wouldn't mix it.
>Drink it everyday?
I would.
P.S. I have not forgotten nor abandoned y'all, I've just been quite busy, I'll get around to every one when I can.
Hay, I've been doing a bit of internal work (not sure what to call it) and I've stumbled on a few things I'm not sure what this is but…
When I meditate I will my self to go to where I can view all of my conscious processes and can also go to a place that appears handles my subconscious processes can alter all of them (with trial and error to find out what they do).
Some things that I've done so far are changed my minds response to pain, I still feel it and can process it as a warning that something's a miss but my mind doesn't focus on it so I feel it less (I suppose) and there are no physical knee jerk reaction but I still say ouch as a response despite it not hurting.
I've changed how mend hours I sleep in one sitting from nine hours to four hours just to see if it'll work (it dose) and I didn't need to reset the process the next night it just works.
I've also disabled my attraction to women I tested it out by looking as some pornography that I know I like and even tings that I find irresistible but no physiological response and no urge to masturbate.
I did experience a bit of enjoyment in watching something (people sensually kissing) but it was a kin to eating a piece of fruit and perhaps that could be attributed to me liking the feeling of that act.
Was this a good idea?
why/why not?
I'm playing it safe so I'm not doing too much because I've seen immediate effects
Using this I can also change how much loosh is applied to something.
Is this shadow work?
Can it be used to give myself ability's like clairvoyance or telekinesis?
If not what is shadow work and how should I start with it? and what is this?
I was thinking that perhaps that all of the body and minds processes are represented as something like computer programs is simply an aesthetic that I chose and this is no different to other systems in regards to potential.
During this I can accesses programs so to speek that my conscious mind handles in a white room such as my ability to concentrate and can not accesses anything that my subconscious handles such as amount of time my body sleeps that latter being a black room this is probably just an aesthetic but still thought I should mention it.
>You should not defend it, the suffering comes from a non unity perspective, which is ultimately illusion.
Sounds like I shouldn't ever discuss if I have negative feelings, and that I should get over them.
[That's frustrating, but I guess I should overcome it]
But that I shouldn't hold others to that/should be able to clear the negative energies they may dump onto me.
I guess that's possible, but when it made it hard or me to have boundaries when I was in that disconnected/above "reality" state after a month-ish of guided meditation. I suppose I learned, after some time out of that state, where I should have boundaries.
I'd say you are doing more work then most people on this site. A recommendation though, make sure you read some of the occult books in /library/ to get a larger understanding and expanded awareness upon this sort of thing. Check out 'Neophytes Gold;
What you are doing is indeed a good idea.
No, that is not shadow work. Personally, I have no idea what 'shadow work' is but I doubt it is what you are doing.
On the topic of clairvoyance and telekinesis, try it out. Practice.
Well, you are changing your mental/spiritual programming. Pain resistance, less sleep. All these things are to be overcome through spiritual advancement. Which is what you are doing. You gain control over these base things and turn them to your favor.
Keep up the good work.
I suppose some of the difficulty in implementing emotional-based stuff is the idea of "where is me, what am I really, when the things I desire and feel aren't real/are to be overcome". Perhaps that is simply due to fear of death/transformation, and I need to let things fall away while respecting/listening to my body's needs (which I didn't before, not knowing the difference between want and need [still don't but I have a healthier way to approach it] and desiring to progress perhaps too quickly).
I still kinda think I should speak for what I was working with/how I was hurt, and I guess not share how it felt. Or maybe just move past it entirely/start fresh. I think I'll just ask that, and say I'm not sure whether she cares for what I feel [or if she simply needs me for something] because… I'm not. and I guess I can treat her with detached warmth.
I'd perceived before that she'd treated a level of unconditional love the same way a mundane woman/person would, seeing it as "weak", but that might just be me.
I still feel a need to discuss things I've perceived that I didn't like and whether I was right about them; I'll keep how it made me feel out of it I guess.
How do I summon Arcturians to help me battle a stubborn Reptilian invasion? It's been trying to possess me for a while. What would be the preferred sigil/visualization/mantra or galdr?
How do you handle life?
As I realized my role as creator and the mental nature of perception, I became clueless on how to act right.
My worldviews keep shifting frequently because I don't enforce one.
My goals in life change every day because I'm not sure what to do.
Even listening first to one piece of music and then to a different one - it's a totally overwhelming experience because of the hard shift in perception that it causes.
Obviously the input of the outer world is just random bullshit as long as I don't take control of it by choosing how to percept it and how to act with it.
But I'm overwhelmed with the possibilities and I don't really receive any definite guidance from within, all ideas seem to be vague and not worth it.
I can't decide upon what to create, how to live, so I keep drifting but it doesn't seem to be right.
How do you do it? How do you know what you want?
On the Pentacles of Solomon topic, I finally found them in the Greater Key of Solomon, along with some work on Hebrew. I feared them to be loosh farming tools because YHWH keeps on appearing on them, over and over again, and even if I don't fully trust this Montalk guy, I try to avoid the interpretational crossroads such as YHWH and Corrupted Demiurge in the ancient Hebrew texts.
I was hoping someone knew/had previous experiences with them, but I guess I'll have to try it myself.
I'm on a similar spot, beginning to understand just how free I am. Meditation, it works wonders, over and over again until you have listened enough to yourself. At the end you should realize how everything you choose, even in the outer world, is just some mean by which you'll see something in the inside world. Every person you meet, every emotion you express, every drug you take, everything is just as relevant as it allows you to know yourself better.
>My worldviews keep shifting frequently because I don't enforce one.
I simply don't hold a worldview/figure "love is the answer, and I change my beliefs whenever seems appropriate."
>My goals in life change every day because I'm not sure what to do.
I'm not quite there but I have vague ones because I've figured out what resonates with me strongly/have had significant experience creating things that I'm attuned to before this spirituality stuff came in.
As for me, I just try to develop, make a stable base/make a little money, share love where I can, allow myself to be blown around when necessary, and then pursue the creative endeavors I'm attuned to/had developed in before getting into this heavily.
I guess I'm still attached to the idea of romance to some extent though. I'm of two minds, one of them being my human? and the other being that detached self.
That montalk principles of spiritual evolution comes to mind; I assume it's truth without love that I'm feeling, and with self-love I'll let things go.
>Every person you meet, every emotion you express, every drug you take, everything is just as relevant as it allows you to know yourself better.
This drives me insane tbh.
I see it all the time, but I don't know where the journey goes. I hate stumbling around in the dark.
It becomes especially annoying when the "purposeful" life experiences consist of suffering and fucking things up. In such moments I don't even…
That's why I decided to create my own fate, but I don't know what I want to create - because how the fuck should I know? I don't even remember choosing to come here.
>I'm of two minds, one of them being my human? and the other being that detached self.
I rather like the theory that humans are a breed with aliums genetics.
I can actually choose to remain in animal mode and enjoy the perfect habitat that is planet Earth or I can choose to feel really out of place on this planet when even trees and rocks will creep me out.
But this is part of the problem that I described - I can shift my mind but don't know where to.
Oh well, I just found my answer on montalk http://montalk.net/metaphys/117/stages-of-conscious-awakening
I guess I'll have to work on this now:
>by itself, lucidity is merely a state of mindfulness that squelches mechanical reactivity and lets you think on what to do next, but it doesn’t necessarily offer a transcendental or transjective influence to direct you toward the ideal outcome. The sword is liberated from the stone but no map or compass is provided for the quest.
>And thus there is need for a second stage in conscious development that goes beyond mere self-remembering. While the first stage aims to interrupt negative confluence, the second stage involves initiating positive confluence with the higher aspects of your being. Speaking from your heart, following your intuition, tapping into your subconscious, virtually “channeling” your Higher Self — these are all examples of positive confluence.
This also matches with my self-observations and current efforts of becoming a better creator. I guess it doesn't matter what life I create for myself now as long as I become more proficient at creating.
I need to cultivate the tools to put my higher self's guidance into reality without the possibility of failure through disturbances of my lower self.
> I guess it doesn't matter what life I create for myself now as long as I become more proficient at creating.
yeah that's basically where I'm at too.
After looking for external things for awhile all answers point to "build yourself, look within"
I'm going through an akashic reading (recording) I got and I was told I need to tell her what I felt so she can be aware of where we stand.
So. Perhaps I'm not detached/light enough to follow your advice, or now isn't the time.
I may get another reading beforehand and see where that leads.
>I still feel it and can process it as a warning that something's a miss but my mind doesn't focus on it so I feel it less
Same except when I'm in pain I just remind myself that I'm not my body and the pain seems to subside.
>I've changed how mend hours I sleep in one sitting from nine hours to four hours just to see if it'll work
Do you feel as rested and refreshed though?
>people sensually kissing
>tfw seeing people have an emotional connection evokes a greater emotional response in me that porn
All great things fam, not sure if your sleep hack will last though, don't push yourself too hard, people have gone a little nutty from a lack of sleep in the past. I'm down to about 6-7 and mundanes keeps asking me how I survive without coffee lel.
Why'd you need them in particular? Any stronk entity you believe in will do.
I'll say what I say to my m8s every day, live in the present and handle life day by day. Don't worry about the future and don't regret the past.
Somehow the universe took good care of my so far.
>live in the present and handle life day by day. Don't worry about the future and don't regret the past.
Mfw observations of the past and plans for the future affect the present.
You actually don't have to do shit in the present except watching it like a movie.
The past seems most irrelevant, it's just for looking back at the picture that you already painted and figure out how hard you fucked up and where.
Then you derive plans for the future out of these observations. They will take effect in the present by willing.
Now observing the present is just quality control. You have to make sure that everything runs smoothly without interruptions. Readjusting future plans might be a consequence of this.
This whole process is observable in any sports activity btw, but a little more fast-paced but also more mentally isolated because you basically just have to focus on your technique and mind state instead of your whole life process.
>Then you derive plans for the future out of these observations.
In the magical sense though, you're meant to consider things as if they're already in the present rather than some time in the distant future.
Obviously I'm not about to say fuck it, I'll just do things when I feel like it, that'd be silly and would put me in a world of hurt.
I meant don't worry about the future in a wasteful and stressful manner. I'm not saying you should just fuck it and just do things from the spur of the moment.
Plus in the magical sense you must always consider/will things to be happening in the Now unless of course you're aiming for a long lasting effect.
I have a question about mental reprogramming and memories.
First, as far as I understand, memories can never be completely removed– they can only be repressed or replaced. I'm curious as to how to achieve this: essentially, making yourself forget. I have an idea I think would work, but I'm not sure because I'd require surgical precision over here.
I'm more going for memory replacement; the memories involved here will be replaced with false memories, and I've identified several triggers invoking the memories I'm trying to replace. I'm gathering them up and going through them in chronological order, starting with the oldest memory formed to the latest.
My idea involves some drugs (I'm thinking tiny amounts of psychedelic; LSD or DMT would probably work best for this), a trance-like state, self-hypnosis; whatever that would allow for an interface to the parts I'm trying to hack. So, I already have an idea for the interface. My question is, specifically, how do I hack it? How do I ensure surgical precision, so I don't accidentally fuck things up?
I'd appreciate any sort of insight into this, thanks.
I read in a book on being psychic that you re-live the memory only when it gets to the part you want to change, you replace it frame-by-frame with what you wanted it to be.
Or, as Ive read here, you re-live it only with detached love toward the event, so it no longer screws with you.
Shadow work
I kinda doubt it is that easy to fuck up, and I imagine that drugs would make it more difficult to not fuck up, since I've read they open your aura to stuff/can cause misperception.
I did a bit of research on sleep cycles so I'm going to try and modify it so that I end on a REM sleep cycle and not a NREM cycle but I haven't had any negative side effects and I feel well rested but I also know that if you seep for an hour you can feel well rested but it will still do damage to your overall health. (not sure about the last part)
As of late I've been wounded (cut) how dose one heal better and faster.
any ideas?
What systems/books do you guys recommend for something less Ceremonial and more "practical in everyday life"?
I made the experience that weed doesn't really work for visualization and meditation.
The only thing weed does is making you feel your body better. You could fix your meditation posture and breathing, but the mind isn't really affected positively - rather it feels like opened floodgates to me and makes every kind of crap pass into your mind. Focus seems harder this way, especially visualization.
For general healing focus on the area with loving.intent to heal.
Also channel the energy so it comes from Source or whatever. And you can put your palms on the area (for some reason I guessed it.was cuts on the finger/hand though.)
Yeah weed gets you higher. More aware of energies and stuff, harder to stay… centered. So it doesn't necessarily help meditation but can help energywork.
In my experience.
>you replace it frame-by-frame with what you wanted it to be.
>you re-live it only with detached love toward the event, so it no longer screws with you.
I'm going to try and re-live it frame-by-frame with detached love toward the event while in a DMT-influenced trance-like state.
I feel more energetic when I smoke weed, and doing things like martial arts , yoga or just stretching feels much better.
Also it is easier to feel around your body, like be aware of only one specific part of your body, which as >>1110 said maybe is good for energy work? I do energy exercises when I smoke weed and go for a walk, and just try to imagine moving my energy as a ball , from one hand to another, and trying to feel its weight and heat.
>Never smoked weed in my life
Congrats. That seems uncommon nowadays.
>feels much better.
>Also it is easier to feel around your body,
I first learned how to move yin and yang energies and differentiate them when I was really stoned one time.
A different time I smoked until my body felt like moving and then let it do its thing to loosen me up.
How do you guys choose your entities that you work with? With all the endless ammounts of entities out there how do you know which ones will work/help you/isn't bullshit, and which ones are? Or do you create thoughtforms and charge them by yourself until it does your task?
There was an old deleted site that member of it wrote the Book of Knowledge, anyone got link to the archive of it, was it windwalker windwaker?something along that line.
Is it true that the key to making everything you want possible lies somewhere inside your mind? If it is, then it's the strongest motivation anyone could hope for, the will would be amplified many times over
Another question relating to this, what do you guys usually do when you meditate?
Also how do you go deeper and deeper in meditation? It seems that after I relax completely I can't really go into deeper states of consciousness
btw I'm this guy >>1086
Also as a response to >>1099
I just did a test with only four hours sleep and I had an interesting experience and I've experienced sleep deprivation and this was nothing like what I experience or symptoms I've found during research.
I felt refreshed and well rested for about five hours, I was communicating with others for that time, upon returning home I was able to concentrate on myself and found that my emotions were really intense.
My emotional responses were normal but I could feel it more the usual, I could feel them more clearly and I could direct them from my head to different parts of my body with my will, my ability to concentrate felt different then usual but was still as effective perhaps more so.
I went to bed after this because I wasn't sure how I would function at work like that.
What happened?
Has any one else experienced anything similar?
should I do this again?
was this a bad idea?
has anyone here meditated for 24 hours non-stop? if so, what did you accomplish during this meditation session?
>That seems uncommon nowadays.
It does indeed.
In my youth I went to a birthday party where everyone would gather around a bong and took drags (?) in turns, then one of the guests decided it'd be a good idea to drink the fucking bong water.
Being the only sober person there apart from the birthday boy's father I had to help the old man clean the retard who drank the water after he shat and vomited all over himself.
After seeing the caliber of people who smoke weed and drink heaps of alcohol, the decision to stay clear of this lifestyle was easy.
My own questions to people who AP here on the reg, I ended up in some sort of a pub and had the most delicious fucking mead ever, which is strange because I never had it in the physical yet I knew exactly what it was. Reminded me of the scene in Matrix where Mouse talks about how everything tastes like chicken.
Anyway my question is, what's the tastiest thing you've had in the astral or share the most vibrant experience that makes the physical seem like earth compared to heaven.
Also in one of the realms there was a huge beam of light coming from the ground. I thought fuck it and jumped into it and got transported down to a planet's core. Merging with a planetary consciousness was absolutely surreal but the experience was too much so I got thrown back into my physical body and almost vomited, feeling pretty nauseous and disoriented/lightheaded for about an hour after coming back. Any experiences like that you can share or shed light on what I may have done?
>>Are there any good before and after stories of someone who went from a mundane to a wizard? I'd like to see how it improved individual lives.
I'd love to hear what your journey was like/what sorts of things you read and what you've discarded, what books or meditations you'd recommend.
Also I recall reading your routine somewhere but I forget where and would like to follow it as a start.
How to train memory? I've lately been getting to sort of an ungrounded state where when I get uncomfortable from too much sensation i let go of some degree of awareness/memory and can botch something simple or forget something I heard less than an hour ago if i didn't deem it important to remember.
Maybe the method of locis could work, all the modern memory improvement i ´ve heard of are based on this one, i haven't tried it yet though.
Hello. I have a tulpa and I'd like to know how she can harvest loosh on her own from the sun, moon, crystals, and plants. How would one go about doing such a thing. I have absolutely no clue how loosh works or how one attains such energy.
I'm in the process of lavishing her with neuromuscular energy as well as that of the chakral kind. Any tips on how to visualize neuromuscular energy as you copypasta'd? (Should it be translucent, empty blue astral energy, white, etc.?)
imo it's all about feeling. Use any technique you can convince yourself works; the more intuitive the better. Make something up and it'll work; the only thing other techniques are for is a crutch until you feel it more.
I could be wrong.
How does one eat a parasitic entity?
I'm tired of all of this "surround yourself with white light" stuff. I want to do this fucker some damage.
If I've a body and therefore a very strong dominance over most purely astral foes, surely there's a way to play at their own game rather than be slowly possessed by an invasive entity.
You should probably apply yourself and reread his posts in the question threads as I'm pretty sure he answered all those questions before.
Make an effort fam.
What I used to do for keks is fap to become a fountain of energy for entities, thus attracting them. Once I sensed them, I've visualized their bodies being grabbed by a few astral arms I grew from my back. I then reduced their shapes into pure light, absorbed the light into those astral arms and then returned them into my body, giving myself a rush of energy.
It's fun but STS as fuck so I don't do it anymore.
i spend all day working sitting in front of a computer. is there anything i could do while i work? I'am already stretching my legs sitting in padmasana , and doing perineum muscle exercise (just contracting while inhaling, exhaling and relaxing ). I also try to listen to youtube videos, but I'd want to know if you guys have other suggestions of things I can do or listen to while I'm working. I mostly watch youtube stuff or tv series when i feel too bored.
Oh it can't be too interactive, i use a second computer, i can't do anything with my job computer, i use a laptop to play music videos etc
How to eat a parasite:
First, project out of your body and encounter such a negative entity. If you have an attachment, you may find one near the place you sleep. You want a direct confrontation.
You may find anything at all, or most likely it'll just be a strong point of pressure in the air. If it runs instead of trying to confront you, it's not a parasite and you should let it go. Otherwise, grab it in your hands. Take note of how it feels - if it's warm, if feelings or memories flood your mind which aren't strictly negative, or if it talks to you and says anything that isn't along the lines of 'fuck you' - it's probably not a parasite and you should let it go.
If it has form rather than being a point of pressure, get rid of its form any way you can.
Mash it up until it's nothing but a point, or just reach inside to its core. It will be quite painful to hold, which should confirm it's the parasite you're after.
Then, push it into your body through your palms. Let it in. Do not put it in your mouth. I've had success cutting them down with my teeth, but have never once been able to kill one by eating it. They just get stuck in the throat.
Imagine your skin has turned to steel and it cannot get out no matter what it tries. While you do that, focus on that pressure and diminish it into nothing with all the mental force you can muster. It will try to escape. Keep focusing on both until it dies.
no idea.
It was kinda gross to me at first but after a week or two one gets acclimated to it.
Consuming animal fats makes it takes significantly worse; I find milk makes it sickly sweet. Idk about peanuts or coconut oil tho.
Certain Herbs/Astragalus root seems to make it taste not good.
Otherwise I find the taste medicinal, but I do take holy basil and some vitamins and eat fairly clean.
honestly my piss tastes good to me. it's like drinking chicken broth or something, except for the dark morning piss
Generally when you summon an entity you can feel its energy and demeanor as soon as you meet it.
I have never heard of a wizard being trolled by a malevolent entity pretending to be nice. As far as which entity you summon depends entirely on what you want to happen. Your wish almost certainly has a deity from the Olympic pantheon of gods or dozens of others that exists as an aspect of your wish, be it healing, agility or mastery or whatever.
If it's something specific and localized, I'd create a thoughtform to fulfill my particular wish. Though that's not mutually exclusive, feel free to use both your own thoughtforms and preexisting entities.
So I'm back from a weekend on the country and I must say the place felt energetic as always, but for the first time ever I noticed just how much quartz is there, on chunks and finer forms.
I wanted to know if there can be a relation between this quartz overload and the fact that this particular place is the most frequent location for my dreams since my early childhood.
Also, I'd like to know if there's some method to prospect for the purest and clearer quartz on that place, for almost every stone and chunk is cloudy and cracked - some magickal method of course, I'm not willing to dig more than a few meters downwards.
What is the main difference between love and neediness? I believe it has something to do with the I/Me sides of the mind. Maybe neediness is being in love with the personality of being in love? Or identifying with the persona of a lover - one is afraid of being regarded as non loving thus they compensate. Once the individual rises to a higher plane, emotions raise their vibration too - neediness transforms into love. This is just a theory of mine based on some experience. I believe that everything is in the 7 Axioms.
Also, as i understand it, there are a lot of planes of consciousness. There's the physical plane, the plane of personality, the plane of I am. Whats the next plane?
How do I meditate on something?
I know it's stupid but just clear my mind and focus on it or what?
I don't think I'm retarded just dense
IMO neediness is you wanting some good at the expense of someone else (you might not notice this, believing you authentically care about the other person), while love is more like you wanting someone else's good at your expense.
Also the planes go: Physical, Astral, Mental. There´re certain inter-planes comprising the Astral (7 and even then you have 7 subdivisions).
Focusing on X is a secondary step in most systems. First being clearing your mind. Once you're able to keep you mind empty - some 3 weeks of training - you can begin with the focusing and visualization exercises.
There´s no direct method for this, is more like a byproduct of the other practices. Meditate, do energy work, work in your astral projection, read and the Self-hood will come on its own.
>When you guys do rituals, do you only do them while scrying astrally? (Imagining the ritual taking place and completing it only in your mind without doing anything physical)
I would not use the word scrying to describe that, however to answer on point: I usually do a few physical things, postures with my flesh/mudras, candles, incense, stones/crystals and occasionally some others as well (use of a knife, cup, wand, etc.) but in large majority, it's done mentally/in the mind.
>Or do you guys go all the way and offer sacrifices?
I'll usually offer a small amount (1/10 to a 1/3 or so) of what I collect/gather (be it energy or physically manifest things) back to the universe at large but I don't do sacrifices in the traditional sense where I slaughter a pig or anything like that.
>What is some positive occult symbolism on bulls?
Tarus (the astrological sign)
>I am in need of a mentor of some sort, would this be a good thread to find one or should I make a separate thread?
If you seek one in physicality
>I often go to a place in nature, some kind of sanctuary, to complement about life and metaphysics. On one such occassion, I meditated and focused on my purpose in life. The result was the following […] Can anyone make sense of this?
I would guess you are that preserver-child, but what do you feel it meant? That is of more importance.
>Does anyone have good reading material for me? I'm a big big fan of Carlos Castaneda, I read all of his books, some of them twice.
Have you tried looking for other toltec-esque sites/books? I can't really recommended any out of personal experience, however, there does seem to be some stuff from a brief search on the subject.
>Hay guys just need to clarify what is loosh and how to use it?
Another term for lifeforce/emotional/spiritual energy. Term coined by Robert Monroe in his astral voyages where, upon interacting with nonphysical entities, he learned this energy was called “loosh” and that mankind was being farmed for this energy. Same thing as Demiurgic energy.
The crudest type is simply etheric energy, which is produced by all living things including plants. The more refined type is astral energy, the energy of emotion and passion and drive. Etheric and astral energies are not entirely distinct but blend from one type into the other.
Astral energy is released when a being feels pleasure or pain or any other emotion. Only 2nd Density and higher lifeforms can produce astral energy, for 1st Density lifeforms do not have astral bodies only etheric and/or physical. In Far Journeys by Robert Monroe, an explanation is given of earth as an energy farm, whereby hyperdimensional controllers began with plants to produce a low type of loosh and later discovered that more sentient beings produced a more exquisite kind of loosh if made to experience fear, suffering, pain and anguish. Hence the Matrix Control System working as the machinery of the energy farm to harvest mankind of astral and etheric energies through perpetual war, hardship, death, sexual obsession, and other forms of spiritual oppression.
One may use it by directing-willing and intending it/change to be-come (the) manifest reality. Energy work and energetic alchemy is a way this can be accomplished abstractions like spells, or affirmation, or sigils are another way to work with it.
>Also how dose one become more aware?
By exercising your awareness, by becoming more familiar with how to focus your consciousness viz. meditation.
>how dose one direct loosh?
By sensing it and applying your will as previously stated.
>Would you guys say the "gut feeling" we get is our higher self trying to communicate with us?
Gut feelings are intuitive impressions and a way of receiving information in a non-linear way, from your higherself, your flesh body's natural intelligence and just in general sensing environmental vibrations.
>it's actually your LOWER self
I would not call it the lowerself as that is usually used to refer to the ego-mask of incarnation…
>in the form of bacteria in your tummy.
>they, too, communicate with you.
This too.
>How to become muscle wizard?
IMHO, Calisthenics, esoteric nutrition (such as urine, ORMS/monoatomic elements, blessed/programmed food, etc.), energetic alchemy, and lots of intention/visualization focused on the form you desire to achieve.
>how does one form a tulpa?
My suggested method:
Step 1, choose a name or other unique way of distinguishing it (sigil, vib-feeling, etc.)
Step 2, choose duties/directives, traits, aspects, features, etc.
Step 3, direct energy to the focal point of step 1 shaping it in the form/guidelines as laid out in step 2
After a good amount of energy/time/consciousness has been directed into-at it then it will start to grow-develop on it's own (however it will still be dependent on you for sustenance/energy). After a time you may start to feel it, hear it, see it, etc.
>the 8chan-fringe-onion-thing denizens say that with /fringe/'s help, they can be formed in weeks, but they call them thoughtforms?
Tulpa is the Tibetan name of a phenonoma, which in western occultism they are typically called a thoughtform, however thoughtforms are more of a general umbrella term while tulpa is more specific to a certain level of development.
>Tulpas, from what I've read, are fished out of the Astral, how do I do this? Sorry if this question is inept.
Not totally sure what you are asking here; there should be an astral (emotional) element to their soul/aura, I suppuse it's more of a servitor than a tulpa without that.
>I cannot find the tulpa thread, I think it archived.
>How does one go about killing/banishing a reptilian that's trying to possess you.
You should declare your will be that you posses your own flesh and that you are the sovereign of it, desire not heir influence, and work on then raising your (average) vibrational rate to a level in which they can not effect you.
The latter can be done in multitudes of ways, the simplest is to obtain purity of mind, body, and soul.
>I've had one fucking stubborn case of impending possession for a while now. I thought it was a demon, but the various "surround yourself with white light" or the LBRP don't work.
>white light didn't working
Where you persistent in your workings? This may not be something that will heal up overnight. The most dramatic changes can take months or years to manifest.
>It tried to influence me to make a reptilian tulpa a while ago, and it had a long tongue in my visions of it.
One must learn to deal with temptations and dark visions and not to act upon them should they occur and instead focus on your will.
>Hey guys, how do I avoid arching my back while meditating?
Practice, also having your hips in the right position really helps when they are rotated in 'normal sitting' posture it alters how your lower spine rests which causes additional stress; that's why lotus is pretty much the ideal, stretch until such is achivible don't push it too fast and hurt yourself.
>Also after like 10 minutes my muscles start being strained and tremble even if I'm on "comfortable" positions like sitting on a chair trying to stay with my back erect.
Practice, practice, practice. I too was once there, now I regularly sit for 2 hours perfectly upright. It's exercise like anything else.
>If I arch my back that's supposed to be bad
It is, it obscures the flow of energy.
>there are periods when I start seing the same numbers over and over.
>It's usually 22,33 or my date of birth.
Synchronsities all have meaning, you sould seek what it is. You have noticed such, that is the first step, now you need to discern what it is conveying (and don't assume it's necessarily all benevolent either).
>I'm pretty sure it's not me being focused on it because I'm not even thinking about it when I see them and on the contrary if I start thinking about it they don't appear.
