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Previous thread >>>/ask/3949
Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead.
Previous thread >>>/ask/3949
If modern Jews are products of reptialian aliens does that mean mischlings are partially reptilian?
I know this is a bit off topic but what do you guys think of breakaway civilizations? I know I should get shadow state politics out of my head and concentrate on the Work but I keep coming back to this.
For those who asked about readings of your energy signature, I made a thread over at /div/.
Make sure you read and understand the OP before you post. I won't be doing readings for fun (your love life etc)
I'll ask here what I asked in other forum, but haven't got any answer.
I used to masturbate daily since when I was 15 to my 20s being my 17s the worst part of it, short time after I broke up with the only "girlfriend" I've had. Never been able to get into a relationship since then. Is there a possibility that a succubus is sucking my energy? Sometimes I can go through a week without masturbating, but I usually do it twice to four times a week.
I'm also during a no-fap routine (1 ยน/2 week today), but I have the chance of having sex with a girl tomorrow night. Should I go, or doing it will strengthen the succubus, or fuck my life even more?
>masturbate daily
You realize most PRO-NEETs masturbate 4-5 times a day right? You're not being looshed you're just an average guy with no self-control.
Just fuck the girl and fuck off Jesus Christ man.
Also, I thought it was a succubus because there seems to be a "wall" around me which prevents women from getting intimate with me. I have a good hygiene, look averagely good, but still have no chance with any, even with ones I meet in cancerous dating apps and know me only by my pictures.
Sex and masturbation are different, plus your not breaking your oath of nofap so don't sweat it anon.
I really dislike when people start to say shit like that.
>It's succubus mane, totally, she drains muh energy
>I'm under psychic attack, omg guys I can't leave my apartment because of that
>Some neg entity is attached to me and that's why I'm a sad piece of shit
This is just pushing your responsibility away and giving up power over yourself. If you really were under some nefarious influence then you'd likely know about it, granted you are not a mundane piece of crap. Succubi are just a good excuse for easing your conscience, right? I mean, I can't really be weak willed, it's those damn succubi sucking out my loosh and forcing me to masturbate!
Yeah, no harsh feelings mate, you said you are new here and all, but the fact that the first thing that comes to your mind is that something is causing this, instead of you being the cause is a sign of weakness IMHO. If you acknowledge your weak points and your self-perceived faults (I for example don't have anything against masturbation and use it with success in my practice) then you can work with them and improve on them. If you push the responsibility for your actions away from yourself then you are going to just run in circles and nothing will change.
That's you externalizing problems & not taking responsibility for yourself.
Almost always (>99.93%) problems in this division lie within yourself. There are very few cases where the problem stems from outside (as in, succubi or posession of some sorts).
It's some kind of epidemic where people seek the causes for their behavioural & interpersonal problems outside of themselves.
>the more energy sensitive I get the more I notice how EM fields from electrical devices and machines interfere with the individual and disrupt my own body's field
Starting to think that it's probably most healthy for the spirit and body to live away from high density congregate EM fields like cities and not use electrical devices or machinery at all.
I've noticed that fully fledged forests, natural lakes, and mountains seem to disrupt or dampen the general effects and the energy is much "cleaner" there. Maybe orgone works by a similar principle and that's why people find results with it.
It was supposed to be limited to 750 posts however the limit was removed. Typically they still get moved around that many posts (so older computers can actually open up threads before they get too big), however because it is no longer a hard limit there is flex.
The last thread was moved with 764 posts.
>what do you guys think of breakaway civilizations?
If large demographics refuse to change their ideology, yet some how survive, preserve it, and also are hostile it may be the path of least resistance; however I highly doubt such a case would occur.
If you can have real sex with a real person, do it, it will improve your testosterone levels, unlike masturbating you are not just sending your essence and energy into the void (or a vampiric entity) but another soul who is returning (ideally) the energy to you so the cycle can begin anew.
If you can regularly have sex make an art out of cultivating your sexual energy, both outside and inside the bedroom. Else it's meditation cultivation for you.
Quite precise there citation needed
I do agree with folk assigning blame to something else to lift fault.
>Starting to think that it's probably most healthy for the spirit and body to live away from high density congregate EM fields like cities and not use electrical devices or machinery at all.
You are right on about that. Nearly all tech is disharmonic with our natural auric shape.
>I've noticed that fully fledged forests, natural lakes, and mountains seem to disrupt or dampen the general effects and the energy is much "cleaner" there.
Deep in nature, and even more so places with much life, often have higher vital energy levels.
I'm looking for energetic/yoga/meditative exercises that draw the energy through the emotional centers up to the head.
Is there any other technique than simply breathing the "air" to the head? I know how to breathe from diaphragm, hold tongue on palate etc.
> I have the chance of having sex with a girl tomorrow night
Just like
it's not the same thing, but I still can't just view this in the kind of simple way most people here seem to do.
(like this post)
I know it's easy to connect this with religious morals and the hypocrisy that involves, but have any of you actually taken a closer look at what happens inside the body of a person engaging in these kinds of sexual activities? I'm not talking about "regular" science here like testosterone etc.
I don't know a lot about it but for example I heard this thing about how germans have a tradittion of taking a man to a brothel for him to "become a man" before he has sex with anyone else. Imo this is no different from cutting off your foreskin, it fucks you up completely, both mentally from surface perspective and it creates a nasty thing inside your energy body.
The common "losing your virginity" creates this same thing. Sure it will give you a certain feeling and mindset, but it's not something you should be looking for.
It's not like being married saves you from this in some magical way, but it offers a way for you to fix it over time, because you are interacting with the same person all the time. Changing partner will mess this thing up even more, making it harder to break for every time.
There probably lies something deep and old behind this, the least I can say is it isn't beneficial to you. There's a reason people have chosen to be monks and nuns.
If you feel like this is just me being fooled by abrahemitic traditions, don't bother creating an argument - all I'm doing here is encouraging you to take a look at what kind of thing you are actually creating inside your body when you have hedonistic sex.
>I heard this thing about how germans have a tradition of taking a man to a brothel for him to "become a man" before he has sex with anyone else
Life force is like a stream. You can go against it or embrace it. The universe as we know it favors the existence of entities that play by its rules and go with the stream. This Germanic rite of passage turned out to be something that the universe favors. Perhaps tribes where there was no such rites were less likely to be successful. Perhaps such rites reinforced configuration of gender roles that happened to be most aligned with the Stream? All that matters is that this meme worked well enough to secure its existence today.
It's important to take into account that such rite of passage isn't necessarily the reason why tribes incorporating them were successful. It could be that the rite is just something that emerged out of systems that were aligned with the direction and flow of the Stream. Most likely it's both - the systems were aligned with the Stream, and the rite that emerged from it as well.
>There probably lies something deep and old behind this, the least I can say is it isn't beneficial to you. There's a reason people have chosen to be monks and nuns.
Yes, there is this meme that sexual abstinence has positive effects on the subtle energies/nervous system. That you can sublimate sexual energy and use it for some other, higher purposes. There could be something to it, perhaps a lot.
However, it's necessary to sincerely inspect the nature of your emotional approach to this whole topic. One thing is certain. Your emotional approach to all this is generated by your unconscious belief systems. And this right here is the key to understanding this whole issue. It's not about whether sex is good or bad. It's about why you or me feel certain way about this whole issue.
There is also the meme that hedonistic rapture, emotional excitation can be a very useful spiritual tool.
So why someone resonates with the meme of sexual abstinence, and not this one? The answer is almost always that we resonate with memes that provide the most comfort. If the issue makes you emotional, you "feel" something is right, you intuitively feel there's something nasty to losing virginity or you feel strongly that it's spiritually useful, it's a good moment to stop, become aware of it and dissect it.
Your idea in theory is to take the sexual energy, sublimate it and channel it somewhere else. But you fail to realize that this very energy is being spend by you to get high on the feeling that you're sublimating the energy. Does it make sense? Sex is a pleasurable act. Sublimating sex by abstinence is a pleasurable act. It's the same energy, spend in different ways, for the same purpose of comfort.
Which could be the primary differences between Advaita/Advaita Vedanta, Taoism and Zen Buddhism?
Is there an element of control in them? What is their finality, are these mentalistic/magickal doctrines/ideas or are the goal of these simply emptying the mind and having no potential course of action other than realizing non-duality, therefore freeing oneself from our apparent participation in the world?
From what I understand of the original teachings of Prince Siddhattha he appears to have gained his knowledge from Ancient Egypt of which there is some evidence both circumstantial and implied, and this is the reason that his original teachings and the original teachings of Hermes show similarities.
Basically all of these ideas are slightly "corrupted" or altered versions of a greater Truth. What I believe the original intent was is basically spiritual alchemy.
In essence the ideal and goal would be to remove the passions, basically burning away the chaff as it would be, while retaining the vital essence (which is described in bardon's Master Key quite decently). In so doing the individual becomes freed from this world as it would be yet retains capability as an actor if they so wish, through the application of Will as a foci for these higher virtues.
Basically virtue without passion, creation without participation, becoming the master of your own realm is the goal.
I'm not the guy you replied to, and for the most part I agree with you, one note.
>Your idea in theory is to take the sexual energy, sublimate it and channel it somewhere else. But you fail to realize that this very energy is being spend by you to get high on the feeling that you're sublimating the energy. Does it make sense? Sex is a pleasurable act. Sublimating sex by abstinence is a pleasurable act. It's the same energy, spend in different ways, for the same purpose of comfort.
In this lense all magic is sought for pleasure, we all seek the path of least resistance. Sure, fine. But consider that some of us (or at least myself,) have come to magic in the hopes that it will help us play the "long game," so to speak. This game is also a game of pleasure under your argument but the point is that we have goals. Different actions have different outcomes and so discernment is important in selecting actions. You are right in that emotions and comforts can cloud our thinking and decision-making but consider that many of us seek the underlying truths of this world. We seek to know the shape of the game, the rules at the highest level, and how to manipulate them.
My point is that you can't wave something like this away with an argument that amounts to "these things are relative," I think part of the point of a magical worldview is that things are NOT relative, that there is a way forward.
Now, this way forward may be different for different people, as well have different minds and souls and spirits and come from different situations and experiences and so it is important, as you alluded, to avoid dogma, both of external words and of one's own emotions and predispositions; to actually do the work, to not become enamored with the finger which only points to the moon but is not the moon.
Sample all experiences with a clear mind and honesty and you will find truth.
While sublimation of emotion makes sense, what you proposes just doesn't at all to me. Am I missing something here? It becomes the most illogical when I consider the nature of mental states we call `depression`. Dopamine, the neurotransmitter involved in the emergence of emotion, is actually released with your every little thought and action. When you're moving your little finger or opening a door, it's motivated by the same system as emotions. The desire to open a door is not labeled as emotional process by us, but actually it's an emotion in a sense.
Emotions are primordial forces of attraction and repulsion that stand behind all movement. I just can't wrap my head around the concept of "removing the passions". Passion is all. If you remove the outer layer, you're left with primordial "passions" or rather "passion-programs" that make cells move.
If you get rid of them, there's depression, and then the void.
Either I'm missing something here or the ideas you describe are a creation of schizoid mind. Schizoid mind finds comfort in emotional detachement. The thoughtspace of schizoid disorder overlap with thoughtspace of spiritual seeking. So I wouldn't be surprised. If it's as I suspect, then this path leads to a horrifying dead end of depersonalization and derealization.
I know far too little about Taoism and Zen to compare them to Vedanta and I'm not some expert on Vedanta either. I know bits and pieces from my research into bhakti yoga and Hinduism in general.
>From what I understand of the original teachings of Prince Siddhattha he appears to have gained his knowledge from Ancient Egypt of which there is some evidence both circumstantial and implied,
Could you list some evidence? I'm just curious.
Also not sure what your post has to do with a comparison of Vedanta, Taoism and Zen.
>I think part of the point of a magical worldview is that things are NOT relative, that there is a way forward.
Why a relative world view is anyhow less magical and why there is no way forward in it?
>Now, this way forward may be different for different people
So… it actually is relative to a given person.
>Either I'm missing something here
You are.
What is meant by Moksha or Nirvana isn't just psychological and viewing it only through the lenses of mental and physical processes while disregarding spiritual level of this process is a heavy reductionism.
The fact that everything is motivated by pleasure doesn't imply that there is no way forward. I'm not trying to stop you from advancing by pointing out that celibate may be de facto a trap generated by your pleasure centers. The way forward is through awareness! And so awareness of the mechanism that makes you want to stay in celibate (or seek sex) is very important.
If you goal is truth as you say here:…
>we seek underlying truths of this world. We seek to know the shape of the game, the rules at the highest level, and how to manipulate them.
….then the truth about your hidden motivations of celibate/sex is actually way more important than celibate/sex itself.
One more thing. You say you seek control.
To give a fitting example, sexual "magical" practice with the whole kegel thing is a great example of achieving control through awareness. It's an extension of awareness meditation into the physical realm. I'm explaining why: There are universal mechanics according to which orgasm takes place. It's a series of contractions. Also, contractions may pump blood to penis, while reverse contractions stop the pleasurable muscle work from happening. You realize these facts through AWARENESS. You locate and feel the contractions. Then you learn to control them. This way you manipulate how long you last or when exactly you ejaculate. See - you become in control of the process that before was hidden below your level of awareness. I see all spiritual progress this way. Control through awareness. Awareness of the animal processes and illusions. And perhaps at the very end realization of the illusion of control, who knows.
Although, not to make it look like I'm against celibate, I have to admit that there is indeed A LOT happening below the level of awareness during sexual act (and all things related), and indeed you don't know what is happening on the parallel plane during the act. I'm pretty sure connections are formed between members of the sexual act, and thousands of mechanisms run in your body that you're not aware of. Same for masturbation. Your pleasure centers and belief systems must be reprogrammed in some way during every act, one tiny bit at a time. Becoming aware of them and acquiring conscious control of them like of kegels would probably be the ideal.
>What is meant by Moksha or Nirvana isn't just psychological and viewing it only through the lenses of mental and physical processes while disregarding spiritual level of this process is a heavy reductionism.
Spiritual level is mental level or at last it is parallel to mental and physical level. For example, the energy work deals with energies that consist in part of electrical impulses in the nervous system, and in part of magical energy from other planes of existence (not accessible to a mundane, and difficult to access to anyone else).
Same with entities. From the perspective of a mundane in this dimension, they can be seen to act through tendencies and beliefs in society which are described with language.
Deprogramming of emotional energy just wouldn't work unless you mean some gimmick, like splitting your psyche into two - one part experiencing emotion, the other one (you) controlling the body without emotional feedback. Which I doubt would work because people in such instances inhabit the part that has no control and no emotion. And is just a helpless observer of causality until death or a powerful experience. In other words, derealization as a result of detachment from passions
>Becoming aware of them and acquiring conscious control of them like of kegels would probably be the ideal.
It's necessary to point out that it could be a trap also, just like the trap of celibate, except reversed. I can see someone saying "I masturbate 4 times a day to become aware of the unconscious processes that I consist of".
The best way of going about it would be to have sex for a period of time and go celibate for a period of time. Write down all your experiences. Observe how dopamine during the act feels like and how prolactin after the orgasm feels like. Learn to notice when these are released outside sexual situations. Then observe them during your celibate year and see if there is more or less of them.
I noticed the amount of sleep you need during celibate is a huge thing. Just like after ginseng, you need 2 less hours of sleep
>he thinks the brain impulses and nervous system are the action and not the reaction
>he thinks that the human animal is not simply a vessel of the oversoul
oh boy
gotta tip it
>>he thinks the brain impulses and nervous system are the action and not the reaction
>>he thinks that the human animal is not simply a vessel of the oversoul
I'm not saying this at all. There is no action or reaction. It's one single process that has infinite parallel dimensions, all happening simultaneously because they're the same thing. The nervous system is the part that happens to be visible from where we're standing. The parallel dimensions of this process cannot be measured by current technology and our senses, although some people can do it.
PS: Do not confuse parallel dimensions/subtle astral planes with "timelines", which are infinite as well, but aren't parallel.
As always when discussing this topic, you are also leaving out the obvious… it's like a blind spot, isn't it.
Everyone constantly discusses sex from the view of hedonism, making it into something best described as "mutual masturbation" and nothing more.
I remember watching a tv show about religion where they went to visit a hare krishna tempel/community center. A monk and a nun was living there, but unlike what you'd expect they had gotten married and had 3 children.
>reporter asks how that worked out
>we don't have sex for fun
>reporter looks at the kids and says with disbelief in her voice
>so… you haven't had sex in… what? 7 years?
>that's right, they both nod
This pretty much illustrates it. Since we do use the word mundane here, why not also mention that this has to be contrasted with something, and this "something" was traditionally a monastery or temple setting. Mundanes engage in hedonistic sex, something associated with animals and uncontrolled desires.
I'm not an advocate of celibate as a standard, all I said was that there's a reason people have been practicing it. Once you see what the hedonistic sex creates in your body you will not want to do it. I'm not talking about masturbation, it can become an addiction but it doesn't create that energetic formation. Fixing an addiction to masturbation is way easier than to clear out the mess you create by having careless sex.
The end goal as I see it is to find a way to actually have physical sex without creating this negative effect, but so far I don't know of anyone who has ever done that. None. It should have left a trace if it ever existed, but there isn't one. Instead there is the concept of being born by a virgin, this has been the only solution so far.
A friend of mine has been psychologically "ill" for years now. Depression and anxiety for most of her adolescent and adult life, and since the last two years has been getting worse and worse with something far different than the average condition.
When defining what she has, she said:
>"It feels like your soul is rotting and dying. Or like you are already dead but trapped in a body. Your life keeps flashing before your eyes and the thought of every happy memory is more painful than a sad one. If anything positive happens while you're awake it's like a searing pain. It hurts because you're deprived of the experience in front of you. Sunlight is painful because the warmth is stolen from you. There is so much bitterness and jealous - wishing for a comparatively joke illness like cancer. (Breast cancer survivors who later developed intractable repression testified that the depression was far worse to suffer through) You see yourself ending your life from every angle in every manner alone or with company. It doesn't feel like it will ever end and it doesn't, for hours or days. You can't eat and have major trouble with all your motor skills. Sleep is the only respite.
>I don't know what else to describe but I think there's more"
I don't know what's been happening to her, and she says she sees no way for this to possibly end. And she's told me she's often bed ridden for hours and days, incessantly crying.