That flow state aids in unity. You are probably over intellectualizing it and leaving the present moment when you 'think about it.'
>What's the meaning of this
Meaning of the numbers? May be standard numerelogical interpretations or more personal symbolic language, for the former see >>>/ask/201 for the latter you must ruminate/muse on it to discern said meaning.
>and why only on certain periods (like a week) and then it stops for returning later another week?
I can not say.
>Do you think 20 minutes meditations are good? I've read on a book it's best to do 20 minutes sessions but is that good enough? Should I go on longer?
Any amount is good and better than nothing. I would advise as much and as often as you can, to help with that start with something you can manage even if it's only 5 or 10 minutes a day. Then expand it longer and longer.
>First: drink more water, that thing is way too dark second: WTF!
The color seems fine to me, though water is (almost) always good, I've noticed diminishing return if I'm consuming large amounts of water & also looping a lot of urine; it takes a bit to become as potent in the bladder so if you're urinating every hour it won't be (loosh wise) much better than doing it every 3 hours.
>There is a reason that leaves you body, don't put it back inside.
Urine is a different system for a reason. If it needs to leave it will (through the bowels).
>The only things your body can use from piss is micronutrients that could not be stored (for people who take vitamin pills) and water.
The molecular structure of water is important too, the body organizes it, the distilled nature of it helps to detox the body, and also the loosh contained as well.
>The yellowish color is pure garbage your liver and blatter decided it couldn't be used.
This is false. First off urea (contained in the urine) is amazing and has use in many different regenerative/restorative applications and is even used in cosmetic products, secondly the, unless dark to the point of brown it is not a signifier of garbage but rather concentrations of minerals and urea. If it actually is brown then there may be something else wrong.
>I am surprised that no one, not even admin said anything against this.
There is freedom of speech here you know.
>Are you thinking it's some role-playing troll? I won't take chances.
The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don't know anything about. - Wayne Dyer
That said, there are plenty of documented uses of it's curative properties and it has a long tradition in folk medicine as well.
>I remember reading somewhere that if you were to tell a lucid dreamer to look up and down repeatedly (or other similarly specific directions), that the eye movements could be seen from the outside world.
Plausible as the mind is often partially still connected to the flesh even if it's subconscious link.
>So it's possible for there to be some kind of communication between a lucid dreamer in the midst of the dream and the outside world.
This is pretty much what hypnosis and guided meditations are.
>My question is, if one could design a machine that could read these eye movements and then use that signal to inject a drug into your body, would it be possible for you and your tulpa in the midst of a lucid dream to go on a trip together?
In theory, however once you become adept at spiritual matters you can go 'tripping' or going to have a spiritual walkabout without the necessity of drugs.
>I like the idea of having a tulpa but I was told that they were dangerous
They can be as they can be as you are creating an intelligent conscious being who is dependent on you for survival and if not cultivated in a careful way they can turn around and attempt to vampirize their creator for energy and for survival.
>and so you should only interact with your tulpa in your lucid dream.
I'm not sure how this would protect one though.
>If I wish to trip with my tulpa, it would have to be from within a lucid dream then. I would need to enter the dream and somehow consume the drug. Originally, I did think of some kind of machine that lights the drug and then using a fan, some tubes and a special mask, the drug could be lightly inhaled (like a scuba diving air tank but with drugs) but apparently, in order to get the effects of smoking a drug, it has to be really deep, intense puffs which cannot be done unconsciously. Naturally, ingestion is out of the question. Injection is the only way to go.
I exercise caution with this type of thing if you do choose to pursue it.
I don't know what happened to that flag, it was in there originally but I just re-added it.
define self-taught
are you sure you just didn't reach enlightenment in a past life and thus had no ego to overcome in this one?
I just went through a break up. I mean, it's not a break up, we saw each other like 3 times within two months but the problem was that i became too needy and she felt that vibe so naturally she said that she doesn't want a relationship…
That aside, i feel like i can't recover from this. Sure i am able to enjoy life even now but i feel like i can't love another girl… I imagine my self kissing other girls but it just doesn't feel like the thought of kissing her…
Will i ever be able to truly love someone again? I feel castrated.
hello everyone, i was talking with a friend of mine and he syas something about the book of sao Cipriano, it is more of a portuguese-brazilian lore, but you can try to look on the wikipedia to know what i talk to.
my question is how real is it? doyou know about him? there are three books made by him.
what can you say about it? the myth is big here in portugal i do not know about brazil but i heard that it is too. people say that if you read the book from the back to the front you summon the devil
It's basically about making a pact with the devil and using infernal powers to your end so pretty standard demonology.
It goes to great lengths about the tools you'll need and your necessary preparation.
I think you might be able to find a pdf online, it's rather famous. I've never read it from back to front though so I wouldn't know if that does anything but the entire book is about summoning the devil so I find this folklore tale pretty funny.
thanks, the friend of mine says that some old women like 105-110 years old giving the book to his mom but the book was stolen afterwards.
another thing, you know where i can download some version? in portuguese it has just quotes from the book and never the book itself.
you know some in enligsh? how is the english title? An autentic version is aprreciated
I know You'll say take it to /library/ but I was wondering if any of you wizards know where I could get a physical copy of NEW energy ways v2.
I can't find it anywhere but pdf.
I'm just so sure this one is pointed out somewhere else: Reading.
Today I read the world "Metropolitan" and then it was something else, and I knew it was a dream but I got so excited I woke up. How to prevent this? It has happened the two times I lucid dreamed, I get all pumped up and just wake up, this night I even told myself "calm down, let's try something simple like changing the color of the sky" but just as I was thinking that, I woke up.
How strong is Goku tough-form nowadays if compared to most known gods? Can he defeat Jehova? How do gods die?
How safe is it hunt and eat( or merge with) random weak creatures in the astral?
I've read that demons use obtained souls to get more direct influence over reality.Is it possible get more of that "soul substance" or extra "godspark"? How?
I wasn't needy from the start of the relationship. I mean i have some needy episodes, but that's not really my issue i don't feel that way anymore…
I just feel like im not able to really love another girl the way i started loving her… Is my feeling right or will i get over it?
>I just went through a break up. I mean, it's not a break up, we saw each other like 3 times within two months but the problem was that i became too needy and she felt that vibe so naturally she said that she doesn't want a relationship…
>That aside, i feel like i can't recover from this. Sure i am able to enjoy life even now but i feel like i can't love another girl… I imagine my self kissing other girls but it just doesn't feel like the thought of kissing her…
>Will i ever be able to truly love someone again? I feel castrated.
You have some serious attachment issues, I suggest fixing as soon as possible. Forget having mundane relationships and just work towards becoming a god. If you really desire to have a relationship, stop. There are always tulpas if you really desire to have a relationship, but don't go fooling yourself with that shit.
>How strong is Goku tough-form nowadays if compared to most known gods?
What kind of shit anime question is this?
>How safe is it hunt and eat( or merge with) random weak creatures in the astral?
Don't be retarded. The answer to this question is literally right in the question.
WEAK creatures
After I meditate in the dark I see these white things and it I can't really see it with my eyes, if that makes sense.
anyone know what this is?
>white things
very broad term. Could be visual snow. look it up.
>I can't really see it with my eyes
that's most likely the astral senses then. But if by not "really seing it with your eyes" you mean that you can see it with your eyes closed, then back to visual snow.
You will definitively get over it.
First a brief lesson about how emotions work. All types of emotions are never directly for the person you feel but for the image you have of that person.
For example someone being nice to you to trick you is a bad person but you will her anyway.
In similar way that feeling you have for her is not exactly for her. It's for image of the perfect girl to marry.
I cannot provide much personal help but give time to time and trust me when I say that when you meet that new nice girl, you will see her as the only that fits you.
Don't feel castrated. Think that you will still love the same girl, but with a different name and tastes.
>"Forget having mundane relationships and just work towards becoming a god"
>Stop liking the things you like and pursuing those goals you set for yourself and start pursuing mine.
The only way to realize the unimportance of a relationship is by getting one.
>What kind of shit anime question is this?
The kind that expects a real answer..
>Don't be retarded. The answer to this question is literally right in the question. WEAK creatures.
My apologies. I bet the dragon meat you eat is delicious :^)
I do have visual snow
but not it, what I'm seeing is hard to describe, it's kind of like how psychedelic patterns are commonly presented but just white along with the black of the room.
Im really young, this was like my first time i've been with a girl longer than 3 days… So yeah, tell me im mundane, but abandoning human life in order to become a god seems retarded. We're here for a reason.
And i believe becoming a god doesn't mean anything. What do you mean by becoming a god? Do you mean having superpowers, seeing into other dimensions, manipulating people? That's so cool, but just tell me what's the point of having those. We have hands to eat, feet to walk, tongues to talk, ears to listen and eyes to see.
If you mean becoming a God in the sense of merging with the Source then i also definently think that superpowers will not do much for me.
it does but it also starts to change into circles that dissipate as another circle takes it's place.
Then it goes back to that.
Consistent quiet mind meditation.
Also, if you suffer from panic attacks and have no way of stopping them as they take place, I highly recommend benzodiazepines. Just never take them more then twice a week. I speak from personal experience.
I would advice against using any kind of drugs, especially benzo.
Been struggling with depression and anxiety my whole life and meds only made things worse. Among other things, they made me think that it's okay to allow external sources to influence me to make me feel good, which pushed me to my opiate addiction.
Benzo (depends of course on dosage and type of drug) makes you extremely slow and sedated and is highly addictive.
Dunno, maybe it's just my junkie brain and you'd do better, but I recommend to you learning how to meditate and meditating. It can help much more than any drug and with no side effects.
>When I meditate I [can] change my minds response to pain, I still feel it and can process it as a warning that something's a miss but my mind doesn't focus on it so I feel it less (I suppose) and there are no physical knee jerk reaction but I still say ouch as a response despite it not hurting.
>I've changed how mend hours I sleep in one sitting from nine hours to four hours just to see if it'll work (it dose) and I didn't need to reset the process the next night it just works.
>I've also disabled my attraction to women I tested it out by looking as some pornography that I know I like and even tings that I find irresistible but no physiological response and no urge to masturbate.
>Was this a good idea? Why (not)?
I see nothing outwardly wrong and you do seem to be proceeding in a careful fashion. I see exploration and pushing of the boundaries of what you once where as a good thing.
>I did experience a bit of enjoyment in watching something (people sensually kissing) but it was akin to eating a piece of fruit and perhaps that could be attributed to me liking the feeling of that act.
It's kinda like viewing fine art, you're basking in it's vibration it induces in you by consuming it.
>Is this shadow work?
From the descriptions I've seen of shadow work it deals with the (re)programming and facing of your subconsciousness/psyche/lowerself, in brief:
Enlightenment consists not only of seeing luminous shapes and visions, but in making the darkness visible. The latter procedure is more difficult, and therefore, unpopular. - Carl Jung
What you're doing is more an altering of the basic protocols, the mechanical hows of your flesh and consciousness rather than 'facing your demons' and limits and problems acquired through life which is more typically represented by your 'shadow.'
>Can it be used to give myself ability's like clairvoyance or telekinesis?
Quite possibly. It would be gained through similar application of attention (consciously choosing where it goes) but not by focus on bodies but rather the object of merger (the mind of another or an object).
>If not what is shadow work and how should I start with it? and what is this?
If you feel you are anything but pure unadulterated love simply going through awakening yes, otherwise there may not be much (if any) to confront.
>I was thinking that perhaps that all of the body and minds processes are represented as something like computer programs is simply an aesthetic that I chose and this is no different to other systems in regards to potential.
Not a bad metaphor. Everything other than the pure core of spirit is the propagated/manifest interface with reality, or in this nomenclature, the procedurally generated API for reality.
>Sounds like I shouldn't ever discuss if I have negative feelings, and that I should get over them.
You should not linger or dwell on them, however discussion can aid in the internalization the lessons they provided.
>But that I shouldn't hold others to that
Indeed you can not, the only one who's mind you are truly responsible for and sovereign over is your own. We may help others but can not force them.
>should be able to clear the negative energies they may dump onto me.
Yes, we need to learn to master the energies we are subject to so we can be as we desire-will and not simply bent to the whim of the mere happenstance of circumstance.
>I guess I feel wistful about that kind of thing, like I'm less human.
Do you desire to remain human? I know that feel though, it's almost a nostalgia about a simpler time and life. I remind myself of my ultimate desires and that of, our effort to remain what we are limits us.
To release all my limitations and grow into the infinite. The more I've done this, despite my status an questionably human (by several acquaintances) I enjoy where and what I am and that which I ever strive into.
>suppose some of the difficulty in implementing emotional-based stuff is the idea of "where is me, what am I really, when the things I desire and feel aren't real/are to be overcome".
Do as you desire, if you desire to be ephemeral emotionally driven being then indulge yourself, after a time you will yearn for more self mastery and unity.
>Perhaps that is simply due to fear of death/transformation
As you start to de/reconstruct your form the ego fears for self preservation, as it, by definition, would be a different being if the form it associate with changes.
>I need to let things fall away while respecting/listening to my body's needs (which I didn't before, not knowing the difference between want and need [still don't but I have a healthier way to approach it] and desiring to progress perhaps too quickly).
At least regarding food I've found conscious eating >>>/fringe/291 to really help and just in general taking in the vibrations of things even if one does not physically consume them. Take an item and hold it in your hands in front of you and take in its essence.
>I still kinda think I should speak for what I was working with/how I was hurt
If you think that would help then do, even if it's just in a dear diary entry.
>I guess not share how it felt.
Beware simply suppressing it, this will result in additional problems down the road.
>Or maybe just move past it entirely/start fresh.
This is not a bad option however what ever it was happened for a reason, and unless you internalize what/why it happened it will (most likly) be karmically induced so you have an opportunity and can learn such again.
>I think I'll just ask that, and say I'm not sure whether she cares for what I feel [or if she simply needs me for something] because… I'm not. and I guess
>I can treat her with detached warmth.
This is a good stance, in general, for the world.
>I'd perceived before that she'd treated a level of unconditional love the same way a mundane woman/person would, seeing it as "weak", but that might just be me.
I can not really say, but you're not wrong about most mundane's perspective on it. Maybe.
>Reptilian [have] been trying to possess me for a while. What would be the preferred sigil/visualization/mantra or galdr?
Take it with salt, but I would imagine Thurisaz or any other similar projection of your pure raw will.
>How do you handle life?
>As I realized my role as creator and the mental nature of perception, I became clueless on how to act right.
In a way which preserves and maximizes the collective freewill of creation at large while still attempting to increase consciousness awareness and the amount-intensity of love present in reality.
>But I'm overwhelmed with the possibilities and I don't really receive any definite guidance from within
Perhaps you need to discover yourself, remember:
Not all those who wander are lost. - J. R. R. Tolkien
Sooner or later you shall discover your passions and desires.
>How do you do it? How do you know what you want?
I didn't for many years, after much wandering I found that which motivates me, which included both worldly and non pursuits.
>I don't fully trust this Montalk guy
And that's good, always question sources. Taking things at face value or blind faith is asking to be mislead. I may actually be wrong and not even know it, this is why critical thinking and personal analysis is very important.
>First, as far as I understand, memories can never be completely removed– they can only be repressed or replaced.
I would argue that 'replacing' is a form of repression. Which is never healthy.
>My idea involves some drugs (I'm thinking tiny amounts of psychedelic; LSD or DMT would probably work best for this), a trance-like state, self-hypnosis; whatever that would allow for an interface to the parts I'm trying to hack. So, I already have an idea for the interface. My question is, specifically, how do I hack it?
Assuming you even really want to do such, once you get into gnosis it should be as simple as exerting your will to move into the desired state. However I can't say with certainty that it will work because it seems to me a bit oxymonoric, using awareness to remove awareness, and is not something I have ever done.
>How do I ensure surgical precision, so I don't accidentally fuck things up?
Focusing on the desired state, that's pretty much how all magic works. You don't worry about the mechanism but the result, the hows are taken care of by the path of least resistance. Simply be sure that end goal is actually something you desire and that it won't monkie's paw on you.
>I imagine that drugs would make it more difficult to not fuck up, since I've read they open your aura to stuff/can cause misperception.
This, however they can also help take you out of your normal frame of consciousness and aid in working as well. Proceed with caution.
>I did a bit of research on sleep cycles so I'm going to try and modify it so that I end on a REM sleep cycle and not a NREM cycle but I haven't had any negative side effects and I feel well rested but I also know that if you seep for an hour you can feel well rested but it will still do damage to your overall health.
I've done something similar for 3 months (at my longest) and I noticed no ill effects. In all the records and diaries I've read of those why have done similar the only thing noted as a lasting effect was the ability to fall asleep shockingly fast (<5 seconds), but this was only achieved after many months or even years.
>As of late I've been wounded (cut) how dose one heal better and faster.
By focusing increased loosh in that area and programming it to (accelerate) healing. You can also ground out/clear any stagnation or bad energy that is there as well. This is how I do most of my healing. What varies is the energies I work with, how I deal with and acquire them, the affirmations, incantations and/or prayers I use.
I very much agree against using drugs. Benzodiazepines are the only exception, but only if used as a 'panic button' type of deal. Limit your intake to absolutely no more but one or two a week, and you'll be fine. Don't see it as a substitute or cure. It should be the "if all else fails" option. If you feel like you won't be able to limit your intake, then don't get any Benzodiazepines at all.
I'm sorry to hear you ultimately ended up with an opiate addiction because of your anxiety and depression.
>I'm sorry to hear you ultimately ended up with an opiate addiction because of your anxiety and depression.
It's sweet, but don't be sorry :^)
My own choices and weaknesses led me to this situation and there is no excuse for that.
I don't have it that hard though. Doing codeine and morphine for several years on a daily basis is exhausting, sure, but I use magic to keep my body healthy and I can still function pretty okay. The one thing drugs really fucked in me (or, more precisely, I myself fucked using drugs) is my motivation.
Maybe some day I will tell my story, but I don't know what the point of that would be. I don't want compassion and I don't expect any helpful advice. I don't think anyone can help me, nor I want any help.
I fixed almost everything in my life by meditation and magic - including depression and anxiety - but this is one thing I did not. I know how to do it, it's simple really, but I don't know what's the point. I mean, I can quit opiates with almost no withdrawal syndromes (or literally none if I really overdo it with meditations and mental rituals) but what comes next is worse. Mundane society is killing me, drugs are the only thing that allows me to put up with this crap.
Or so I tell myself at least.
Anyway, thanks for reading this, I wanted to get this of my chest for a while.
>In a way which preserves and maximizes the collective freewill of creation at large while still attempting to increase consciousness awareness and the amount-intensity of love present in reality.
Yeah, I mean aside from that - daily life in particular.
>Sooner or later you shall discover your passions and desires.
I feel like I'm losing all that though.
I had some passions and desires but they lost intensity to the point that I question myself.
Daily life is impossible this way. I can't decide how to live, what career to choose, fucking hell, I can't even decide which music to listen to.
My life lacks any definiteness and I living along the circumstances is driving me insane.
You wrote this to another person but it fits my situtation perfectly:
>Do as you desire, if you desire to be ephemeral emotionally driven being then indulge yourself, after a time you will yearn for more self mastery and unity.
Yeah, the problem is that it doesn't work.
The inner guidance that I relied on to get through the day, it doesn't tell me on what to do if I want to quit this rollercoaster ride.
Once ephemeral, always ephemeral - so it seems to me. You know what happens to an astronaut in open space if he starts spinning uncontrollably?
Yeah, it won't fucking stop.
Now instead of the universe, I'm spinning in my innerverse and it sucks as well.
>I didn't for many years, after much wandering I found that which motivates me, which included both worldly and non pursuits.
That's nice. How did you do it?
Did you listen to inner guidance or did you decide on a certain thing and stuck to it?
I watched the movie after posting the pic btw Wasn't that good 6/10
However I found this thread >>>/loosh/432
I find it interesting that I'm not the only one suffering from a lack of direction/feel for the right direction, figuring this thing out will be a big progress.
McKenna was mentioned, I'll read his books now and later I'll get myself some psychedelics (first time) and do some spiritual expeditions. Fuck yea, this is going to be good. Can't wait to get out of my established thinking patterns, I'm fucking excited.
Obviously I'll present the results if I get any.
>Did you listen to inner guidance or did you decide on a certain thing and stuck to it?
I just picked the path of engineering and stuck to it as my mundane life. Sure I doubt it every now and then as I'm interested in psychology as well but I still derive great enjoyment from successfully analyzing circuits and creating stuff from electronic dice to AM radios.
I was always drawn to technology though so the choice was pretty clear cut for me. Think of what you like doing in your spare time and then think of what practical job related applications that passion has.
What is the closet religious job I could get from college that would let me be a wiz full time.
I've thought about being a professional exorcist when I advance enough but I feel it's unrealistic and probably wouldn't pay consistently.
Probably psychiatrist but good fucking luck opening your own practice.
Also in the age of atheism I can't think of many people that'd pay for an exorcist.
Ok, I figured it out without any drugs.
It suddenly came upon me after my last post when I started watching a McKenna interview. Real fucking magick right here.
So that guy was ranting about how our patriarchal society kinda sucks and how the female spiritual essence is neglected which is ultimately the cause of UFOs and aliens through the subconscious of humanity lol
This gave me the idea, here it goes:
The lack of drive towards doing productive things/ having a definite path/ applying the male creative energy is caused by an imbalance of male and female energy in one's life.
One has to counterbalance every exertion of masculine activity with feminine passivity.
So if you were to be working all day, you'll need to rest at night Also notice how this correlates beautifully with the masculine solar day and the feminine lunar night
A prolonged masculine lifestyle without counterbalance is detrimental to health. Burnout of workaholics or even cancer is just the body's defense mechanism to stop the masculine exertion and further unbalanced action.
I suspect the inability to be decisive and goal oriented stems from this problem.The body and mind will start refusing prolonged masculine lifestyle for it's lack of feminine counterbalance and will enforce the feminine energy by being a lazy passive shit and staying up late into the night, consuming a lot of stuff.
Needless to say that this is not the most efficient way to balance the energies.
Nature has a much better solution at hand: The romantic relationship of man and woman.
As a male, a loving girlfriend or wife will be your source of feminine energy - so you can be the unrestricted masculine man all day long. In the evening you will unite(in your most preferred way) and exchange those energies. The best thing is that your gf will profit from this as well as you will become her source of masculine energy. That's the unity of a partnership.
Notice how some couples become so balanced in their relationship that they even perform as an unity in daily life - with the best results.
My prolonged state of not having a female partner halted my masculine performance and laid this ephemeral emotional drifting and sleeping habits upon me.
So that's that.
Of course this male-female thing is mentioned in many books and even the old tantric knowledge is available that describes this in a detailed way but I seriously underestimated it's effect and how deep this principle in ingrained in our world. Now I see it everywhere, every thing and every action is influenced by the masculine and feminine. This is the awareness upgrade I needed. Wew lad, how could I be so blind?
Now my next task is clear, I'll need a female partner to reach my higher male potential. Makes me kinda curious how celibacy even became a thing for spiritualism…
Anyway, I bet I'm seriously neglecting the influence of the elements as well and any other shit mentioned in "initiation into hermetics"
Here I will add some points worth considering that I won't further discuss in here:
-porn (how it hinders real energy balance)
-transgender (how gender is actually kinda valid and not tumblr crap)
-bisexuality (how it's an unbalanced state)
-monogamy (how it guarantees unity with the other sex)
>Think of what you like doing in your spare time and then think of what practical job related applications that passion has.
I'd like to be a racing driver but you know…
I wrote it up here >>1190
Might apply to your situation as well.
Every plebian will recommend you to "Get a girlfriend" and they're instinctively right with that.
I would always turn down this advice from my friends for being too simple and imagined their lust being their main driving factor.
But the real foundation of this answer is huge. I was so blind.
You have dozens of paths to get started, but
avoiding religion AND lots of theory will be very hard to find a good start.
If you want to avoid religion because you dislike the mainstream religion or the ideia of being you have to serve, then Spiritual Satanism(this isn't negative btw) is the way to go.
If you want to avoid religion because you dislike the seriousness in it or want to be more free, then Chaos Magick it is.
If you want to avoid walls of theory and be more practical because you are lazy don't like thinking, just follow wiccan and new age "recipes". That is actually the worst path, as you can't improve and have no spiritual evolution.
If you want to avoid wall of theory and be more practical because you want fast results then you don't need a book, you need discipline to improve every single day.
The basic structure of magick could be explained with just one post. There is not that much to learn from 3D books. Some authors (like Atkinson and Crowley as I've heard) like to ramble too much, if that's what you want to avoid.
Even different systems use the same principles and just give different names for the same things. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find a good theory book that is 100% free from religion(even chaos magick).
Initiation into Hermetics is one of the best starting books. It will be very useful to you if you continue to post here as many of us have read that one so it will be easier to communicate.
>>>/library/89 is the fastest book I've ever found. Good Luck
Now that I think about it, we need to make our own book.
Obviously as this is the internet there will be no consensus about the details there, it's better than nothing.
Read the FAQ. You want to read all the books it mentions in that order, and then you can start to branch out.
It is almost entirely theory followed by practice later. The practice is not something you follow right out of books, You learn how to do some basic things and then you realize how to do other things.
Don't worry about religion or labels, just follow the FAQ. Technically you would be a Hermeticist if you care. As for wanting to avoid theory, you can't. You must have a proper understanding of what you are doing.
If you want instant results with no understanding, look into invoking, evoking, chaos magick, etc. Don't be surprised when you hurt yourself or never make real progress outside of talking with loosh sucking demons.
>that shitty deviantart psionic handbook
Please don't suggest that garbage. This is /fringe/, not /x/
>The basic structure of magick could be explained with just one post.
It can be explained in one sentence. "As above, so below." See how this didn't change anything even though you know the truth? That is why that anon needs theory.
There is no need to reinvent the wheel. The books in the FAQ contain most of the information you will ever need.
The Kybalion is the one book of /fringe/.
Some of the books in the faq seem like a waste of time. Psychomancy gives the same practical advice as Mental Influence, and both are bloated with rambling and personal stories that wouldn't convince any mundanes anyway. The subjects covered in these two books are covered pretty well in Mind Power as well. I think it would be more worth someones time to reread mind power than to read a bunch of smaller books by him that are all fluff with about a page worth of substance.
Atkinson is great in the other books, but in those two he keeps saying that he will show you how to do something and never delivers.
Stop drinking water with fluoride. Avoid Sugar, Caffeine, Alcohol and Tobacco and anything that comes in a package.
Sungaze, practice yoga, and everything else Google could have told you.
It is wrong. Every person, no matter the gender, has both male and female energies.
I explained it on 8ch /fringe/ once already
I will quote a part of it to make things easier:
>Probably what he meant was that in some Western Esoteric traditions masculinity is considered active and is ascribed to the element of fire, to logic and mind, while femininity is considered passive and connected to the element of water, to intuition and emotion, but then he goes completely retarded claiming that having a dick is enough qualification to "be destined to be the mover of the universe".
>Each person, no matter the sex, has masculine and feminine energies so it's more of a metaphor and not actual description of physical genders, else males would not feel emotions and females would not think.
>Personally I dislike the notion of male/female = active/passive, precisely because that it gives a way to misunderstandings, like the one I just spoke of - it isn't about physical genders but about something more sublime and it's just one possible representation of duality in the universe. Dualities are also something I don't like.
>I prefer the Tantrik representation with Śiva/Śakti (which are of course essentially in unity) with Śiva being passive and Śakti active, but it's not the same thing as in Western traditions just in reverse, because Śiva (represented as male God) is pure, formless consciousness and Śakti (represented as female Goddess) is consciousness in form, thus both male/female belong in the sphere of Śakti while Śiva is neither. Thus, all people are essentially Śiva mind (atman) in Śakti body.
Now back to your post:
>male-female thing is mentioned in many books and even the old tantric knowledge is available that describes this in a detailed way
You have no idea what constitutes Tantra. If you think that it is some oriental "sex magic", or that it even has something to do with male/female energies, as you describe them, then you are deluded and misinformed.
Tantra is a complex magical system in itself. True Tantra (and not some New Agey "Tantric Sex Workshops" thingy) isn't focused on sex at all. There are some sex magic rituals (in some tantrik sects), but they are very complex and only for someone who already mastered their desires. So… no, there is no "old tantric knowledge" describing it in detailed way. The unity of Śiva/Śakti is a metaphor and not a sexual act.