She's had ups and downs, and seriously thought and hopes she'd become better (her goes for weeks or months on an upward trend, then falls back down to something like this, which worsens as the months and years go by). When I asked her what she wants to do in the day to day, besides kill herself (from when she wakes up and throughout the day), she said to crawl away from the pain.
Using what you know about wizardy, what could possibly ail her? What can she do to help herself? What can I do to help her?
I accept the possibility that she may be lying (we don't live near enough to each other), for whatever end, but I don't think I'm at liberty to act on that possibility. I can ask her any further questions any of you may have to better ascertain her condition. Please help.
Please consider the idea that almost all beliefs and rituals connected with reproduction exist because they were aligned with the direction of the Stream of the universe. That is, they encouraged existence the most out of all possible beliefs and practices. This is why they existed and exist. The idea that sex should only happen for the purpose of procreation has indeed been aligned with the Stream in a lot of environments in the past. Societies that embraced this belief only had as much children as they could care for, and it also allowed them to save emotional energy for work. It made the society work efficiently enough to exist. Those who didn't comply to the social rules were rightly ostracized, considered as sinners and heretics, and often even physically threatened. The religious beliefs about sex allowed for beautiful self-organizing systems optimized for embracing the Stream.
So it's not illogical and quite natural that you have this view on sex. Unconscious memes like that are passed through generations, and then reinforced in childhood by nurture. In deep meditation you can access the unconscious structures in your body that echo the experiences of your ancestors and you'll find this meme of hedonistic sex as negative right in there. If you go further and access the global network, you'll have a glimpse into the realm of beliefs, memes, entities and archetypes ruled by strict competition and cooperation. In there you'll find all kinds of reproductive strategies that happened to be efficient at certain times or will be in the future. For example, there is one tribe where couples don't have sex for pleasure, and yet they do it for many hours every night if the mother is pregnant. Apparently it's done out of belief that that it increases the chance that the baby is healthy. And it turns out the belief has ground in reality as sperm provides woman hormones and nutrients that help the pregnancy.
Excessive use of unrealistic pornography is an example of exploitation of the reward centers and is not very aligned with the Stream. It's because it doesn't seem to favor existence. Individuals who do not go with the existence-favoring Stream simply cease to exist. Quietly and slowly they wither away, replaced by those who follow the Stream. It has always been like this and all hermetic principles echoe in this law.
To put her situation into better focus, she scored a 42 n the Hilton Rating scale. Scoring a 20-27 is considered an indication of severe depression.
She's gone to many different therapists and psychiatrists throughout her life, most of which have done fuck all or done fuck all and pump her with medications. The normie medical community isn't able to help her.
Primum ens Melissa applied at 30 drops per day will very likely cure any case of depression.
However for such a high dose you will need at least 5lbs of fresh Melissa (also known as lemon balm) which means you should start growing it next spring. Also at such an extreme dosage if made properly (if you make primum ens melissa improperly it could be poisonous) will cause the nails, hair, and teeth to fall out and regenerate, this could be quite unsettling. A complete elixir of the herb can be created by imbibing the primum ens with the salts and water of the plant obtained by calcination and fermentation which increases the potency but requires a larger amount of plant material to rectify (the fermentation process uses all parts of the plant including the root while the primum ens uses only the leaf).
I'll probably make a thread this week about basic herbal alchemy.
If you wanted to reset and defrag yourself, wouldn't it be better to take ayuhasca instead of melissa? She'll avoid the long-lasting side effects and has to only suffer once. Puke for an hour and she's as tabula rasa as a 1 year old child.
I'm going to start using this flag for the duration of my replies, to distinguish myself.
Seems too extreme. Though given her situation, it should be seriously considered. It'll be difficult to figure a means to have her go through with it since she still lives with her parents, has a live she's trying to still live, and the unsettling result of losing all of that. To even consider that as a possibility, I'd of course need to learn about the plant and know for certain it will help.
I don't have experience, but given what I've heard memed around, this seems like a much better alternative.
DMT should be produced naturally in the body, it's true that DMT works to alleviate depression but it's like taking melatonin to cure insomnia, it doesn't solve the problem that the body isn't producing the chemical as it should be. The regenerative effects of Melissa should actually stimulate the pineal gland into producing DMT at a natural rate if it is not working properly as is often the case in the severely depressed. Of course DMT can work as a temporary stop-gap solution in lieu of proper medicines, but I personally wouldn't recommend taking it regularly for too long as I'm not altogether sure of the effect it would have.
I would agree with the other anon that DMT would be a good temporary measure, if you don't know how to extract it then large amounts are prohibitively expensive though.
What of taking ayhuasca for a powerful short term effect (alleviate the systems for a while), while taking a much smaller dose of lemon balm for a smaller but long term and sustainable effect?
Why do you think a lack of DMT production is the reason for her condition?
>What of taking ayhuasca for a powerful short term effect (alleviate the systems for a while), while taking a much smaller dose of lemon balm for a smaller but long term and sustainable effect?
That would likely work.
In most cases chronic depression that isn't alleviated by psychostimulants such as amphetamine or SSRIs is caused by the pineal gland not functioning correctly. In some small minority of cases it's caused by severe birth defects in the brain often created by the mother consuming certain drugs while pregnant.
The pineal gland and spinal fluids function are extremely important, it's sort of like the main capacitor for the brain.
Where can I get information on the pineal gland and lemon balm? To have more evidence that this is probably the cause, and that these solutions will work and not simply hurt her even more.
Go the safest route first, man.
Read all of it. There is no such precise documentation about lemon balm, however effective it may be. You can always try it after.
>idea that sex should only happen for the purpose of procreation has indeed been aligned with the Stream in a lot of environments
>Those who didn't comply to the social rules were rightly ostracized, considered as sinners and heretics, and often even physically threatened
This is true only if you are talking about Abrahamic religions (and also, not really), which are cancer meant to enslave the human spirit. Everywhere else sexuality was considered as something natural and sex wasn't just used for the sole purpose of procreation. Where are you coming from with all of this? One example, out of many, is sacred prostitution (including sacred gay prostitution) that can be traced as far back as the first Sumerian civilization.
I know, fucking people up because they do what people naturally do is a right thing to do.
>In deep meditation you can access the unconscious structures in your body that echo the experiences of your ancestors and you'll find this meme of hedonistic sex as negative right in there
I meditate a lot and the thought never occurred to me. Sex is beautiful and healthy, and if you can into basic sex magics then it can even replenish your energy instead of consuming it. Masturbation of course is something else, but still you can use it in your practice. The only reason I'm not out there fucking around is that I can't stand mundanes and thus am keeping myself pure for my boyfriend.
>Individuals who do not go with the existence-favoring Stream simply cease to exist.
Individuals who do go with the existence-favoring Stream simply cease to exist. Everyone ceases to exist and the amount of partners or sexual intercourses you had won't change that.
>the Stream
Woah, and I thought I speak like a mad cultist here.
I dunno, it seems like you try to push your narrative that sex is a no-no, but you are not even using any real arguments here.
>DMT should be produced naturally in the body
It shouldn't. There is not proof of it happening and the whole thing is a meme.
Now with that out of the way
>What can she do to help herself?
Meditation. It really is an answer to all of her problems IMHO. Of course, getting resolve and focus to practice can be tricky in her state, but even 5 minutes of daily meditation makes a big difference overall.
The realization that you are not your thoughts, nor emotions can really be a blessing in her state. Let her just observe emotions with no attachment, classical Vipassana. After initial period when she won't probably have much success she will start to be able to void the emotions and thoughts just by the act of observing them.
Some other way of meditating would be just focus on the breath. Deep breathing + constant awareness of it.
Of course, there is a lot of other ways one could help oneself via the occult, but they all require either the knowledge of the basics and some affinity with meditation or energy and a strong focus, and she has none of those things.
So yeah, for me at least starting my occult education and practice was the cure from the plethora of problems that I had. Maybe in her case it can be similar.
>What can I do to help her?
Nothing, she has to help herself. You can just be there, being able to provide support should she need it, but otherwise she's on her own.
True, you could heal her with magic, but as long as the root of the problem isn't taken care of then the problems will return, even stronger. She either finds strength or she dies.
Maybe later I will write some more about this, recommend some books or something, but yeah - my answer is meditation.
Also, maybe Buddhist Death Meditation, I'd guess that for someone who have strong suicidal tendencies a meditation focused on death would work much more effectively.
Or maybe it will fuck her up, dunno.
I mainly derive my understanding from the texts of alchemists and philosophers. Descartes, Paracelsus as well as ayurveda and TCM.
>gay sissy wizard thinks anyone reads his posts and doesn't realize that after recognizing the posting style he is identified and his opinions thrown in the trash
Come on lad you know we don't give a shit you fucking fuccobi.
>just meditate bro
>as above so below bro
>dude just like meditate
"As above so below, As below so above"
Your opinions are shit and you should feel ashamed for stating them in a manner that metes them as superior. Nobody cares about the size of your e-dick.
>ad hominem
Come on, you can do better than that. Like - provide some actual substance to the discussion. You don't agree with me that's great, give some counterargument. Or maybe show any evidence that DMT is produced in the human body if this is what you are butthurt about. Protip: you can't
Vikriti evam prakriti
>Your opinions are shit and you should feel ashamed for stating them in a manner that metes them as superior. Nobody cares about the size of your e-dick.
Your opinions are shit and you should feel ashamed for stating them in a manner that metes them as superior. Nobody cares about the size of your e-dick.
I'm pretty sure you think you're having an argument with me while I'm just insulting you because I think you're a colossal faggot.
Maybe I should've been less obtuse, how about this:
"Fuck off if you're not even going to try and help the guy and just want to tell him why you're right and your way is superior."
Unlike you fagboi I was just telling him my personal opinion on what he could do, then you run in screaming "YOU'RE ALL FUCKING RETARDED LET ME CORRECT THE RECORD". Just use a tripcode already it's not like I couldn't tell who you are even if you took off the flag, kek.
>I mainly derive my understanding from the texts of alchemists and philosophers. Descartes, Paracelsus as well as ayurveda and TCM
I can't in good faith recommend what you recommended without adequate reasoning beyond what is effectively the advice of an anonymous person on the internet.
I brought this thread to her attention, including your response. She says she think it's beyond what meditation would be able to achieve. In her words, "It's less emotional or thought based, and more primal, like it's your essence"
>I can't in good faith recommend what you recommended without adequate reasoning beyond what is effectively the advice of an anonymous person on the internet.
I'm not selling anything, the information is yours and you can take it or leave it.
>you think you're having an argument with me while I'm just insulting you because I think you're a colossal faggot
Yes, I always try to treat other people as if they could be a potential discussion partner, despite plenty of evidence on the contrary.
>you're not even going to try and help the guy
Just listed three methods by which their friend can help herself. If you think that meditation is bullshit then well, nothing that I will say can change that, but I think that to anyone who has meditated it's value is self-evident.
Well, maybe next time try to check if what you are posting is correct so I won't have any occasion to call you a retard. Not that I did. Both you and the other anon posted disinfo. I don't like disinfo so I stated my opinion about why I think it's disinfo and presented some counterarguments. If it's not disinfo but some legit knowledge then it won't be much effort to prove me wrong, right?
If you have some fresh evidence on DMT production in human body then off with it and show it already! Else you are the one who is wrong.
>Unlike you fagboi I was just telling him my personal opinion on what he could do
>Meditation. It really is an answer to all of her problems IMHO.
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
If she never tried then she doesn't know what meditation is or is not able to achieve. In most extreme case it can lead her to an ego-meltdown followed by her rebuilding herself from ground up.
>"It's less emotional or thought based, and more primal, like it's your essence"
So be it, but you said that sleep is her only reprieve. Deep meditation is similar to sleeping, save that you are not unconscious. Some ancient texts say that the essence is pure bliss.
Never mind the cause - emotions, thoughts or neither I'd still strongly advocate for at least trying out meditation as a form of self-help.
If you are asking this from the polarity principle, you seek the opposite of sadness, which is happiness.
Contedness is, imo, a more stable state and is to be pursued.
Some years ago i stumbled upon an author called Kaltem Gibson. He wrote books about telekinesis and provided some kind of "model" which seemed really complex and realistic (as much as you can be about /fringe topics).
Anyone knows more about this guy? Or verified some of his techniques?
do you detox? share your experience. and guides if you have worthy
>colon cleanse
>heavy metals detoxification
>cleaning your pineal gland
>iodine, super male vitality
when making a sigil
why are you meant to cross out vowels and not consonants, when it is vowels that are meant to hold meaning?
shouldn't we cross out consonants
The universe is a collective entity, accepted by everyone under this one being's rule. Not saying it isn't possible, but you'd have to move sideways beyond and distance yourself from everything you currently know. You couldn't use anything from here, no cultural element at all, because those belong to this universe.
You'd have to fill it with new beings of a completely different type than the one's you know of as well, unless you want it to be empty with only you in it.
The only hint is to look for the grey stone area and move from there. It may be possible if you really want, I have no idea.
How many people here have had a near death experience with water?
I'm just want to see if the results match what I think.
>Everywhere else sexuality was considered as something natural and sex wasn't just used for the sole purpose of procreation. One example, out of many, is sacred prostitution (including sacred gay prostitution) that can be traced as far back as the first Sumerian civilization.
>I know, fucking people up because they do what people naturally do is a right thing to do.
I think I'm slowly stopping to feel anger toward people who force themselves on other people to masturbate themselves with animal reward centers (right-wingers, race supremacists, muslims, communists). If this is their way of escaping mental suffering, then I can't blame them. Maybe we're just animals and there's nothing more to us. If we are just animals, then we should embrace our animal instincts and then it becomes a right thing to do for racists and religious extremists to murder each other over sexual promiscuity etc.. This is why I used the world "rightly".
In the end, all these believers of Abrahamic religions just wanted to protect their community from memes that would weaken it. Can they be blamed for acting on the evolutionary instincts that give them pleasure?
This is why I'm slowly deciding there is nothing wrong with meme games. You want to spread memes of your belief system because it's the best one for you and your community? Go ahead if it arouses you. Have fun. Apparently it's a right thing to do. Perhaps seeing the big picture is just not evolutionary efficient. It's the most efficient to be an animal
Like, create a "world" that I can go when I die, created by me and with the things I want.
Also, do you have any books that speak about this subject?
Thank you for your help.
>You want to spread memes of your belief system because it's the best one for you and your community?
I care nothing for the memes I am supposedly spreading. I just dislike when people present their view as an absolute truth. And I dislike moralfaggotry even more.
>Perhaps seeing the big picture is just not evolutionary efficient.
Are you certain it is you who is seeing the bigger picture?
What is wrong with sex? If you present a view that it should be used only for the purpose of procreation then surely there must be something wrong with it. Of course, over-indulgence is a huge waste of time and effort, but if someone can control their urges and use them to their advantage (for example with directing sexual energy, sex magic etc.) then it can cease to be an obstruction.
Even for mundane animals, who know nothing of such practices, how exactly is sex harmful? It is indeed sad that so many people make it their life goal to fuck as much as they can, but if someone already has such a mindset then celibacy wouldn't change them one bit. They need to grow out of their animal instincts over the course of many lifetimes, or so I do believe. In the meantime they enjoy themselves.
>Abrahamic religions just wanted to protect their community from memes that would weaken it
Abrahamic religions just serve as a siphon of will and vital force from any and every practitioner that follows them.
I don't have any books on the subject but the "world" idea is very much doable.
You need to be able to control things very accurately for this to be done. If you look at the example of "veelox" you can see how easy it is to mess up when doing this kind of thing. That place serves as a good lesson.
I know the credibility issues this involves but I have some experience of this area. Some points that may help so start with:
>find a place that only you can access and control
>create a foundation in this place
>emply lesser beings for the creation of an underworld based on your rules
>build up from there
The main point with this method is to make your world accepted by others so it is left alone, you define who you are and what your role is, making it useful to others - they would after all rather do business than fight, even demons think this way.
If you tend in the other direction, you may go for buddhism or falun gong, they both mention this, using the dantian of your body to develop your world, but this is completely different from the method I described.
Since the name veelox was not invented for this project and my be hard to find if you don't know what it is, I may include this link to give you an idea of what went down there:
I now see that Christianity, Christ in particular, has it's origins in paganism. But what about prayer, wine and bread, and the Trinity? I don't see that as a reccuring theme in Paganism, while Christ i see compared to a lot of other Gods in other religion with a lot of similarities.
Forget it, on some more research it seems that most historians agree that the parallels between Christ and deities like Mithra and Horus are pseudohistory.
Anyone else ever feel a strange sensation around their spine and feel so energized that they could explode
Everyone does this, it's called subjective reality.
>mind blown
top kek m8
'You' are a thoughtform matey. Generally when people die the thoughtform construct that people call a personality is dissolved or occasionally lingers as a "ghost" (spoopy). Without the application of Awareness through the foci of Will a thoughtform will dissolve into base components. So in a general sense any thoughtform will follow 'you' after death and dissolve with what you identify as yourself.
You aren't actually your personality construct or thoughtform but most people don't get it
Well I mean you could probably create a small little section in the astral and use it to 'preserve' your essence if you will. You could very well condense your Will and transfer it into this astral bubble and preserve your self and any thoughtforms that get their sustenance from you, but whether that would actually be living is another question.
I'm really scatter-brained and easily overwhelmed whenever I have to do work or study (with both being the really mentally-fatiguing kind where I have to learn complicated vector-calculus formulae to an extent where my understanding must be 100% precise–no easy but repetitive stuff that might even be therapeutic). My attention span is pretty wrecked when it comes to reading because I got along well getting my physics degree by primarily skimming through the equations. My reading comprehension is pretty good, so I'd wager, but my self discipline and focus are absolutely shit. I often re-read the same simple sentence many times because I'm constantly distracted by another thought. The only thing I'm adept at concentrating on is programming and solving equations–when I can manage to bring myself to do it. Learning new shit from the literature is very demanding on me because I feel deeply compelled to pace around the room and debate with myself all the time and think about programming stuff that isn't related to my work (oh, and of course browsing youtube and shitposting on /pol/ often happens). The feeling feels is much subtler than–and is similar to–taking Abilify or other anti-hallucinogens that makes you RESTLESS AS FUCK, but only when I need to read a bunch of text. Even if it's fun text…
So, what are the best meditations I can do that will diminish that pesky feeling of being inundated with too much information? (I can focus on meditations, I'm just really fucking shit at maintaining attention while reading textbooks.)
Banishing helps a little bit, and I hear meditating on invoking the element of earth (as read from Modern Magick–a bit different from the one in the Meditation Superthread) might be a good start. What else?
Had this problem for most of my past semester, personally I went off to the akashic records to upload the relevant course material a few weeks before the exam. I paid virtually no attention in lectures and skipped quite a few but when starting my "revision" the material seemed strangely familiar and easy to digest. Pretty shitty selfish use of it but I digress.
The other basic thing that helped was affirming that I'm interested in the information and easily learn it. Aside from that I sort of arranged the course notes in my mental space, meaning the slides, examples and worked questions were all neatly arranged in my mind. For every thing you look at, you need to be able to visualize it and read it with your eyes closed, or open if you can meditate on that level. Basically every night of SWOTVAC I went through my mental notes from start to end, adding on to the index every day I revised that course. This was pretty taxing to tell the truth so I've only done it for one of my courses but the benefit was that I practically aced the exam while I failed both of the semester tests.
Another thing I've done years ago is fuel my will to focus learning something by some emotion, for example being embarrassed in front of my peers that got a better grade than me got me pretty good final grades in high school. It's obviously a negative earthly attachment and emotions but you need to decide for yourself if you want to use it. I know many others that would get down and upset by being embarrassed like that, I'm more of a fiery, proactive type. This is the sort of thing that drove me to get back to studying when my mind wandered to a distraction.
One day I feel desire to be productive the whole day (and I am), another I don't have such desire and I fuck around. Right now I'm good and fucking around would be a ridiculous thing to do. But at this rate tomorrow being productive may seem just as ridiculous.
Let's assume desires and attitudes to life emerge out of webs of my conscious and unconscious belief systems. If the assumption is correct, could it be that dreams modify my belief systems during the night? And thus change my motivational energy levels during the day.
>So the subconscious process can go more smoothly.
Yeah, but why?
Vowels are more meaningful - vibrations - than consonants. So we should be crossing out latter, no?
Balance and not focusing on the "endgame" of each side, because no human being is ready to go that far anyways. People who attempt to do so end up doing things that isn't good for themselves or anyone in general. Yes this includes going too far into the "light" side as well. Don't go too far on either side and balance it out with the "other side." Don't think you have to "pick a side." You can work with "both hands" and extract the virtues of both sides.
As you do this, duality will slowly melt away. Give it time.
Also wanted to say you might want to consider unification of seemingly opposite concepts and use common sense to arrive at a resolution. But again unification in a sensible human way.
Does anyone on here have experience with Fourth Way/Gurdjieff groups? I have the opportunity to join one, but I see mixed things online
Your can't because with your very act of being and thinking you express force that is one of the polarities. Eg. masculinity/femininity. You'd have to detach from all games you play and then consider some complex system in which 2 opposite forces interact. Duality is something that emerges on its own after you come to terms with all your inner programs
I meant to write that non-duality emerges when the pieces fit, not duality
how do i undo years of watching pornography which have turned me into a man who only wants to bang women and I don't really want to have any friends just women
I imagine if you stopped using pornography and actually had sex with women you would come to realize the innate coarseness and basity of the act and no longer dream about it.
I've been feeling extremely tired for a month now. My diet is good, I work out and meditate, and I'm physically healthy. I'm so tired that I almost started crying because I had to do my laundry yesterday ffs. How can I fix this?
>how do i undo years of watching pornography which have turned me into a man who only wants to bang women and I don't really want to have any friends just women
if I don't care about fucking women or even having a gf, does it mean I could cure myself if I watched a lot of pornography? if yes, do I have to fap or watching is enough?
Try just socializing as if you were trying to seduce them, but then you just hang around there and don't do anything more. Use any female you come across to exercise on, disregarding age and looks. You'll find most girls/women like to get hit on like that, so there is no problem. With practice you'll learn how to handle women and you may actually get friends this way.
The point of doing this with any woman (don't do this if she has her bf/husband with her obviously) is that it'll remove that initial fixation you had, and when you do meet someone you're really interested in you know what to do.
If you don't want friends, why bother? Donald Trump even said he has no friends, in the sense of people you meet and go out to eat with etc. If you're ok with coworkers and family, why get fake friends.
> I don't care about fucking women or even having a gf, does it mean I could cure myself
Why? Does not wanting sex or a gf bother you? Do something creative with your time instead. Girls just eat and bitch about things anyway and they want you to do things for free for them.
Why do watch porn ? If you can find the cause, maybe you'll find the solution.
And I don't think overindulging in it gonna cure you.
>Why do watch porn ?
Pre-stimulated stimuli response.
Most people in so called developed countries first masturbate whilst viewing pornography. This creates a pavlovian trigger, since the mind has connected the release of dopamine and pleasure to the viewing of pornography the sexual apparatus will be triggered when pornography is viewed, and serotonin and endorphins are released when they see pornographic imagery, this causes them to stimulate the ganglia which causes chemicals to be released and creates a surge of dopamine which goes to the brain.
Basically people watch porn the same reason they eat fast-food, they've been trained to do it.
So basically hermeticism states that rather than Creation being active (by a god/gods) it is passive right?
As in all existence stems from the microcosm following the pattern of the macrocosm all the way up to The All/GOD.
This seems like the only rational explanation of the nature of reality as it requires no leap of faith.
longboarding down a hill 50km/h i hit the side of a car, just before hitting the world felt like it tilted and i hit the side of the car instead of rolling out in front of it. cunt was driving 80'.
so, what is dead may never die, we limbo now?
both. you got it right but somewhere along the way hominids were genetically altered on earth resulting in us.
I think it's probably something more along the lines of the members of the solar race who came here settled down on our planet and altered the genetics of the native homnids in the Asia region trying to improve the stock. Eventually the altered homnids became advanced enough to use weapons and spread around all of the Asian and American regions. Races like the Japanese and the Indians who were in the upper castes are examples of altered homnids with large admixture of original solar race comparatively to, for example, native americans who are pretty much 0% solar race. Semites and arabs are failed genetically, their DNA became corrupted through inclusive inbreeding and caused them to become a distinct strain. West Europeans are the most "pure" of the current inhabitants of earth, ie they are closest genetically to the solar race progenitors.
Negroids and abos are the result of unaltered homnids evolving in relative homeostasis. This is why the only Negroids that can count without their fingers are the ones in the north of Africa who have some small proportion of the Solar Race's DNA. Negroids are the peak of natural evolution, without outside interference it doesn't get much smarter than that.
PS, the "we wuz kangz" meme was a controlled disinfo operation created by the jews/freemasons/elites et all who control most of the devolved world designed to make whites think that any historical view against mainstream is bullshit. Atlantis, Sumeria, Ancient Egypt, Rome, Europe, all can be traced back to the original solar race and be seen as an attempt to recapture the original essence of the Aryan Spirit, and consequent failure each time so far.
It's what Julius Evola called the progenitor race.
He basically says that Hyperboreans and other such legends found throughout human history led to the existence of a progenitor Solar Race.
The whole interesting thing is that the Ancient Aliens theory is pretty much perfect disinfo. The progenitors were "alien" in a sense but they didn't come from space, rather they were beings existing partially in both the 3rd and 4th densities simultaneously. According to some reason (first apocalypse?) they became completely grounded in the 3rd density and regressed in spiritual and bodily development and of their descendants that came only the European remains close to them in physical and spiritual resemblance.
What is the deal with WW Atkinson? I'm really torn about this guy. On one hand, he puts out good info. On the other hand, it is obvious he's making a lot of shit up as well. Can't tell what's accurate and what's not in this guy's works. I'm using my discernment to extract what is useful and discarding what isn't, but this guy is seemingly a fucking master at mixing up BS with gold.
I just finished reading through his 'Mystic Christianity' book and I am amazed at the amount of bullshit in it. Or maybe it isn't bullshit. Maybe the "greatest most secret occult orders of all time throughout all of time" knew about the coming of the great magus avatar who would be "born of the absolute" and sacrifice himself as a Bodhisattva (or his 'absolute' energy) to humanity to help speed up our spiritual evolution. My sides.
But it was a really good book at the same time. Full of great info and vital seeds that were planted.
I'm so torn about this fucking guy.
One theory I heard about is that the infinite light of the ALL is balanced out by the infinite void (or darkness) which is why the totality of all infinite creation, or the ONE infinite consciousness (God) can never fully manifest into it's true form, so it manifests itself as reflections in us.
I'm paraphrasing Bearheart's words. Embedded YT video from Bearheart explains this better. Inspiring video in general so check it out.
My gripe with him isn't even his beliefs, its the fact that he repeats himself in a book merchant sort of way to a point where if you've read one of his books, you read them all.
I pity whoever was dumb enough to follow smiley's recommendation and carefully read like 5 of his books without doing any skipping in case there might be something new.
Where can I learn more about alchemy? And specifically, about plants that can help in this situation. We've decided to go the gardener/alchemist route, as a start. Hopefully, she's going to start growing her own marijuana (legally) and lemon balm, along with perhaps St. John's and any other recommendations. Her family is loaded, so with a little friendly occult coercion, I believe we can get her parents to approve of a greenhouse.
On another note - where can I learn about hermetical dialectics? I read about an anon who performed hermetical dialectics in a questions thread a few weeks ago. I ask because I started performing subconscious dialectical synthesis when I felt one side of me wanted something, while another side wanted something else entirely, and the two were at odds. This happens quite often, so I've been attempting to synthesize the means by which I think about these things, will these things, and the course of action to take (which of course creates a higher dialectic)
I have so much feminine, passive yin energy it's ridiculous (my body is male). Is there any way to at least make it 50/50?
It's got to the point that whenever I'm the masculine one in everyday social games, my brain is punishing me by making me feel bad. Even if I succeed being the active and expanding force in a game, soon my brain goes "THIS IS JUST SO WRONG. STOP IMMEDIATELY".
As a male I'm supposed to be taking initiative. For example, I'm expected to banter and trashtalk people, but even if I do it for fun, my brain actually releases anxiety and panic on me. "Don't hurt them". My analytical brain knows it's stupid, but my internal brain is making me feel anxiety and panic whenever I'm masculine.
I've noticed that when fantasizing or watching porn I never identify with the male. I identify with the girl and simultaneously I'm attracted to the girl.
I just wanted to add, I'm not actually depressed or anything - far from it. I can actually get very high on my yin energy in meditation or with music.
I'm just asking for advice because this unbalance (if it is one) may conflict with the social games I'm forced to play in society. For example, all this yin makes me unproductive as I don't care as much about creating and giving.
Learn to roleplay. Working a in a service job I've gotten pretty good at it, to the point I can do this when meeting people privately as well. How to talk, what to talk about, all of it can be learned. Most people fake it anyway so they can't know.
Playing a browser MMO trying to balance relations with other guilds for 3 years also helped a lot, I feel very thick skinned after this experience, and it's just been added to my understanding of "real life" social games seamlessly.
> I identify with the girl and simultaneously I'm attracted to the girl.
Me too. And I'm completely hetero. You just need to place it out there objectively, it doesn't change anything.
Try going online and play a girl character roleplaying as a girl. That'll put it in perspective for you, because it will be obvious to you that it is just a role, seperate from you. When you log off you are yourself again, the role is just a doll.
I'm not sure I'm getting through here with what I'm saying, but you can use this to mentally program yourself to think and function in a way that works better for you by changing the way you associate things.
>Learn to roleplay
Everyone is a player; all is play, all is roleplay. If you can roleplay successfully, then it's not roleplay - it's just you. During social games, the forces acting through us "provide" us thoughts and words to say. If they do provide you the words, body language, actions, emotions etc., then you're acting successfully… and therefore you're IT. Now you can see there's no distinction between being and playing.
To even further explain why your advice doesn't apply:
Let's say a girl initiates a play with me. There are forces acting through her. She expresses herself through a cluster of entities in hopes I'll respond with the entities that constitute me. Interaction of entities like that is a condition for a fun game. Game, dance, play, interaction. Call it like you want.
However, the forces in me just aren't compatible or don't even connect. There's this sluggish emptiness in my head, and not in the sense I'm nervous. I'm calm and fine. It's just that I'm so utterly yin. I can't play a game, perhaps because I'm fully set up to be the passive, receiving force. With my higher analytical mind I wish to give, but my inner child is almost completely yin.
All attempts to be the active force (you'd call it acting) end up with emptiness in my head.
I wish to be able to switch my forces on a whim and be able to play around. It's such a curse to be aware of the nature of the universe (a play) and simultaneously not be able to roleplay.
Often in meditation I feel like I'm on the edge of an enormous breakthrough. I feel like one step further and I'm free. I actually decided to ask here in hope for synchronicity, someone giving me a clue, a word to free me
>To even further explain why your advice doesn't apply
You're lazy and don't want others to have any advantage over you by learning something or improving. That's all there is in your post.
I wonder why people assume gmos are bad, why people think vaccines cause autism (though they are supposedly harmful so I could see it), why people think the earth is flat?
Is there any reading that would convince me of these things?
I mean I take them for granted but I wonder if people just believe things are bad because someone says they are and then it becomes a 'conspiracy theory' that people assume is right because it goes against a narrative of whatever.
What other things are there like this? I mean, I assume 9/11 was faked or allowed or whatever so that we could go to war, but I forget the real talking points about it.
Jews controlling everything, lizards, holocaust denying (I would think that at worst it was exaggerated? rather than it didn't happen), those are the other topics that come to mind re: this sort of thing.
Whenever I talk to people I tend to be less informed than the side arguing or shilling for whatever 'cause they'll have their list or what-have-you.
I wonder how/where to find the 'truth' about this, and whether there's a point to it, or whether to simply focus on myself and let things run their course/maybe read about things and not read about why people think so, to be mentally aware of things if they happen to be true later.
>whether to simply focus on myself and let things run their course
This IMHO.
People waste an enormous amount of energy just going deeper into some rabbit hole with Jews, reptiles and rocket fuel not melting steel beans, but in the end they get nothing from it. No understanding of magic, no practical experience and no power. Even if you could, through an enormous amount of research and inquiry, separate the false conspiracy theories from the true ones and you would finally have some "ULTIMATE RED PILL" that you just swallowed and you know for certain there are some beings controlling things… Now what?
This is why I ignore all red pill/conspiracy/NWO stuff and focus solely on knowledge that can be useful to myself, my studies and my practice. It is a very self-oriented path, but well, I like it that way.
yea. i've been following the stuff bc of the us election and it all feeling very important to make the establishment lose but if i even had a part maybe it is gone and it all doesn't matter/i'll be better equipped forgetting about it for now.
gmos and stuff still seem important but also a may as well avoid just in case kind of thing, even if their opposition turned out to be incorrect/another profit device.
i forgot to mention fluoride in my post but i'm long-convinced that shit is poison.
>I wonder why people assume gmos are bad
GMOs are potentially bad because they allow corporations to form monopolies.
>He still uses 8/pol/
I don't know how anyone can stand that place. The hostility and hatefulness towards anyone with a slightly unorthodox view is just too much. 4/pol/ has a lot of shitposting but the mood is much better. I don't really use either any more though, I think that there's no point after you've taken certain lessons on board.
Oh wow, looks like I just found the clue I've been looking for!
I sincerely believed the advice wasn't for me. But the moment I waved my hand in resignation and admitted you're right, I felt the emotional collapse in my chest. I've felt it ten thousand times before, mostly in childhood from interactions with parents and with peers in teenagehood.
It's the feeling when one's truth is challenged and denied.
It's the feeling of being overwhelmed in a game condition. Losing a game, accepting defeat and giving up. I have been shut down thousands of times. All my arguments straight out ignored, denounced and stifled. Not sure if rightfully or not. All I know for sure is it's saved in zeroes and ones in my chest area, where I feel pressure every time a new record is made.
So this is the pattern:
Express myself -> get told it's worthless -> the inner child writes down on emotional textures "loss"
My state of my current relationship with other humans and the universe in general depend of the score on my emotional textures. It must be full of losses now. I actually feel wrong if I win.
If I could access the textures and make it 50/50 win/loss, I'd be a pretty balanced individual like most people. The problem is, this process is emotional. I can be aware of it with my analytical mind, but it doesn't change anything. How do I access and modify thisโฆ I guess a thoughtform and a sigil are a startโฆ
sorry for being a faggot anon, 8chan was my first imageboard, I guess I'm just nostalgic for how it was when I first got there.
I… wouldn't want to risk having my teeth fall out…
and they can regenerate? I've never heard that before… i'd be hard-pressed to want to do that.
I thought your post was sarcasm at first.
A loss teaches, a win also teaches. Good and bad is relative. Everything can help you grow. These things may help you begin to reframe your feelings of loss, which are likely rooted in some events which impacted you strongly and emotionally. Shadowwork works through that stuff, and it may be something you could use, if you're stable/won't have trouble with instability in the time it takes to work through it.
It is good that you are introspecting/figuring out your "patterns".
Follow up to this: I was checking one of Koetting's videos on Nyarlathotep and I remember that he was a very chaotic entity, and Kek is supposed to also work with chaos. Maybe there is a connection between the two?
> the moment I waved my hand in resignation and admitted you're right, I felt the emotional collapse in my chest. I've felt it ten thousand times before, mostly in childhood from interactions with parents and with peers in teenagehood.
I didn't even realize that post was made by the same person at first.
But seriously, when you say
>It's the feeling when one's truth is challenged and denied.
It seems like you are extremely sensitive and are taking everything personally while fully accepting whatever other people tell you.
What I feel when somone challenges my truth and denies what I say is at first irritation, and if the resistance persists it turns into rage. This builds up inside me until I'm forced to take action against those who try to deny my truth. Whatever external resistance I face my inner rage builds up to the same level and I will always stand my ground.
>Express myself -> get told it's worthless -> the inner child writes down on emotional textures "loss"
Why accept the idea that other people gets to decide the rules of loss or win? A game that's rigged to stop me from winning is inviting me to cheat or change the rules as I see fit.
It seems to me you are looking for validation from other people instead of doing what you yourself want - when I think what you wrote is bullshit, should I then just agree with you instead to let you have that feeling of confirmation? It would be a lie, so how could that help you.
As per suggestions here and on 8/fringe, I've made the commitment to follow through on Bardon's IIH to develop myself properly and get legitimate results, and I'm almost done with the thought-retention exercise and will soon move on to the actual "mental blank slate" meditation. That being said, is there anything else I can do on the side to supplement my journey that would provide even a remote connection to other realms or beings? I understand chaos magic can be used as a short-term fix of sorts to get results, but Liber Null seems to guide you through a similar progression wrapped in a 3edgy5me package. I've read enough Kybalion, Montalk, and threads/infographics/greenpill humor on the /fringe/ forums to understand that we're "in the matrix", but still not 100% on how to actually see beyond it so to speak. Can I still have some fun and see some shit while I'm working on myself, or will diving before I'm ready lead to undesirable circumstances (attracting bad energies/spirits, possession, serious mental illness, etc)?