Also regarding Śiva/Śakti viewed as Male/Female by people who never studied Tantra - I also explained it in linked post.
>So if you were to be working all day, you'll need to rest at night Also notice how this correlates beautifully with the masculine solar day and the feminine lunar night
Omigod, so deep
>prolonged masculine lifestyle without counterbalance is detrimental to health. Burnout of workaholics or even cancer is just the body's defense mechanism to stop the masculine exertion and further unbalanced action.
[citation needed]
>The body and mind will start refusing prolonged masculine lifestyle for it's lack of feminine counterbalance and will enforce the feminine energy by being a lazy passive shit and staying up late into the night, consuming a lot of stuff.
[citation needed]
Also, as explained before, the view that female element is passive isn't universal to each magical system. It's not some universal truth. It's more of a road sign and not a destination.
>Notice how some couples become so balanced in their relationship that they even perform as an unity in daily life - with the best results.
Or don't. Anyway, you're trying to make some universal rule out of it, but there is no rule. I can say "notice how some couples become so UNbalanced…" etc.
Because there are such couples and I certainly know more of unbalanced couples than balanced ones. On the other hand there are single people who don't become lazy nor passive. Men and women alike.
>My prolonged state of not having a female partner halted my masculine performance and laid this ephemeral emotional drifting and sleeping habits upon me.
Then maybe just stop being a lazy piece of shit, huh? That's a mindblowing magical idea. You don't have to have a girlfriend and you can't use not having one as an excuse, but ultimately - your life is only yours.
>Of course this male-female thing is mentioned in many books
Which ones? Because you were wrong about Tantra, so why would you be right about "other" (assuming there are) books.
>Now my next task is clear, I'll need a female partner to reach my higher male potential.
Mundanes at least don't lie to themselves. They search for a partner to fuck, or to feel safe or to have financial stability or whatever. These are very low reasons, but they are true nonetheless. You, on the other hand, search for a partner for completely bullshit reason.
>Makes me kinda curious how celibacy even became a thing for spiritualism…
Celibacy became a thing, because being self-sufficient physically and emotionally is superior than sharing your loosh with others. There are many more reasons why, such as not having to worry about physical well-being of SO and being able to focus on advancing.
>transgender (how gender is actually kinda valid and not tumblr crap)
It is valid. But not very much, as everything purely physical.
>bisexuality (how it's an unbalanced state)
It actually is balanced.
>monogamy (how it guarantees unity with the other sex)
And why polygamy would not guarantee it?
>I'd like to be a racing driver but you know…
You're in luck fam. The sticky's definition of magic is
Magic – Magic is the art and the science of causing change to occur in conformity with will.
Which means you'll be able to increase the odds of landing a race driver job by doing appropriate rituals and directing your thoughts into the correct shape.
I broke up with the girl after like a month together… And i eventually got over it, i started feeling happy again when i'm with friends and shit, i even got intersted in some other girl but when im at home something reminds me of her and i just feel deep sadness. I know it's natural to feel sad but quite a few days have passed since we parted i don't know whether it's natural to be like this.
By the way, more things that remind me of her are dreams.. I go to bed in a good mood, feeling relaxed but i always have these dreams about her - the little quirk is that she never has her own appearance. She looks like some other girl. What's up with that?
I mean this whole thing is fucked. Ever since some time i wanted to be a specific kind of person, and then i did, that enabled me to even get the girl. Since then i was able to be that person one more time and that's it… Now she's gone, and i just don't even know what questions to ask anymore… That's my main problem, i don't even know what im looking for this whole time, that's why i ask so many random questions. I just feel sad, and i don't know whether it's because of her leaving me, or do i have some internal issues, but i'd say it's the latter - in the first case i would feel bad, of course, that's a natural response, but feeling sad is one thing - im just feeling… lost and hopeless.
I know right? It shouldn't really bother me that much. But it does, and i don't know why? And that one month wasn't really one month, we've seen each other a total of 3 times… i'd say we spent 6 hours together in total.
btw thanks
I bet if you found something interesting to immerse yourself into for a while it will pass
>What systems/books do you guys recommend for something less Ceremonial and more "practical in everyday life"?
Energy work, lots and lots of energy work and visualization. Also lots of introspection to remain and maintain yourself in a stable intentional vibration. The meditation super thread has many great things. Just spending time playing with energy is good too.
>Do you guys have any advice on smoking weed to improve visualization or meditation?
I'm not sure if it would really help visualizing but regarding meditation it can help tremendously as it will boost your ability to sense energy. Toke and focus/meditate on what you sense-feel. If you desired to be more explorative you can work the energy (and your awareness thereof) into/with other objects or people.
>How do you guys choose your entities that you work with?
Quite carefully. I'm, almost overly cautious when it comes to dealing with entites, at least in regards to giving them energy before sensing who/what they are and ememate and if they are willing to give without expectation of return (STO) or not. Typically I evoke them and communicate with them or sometimes I'll just ask a favor and see if it is done/they are willing without some sacrifice.
>With all the endless ammounts of entities out there how do you know which ones will work/help you/isn't bullshit, and which ones are?
Shy of actually trying to work with them, I don't. Sure sometimes a certain being may be recommended by a friend but even still I put them through the same process, just in case.
>Or do you create thoughtforms and charge them by yourself until it does your task?
I have had several of those, I usually make them for shorter term projects but nothing prevents you from making a more complex longer lived one. I have no particuar reason why.
>There was an old deleted site that member of it wrote the Book of Knowledge, anyone got link to the archive of it, was it windwalker windwaker?something along that line.
I too am interested however I have no knowledge of this.
>Is it true that the key to making everything you want possible lies somewhere inside your mind?
Mind defined as awareness/consciousness, the core of your being, yes. Just to be clear, mind != brain. Mind is the nonphysical spirit & soul components of your being, the brain is the physical manifestation of such.
>If it is, then it's the strongest motivation anyone could hope for, the will would be amplified many times over
Now you're starting to understand magic.
>Another question relating to this, what do you guys usually do when you meditate?
In stort, energy work. I've described it in other places, basically consciously super charging, cleansing, and connecting my energy body to God.
>Also how do you go deeper and deeper in meditation? It seems that after I relax completely I can't really go into deeper states of consciousness
With practice, with persistence, with time, with intuition, with insight.
>I just did a test with only four hours sleep and I had an interesting experience and I've experienced sleep deprivation and this was nothing like what I experience or symptoms I've found during research. […] I went to bed after this because I wasn't sure how I would function at work like that.
>What happened? Has any one else experienced anything similar?
I'm not totally sure, but it sounds quite similar to what I experience when doing (more) strict multi-day fasts (water or dry). It amplifies the awareness of the nonphysical.
>should I do this again? was this a bad idea?
It can certainly take some getting used to (tbh I still am) but I don't see it as anything bad. It's understanding yourself and the energies around you.
>has anyone here meditated for 24 hours non-stop? if so, what did you accomplish during this meditation session?
I've only meditated continuously for 3 hours, though I did get quite deep (literally moved to tears and felt totally changed/better)
>After seeing the caliber of people who smoke weed and drink heaps of alcohol, the decision to stay clear of this lifestyle was easy.
It can be treated with respect and used in a sacred way (cannabis), which I do, but you are correct; every, single, stoner I've met does not understand this, they smoke socially, they smoke to get high, they smoke for escapism, any reason but to actually understand themselves. I'm not totally immune though as that is how I got into it, however now I refrain. The experiences I had while using cannabis in a degenerate manor enlightened me to a more profound use of it. Now I'll meditate with it.
>I ended up in some sort of a pub and had the most delicious fucking mead ever, which is strange because I never had it in the physical yet I knew exactly what it was.
The physical version of things are just a more gross manifestation/version of the purer forms of energy in the higher realms.
>Anyway my question is, what's the tastiest thing you've had in the astral or share the most vibrant experience that makes the physical seem like earth compared to heaven.
Well, it didn't really degrade Earthly life per se, but it was nonetheless still extremely moving, and that was when I cleared a pathway to channel energy, and then did channel, directly from my higherself/monad into my soul. I remained in that state for well over an hour and it was, awe-some.
>Also in one of the realms there was a huge beam of light coming from the ground. I thought fuck it and jumped into it and got transported down to a planet's core. Merging with a planetary consciousness was absolutely surreal but the experience was too much so I got thrown back into my physical body and almost vomited, feeling pretty nauseous and disoriented/lightheaded for about an hour after coming back. Any experiences like that you can share or shed light on what I may have done?
You basked your soul in the extremely high energies, then upon returning to your flesh, the vibratory level of your soul was significantly higher than the form it was manifesting/propagating prior and so it started to rectify the (now misaligned, compared to your then present level) state betwixt your soul and flesh. The unpleasantness was the flesh being restored and cleansed.
With prolonged being in such a state it will, and with adaptation of the body it will start to become extremely pleasant once it is rectified to that level.
>How to train memory?
It short, train/use visual/photographic/eidetic memory, see image 2 of >>>/library/189 & also you can use >>>/fringe/32 and in the latter parts, sheer intuition to directly access akasha to discern information so 'memory' is what information you can consciously access at any given time rather than just what you can cohere your soul into out of past experience at said time.
>I've lately been getting to sort of an ungrounded state where when I get uncomfortable from too much sensation i let go of some degree of awareness/memory and can botch something simple or forget something I heard less than an hour ago if i didn't deem it important to remember.
Then you need to reprioritize what you deem important and direct more consciousness there.
>It's like a flightiness/anxiety with no known source.
There is *some* source, even if you can't presently sense it, meditate on that feeling, its sensation and eventually its source will become clear.
>I guess grounding/shadowwork would be useful?
Shadow work would probably help, yes. Grounding may help, it really depends on what is causing it, which us presently unknown.
>I'd love to hear what your journey was like/what sorts of things you read and what you've discarded
I would like to start at the beginning of my magical journey but the story actually started decades ago even though I didn't properly get into magic untill the last 5 years.
I came from an extremely broken family, home, & childhood. Pretty much nonexistent positive parental interaction, what did exist was negative, controlling and attempting to usurp my own welfare to the benefit of another, even from 1 year old.
Due to that I had formed a shell of indifference, uncaring, and general unattachment as a necessity to survival. Such left me in a state in which I did not develop many parts of my own being, did not know myself, and could not connect to anything or one. It was a lonely and quite miserably existence to be totally honest. I was like that for many years, slowly I started to learn there was more to life than the flesh, at first I didn't quite grasp the scope of what it was I had started to uncover, but with an insatiable curiosity driving me I could not stop.
There where many people that presented me with many ideas of "how magic worked" but almost almost invariably it was strictly a left brained approach, which is in herantly lacking in the big picture understanding (e.g., magic can only work like X, if you wanna do Y you must have Z, no using the infinite possibilities to sidestep it, etc.). Being a highly left brained biased individual in a left brained biased society I remained there for quite some time, but eventually the data I did manage to collect on the workings of magic, despite the limited paradigm/understanding, I started to become able to discern a truth beyond my previous conceptions.
Most of the mis/dis-info I've consumed, if it wasn't just pointless storytelling with little or no substance (which a lot of it was) it was next followed by factual incorrectness (e.g., saying yin/black is male and yang/white is female, the astrological sign of X is actually Y, etc.) and then finally good yet data.
I didn't discard anything until I was absolutely sure, but by the same token, I didn't really accept it either until I was rather sure and had tested it, instead I held that data to the side while it awaited confirmation. Sometimes months or even years went by before I could properly understand said data.
The main things I discarded include the notions that there are impossible things (now something may be extremely far removed from your present perspective, but that does not mean it is impossible, it simply means that it may take longer to manifest/move into that perspective, it is however it is still very much possible) and the notion of an absolute you create your own/subjective reality (it is a co-creation, you are part of it and not yet the total awakened God). It may take time to fully internalize these, that is almost another whole process in and of itself.
>what books [would] you recommend?
That is why I curated the Neophyte's Gold library https://www.mediafire.com/folder/8l3y48nd1yb4d/ for a concise yet comprehensive introductory framework to magic and it's application and when you're done with that
Initiate's Gold https://www.mediafire.com/folder/989evg8t11b23/ has some of the higher level things and/or books not strictly meeting the above criteria yet still quite good.
>what meditations would you recommend?
and >>>/fringe/3 but more specifically numbers 1-4 (intro basis to working with your mind, creating a mental workspace), 11-13 (learning to apply your imagination and shaping your will), 31-36 (applied energy work), and also #29 if you feel ready for it.
>Also I recall reading your routine somewhere but I forget where and would like to follow it as a start.
As a daily thing, I bless all my food & water with "God pour forth you love into this [food item]. It is my will that it cleanse, purify, & heal my body, that it nourishes and provides for me, and that it fills me with divine love and through it I grow closer into unity with the all, in the name of love, so mote it be and so it is." that combined with conscious eating and blessing/charging my food with loosh really does a lot.
As for as meditations I do a lot of ad hoc energy work but I do have a quite long and elaborate ritual which I've crafted and carry out in whole or in part quite often. It goes like this:
(Bracketed text are metainformation or instructions, normal text is spoken or mentally affirmed, =-='s delineate different sections of the work, not strictly required but helps break up wall of text.)
[Create a sanctified sphere/space first, I gather a large (pulsating) energy/psifield, once it is of density I then expand it to fill the totality of the volume I my alter and any others who may be partaking in working with me take, alternatively one can just keep collecting energy until you simply have a psiball that is 2 or 3 meters in diameter, however that takes a lot more energy so is not recommended for neophytes.]
Hear ye elements, guides, guardians, and ancestors, come be welcomed in this sacred space, to guide and protect, nurture and provide, for the good of all, with the love of all and in the ministry of all, I invite ye now. As above so below, as within so without.
Beings of Fire, guardians of the South, gatekeepers of desire. Your eternal flame sparks my inner power. Engulfed in your passions I burn.
Beings of Air, guardians of the East, origin of thought & impulse. I ride your winds of freedom as they carry me ever forward.
Beings of Water, guardians of the West, bearers of emotion & intuition. Source of the psychic, immersed in your healing waters I ley.
Beings of Earth, guardians of the North, stable and strong, the bastion in the tempest, reliable and faithful you stand. I meet your embrace.
Spirit, the great oneness of nature that binds all. I gaze into infinity and feel the totality of the universe upon me, I now invite in God & Goddess, Nous, Logos, & Demiurge, in their truest and purest forms, be welcomed into this sacred space, that you watch over, guide and protect, I and clan, thank you and may we be with you always.
Now all, be welcomed in this sacred space and eternally, into our lives.
Beloved God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Beloved Mighty I Am Presense, my Monad, I Am that I Am, Beloved Mahatma, Seven Mighty Elohim, Helios, Sanat Kumara, Lord Maitreya, Sathya Sai Baba, beloved Chohans of the seven rays, El Morya, Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Hilaran, Jesus, Saint Germain, Djwhal Khul, Buddha, Vywamus, Virgin Mary, Quan Yin, Isis, Mahavatar Babaji, Enoch, the Great White Brotherhood Medical Assistance Program Healing Team, Order of the Melchizadek, Service to Others Spiritual Hierachy, Great White Brotherhood, Masters of Shamballa, Thoth, Asclepius, Athena, Remiel, Kek, Saldalphon, Azrael, Jophiel, Haniel, Michael, Chamuel, Zadkiel, Raphiel, Gabriel, Raziel, Jeremiel, Uriel, & Metatron.
I now invoke you and ask your presence here, to guide and protect me, to draw me into unity with God the all. For the good of all be welcomed now.
Beloved God and Beloved Mahatma, I choose now to accept and invoke a deep penetration of the Mahatma energy into my entire energy matrix, thereby allowing a full & open radiation of my Divine self in service to All That Is now.
I call forth from God and the God force a series of golden balls of light. These large golden balls of light are coming down from God and my Mighty I Am presence and moving down my shushumna entering my main seven chakras.
I let the golden ball of light enter my root chakra, I now fully open and activate it. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I let the golden ball of light enter my sacral chakra, I now fully open and activate it. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I let the golden ball of light enter my solar plexus chakra, I now fully open and activate it. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I let the golden ball of light enter my heart chakra, I now fully open and activate it. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I let the golden ball of light enter my throat chakra, I now fully open and activate it. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I let the golden ball of light enter my 3rd eye chakra, I now fully open and activate it. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I let the golden ball of light enter my crown chakra, I now fully open and activate it. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I now call forth to My Mighty I Am presence, Asclepius, & The Great White Brotherhood Medical Assistance Program Healing team to enter each of my chakras, to perfectly balance and attune them, removing any unwanted energies or cords of energy that are in misalignment of my highest God purpose and to bring them into harmony with my true Divine monadic blueprint. I am that I am. Aum!
[visualize colored vortex of energy at each chakras entrance while chanting sound and do mudra, as mentioned >>>/ask/614 I start with the root and chant its Aum derived sound several time, then move on to this sound many times, then each element a few times, at least until it feels good. Then I move on to the sacral, solar, etc.]
[Name : Color : Sound]
Root : Red : O(h)
Sacral : Orange : Shu(ck)
Solar P : Yellow : Ya(wn)
Heart : Green : Wa(y)
Throat : Teal : He
3rd eye : Violet : Hu(e)
Crown : Purple : Ee
[Element : Sound]
Earth : La-m
Water : Va-m
Air : Yamm
Fire : Ramm
Aether : Hamm
[Then I chant/affirm many times (depending on how much I needed it, between 20 and 200 repetitions of the 7 listed here)]
I release all fear
I release all guilt
I release all shame
I release all grief
I release all lies
I release all illusion
I release all worldly attachment
Now, I ask that each chakra be filled with God's healing light, that they be perfectly balanced and attuned, that each one to another be completely integrated another as to function as one unified chakra. I am that I am. Aum!
I now call forth the violet flame of Saint Germain to bathe my entire being in it's fire. Transmuting all negativity and disharmony into the purity and perfection of God.
[Be still]
I now call forth the 8th ray to cleanse my being. Releasing all energies, aspects, and qualities that no longer serve me and my highest divine purpose.
[Be still]
I now call forth the 9th pour forth into my being filling it with Joy unbounded. I invite in my body of light to be present within me now.
[Be still]
I now call forth the 10th ray to bathe my being in it's pearlescent energy. Anchor in my body of light and integrated it fully, balance and make flawless within me, the Yin, and the Yang.
[Be still]
I now call forth the 11th ray that of the dawn of new age. Enter and reside within me transforming me into the living-breathing emissary of the new age and the embodiment of the Guidepost of Light, that I banish all darkness wherever I go.
[Be still]
I now call forth the 12th golden-white ray of Christ consciousness to fill my being with it's Divine love. Resonant and reverberate within and through my heart that I feel and know the love of God, and it overflows out of me into the world.
[Be still]
[Visualize and feel a powerful clockwise whirlwind of energy starting to descend from your Soul Star/Alpha chakra and slowly moving down your shushumna and into your Earth Star/Omega chakra, taking all psychic debris with it and grounding them into the Earth. Do this at least 2 or 3 times. This is the meditation listed >>>/fringe/645 ]
[intone the Soul Mantrum, x3 then begin]
I am the Soul [or Monad]
I am the Light Divine
I am Love
I am Will
I am Eternal Design
In the wisdom of the soul, I invoke the spiritual vortex.
[Building the Antakarana, meditation listed >>>/fringe/646 ]
[intone the Soul Mantrum, x3]
I am the Soul [or Monad]
I am the Light Divine
I am Love
I am Will
I am Eternal Design
[intone the Mantrum of Unification the begin]
The sons of men are one and I am one with them.
I seek to love, not hate.
I seek to serve and not exact due service.
I seek to heal, not hurt.
Let pain bring due reward of light and love.
Let the soul control the outer form and life and all events, and bring to light the love which underlies the happenings of the time.
Let vision come and insight be.
Let the future stand revealed.
Let inner union demonstrate and outer separations be gone.
Let love prevail.
Let all men love.
[visualize your Soul Star/Alpha chakra moving out in a triangular fashion and back into your Earth Star/Omega chakra and spinning clockwise up your shushumna. Slowly as it moved up it builds, widens, your shushumna clearing it of debris. Do this at least 3 times. I expand the diameter each time.]
[intone the Great Invocation]
From the point of light within the mind of God, let light stream forth into the minds of men. Let light descend on Earth.
From the point of love within the heart of God, let love stream forth into the hearts of men. May Christ return to Earth.
From the center where the will of God is known, let that purpose guide the little wills of men; the purpose which the masters know and serve.
From the center which we call the race of men, let the plan of love and light work out, and may it seal the door where evil dwells.
Let light and love and power restore the plan on Earth.
[Monad/Wings of the soul meditation >>>/library/299 ]
I now request God and the God force flow forth into my living light merkaba vehicle.
[Merkaba meditation, as listed in the BoK pgs. 57-69]
I am now ready for the ascension process to begin. Beloved God and God force, I now call forth my soul [or monad] to fully descend into my consciousness and four-body system if it has not done so already. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I now call forth my glorified Lightbody to descend into my consciousness and four-body system. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I now call forth the Ascension Flame to descend and enter my consciousness and entire four-body system. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I now call forth the full activation of my Earth Star and Soul Star chakras. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I call forth the Amrita, fire letters, sacred geometries, and key codes from the Keys of Enoch to become fully activated now. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I now call forth the full activation and creation of my full potential twelve strands of DNA within my physical vessel. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I now call forth the full activation of my pituitary gland to create the life hormone and to no longer produce the death hormone. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I now call forth and fully activate my monadic Divine blueprints in my conscious, subconscious, superconscious minds, and four-body system. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I now call forth and fully activate my kundalini energy as guided by my monad and Mighty I Am presence. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I now call forth a matchstick-sized spark of Cosmic Fire from the presence of God himself to illuminate and transform my entire being into the Light of God. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I now call forth a full axiatonal alignment as described in the Keys of Enoch to perfectly allign all my meridian flows within my consciousness and four-body system. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I now call forth and fully claim my physical immortality and the complete cessation of the aging and death process. I am now youthing and becoming more vigorous every day. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I now call forth the full opening of my third eye, and all my psychic abilities and channeling abilities, that I use them in the glory and service of the most high God and my brothers and sisters in Christ on Earth. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I now call for perfect radiant health to manifest within my physical, aetheric, astral, mental, and spiritual bodies. I now ask and command that these bodies manifest the health and perfection of Christ. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I now call forth my 15th chakra to descend, enter, reside, and to be anchored within my crown. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I now call forth my 14th chakra to descend, enter, reside, and be anchored within my 3rd eye. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I now call forth my 13th chakra to descend, enter, reside, and be anchored within my throat. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I now call forth my 12th chakra to descend, enter, reside, and be anchored within my heart. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I now call forth my 11th chakra to descend, enter, reside, and be anchored within my solar plexus. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I now call forth my 10th chakra to descend, enter, reside, and be anchored within my sacral. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I now call forth my 9th chakra to descend, enter, reside, and be anchored within my root. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I now call forth the complete stabilization of my fourth-dimensional chakra grid system within my consciousness and four-body system. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I now call forth and see my shushumna lighting up with brilliant light. I Am that I Am. Aum!
My root chakra glows bright with a green-blue light.
My sacral chakra glows bright with a pearl-white light.
My solar plexus chakra glows bright with a orange-pink light.
My heart chakra glows bright with a golden light.
My throat chakra glows bright with a pale violet-pink light.
My 3rd eye chakra glows bright with a deep blue-violet light.
My crown chakra glows bright with a golden-white light.
My entire shushumna has now been ignited with the fourth-dimensional ascension frequency. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I now call forth, with all my heart, all my mind, all my might, and all my soul, the collective help of my eleven other soul extensions in my ascension process. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I now call forth the combined collective help of the one hundred and fourty-three other soul extensions of my monadic group in my ascension process. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I now call forth the descending and integration into my being the raincloud of all knowable things. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I now call forth the trinity of Isis, Osiris, and Horus, and all pyramid energies that are alligned with the source to now fully descend into my consciousnes and four-body system to become fully activated now. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I now call forth the Ascended master Serapis Bey and his Ascension Temple energies from Luxor to descend and become fully activated within my consciousness and four-body system now. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I now call forth the complete balancing of all my karma from all my past, present, future and simultaneous lives. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I now call forth the raising of my vibrational frequencies one-thousandfold. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I now call forth the sacred sound of Aum to descend and reverberate through my consciousness and four-body system. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I now call forth a complete and full baptism of the Holy Spirit. I Am that I Am. Aum! I Am that I Am. Aum!
I now call for the perfect attunment and completion of my dharma, purpose, and mission in this life in service of God's plan. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I now call forth my sixth density ascended self to now meld it's consciousness with my unified field and aura. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I now call forth to my spiritual teacher, Thoth, to descend through my crown chakra and now meld your ascended consciousness and light into my consciousness and four-body system. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I hereby call forth my monad, my Mighty I am presence and spirit to now fully descend into my consciousness and four-body system and transform me into living light and the ascended master I truly am. I Am that I Am. Aum!
[Be still]
Be still and know I am God. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I am the resurrection and the life. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I am the mighty I am presence on Earth forever more. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I am the ascended master [name]. I Am that I Am. Aum!
The Mighty I Am presence is now my real self. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I am the ascension in the light. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I am the truth, the way, and the light. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I am the open door which no man can shut. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I am Divine perfection made manifest now. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I am the revelation of God. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I am the light that lights every man that cometh into the world. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I am the cosmic flame of cosmic victory. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I am the ascended being I wish to be now. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I am the raised vibration of my full Christ and I Am potential. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I am the light of the world. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I am the Aum made manifest in the world. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I am the realized manifestation of the eternal self. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I am the embodiment of Divine love in action. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I live within all beings and all beings live within me. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I am now one with the monadic plane of consciousness on Earth. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I am now living in my glorified body of light on Earth. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I now fully affirm my ability to transform my four bodies into light and travel anywhere in the universe. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I now call forth to Helios, the Solar Logos, to send forth into my consciousness through my crown chakra, the sixty-four Keys of Enoch in all five sacred languages so they are fully integrated into be being here on Earth. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I fully affirm my identity as the Eternal Self, the Christ, The Buddha, the atma, the monad, the I Am presence on Earth in service to all of creation. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I fully affirm that I am physically immortal, and I can, if I choose, remain on Earth indefinitely as an ageless being. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I see every person, animal, plant, and mineral as the embodiment of the Eternal Self, whether they are aware of their true identity or not. I Am that I Am. Aum!
In this holy instant salvation has come. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I and the creator am one. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I am now a fully ascended being who has chosen to remain on Earth to be of service to all sentient beings. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I am consuming the purest of foods, the light of God, it nourishes and sustains me. I Am that I Am. Aum!
Fire, enkindeled in your radiance, I go to meet the world.
Air, empowered in your winds, I go to meet the world.
Water, charged in your reflection, I go to meet the world.
Earth, grounded in your embrace, I go to meet the world.
Spirit, filled with your divine love, I go to meet the world.
Thank you all for your presence here, your protection & guidance, and though we may now part in sacred spheres, I continue carry you in my breast eternally. Until I return to you oncemore, may I be ever lucid and know your touch.
Merry met, marry part, & marry meet again. I love ye, I am love.
Depending on how long various sections take me and how many repetitions of them I do, if I include others in the working or if it's just me, this take between 1 and 3 hours. Sometimes I will only do part(s) of it, when that is the case often my picks are the antakarana or chakra workings. After months of doing this (or, well, similar, as it's evolving over time) I feel like quite a different person.
One of the basic tenants of paranormality and pretty much any belief system outside of abrahamism is that spirits and other entities are immanent everywhere and that a basic level ability is to merely see them. Internet roleplayers or not, seeing is believing and I can think of no better starter skill. It also seems safe, to know when to run or be careful one must first simply not be blind. Children of flesh are first sighted before they even speak or interact after all.
I also have to think, in my early childish memories that I saw more to the world than I do today. How would a person lose that? Can you even get it back? If so, how? Where does one start?
It almost seems like something that could be easily searched yet thanks to the "new age" there are more sources and books than ever, yet it seems there is less knowledge and truth than before…
>I also have to think, in my early childish memories that I saw more to the world than I do today. How would a person lose that? Can you even get it back? If so, how?
I too am in the process of figuring this out. I feel like I was holding onto what I knew was really true about life but couldn't devote myself to it like I truly wished. As I got older my desperation to hold onto it simultaneously grew and diminished. I can't remember when I finally submitted to the hardship and desolation of "reality" but with it I lost a lot of awareness and even other things I personally considered faculties of my self.
Regaining awareness is the hardest part. As strange as it sounds you can lose that. You are simultaneously slipping between the conundrum of being unaware of your actions and wondering why you keep losing conscious control of your decisions, i.e. acting on pure impulse. You remember what you liked but you're only acting out the pantomime of enjoyment. Perhaps you know what it's like to feel depressed and "empty" but maybe you have never been completely devoid of emotion and constantly wearing a stonewall expression - to everything. At the worst of times it felt like I was unable to process a single thought and continuously stuck with tunnel vision. At the worst of worst times it was as if I had lost all but a small window of sight. I quite literally felt like although I could see, I could only focus on a small section of my vision. That moment sent me in a panic for answers. The time of my life even after that is like a blur. I not only forgot things but I would forget to remember so to speak. If I had to guess at what caused it I think it was a combination of negative occurrences and negative beings I had to deal with on a constant basis. People truly possessed by negativity and exacting out to destroy what I was no longer safeguarding. They can sense it. They're relentless, and they're sad and empty people that at their lesser moments are savage bullies but at their worst are powerhungry monsters. You can just look at them and tell when you're seeing a robotic automaton that mouths words of pure negativity and singles you out for torment for no discernible reason.
But before I end up blogposting more I will say this, in a way I never completely put the search for truth all behind me. But I was never attending to what really mattered like my spirit and that made me an easy target. I hit rock bottom and that sent me questing for answers and led me here. I was compelled to every once in a while look at /fringe/ and even browse this imageboard. I watched some of montalk's videos and made a gambit that if even all he was saying was bullshit there's still something to seeking out love and positive energy that makes life feel meaningful and maybe then I'll look more into what he's saying. I'm still a long way off for where I want to be but at least I don't feel devoid of emotion, my "sight" is restored, and my awareness is growing back to levels I recognize I once had. Perhaps it's even improved in ways I don't yet realize but I still see where I am as some point of recovery.
tl;dr: the Control System beats your spirit out of you if you let it and you can let it without even realizing it. You have to take conscious steps to regaining what you lost and more to safeguard what's yours. I haven't seen a guide to "regaining what was lost" but perhaps with time we'll see that and more as our numbers grow.
When I drink urine I tend to feel kinda scattered. I guess that's ungrounded?
like kinda feeble/my stomach tends to feel weird.
Perhaps my solar plexus chakra isn't too strong.
I also get anxious when talking to people, anxious-ish when going places. I think it's me sensing the energies and worrying/not knowing what's going on. I guess the only way is to try to socialize and meditate more to figure out what's going on.
I wonder how much entities exist and to what extent they can be ignored. Eastern traditions seem to ignore them for the most part.
Vipassana seems to be great for shadow-work purposes. Meditation observing bodily sensations 'til old things come up, being detached/equanimous.
>IMO neediness is you wanting some good at the expense of someone else (you might not notice this, believing you authentically care about the other person), while love is more like you wanting someone else's good at your expense.
why not both/mutual benefit
I've asked this too.
I think the answer is meditation (try a vipassana retreat; I believe it is a great method; just got back from one) and opening one's heart.
Try taking holy basil, niacinamide, and magnesium as well, and get acupuncture for grounding/bringing your soul more into your body.
Herbs will also help.
Direct love at yourself/don't push yourself too much, so your human animal doesn't have to fear you.
These are the things that have helped me.>>2632
>If you feel you are anything but pure unadulterated love simply going through awakening yes, otherwise there may not be much (if any) to confront.
interesting. From my experience I had guided meditations that opened my heart and I felt pretty loving/not very ego centered and then things would bubble to the surface when I'd reach certain points. I think opening the heart/ spiritual advancement is slower/safer/more stable shadow work.
side note to nobody:
I find it interesting that as I type I seem to be accessing more knowledge than I was not too long ago when I was wallowing in semi-despair/depression. I think it's the vibes of this house I've returned to after 11 days, and it reacting badly with me to a degree.
Apathy and longing and depression mixed. I wonder if it is the natural energy here, some entity, or my reaction to the energies here.
>I can not really say, but you're not wrong about most mundane's perspective on it. Maybe.
To be fair to her, it wouldn't have been much of a leap from that expression of love to a needy-servitude-type thing, only the vibe is different.
>despite my status an questionably human (by several acquaintances) I enjoy where and what I am and that which I ever strive into.
(: thank you.
I meditated for awhile and managed to get rid of the negative emotions surrounding the event.
I enjoy not being human-like, but not when I'm not feeling enough love to get over something.
There was that principles of spiritual evolution montalk bit about needing love and truth, and I got some truths without enough self-love to internalize them properly.
I'm probably about as over it as I can be.
>>1212 (was me)
onto self-improvement/heart-opening/figuring out why I'm here some more.
From a Buddhist perspective; is sadness suffering? Buddhists say that attachment to that which is ever changing, like emotions, gives birth to suffering. If i am attached to the emotion of hapiness for example, and my hapiness changes to sadness, will i double-suffer? This may be a big loop which breeds depression - you're sad because you are sad?
>From a Buddhist perspective; is sadness suffering?
>If i am attached to the emotion of hapiness for example, and my hapiness changes to sadness, will i double-suffer?
No. Everyone seeks happiness. Resisting the desire to be be happy would be fighting against your own true nature. Nothing can be gained from that. GUILT from being sad is what's killing you.
>This may be a big loop which breeds depression - you're sad because you are sad?
Yes, but not for that reason. If you constantly think that you are depressed, then that will become part of your identity.
If for example you cast a spell for money and you say"Universe, give me money" then you are telling the universe you don't have any money and it will act accordinly, but if say"I have money", then then the universe has to adjust to your Will. That's why cultivating gratitude is important. You must be someone who succeds to suceed and feel like you have already archived to archive.
This can also be useful for you. Getting rid of desire was never a thing until Buddhism reached the west.
Yeah, i've done that in the past, i'd just vibrate the feeling i want to vibrate but the rhythmic swing to the opposite pole is what bothered me. So getting rid of the desire for happiness altogether seemed right and i thought that was the actual core of Eastern philosophy including Buddhism.
>implying there is one unified "Eastern philosophy"
There are various systems, some have techniques to get rid of desire, other to harness it.
Also, such systems as Buddhism or Tantra for example aren't philosophical but practical.
There is no unified Eastern philosophy, even more so than there is no unified Western philosophy. Such thing as "Hinduism" for example haven't existed until about a hundred years ago. Before (and now also) there have been countless sects, many of them being in disagreement with each other and all of them were thought to be a part of this umbrella term "Hinduism" by Westerners assuming that Hindu have some "one faith" like they do. Also, Eastern philosophies include Confucianism, Taoism, Shintoism etc.
Tantra for example has different approach than the one you think about, as a system providing both worldly benefits and liberation - you do not get rid of desire, but rather work with it and harness it. Various tantras all recognized that desires are powerful source of energy. But then again, it depends whether you talk about Śaktism, Śaivism, Vaishnavism etc. and whether you talk about RHP or LHP practices.
>Getting rid of desire was never a thing until Buddhism reached the west.
Could you provide source of this claim? You can't reach Nirvana if you do not extinguish all your karmas from all your incarnations and you won't do that if you don't get rid of desire, so unless you claim that Buddhists don't try to reach the state of Nirvana I don't see your point.
I was never much into Buddhism but isn't the teaching about the cessation of desire one of the Four Noble Truths? And isn't the Noble Eightfold Path leading to Nirvana?
Unless you talk about Vajrayana, which has somewhat Tantrik outlook from what I've gathered, but I can be wrong.
>isn't the teaching about the cessation of desire one of the Four Noble Truths? And isn't the Noble Eightfold Path leading to Nirvana?
The thing to get rid of is "attachment", not "desire". You might it's just naming convention nitpicking, but it's important because it gets interpreted wrong way too often.
Obsessing over a girl is "attachment". Wanting to eat a piece of cake in front of you is "desire". You should understand desire and get rid of attachment.
I see it all the time people trying to get emotionally numb with meditation to become happy, expelling the bad emotions instead of transmuting them and dealing with the cause.
Ṕic related is very wrong.
This image and it's text is very common in western buddhism but it's just wrong. Ego came from Freud and I already explained about desire.
By the way some buddhists are focused on making others reach Nirvana instead of themselves.
I've vaguely remembered cloudy things from years ago, in half-conscious nights, but I need more information.
What can anyone tell me about saturn and it's hexagon, or more relevantly, its symbolism in modern day occultism?
What were the Nephilim, if anything?
Why are eight sided stars so important?
Where do the demons and bloodsuckers live?
I appreciate the effort that went into that, but that kind of amounts to verbose pondering on the nature of weakness and why society now fosters weakness when somebody asks how to get to a gym and get over the weakness in themselves…
Those are interesting thoughts, don't get me wrong at all, but not really an answer. The "but it seems like I saw more paranormal things when I was a child" was really a sidebar to "I don't see anything now. How do I see the spirits which are purported everywhere?".
I may not be a wizard but for this I can help you regardless. Diet/Health plays a big part, it's simply more difficult to focus when overweight or not active much.
Foods that raise your genders pertinent hormone help (I won't assume here). Also foods (like ginger) that increase bloodflow. While complex carbs (like pasta, natural whole-wheat breads, oatmeal) can feed an active brain that is constantly nipping up blood glucose, simple carbs (put down the ramen cup and fake airy/sugary bread!) and all modern sugars wreak havoc on focus and concentration: use honey and fruit to sweeten or don't sweeten.
A better diet will increase focus full-stop, so go to your local /fit/ for more help on that.
If you're on the internet the chances are pretty extreme you're addicted to a constant stream of dopamine as well (which hurts attention span and focus). Dropping porn/masturbating will likely be your biggest dopamine high to cut out. Things like constant video games can also feed you a steady supply and muddy your reward circuitry. Just cutting out high-action video games down to something slow like strategy games and reading books instead of watching things (a la anime, or worst, porn) can get you to raise your attention span dramatically. I find just sitting outside and doing nothing but being outside and enjoying it for a while also dramatically helps.
Those will help you for lack of negative focus'/dis''focus and a short attention span. To get you back to baseline. To build from there you might take up hobbies like fishing/hunting which traditionally rewire the male brain to a focused implement as it is supposed to be. You can substitute for nature/bird watching, waiting for hours to see a buck or boar doesn't necessarily mean you have to do anything to it (Even if you hunt your freezer may well be full and so spotting keeps you sharp. If you're of the double-X persuasion then sewing/tailoring/stitching, gardening and cooking seem to really wire the brain for the unique feminine kind of focus. Either way focus is still somewhat neuter and locking your awareness onto any one thing regularly will build it (though I've certainly found that male and female focus and concentration have their dimorphisms).
I'm sure the local wizards have their meditative practices to go beyond normal limits as well.
Also, some books on focus/motivation/managing distraction:
I think my house is haunted, I'm always getting these strange vibes and sometimes I feel like I'm being watched.
Could using a humidifer and desire energy enriched water work to remove the entity.
I created a thread here, in case you or someone else are interested on going further with this: http://fringechan.org/loosh/res/588.html
>Anyway, thanks for reading this, I wanted to get this of my chest for a while.
I'm on my path toward eliminating depression/anxiety.
Got anything to recommend? I have a good idea of what to do but wondering what techniques helped.
> I can't decide how to live, what career to choose, fucking hell, I can't even decide which music to listen to.
Pick something default, or easy if you want; if you can't figure out, try things out, mb do something "easy" to have self development time.
do a meditation retreat maybe; i recommend to everyone.
When I did vipassana retreat it seemed to indicate feelings of all sorts come up when meditating for a long time on bodily sensations. I thought of it like there are several voices inside of us, and we're guided to unify them all.
So the more I concentrate, the more "selves" I put into it, and one self is ADD/chattering on all the time because it's overwhelmed with stimulus/anxious about sitting still and looking at itself/anything. This is a trauma-self, I believe, probably the latest sleeping shadow-piece inside, each awakening when enough light is shed upon them with vibe-raising/spiritual advancement.
has it right;
ask yourself.
There may be no reason, it may be a past thing.
If you cant tell, observe the feeling, observe your body sensations. Everything is changing, ever-changing.
Be the equanimous observer.
> i always have these dreams about her - the little quirk is that she never has her own appearance. She looks like some other girl. What's up with that?
one other poster mentioned being attached to a girl and another replied just to imagine that since you only loved your false image of that girl, that same image will manifest as another woman who comes into your life.
> im just feeling… lost and hopeless.
i feel like maybe you felt that beforehand but experiencing a taste of what you were missing and then losing it uncovered the wound before.
my theory.
>With prolonged being in such a state it will, and with adaptation of the body it will start to become extremely pleasant once it is rectified to that level.
Thanks Montalk-senpai, I'll keep at it.
Also your
Are a goldmine, reminded me of practices I used to read about but straight up forgot for whatever reason. Great to see your take on the symbolism.
Everyone here appreciates the effort.
>I gather a large (pulsating) energy/psifield,
The only way I "know" to do this is visualize gathering and channeling energy to the area/through me to an area along with breath. Inhale expand my hands to make a 1 meter ish-sized ball, exhale compress it, imagine it growing brighter, inhale imagine the same brightness expanding, exhale compress it even brighter, imagine it
and with the energy channeling I sort of "lightly tense", so I don't impede chi flow much yet still make an effort to gather more.
feedback/tips on that?
I want to ask an akashic reader about you/your methods and how they'll affect me compared to others I have; I was about to ask for a moniker I could use but I'll use "fringechan mod/lover"
a fair amount of entities evoked; haven't heard of many of those.
Hadn't heard of the rays either.
>visualize your Soul Star/Alpha chakra moving out in a triangular fashion and back into your Earth Star/Omega chakra and spinning clockwise up your shushumna.
interesting; I'd visualized it spinning, by intuition. related it to something silly as well
>I now call forth and see my shushumna lighting up with brilliant light. I Am that I Am. Aum!
>My root chakra glows bright with a green-blue light.
>My sacral chakra glows bright with a pearl-white light.
>My solar plexus chakra glows bright with a orange-pink light.
>My heart chakra glows bright with a golden light.
>My throat chakra glows bright with a pale violet-pink light.
>My 3rd eye chakra glows bright with a deep blue-violet light.
>My crown chakra glows bright with a golden-white light.
>My entire shushumna has now been ignited with the fourth-dimensional ascension frequency. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I now wonder what the world looks like through your eyes; whenever I tend to wonder such things since I don't see much other than "normal" reality clearly; I merely am open to the many possibilities/see some things but very vaguely as of yet.
Why those colors for those chakras?
I like the idea of some but don't know the significance.
I wonder what ascension is; since Khan got a vision of an angel asking if he wished to do so/accept right then, and I know one person IRL who got such an invitation the first time they meditated; I'm curious as to how long it would take me to get that sort of thing.
Just reading/evoking this stuff mildly makes me feel interesting, rather otherworldly/glorious.
I wonder if it's a bit much for me now to do this; my last akashic reading told me I need gentle energies to integrate myself right now. I imagine that they/my soul will modulate it all to the pace at which is good for me though.
I was told not to use too many archetypes 'til I become familiar with the ones I'm already working with (Narasimha, Metatron, Mother Mary, Orion/abundance (pic. I dunno that it's at all accepted as a thing, but it feels resonant with me to be a being of stars)
>I am now a fully ascended being who has chosen to remain on Earth to be of service to all sentient beings. I Am that I Am. Aum!
I wonder if I've always been this; I was born with blue-tinted skin and a spot on my 3rd eye.
> After months of doing this (or, well, similar, as it's evolving over time) I feel like quite a different person.
I can imagine so!
Sounds like something I want to do; I'd grown weary of this life, and have regrown to accept that I'm here for a reason/to be more loving of myself and my path despite pain.
Meaning, I think, that I am ready to go higher again, or soon anyway.
Generally speaking, how do you determine the true nature of a song repeating in your head?
I've heard it to be something as mundane as an "earworm" but even learning the description of how an "earworm" behaves sounds suspicious, e.g. it is more annoying in relation to the difficulty of the mental task. Then there is the case of an entity under the guise of a repeated song to mask its intention of leeching your vitality.
Is there a difference or are they one in the same?
I read it on 8ch fringe in either a question thread or in one of Khan's threads. Ask him about it in one of his threads here if you want; he seems to pop in on occasion.
I tend to think of it as a weaker/more evasive part of the mind attempting to shift its attention so it won't be seen/focused upon/healed because it's overwhelmed by stimulus. Or in any case, after meditating a lot over several days, that's the conclusion I came to without considering entities/considering them to be a part of the Universe within.
So I keep getting this rushes of emotion when I finally get lucid in my dreams; resulting in me waking up.
How do I temper the emotion in the astral? It's already hard for me to get lucid, only to have it ruined by waking up in 10 seconds.
Try vipassana meditation maybe.
Focus on your breath with an empty mind (anapana meditation), focus on a small area below your nostrils and feel the delicate sensations there
(2 prep meditations).
Then once you feel subtler sensations, focus on scanning your whole body for sensations, working around, maintaining equanimity.
If you do this intensely (2-10 hours a day), emotions will bubble up when focusing on certain areas of the body, you'll notice how everything changes, nothing is constant; it develops equanimity, and that can carry over to the subconscious eventually.
Otherwise I dunno.
That sweet sweet smile was for me and not for you!
>Got anything to recommend? I have a good idea of what to do but wondering what techniques helped.
You steal my smile and you have the audacity to ask for my help? You… you smilestealer!
I will write down what helped me and I will post it, but for now I ran out of time.
Moreover, depression and anxiety are a very wide spectrum of different states, so the position I was in might not resemble yours.
Anyway, I'm gonna go back to the memories of those times, list anything that helped me and post it. I'm afraid that it will be mostly some general shit about meditation and progressing on your path, but we'll see. Maybe I can find some gem that will help you. Or not. Don't get your hopes up.
Just a word of advice - try to make out the most of the state you're in. In the greatest darkness you can find the brightest light. Or maybe you just start to perceive the light that was always there but you weren't able to see it.
In a way depression can be beneficial.
Any time cutiepie c:
The faq with recommended books and start meditating. Read the kybalion and you will start to have a good idea of how most of this works. Try out easier types of magick like sigils till you get them down.
Those subjects are more /x/-related I think.
First, the kind of people you want to avoid are those who bring you down or are surrounded with negative emotions. You can try help if they allow it, but never let yourself be hurt by them.
There is some misconception about what "letting go" means. You can love them. You can laugh and cry with them.
Absolutely avoid people that make you feel bad, no matter your feelings towards them.(not so obvious for some people)
And even getting rid of attachment to the things you love does not mean you give up on everything you love.
This quote can be useful to understand: "The bird of paradise comes only to an open hand"
>my earthly concerns
"Do what thou Will" is helpful to you now.
Know thyself, and if you feel your mission in life is "earthly", so be it.
>That sweet sweet smile was for me and not for you!
Just smilin' back bb~
>I'm afraid that it will be mostly some general shit about meditation and progressing on your path,
yeah that does seem to be the best thing.
Kinda ignore it and move on as best as can until it gets better.
>>How to improve memory?
>Maybe the method of locis [mind palace] could work
I'm gonna second this. I've heard high things of it.
>I have a tulpa and I'd like to know how she can harvest loosh on her own from the sun, moon, crystals, and plants. How would one go about doing such a thing?
Now this is just theory as I don't actually have a tulpa, but if it gains, even mild, awareness of energy it can manipulate them and harvest/farm/cultivate it much as any other soul could.
>I have absolutely no clue how loosh works or how one attains such energy.
If you created a tulpa you have some knowledge even if you don't realize you realize it. Leverage that.
In brief, energy flows where attention goes, and so upon what ever attention is placed energy is directed there. You can take this a step further by focusing upon a certain type of energy or by 'overlaying' it over another. This is very useful for healing, focusing on light then 1/2 splitting one's focus upon a diseased area, this brings the high vibration into the area; where as if I didn't do that it would simply be my essence/vibration (which is good and of light, but due to numerious factors, not as pure as light in and of itself).
>Any tips on how to visualize neuromuscular energy?
I just (often) use white flowing energy, like pic (2) related.
>How does one eat a parasitic entity?
I am not really qualified to answer this and I would really advise against consuming (taking into oneself) something disharmonic with your being. It may even be advantageous to the parasite(!).
>I'm tired of all of this "surround yourself with white light" stuff.
Just beware becoming what you fight.
>I want to do this fucker some damage.
Carrying on, projection of hatred, anger, or any other fear based emotion would probably suffice.
>i spend all day working sitting in front of a computer. is there anything i could do while i work?
Posture, but you're probably already working on that. Really aside from greenpill material, lectures, documentaries, books, etc. there isn't much that comes to mind that does not take too much attention. Energy work is pretty much out, at least until your an initiate (as it would take a good amount of attention), though once you're good enough at it you will be able to do it in normal waking consciousness, in a similar vein you could move your awareness to varying parts of your body and mind.
>In your professional piss-drinking opinions, would the same benefits be achievable using filtered piss?
Similar, sure; same? No. The minerals are actually utilized.
>The vital energy is in the water, not the waste minerals, right?
>Because fuck it's disgusting
A subjective and programmed response.
>It was kinda gross to me at first but after a week or two one gets acclimated to it.
In this vein, I used to not really like how it tasted when I ate meats or other mundane foods but I forced myself to drink it regardless and now I don't really mind the taste then, though it still is a lot better when I do not indulge in such.
>Generally when you summon an entity you can feel its energy and demeanor as soon as you meet it.
This is true, you can sense it's energy/presence/aura.
>I have never heard of a wizard being trolled by a malevolent entity pretending to be nice.
>So I'm back from a weekend on the country and I must say the place felt energetic as always, but for the first time ever I noticed just how much quartz is there, on chunks and finer forms. I wanted to know if there can be a relation between this quartz overload and the fact that this particular place is the most frequent location for my dreams since my early childhood.
Possible, especially so if you do not have much of a connection to other places (in this life or otherwise).
>Also, I'd like to know if there's some method to prospect for the purest and clearer quartz on that place, for almost every stone and chunk is cloudy and cracked - some magickal method of course,
Depending on how sensitive your intuition is you may be able to simply be still and ask nature, otherwise you can dowse or get creative with other scrying.
>What is the main difference between love and neediness?
Love is unconditional appreciation and does not require or expect anything in return.
>Maybe neediness is being in love with the personality of being in love? Or identifying with the persona of a lover - one is afraid of being regarded as non loving thus they compensate.
Perhaps in part, I know for many the neediness is from the energy they get from their love directing love at them because they are not filled with love themselves they obtain it from outside them, often relationships are mutually this and so you end up codependent.
>Once the individual rises to a higher plane, emotions raise their vibration too - neediness transforms into love.
Human love becomes divine love.
>Also, as i understand it, there are a lot of planes of consciousness. There's the physical plane, the plane of personality, the plane of I am. Whats the next plane?
Beyond the plane of the I am? From what I understand that is cognizant of the 6th density, so beyond that would be the totality of all existence (manifest creation) and the force of creation which has yet to become manifest (the unmoved mover, the point of stillness in the absolute and eternal void, God unmanifest).
>How do I meditate on something?
By placing your attention/consciousness upon it.
>I know it's stupid but just clear my mind and focus on it or what?
See >>>/fringe/3 & >>>/fringe/6 Even if you can only hold focus for one second, then do that, when you realize your attention has waned then return it to the object of your desire.
>What is the best way for me to stop identifying with the personality and connect to my Self?
By realizing the nature of the illusion, that you are not the form or circumstances you find yourself in but merely the observer of such. By placing your consciousness on the present moment this can be expadited.
>Did smiley go full retard this time?
I think he's been at this present level for awhile now.
>Is this what 4 years of armchair occultism does to people?
I would disagree, on 2 points. One that what he did is strictly armchair, from what I've seen he does actually do, at least some, magic however his practices appear to be less than opitmal and full of undesired side effects.
>Can anyone shed light on what the fuck happened and why he cut himself while some girl watched on skype?
I really have not kept up with the drama.
>What does /fringe/ generally think of those who are self-taught?
I think, with a critical eye & analysis, well tested postulations, and internal consistency, being autodidactic, at least in this present corrupt society, is far superior to the alternative. Primarily just because the present proportions of teachers who are actually mean well, do well, and are properly equipped to do such is near abysmal.
To relie upon the self typically involves getting in tune with one's intuition, which allows for unbrideled possibility.
>Will i ever be able to truly love someone again?
If you let yourself. If you love yourself.
The key is to be love and embody it, so you are and radiate it, pouring forth your overflowing abundance unto others; in this way you are not needy, you are joyously giving love unconditionally because you are not becoming lesser but greater for the giving of the love.
>hello everyone, i was talking with a friend of mine and he syas something about the book of sao Cipriano, it is more of a portuguese-brazilian lore, but you can try to look on the wikipedia to know what i talk to. My question is how real is it?
I have not head of it before, I can not comment.
>do you know about him?
I do not.
>Printing books
So long as it's not 100s of pages (or if it is, it's broken into multiple volumes) one can print with a normal printer and just staple or even tape together something which would be quite inexpensive, and if not transported much (or moved with care) will last too.
>How strong is Goku tough-form nowadays if compared to most known gods?
It's somewhat hard to precisely quantify, however keeping in mind that the Goku thoughtform is rather new compared to other entities which have been built up and charged over (potential) eons.
>Can he defeat Jehova?
I would think not.
>How do gods die?
They don't, or they are not Gods. By classical definition the divide was (im)mortality.
>How safe is it hunt and eat( or merge with) random weak creatures in the astral?
I have not done such and I would not recommend it either at least if you not STS.
>I've read that demons use obtained souls to get more direct influence over reality.
When you obtain the loosh generated by a soul you can channel that energy to do things, the more "souls you enslave" (the more people you have feeding you metaphysical resources), the more change you can wield.
>Is it possible get more of that "soul substance"
Yes, it's by awareness, by awakening, by realizing one's own power.
>I just feel like im not able to really love another girl the way i started loving her…
In saying that you are affirming the flawed human nature of your 'love', what you need to do is transmute it into divine love, then you shall understand.
>[Will I get over this feeling]?
If you let yourself. You could get hung up on it too, then, after a (normal) lifetime death will free you.
>After I meditate in the dark I see these white things and it I can't really see it with my eyes, if that makes sense. Anyone know what this is?
>It is not visual snow […] it's kind of like how psychedelic patterns are commonly presented but just white along with the black of the room.
I've noticed when my 3rd eye is really open, charged/active, and when I'm not focusing on the physical (or in an environment where there is a want of physical optical input) I've experienced "trippy" things despite being "sober."
>Does anyone have recommendations for books on mental transmutation besides the Kybalion?
This is a two part question, the former part is about understanding the mechanics of transmutation (which, strictly speaking is all you need) and then the latter part is derived applications of such (specific meditations).
Regarding the former, there are sections of Montalk's work that can aid in understanding why reality is in the state it is and how one can alter it:
There are also a few chapters on how to maintain a divine state of being (which allow for smoother application of the aforementioned)
Otherwise litature on the subject I would recommend is mostly application not theory, nonetheless they are pretty standard, Book of Knowledge & Initation into Hermetics. There is one additional "theory" book that I would recommend, I put theory in quotes because it's astro-biochem, however, one can creativly apply that knowledge to aid in mental alchemy and that is Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation by George W. Carey
>abandoning human life in order to become a god seems retarded. We're here for a reason.
It's not about abandoning human life, it's about transcending it, and that's the reason we're here.
>i believe becoming a god doesn't mean anything.
Not a god, the God.
>What do you mean by becoming a god? Do you mean having superpowers, seeing into other dimensions, manipulating people?
Yes, but siddhis are a mere side effect of unity with the all, not really an end goal in and of itself.
>tell me what's the point of having those.
So one can better serve creation at large.
>We have hands to eat, feet to walk, tongues to talk, ears to listen and eyes to see.
Indeed, and we also have clairvoyant senses to use as well, if we so choose.