>shadow work
Any magickal method that fits resolving this mechanism here? I know there's a book "Resolution of the Mind", but it requires that I remember THOUSANDS of situations when I was shut down or I shut down someone. I don't remember anything before high school/college. And even everything later is very hazy.
>which are likely rooted in some events which impacted you strongly and emotionally
Yeah, being cornered into losing games a lot. Deep inside I feel like if I cleared this one out something enormous would happen.
>It seems like you are extremely sensitive and are taking everything personally while fully accepting whatever other people tell you.
My analytical mind understands these social games of win/loss are just that - games. However, my subconscious has weird complex from childhood about losing them. The subconscious is always taking notes of win/loss regardless of my awareness because it's programmed to do so. My way of being, thinking, speaking and whole expression in general is then the result of these notes. It works the same for everyone. And it seems to me you've won more games than lost in your life. If you didn't have narcissistic parents or wasn't bullied, and your development was healthy in general, then you're probably very fine with slight advantage of wins.
>What I feel when somone challenges my truth and denies what I say is at first irritation, and if the resistance persists it turns into rage. This builds up inside me until I'm forced to take action against those who try to deny my truth. Whatever external resistance I face my inner rage builds up to the same level and I will always stand my ground.
This is the same fascinating mechanism, but both of us deal with it differently. There are two extremes that should be avoided: Always giving up in games (me) may lead to low self-esteem and depression. Always standing the ground in games (you) may lead to narcissism. There are hundreds of games we play between each other every day and thousands of games we play with our own minds for accepting or denying ideas. It's the all-pervasive struggle for control of the narrative and objective "truth" among all beings, as well as struggle for self-esteem. Games make a lot of people insane every day eg. suicides, nervous breakdowns (my path) or narcissists like president Edrogan, people who traumatize children or animals to get high on power (and still sincerely believe it's fine).
Games make people go insane when they treat them too seriously or when they're cornered and pressured by too many games with no way out (eg. bullying).
There are 3 anons in this conversation here and we're playing games right now, too. We're exchanging ideas that are accepted or not. In other words, it's different forces in us interacting, causing conflict, which then causes emotions, which makes it fun and healthy. The games only stop being fun when they're treated too seriously eg. my subconscious was hurt by getting cornered and losing in childhood, and now causes weird reflex in my chest area, as well as makes me unable to connect to a lot of games.
>Why accept the idea that other people gets to decide the rules of loss or win? A game that's rigged to stop me from winning is inviting me to cheat or change the rules as I see fit.
Games are played to have fun. Whole universe is one huge game, the Brahman dance. The point of games is not to win but to play them. Give everything you've got in games, go 100%, but don't lose the awareness. To change the rules of a game in order to win would be like coming out with a shotgun on a football field. Or the god locking up his lover in a wardrobe, then wandering the universe alone. "Hurray! I conquered everyone and everything! Now I'm alone forever in empty universe with no games to play! Let's celebrate! โฆoh wait"
The more serious you're about the games, the more you increase the chance of going insane, as it becomes a must to win. Supposedly our physical, animal dimension is a place to which higher entities step down/fall to when they must or want to relearn a lesson. It happens when they become hollow, uncreative, get bored, stop appreciating the bliss and most importantly, lose the sense of humor. They "step down" to go through complete evolution and experience suffering to figure it all on their own once again, and ultimately relearn to appreciate the game. Of course this whole process of "stepping down" is a metaphor that the most closely represents the reality. In reality it's probably more like when anon decides to eat a shitload of burrito at once. Then he "steps down" one very tiny reality like an electron jumping an orbital. And he's only going to relearn the nature of the game in a bathroom later
> Supposedly our physical, animal dimension is a place to which higher entities step down/fall to when they must or want to relearn a lesson. It happens when they become hollow, uncreative, get bored, stop appreciating the bliss and most importantly, lose the sense of humor. They "step down" to go through complete evolution and experience suffering to figure it all on their own once again, and ultimately relearn to appreciate the game.
This sounds vaguely like buddhism or hinduism. I don't fully agree, because some people will probably stay here and will not return/rise to any enlightenment or paradise. For them it is the ultimate truth and purpose to win the game that's present right here, they will never have any reward in heaven to look forward to, so the morality of losing now to win later doesn't apply.
While staying here this is the "game" and you can only play it. If you were serious about leaving you should enter a monastery and stay there. Turning the mundane world into something that's semi religious is kinda pointless, you can't be successful if you're laid back. So then isn't it just better to do good and win right here, until you decide not to stay?
Wordly power isn't useless, in fact if you later do change your mind you can still use it. Being poor, weakminded and easy to bully isn't helping anyone.
"Holocaust denial" is a term that implicitly implies the holocaust narrative to be valid. The holohoax is the greatest piece of historical revisionism of our time only bested by the Out Of Africa meme.
Is teleportation possible? I'm currently sitting on a large amount of energy and the ability would be very helpful in my current situation
I don't think instant travel is (currently) possible for us on the human side. I have reasons to believe there are some occultists of an old tradition who can enter physically in another dimension and then come back in a different place, but it's far from actual teleportation.
Teleportation is definitely possible.
The only problem is you have to be at least partially fourth density so unless you're fucking Hermes Trismegistus good luck.
The closest you'll get as a non-ascended human is going really fast, you should be able to run at 40+ mph if you have enough loosh.
>at least partially fourth density
Do you have a reference/source for this claim? Not criticising it, I just want to know where you got it from.
No one has ever claimed to be able to teleport that wasn't a LARPer.
Ipso toto all teleportation discussion is armchair bullshit occultism.
>>>10278 (You)
>>shadow work
I've mostly been working on stabilizing myself so I haven't had much experience with shadowwork, just a bit of it when I didn't know what I was doing at all.
The general idea I figure is meditate on yourself, feel your body, listen to it, feel the energy anomalies/muscle tensions/etc and they'll tell you/you'll get to a memory or feeling and you'll have to feel love for it for what it taught you and for how it will bring you forward etc.
I think 1 of these question threads had some shadowwork theory, 1 or 2 of the earlier ones, 1-3.
Also one of Khan's threads has a section on it. Prob beginner spirituality guide, or maybe the eastern one.
Memory doesn't really matter once you can listen well enough; you'll remember/feel what you need to. We can channel information so you can remember just about anything.
I still try to browse it however it's become so controlled opposition now and there is so little worth going back for. They are banning & anchoring folk for redpilling. Even less so each passing day, despite the half dozen other /pol/s floating around on other sites, none are very popular, perhaps it just needs to get worse before the next exodus arrives.
Until then at least, I'm doing more /pol/-esque stuff IRL and focusing more on spiritual matters. It's any one's guess where the iteration of /pol/ will be, I'm glad at least /fringe/ is safe.
8ch has been shit overall the last few years. I don't get how people over there can maintain this idea that they're superior to other chans (4chan specifically). It's all just dumbposting, shitposting with no entertainment value.
>When the root of the problem is being discussed the topic naturally veers closer to the supposed realm of politics and people who don't like that, whether they be shills or not, are quick to tell people directly addressing political topics that they should go back to /pol/ and whatnot. The nature of shitposting also invites that but it's also used as a method to shutitdown, so to speak. A crafty shill can utilize that because bluepilled posters are more likely to welcome the "shitposter" than the supposed mean& nasty neo-nazi-racist-conspiracy-theorist-shitlord and almost feel like they have a moral obligation to resist anything that person says.
>In other words, for the same reason that the cultural-marxist will create safespaces and change "free speech" codes to suit their line of thinking, so will the bluepilled poster on 4chan welcome the "shitposter" who's mysteriously and adamantly opposed to anything remotely /pol/-related. Then it becomes clear that anything shitposters do is okay but having a relatively grounded topic with an exchange of facts isn't. To be clear, shitposting isn't the problem but shills are notorious for using it as a fracture point and are more than ready to blanket threads and boards with trash rather than letting sensitive information be easy to view. I think the worst problem to come from this is that unaware posters who may be redpilled to some degree somehow believe that that abnormal shitposting is somehow warranted and they're so used to seeing that noise that they can't imagine a thread being any different. You can become aware of shitposting but there are a tremendous amount of people who believe that it's somehow necessary for a politics board to function. They cannot separate shitposting that's meant to be humorous from shitposting that's meant to slide. One is condoning good posting behavior and in line with the culture of the board while the other is just exploiting the perceived nature of imageboards. This is why anons so used to 4chan are treated with contempt when they go to other imageboards because they actually do not know how to behave in line with imageboards and are swiftly banned.
While this is aimed at 4chan/pol/ I really think the current state of 8ch as a whole is worse. It feels like they think the only way forward is being dumb and rude, but the nature of the "allowed" topics and angles is then limited to mocking and namecalling.
Despite the shills over at 4chan/pol/ they have a much deeper understanding of /x/ related reasoning. Or maybe that's why the shills are there in the first place.
>tfw the nations of this earth will soon crumble and the Thousand Year Kingdom of Man will come
You fuckers ready?
>There's a theory that a group is going in the past and changing things which are causing these Mandela effects
Anymore info about this?
Yes it's called Grade A obullishitism.
Neither legitimate science nor any non-bullshit school of metaphysical theory espouses validity of "time travel" because
How does the mind interact with matter, if at all? How are things like teleportation, telekinesis, etc., accomplished?
What does it mean that there is an electromagnetic charge to our thoughts, and how can physical reality be directly affected?
Is it something sunatomic/quantum, something to do with mitochondria or the DNA, or something to do with the spirit? Can anyone do it?
What happens if I've damaged my higher bodies, like the tan tiens and things like that? How are they fixed? Or can they be?
Have you considered that just fucking figure it out cunt nobody's going to hand you the inner workings of reality on a platter and you're not going to believe anything anyone says anyway.
It's not something that can get exposed because the mainstream understanding of time is way off from reality.
Individual timelines are run from the formation of the planet until its end, but each time line only includes certain parts of the world, some nations and a small group of people. Then the next timeline starts from the beginning and what was already done before can not be changed. The timelines that have yet to be played out look sketchy and are represented by far off places and areas of research that your closest community does not understand or mention. Because timelines move at different speeds, there will be occasions where you will find another timeline ran past you and changed some of the sketchy things into concrete material. Most of the time it's the same as before, but sometimes poeople didn't follow the plan and things you remember from the past will seem to have changed.
In reality what you remember is a false memory, it was the plan of what was supposed to happen. Then that part of time was played out and it turned out differently. You now remember what it was meant to be, but what happened is different. That's the mandela effect.
The answer to all of your questions is YES.
But the explanation is spread out in the hundreds of books which compose the library, and other sources that will reveal in time.
If you start with The Kybalion you should find a couple of phrases related on how the truth will reveal itself somehow when you're ready to understand.
Sounds cryptic, it's cryptic, but there's no other way around it.
What the other kids want to tell you is: time is not real, we have chains of events. For higher minds, whose chains are seen at it's full complexity and "time" goes both slower (in first person) and faster (in third person). "Foresight" for instance is an ability to read cause and effect (the only real thing about time - that cause goes before effect) and - out of experience - tell how the chain will twist and flow. The foreseer is not seeing the future but the probable outcome, and unless higher forces are in play, will be able to change cause and thus the effect.
As >>4801 said, timelines are applied to quanta, every being or entity capable of individualization, even if it's composed of many other entities. And these timelines are relatively unchangeable, the causes of events that are effects now cannot be changed inside said timeline, but higher density or "faster" timelines can sometimes pre-set outcomes based on their own causes.
I as well.
>How does the mind interact with matter, if at all?
Matter is mind, unconscious or semiconscious perhaps, in varying states of crystalization, but mind nonetheless.
>How are things like teleportation, telekinesis, etc., accomplished?
By being one.
>What does it mean that there is an electromagnetic charge to our thoughts
There is, you're starting to get it. However the EMF of our soul is just the lowest/grossest manifestation of our being; the totality of our being includes far more subtle energies in the astral realms, etc.
>and how can physical reality be directly affected?
Previously answered, though to elaborate:
>Can anyone do it?
Yes, it is the birth right of consciousness, through be-ing aware, in the present moment, not unlike how you would think a thought to move your arm, you move your soul in unity with the object of telekinetic interest (or what ever). We didn't learn to become experts in moving our flesh over night, nor should be expect to learn unity of our soul with the water nor wind in a day either.
The only limits are the limits of perception and imagination, and that horizon ever expands, tis the mandate of life. We can grow them slower or faster depending on our life choices. Needless to say meditation is the swifter path.
>Anymore info about this [Mandela effect]?
The perception of the past as being a solid thing is just as fallacious and foolish, just like the future, any moment but the present moment is subject to change. And depending on where the currents of (y)our personal life-soul-fate-current takes you, you may find yourself being something you didn't realize (didn't exert a conscious choice to maintain), such as vibrating to the bit of reality which has a "different" past or a placement of prior-determined-variables not consciously chosen.
>What happens if I've damaged my higher bodies, like the tan tiens and things like that?
There may be blockages, but the germ of perfection can never be taken from us, it's our very spirit.
>How are they fixed?
Focus on being aware of the flow and/or coaxing it along with your imagination.
>Or can they be?
Always, it may be an arduous task, but no-thing is impossible.
>nobody's going to hand you the inner workings of reality on a platter and you're not going to believe anything anyone says anyway.
>ou're not going to believe anything anyone says anyway
Also, this. It is literally out of this world, beyond the concept of physical man and mundane existence, thus the uninitiated can not understand nor imagine without having walked the path and had the personal experience.
I'm annotating my books and righting the important information in them in a notebook, once I'm finished I plan on going though everything and taking out everything that doesn't work.
Is this a good method or is there a better one?
>I'm annotating my books
Do you actually own hard copies? Where do you buy them?
>I plan on going though everything and taking out everything that doesn't work.
Better to add notes describing why you have rejected the teaching, rather than just erasing it. Leave big paces in your notes so you can add things.
I buy them online and have them delivered.
I'll probably add stickynotes through it before I write another notebook with the teachings that passed.
tbch I mostly use amazon, it has most of the books I look for.
plus I don't like using creditcards so I can just buy their giftcards.
Do "Witch marks" actually have any significant on humans?
witch marks like a third nipple that ran along someones milk line
But what about advanced modifications of the energy body designed by malevolent sorcerers to keep you from generating light or projecting energy outwards?
My energy body is badly mutilated. There's probably some way out, but I think about suicide all the time…. I miss my magick and my third eye and my chakras… no point to living without them.
I really need help with this, or at least an understanding of what to do… there's a very advanced synthetic shit gradually replacing my energy body, and I don't want to live like this…
>I'm expected to banter and trashtalk people
It is only expected from assholes and not from the general male population AFAIK.
Well, if it works for you then it's a good method I guess.
I do similarly, I have a notebook in which I collect various Tantrik rituals, meditations, modes of working etc. It's purely practical, step by step and also with commentaries I added based on cross-referencing various sources.
I'm not really obsessed on accumulating knowledge in this notebook though (although I'm slowly turning it into one of a kind source book for Tantra magic). IMHO it's not textual knowledge that matters but the knowledge accumulated through direct practice. I view this notebook of mine just as a help in memorizing certain workings, learning mantras etc. Once I get some hands-on experience with a given technique I rarely go back and read the descriptions I wrote for it.
The point being - a notebook with important info is a good tool, just be sure to practice the stuff you write down so that it won't end just on theory.
>once I'm finished I plan on going though everything and taking out everything that doesn't work
I'd suggest you get down to practice before you finish, as, at least from my personal experience, there is so much knowledge out there that you can write several notebooks and not get to practice any of it.
Take care of your energy body then, do pranayama, nadi shuddhi and all that stuff. If you are really in a bad spot then maybe consider asking some benevolent entity you feel connection with for help.
Now I'm interested in Joy of Satan but I feel they are a bit to trusting on dogma about things, I want to see if anyone here has had a negative experience with them?
>Also WHY should I into Crowley?
Thelema a mishmash of different traditions, most of which were poorly understood and researched by Crowley (see Enochian magic, see Tantra, see yoga) so anything you would learn by getting into Thelema you could also learn better by applying yourself to such subjects on your own. Of course, Crowley did craft many rituals and workings which are specific to his system but I don't have any personal experiences with them.
Nevertheless I have to give some credit where credit is due as Crowley crafted a religious system that outlasted his maker and he was a very powerful magician indeed.
I did study Thelema a bit, just as I studied any material about magic I could get my hands on, and as far as I'm aware it has a lot of information and techniques but you need to get through a shitload of "lore" to get to them as everything is written in a poetic fashion. In his various writings Crowley covers an enormous array of occult topics.
If you are looking for a structured system with ranks, initiations and the whole "occult lodge" shenanigans then I guess you'd feel right at home with Thelema. On the other hand if you do not feel a need for such a structured approach and are in a habit of researching things yourself then you won't get much out of it IMHO.
Also, there are O.T.O lodges in almost every country so you could meet some people IRL.
The core concept of Thelema is the True Will, which is also present in Hindu systems as svecchara. You get the knowledge of it from your Holy Guardian Angel (workings of which Crowley acquired from Book of Abramelin). So yeah Thelemite is someone who is doing their True Will.
Of course what I say is very oversimplified, I'd suggest getting some knowledge about Thelema yourself, if only because the notions of Crowley are widely accepted and widespread in the occult community and some of Crowley's workings are… curious to say the least, for example the most famous Cairo working (the vision and the voice). Crowley really revitalized the Western occult tradition, the effects of which are seen to this day.
Then you have also many writings by (direct or not) students of Crowley such as Kenneth Grant and his Typhonian Thelema… Yeah, it's really an enormous field of study and Thelema, much like every proper system, is a way of life really. Also, despite Crowley not using the "proper" system of Enochian magic (the guys at Golden Dawn didn't have the full writings of Dee and Kelly) he is usually considered the most powerful practitioner of Enochiana to have ever lived.
PDFs attached are some quick "guides" to Thelema, there is also a book "Living Thelema" by David Shoemaker, sort of companion guide to Crowley writings.