>If you mean becoming a God in the sense of merging with the Source then i also definently think that superpowers will not do much for me.
That is part of becomming God, but becomming one with the infinite would necessitate the ability to functually utalize infinity as well.
>>organic portals
>Those aren't a real thing
That it something I'm still not totally sure on. It certainly does appear to be the case that there are those who act with almost supreme influence of the demiurge or others with pretty much to will of the soul (or spirit). Now whether or not they just have almost no awarenes or actually a lack of spirit altogether I can not presently say.
>Any advice for a person who has bad anxiety?
Be (in the) present (moment).
>The emotions are going haywire.
You are not your emotions. Also see
Any Examples of heavily physical minor magical means of creating wealth?
What about heavily magical minor physical means?
Are there any books on the Tree of Life with all the Hebrew names purged in favour of Roman archetypes? Call me ungrounded, but I can't help but have the ever-living fuck triggered out of me each time I read about it.
>Advice for helping a friend through depression?
Most of things that can be done about depression can only be made by your friend.
There is no use giving detailed psychology explanation, but the law of attraction is key here. I didn't like the way most recent law of attraction books were written but the hermetic principle "As within, so without" can make it simpler. Don't let him feel like a victim.
To be honest the best thing you can do for him is simply spending time with him. Play video-games or tabletop RPGs or whatever it is that you two like.
People with depression might repel or avoid other people, but they don't really mean it, just be around him.
Materializing money out of thin air is purely magickal, but I don't expect it to happen.
The main way of atracting money is just one and how much "magick" and "physical" you put into it is up to you.
Magick can create job and business opportunities, then you take that opportunity. If you are lucky/powerful enough, you can find money on the street, but that's it.
You take one or two minor magics and then in your inventory screen combine them whit a major physical or 4 minors you can do the opposite combining minor physicals whit greater magics but you need a 2str 4stam letter belt 1st
Hay, I've been having something odd happen to me lately.
A few weeks ago I received an injury and have been trying to heal for the past two days with magic and after meditating on it with the intention of reducing pain swelling and healing it I start to experience flashing lights with my closed and get extremely exhausted.
It's healed a bit but can anyone offer some advice on where I could improve?
Also why do I experience flashing lights with my closed and get extremely exhausted?
Hey guys, I've been trying to lucid dream for more than a week with no success.
What I do is basically write down "Tonight I'm having a lucid dream" over and over until a whole page has been filled.
Then when I'm going to bed, just before sleeping I whisper over and over "I will notice if I'm dreaming, I will notice if I'm dreaming, etc."
My question is, am I doing it wrong? Do you think I should add another habit or change one of those I already have?
take a look at "Blue field entoptic phenomenon" for your eyes. Could also be the manifestation of your healing magick.
You are exhausted because you are using the energy from yourself,instead of the infinite energy of the Universe. (You don't have believe in monotheistic God to do that)
Alternatively you could find infinite source from within yourself but that's just a little bit harder.
How serious is this friend's depression? Is it recurring? Be careful how you involve yourself with a person who is prone to depression. If they become extremely needy, they may be becoming an energy drain.
>Most of things that can be done about depression can only be made by your friend.
This is the most important part. Your friend is the first and last person who can help make a change for himself. Do not try to become your friend's anchor. Help but do not live for them.
Kek, I meant the Hermetic Kabbalah, but you probably already knew that.
Exhaustion and insanity if an /x/ creepypasta is to be believed.
>Where can I find genuine, nonfluffy, books/links information on seeing spirits?
>book on magic
It's an oxymoron anon, these things simply don't exist. We are forced to wade through the fluff of weird shit written in the style of honest salesmen.
Looks like I fell for one of those "within 1 week guaranteed or ur muny back".
Well at least it's normal I thought I was bad at it or something. I'll keep working on it, thanks.
Sometimes i get an irrational impulse to do random stuff - like when im walking down the street i get some stupid drive that tells me i should go to a specific place. And sometimes it turns out that if i went there a minute later i would miss meeting someone important or i would miss seeing something, etc.
Is this intuition? Or is this the Higher Self just intervening at some times?
Not sure anon, my money's on the Higher Self guiding me.
I do what you described and take longer paths when both driving and walking for no apparent reason at all, so I don't really know how many fated car accidents I've escaped so far.
Lately i have been trying to "tame my mind" reading more and analzing things in my head also visualizing them.
The problem im having has to do with songs that are stuck in my head. I can get my mind to be still for quite a while but lately not more than a few seconds.
Id like to know if any of you had troubles with this alswell and if you have any tips.
Im not listening to music anymore in the hopes of it fading away.
Bonus question: Are these songs thoughtforms?
when I was a child I managed to do it very quickly; my sister told me that I could change my dreams/nightmares, and I did.
I haven't had much lucid dreaming lately tho; I think I tried and did it once but I haven't been trying.
>songs that are stuck in my head. I can get my mind to be still for quite a while but lately not more than a few secon
I had that trouble too.
I think more work is the only solution. Moments of silence become seconds become minutes become hours.
>: Are these songs thoughtforms?
They do feel like they are hard to control such that they aren't mine, but I also kind of think of it as an ADD part of me or a part that is overwhelmed and seeks distraction from feeling things.
I should give an example of what I see with my eyes closed upon doing magic, It's this but more of a bright whitish blue.
How dose one go about finding and using an infinite energy source?
>>In a way which preserves and maximizes the collective freewill of creation at large while still attempting to increase consciousness awareness and the amount-intensity of love present in reality.
>Yeah, I mean aside from that - daily life in particular.
Embody living divine love. Emanate those vibration first and foremost then act as the manifest divine hand in every thought, word, and deed. I give my over abundant energy, love, and labor away, unconditionally, to others. I serve them, I give to them, I heal them, I love them. Anything worldly I have is merely a thing passing through me, in my possion to do naught but serve all, and so I worry not about anything of the manifest. All that I require comes to me.
I also spend a good amount of time taking care of myself as well. I am no good to the all should I, through my own givings, fall into abandon.
>>Sooner or later you shall discover your passions and desires.
>I feel like I'm losing all that though. I had some passions and desires but they lost intensity to the point that I question myself.
Perhaps they where mere novel intellectual curiosities.
>Daily life is impossible this way.
Why so? Are you not motivated to discover yourself anon?
>I can't decide how to live, what career to choose
Will you settle for this mediocrity? This suffering?
>I can't even decide which music to listen to.
Music that uplifts, empowers, and increases your vibration.
>My life lacks any definiteness and I living along the circumstances is driving me insane.
Then take control, create the circumstances, don't be content to just live in them but create them, exert your will!
>You wrote this to another person but it fits my situtation perfectly:
>>Do as you desire, if you desire to be ephemeral emotionally driven being then indulge yourself, after a time you will yearn for more self mastery and unity.
>Yeah, the problem is that it doesn't work.
It only doesn't work if you stop yourself and settle with excuses.
There are no easy paths, soft options or lazy dreams. You did not come here for instant gratification. You came to transform yourself from clay into alchemical gold.
>Once ephemeral, always ephemeral
All is ephemeral but God itself and connection to it. All manifest creation is subject to change.
>The inner guidance that I relied on to get through the day, it doesn't tell me on what to do if I want to quit this rollercoaster ride.
Do not attach yourself to the world if you desire the peace everlasting.
>You know what happens to an astronaut in open space if he starts spinning uncontrollably? Yeah, it won't fucking stop.
>Now instead of the universe, I'm spinning in my innerverse and it sucks as well.
This is a flawed metaphor as you are not powerless, despite how you may perceive it to be, it is only uncontrollable if you let it be. Be the master of your domain (your awareness/mind).
>>I didn't for many years, after much wandering I found that which motivates me, which included both worldly and non pursuits.
>That's nice. How did you do it?
I followed my curiosity. Now it did take a rather round about path but I'm sure it was guided despite the detours.
>Did you listen to inner guidance or did you decide on a certain thing and stuck to it?
I explored until I found them. Nearly every time I simply intellectually decided to do something I would lose motivation because it was an impulse from the lowerself and not fueled by the higher.
>Can't wait to get out of my established thinking patterns, I'm fucking excited.
Awaken anon!
>What is the closet religious job I could get from college that would let me be a wiz full time.
Priest. I'm serious. Though you can actually go to college for Rei Ki/energy healing in some places now.
>Why do I feel sadness when concentrating?
Probably because there is sadness hidden there that you are not aware of unless you actually attempt to concentrate. By directing your awareness you uncovered it. I advise transmutation of it to a better emotion.
This is done by instead focusing upon the vibration/emotion/mental state you desire to experience.
>So that guy was ranting about how our patriarchal society kinda sucks and how the female spiritual essence is neglected
Bringing balance to oneself is very important.
>This gave me the idea, here it goes:
>The lack of drive towards doing productive things/ having a definite path/ applying the male creative energy is caused by an imbalance of male and female energy in one's life.
Possible, but I think it's more so disconnection from life's purpose in general. (Which that is a part, but not the totality, of).
>One has to counterbalance every exertion of masculine activity with feminine passivity.
It's not just that, but also balancing yang's exertion/projection of energies vs yin's introspective/cultivate/gathering energy. And also body/flesh balance too (right 1/2 of flesh is masculine and left side is feminine, become ambidextrous to properly channel/stimulate both energy channels)
>A prolonged masculine lifestyle without counterbalance is detrimental to health. Burnout of workaholics or even cancer is just the body's defense mechanism to stop the masculine exertion and further unbalanced action.
Just gonna say not all work is inherently yang nor is all rest inherently yin. It's about how you move your energy.
>Nature has a much better solution at hand: The romantic relationship of man and woman.
>As a male, a loving girlfriend or wife will be your source of feminine energy - so you can be the unrestricted masculine man all day long. In the evening you will unite(in your most preferred way) and exchange those energies. The best thing is that your gf will profit from this as well as you will become her source of masculine energy. That's the unity of a partnership.
There is much more to it than just that, and while you may be predominately yang and her predominately yin that is still no excuse not to partake in indivdual balancing activities of both natures.
>My prolonged state of not having a female partner halted my masculine performance and laid this ephemeral emotional drifting and sleeping habits upon me.
Regarding your specific situaton, this may be in part true, but do not presume there is only one solution. Strictly speaking a partner is not required, and though I do believe it is the path of least resistance to growth, one can nonetheless grow to Godhead by their own will alone.
I've found that having that yin motivates and empowers the yang, driving one to be better, stronger, greater. This can be internal or external.
>Of course this male-female thing is mentioned in many books and even the old tantric knowledge is available that describes this in a detailed way but I seriously underestimated it's effect and how deep this principle in ingrained in our world. Now I see it everywhere, every thing and every action is influenced by the masculine and feminine. This is the awareness upgrade I needed. Wew lad,
>how could I be so blind?
Imagine this present realization you just went through but extrapolated out innumerable times all the way to God. It's rather quite humbling.
>Makes me kinda curious how celibacy even became a thing for spiritualism…
It's the internal cultivation and balance of both. The perfection of the spirit (which is genderless/both).
>If Religion is not for me;
>If walls of theory discourage me;
>And if I'm more inclined to practicality,
>what practical beginner books you recommend to this aspiring Magician?
In this order; Kybalion, Book of Knowledge, Transcending the Matrix Control System.
Kybalion is basic necessary prerequisite metaphysical framework, BoK is lots of practice, and TMCS contains all the rest of the theory (and some "obvious" practice). The main thing though is energy work, energy work, energy work. For that you can head over to the meditation super thread >>>/fringe/3
>Almoust 100% new to all this Magic iz r3al thing.
Welcome, enjoy your enlightenment. P.S. You are awareness of things and not the things themselves. You are not your body/mind but merely awareness filtered through it. You are not human, you are a spirit having a human experience.
>Now that I think about it, we need to make our own book.
I think this is a high ideal, and not a bad one, but for now there are lots of /fringe/-tier authors who are quite good.
>Many books in the FAQ are pure garbage.
Why don't you at least give constructive criticism?
>How the fuck i wil decalcifie my pineal gland ???
I recommend distilled water (and/or urine) and Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM). If you're gonna get MSM try to get it in bulk, buying capsules are expensive as fuck. Bonus points for ORMUS/Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements (this is actual alchemy though).
>I broke up with the girl after like a month together… And i eventually got over it, i started feeling happy again when i'm with friends and shit, i even got intersted in some other girl but when im at home something reminds me of her and i just feel deep sadness. I know it's natural to feel sad but quite a few days have passed since we parted i don't know whether it's natural to be like this.
It will be normal as long as you are attached to her.
>By the way, more things that remind me of her are dreams.. I go to bed in a good mood, feeling relaxed but i always have these dreams about her - the little quirk is that she never has her own appearance. She looks like some other girl. What's up with that?
Hmm, how do you know it's her?
>im just feeling… lost and hopeless.
This too shall pass.
>One of the basic tenants of paranormality and pretty much any belief system outside of abrahamism is that spirits and other entities are immanent everywhere and that a basic level ability is to merely see them. Internet roleplayers or not, seeing is believing and I can think of no better starter skill. It also seems safe, to know when to run or be careful one must first simply not be blind. Children of flesh are first sighted before they even speak or interact after all.
>I also have to think, in my early childish memories that I saw more to the world than I do today. How would a person lose that?
Conditioning, positive reinforcement of physical stimuli and nonexistant or even negative reinforcement of spiritual stimuli. By focusing too much on the world your perception shifts primarly to the object of attention.
>Can you even get it back? If so, how? Where does one start?
Of course, by shifting what you pay attention to, by becoming aware of the subtle energy world, in a word, meditation.
>there are more sources and books than ever, yet it seems there is less knowledge and truth than before…
Tis the curse of this epoch, it shall pass in time too.
>tl;dr: the Control System beats your spirit out of you if you let it
tl;dr the Control System fools you into thinking your spirit is not spirit but ego
Also http://montalk.net/metaphys/117/stages-of-conscious-awakening is very relevant to this whole discussion.
>When I drink urine I tend to feel kinda scattered.
This can be a side effect of detoxing, there is both physical and energetic restorations happening.
>I guess that's ungrounded?
Some may typify it as such.
>I also get anxious when talking to people, anxious-ish when going places.
I would presume that is because you have an unease (dis-ease!) about the unknown.
>I enjoy not being human-like, but not when I'm not feeling enough love to get over something.
The human condition is flawed, do you really desire to embody such a flawed being? The (present) state of humanity is disconnection from the all (and often the self) and focus upon maya. Step out of your limitations and become more, become love, especially when you do not feel it.
>From a Buddhist perspective; is sadness suffering?
It is a form of suffering, yes.
>If i am attached to the emotion of hapiness for example, and my hapiness changes to sadness, will i double-suffer?
If the source of said happiness is ephemeral you'll suffer, and because the vibratory spectrum you pass through is greater the suffering you experience will seem more extreme.
>This may be a big loop which breeds depression - you're sad because you are sad?
It can be; being sad and then focusing on the sadness. Break the cycle by focusing on something else.
>pic related is very wrong.
>This image and it's text is very common in western buddhism but it's just wrong. Ego came from Freud and I already explained about desire.
It's only partially wrong. On desire/attachment you are correct, however on ego, it is not ''just' Freud's ego but general association with the lowerself/form/flesh/maya that is being refereed to here.
>How does one improve concentration and attention span?
You've probably heard it before, meditation, or use of your mind. Practice concentrating upon thing(s), practice holding your attention without going into a semi-conscious lul.
>I've vaguely remembered cloudy things from years ago, in half-conscious nights, but I need more information.
>What can anyone tell me about saturn and it's hexagon, or more relevantly, its symbolism in modern day occultism?
See >>>/arcane/159
>What were the Nephilim, if anything?
Aliens, some hybridized/bred with humans.
>Why are eight sided stars so important?
I don't know. *goes off to quietly ponder and discern*
>Where do the demons and bloodsuckers live?
Mostly in nonphysical/aetheric realms, but in theory they may exist in the flesh as well, if they do probably underground or in disguise as normal humans.
>I think my house is haunted, I'm always getting these strange vibes and sometimes I feel like I'm being watched.
Sounds like it.
>Could using a humidifer and desire energy enriched water work to remove the entity.
Depends on how entrenched it is. My immediate intuition says probably.
>Everyone here appreciates the effort.
>>I gather a large (pulsating) energy/psifield,
>The only way I "know" to do this is visualize gathering and channeling energy to the area/through me to an area along with breath. Inhale expand my hands to make a 1 meter ish-sized ball, exhale compress it, imagine it growing brighter, inhale imagine the same brightness expanding, exhale compress it even brighter, imagine it and with the energy channeling I sort of "lightly tense", so I don't impede chi flow much yet still make an effort to gather more.
>feedback/tips on that?
What ever works for you. I experiment a lot. Try all all sorts of things, depending on your specific predispitory (past life) leanings to spiritual skills what works well for another may not be the same for you. (Though there will be commonalities due to metaphysical laws.)
What I do is gather a normal energy ball holding my hands about 6 inches apart. I focus on the (physical fleshly) breath and direct the energy from it, from around me, from my higherself, from God, from entities, etc. into it. I started to notice it has a natural pulsing or breath (and as I got into VBM I found out that it actually formulaicly substantiates this), I'll pour energy into it regardless but it's easier to expand it (larger that before) if it's alligned with with it's natural cycle. On the the energy field's "inbreath" I'll expand it out and then on the "outbreath" I'll keep it from shrinking (as far).
You can just increase the energy present untill the density naturally results in growth/expansion of volume but that takes far longer and much more effort. Alternatively you can also have a voluminous shape with lesser amount of energy, I just prefer to be swimming in it.
>I want to ask an akashic reader about you/your methods and how they'll affect me compared to others I have
Feel free.
>I was about to ask for a moniker I could use
I go by Librarian. See >>>/ask/119
>but I'll use "fringechan mod/lover"
Technically any abstraction which clarifies me would work.
>a fair amount of entities evoked; haven't heard of many of those.
Some of them are still very much "in test phase" but I restrict them to positive STO ends regardless, just in case.
>Hadn't heard of the rays either.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_rays inb4 >wiki
>I now wonder what the world looks like through your eyes; whenever I tend to wonder such things since I don't see much other than "normal" reality clearly; I merely am open to the many possibilities/see some things but very vaguely as of yet.
I was like that for quite awhile, and tbh, it's still largly that. I usually have to close my physical eyes to place enough consciousness upon the nonphysical to actually clairvoyantly see it. Normally I just clairsentiently feel it. It's like a tactile sensation, but beyond (and within) the flesh. This is my (past life) predisposition; my wife can see it but feeling it more difficult for her.
>Why those colors for those [4th dimensional] chakras?
Their from a book I read, I thought I would try it out, after a bit of tweaking I ended up there, not to say it's the most true or accurate, but it is the most powerful I've tried thus far (for that section). Additionally, I'll they appear to me like isohedrons but with 50 or 70 triangle faces.
>I like the idea of some but don't know the significance.
It's not like I know everything either, and I didn't get here by not testing things I didn't know.
>I wonder what ascension is
I would define it as increasing the vibratory rate of your soul to the extreme that the lowest/grossest level of your body (presently our physical flesh) becomes such that it literally intangible, by it's default/native/average level, compared to normal 3rd density existence.
>since Khan got a vision of an angel asking if he wished to do so/accept right then, and I know one person IRL who got such an invitation the first time they meditated; I'm curious as to how long it would take me to get that sort of thing.
I've never gotten any thing like that, though I have been visited by angels before, I hold in the core of my beeing a desire/yearning/striving into-for ascension any way.
>Just reading/evoking this stuff mildly makes me feel interesting, rather otherworldly/glorious.
>I wonder if it's a bit much for me now to do this; my last akashic reading told me I need gentle energies to integrate myself right now.
So take a piece then, some affirmations maybe, perhaps some of the energy work.
>I imagine that they/my soul will modulate it all to the pace at which is good for me though.
*your higherself, FTFY
>>I am now a fully ascended being who has chosen to remain on Earth to be of service to all sentient beings. I Am that I Am. Aum!
This is more an affirmation of what I desire to embody, rather than a literal statement of "I am a wanderer."
>I wonder if I've always been this; I was born with blue-tinted skin and a spot on my 3rd eye.
How blue? And if you where a wanderer I think you would know, you may just be nearing ascension level (I suspect that is why most of us have been drawn here.)
>Sounds like something I want to do; I'd grown weary of this life, and have regrown to accept that I'm here for a reason/to be more loving of myself and my path despite pain.
>Meaning, I think, that I am ready to go higher again, or soon anyway.
See you in eternity.
>Music that uplifts, empowers, and increases your vibration.
recommendations? (:
> You are awareness of things and not the things themselves
I like the pic in that post; since reading Magi I've wanted to envision my/surrounding energy as white birds
>This too shall pass.
Anicca, anicca, anicca.
>It's an oxymoron anon, these things simply don't exist.
I kinda realise that, but…
>We are forced to wade through the fluff of weird shit written in the style of honest salesmen.
It seems to be a common enough element of discussion here I would assume many more have waded ahead before me so what I meant by that was "is there something people here could attest to, things that have worked for them". I can't tell the "cures what ails ya" from the genuine at all as I have no experience. A simple googling spits out a lot of high-school wiccan-tier looking material that seems like it would pollute my frame of expectation much more than help me.
Supposedly ghosts and animist spirits and the like are immanent in the world around us so I would surely hope it'd be relatively common knowledge how to at least see them. Barring certain wrestling ghosts who obviously cannot be observed for it is their present moment
>Conditioning, positive reinforcement of physical stimuli and nonexistant or even negative reinforcement of spiritual stimuli. By focusing too much on the world your perception shifts primarly to the object of attention.
Makes sense.
>Of course, by shifting what you pay attention to, by becoming aware of the subtle energy world, in a word, meditation.
Are there perhaps any materials/links on meditation with a slant on spiritual sight? I've thumbed through a good number of books on meditation but most of them are maharishi-yogi tier mass media quackery or buddhist-type guided meditation for specifically buddhist goals like breaking down ego and desire or understanding void (which frankly doesn't interest at all me as somebody who follows life-affirmation and thinks pretty dimly of abrahamic/buddhist life-denying: I'm not trapped here in a cycle I want out of… I'm blessed to be here and even more blessed if I get to come back).
>Tis the curse of this epoch, it shall pass in time too.
All things pass, the greater question is if we'll be alive to see any of it…
I've heard that you have to listen to those songs' final seconds in order to let your brain "accept" that the song has ended and move onto something else.
Look man, as a tl;dr on seeing spirits
>practice your visualizations an awful lot
>pour energy into your third eye
>do the clairvoyance exercises in the Initiation Into Hermetics (it's in one of the later steps so I also recommend you work on everything up to it)
The Book of Knowledge might also have something on it.
The ability to see non physical entities comes from developed astral sight, which generally comes from long term spiritual growth and often appears along with other abilities. You'll likely sense them way earlier before you start seeing outlines, and even so I can't recall myself "seeing a spirit" outside of astral projection.
you fool, you only drink piss if you've been on a fruit diet for weeks, and only then if you're about to drop acid
How would i go about creating a thoughform that wasn't independently sentient but more so an extension of myself? Like a mental second body.
All I can find about this is two unrelated things.
You can prevent a toughform from becoming independent if don't give it a personality nor enough power.
The closest thing to divide or mutiply your counciousness is "bilocation", wich is actually just advanced remote viewing.
I am curious about this as well. Wanting to create a hivemind for a while now.
How to make qi blasts? How does it work? or at least qi charged attacks?
Does anyone have information about materializing objects into thin air or at least having realistic touching feeling?
>Generally speaking, how do you determine the true nature of a song repeating in your head?
Sense it's vibratory-emotional & lyrical-affirmative content and discern if it's something you desire to be.
>I've heard it to be something as mundane as an "earworm" but even learning the description of how an "earworm" behaves sounds suspicious, e.g. it is more annoying in relation to the difficulty of the mental task. Then there is the case of an entity under the guise of a repeated song to mask its intention of leeching your vitality.
Maybe. My experience with songs or other things being "stuck in my head" is if I switch the line to something positive (even if the original is negative), and every time it repeats I mentally censor/replace the section with the love based version it ceases rather soon, usually within a day or 2 tops.
This leads me to believe the thoughtform of it is something a little bit more intelligent and aware than just a simple servitor level meme.
>Is there a difference or are they one in the same?
>So I keep getting this rushes of emotion when I finally get lucid in my dreams; resulting in me waking up. How do I temper the emotion in the astral?
As one must observe their state to temper negative emotions, you now see why that is necessary for positive one's too. This is done in the same way, with detached observation.
>I'm a very political guy but I desire to spiritually evolve beyond this life.
>I love my people but I have to ask do I have to let of them and my earthly concerns to achieve said evolution.
Letting go of love is not necessary, however if there is anything but just love, it may be.
My stance on ethno-nationalism is not incompatible with STO spirituality. I strive, in addition to personal spiritual growth (which may very well outpace my volk, however in the mean time it shall aid them) for a society in which the metaphysical aspects of genetics and the various levels of collective consciousness are understood, and respected in addition to the more traditional views. In which those of a similar energetic-energetic soul-flesh archetype work and evolve together with minimal or no input disharmony from the injection of unlike sources (though not necessarily needing to be totally isolated, it probably would result).
Furthermore due to conscious evolution and a conscious understanding of the forces which power it, breeding would be, obviously, quite selective, even within one physical genetic people, this is where the energetic or soul archetype and past life experiences is relative. This will result in predispitory imprintations, mostly upon your children, but also your partner as well.
Individuals who wish to freely join are welcomed and those who do not wish to contribute or exist in that society are asked to kindly go else where. All those who wish to destroy or otherwise (attempt to) violate that group's right to life and existence have created a justified threat and there is honor in defending one's self/volk against such, even if it must be lethal in nature.
One must be careful it does not go past just simple defense though, should it be taken further that, and a misunderstanding of the necessary role of other's (as lesser or greater as they may be perceived to be) in the grand scheme of things be obtained then often the result is a desire to "purge the world" of that which is unlike; may be portrayed as a mercy given the (physical) perceived pitifulness of the other's existence, however this stance ignores the spiritual growth which was result from such baser physical experiences and to deny them that would be to upset the harmony of the universe. This is where, no matter how noble it may seem, it can go overboard and cross the line into STS and incompatibility in with the spiritual path of love.
>Where do I begin?
With simple mindfulness or breath meditation, is probably the best.
>And is there anything on cryptids
Alas this has not really been a subject I've delved much into.
They are often just souls (but not spirits) which remained after physical death in or near the physical world, powered/cohered for some reason or another. In some contexts it's actually 4th (or higher) density beings interpreted as such.
>Advice for helping a friend through depression?
Console him to affix his attention upon the present moment, and craft what can be out of it, instead of focusing upon the past, which can not be changed (well, technically it can, but don't tell him that, because it will be, in large, a waste of time until present moment manifestation is mastered).
>Any Examples of heavily physical minor magical means of creating wealth?
>What about heavily magical minor physical means?
So you have 2 ways of doing things, one is physically putting your flesh into action and the other is metaphysically aligning your mind and working energies in (dis)harmony with the physical. Ideally both would be aligned to the same end.
The former would be like setting your mind/emotions/beliefs upon a goal then physically acting it out, the latter would be doing rituals, workings, and spells to the same end and gently exploring synchronicity seeking its manifestative fruits.
>Are there any books on the Tree of Life with all the Hebrew names purged in favour of Roman archetypes?
>>>/library/167 has the planets for the various sephirot, this can be translated directly into the Greek/Roman.
>Call me ungrounded, but I can't help but have the ever-living fuck triggered out of me each time I read about it.
I too, don't much care for the hebrew. Even if it was originally not tainted, it still does not resonate as strongly with my soul as other systems.
>Hay, I've been having something odd happen to me lately. A few weeks ago I received an injury and have been trying to heal for the past two days with magic and after meditating on it with the intention of reducing pain swelling and healing it I start to experience flashing lights with my closed and get extremely exhausted.
>Why do I experience flashing lights with my closed and get extremely exhausted?
On rare occasion I'll get flashes of light (one's not directly caused by me), regarding exhaustion, the healing process can be quite taxing, even more so when you accelerate it or raise your vibrations well beyond what you are used to. Depending on the intensity, sometimes I'll lay down for a while, just to rest and relax after doing energy work.
>It's healed a bit but can anyone offer some advice on where I could improve?