Also, on an unrelated note - you could've easily acquired these materials and some general knowledge on Thelema just by searching "how into thelema" and doing some research, instead of wanting to be spoonfed :^)
Love is the Law
Nothing is irreversible, but you might be in a too bad position to deal with the issue yourself - especially with improper methods. I and others are willing to help you as well, join the SS discord group; https://discord.gg/9TerfFC
Its better to use the methods of JOS and attempt to fix the issue yourself. If those attempts fail, then ask Satan for help. Also if you are a Satanist, join the discord group. https://discord.gg/9TerfFC
>Now I'm interested in Joy of Satan but I feel they are a bit to trusting on dogma about things
Spiritual Satanism is completely based around factual objectively verifiable evidence. We have studied ancient history for years to come to the conclusions we did. Join us in the Discord and let us talk to you about it. https://discord.gg/9TerfFC
>I want to see if anyone here has had a negative experience with them?
Why not talk with Satanists and non-Satanists alike? The group currently hosts about 60+ members, the majority of them non-Satanists, yet discussing and learning spirituality. Its not a hugbox, like some people claim.
Hey indigo pill, I know you addressed me in the previous question thread but I never found the time to reply to you. Could you also join the Discord? I'd like to talk with you about a couple of things. Thanks in advance, and if you have no interest - thank you anyway.
Oh and everyone is allowed to join the Discord, by the way. Like I said, its not a hugbox, the majority are non-Satanists - currently about 60 people in total.
>I know you addressed me in the previous question thread but I never found the time to reply to you
No big deal!
>Could you also join the Discord?
Yeah sure, I will drop by tomorrow maybe. Actually I've been meaning to look around at your Discord group for a while anyway, just get to know what do you JoS guys do and maybe meet some like-minded people but I never got around to doing it.
I was in your group actual once, don't get me wrong you guys are good but I had an epiphany and I really want to see things for myself before making a commitment like jos needs. I do like you guys and might come back in the future but for now I'm gonna work out my own world tunnel.
Thanks. I didn't mean necessarily about Thelema with my question. I don't know much about that, though. Are Crowley's books and ideas inseparable from this particular system of his? Do they all fall under the purview of this particular system, or do any deal with occult knowledge in a more general way?
I'm not looking to join such a group, but maybe to meet people involved in that could be interesting, so I might look into it. As you can maybe tell from my "flag" I'm already involved with a particular "school", and I intend to stick with it.
>I don't fully agree, because some people will probably stay here and will not return/rise to any enlightenment or paradise. For them it is the ultimate truth and purpose to win the game that's present right here, they will never have any reward in heaven to look forward to, so the morality of losing now to win later doesn't apply.
Anon, you don't truly get the concept of "life as eternal dance of forces" because you look at it from the perspective of a person very worried about death. I see it because you automatically assume that person not concerned with power surely does so to get to heaven. I'm sure there are people like this, but they're lost just like people who obsess about death.
The lesson here is that life is actually to be enjoyed. That you should indulge in the game of life and give it all you've got… but not because you're afraid of wasting time on Earth, but because you appreciate the possibility of experiencing the beauty of it all. You appreciate the game and playing and you strive to win, but you realize you play for fun, you need the opponent, losing is sometimes fair, and that you play forever. Compulsion to win stemming from fear of death is a sign of COMPULSIVE game play. It's a result of misunderstanding of very general truths about the universe which I describe below.
The fear of death is a flaw in logic when one is too concerned with oneself, clouded by evolutionary instincts that are just programs. There's this fear of something like "wasting your time on earth/losing your life". The evolutionary mechanism is making you INSANE by cockblocking you from acknowledging the fact that lack of awareness (death) cannot be experienced. You're aware because only awareness can be experienced. It's like death doesn't actually exist. How come from all beings you came to this world as a human? Because the reality can only be experienced in the timeline in which homo sapiens evolved to be self-aware. How come you aren't dead, what is the chance of being alive? Well, the possibility that you don't exist is 99,9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% but it doesn't matter as non-existence cannot be experienced. Therefore you can only experience life, forever. You experience it as every human that has ever lived and it never, ever stops.
If you truly get this, hurting another to attain wealth and power becomes the most horrible idea. You generally become less concerned with power, and more with curiosity and appreciation of the world. The impulse to hurt another only takes place if you're in compulsive game condition, afraid of death, and as I said, it's a flaw in understanding.
Another fact that just can't be appreciated by lower-level animal brain is "forces of repulsion and attraction are eternal and permeate everything". Love and hate are forever.
>non-existence cannot be experienced. Therefore you can only experience life, forever.
This is a very interesting idea but who's to say that experience has to go on and on? Life after death can't be proved so neatly.
>but who's to say that experience has to go on and on? Life after death can't be proved so neatly.
I'm not saying that there's life after death.
I'm saying that life is forever and that only the state of living (self-awareness) can be experienced.
After anyone reads the above sentence, their brain immediately tries to relate what it means to THEM. If you also think this way, you not going to understand. You're being automatically cockblocked by all the animal illusions the brain is running on. Illusion of self, illusion of being a single entity during lifetime, and illusion of time.
Your brain probably automatically runs the code sequence "it doesn't matter that life is forever because I end at death".
But the sense of "I" is just an evolutionary efficient lie.
You're an animal who has been given just enough clues to become aware of death. But not enough to see the big picture and see how perfect death is. I have to admit, it is torture when a being is in this "in-between" position. The nature of all suffering and confusion is like this.
You can meditate on the fact that concept of time and concept of being a single entity is something that emerged out of animal brains and only applies as long as you're alive.
I went on a no-fap routine for 2 weeks. Gave up, started again, and was pretty much fine until last night, 6 days after.
Then I had a dream in which me and my cousin went to a dirty whorehouse, with wooden walls and roof in the back of a house. All I can remember about the outside of it is that there were a red bike and some drunk men wandering around.
Inside it, we started talking with some girls and a black guy who was there. The girls were close to us, and suddenly one of them began to slowly rub her butt in my dick. As I looked to her, it was the most perfect body I've ever seen. White, curvy, and I even had the sensation of her warm legs touching mines.
Then I felt I was peeing and needed to go to the bathroom, so I opened my eyes but didn't wake up properly, as I was still seeing mself in the whorehouse.
The girl then turned her face to me and it was one of the ugliest faces I've ever seen. Large teeth, amerindian-like facial traits, with deep dark circles around her eyes.
I jumped out of the bad and realized I had ejaculated while sleeping. Cleaned it up and tried to sleep again, but only relaxed after almost an hour.
Is there any meaning to this? Have my body just released the cum when confronted with sexual thoughts after a long time without fapping, or was it someone trying to tell me something?
Sorry about the typos and the grammar errors. Haven't slept very well after the happening.
> >>4825
Pretty deep dream lad
Your higher self was trying to inform you of the nature of sexual attraction and how lust is an illusion created by patterns in your mind. The projected image that fills you with lust is a shadow painting and the true substance of what you masturbate to is degradation, filth, and the epitome of filth.
So, was he telling me that I'm being deceived/deceiving myself and that I'm going the wrong way in the things I'm pursuing?
>Are Crowley's books and ideas inseparable from this particular system of his?
AFAIK they are. I mean, they are just basic ass ceremonial magic in most cases just practiced from the perspective of Thelema system.
What you could extract from it is the True Will, the methods of learning it etc., as it is the core feature of Thelema.
Anyway, I know far too little to make any far-fetched statements. I read a few books, tried a few times to get into it, but I didn't click with it so I let it go. Maybe there is something worthwhile and unique in it (as even True Will has it's counterpart in other, much older system) but I haven't found it because there is so much lore that one is required to go through. I'm not saying that it's wrong, after all I feel totally at home with Tantra and most people say that it's too obscure and have too much religious baggage or whatever, but I actually consider it the perfect system. Maybe someone else would feel at home with Thelema, I don't know. I just wanted to point out that Crowley sometimes got things wrong (pranayama, yoga stuff etc.) a trend that was continued with Kenneth Grant who even brought it to an absurd level.
But anyway, I digress. I'd say that give the old Beast a chance, what do you have to lose anyway? At best you will maybe learn something from his writings, at worst you will just get bored by the poetry.
Truth be told, personally I really resonate with Thelema, with it's message and the values it was founded on and I have a lot of respect for Crowley. It's just the practical part of the system I don't like, ceremonial magic, contacting Abrahamic entities (although I'm not sure whether Holy Guardian Angel, despite their name, really is one), a lot of lore that really didn't resonate with me that much, "Eastern" practices of questionable pedigree and well… I respect it, but I have a better (at least for me) path. If anyone is interested in Western spiritual and religious tradition that revitalized the occult current - give it a go.
>As you can maybe tell from my "flag" I'm already involved with a particular "school", and I intend to stick with it.
I'd read (or had started to read) some works of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky and I quite liked some of the ideas to be frank, also Gurdjieff's writing style feels nice (I've read fragments of "Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson" in Polish translation, which is much closer to Russian original in comparison with English rendition), but I dropped it for the same reason as with Thelema - it felt nice but it didn't feel like "my" system. Also I'd preferred some other explanations and world views in some cases. The problem with Gurdjieff is that IMHO he presents the spiritual progress like something so hard that it is almost impossible, contrary to my favorite texts. Also, he doesn't really speak much (if at all?) about "lower magic" and just some fun stuff like AP and generally… fun magical stuff if I remember correctly. It's always just hard work and spirituality :^)
Anyway I digress again - I wanted to ask how is one supposed to practice the Fourth Way system? Also, much like with your question about Thelema - are there any specific meditations or techniques that are only acquired via Gurdjieff's teachings? And yeah I know that the Fourth Way is supposedly balancing the three previously established ways, but for example you can find each of the three ways in Tantra and yoga (with the way of the fakir being hatha yoga, the way of the monk being bhakti yoga and the way of the yogi… well, every yoga tbh) so yeah - how do you practice your system and what does it exactly consist of? I remember there were some exercises Gurdjieff gave to his students but the details are blurry. Anyway, respect, Gurdjieff's works aren't easy to read and are even harder to comprehend.
> you look at it from the perspective of a person very worried about death. I see it because you automatically assume that person not concerned with power surely does so to get to heaven
Actually you are completely wrong. I'm not worried about death at all because I know exactly how the matters concerning death and reincarnation works. It's your logic that's flawed.
What I said was that if you want happiness but can't go to any paradise, you need to get that happiness right here. Hurting others doesn't matter if you do it in a way that is sustainable and doesn't cause negative consequences for yourself. It's the only valid way of play this game down here if you look from this world's perspective. I think you misunderstood what I wrote because when I said someone can't go to heaven I'm not saying this means that person will not have an afterlife. All I said was that it won't be in a religious paradise where they get paid back for what they lost down here. Imagine coming over there on the "other side" at the human level and you were a total loser in your life but you didn't follow any religion and won't get anything for it. You're still a loser and have no respect from anyone, it doesn't matter that you're dead, at this plane you're still a loser because the logic is the same. Then you will be the real retard for not playing to win.
> clouded by evolutionary instincts that are just programs
>still as an occultist believing in darwing
So I been interested on spirituality and occultism recenty after I've read Kandisnky's About Spirituality in Art. Has anyone read it? What do you think about it?
For those not familiar Kandisnky argues that artists should portrait things by their essence, they way they feel, their spirit and not their physical image alone. That was something i already did but Kandisnky explains it better and so I'm interested in knowing more, to see things in a deeper manner
> everything is ONE. The kigdom of heaven lies inside your heart
This is just bullshit hippie "wisdom."
Everything isn't one, all different individuals and objects are themselves and seperated from each other.
Heaven is a dimension consisting of matter richer in energy than we have down here, and any paradises are definite worlds with borders. They're not in your heart, they exist outside of this world and has no connection to any human thing, your heart included.
Statements like what you posted is just lacking common sense, trying to sound like you understand something differently when you in reality are just being reckless and vague. You can't even explain what you said really means, because you don't know yourself.
Now please try and prove me wrong.
If my ascendant sign is in scorpio, does this mean my chart is ruled by pluto, mars, or both? Every website seems to say different things about this. Also is the ascendant sign really more important than the sun sign?
I hear a lot about the five elements, and got a really good introduction to them from vid-related's YouTube channel (in comparison to other sources that talk about the elements). Earth, Air, Water, and Fire seem to make good sense to me, and the element of spirit seems to be the same thing as the white light people use while cleansing their auras, banishing, or doing the Kabbalistic cross.
However, vid related also mentioned "death energy," which got me thinking, sense, due the Hermetic maxim or polarity, one might expect there to be an opposite the element of spirit, just as fire is opposite to water, and air is opposite to earth.
So, what does this hypothetical death element ''do', and how does it feel? I'm thinking that it's probably dangerous to use and might attract negative entities…but I don't know; maybe it's useful to balance yourself and isn't an inherently evil force of nature.
I get a relaxed, revitalized feeling after invoking spirit. So is the element of death supposed to induce feelings of unease or tiredness? If so, it doesn't sound very fun.
This "death energy," I get from BH, is linked to the black sun, and should be visualized as a dense ball of black anti-matter; like a black hole that absorbs all light.
Further, spirit seems to be about the unmanifest, whereas the opposite would seem to represent the manifest.
Earth is often said to contain the other elements, but I wonder if this is an aberration gotten from the Kabbalah, and in reality we're supposed to be using a sixth element, death, which contains four of the simpler elements in a manifested form, while spirit contains them in an unmanifested form.
Using this energy might turn one's etheric body to resemble a skeleton. Interesting video in embed related.
Thank you for gettig back to me. I agree there is no harm in checking out Crowley, and I intend to do so. His concept of the "True Will" is reminiscent of some aspects of Gurdjieff and other traditional disciplines.
My familiarity with Tantra is limited to a book by Julius Evola (Yoga of Power), which I've read several times. It's really a fascinating system, I just didn't see the feasability of pursuing this path in this day and age. Where could one find a legit school/teacher in this discipline? I don't believe in going it solo. As Gurdjieff puts it "a candle can only be lit from the flame of another living candle". I also believe, as he does, that spiritual work must be done in the context of a school, that is, as a group and not individually. I'm sure many people here would disagree with me on that. As far as him making it out to be something difficult that requires prolonged struggle…that was part of the appeal for me.
As far as HOW one practices this way. It's quite a complex and multifaceted system. As you point out it is meant to be a way that combines aspects of the three conventional ways, and this corresponds to an inner element of "the work" (this discipline is usually called "the work"). Gurdjieff gives several versions of this theory but basically man is composed of certain "centers", usually 3 but there are versions of this theory that include more, and these centers are intellectual (yogi), emotional (monk), and "moving" (fakir). The idea behind the work is to work on all three simultaneously. In addition there is the very important notion that man has no self and no soul. These are things that must be created. This is partly done by incorporating "self-remembrance" (Ouspensky explains this in In Search of the Miraculous) while doing the work. Man is conceived as a machine who acts more or less automatically and so self-observation is the preliminary part of the work (I'm still in this stage). The ancient injunction of "know theyself" is interpreted as meaning know your machine", and in fact the act of self-observation itself already modifies the way your machine works (I can confirm this from experience). Then there is also the highly important "law of octaves". Complicated theory, but basically all things both personal and cosmic are vibrations that progress according to stages of unequal'' length with two points of "retardation" in which the trajectory of the progress sightly changes. Basically the idea is that as you go through more and more "octaves" you naturally find yourself changing the direction of your activities, your motives, etc until you find yourself suddenly off of your original path (this happens in ordinary life as much as it does in spiritual discipline as well as on the cosmic scale). In order to maintain your trajectory "shocks" must be applied at the points of "retardation". I haven't engaged with that yet, so I don't know precisely what it entails, I'm still in the self-observation stage. Lastly (not really, but the last I will mentioned) are the Gurdjieff Movements, which you have probably already heard of. If not look them up on youtube. It's an integral part of the work.
Practically, we do incorporate meditation, breathing excercises etc, but in a controlled way not haphazardly. It's a lot to go into explaining right now. I think there is actually a scene in Meetings with Remarkable Men (movie; check it out) where he explains why one shouldn't do these things without planning ahead and taking account possible effects down the road, and Ouspensky explains it in his book as well.
I'm barely scratching the surface here. Hopefully I didn't confuse you about his system more than you were before. It's a highly complex system but it's all founded on practice. Gurdjieff spurns mere theoretical speculation. Everything in his system has an application.
I'm still a beginner, but if you want to correspond on topics like this in general feel free to email me: juanbaptistefitzcarraldo@gmail.com
Go to 8.Ekim Bey for the comments on breathing
Also for those who are interested in general here is a vid demonstrating the Gurdjieff movements
>My familiarity with Tantra is limited to a book by Julius Evola (Yoga of Power)
I haven't read it so I don't know how true did he stay to the original teachings, as Westerners, particularly those acquainted with the occult are prone to understanding Tantra how they see fit, and not how was it understood in it's original context. I know he worked in conjunction with Woodrooffe, which brings some credibility to his name, but then again Woodrooffe himself is known to have purposefully hidden many elements of Shakta Tantra (although understandably as he was the pioneer and he didn't want to shock his contemporaries with too esoteric or taboo-breaking knowledge).
>I just didn't see the feasability of pursuing this path in this day and age
What do you mean? If you base your knowledge solely on one book about Tantra, then I can pretty much guarantee that this knowledge is very incomplete. Especially taking into the account varying modes of working in countless Tantrik currents. I'd say that is more feasible than many of more common systems, it just takes an enormous amount of research to find all the pieces scattered throughout many tantras and also publications about them. Not to mention that the vast majority of them is still untranslated to this day. That is the one thing that makes it unfeasible to a Westerner I'd say.
>Where could one find a legit school/teacher in this discipline?
In India maybe, if you are extremely lucky and you know the language. So yeah, realistically you can't find a legit teacher.
>I don't believe in going it solo.
Well, neither do I, but I'm not aiming to become some 100% legit Tantrika. I find practices, methods, meditations etc. and just test them experimentally. The inner guru and all that jazz. The biggest part of Tantra is actually interaction with it's Deities and entities generally speaking, thus you are not going solo, you are in the best company that you can imagine. Also, these teachings really resonate with me and I feel comfortable practicing them.
>As Gurdjieff puts it "a candle can only be lit from the flame of another living candle".
Well of course, but does it imply that it must a physical candle? Guru is not some old man teaching you things. Guru is divine. There are accounts of people being initiated into Tantra astrally, and I mean scriptural accounts. Most notably in Buddhist Tantra - Vajrayana. And the guys behind the shivashakti.com also was initiated Also, yes, there is a notion in Tantra that knowledge acquired from texts is ineffective and that mantras must be transmitted by Guru, but the same texts also go to ridiculous lengths to hide their mantras for fear that they might be misused. If they can only be transmitted orally then there is no need to be so secretive about them, right?