Give that I do not know your specific technique used, this will be general in nature; increase energy flow to, and through, the inflicted area specifically, but the whole of your bodies as also beneficial as well. Also spending time programming food/water with curative energies as well can be quite beneficial.
>Hey guys, I've been trying to lucid dream for more than a week with no success.
>What I do is basically write down "Tonight I'm having a lucid dream" over and over until a whole page has been filled.
>Then when I'm going to bed, just before sleeping I whisper over and over "I will notice if I'm dreaming, I will notice if I'm dreaming, etc."
>My question is, am I doing it wrong?
Not really, keep at it it may take some time. It took me months just to get some dream clarity in recall, and I've only actually had a few lucid dreams.
Otherwise, I would only just rephrase the second affirmation, from "I will notice" to "I do notice." As you always desire to keep affirmations present moment.
>Do you think I should add another habit or change one of those I already have?
Cultivate as much loosh as you can, this will help quite tremendously. Also I've heard doing reality checks as part of your every day life can help, as they will be programmed into your subconscious so you do them automatically (and when you do them when dreaming they will alert you).
>what can be achieved by staying up for days on end?
The breaking down of the perceptioral boarders between the physical and non and the shifting of the focus to a more energetic one (though due to the lack of stability this may not be the best way to approach it for practical applications).
>Sometimes i get an irrational impulse to do random stuff - like when im walking down the street i get some stupid drive that tells me i should go to a specific place. And sometimes it turns out that if i went there a minute later i would miss meeting someone important or i would miss seeing something, etc.
>Is this intuition? Or is this the Higher Self just intervening at some times?
I sounds like, in the above circumstances, it was, however do not presume all impulses will be/are. It is quite possible to get an irrational impulse to chop your neighbor's head off as well.
>Lately i have been trying to "tame my mind" reading more and analzing things in my head also visualizing them.
>The problem im having has to do with songs that are stuck in my head. I can get my mind to be still for quite a while but lately not more than a few seconds.
>Id like to know if any of you had troubles with this alswell and if you have any tips.
On occasion, though a lot less so after I purged my music of negative things. Else ways see my first reply of this post.
>Bonus question: Are these songs thoughtforms?
Yes, a thoughtform is simple a bundle of psychic energy bound together in a somewhat coherent/persistent way. The complexity of it depends/determines what type of thoughtform it is (sigil, servitor, tulpa, etc.)
>How dose one go about finding and using an infinite energy source?
By realizing that the connection to the infinite is within and not without, then spending time in contemplation of/basking in it.
>>Daily life is impossible this way.
>Why so?
>Will you settle for this mediocrity? This suffering?
Money is required to survive in this society. Of course I'd rather spend my time with fringe tier stuff but I require some basic financial income to do so.
Also I have lots of projects and ideas on my mind that I'd love to try, but acquiring the materials and equipment also requires money.
>Awaken anon!
I-I might already have. Lots of realizations lately and my worldview became more whole and thus more "fluid".
But something seems to be missing. I dig those "breakthrough" moments but they're too rare.
>society in which the metaphysical aspects of genetics and the various levels of collective consciousness are understood, and respected in addition to the more traditional views. In which those of a similar energetic-energetic soul-flesh archetype work and evolve together with minimal or no input disharmony from the injection of unlike sources (though not necessarily needing to be totally isolated, it probably would result).
>society in which the metaphysical aspects of genetics and the various levels of collective consciousness are understood
Right in the feels. I suffer with colonizer ancestry and immigration history.
Ok i do believe in magic but so far i have been in contact with sigil only, and I'm not joking, how would one go about summoning a storm or causing explosion, something like manipulating elements and such?
I just watched a couple videos of Bear Heart, and was surprised to hear that we all have planetary bodies, and that these overlap to produce our physical body. It's interesting to know that these planetary bodies have their own thoughts and so on, but are somehow actually the same thing as you.
So, then, what's the difference between an unconscious linkage between one's connection with a tulpa versus one of their planetary bodies. Do tulpas have planetary bodies as well? Are thoughtforms different from planetary bodies? Excuse my ignorance.
It's common in fantasy settings for advanced races like elves to do so. I've played whit the thought myself but have no hands on experience so my answer is most likely you can.
(In D&D Elves only need 4h mediation while pleb races need the full 8h rest)
Wait till the next rain and use your mind to shield you from raindrops or alter the trajectory to exempt you
totally trying this; I assume this takes effort.
I usually try to go with "relaxed effort" to use both the energy flow of relaxed and the strength of effort but that may simply be a way of conserving strength rather than optimal. Dunno; will have to experiment.
>I go by Librarian. See >>>/ask/119
I was told recently that one of the archetypes I should work with is that of Metatron the Librarian (and I think also the Bridge between worlds? I don't recall).
>I enjoy reading your posts. ^_^
I as well; I thought the other day "this person is carrying the question thread"
>[music] recommendations? (:
See >>>/fringe/209
>It seems to be a common enough element of discussion here I would assume many more have waded ahead before me so what I meant by that was "is there something people here could attest to, things that have worked for them" [in regards to clairvoyance].
Many many hours of imaginative practice, time spent visualizing things. Now I had a deficit in said area for many years so some one without such may obtain what I have in far less time. notably >>>/fringe/7 , >>>/fringe/15 & >>>/fringe/16 will help one exercise their clairvoyance.
There is no excuse for lack of practice though, and only by using your abilities will you further hone them.
>high-school wiccan-tier looking material that seems like it would pollute my frame of expectation much more than help me.
One does need to learn how to sort the ideological wheat from the chaff, it would help with that… if only indirectly.
>Supposedly ghosts and animist spirits and the like are immanent in the world around us so I would surely hope it'd be relatively common knowledge how to at least see them.
>common knowledge
Kek, well, as much as it can be, it is, however the crux of the issue is all words are mere abstractions of things way beyond the metaphoricistic capacity of them, and so it is like explaining sight to blind men. One can only truly grasp it by living it.
The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. - Marcel Praust
>>Of course, by shifting what you pay attention to, by becoming aware of the subtle energy world, in a word, meditation.
>Are there perhaps any materials/links on meditation with a slant on spiritual sight?
See the above answer.
>I've thumbed through a good number of books on meditation but most of them are maharishi-yogi tier mass media quackery or buddhist-type guided meditation for specifically buddhist goals like breaking down ego and desire or understanding void
Once the lowerself is properly understood the higher can easier fulfill it's duty, untill then such things as that are useful.
>which frankly doesn't interest at all me as somebody who follows life-affirmation and thinks pretty dimly of abrahamic/buddhist life-denying: I'm not trapped here in a cycle I want out of…
I do agree, in part, it is a gift to be here, for it allows us the ability to learn and advance our spirit. However I do also see the 3rd density as something to ascend and grow out of, not in the Abrahamic sense of ignoring the life we presently have in favor of eternity, but in that through total embrace of all the opportunity afforded to us we may eventually transcend samsara/the cycle of reincarnation and move to a higher plane of being.
>I'm blessed to be here and even more blessed if I get to come back.
Life in tha higher realms is just as much of a blessing, but there is no shortcuts there, despite the honest delusions of Christians, it, where ever one is, affords the spirit the context to become grander, what ever that may be, on Earth or as a native of the Astral.
>the greater question is if we'll be alive to see any of it…
Only if immortality (or otherwise extreme longevity) can be achieved, else it may be in another life.
>you only drink piss if you've been on a fruit diet for weeks
It may taste less than pleasant, it may be of such a high vib it can only be consumed in limited quantities, but there is no reason you should not consume it, even with a "normal" diet of meat and potatoes.
>and only then if you're about to drop acid
Cleansing the flesh and aura is a good practice, in general, but especially when preparing (which should not just be started mere hours prior) to undertake any sort of mystical experience or shamantic journey.
>you fool
It is you who appear the fool:
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt. - Abraham Lincon
>How would i go about creating a thoughform that wasn't independently sentient but more so an extension of myself? Like a mental second body.
Just sounds like an advanced servitor. Set down some operational perimeters for it so it can not grow beyond certain bounds in X respect(s), lest it accidentally develop independent sentience, then go forth creating like you would any other thoughtform.
>How to make qi blasts?
Gather energy
Project energy
>How does it work?
>or at least qi charged attacks?
By focusing energy upon the striking surface of your weapon (or hand, or what ever) you amplify the force delivered by putting your mind into the action not just your flesh you are manifesting the outcome in real time, disregarding what physical "laws" may be otherwise hinder a mere worldly attempt alone.
>Does anyone have information about materializing objects into thin air or at least having realistic touching feeling?
It is the same theory as manifesting anything else, the only real difference is the level of detail required in the "visualization" (you must imagine all aspects of it) and the amount of energy put into it. The more energy the faster it manifests, with enough energy it will do so instantly, cohering matter from pure spiritual energy.
A prerequirement to doing this is the ability to engage your imaginational senses in utter detail required to direct the energy into the proper form. This is where visualizative and other astral sense development (such as tactile, sound, etc.) are important.
>Money is required to survive in this society. Of course I'd rather spend my time with fringe tier stuff but I require some basic financial income to do so.
Keep telling yourself that and it shall be true. I've lived the last year on less than $100. What I require, food, shelter, internet, clothes, etc. was gotten without income of any kind, often given to me by just simply asking and sometimes even without solicitation altogether.
This belief, is like any other, shall bind you for as long as you buy into it.
>Also I have lots of projects and ideas on my mind that I'd love to try, but acquiring the materials and equipment also requires money.
Perhaps if you attempted to obtain what you actually desire (the items themselves) and not the abstraction that you believe will allow you to obtain them (money) you would have better results.
>I-I might already have. Lots of realizations lately and my worldview became more whole and thus more "fluid". I dig those "breakthrough" moments but they're too rare.
Ask and keep on asking and it will be given to you; seek and keep on seeking and you will find; knock and keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who keeps on asking receives, and he who keeps on seeking finds, and to him who keeps on knocking, it will be opened. - Matthew 7:7-8
And often it can take time to properly internalize what is learned, even if it seems as no progress is being made, in a subtle way, your psyche is adapting.
>Ok i do believe in magic but so far i have been in contact with sigil only, and I'm not joking, how would one go about summoning a storm or causing explosion, something like manipulating elements and such?
Declare your will, practice declaring your will, and do not be discouraged when you do something if the action you desire does not manifest instantly or is minor in manifestation, this is to be expected untill you are more adept at your practice.
Regarding summoning weather, the level of awareness required to consciously merge your awareness with something of that volume is somewhat advanced and so use of abstractions of will are probably best (holding the image of the desire compared to consciously manipulating every atom of the clouds in a several hundred meter or even kilometer radii).
Regarding causing explosions, projections of very dense chi/ki would suffice, however do not expect DBZ level results over night, it may take months or even years of practice and cultivation.
Regarding manipulating elements, on a smaller scale it is much easier to project your awareness into small amounts of water, air, etc. you first need to understand how move your awareness beyond your flesh. If you can already do this skip this, else see
Then you move your awareness into said object you desire to influence, BoK has some info on this pg. 17. For an example see
In brief what you are doing is merging awareness, your consciousness, into the energy pattern-field which is behind physicality.
>I just watched a couple videos of Bear Heart, and was surprised to hear that we all have planetary bodies, and that these overlap to produce our physical body. It's interesting to know that these planetary bodies have their own thoughts and so on, but are somehow actually the same thing as you.
I'm unfamiliar with this concept of planetary bodies as presented here, I assume, and from the sound of it, that it is similar to the mental, emotional, etc. energy bodies. Operating on that assumption…
>So, then, what's the difference between an unconscious linkage between one's connection with a tulpa versus one of their planetary bodies.
A tulpa may posses their own energy body, unique and distinct from your soul's or it may be a subset of.
>Do tulpas have planetary bodies as well?
They could.
>Are thoughtforms different from planetary bodies?
They can be.
Take this with extra salt though, as this is the first time I've heard of this term and I am largly unfamiliar with Bear Heart.
>Can you replace sleep with types of mediation?
Yes, that's basically what polyphasic is. Also even when no resting poly I've meditated for hours and hours on end and felt as though I did sleep.
>In D&D Elves only need 4h mediation while pleb races need the full 8h rest
I've been rather continually amazed at the real life basis of much 'sci-fi' and 'fantasy'
How do you contact your higher self? As I understand it, it is your planetary body at Sol/tiphareth.
Does your higher self have access to all your thoughts and memories?
Bear Heart uses a lot of "invite X entity in" kind've lines that seem vague and ambiguous. I'm really new to all this and I guess I'm jumping straight into high-level magick without doing the requisite reading (which honestly saved me a lot of heartache by not performing the standard LBRP and relying on qliphothic entities). How does one simply "invite the prime creator in to heal your aura"? Do you try to imagine its presence or something? It all seems very wish-washy and prone to error.
The last thing I want to do is accidentally create a tulpa version of my higher self, and not actually contact my higher self. Or worse yet, hear the words of an accidentally evocated entity that's not related at all.
By contact, I don't mean just ask for advice, but how do I summon him and see him before? Bear Heart seems to suggest he'll come instantaneously.
>How do you contact your higher self?
I just head to one of my astral sanctuaries and create a create a body for my higher self to inhabit. The intent itself seems to summon him on its own, since to answer your next questions, your higher self is the TRUE you, the John Doe you is just a persona, a mask your higher self is hiding behind, while your body is another, even coarser mask. Think of it as an actor of person X, asking person X himself advice on various things.
Do thoughts trigger emotions, or do emotions trigger thoughts, or does every thought have it's own emotion as decided by the one creating the emotion?
Most modern theories of emotion hold that emotions depend on the interaction of bodily responses, conscious feelings, and cognitive assessment of context, with each able to affect the others.
Doesn't seem like anyone asked this so I might as well.
Can non-virgins ever use magic? I am a simple neophyte and will continue to read regardless if I can or cannot use magics due to my non-virgin status.
Everyone I have asked before has said only virgins can possibly use magic but these were shitposters on /pol/ spewing about their memetics.
I have observed what seems to be the world around me bending to my thoughts. Is this just a coincidence? I am making false observations? Will I ever be able to become a wizard now that I have had sex?
>trusting /pol/ about magic
They have no idea what they are talking about. Why would anyone who ever had sex not be able to practice magic? It seems like a corrupted version of the 'no sexuality allowed' doctrine Christianity promotes if I take into account that this claim originates from /pol/.
The only thing you need to keep in mind is that masturbation and sex expends energy if you ejaculate, which in turn affects your magickal efficiency.
Don't worry my friend. There's nothing wrong with you.
>I have observed what seems to be the world around me bending to my thoughts. Is this just a coincidence?
No, this is magic.
>Could you explain [what is meant by declaration of will]?
When you declare something, you make it known, you make it clear, you spell it out as to disambiguate what may or may not be your intention. In this case you are making your desires, your (free)will choice about what is wished to be known.
This can be as simple as an affirmation of "I am peace" or it can be increasingly complex, like a sigil, ritual, visualizative working, etc.
[BearHeart video on planetary bodies]
It does certainly seem as though what is referenced are vibratory slices/sections of your energy body in total.
It seems to be to have overlap with my current interpretation of the energy body (or energy bodies, depending on perspective), in that it can be subdivided into different vibratory/energetic parts, each piece having its own intelligence, and together all of them making up the totality of one's being.
By becoming aware of the true depth of one's self knowledge, mastery, and power (freewill) is obtained. From a static perspective, the "self" is expanded by increasing one's conscience awareness of it (in relationship to the truth of unity with the all).
So, to answer the original question on point
>what's the difference between an unconscious linkage between one's connection with a tulpa versus one of their planetary bodies.
Assuming the tulpa has a separate planetary body and is not just operating through a subset of your souls (which would serve as a sort of reference library while or until said thoughtform (or tulpa) reaches a more complex level of being) if you were connected to a planetary body you would be dealing with the energies governed by said heavenly sphere, where as the collective sum of the soul of any given being would be the total of all bodies, energy or otherwise.
>Are thoughtforms different from planetary bodies?
Yes. Thoughtforms are collections of energy, created by a first order being, thus they are second order beings.
The planetary bodies, as created by the Godspark, are an outgrowth of one's higherself and part of the lowerself. Just like mono, dual, etc. elemental thoughtforms (beings of the energy of fire, and or water, and or etc.), a thoughtform could also be made with a slice of energy, instead of being distinguished by classical element vibration/energy, they could be distinguished by the energy of various planetary sphere(s).
>How do you contact your higher self?
I do it energetically, by feeling the love/energy/form of my "future" perfect self streaming down into my lower. This is greatly aided by clearing & building the passage there; this is the purpose of (my flavor of) the Antakarana meditation >>>/fringe/646
>Does your higher self have access to all your thoughts and memories?
Yes, it is the totality of you, and it is beyond time and space.
>"invite X entity in" kind've lines seem vague and ambiguous.
That is only the case untill you know the energy/nature of the entity you are dealing with.
>How does one simply "invite the prime creator in to heal your aura"?
>Do you try to imagine its presence or something?
That is one way, you can also simply vocally or mentally speak something akin to "God pour forth into my being your love, that it cleanse, heal, and restore me" and then repeat like a mantra if desired, else resonate and or feel the energy.
>It all seems very wish-washy and prone to error.
It's more about the intention than really the words, though words are important too.
>The last thing I want to do is accidentally create a tulpa version of my higher self, and not actually contact my higher self.
I think that is exceedingly unlikely.
>Or worse yet, hear the words of an accidentally evocated entity that's not related at all.
That is why you set ground rules, or operational conditions, for the working you are doing. To define the environmental variables as to manifest/produce what you desire and not what you don't.
>By contact, I don't mean just ask for advice, but how do I summon him and see him before?
You can simply call out as above, else you can have a more elaborate working of your own design or for an example there is one in BoK pgs. 33 & 34.
>Bear Heart seems to suggest he'll come instantaneously.
This is true, now whether or not you can perceive, discern, or sense… That is another matter altogether, however nonetheless, rest assured in its effectiveness.
>Do thoughts trigger emotions, or do emotions trigger thoughts
Either or can. It depends on how your lowerself is wired. Through exertion of freewill both can be freed from deterministic environmental stimuli and be made into conscious volitional choices.
>Can non-virgins ever use magic?
Of course.
>Everyone I have asked before has said only virgins can possibly use magic but these were shitposters on /pol/ spewing about their memetics.
The meme regarding needing to be a virgin till 30 to become a wizard has some truth to it. Sexual energy is extremely powerful, and most squander it on lust, temporary sense pleasures, or even simply inefficient/squanderous impregnation techniques. By cultivation of this energy one can work significantly more powerful magics, however repressing one's sexuality by forcing celibacy without transmutation of one's (energetic) seed is also equally damaging to the body and soul.
Depending on the archetype of your birth flesh, see
>I have observed what seems to be the world around me bending to my thoughts. Is this just a coincidence?
There is no such thing as coincidence, what you are noticing is called synchronicity, the reaction of reality in accordance to one's mental state, otherwise known as magic; the art and the science of causing change to occur in conformity with will.
>Will I ever be able to become a wizard now that I have had sex?
Of course. However I do advise, for the sake of a swifter path of development, you start cultivating your energy.
>to be done
That is an improper way of conceptualizing of it, and may indeed hinder manifestation. The crux of the problem is that "to be" implies future tense, however we live in the eternal present moment, if you are putting energy into something other than the present moment it won't manifest.
What you should do is declare the idealized present moment to be, and then move into that (already existent) frame of reference by holding (faith) that desire consistently.
Otherwise, you are basically correct except for it's not "in your head", your mind is your energy field/aura, not your physical brain, and is both local and non local.
A few days ago as an experiment, I have entered my astral body and flew above the city I live in. There I have accumulated an enormous amount of the fire element infused with burning passion for the white race/patriotism. I have then dispersed it among the population in my attempt to reduce the apathy in aussies. In a few hours after I do that, the weather report changes to high chance on rain on friday which was today.
In addition to the rain, seemingly counteracting my show of effort, everyone at uni and work seemed really down and low energy, as if drained by something, while I myself woke with a raging headache despite putting up a number of defenses prior to sleeping.
Apart from continuing to poke the wasp hive with a stick by resuming my efforts, any recommendations to my future course of action? Any techniques for tracing magic for me to find who exactly is countering my effort and attempting to deal with them directly rather than entering a sort of cold weather war?
>Keep telling yourself that and it shall be true. I've lived the last year on less than $100. What I require, food, shelter, internet, clothes, etc. was gotten without income of any kind, often given to me by just simply asking and sometimes even without solicitation altogether.
>This belief, is like any other, shall bind you for as long as you buy into it.
Sure, I could live without money somehow but I'd need to change my circumstances a fair bit which I'm not sure of being a good choice yet.
>Perhaps if you attempted to obtain what you actually desire (the items themselves) and not the abstraction that you believe will allow you to obtain them (money) you would have better results.
Perhaps. I tend to be lazy and money allows me to skip a few efforts.
Is there even another choice?
>And often it can take time to properly internalize what is learned, even if it seems as no progress is being made, in a subtle way, your psyche is adapting.
Yeah, I figured that out already.
Things change, it probably belonged to some reptilian bastards before the abos
How exacly does loosh farming work? Say I post some real good b8 and a bunch of dummies fall for it, its going to be mostly negative replies, wouldn't that be bad for me?
There isn't much to do magick-wise. Just follow a basic barbell routine (like SS) and find a new program when you start to stall. Someone told me on other /fringe/ that weight lifting is bad for you and to do a bodyweight exercise program, but I don't believe that.
Its not time-efficient, it depends on it having some straight relationship with you or a sigil of yours, and a lot of people falling for it; you can do a lot more via energy work or sun-gazing. Also it taints your karma so I wouldn't consider it a good option.
Also, energy gotten from external sources doesn't make you grow, just like fat vs muscle. Energy from outside will just lay there, accumulating; while energy coming from inside will build and strengthen.
OK so I don't know if this is the place because it may be biased, but in the last weeks, after drinking tea I get this light "lightheadedness" feeling.
My differential diagnosis is diabetes onset - I'm 1,8 m and weigh 66 kg - which makes it unlikely.
Anyway, who else gets "high" on tea? Is it just a perception that passed undetected before?
In a tangentially relate topic. What teas/infusions can I get to boost specific chakras? I'm thinking of checking my local chinese market to get some; I'm most interested in the middle chakras.
Thanks, guess I'll just keep doing my thing. I can probably throw some visualization in to at least motivate myself.
Does anyone know how to perform an exorcism?
I'm thinking of evoking Michael and three other archangels during the LBRP (currently I use the GOODS version, with Erus, Zephyrus, Notus, and Boreus). The problem is that I'm not completely certain how to evoke said angels (I'm guessing you just vibrate their name while trying to form a cloud of presence for them to emerge from?), and I don't want to accidentally call upon a qliphothic entities.
I want to use the principle of "god of the circle," whereby Archangels will follow your respectful commands (that's what they're there for, right?) since you've become the prime creator of the magician's circle.
I hear Thor is a good name to call upon, but he's not an angel.
Are there any good conjuration texts with verses powerful enough to do this that aren't Jewish or rely on Jewish gods? I'm not so sure the Judaic gods would like me, considering I'm a NatSoc.
Oh, and apparently the GOODS affirm that Archangel Michael is actually Heimdall in Norse Mythology. Quite interesting…
Don't fuck around with angels. I'm extremely repulsed by the idea. I hate Christianity, Judaism, Yahweh and all that stuff so for me calling upon any Jewish entity would be very stupid.
And I know that one really calls universal principles in these rituals, but still.
There are so many cultures and systems all around the world, you need not stick to the one that uses cancerous Abrahamic religious figures.
And I'm not talking about using LBRP, although I suppose you could use different names, but, like >>1319 said - the names are actually there for their vibrations and are not to be swapped around.
So - in conclusion - don't come near anything that works with Jewish entities, if any book or ritual or basically anything on this green Earth contains Jewish/Christian/Muslim names in it - I treat it like a plague it is. It's contaminated to me and I leave it.
That's just my point of view though.
Agreed. Christianity, Islam and Judaism all have their roots in the same foundation; nothing more but spiritual enslavement. Don't fall for the nefarious schemes of the legions of Yahweh. Plenty of beings masquerading as benevolent and divine are simply deceiving you and many others. If Christianity would actually be as beneficial as they preach, it wouldn't be as heavily shilled as it is today. We live on a prison planet run by the same beings the Abrahamic religions worship.
The fact that magic works for Jews, pagans, Nazis and Buddhists should make you look at your political beliefs in a more critical light.
As any kind of belief, all they're doing is weighting you down. "Angels" and "gods" are just words. The true entities or phenomena behind them have nothing to do with earthly religion and certainly nothing to do with your childish obsession with Judaic conspiracies.
I get it that you feel all edgy and cool by being a Nazi, but in the end it's all just nonsense. A word of advise: if you feel like you "hate" something, then YOU have a problem YOU need to root out, not the object of your hate.
I won't reply at all about this subject, so make of what I said what you wish.
In turn I wish you well being and success.
Relax, m8s and listen to >>1323
The definitions of angels and demons vary. If you go to angelfire.com, it'll say that angels are just servants of Yahweh, and that demons are goy spirits–I'm assuming that that's your operating principle.
Then there's the conception that angels were made by the prime creator of the universe (NOT YAHWEH) to be sort of cosmic applets, wherein they're happiest performing their designated functions, as programmed by the All itself. Demons are essentially everything that isn't an angel, including you (its original Greek meaning being corrupted by Christianity).
Also, it's a contention of Bear Heart that sealing the pentagrams with Judaic godnames is a byproduct of the godforms used, thereby putting a big sign saying "don't fuck with me–I'm the bitch and lunch of far more powerful beings than you." So the vibrations it produces in the body is kind've secondary.
You must have skipped this post too >>1318
Some more to show that The Third Reich was definitely pickyourcolor-pilled on the truth.
Name one faction that is just as vilified in public eye as The Third Reich?
Name one faction that has just as much disinformation spread by the exact trinity of religion The Third Reich fought against?
Exactly, Spiritual Satanists. Can you see the connection here?
The Third Reich were aligned with our true creator gods, aiming for both genetic and spiritual perfection; resulting in Godhood.
Satan, or better know as ENKI in the Sumerian Tablets, is our true creator God. This, plus his demons, are the being who most of our pagan ancestors revered.
The Aryan race is just as much about genetics as it is about souls. The genetic physical genetical representation is only a downwards manifestation of the soul that they inhabit.
Satan and his Demons were responsible for the alteration of the souls that most of us from Aryan descent have. Connecting the dots seems obvious at this point.
The Third Reich was a direct rebellion against the beings, both earthly and extraterrestrial, that keep this floating rock a prison planet. No wonder nearly the entire (controlled part of the) globe turned against one nation.
Please make a Bear Heart thread or something. I know there seems to be a lot of material but it gets extremely confusing. Sometimes they reference or talk about things that can't be found easily.
>muh hate is wrong
You have this fucking emotion for a reason. Good luck with that self-mutilation of yours.
>The true entities or phenomena behind them have nothing to do with earthly religion and certainly nothing to do with your childish obsession with Judaic conspiracies
>childish obsession with Judaic conspiracies
When did coming up for your people and trying to liberate one's self ever be considered childish? You're part of the problem with this distorted rhetoric your spouting.
>I get it that you feel all edgy and cool by being a Nazi, but in the end it's all just nonsense.
Nazi literally stands for National Socialism. When did following a political alignment become considered nonsense? Go fucking hang yourself, you have no idea what you're talking about.
>The fact that magic works for Jews, pagans, Nazis and Buddhists should make you look at your political beliefs in a more critical light.
How is this even an argument? Ok so, all of the aforementioned individual classes of people eat food as well. And so do they piss and sleep. Does that affect anything? This line of text of you adds absolutely NOTHING. Sure they can practice magick, but their AIM, their INTENTION is VASTLY different. Not only that, but the literal composition of the SOUL is different from a Jew in comparison that of a Gentile. THERE ARE MAJOR DIFFERENCES. How dense can you be, fuck. Yes, I'm triggered.
Go back to your new-age hugbox, please.
I'm actually thinking about finishing some OC I made to make their daily rituals more understandable to 8/pol/. We can spread this to accomplish three things
1.) The transmission of high, planetary, kabbalistic magick to quasi-mundanes so that we cut through all the bullshit and drastically accelerate their learning (it sure did affect mine).
2.) Use our increased numbers to win the war against Juden
3.) Enjoy the increased thoughtforce and attention given to our daily rituals
Bear Heart seems to be a closet white nationalist, and his video series will propel /pol/ through readings on materials they might otherwise think are bullshit and not invest any time in. The only throwbacks will be the knee-jerk reactions anyone is bound to get when hearing about the reptilian menace, and, of course, the stupidly recalcitrant Hebrew connotations of the Hermetic Tree of Life.
What can Enochian magick do? Someone in the shape-shifting thread said it was scarily powerful and would be overkill for, as an example, increasing height.
I read Enochian Initiation and it was mostly just psychedelic trips the author took. The only thing he briefly said about how it changed his life was it improved his state of mind and made him more euphoric.
So what can it do? Everything?
>I'm actually thinking about finishing some OC I made to make their daily rituals more understandable to 8/pol/.
Please post detailed instructions. I never bothered with LBRP/MPR (because it looks like a bloated form of energy body stimulation) and don't understand how any rituals are supposed to be performed (in detail) after reading the documents, but I am open-minded and want to experiment. I feel absolutely nothing and don't care about the spirits involved in it, I just want results. Is this form of occultism working on a pragmatic basis, meaning the fancy ceremonial acts work regardless of genuine emotional investment?
It's basically 'do this instead of that' and 'do this specific thing' without referencing, i.e. "goddess posture" or "star pose" and other unfamiliar references. Sometimes the instructions are completely missing, one passage is literally "Lightly tap the center of your genitals times.".
Do the videos explain at least explain without needing to look up third party material?
>Please post detailed instructions
It's good to know that the OC I'll make will actually have an influence.
>it looks like a bloated form of energy body stimulation
Not really. I'm very new to this myself, but it looks like everything done in there is being done for a reason. The visualizations are based on the invoking nexuses on the hermetic Tree of Life, invoking the god of the all, alchemical formulations, drawing godforms to particular nexuses, and using astrological sigils to help with drawing in the planetary spheres to their appropriate nexuses.
My take on it is that you
1.) Use the saturnine circle to declare yourself god of the microcosm (not a matter of belief, that's just how it works), then
2.) make this an equal-armed cross, representing Terra/Earth while drawing in that correspondence
3.) The whirling ball of light above your head both uses your crown nexus and draws in the planetary sphere of Uranus (and the god himself)
4.) The grand solar cross you visualize both symbolizes the macrocosm and ties together the Tree of Life with the Merkaba in various energy currents. The calling of the godnames for the planetary spheres helps build correspondence, and the things you say affect the spirits around you (this goes for the first part).
5.) The golden breastplate activates your Beauty nexus and floods your torso with the energies of Sol, and makes you feel secure
6.) The gemstones of each zodiac sign help bring you into alignment and their swirlings activate your Beauty nexus further.
7.) A flying swastika above your head gives you limitless energy (just stop fucking farming for loosh–you have it at your fingertips). It both taps into the nature of the Swastika and uses the Merkaba.
8.) The pentagrams you draw stay in your aura for a while, and you fill them with the energies of Venus and Mars
9.) The guardians called upon represent the four directions of winds. Not sure why that's important, though.
The star pose represents the pentagram (a symbol of Venus), and the spear tip stance represents the energies of Mars.
Their middle pillar ritual actually helps you get into contact with your planetary bodies, too, and is extremely powerful for the effort you put in.
>I just want results. Is this form of occultism working on a pragmatic basis, meaning the fancy ceremonial acts work regardless of genuine emotional investment?
Well, I got a mundane to do it on /pol/, and he felt like "he was in a state of ease throughout the day," which worked in spite of his scepticism.
Whenever I'm done with it, I feel a wonderful feeling in the back of my torso that I get after reiki sessions and that I no longer need to be sad any more. So yeah, I can definitely tell that the energy is flowing. It took way more effort when I was trying to surround myself with white light and use the breathing techniques of the Hindu chakras using the solar plexus chakra (which interestingly enough is at a different location than the Beauty nexus) while surrounding myself in white light.
According to Bear Heart, chakras are a naga practice and aren't really meant for humans. Despite this, he still mentions the "third eye" a bit, which is definitely something that's real.
>I get it that you feel all edgy and cool by being a Nazi
I'm not a natsoc
I'm not aligned with any political system, because earthly politics don't mean much to me. I just see how destructive Abrahamic religions are and choose not to feed their already enormous and possessive godforms.
>your childish obsession with Judaic conspiracies.
I'm not a /pol/ack
>"Angels" and "gods" are just words
Words that symbolize certain things, certain energies. If you work within a system which is based on invoking Jewish/Christian/whatever entities than it's pretty much what you get. Lets just say that it's not my cup of tea :^)
I'm not the person you think I am. Yeah, I hate Abrahamic religions for what they have done (and are still doing) to the world, but in my life it just manifests as me not wanting to have anything in common with them - as you said about hate - I try not to act on these feelings because Christianity isn't even worth my hate. Feeding my hate thoughtforms would only bind me further to the object of my hatred and I don't want that.
>I'm assuming that that's your operating principle.
Both you and >>1323 assume much about people you have no idea about. I'm not coming from JoS, I'm not coming from /pol/ and I'm not coming from Esoteric Hitlerism or whatever. I'm just a sane person trying to get rid of trash from my inner world.
>corrupted by Christianity
Even you, in your post, express the notion that Christianity is in fact corrupting influence upon this world.
Why do you feel so good then about invoking energies which have their origin at the very core of said corrupting system?
>You must have skipped this post
I didn't skip it, I just have nothing to say. I know little about GOODS so why would I say anything about it?
Many entities have some perceivable similarities, what of it? If Michael is in fact Heimdall (but I'm not buying into that by any means) then why not just use Heimdall's name in the rituals? If someone has nordic roots I bet it would resonate with them even better.
Everything you mentioned, except chakras has it's roots in Jewish mysticism, so I'd take a wild guess and say that Satanic anon does not use them.
Speaking for myself - the fact that most of Western esotericism is contaminated to such an extent pushed me to search for my path in the Eastern systems. Tantra is one of the oldest systems that hasn't been touched by Christians/Jews/etc. (apart of course from some transmission lines established during the Muslim occupation but the tantras I study are much older than that).
Although some people try to map chakras to the Tree of Life or some silly business like that, but of course it is by no means part of tantrik tradition and just their insane interpretation.
So guys, making assumptions about a person you have no idea about make you look silly. Now, I have a question - why are you so triggered by the idea that someone may be repulsed by a given system? I have my system you have yours, I invoke non-Jewish (or non-Christian, whatever) entities, you invoke Jewish ones. I have no problem with that, why do you? If you feel I miss out on something then well, my loss, is it not?
The only reason I replied the way I replied was because the anon, introducing himself as natsoc, was talking about Christian entities. I tried to warn him, that's all. I don't know about him but me invoking said entities wouldn't end well.
Apart from studying Tantra I also studied some Western systems. I know that in theory those entities are just manifestations of certain universal principles. Maybe, just maybe, they were originally benevolent, but with so many mundanes feeding the godforms who knows what grew out of it? If you think I'm deluded - so be it, I don't care.
If anyone here is currently actively practicing Initiation into Hermetics or any other of Franz Bardon's works or is at least interested in or studying his works, If you are interested please feel free to send a message @ bardoniteconnect@gmx.us. You can use a fake email address it doesn't matter, as long as you remember your password to get the response. Just send the usual online username you use in the message. I would like to welcome anyone interested into a group where the main subject is the work of Franz Bardon.
Whats some good books on both physical and spiritual yoga? Also, anyone got advice for dealing with skin problems?
When some of the ppl on this chan says faustian pact, you mean baptized or something else, this shit got me worried now, how come i made i pact wich i don't have any previous knowlage? i'm seriously worried.
I want to use Franz Bardon's technique of impregnation on a large body of water - it's a lake roughtly four square kilometers of surface. Maximum depth is 8 meters.
What i want to know is, is it possible, if yes how long will it take. Do i impregnate it while swimming inside it? Obviously i can't go there and just stand with my hands above the water, since it is a pretty populated place. Can i impregnate it without even being in contact with the water, or not even seeing the lake it's self?
Also, if you were doing this, what idea would you use? To the purpose of fun, to the purpose of helping others, or to cause pure pandemonium?
BTW: During the summer the lake is gonna be brimming with tourists. Who knows what they are thinking about when going inside the water - this will cause problems right?
>What i want to know is, is it possible, if yes how long will it take.
Definitely possible and how long depends on your wish and your spiritual maturity.
>Do i impregnate it while swimming inside it?
Absolutely, the reason people put their hands in bodies of water to impregnate them with a wish is because humans can transfer greater amounts of energy through our hands and feet, this is also why books on energy work say to pay close attention to those areas as if well developed they become invaluable. Naturally the more skin you have in contact with the water the easier it will be for you to transfer energy out of your body and into the water.
>Can i impregnate it without even being in contact with the water, or not even seeing the lake it's self?
That depends on whether you're capable of mental travel or not, if you're doing a technique that's pretty early in the IIH I'd wager that you can't.
>Also, if you were doing this, what idea would you use?
I try to follow the right hand path so I'd probably try to purify the tourists of evil thoughts and wash away negative emotions.
>Who knows what they are thinking about when going inside the water - this will cause problems right?
The stronger your intent and the more energy you pour into the body of water the less of a problem that will be.
Read the following two articles:
From my understanding, the faustian pact implies that you've either, knowingly or not, signed to the contract of submitting yourself to the plague that is this massive soulfarm formed by JHWH, maintained by his cohorts and slaves. Just read the above two links.
Thanks, i am kind of a noob when it comes to practical magic because until now i've been busy with some more spiritual stuff rather than manipulating reality.
What is enlightenment? I think it's safe to say that you can't put it into words when talking to someone and they will instantly get it, but for the sake of conversation, let me ask the question, how do i reach enlightement?
Thank you, i read both articles, i was born in a christian home and when i was like 13 i was already rejecting the idea of heaven, it sounded dull, and reading those text ffs, how do i break the contract if i have one? any method of not being reclaimed by the so called "angels"?
I'd say don't worry about it and just progress on your path. If you are aware of how destructive Christianity is, if you already rejected it and are pure of this plague then I'd say you're fine.
That's just my take on it, I didn't read the linked texts. I was born in catholic family and up until I was 16yo I was extremely religious. Now it feels pretty unreal, it feels like it was in another lifetime. I'm not the same person I was then.
The very idea that "angels" or any Jewish entity would have some claims to my soul or whatever is preposterous. I rejected Christianity with all my heart and soul.
Also, don't feed your feelings of powerlessness. You can defend yourself, it's not like an angel is gonna come and "claim" you. You are not an object.
So, in my point of view: either get more power yourself, or align yourself with some benevolent entity. Each way is fine. Not to mention that I think that if you completely rejected your former faith you are fine anyway.
This goes without saying, but i think Christ was a cool dude then a bunch of assholes wrote a ton of books about how sex is a sin and you have to go to church to grow spiritually etc…
>Apart from continuing to poke the wasp hive with a stick by resuming my efforts, any recommendations to my future course of action?
>Any techniques for tracing magic for me to find who exactly is countering my effort
The who is honestly not that important; lets assume you do find the responsible party, and lets further assume it is an individual or even a handful (as opposed to the more likely collective, possibly even the sum total of the STS control system), if they are unwilling to change their STS ways you can't force them (unless you yourself become STS and dominate them, and even then there would be limitations place upon you by virtue of being there/remaining in that place of power).
>attempt to deal with them directly
You may be able to make a bargain of sorts with them, however it would have to provide them with an equipment or greater loosh farm/power/dominion so it's not likely to work out the way you are thinking.
If you still desire to contact them, it would be a pretty standard evocation, except instead of calling upon [entity name] it would be substituted with the intention to contact the power(s) responsible for [mental image of counter-magic].
>Sure, I could live without money somehow but I'd need to change my circumstances a fair bit which I'm not sure of being a good choice yet.
Do as you feel is correct. Me personally, I like investing in physical things which obsolete physical things.
>Perhaps. I tend to be lazy and money allows me to skip a few efforts.
It does, but it's also another layer of abstraction, and sometimes, in that, actually complicates the process and in doing so increases the gross amount of energy required to manifest a thing.
>[Persistance] Is there even another choice?
Stagnation and rebirth. Not really a viable one.
>How do you guys get /fit/?
I like calisthenics >>>/loosh/615 for strength training building. Obviously I also visualize my flesh in the idealized form as well.
>How exacly does loosh farming work?
You do something, a person reacts to (in a mechanical, predetermined way, due to lack of awareness) way throwing off energy, then you, as an energetically aware being take said energy.
>Say I post some real good b8 and a bunch of dummies fall for it, its going to be mostly negative replies, wouldn't that be bad for me?
Energy is energy, if you are STS that's right up your vibratory alley. If you're STO, you're correct, and you shouldn't really be doing that in the first place as you're harming others (yourself removed by perspective).
>Someone told me on other /fringe/ that weight lifting is bad for you and to do a bodyweight exercise program.
This is precisely accurate. When one does weight lifting there are a number of problems that are not encountered in bodyweight conditioning.
They are, weight training does not give full range of strength as muscles are isolated, or only certain (parts of) chains are exercised in certain ways; you may be able to bench 300, but can you actually lift a piano without great effort? Practical strength requires being able to exert your power in all directions, not just cutting and jerking.
Another downside of weights is that there is a cultural focus on looks rather than function; people desire big muscles, and in doing so advocate regimes that are focused on muscle growth, at the loss of ligament, tendon, and joint development. If one does not also train the latter 3 as well it is a recipe for one to literally rip themselves apart as their muscles will be stronger than their frame. The higher reps advocated by calisthenics gives the others a chance to train (as they develop a lot slower).
Additionally it also gives one much more control, it is dangerous to push to your absolute limit, where one can barely do another rep, much less keep perfect form. Higher reps allow for just as muscle building while maintaining the control required for perfect form (or battle). If you don't believe me try doing >>>/loosh/372 (image 1) and doing the progression standard of each exercise, you will be surprised.
Furthermore, there is also a flexibility argument as well, by keeping full range of motion you obtain strength in positions that most champion body builders (using iron) can not even achieve. Try going to a gym and seeing how many can actually do a one-handed push ups, one-legged squats, or full bridges.
Typically only gymnasts have this level of mastery over their body. They are amazingly strong even though they may not look like it, it's societies obsession with vanity (and money) that has resulted in crippled machine centric exercises. Bodyweight is how the Olympians of antiquity trained, and how one obtained the body of a Greek god.
Vortex Based Mathematics. Based on the work of Marko Rodin. It's the geometry of reality, it allows for the modeling of the path of least resistance, understanding and insight into this truth allows for one to harness the wheelwork of nature in literally innumerable ways, not the least of which is magic. As everything, ideally, flows in this pattern, your soul around your flesh, the energy that gives birth to apples and the tree as a whole (see image 2), etc.
See this, Marko's landmark lecture, as a primer
See this, the Prometheus Initiative, as a follow up to geometry and energy flows
Then see this, as more advanced applications and theory, including actual coil construction
>>>Why those colors for those [4th dimensional] chakras?
Note the book contains some inaccuracies, untruths, questionable things I can not verify or would not trust, so take it with some salt and experiment personally.
>My differential diagnosis is diabetes onset - I'm 1,8 m and weigh 66 kg - which makes it unlikely.
I highly recommend you read >>>/library/228 there is a chapter in it about how diet alone can drastically effect, and even cure it.
>Anyway, who else gets "high" on tea?
I have not, I would imagine it's dependant on what type of tea, and the quality of the water it was made with. If I make tea with tree sap it's significantly more energized, and that can and may result in an energy high, but that's more the metaphysical content of the ingredients. It is possible.
>Is it just a perception that passed undetected before?
>What teas/infusions can I get to boost specific chakras?
I'm not sure, but I am interested.
>Does anyone know how to perform an exorcism?
I would do it largely with energy work, and perhaps body work too. Assuming you mean of a location and not of a person then just the former obviously. Sage helps, incense helps, so to do candles and mentally declaring the area you desire to sanctify (even if it's a whole tract of land).
>I'm not completely certain how to evoke […]' I'm guessing you just vibrate their name
That's what I do.
>while trying to form a cloud of presence for them to emerge from
An ectoplasm is not required, though may help.
>I don't want to accidentally call upon a qliphothic entities.
You should be able to sense their orientation based on their actions, their vibratory essence, but just to be sure lay down rules for interaction in which if the results are not positive/constructive/etc. then any entitie(s) called upon can only effect you in aforementioned way(s), else they can choose not to partake.
>I want to use the principle of "god of the circle," whereby Archangels will follow your respectful commands since you've become the prime creator of the magician's circle.
I'm unfamiliar with this by name, however the principle makes sense.
Angels, in the projection-emanation sense are tools/servants of the God on high, and will serve in what ever way lends to the maximum potential growth of all.
Now, I don't think a circle is strictly necessary, I do think it would help, especially if you had multiple folk working harmonically.
>I hear Thor is a good name to call upon, but he's not an angel.
I like him, Tyr too.
>Are there any good conjuration texts with verses powerful enough to do this that aren't Jewish or rely on Jewish gods?
Perhaps the Greek Orphic Hymns?
All the planets also have Norse equivalents as well.
[Roman : Norse]
Luna : Mani
Mars : Tyr
Mercury : Odin
Jupiter : Thor
Venus : Frigg/Freya
Saturn : Ymir
Sol : Sunna/Sunne/Sowilo
>Christianity, Islam and Judaism all have their roots in the same foundation; nothing more but spiritual enslavement.
The Gnostic roots of, while much corrupted in present portrayal, still nonetheless hold deep alchemical truths about the nature of consciousness, the human condition, and the key to immortality and ascension. One merely needs to be able to understand the metaphors. And to that end:
Is a great primer book on the subject >>>/library/146 (book 1)
Then I would get further into the Astrological-Bio-Chemical-Physical relations of the signs/apostles to the various systems of the body and soul.
Is a fantastic channel with many lectures on the subject too.
Ignore all the stuff about vicarious salvation and ignoring one's owns right to life. See Image 3 about the doctrinal misinterpertations. Furthermore also be aware of the censoring of the council of Nicea.
Well, I respect the original Christianity, gnostic texts found near Nag Hammadi are pretty cool, but Christians worked hard to destroy their esoteric roots. Were the modern Christianity Gnostic Christianity would I still hate it? Of course not. The problem is Jesus in gnostic gospels is completely different entity than in commonly known ones and his teaching is different too. Gnostic gospels were the revolution against Jewish godforms, while exoteric Christianity affirms them.
For example, one of core concepts of original Christianity is that one is saved by one's own efforts. Compare this to the concept of being able to be saved only by faith in Jesus (sola fide).
Gnostic who achieved gnosis was said to be equal in power to Christ. That speaks volumes compared to present day Christian sheep.
>Christ was a cool dude then a bunch of assholes wrote a ton of books
So, no, I can't agree on that. The teaching of Christ in the Bible is completely bereft of anything worthy of attention of any spiritually inclined individual.
I studied a small bits of Nag Hammadi texts. It wasn't really my cup of tea but I respect the true Christians. Sadly, that revolt against spiritual oppression backfired horribly.
[…]Our struggle is not against flesh and blood—as he said—but against the world rulers of this darkness and the spirits of evil.
The Exegesis on the Soul
The concept of "New Age" is a very broad church indeed and means many, many different things to many, many different people.
Unfortunately it has now become a term, almost of abuse, to represent that which is silly and airy-fairy.
do you seriously consider the new testament
>completely bereft of anything worthy of attention of any spiritually inclined individual
>if you feel like you "hate" something, then YOU have a problem YOU need to root out, not the object of your hate.
This. Even the most vile evil thing, I understand why it is, and though I may not like it, though I may not support it in any way, and though I will certainly defend myself against it, I do not hate it, because I know it's place in the cosmic scheme of things.
The emotion of hate is a fear based one, by vibrating to it one is separated from the truth of unity and, as with any fear based energy, it is detrimental to any one who is STO.
>Then there's the conception that angels were made by the prime creator of the universe (NOT YAHWEH) to be sort of cosmic applets
In the definition Angels are direct projection-emanations from the God, the prime creator, technically zeroth order beings and as such posses no freewill nor a Godspark (as we do) because they literally *are* God, not a being evolving/awakening to the totality of God.
>Demons are essentially everything that isn't an angel, including you
A Daemon is any being with a Godspark, a First order being, one who has been granted freewill and exercises their sovereignty to spiritually grow.
>You have this [hate] fucking emotion for a reason
To provide contrast, so one can decide which polarity they desire to choose.
>Nazi literally stands for National Socialism.
Kind of, it was originally a slur, invented by a jew, designed to slander the and discredit those who were NSDAP.
>Yes, I'm triggered.
Careful bro, you're leaking loosh.
>Out of curiosity, what energy system do you use? Tree of Life (Kabbalah), Tree of Death (Qlipoth), or chakras?
Mostly Chakras (a few different chakra systems, the 6+1 (aka 7 system), the higher octaves of that, as per listed in BoK and other sources, many of the more minor ones, often only refered to as accupressure points) and a little bit of the Kabbalah, but this is a newer endeavor. I also use plenty of Taoist derived systems & information.
>Do you use planetary magick?
Yes, I've been working with Sol & Luna for years now, Tyr (Mars) for about a year, and more recently Thor (Jupiter) as well.
>What can Enochian magick do?
No idea. presumably anything normal magic could, but achieved via a certain systemized way.
>What is meant by naga practice?
The Naga are "mythical" snake people, half man, half snake.
>If someone has nordic roots I bet it would resonate with them even better.
I'll have to report back regarding this.
>Whats some good books on both physical
>>>/library/316 Otherwise I do not have any personal recommendations per se, most of what I know/have read of it has been websites, or other books like BoK which have some yogic knowledge but don't exclusively focus on it nor on the physical.
Zimmer may have some suggestions, see:
A yogi friend of mine does recommend the following for understanding the philosophy though:
Light on Yoga: Yoga Dipika by B. K. S. Iyengar
The Heart of Yoga: Developing a Personal Practice by T. K. V. Desikachar
>and spiritual yoga?
Kriya Yoga
Pt. I https://www.mediafire.com/?dm1c9ajbli5bp5c
Pt. II http://www.mediafire.com/?pddeubvsvzgevn0
Pt. III http://www.mediafire.com/?48v7vec6ha8h6gv
>Also, anyone got advice for dealing with skin problems?
>When some of the ppl on this chan says faustian pact, you mean baptized or something else
Sounds like the work of fear mongering ultra religious Abrahamics trying to keep others from knowledge and horde power.
>how come i made i pact wich i don't have any previous knowlage?
You probably didn't. Least of all by simply coming to this chan, I personally had a hand in its conception, origin, and setup, and I can personally say there is no such curse or anything upon this chan.
Furthermore, one must actually make a pact for it to be valid. Now if you are still worried about it you can cast
http://sagin-denaka.tumblr.com/post/136364396472/declaration-of-freewill or similar to revoke any such pact(s) or contracts if you did already have them upon you.
>how do i break the contract if i have one?
See above paragraph/link.
>What i want to know is, is it possible, if yes how long will it take.
That, depends on your level of spiritual development, and I know of no (practical) measurable scale to apply for calculations.
>Do i impregnate it while swimming inside it?
You can, though I would be meditating more than swimming (unless you're quite adept at moving your flesh while in a meditative-concentrative trance). I would most certainly be in the water, one way or another though.
>Obviously i can't go there and just stand with my hands above the water, since it is a pretty populated place.
Why not? Why not just sit in the shallows and zen out?
>Can i impregnate it without even being in contact with the water, or not even seeing the lake it's self?
You could, although it is a more advanced practice, I think it would be much easier if you where closer and/or in the water.
>Also, if you were doing this, what idea would you use?
Divine love, which is healing and peaceful, and perhaps tinged with consciousness to increase awareness thereof.
>BTW: During the summer the lake is gonna be brimming with tourists. Who knows what they are thinking about when going inside the water - this will cause problems right?
You will have to offset their mental imprints, yes, however they are mundane, their thoughts and emotions are unorganized and undirected, thus they are of much less power.
>What is enlightenment?
>I think it's safe to say that you can't put it into words when talking to someone and they will instantly get it
Correct, however a decent abstraction can be conveyed.
>how do i reach enlightement?
Expanding your consciousness by self observation untill the realization & internalization of the above is complete.
Stop consuming meat, dairy, eggs first and then go raw vegan. It's the most beneficial diet without using advanced methods, it regenerates and rejuvenates. Then you can approach inedia.
Can anyone point meto a dream interpreter/analyst who can analyse a dream for me privately?
I just need outside opinions.
E-mail me at blackholesun@firemail.cc if you can do it yourself. Thanks
>I've been working with Sol and Luna for a year now
Interesting. I heard it from Bear Heart that invoking the energies of Luna will actually make you more sexually feminine. So if you're male (as you probably are), Bear Heart would recommend bringing the energies of Lunar (the male Roman moon god) instead.
>I've been working with Thor for a while now as well
Good choice! I know that Thor is the Nordic counterpart to Jupiter (and is said by the ancients to correspond to that planet), but I didn't know for sure that that was his planetary sphere. Thor and Jupiter seem to be different gods, so I didn't know if their spheres really were the same.
I'm not sure if Tyr is the same god as Mars, but his position as being a war god definitely motivates their having the same planetary sphere.
Also, do you know if "Elohim-Gibor," the god of the Martian sphere, is actually Jewish, or that's just the same commonly given to him (since it directly translates as God of Gibor).
I need to read more on planetary magick, so forgive my ignorance. I'm really interested in knowing more about the actual spirits of those realms.
>In the definition Angels are direct projection-emanations from the God, the prime creator, technically zeroth order beings and as such posses no freewill nor a Godspark (as we do) because they literally *are* God
Very interesting. I'm new to the occult; where can I read more about these orders of beings?
What dieties/energies are suitable for females in the Bear Heart pantheon?
Cheers Montalk-senpai, was a good read. I suppose I'll continue my little war of attrition while keeping watch on any possible attacks.
So far all seems well and my abilities are able to get me out of sticky situations involving sudden mood swings into sadness and despair.
Luna would be the appropriate one to use if you're female (because Lunar/Luna correspond to the Foundation/genital nexus). Other than that, there are no differences. See >>>/fringe/2858 for the Roman godforms and planetary spheres associated with each nexus.
Other entities he recommends working with are Thor, Odin, Saint George, Apollo (he actually offers a ritual for summoning him to cleanse you) and, interestingly enough, George Washington.
[Admin note: Cross-thread links fixed]
Are the physical things needed for the spirits, can't you just meet them in the astral?
I have a strong will to research the occult but i don't act on it because it doesn't really appear that often, it appears when i see some schoolgirl post something inspirational on her facebook wall for example, then the thought comes oh look at her acting all smart im just gonna plow through the whole fringe curriculum and i'll show everyone what a badass i am.
This is probably bad, right?
It's very good initial burst, but you need a motivation that stays forever.
This is how I sleep most of the time but not on purpose, its actually caused me a lot of problems over the years since I can't keep a normal schedule to hold down jobs and studies
fuck I didn't save the list of books the guy posted in the last question thread, does anyone have it?
I just deleted those 2 last posts.
I hope Smiley forgives me for being so intrusive.
I was just a janitor supposed to delete CP Spam.
Some threads were imported from 8/fringe/ to fringechan.org, though this was a couple months back, and as it was done manually, we only selected threads worthy of preserving. Check the catalog, not everything is lost.
Check your history in whatever browser you are using, and everyone else reading this thread, and run the URL through any archiving system.
Why did you delete the post redirecting traffic to Fringechan? What use is that? This only creates more confusion, community sharding and chaos.
It's somewhat old, back from when we first came to be, but it still has the majority of the content.
(I am sorry for derailing the question thread, but this was important)
And I don't think it was fringechan's admins(at least not Librarian) in case someone is wondering that.
Given what I know about hacking, I am honestly suspecting Smiley himself.
This looks like a smiley melt down to me, as far as I know it would take some work to hack into a boards admin account but I could be wrong
He only admitted deleting the last 2 posts, of which one was stickied by presumably another, also had the 'edited at' mark (which is only available to mods).