>I'm sure many people here would disagree with me on that.
Well I do. It is tough to be alone on this path, but my path has always been a solitary one, in every aspect.
>As far as him making it out to be something difficult that requires prolonged struggleโฆthat was part of the appeal for me.
To each his own I guess.
>Man is conceived as a machine who acts more or less automatically and so self-observation is the preliminary part of the work…
Yes, I remember now all that stuff from reading "Views from the Real World" I think. So… what you do as your practice is just self-observation? Not meaning to be rude or anything it just sounds very… bare-bones. But maybe that's a good thing.
>one shouldn't do these things without planning ahead and taking account possible effects down the road
I consider myself a very careless person, maybe that's why I felt I didn't fit in with the Fourth Way. Maybe I will be punished for it later, who knows, but I trust in my path and my personal Deity, we will make it.
>I'm still a beginner, but if you want to correspond on topics like this in general feel free to email me: juanbaptistefitzcarraldo@gmail.com
Thanks, I will keep that in mind!
Thanks for the link and also for the reminder about that Gurdjieff movie, gonna watch it sometime.
>And the guys behind the shivashakti.com also was initiated
Meant - and the guy behind the shivashakti.com also was initiated into a certain mantra in a dream (although after his physical initiation into Nath order).
Sorry, am a bit sleepy.
>What I said was that if you want happiness but can't go to any paradise, you need to get that happiness right here.
For you, "happiness" and "pleasure" means masturbating with the animal drive-to-power. You don't actually need it, you just embrace the meme that you do. You must have never experienced real happiness and now think basic relief from animal frustration is happiness. You seek relief in regression. You refuse self-awareness for comfort. How can you not see the dead end in this?
I'm confused about this whole heaven thing so let's just make this one clear. I know there is no heaven and I'm not anticipating anything after death. I also don't inflict the suffering on anyone. I don't because I've descended deep into the mind during period of extreme depression and somehow managed to come back to tell the tale. I learned the nature of the mechanism that you embrace and which makes people inflict suffering on others.
If someone doesn't intuitively feel evolution to be true just by connecting to nature in meditation, I'm very intrigued about the way they see the world. Tell me, what the hell is happening in your mind when you run on PC an evolutionary simulation of a dog or human model moving, and you realize the model evolves to walk on its own after enough generations? I'm especially interested because you can't actually blame jewish conspiracy in this case - I mean, you can program the simulation yourself and see for your own that the body designs itself to walk without any instructions.
Where do you think come that energy ?
As within, so without. We're all a fraction of the ALL, that is ONE.
But please, do harm unto other if it's what please you. Not gonna change my ways :^)
>everything is ONE
>Everything isn't one
The unconscious of the first anons desires unity.
The second's - separation.
There is no universal truth to this as all concepts imaginable are spooks made up by the unconscious. Including the All
Regarding "feasibility" I meant just that point about the difficulty in finding a legitimate representative of the tradition or a school to join. And generally, for most traditional disciplines one must go into seclusion or leave society whereas the Fourth Way is meant precisely for the context of contemporary life.
These kinds of disciplines are to a large extent "neutral", it's up to the practioner to decide towards what ends he wishes to apply them. I have this desire to "go all the way", and so for me a claculated and systematic approach in the context of a school makes the most sense. Some may wish to experiment and acquire various "siddhis". This is perfectly legitimate. As far as such experimentation goes, the danger involved is really no objection it's just somethig to be aware of. Over the Winter I plan on delving into the Ur Group's (the group Evola headed) Introduction to Magic and trying out some of the excercises there. I'm not personally averse to risk taking and danger, I'm simply on a fundamental level after something more final. I want to find out what are the limits of man's possible development; what my own limits are.
And certainly there is such a possibility of Gurus on "another plane", but historically it seems most traditions passed from student to disciple on this one. There are historically testified advantages to physical contact with a teacher. Not to mention that even if I did make such a contact, as a beginner I'm no where near qualified to differentiate between a genuine contact and a mere delusion. That's why I believe expert guidance on this plane is necessary.
Yes the work I am doing right now is very "bare-bones", but that kind of work is necessary to set the foundation for any kind of systematic approach. I'm not averse to experimentation on the side, though, as I've said.
As far as my own personal disposition I am also more of a solitary type. But this Way tends to draw introverts, intellectuals, and artists so it's good company.
As I said, free to email me. I look forward to more discussion.
Also keep in mind "self-observation" isn't necessarily what it sounds like on a superficial level. As a matter of principle I can't go into the details of the personal excercises I've been "assigned" (secrecy is a normal part of every school, and there are good reasons for it that don't nexessarily have to do with controversy), but suffice to say I'm not just sitting around.
how do you free yourself from a pact you made using your bodily liquids
What if Americans and Mexicans are more obese than the rest of the world because the American shadow government has been using electromagnetic waves to alter their behavior on a massive scale?
Think about how all of the cable companies are making a switch to wireless, they're just leaving the cables and not using them when cables are faster and more efficient and less prone to failure. Could this be another phase in the shadow government's plan?
Yes, of course it is.
But I don't think Mexico is as controlled as the States, though; the cartels are not affiliated with the American shadow government, and do not like it at all.
Say what you want about the Mexicans, but they're one of the last groups with the tech, motivation, and military training to be able to stand against the U.S.
No my theory is that Mexico is affected because there is no natural barrier. Canada has forests and lakes along the border to prevent the signals from coming across too much but northern Mexico is actually extra shitty because of all of the electromagnetic radiation coming from America over the border. So Trump's Wall would theoretically stop at least some of the signals and make Mexico better.
Perhaps I should move to Mexico to get awat from all this.
The U.S. seems like a fucked up place to be right now.
America's pretty much over.
The husk and corpse of a nation we call America will soon truly die and become the catalyst to the Thousand Year Empire of Man. We're still in the fulcrum, we won't see the actual transition for a decade at least, it's very hard to notice the fulcrum until it passes for most people.
Sounds like the early stages of autogynephilia. I'm assuming you watch porn, stop (much easier said than done). Abstaining from mastrubation should also help you build up yang energy too.
>But anyway, I digress. I'd say that give the old Beast a chance, what do you have to lose anyway? At best you will maybe learn something from his writings, at worst you will just get bored by the poetry.
The Equinox is great. Even if you disagree with the magical doctrine, it's very interesting as an artefact of an exciting time in the history of occult culture.
>>still as an occultist believing in darwing
Evolution is fact. Being an occultist doesn't mean you have to buy into this 'dude fuck science lmao, all the answers are within you' bullshit.
>Kandisnky argues that artists should portrait things by their essence, they way they feel, their spirit and not their physical image alone
Kandinsky wasn't the first to argue that there's more to art than verisimilitude. It's a very old debate, you can find lots more about it in art theory books. Btw, if you can please contribute to the art thread.
>Say what you want about the Mexicans, but they're one of the last groups with the tech, motivation, and military training to be able to stand against the U.S.
Mexico would get immediately flattened in any conflict with the US.
>Evolution is fact. Being an occultist doesn't mean you have to buy into this 'dude fuck science lmao, all the answers are within you' bullshit.
Evolution is fact but most theories on long scale evolution are not based on fact but are rather loose conjectures with no credibility used to push a social narrative
>out of africa theory meme etc.
>Mexico would get immediately flattened in any conflict with the US.
Yeah, look what happened during the First Mexican-American War. They fucking steamrolled Mexico back then and there was a much closer parity in technology and economies. America could fucking occupy the entire country and have all cities with over 20,000 population fully controlled in a week flat.
America will annex everything north of the Tropic of Cancer after the Second Mexican-American War and deport everyone of indigene-spanish race below the new border. This will be one of the formative events in the dissolution of modern America into its transformative rebirth and the complete passing of the century long status-quo
>America will annex everything north of the Tropic of Cancer after the Second Mexican-American War and deport everyone of indigene-spanish race below the new border. This will be one of the formative events in the dissolution of modern America into its transformative rebirth and the complete passing of the century long status-quo
>American Imperium
>muh dik
What's your sauce of this? Regardless, seems pretty likely with the way current events are going and the pattern of decline of republics leading to empires. Will it be a white ethnostate?
>What's your sauce of this?
Literally the entire history of human civilizations and nations, based on past patterns the state of global status quo combined with rapidly building racial and cultural tensions coupled with the dwindled importance of religion indicate that there will be a massive shift in global power structures and that the current popular religions will become as the "pagan" religions did to Christianity, there will be some new universal religion that borrows shit from a bunch of religions, though likely it will be more similar to Zoroastrianism than Christianity, Kekism is likely a proto-religion that will influence it either heavily or moderately.
>Will it be a white ethnostate?
That depends on who ends up being the Monarch. At this time it looks most likely that the role of President will turn into Monarch in all but name.
It's likely Trump will have his Presidency extended due to WWIII and popular demand, be assassinated, become a martyr of the new religion, and one of his male children could then succeed him through the cumulative charisma generated by this chain of events. Really many things depend upon the global forces and their precise interactions with certain individuals.
So whether it will be a white ethnostate is mostly dependent on the popular consciousness of the majority and the will of the coming Leader, whoever He may be.
>the cartels are not affiliated with the American shadow government
>imblying the FBI and/or CIA are not supplying arms and enraging conflict
>Mexico would get immediately flattened in any conflict with the US.
I don't think you understand how them cartel people operate. They use war tactics that haven't been seen before by the U.S. or anybody else. They're a much bigger threat than you realize, I think; they're quite good at asymmetrical warfare.
Yeah, probably, but the cartels are still a serious threat to the American shadow government's plans. They don't like those people, at all, and they are crazy enough to fuck some shit up without worrying about their own lives.
>I don't think you understand how them cartel people operate. They use war tactics that haven't been seen before by the U.S. or anybody else
Oh, please. They're just another bunch of vicious paramilitaries, like the Taliban or the Viet Cong, except they don't even have an ideology keeping them together. I can imagine them giving an occupying army a hard time but you don't have to be very tough or well-organized to do that. If the Americans were prepared to accept a low-level stream of casualties, which they weren't in Vietnam or Iraq or Afghanistan, they could easily occupy Mexico indefinitely.
Yes, but they have very advanced technology, and they do know America's weaknesses. If were to invade, they'd be stealthy enough, abuse the American citizens' distrust of their government (and their government's blatant lies as evidence), and use American street gangs and recruits enough 'murcan kids to make it a fair fight.
They might not win in open warfare, but they know how full of shit the U.S. government is, and open warfare isn't something the U.S. can tolerate right now. Its citizens would freak, and WWIII would start. There hasn't been a war on American soil in a minute now.
Also, with a stranglehold on American drug sales and a monopoly on world drug trade, they're a lot more dangerous than an average paramilitary. They have access to just about anything a government does.
With a unified opposition to the U.S. brewing among just about everyone in the world left with a brain, they could make it a fair fight.
Also, even if 'murca did decide to invade and occupy Mexico, keep in mind that the cartels are already invading and occupying American cities as well as a lot of places around the world. If they were attacked at home base, they could turn every city they're stationed in across the world (most of them) into total bloodbaths.
Any books like practical psychic self defense without all the physical/mundane guides/techniques?
Is there any occult shit I can do with my mundane friends?
All my practices are more or less internal -meditation, AP/LD, etc. - and I don't really know of anything external that simultaneously would give interesting results.
>Oh and everyone is allowed to join the Discord, by the way. Like I said, its not a hugbox
>Like I said, its not a hugbox
>not a hugbox
Based on what I encountered there, I beg to differ.
I got banned for actually trying to get some answers for two days straight, just because I've found false info in moderator's post. For two days the mod wasn't able to either correct themselves and apologize OR defend their point of view and when I still hadn't got any answers and the mod saw that I'm not going to let go - I get banned. If that isn't a hugbox then I don't know what is.
The only answer I got was - "I already gave you answers" despite not doing so, or said answers only leading to further, unanswered, questions.
>going to a discord, irc, or any of this stuff
Why not just post here? ircs and the like split up small imageboard communities and they go completely against what makes imageboards fun. It's always circlejerking among a small group of people who care more about keeping up their identity than about discussing things.
>Based on what I encountered there, I beg to differ.
Same here, went there, argued for a while because I wasn't in agreement with their worldview and this happened:
>The only answer I got was - "I already gave you answers" despite not doing so, or said answers only leading to further, unanswered, questions.
After another day of discussion/debate, next thing I know, I got b& too, rubbed one of the admins the wrong way :^)
It's like Smiley all over again. I was banned from 8ch/fringe/ for not putting up with his bullshit too.
A tripfag, but I suppose you mean on the discord, in that case, the name was kehlyos.
I believe I projected for the first time and I have a question about it.
When I got out I saw a black fog/smoke in the middle of the room, it was fog or smoke because I could see through some parts of it but my vision was mostly dark from it.
Was this an entity or was it my vision being dark?
/asatru/ of 8ch is ally of /fringe/
Should /asatru/ have its own board on fringechan?
Some ghost bumper is said to be ruining their board by bumping bad threads and then deleting his posts.
Should there be more boards in general?
Just make a fucking thread on astaru.
What good would it do to add more boards to a site with such a low post count.
>Should there be more boards in general?
Hell no, we already have too many. IMO the only boards we really need at this stage are /fringe/, /library/ and /ask/, the others should be absorbed by /fringe/. If you want to discuss Asatru, make a thread on this board.
>stop looshing it
>make a sigil that negates the sigil (ie if first sigil is "I am a nigger" then you make a sigil "I am not a nigger")
Doubt that it will work. Always keep in mind that doubt is just like faith in reverse. If you don't want something magickal happening, choose to believe that you cannot do it.
Hopefully I'm not going insane or something
I've found that my dream states at night are often broken by periods of an odd, intensely introspective high. I'm not self-aware during these periods, but I'm somewhat rationally thinking about myself or the world. It's a very restless state. I seem to be talking to myself in my thoughts and sometimes repeating something. I barely remember anything. I don't think it's useful and it's a bit stressful state. I don't talk to myself, but once I saw a friend looking at me in this half-aware state (I open eyes for a few seconds, then drift away back). I ignored her as if she was a character in a dream. At the morning I was told by her my skin was kinda yellow when I was asleep and I was moving around the bed a lot.
Anyone here experiences it? Does it mean I introvert too much during the day or what?
This is a newb issue that shouldnt exist. Too many people teach this thing about charging sigils and then ignoring them after you're done.
A real sigil is single use, after you drew it the energy was used up completely and the sigil has already done what it was meant to do, so it would self-cancel and cannot be used again.
If you need it to remain over time, you designed it badly. It should do what it is meant to do instantly, then it's used up. Keeping it running for days means it is extremely ineffective and not functioning properly.
For example if you want to protect yourself against a certain threat, you should aim to eliminate the threat at once, then the sigil will not be needed after that. Keeping it up as a shield means the threat is not dealth with properly and still remains - that is how you create ineffective sigils that need to be deleted manually.
>>going to a discord, irc, or any of this stuff
>Why not just post here?
This. Pretty much any thing other than the actual chan are typically going to be cancer. This is an age old truth.
I typically avoid such things and stick to the boards for that reason.
Tis just the nature of non-anon.
would switching from fluoride toothpaste have any noticeable differences to your health/ pineal gland? thank you
Supposedly, but the effects weren't noticeable for me nor anyone I know. My friend has been using fluoride toothpaste his whole life - opened "le 3rd eye" on the first try.
I'm not using fluoride toothpaste for like 3 years now and there really is no perceivable difference. Maybe I will switch back to fluoride one and test it that way one more time before I make my mind about fluoride.
oh damn well thank you for your input, do you mind explaining how your friend did it if he happened to have told you?
Really depends on how much fluoridue toothpaste you're eating.
Brushing with it will have an effect, but the worst is from foods and tap water. Switch to filtered water.
If you really want to go clean, replace fluoride toothpaste with baking soda (this also whitens your teeth much faster).
You mean like changing your appearance? Confidently believing that the change is happening and applying your mental energy, chi, whatever you call it, towards that idea by focusing on it.
Just how legit was Himmler? Was he a chicken farmer pretending to be important or invincible grand wizard?
They found a library a while back with thousands of occult texts he had. He was supposedly in the Thule society as well. I don't see why being a farmer would prevent him from being powerful.
Will artificial intelligence ever actually become alive? I've been thinking a lot about this, and it would seem that, since consciousness is not a mechanistic illusion, for humans, the very best we can do would be to emulate how humans think. However, might it be possible that consciousness could be produced mechanically?
Also, I hear that computers make use of crystals in their construction. (Not sure about that one to be honest–I got it from a sketchy source.) I hear that crystals have rudimentary consciousness, so I wonder if the actual physical materials used to make computers could lead to consciousness.
It depends on how you define "artificial" and "intelligence".
A silicon machine will never be more than a golem. A biological computer created with manufactured DNA could certainly become the receptacle of consciousness but with the current direction of research it seems unlikely to happen this century.
What is considered progression in energy work? Is it being able to manifest more energy? Is it controlling it with more ease?
Im currently reading Mystical Kabbalah by Dion Fortune. A friend of mine is moving and gifted me The Art and Practice of Caballa Magic by Ophiel. It mentions Dion Fortunes book as a precursor in spirit. Is it worth the read?
I haven't read that book but I know Ophiel, and I can tell you that he combines useful practical advice with an extremely unpolished writing style. In other words he's the complete opposite of Fortune. Probably worth reading if you can tolerate his writing.
Been exhausted for weeks following a summoning.
Does anyone have decent resources on banishing? I've tried a LBRP but it doesn't seem to have worked and is very visualization heavy.
>is very visualization heavy
Why is that a problem? I don't think you are going to find many visualization-free banishings out there.
Try the GOODS' LBRP.
Look at >>2857
>visualization intensive
I find that the feeling the energy currents themselves and powering wards and the like is the primary source of getting things done. Robert Bruce calls it "tactile imaging," and has a very robust and scientific energy system that I like. Maybe that energy system will help you as well.
Quite possible if powerful enough. Lower level manifestations of it may only provide <99% of fuel, but in that process you are purifying your temple and thus will be able to live on greater percentages of prana.
Also >implying memes aren't real and belief isn't the foundation of reality
http://archive.is/iNPzZ Why is this so? Why the fuck is fringechan on that list? Did they do it, or was the board actually handed over to these douchebags? Are we compromised now? What the duck?
The autistic shill who made that thread is part of the group, anyone who's part of it can add basically anything without permission from the site they add.
Basically this >>4907
He did approach us about cooperating however I tried to explain that I'm not an ambassador to the legion, I can only speak for myself. This puzzled them, I spent far too much time trying to explain how it just does not work like that.
I even personally tried to work with, see >>10571
tl;dr some fag made a site and put a link to us on it; no one there has any powers of any kind here, save shitposting.
Holy fuck, they actually banned YOU? Damn… You're way nicer and more patient than most of us… Personally, if I wasn't narcissistic, I'd ban myself from some places, so fuck… Arm up! Let's take them down! Their magical defenses should be just as weak as their digital ones, github and all.
Chill fam, no need to panic.
>He did approach us about cooperating however I tried to explain that I'm not an ambassador to the legion, I can only speak for myself. This puzzled them, I spent far too much time trying to explain how it just does not work like that.
That's rich. Are imageboards really that distant from the rest of the internet? Is a completely anonymous website that difficult to grasp?
Regardless, we should probably get the link removed. I don't see this small scrap of advertizing being very helpful for this site.
I'll try anon, I'll try. Just this shit really gets my jitters going into some bad giblets. Probably doesn't help that I've been having a lot of noopept and coffee today while making a ton of pipes to make moneys while ranting about this stuff… so I'll blame Alex Jones he does the same!!!! and run off to do more noopept and come back to this one…. but if they don't unlink!!! There will be retribution! I'll show them what linking does.
Oh, thank you, decade on the chns and never knew that… Admittedly the first 8 years was shitposting…
>Are imageboards really that distant from the rest of the internet?
It was more so the whole notion of what anonymous they didn't understand, how the collective-over-soul that we embody & how we as a leaderless swarm actually do anything, much less the level of grandeur in anon's accomplishments as seen.
>Is a completely anonymous website that difficult to grasp?
It's not mere anonymity that is in question, it's the profound & fundamental cultural impact of it. Without an identity in the mix it works differently, and understandably so those who can not move past that can't properly conceptualize; it's literally beyond them.
>Regardless, we should probably get the link removed.
Unless it get's really bad I'm inclined, at least for now, to leave it. Perhaps more will awaken.
>I don't see this small scrap of advertizing being very helpful for this site.
As long as it isn't too big of an influx they will be able to adapt without shitting it up (too bad). That said, the red/green pill only works one way, eventually they will all come around.
I've been here since the start apparently you weren't, here you newfag >>>/ask/119 now lurk moar
>If you haven't been here since the very beginning of the site and read every single post you're a newfag
Get fucked.
>Unless it get's really bad I'm inclined, at least for now, to leave it. Perhaps more will awaken.
Fair enough.
>That said, the red/green pill only works one way, eventually they will all come around.
Huh, I never thought about it that way. I've never really heard of someone reverting back into a "bluepill".
This. I expect better from other wizards.
>I've never really heard of someone reverting back into a "bluepill".
Due to cognitive dissonance eventually they will turn and embrace it, else they must leave before critical mass, and even if they do, what they have seen will gnaw at them and cause them to question.
When you silence some one, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.
Okay I'm getting tired of this, there was a period where I was getting great results with magick, but now I haven't accomplished anything for almost a year
Could it be that I stopped doing chakra opening meditations?
I've never done "chakra opening meditations" because I follow the original methods of working with chakras and not that New Agey stuff.
Still - I get results. I got results even without doing anything with chakras so I would say that it's not the reason for your lack of results.
"You may win or lose, and
two things lead to certain disaster: to be afraid and to interrupt the operation." Introduction to Magic by Julius Evola.
Recall all practices that you abandoned, and all mindsets that you let loose. Resume practices with emphasis on meaning and you should be back on your feet.
If you aren't able to control your thoughts and emotions through meditation you could really mess yourself up. Once you are able to influence reality, you can start influencing it for the worst if you get in a bad attitude and aren't aware of it.
>Once you are able to influence reality
So that happens when you adopt some kind of belief system? I'm not sure what you mean by this, I mean, the using of will and emotion to influence stuff is no secret, it's in all the self-help books ever written
Believing that the will and emotions change reality (having the belief system) and doing spiritual practices to make your will stronger cause this. The emotions direct the will and if you direct the emotions, you are more in control of where this willpower is going.
Arcane formulas is full of them. Read the chapter on the excluded middle.
You mean while being baptized? Dunno, I mean the whole ceremony would be a bit of a fuss I guess, it would be hard to concentrate when some priest pours water on you or whatever.
Neophyte here,
How do I communicate with/receive guidance from my higher self(assuming I have achieved ego-hood already)?
How do I communicate with/receive guidance from deities, and or the cosmic will?
Thank you in advance.
Is JOS:Joy Of Satan a cult?
Seriously I know they say they are pagan and all but this kinda suspicious
I mean they make you do a blood pact to satan
You will need:
1 or more black, blue or red candles (as many as you like)
A sterilized needle or razor
A piece of clean paper, large enough to write the prayer below
A dry pen, where you sign your name in blood (dip the tip of the pen in your blood) NOTE* YOU ONLY SIGN YOUR NAME IN BLOOD, NOT ANYTHING ELSE ON THE PAPER.
Write the following prayer:
Before the almighty and ineffable God Satan/Lucifer and in the presence of all Demons of Hell, who are the True and the Original gods, I, (state your full name) renounce any and all past allegiances. I renounce the false Judeo/Christian god Jehova, I renounce his vile and worthless son Jesus Christ, I renounce his foul, odious, and rotten holy spirit.
I proclaim Satan Lucifer as my one and only God. I promise to recognize and honor him in all things, without reservation, desiring in return, his manifold assistance in the successful completion of my endeavors.
It is important to bathe before any rituals you perform, this is done out of respect. When you are ready, you can light the candle. Take the needle, prick the index finger of your left hand, squeeze some blood out.
Sign your name in blood.
Recite the prayer either aloud or in your head
Fold the paper and let it burn in the fire of the candle. Many of us have stayed and meditated until the candle had burned itself out.
At the end of the ritual, close with the words "So mote it be." And a Big "HAIL SATAN!!"
Seems suspect to me
Not sure about a cult, but why would you want to be involved with it anyway? You do a blood pact where you pledge allegiance to a god. Whatever they are, stay the fuck away. The knowledge they use is freely available elsewhere, without making blood contracts.
Anything that requires submission or oaths to is suspect in my book. I've gone to great lengths in my magical career to be sure to avoid any sort of oaths or bindings. I've taken this to the extreme of even nullifying any sort of implied or deterministic ones, including any I may have happenstanced my way into.
Additionally any blood magic warrants extra care & attention to detail.
I myself have questions about their so called truth, there are inconsistencies & problems in their proclamations >>>/fringe/349 These questions I was not even able to resolve by summoning the entity behind the sigil (because I had not, and would not, pledge myself to him).
For the most part though it's just has yogic breathing techniques that you can find nearly anywhere.
perhaps they are in a thoughtform matrix and the rite takes energy and such from you in exchange to jos versions of daemons?
To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. - Lao Tzu
Once you achieve extended stillness you will begin to understand communication with pure being.
Perhaps, I presently can't say for certain.
I'm biased, I felt it necessary, hence the writing of it. After casting I found it quite useful and I've had others give it praise as well.
It may be a bit lengthy, but it won't take that long to read if you just actually sit down to it. It's a little shy of 10k words, though it may take you extra time if you really want to dissect it.
If you desire, one can get the majority of the same effect via other, briefer, declarations of sovereignty. Make your own if you like and use what you find for inspiration. There is no rule saying you can't change your mind nor update your spells.
>go to school 8 hours a day for 18 years
>work 8 hours a day until you retire
>sit on your ass watching television 8 hours a day until you die while watching your children repeat it all over again and their children doing the same
>this monotony broken only by eating, fucking, drugs, and technology
Does the average person even realize how fucking stupid this is?
deep down they do (which is why "deep" existential movies and shit appeal to them), but mass hypnosis, social control, dopamine, and the reptilian brain are amazing things.
No. There even is a lot of grimoirs that you could consider "Christian" or Abrahamic, Book of Abramelin, Enchiridion of Pope Leo etc.
Although I don't work with Abrahamic Godforms and consider them malevolent, or at least unpleasant when compared to other systems.
Regardless, this is not a problem, why would it be?
Lad they literally just dunk you under some water and say some blessing, being baptized is about as common as having your dick mutilated and means just as little.
>as common as having your dick mutilated and means just as little
Having a mutilated cock is gross. Being baptized doesn't even compare, it's just splashing some water compared to having a piece of your cock removed forever. Uncut dicks are the best.
Circumcision is basically a protestant meme. It wasn't in vogue before Protestantism and was made popular by Americans paying homage to their "Greatest Ally". The real reason it was made so popular in America is that foreskins can be made into medicine and skin-care products for mad shekels and the stupid goyim give up their childrens foreskins for free
Can you ban the "invisible college" shills? They're now talkin shit on kek, memes, and generally shitting up this board.
Ignoring works best. First rule of the how-to-deal-with-trolls book. Getting riled up is just what the troll wants.
>talking shit on kek, memes
So what? Is your opinion so frail that you cry when someone else takes a jest at it?
>They're now talkin shit on kek, memes
This isn't a safe space for cringey 'meme magic' trash. Kek can suck my dick.
>I've taken this to the extreme of even nullifying any sort of implied or deterministic ones, including any I may have happenstanced my way into.
Don't want to be a loosh farmer, but is this a declaration or a contract? You can't really have both following our current tort law memes and having a contract would imply that the parties you're speaking about agree to them.
I'll be requesting some Tree of Life that is not tainted by the jewish symbolism.
Anyone has one and is kind enough to share it?
Thanks in advance.
Well no. The kikes stole every bit of lore that they had, other than moses being lost a long time. Ever hear of the world tree, Yggdrasil? Makes a lot more sense than the corrupted cabalistic bullshit being spread by the kike.
Bitch, I stated my answer. Don't we this shit here, I speak for myself, you speak for what YOU understand.
>How do I go about communicating mentally with another person?
Hold your mind in a given mental or emotional state, imagine said forms/energies being cast upon them. They must be still and observe. (This can be quite a process to level up that much.)
>Don't want to be a loosh farmer
Not in the least.
>is this a declaration or a contract?
Physically legally speaking, 90% of it would hold up in mundane courts as a sort of super affidavit of truth* it would serve the technical role of Judaical Notice.
>You can't really have both following our current tort law memes and having a contract would imply that the parties you're speaking about agree to them.
It's a declaration more so than a contract in the classical sense, an affirmation of (natural/spiritual) law and the proclaimation of my being to be under that. It's nearly a necessity when it's assumed that you lie in other (mercantile-esque) jurisdictions. The result is a sort of spiritual terms of service for interaction into my realm, else the declaration that I do not wish to contract outside of that and not to interfere under penalty of karmic retribution.
Additionally, within it actually is laid out a framework for normal contracting and the rules they must follow to be considered valid (tl;dr must be made in full transparency & awareness of all facets, any obfuscation would render it void, of which nearly 0% of contemporary ones are.)
There are many implied spiritual contracts that skate by through semiconscious or subconscious interfaces, this is to address such willing albeit unknown sacrifices of freewill.
Nice 66 dubs.
Read the website for yourself and choose whether or not you desire to believe what is written. There are references for the greater part of what is written, and you can evoke Satan Lucifer himself without a problem.
Written upon the site is a mention that you can reverse the dedication. So if you find it displeasing, you can always reverse it at a later date. Just make sure you read the site entirely before you do anything though.
Letter Shin
corresponds to what column?
I keep finding conficting info:
>Shin as Chokmah
>Pentagrammaton/Yahshuah = IH SH VH, i.e. Creator+spark of the Sophianic(Spiritual) realm
>Shin as Binah
>Shin=Fire=Left and Mem=Water=Right
>book: "The Kabalistic and Occult Tarot of Eliphas Levi"
21 Arcanum, "The Lunatic"/"The Fool" is assigned to Shin, yet its written "Boaz"/Matter
How so? Isn't Fool divenely inspired and led by That-Which-Is-Higher/Chokmah
please explain
You're both retarded.
Satanism is just retarded edgy Christianity with Milton fiction and kabbalistic demonology thrown in. Christianity is just Judaism combined with hellenistic religion, paganism, and a smattering of Zoroastrian ideology thrown in. Judaism is just stolen material from Sumerian and Egyptian religions mostly.
It's all retarded made up bullshit combined with dogma and baseless rhetoric.
>which describes all organized religion
>he believes in atheism, a system whose very name is made up of "theism" with an "a"
>complains about other belief systems lacking originality
>you're either a dogma gobbling religious retard or a fedora tipping atheist who worships nihilistic materialism
This is why nobody likes religion cucks, it's always false dichotomy and empty rhetoric.
>>you're either a dogma gobbling religious retard or a fedora tipping atheist
>proceeds to avoid sharing any clue of his ideological grounding
>totally not a nihilist
You seem like a mere troll, what do you believe in then?
>empty rhetoric
That's all you have. With no faith you have nothing.
In early times in Japan, bamboo-and-paper lanterns were used with candles inside. A blind man, visiting a friend one night, was offered a lantern to carry home with him.
"I do not need a lantern," he said. "Darkness or light is all the same to me."
"I know you do not need a lantern to find your way," his friend replied, "but if you don't have one, someone else may run into you. So you must take it."
The blind man started off with the lantern and before he had walked very far someone ran squarely into him.
"Look out where you are going!" he exclaimed to the stranger. "Can't you see this lantern?"
"Your candle has burned out, brother," replied the stranger.
I'm just bashing atheists for thinking they are different from the religions they are against. I hate hypocrites like them.
Then the fedora tipper implies he isn't atheist, and when asked for what he believes in, he gives a nonsense reply, confirming that he indeed is
>a fedora tipping atheist who worships nihilistic materialism
The cabalistic correspondences are not agreed upon. Another thing that bothers me about the Tree of Life is the way the tarot trumps are assigned, with the first cards corresponding to the highest paths. Shouldn't it be the other way round?
If you don't want people to think you're a materialist atheist, don't use that flag.
>Le virtue signalling meme
not that guy, but the flags aren't always intended to be personal ideological identifiers. The guy was clearly using it as a joke because he said that organized religions are dumb, a typical fedora-type statement.
>If you don't want people to think you're a materialist atheist, don't use that flag.
I'm not a flagfag, I just like the pretty picture next to my name so I use whatever flag goes with my post.
>said the cultist, prepping another ritual he doesn't understand
hey librarian, just got word that there is potential that alpam will try to "debunk" your beliefs and if he can't he will remove you from being a mod.
Don't take my word for it, but if it happens
>strawmanning this hard
No, I went over his "declaration of freewill" - which is everything but sovereignty. Seriously, it has lines like:
This is not a declaration of true free will, but simply making yourself a submissive cuck to (((God))) and anything he wishes of you.
Just CTRL + his pastebin on 'god' and look at it yourself. It is objectively more authoritative and demanding then the initiation rite of the JOS.
> just got word that there is potential that alpam will try to "debunk" your beliefs
What would be wrong with criticism? Discussion and debate is the entire point of having a website like this. The JOS and my beliefs get attacked relentesly all the time on a myriad of forums and communities - I have no issue with that, I'm all up for intellectual debate and conversation. Grow a pair and take criticism like a man.
> if he can't he will remove you from being a mod.
You literally just made that up. Librarian and I are on good terms with each other and I would never simply remove him from moderator positioning; I trust him and he has the root credentials of fringechan like I do. Why Mossa was removed from his moderator position is another story entirely, you can look up the corresponding >>>/meta/ thread for that. Try to divide and conquer somewhere else.
I'll reply to this later today.
When I went to Africa some five or so years ago, I, due to clearly having wealth, caught the attention of the beggars. I refused to give the beggar anything and so, on the floor, he started angrily shouting at me, scribbling something in the sand and pointing at me. I believe I was cursed. According to what I read elsewhere however in another forum where I believe /ebola/-anons were discussing their activities with Nigerians and explaining the superiority of western occult to African voodoo that they basically concluded that African voodoo is weak and inferior.
How do I know if I've been successfully cursed? I think there's some sort of cleansing you can do for things like this, yes? I just want safe lucid dreams where I don't risk any permanent damage to myself. Help?
You can just deny it, if your mind is firm any simple ritual will do. Say out loud "I do not accept any curses, anything cast at me will now be gone!" and use something as a trigger to activate. Snap your fingers or swing a stick hitting the ground, whatever you see fit. It doesn't really matter as long as you know it will do the job.
>This is not a declaration of true free will, but simply making yourself a submissive cuck to (((God))) and anything he wishes of you.
If you look at the definition of "God" as defined and used in that document it is as follows:
>ยGodย: the Infinite-Eternal-Immortal-Prime-Creator of ALL-CREATION or ALL-THAT-IS, that which can only be defined as pure infinite and unconditional love.
I personally use the term God, which many people have issues with that word and also assume it is Abrahamic due to cultural context, however that is not the case or usage I employ.
When performing something like the LBRP, how important is it to loudly vocalize?
I have concerns about my roommates hearing.
Not Alpam, but I think I can try and address some of your points, friend.
The idea of a "Infinite-Eternal-Immortal-Prime-Creator of ALL-CREATION" did not exist before YHWH invaded Earth with guns blazing hot. If it did, I am going to need you to point to sources showing it did. Before that, Gods were merely seen as supremely advanced beings but in no way, creators of the whole universe. By evoking the concept that YHWH introduced, I think you are tying into their energy vortex; knowingly or otherwise.
That and, your "declaration" is only as powerful as the energy you put into it and how powerful your defenses are. A God or "Demon" or "Angel" or whatever does not need your permission in the least to barge in through the front door because those beings are far, far stronger than I and presumably, you; unless you are already at a very, very advanced stage of development. What I think you are doing with that declaration is just setting up a protective aura around yourself; but unless you keep supplying it with proper energy to upkeep it, even neophyte shit could possibly overcome it with enough effort. What is Will without Force behind it?
>I don't like it
Also, that may have sounded improperly. I mean, I just have a different view of Brahman, although there is a school of Vedanta who proclaims absolute duality of individual soul and Brahman.
But well, it depends whether you believe that God is separate from it's creation or if they are one.
>But well, it depends whether you believe that God is separate from it's creation or if they are one.