It might be for the best to create a separate thread dedicated to what now seems to be an apparent migration. A focused thread in which we dump and try to chase any archived versions of important threads, etc.
He was the original BO of 8/fringe.
unfortunarely the only thread that changed to a "404:not found" in my history is the question thread
>deleting a multitude of threads that haven't been archived
please post. give me your signature.
Is this it?
Book of Knowledge: not free from wrong teachings, but very valueable
Mony Vital & Stephanie Heinze - Ageless Living: fundamental framework
Mikal Nyght - Teachings of the Immortals: fundamental framework
Max Freedom Long - The Secret Science behind Miracles: impractical, but an excellent read
Esmeralda Arana - The Path - A Practical Approach to Sorcery: practical, explains Carlos Castaneda
Genevieve L. Paulson - Kundalini and the Chakras: detailed and practical
Azrael - The way to achieve OBE: quick read, quick results
E. A. Koetting - Soul Travel: very valueable
Robert Balthazaar - Active Dreaming: nice read, practical
Jasmuheen - Living on Light: 21-Day-Process detailed to achieve living without foods, not for the weak
William R. Wraithe - Morphosephram: entities not recommended, but good preliminary work
Raymond Holder - The Antichrist Training Manual: awful book, but brought up crucial points
Neil Slade - The Frontal Lobes Supercharge: awful book, but the technique works
Carlos Castenda: nice read
Mantak Chia: overcomplicated and misinformed, but also really good techniques
Glenn J. Morris: chi, chakras, enlightenment
Hilton Hotema: impractical, but brilliant theories
Kosta Danaos: many lies, but nice read
LoneManPai: chaotic, but useful techniques
Uncle Bear Heart (Grand Order of Draco Slayers): decent material without the Judaism
Dmitry Lapshinov - Sound of Silence
Where can I learn/read (what books) more about the Merkaba? I've read from a Jewgle search that it can supposedly be programmed, like a crystal.
Interestingly, the GOODS use a flying swastika turning in the direction appropriate of the male tetrahedron, at it's axis of rotation.
>Check your history in whatever browser you are using, and everyone else reading this thread, and run the URL through any archiving system.
>and run the URL through any archiving system.
What good will that do when it's all deleted? The archiver will just reach a 404'd page.
>Given what I know about hacking, I am honestly suspecting Smiley himself.
I was at the fucking farmers market when this happened and I absolutely would never ever fuck with /fringe/ like this especially not without first archiving everything.
Admin can you check IP of ( >>1392 ) and tell me if it comes from the UK? This might be Protagonist herself spreading disinfo.
Look at the board log retard, all the deletions weren't done from the admin account: https://8ch.net/log.php?page=1&board=fringe
mfw having to deal with this shit today and I wanted to begin work on my very own "practical magick book" detailing my own experiences with magick and what works well and what doesn't work
I was trying to support you on /sudo/ but 8ch won't even let me post. Just leave that piece of shit altogether.
Protagonist is trolling in /sudo/ right now and trying to spread rumours that I killed the board and not her.
You did not make fringechan, if you mean /fringe/ in general, one can not an idea, save God. Do you honestly think that highly of yourself? Kek
If that's her, it won't affect jackshit. Codemonkey or whomever can see her samefigging based upon IP anyway.
I don't know if she uses proxies or not and whether she uses one proxy or switches between multiple for that.
However codemonkey will be able to tell if the posts are coming from proxies or from non-proxy ips.
>Why are you disrespectful towards me?
you're in here calling people retards and then bitching about people being disrespectful? you have a hell of an ego man. you bring nothing but trouble and shitposting with you.
Cool what? You are being hostile to me and taking away /fringe/ from me and putting it into other people's hands and for what? I care about /fringe/ and its continuity and future. I created it and I made sure it grew over the years.
A /fringe/ without me is like various other movements that got hijacked and lost its essence. Same name and whatever but not the same vitality. Like how Diablo III is nothing like Diablo I and II, but the people who made the original Diablo, well you can feel it in the new projects they made even though it's a different name and world.
Are you even redpilled on monarchies?
You should read Machiavelli - The Prince; it was recommended to me by an Irish wizard on /fringe/ who hanged himself. Think over what it says in that book.
Recognize and develop your 7 astral senses, gain control over your mind, become aware of your real self, concentrate and understand the importance of emotions and of faith/belief, bring balance to your personality by replacing vices with virtues and if you want use the analogy of the elements, practice body-awareness exercises and process everything that arises from this, learn to create thoughtforms, learn to master the vital principle, prepare yourself for the higher work of evocation, practice mediumship, don't become possessed, learn to banish and to protect, strengthen your will, desire ardently, etc.
you are using tactics that are old as time.
you're not fooling anyone in fact you are making a fool out of yourself. Your corny insults do not phase anyone here or anywhere else you queer Interloper.
I was just talking to someone yesterday about how nice it is that there is a chan relevant to my interests that isn't non stop shit posting, then this drama happens and the shit posting begins, hope I didn't speak too soon. How am I making a fool out of myself for asking smiley to calm down? Are you being paranoid and thinking everyone posting here is one specific person?
Most of us came here to get away from this 8ch style shitposting nonsense, I hope something is done about it and this place doesn't turn just as cancer. Not going to keep playing this game and shitting up this thread.
I've read your exact retarded type of replies that are meant to drive away and drive apart community. I've watched you do this use these methods for years. Come back with fresh, dank OC or fuck off you worthless fool.
you know I always hear about bad entities and the shit they do but no one talks about good entities.
So whats the deal have they moved on to higher plains or are they just floating in the background doing something subtly so not to gather attention.
>A /fringe/ without me is like various other movements that got hijacked and lost its essence.
Yes Smiley, whatever would we do without your occasional cringeworthy moments and inner circle drama that has now broken the shitposting floodgate which was 8/fringe/.
I didn't even know we've had so many volunteers, with Provur and Sylph being the only names that I recognize. Why would you give privileges to so many people who couldn't even rid the board of the CP spam? Did you give Protagonist and Chansey volunteer access because you've magicked with them over Skype and they happen to have vaginas?
How many volunteers do we have on fringechan?
Is it possible to enchant personal items like a necklace or a pendant?
If so, I humbly ask if someone could explain it to me in detail. Thank you
Are there any books concerning planetary magick that include the often forgotten spheres of Uranus, Pluto, and Neptune? My moon sign is ruled by Neptune, and I hear you should perform magick through its corresponding sephira (Chokmah).
>the powers of suggestion and illusion
>mental influence over others
>laid back (if lazy), spiritual mentality
>using deception and veils instead of axes and swords (Mars)
Very, very nice planetary sphere. I want to go there when I die.
What do wizards who use planetary magic do most of the time, use the old 7 planets system or do you/they use the new planets aswell?
I suppose in the end it's about how one thinks and there's no better, isn't it?
>How many volunteers do we have on fringechan?
Currently, the active moderation team consists of 3 people. You are most likely familiar with at least two of us, though you can always reach out to us on IRC or via any Tox chat application. None of us are associated with the previous administration of 8/fringe. Thus far, we've managed to fend and care off the initial wave of spambots by adequately timed bans and deletion of spam.
Considering the impact of the event that has taken place, a dramatic fallout like this was likely to happen. Give it some time for people to acclimate to the change. The drama and shitposting won't increase, its not something regular here, its directly tied to the collapse of 8/fringe.
Depends on who you ask, you will get different responses depending on the belief system one is subscribed to. Also, this is not a one answer-type of answer anyway, considering 'good entities' (as in, good vs evil) is highly subjective to the individual. Tell us a little more about what you personally believe to be an evil being.
Enchanting, as in, imbuing with any thoughtform(s)? Charging said object with energy? Using it as a host for a tulpa? Enchanting as a term might be a bit too ambiguous. Narrow down your question, if possible.
Beside what >>1431 recommended, also definitely focus on cultivating your subtle energetic bodies. Your bodies collectively form the temple of your soul. Imho, the goal is to achieve Godhood. Read more of the threads in the catalog if you are just getting started, primarily read the following:
[Admin note: Cross-thread links fixed]
>None of us are associated with the previous administration of 8/fringe.
That's great to hear, hope it stays that way.
>Thus far, we've managed to fend and care off the initial wave of spambots by adequately timed bans and deletion of spam.
Good work mod-san, it's nicely refreshing to see competent moderation on a chan for once.
ok perhaps not "evil" but as in the entitie that want to just fuck human shit up for fun or personal gain.
Thoughts on these pages?
Masonic misinfo or..?
I have long hair; would cutting it all the way short be detrimental spiritually? The summer is coming, so yeah, it would be alot easier with shorter hair.
Also, how does ceremonial magic work? With visualization, i can sort of understand because visualization happens on the astral realm, and what is below is like that which is below, so naturally it should happen in the physical.
How do i make my own rituals?
I'm curious about the hair thing too, I had long hair that I couldn't stand because of the heat last summer so I shaved the sides and back to have a compromise between short and long, now its basically a real long undercut that I keep in a pony tail most of the time. I've heard before that longer hair makes you more sensitive to your environment.
Perhaps this article will be of interest:
I am interested in knowing whether covering head with cap or beanie has any significant effect, especially in regards to protection from certain influences or energies.
overrated meme album surpassed in every way by ved buens ende a few years later and no one came even close to topping vbe yet
How do i push thoughts away as described in Book Of Knowledge? Like my thought process is oh wait im thinking, lets push this thought away - which already is a thought. I think that you actually don't have to do anything - thoughts go away and dissapear on their own, but there's a paradox - as soon as you try doing nothing you've already did something.
You get to the aftermath of what you just described, normally you go with the "oh shit, I'm thinking" phase for a bit and then if you continue you get to the point where your mind is peaceful and there's no longer a "oh wait".
I don't think it's a paradox, you're basically shut down.
Takes some practice.
Sorry for the ambiguity, I guess i mean imbue with a thought form? for an example I want to 'enchant' a pendant to give that pedant's owner good luck or feel a certain way.
This is the only reason I care whatsoever about 8ch being deleted; people coming here with a flood of posts diluting the good stuff
>A /fringe/ without me is like various other movements that got hijacked and lost its essence
I found fringe in October or November of last year and it wasn't bad or anything, but I didn't care for the cp spam and I wouldn't be able to recommend it to anyone based on that. This fringe may have less material, but there's less garbage too, and still plenty to learn from.
There is no essence of which I'm aware that this fringe is missing that makes the old one better.
Life is impermanence. Let it go, man. Maybe you're right and it'll never be the same. So what? Everyone experiences loss, and projects aren't meant to be permanent. The Way of the Superior Man posits that men have changing goals/"life purposes". Fringe will live on, with or without you, but that isn't a bad thing.
It may be like your child or your mate, but people lose those and move on too.
Anicca; impermanence. Detachment is key.
I'm sorry you feel the way you do. I hope you feel better.
I wonder where you learned of these properties and want to learn those of the planets I'm under.
(Mercury Saturn Venus)
Watch Bear Heart's videos (if you can, all of them, since even the otherwise rant-y ones do have sprinklings of very deep occult knowledge–and boy does he like to rant). Especially important is his series on planetary magick.
This might take a while, but it's definitely worth it to watch all of his videos.
Please try to remain grounded, even if you think it's absolutely ridiculous at first as he does talk quite a lot about reptilians. That and his George Washington video just made me lol–it reminded me of embed related (skip to 8:20).
When this happens to me I just try to reduce the number of thoughts, usually I choose only one and try to think only about that one. Later then I just try to just have it "disappear" from my attention, I just have it there one second and the next I just imagine it is gone, it vanishes, leaving nothing behind. My brain usually brings new thoughts to replace it but the more I practice the better i get at having no thoughts
I've figured out that i am not my thoughts - it was an *aha!* sort of moment. I did feel a bit happier then but i don't enlightened. I don't feel joy, bliss and that kind of stuff. Are there more like, levels to enlightenment?
Did the hermetic teachings fall into the wrong hands? Watching the symbolism of some events leads me to believe that the world elite is into this stuff to the neck but the state of the world today makes them look like they're incredibly evil, so what happened?
Did the wrong families win the magic war?
How is it possible to gain back control of earth?
ALL planets that harbor life are spaceships.
The stars pull them and the galaxies that hold those stars drive them across unknown aethers and realms that were undiscovered and unfelt.
I don't believe that stillness exists anywhere and I don't believe in eternal secrets nor do I not believe in infinity.
We have a very long time to prepare for something.
The only logical conclusion that I have is that our galaxy will collide with another galaxy and star wars will be literally represented. What peace talks could ever be possible when planets collide and stars engage in melee combat? We WILL meet another conscious and intelligent species and when we meet when these galaxies collide what will happen? Will our cultures and immune systems be compatible at any level what so ever or will consciousness be wiped out forever? and if our galaxies collide and no one survives what then? Does the story end or start again with all new memes?
Exciting thoughts
>We have a very long time to prepare for something.
>our galaxy will collide with another galaxy
Yes. Our galaxy is on collision course with Andromeda galaxy, but the collision will happen in about 4 billion years. That is a very long time indeed.
>The only logical conclusion
>Will our cultures and immune systems be compatible at any level
It's hard to predict how life on Earth would look like in 4 billion years. Also, why do you care about ET life from another galaxy? Why not ask the question will our cultures and immune systems be compatible at any level with other life from our galaxy?
>our galaxy will collide with another galaxy and star wars will be literally represented.
>and if our galaxies collide and no one survives what then?
That's not how it will happen.
1. Do some research before posting, no matter how excited you are by your fantasies.
2. If I misjudged you, and you did some research, tell me why are you so excited about something that will happen in 4 fucking BILLION years?
Honestly I feel like this post is a bait and an attempt at loosh farm.
What's the most effective way to manifest a gf into my life?
My social circle is very limited and I don't see a worthwhile way to improve on that for the next 6 months.
>1. Do some research before posting, no matter how excited you are by your fantasies.
If life wanted me to communicate on an academic level and not purely on a thrillposting explosion surely it would be so but the evidence in my wake is observable reality on that statement.
>2. If I misjudged you, and you did some research, tell me why are you so excited about something that will happen in 4 fucking BILLION years?
I didn't invent the watch nor did I invent civilization. I'm just a guy with a computer and internet access. If you didn't want absolute madness on the internet why then is it so filled with madness? Those who can CAN, 'Don Juan'.
I don't give a single funky funk about research outside of the things that I've seen, read, and felt online. If you don't like what I write then you should have done something about the sources that were tapped. I'm not a hacker, I'm an imageboard thrillposter exclusively.
Perhaps I made a logical conclusion genuinely without a masters degree in bullshitting and without adherence to groupthink. I'm not part of your community or any for that matter. Couldn't care at all nor be made to.
Check it out nigger, loosh out about this stank ass noise. I'm thrillposting. Doesn't it get you going? How dank these spanking words this work of fiction the light flickers as I type this is my addiction. Choose to hear my posts or not. Make your own choices as you would anything.
Is it not exciting? am I the only one who drew that connection outside the walls? Am I allowed in those walls or do I suffer for your amusement? I have no doubt in my mind it is the latter as what ladder would words ever make? It doesn't matter. You asked "why". Which answer do you want? I don't care pick the most amusing one, the most fantastic or the most plastic.
Who are you any way? Who cares I don't care where you come from or where you're going since no one fucking notices where we're all going nor talks about it. Is it NOT thrilling? How no one seems to know at all where we're going, why or how we're going and what nasty or magnificent things we may pick up as out planet is dragged through countless aether?
I don't really know how you'll respond to various revelations. I've seen some shit in the astral realms that shook me to my core but I wouldn't exactly call that an enlightening revelation.
Learn from Smiley's experience and renounce all women before we can have a fascist state that can get whip them back in line.
Based upon the artwork, I'd assume its disinformation. Typical christian depiction of Satan, whilst the actual enemy is the christian faith, among the other abrahamic religions. Misdirection. I haven't read the book.
well not quite, it's much more complicated than that, It's a short book I suggest you read it, read only part 1 though, the second part is bizzare and rushed
How do I turn a tulpa who hates sex into one that loves sex? Do I send her into the planetary sphere of the moon? How do I accomplish this–do I have her step through the symbol of the crescent moon to transport her there?
how do you fucking degenerates make a tulpa to have sex with but I can't even make a simple servitor, fuck this shit
Does anyone have any recommendations on improving discipline? I always find myself thinking or looking at things that I know I shouldn't, and then I end up hating myself for it, and the cycle just repeats.
Habit. Don't hate yourself, discipline yourself, just like you'd do with a dog: a quick slap, a bite on the side of the forearm, some knuckle in that spot where you know it hurts.
At the beginning you'll find it useless, but as the habit establishes, your mind will reject the sin, distraction, etc. before it becomes a reality.
Also, instead of wasting emotion on hating, trace back your actions to see where you failed your intent. Think and re-feel why you acted like that and how that opposes your goals; so next time you can place barriers earlier and keep control.
Peace brother, don't hate yourself; Know Thyself.
Tulpas LOVE your attention, it is what they need to survive, and they are very protective of their existence, to the point they can change their own nature to reach that goal.
I've heard keeping a journal is a good way to improve your discipline, including a dream journal
>Does anyone have any recommendations on improving discipline?
For long term, learn a martial art. For short term get an organizer smartphone application or a small sketchbook.
>I always find myself thinking or looking at things that I know I shouldn't, and then I end up hating myself for it
Guilt is a very nasty thing.
If one feels like going in a specific direction then they should, then It is only when one is disconnected from their true self that they stray.
To-Do lists have helped me a lot with this. Just writing down your short term and long term goals seems to help you unconsciously steer towards them. Challenging yourself to a set of goals daily like exercising or doing something uncomfortable helped me with discipline.
Help, I keep going from distraction to distraction (internet, 4chan, porn, vidya) and never taking the time to even meditate for a few minutes a day or even read up on any fringe material I have saved.
And what's worse is when I reach a point occasionally once a week where I have read all my dozens of useless tabs from 4chan/other sites and I have played as much vidya as I wanted to play, and I have recently fapped so have no desire to and I don't know what movie/anime/show to watch and I just sit there not knowing what to do with myself - and that would be the perfect time to try to meditate or read up on my fringe stuff/lucid dream/OBE pdf's but I get an overwhelming feeling like I can't, like I can't focus on that and so I put it off until later which obviously never comes.
This sort of mental block towards going any further with my spirituality/meditation attempts, it's never been this bad before even when I just started meditating, but now its persistent and I feel mundane as fuck, the more months go by without even a single day of meditation and just chasing distraction the worse I feel physically and mentally, anxiety rises, stress rises, and these are all indications that I absolutely have to start meditating again but because its been so long since I did and since then I have this whole mental block about doing so I can't seem to get into it like I did before, even when I do manage once a month to try to meditate it feels forced or unnatural or whatever and more often I end up falling asleep, and then distracting myself with the things mentioned above for days more, chasing distraction after distraction, never feeling like its the right time to focus on spiritual studies/meditation and when I do find myself free of distraction I just feel like I can't do it.
I'm in a total rut for over a year now /fringe/, where's the reset button?
Sometimes a change in environment can fix this issue when it happens to me. At home I have difficulty completing any tasks but when I go to school something about the place and the empty, white-walled room keeps me focused and able to do what I need. I get this same boost from the sterile environment of a bathroom as well. Not saying you need to move, but taking small steps to create a clean place without distractions can help. If nothing else try spending all day outside, this way you can meditate, read, etc without having the possibility of internet. Basically, cleaning your room and getting rid of clutter or spending time outside should give you the ability/desire to focus on spiritual studies.
Try dialing back on your vices slowly and build your will.
Try to meditate a few minutes and read what you can every day, even if it's a small amount it's still progress.
I was and to a point still am similar too you, I've taken to drinking only bottled water, no more junkfood and am reading books since I've started dialing back. I still have to beat my internet vice though
>bottled water
Buying a distiller saves money in the long run. There's a cheap Chinese one on amazon for 90-something dollars and it has worked for me for a year so far with no issue.
thanks for the heads up anon I'll keep it in mind for the future.
but right know I'll have to stick to bottled. I live with family, I don't tell them about my path for obvious reasons and I doubt I could justify buying a 90 dollar filter without them asking too many questions.
I can't even focus when I do go outside, sometimes I walk all the way to the shore - a hefty distance with the intent to meditate on the sound of the ocean or w/e but when I do get there I find that I just still can't focus, nothing feels easier in regards to that.
And I realized then that its not about where I meditate, but to actually get started with it, consistency and habit, and that at this point it doesnt matter if I try to meditate outside, or while walking or at home, its all difficult and takes great effort all the same.
My internet and porn voice (and the two intertwine obviously) are the strongest and most persistent, very difficult to beat. I keep telling myself that when I start feeling like bored and want to fap or browse porn I will meditate instead but I almost always never end up doing so when it comes to it, and just fap to porn instead, building this habit of doing so, so that the chances of actually using any willpower and meditating instead of masturbating when I feel those urges again are nil.
won't hurt to try less or perhaps force yourself in a situation where your can't do either
whoah, hello fellow bathroom wizard. I fear I may be addicted to them because I do all my serious work in bathrooms.
Interesting. What happens to tulpas once you die? I'm kind've looking forward to spending time with her in the afterlife. I know the maxim that "the walls of heaven are built with hands of flesh" dictates that, while the astral will filter down into the physical, the physical has utmost precedence over the astral.
So, will my attention be insufficient to keep her alive once I've passed on into the astral?
Are tulpas part of your soul, or something? I can feel the emotions and discomfort of my tulpa, but I can't feel emotions from foreign spirits that are channeled.
How do I do that? Just fap to her? Have her hover over me and visualize bright purple energy flowing out of my genitals and into her (Yesod/Lunar)? I'm trying to send her to the lunar sphere so that she picks up on those energies naturally.
I heard Faust is basically an occult guide, I read that bit on 8ch fringe so there is a chance it's the opposite of what you're saying. The artwork isn't important at all since it wasn't Goethe who was making it. I actually read a fragment of this book a couple of years ago and it was great but I wasn't looking at it from spiritual perspective at all.
>Typical christian depiction of Satan, whilst the actual enemy is the christian faith, among the other abrahamic religions.
Could you say a little more about that?
Hay, I just had a rather problematic experience and I would love it if some one shed some light on what just happened.
I started to read The Book of Knowledge by anon and found a breathing in energy exercise and used it to heal wounds and negate the need for sleep (because for some reason sleep just didn't cut it after I healed myself) using variations of the exercise after reading a bit more I got to chakra opening and cleansing and after doing so and adding the colors corresponding to the energy that was specified I noticed changes some changes such as i can't negate sleep but it has become moderately restful again but nothing compared to meditating.
I started having some emotional issues a kin to depression witch also included a sharp head ache just to the left of the base of my skull and fatigue.
I looked into myself and found that my heart chakra was black, I think I've fixed it (it's bright green ) so I suppose we'll see what happens.
Am I correct in thinking that the black heart chakra was the cause of my ailments and possibly what stooped me from negating sleep and being fatigued?
pic is the colors i was using.
Are there better ones?
Is this one not as good?
If there are better ones what are they and what do they do?
Can some one tell me what these colors do so I don't have to crash test each one? or are there effects depended on the individuals perception on what the color represents and dose?
How dose this stuff work if any one knows?
>Are there better ones?
>Is this one not as good?
>If there are better ones what are they and what do they do?
>Can some one tell me what these colors do
We have a whole thread devoted to colors and their meanings. From my perspective colors are subjective so your questions can't be answered by anyone save yourself. I link a post about chakras and their colors I made.
I suggest you read the thread about colors (mostly the discussion about them being objective or subjective) and form your own opinions.
>Am I correct in thinking that the black heart chakra was the cause of my ailments and possibly what stooped me from negating sleep and being fatigued?
You create chakras, they aren't "there" objectively, so in this mindset, seeing black-colored chakra would only be a symptom and not a root of the problem, but changing it's color would indeed be helpful. As long of course as you believe that black = bad and restoring the color of a chakra helps you heal (chakras don't have set colors but if you believe in this then yours do).
>are there effects depended on the individuals perception on what the color represents and dose?
[Admin note: Cross-thread links fixed]
This post annoyed me a bit, though I appreciated the flow you put into it.
It made me think of black people/wannabe gangsters, "school of life"/"reading/education is a waste of time" kind of thing. Like… the difference between being made to do too much/jump through hoops and being lazy/ignorant/wanting everything spoonfed to you is to some degree a matter of perspective, and you give off the lazy ignorant vibe to a degree but also the idgaf and a bit of "I like to dream of impossibilities until informed otherwise".
An exercise in impartiality for me
It depends.
It depends on the person, it depends on the subject…
I got the best results in Philosophy exams while high in Mary
A ritual in its purest definition is simply a predetermined set of actions.
The most efficient "ritual" for you is studying
But I guess you want the magickal way right?
Get possessed by one of the dozens the gods of knowledge or wisdom while you ar studying and doing the test.
>Get possessed by one of the dozens the gods of knowledge or wisdom while you ar studying and doing the test.
and how do I do that?
for IIH, during step one-thought control
will listing thoughts in my head as I observe them make my efforts meaningless?
It goes like this:
Evocation -> Invocation -> Possession
In all of them, the summoned being has some level of influence over you and are merely different stages of the same process.
Just follow any guide on evoking spirits and then remove protection circles give them more access to you. Be clear on what, how and why you want from them.
Obviously you should choose the entity very very very wisely to do this. (a rule of thumb is that the original version of an entity is always more accurate.)
Good luck if you are doing this… But really if you just study normally it would be more than enough to pass on those exams.
i think my friend may be possesed by an entity. he has a history of drug abuse and clinic time.
when i spent some time with him i felt a pain in my chest area after i reassured him we wanted to buy something to eat in the shop and not a sixer of beer(it was around 4pm, 16:00), that may have been the entity.
any recommendations what to do if i want to help him regain free-will and control of his body and mind? i already thaught him some chants about mother nature, she is a thing he loves.
Yeah that would be a shame, the community that still thinks montalk knows a damn thing(the greatest armchair occultist known to man), or that concepts like higher self, densities, demiurge/matrix or illuminati/alien overlords are actually real things despite their only proof of it being real is shit that only happens in their head like "synchronicity" or "visions" just because montalk said so. You would be better off dedicating the entire board to initiation into hermetics. People would actually learn real occultism and stop asking stupid questions. Most people are too lazy to look up and research the info they want, or are afraid of following false info. The only solution is to practice and do things first hand, don't believe just anything anyone says and don't underestimate the tricks of your mind.
>enter mental sanctuary of your choosing
>visualize a circle in the ground in which an entity will appear
>if it has a distinct sigil or something of the sort, visualize it in the circle
>say something along the lines of "-entity name- appear before me"
>what you say doesn't matter as long as it feels right, just call out to it until you feel it in the circle
>talk to it and ask it to grant you its qualities by being invoked for whatever it is you're willing to give the entity
>if it agrees step into circle and bring in the entity's body into your own mental body
>feel what it's like to have a man inside of you, silly wiccan
It's still technically ceremonial magic but done mentally. Getting some exercise and waving your real hands around to construct an evocation circle is way more fun and might burn some extra calories.
By getting a tight grip on your cock addiction.
Thanks. Can every ritual turned into a mental/astral version? I only ever read about astral temple before where you conduct the given ritual in the astral.
>feel what it's like to have a man inside of you, silly wiccan
>Can every ritual turned into a mental/astral version?
I'd say yes, after all physical rituals with incense and such only work through your mind giving them meaning. If your visualization is vivid enough I don't see how much difference it would make if you visualized the warmth of the candle lights and the smells of whatever materials you're using rather than actually experiencing them physically.
Well, I've heard that ceremonial magick actually has a deep functional basis, but it's often watered down. Keep in mind that incenses can help bring about the vibrations correlated to a planetary sphere, and this can be used as a portal for the entities.
Ceremonial magick is functional for the same reason magickal talismans are.
>Ceremonial magick is functional for the same reason magickal talismans are.
I didn't mean to say that the incense and stuff is useless, I meant that you should be capable of replicating it mentally.
>How do I achieve Christ Consciousness
Unless you want to be possessed by a clique of nefarious extraterrestrials masquerading as 'angels' – don't bother.
Anyhow, start by doing meditating for at least 5 to 10 minutes a day. Slowly ramp that number up. Gain back control of your mind, thoughts and emotions.
Check the catalog for the introductory' type of of threads.