Is the spirit separate from the mind? Is the mind separate from the body? Is the organ distinct from the body? Are the bacteria and micro-flora within the organs distinct from the organs? Are the cells distinct from the muscles and flesh they compose? Are the molecules and atoms distinct from that which they form? Are the elementary particles separate from the molecules they form, the wave forms and electric dispensations separate from the particles?
Is it normal to feel exhaustion for a few days after a working?
If so what methods can be used to get reenergised?
>Is the mind separate from the body?
is a different question than
>Is the organ distinct from the body?
The body includes the organ, while neither the mind nor the body includes the other. Also, the organ and the body are made of the same stuff, while the mind and body are not. These are meaningful distinctions, no? So I think the relationship of 'God' to the universe is worthy of debate.
>Also, the organ and the body are made of the same stuff, while the mind and body are not.
At the fundamental level all matter is made of energetic wave forms, which is what "occultists" call by various terms such as aether, prana, akasha, etc. Everything that exists is a permutation of an infinite number of electric wave forms and the magnetic force between them. What you perceive as higher densities such as the astral plane are just the layers or dimensions of existence where the electric waves are able to form more complex patterns due to lessening force of magnetism.
At the highest level there exists no magnetism which allows for infinitely complex yet infinitely large permutations of the wave electric substrate, this is what Hermeticists call God or The All.
Sure, but on a practical level the mind and body are obviously made from different things. The point I'm trying to make is that there is valid disagreement about whether God is part of the universe or not. Your interpretation of God as the All holds that it is, but some would argue that the real God is outside the universe and that its nature cannot be understood as part of the density/frequency spectrum. The first position is analogous to the comparison of the body and the organs, the second to the comparison of the body and the mind.
I can't seem to find anything on it now, I remember seeing something about it a long time ago where someone posted pictures of old famous people making that hand sign in portraits.
It looks similar to the "real grip of a master mason" in the masonic handshake.
Does anyone have first or second hand experiences with hair regrowth to share? It seems like such a simple thing to achieve and yet plenty of people that are seriously into the occult, energy work, eastern practices, anything relevant, are still balding.
>When performing something like the LBRP, how important is it to loudly vocalize?
I do like speaking my spells however there are times in which I could not. I've found it to be more powerful including as many aspects in harmony at once as possible, however you can put the same amount will into a non(physically) verbal spell and it will have mostly the same impact.
>>4996 trips
Pretty much this, I don't see separation between anything however given some do, I address both aspects of creator + creation as separate and as one in that document.
I will say that the concept of creator being outside/beyond of creation can be a useful distinction to make when doing energy work in that once that energy becomes manifest it is different than the raw unmanifest form, however it's just as illusory a divide as any other IMHO.
>Is it normal to feel exhaustion for a few days after a working?
What was the nature of the working? What sort of intensity? How far beyond your normal comfortable capabilities was it? Many heretofore unknown factors required for any semblance of meaningful answer to be returned.
>If so what methods can be used to get reenergised?
This depends on why your feeling drained, is it a blockage? is it vampiric? or is it simply a matter of connecting to source (more)?
My personal favorite way to revitalize myself is to get up a bit before dawn, have as much urine as I can drink, watch the sun for as long as I can whilst standing unshod on the Earth, meditate clearing-charging my aura & chakras and then transition into body work-stretching-exercise.
Is there anywhere where I can read up more on the silver cord? Also, to get to the 4th density do I need to reincarnate into the 4th density?
So there's a subset that don't care what they look like, okay. There's still ones who wish they didn't have that a problem, and there should presumably ones who did something about it. But the point wasn't speculation about generalized groups of people but specific examples of healing.
I'm looking for answers precisely because I have no doubts about the occult, you irreparable retard.
A very good answer I can see eye to eye with but I think I've been wording my query poorly. I'm not so much interested in why some magicians stick with it as much as those who heal it, how they do it (I assume it's the universal methods but still), and what level of expertise I would need to do the same. And some reassurance I suppose.
>Have a lucid dream that I met an older man that taught me telekinesis, but also wanted to have sex with me (It came across in how he spoke)
> We're in a typical English countryside pub; he sets out a wooden box on the table and tells me to imagine my energy, and the energy of the box are the same
> It floats for a split second, but drops and I can't move it again
> The man seems genuinely happy for me that I did it
Fast forward to lunch today
> My friend watches in horror as one of my earrings (similar to pic related) flies forward out of my left ear
> She keeps asking how I got my earring to fly out despite being sat completely still
I've tried with other small objects, no luck getting anything to move.
Does anyone have any advice/insight as to what happened?
The old boy got angry you wouldn't have sex with him so he ripped your earring out.
The problem is actually growing hair back is a rather high energy process. Simply preventing baldness by changing your genes is much easier, but once the actual hair follicles have left your head you have to grow them back. Thermodynamics is a valid law, nothing comes from nothing. So you will need enough total energy stored in your energy body to alter the physical matter of your body, this is a feat on the level of healing wounds and is actually much the same process.
So basically if you can't heal cancer you probably can't grow your hair.
Well, it's a gradual process of hair miniaturization until the follicles are actually gone, so it's the reversal of that process that I really mean by regrowth. I don't have a shiny head to fill in. Anything more specific to say with that in mind? And I find it interesting that you consider gene manipulation an easier feat.
Well I mean technically genes are much more fluid than actual body tissues, gene manipulation is just rearranging proteins in the chromosomes, it requires little energy since it's not creating anything new just transmuting it.
If you actually still have hair visualization and self-affirmation along with energy work should reverse the baldness. Some orientals say baldness is caused by lack of (energy) circulation to the scalp, I suppose moving energy to your hands and then rubbing them on your bald spot while making the energy flow into your scalp should be effective.
this, but it sucks when you heal so much that your energy body is too strong for your physical, so you die slowly and painfully
>If you knew anything about cancer you'd know it's a healing process.
Cancer is literally when your body is dead in a certain place so it converts the dead cells into cancer cells which are supposed to degrade and be replaced by regrowth. People are in shit health so they can't regrow and cancer kills them instead of healing them.
Welp, I missed the deleted post but thanks for the pointers. It's mostly what I thought I should be doing but I've only seen theories and vague comments about it so it seems like a shot in the dark. I'll just take it as a wake up call to rev up my energy work.
Is there anything I can read about genes and magic, or is the implication that visualization and all the good stuff will cause it?
I'm new into spirituality, so my question is probably trivial, but I want to ask it anyway.
I'd tried meditation before, but found it too hard (I did dhyana/no-mind), so I didn't stick to the practice. I meditated a few times, but it was inconsistent.
Recently I've bought a japa mala (Hindu/Buddhist prayer beads), by accident, I'd say, but it could be the synchronicity at work.
I started small by chanting some mantra throughout the whole mala (108 repetitions) every night before bed.
The only time I had any recollection of my dreams was when I kept a dream journal for lucid dreaming (stopped after a week or so, because I was too lazy), I don't remember any of my dreams in general, well, unless they're scary enough to wake me up (and even then I tend to only remember a few seconds). Now my dreams started to get really vivid and really long. And they're not abstract any more, they're about things that had been troubling me in the past. Don't get me wrong, my life is pretty good, but there are some things I avoided thinking about so well that I genuinely forgot about them. Now everything seems to have started crawling out of my subconsciousness. These dreams are quite scary (although the representations are simplistic: the "bad" people are thoroughly bad like bullies being represented by a genocidal dragon), but I'm calm all the way through, because I feel like it's a stage play leading to a happy end (and it does). The process itself is unpleasant, but it lets me to finally come to terms with my past.
Another more physiological effect is reduced need to sleep. I used to be the kind of guy that falls asleep at 2 AM and wakes up at 3 PM (at free days), still tired, often getting headaches from oversleeping, but unable to sleep less, because I'd start hallucinating from sleeping less than 9/10 hours (I've been to a doctor, I've had blood tests done and I'm physiologically fine, so he concluded it's just the way I am and maybe I'm too stressed in general, so he prescribed me some relaxing pills which didn't work at all despite supposedly being strong). Recently I've been waking up after ~8 hours of sleep (today I slept for 7 hours) and I feel a lot more rested. My concentration has improved as well (I'm finally able to enjoy books), but it's a common effect of meditation.
So my theory is that it's my root chakra being cleansed/opened (even the detail at the end of my mala is red). I've only recently learned about chakras, I'd always dismissed them as "New Age bullshit" (I've got green-pilled, because dismissing everything as "a mere coincidence"/"bullshit" became impossible at some point), and I thought I've got the first three of them covered, but it doesn't seem so.
The thing that bothers me is that I'm getting way too many results from so little practice. I've seen people meditating regularly for a few years and only getting some stress relief and here I am, meditating for a few minutes for a week and getting pretty outstanding outcome. My sleep disorder is cured, I'm generally more at ease, even my skin is getting less dry.
The question is: what is going on? Can it be my chakras opening?
OK, sorry for blogposting a wall of text about pretty average stuff, but I'm really excited about this whole new world that up until recently used to be hidden from me. Even more sorry for native English speakers getting a brain strain from my crappy language skills.
>tfw trying to get telekinesis to work but all I can manage is some slight movements of a suspended pendulum
Gotta find that old astral man and such his dick I guess. (no homo)
Never really used mantras all that much but my assumption is that they've acted as a focus for your mind, essentially taking the place of mindfullness meditations. This would explain the lucid dreams and I suppose the fact that you seem to be dealing with your issues in your lucid dreams reduced your stress levels and lets you rest more efficiently at night.
What was the mantra? Seems breddy good.
Would you go to sleep at 2/3AM because of insomnia, or because you were wanking/using the computer/watching tv? I used to do the same thing and solved it by just not doing anything after 9pm.
Cotton production are among the worst when it comes to ruining the environment.
If you care about the planet you use clothes made from materials like nylon, which can take a lot more use before being worn out and damages the environment less in production compared to materials of plant/animal origin.
> if you can't heal cancer you probably can't grow your hair
It's probably linked to aging. If you can reverse aging you can regrow your hair as well.
You may have met one of those guys mentioned in some /x/ threads in the last 2 years. Typical old english setting, well mannered guy, gives an offer, wierd things follow after waking up.
It's retarded since the main danger of WWIII will be the race riots if you live in USA or Europe, and socioeconomic collapse if you live in South America India (think Liberia type collapse).
How do I find someone who is not a living person and who I have only contacted in my dreams. I know they're real by the way.
What's /fringe/'s opinion on albinism? Africans seem to be quick to kill and eat albino children or use them in some other barbaric ritual. What does /fringe/ think of them? Do they possess special properties of some kind?
This anon's story is one of the most elaborate.
If I remember it right he got a gym card to get in shape, because that's what the guy told him to do. Driving back home he was thinking of stopping for a snack but then realized he was trying to lose weight, pulled himself togheter and drove past the fast food restuarant instead of turning. At that moment he heard a girl giggle in from the back of the car (he was alone). Don't know what happened, he stopped posting after this.
There was a similar story posted in the same thread, this one was quite scary tbh (this anon didn't link his posts properly so you'll have to search down for the full story):
From the eye of the people, being awake to the potential of your human vessel equals sainthood or godhood. To the Buddha, it just mean that he was an awoken human being.
I assume that this state was, according to Buddha, the true human state, instead of the slumber state most of the humans dwell in.
you know how in a dream you always take the most ridiculous things for granted? when people or scenery disappear or show up in random places in a dream it's so natural to you that you don't even think about it.
concepts of sainthood and godhood emerged in human consciousness at some point. now you operate with them, you think about them like they're the most obvious thing. but why?
>because there is a word "saint" or "god" in a language to describe the concept?
>because all people share the concept of saint or god?
>because it's always been like this?
>because you feel you're incomplete and there's something more?
>because philosophers use the word, and philosophers can be trusted?
To translate this post into coherent thought.
>saints and gods are abstractions born of human thought and bear nothing on greater reality
"Saint" is a mere title given to someone (preferably dead) by a religious authority to use the person as a role model and approve worship of him by religious followers. It doesn't really mean anything.
"God" is someone with powers far beyond humans, no living person has as far as I know been labeled a god except for metaphorically when describing skilled artists or sportsmen.
Hate to seem forceful but I'd like to restate my question in case it was missed (>>10962).
Are there any texts that say anything about albinos?
> does /fringe/ strive to be right by everyone's standanrds
If you mean by scientific, sceptical standards, then you can find countless attempts to fit 'magical' phenomena into the scientific worldview and to prove the existence of those phenomena using the scientific method. Most people here were brought up in that mainstream tradition so our own understanding of magic began from a sceptical viewpoint.
>They will not go to lengths to "defeat their opponent on home ground"
Few occultists are interested in 'going to lengths' to win over mundanes, because it would be a futile endeavour. If someone is resistant to our ideas then they can't be forced to change, any more than a Catholic priest can be made to support abortion by quoting the Bible - the mundane mindset fundamentally rejects magic in the same way that the Bible rejects abortion.
>restraint should be used before looking on them (meaning white people) for their evil, racist and perverse thoughts
lol, dat double think
This is reminiscent of the Poor Righteous Teachers-type mathematics - english kabbala and numerology. I particularily like the GOD - Generator, Operator, Destroyer as the afro trimurti.
When Prometheus gives fire to mankind.
Is this physical fire or elemental fire?
>Not only does Zeus withhold fire from humanity, but "the means of life," as well
>"After the gods have moulded men and other living creatures with a mixture of clay and fire, the two brothers Epimetheus and Prometheus are called to complete the task and distribute among the newly born creatures all sorts of natural qualities. Epimetheus sets to work, but, being unwise, distributes all the gifts of nature among the animals, leaving men naked and unprotected, unable to defend themselves and to survive in a hostile world. Prometheus then steals the fire of creative power from the workshop of Athena and Hephaistos and gives it to mankind."
>Some Gnostics have been associated with identifying the theft of fire from heaven as embodied by the fall of Lucifer "the Light Bearer"
Fire of creative power. Light. Means of Life.
Clay and Fire (Earth & Water, plus Fire, and air?)
>can you tip your fedora better than an actual fedora?
I've been one and I don't intend on going back.
I ignore them or tell them to fuck off, because I know that noone will convince them of anything anyway. Only a spiritual awakening over several years will have that effect.
> that you can grab those mundane concepts, wield them better than their owner
You're forgetting that the fedora always has the power of denial on his side. All your arguments can be denied as make belief at any moment. The only thing you can do is to question fundamental beliefs of the scientific community and drag the discussion down in a contest of who believes less. Maybe you can make the fedora ragequit and call you a retard who doesn't understand, but you won't make him change. Change comes from within.
That's why you should never argue seriously with fedoras, nothing will come out of it. Ignore them or troll them until they leave.
> This sort of "I cannot show them, they must x themselves" attitude means you can only teach those who already know, and those who don't need to figure it out themselves. It means you're not fit to be their teacher, just their peer. And being a peer, your truth may not be any truer than theirs.
You're missing one major point here;
a teacher and a student has a relation based on trust, the student will not question the motivations of the teacher, or the lecture given, because he want to learn.
The fedora is a critic who's not interested in learning the subject and he believes the teacher is making things up for his own profit.
That's why you can't, and shouldn't, attempt to teach the fedora.
>Hermes (/หhษหrmiหz/; Greek: แผฯฮผแฟฯ) is an Olympian god in Greek religion and mythology, the son of Zeus and the Pleiad Maia, and the second youngest of the Olympian gods (Dionysus being the youngest).
>Hermes is considered a god of transitions and boundaries. He is described as quick and cunning, moving freely between the worlds of the mortal and divine. He is also portrayed as an emissary and messenger of the gods;[1] an intercessor between mortals and the divine, and conductor of souls into the afterlife. He has been viewed as the protector and patron of herdsmen, thieves,[2] oratory and wit, literature and poetry, athletics and sports, invention and trade,[3] roads, boundaries and travelers.[4]
>In some myths, he is a trickster and outwits other gods for his own satisfaction or for the sake of humankind. His attributes and symbols include the herma, the rooster, the tortoise, satchel or pouch, winged sandals, and winged cap. His main symbol is the Greek kerykeion or Latin caduceus, which appears in a form of two snakes wrapped around a winged staff.
>he was totally not a mythical figure, I swear
That's not even the same Hermes
>Wikipedia contains accurate information
tips fedora
Hermes Trismegistus is just as mythical. Before you reply with *tips fedora*, please provide some evidence to the contrary.
I need not provide "evidence" Nothing can truly be evidenced in any case, there is no true evidence that any historical figure truly exists outside of the minds of men because I don't wish to influence your perspective in any case.
What the hell is the point you're trying to make? That /fringe/ wizards should learn to argue in terms of objective reasoning with people who are arguing with us in bad faith and have no intention of seeing things from our perspective? That /fringe/ wizards should actually actively put people on the path of magick?
Your teacher example makes little sense to me either, the best teacher in the world can't teach advanced calculus to a highschool freshman just like a /fringe/ wizard can't teach astral projection to a drunk Chad who just walked out of the club where he fucked a girl whose name he already forgot. A good teacher can provide guidance and motivation but pretty much everything must be learned by the students themselves, pro tip, this is why homework is just a huge aspect of learning as self motivation is an important quality to cultivate.
My path is one of self betterment and convincing others why they should also walk it is a futile waste of time as trying to get someone from the arts and crafts club to take up marksmanship as their hobby. If your goal here is learning "flashy, impressive but useless tricks" you're in for a terrible time as to my knowledge nobody here is capable of shooting lightning out of their hands in the physical realm. Even if you could and showed it off to some random, their first thought would likely be about how they could use that power for their material gain for such is the nature of the mundane.
>If magic is more powerful than that, there's surely a way to say or do something that the fedora, with all his mental power, still cannot deny.
Regardless of the truth of the matter, let's have a look at the flat vs spherical Earth debate. Both sides have "undeniable" proof that they're right and choose to disregard the evidence that the other side has. Even if you git gud at suggestion/hypnotism, changing the polarity of their beliefs will still leave that person a complete moron who never doubts his present hot opinions.
This raises my original question, fucking why?
>>This raises my original question, fucking why?
>Because you can! Because even if you can't someone probably can! Since when do you need a point?
Don't be ridiculous. There are an infinite number of things I could do with my time, many of them far more appealing than arguing with a fool.
>When did burning down a house, then rebuilding it to look and feel exactly the same, and then convincing everyone that it never burned down in the first place stopped being funny and worthy enough to do?
Go on, do that then. Except you won't, because you know it would be an incredibly bad idea.
>I present a challenge
You're a fucking faggot for implying that people here have no other wizardly projects they're working on which are more important than your challenge. I doubt your and your close friends' lives are faultless but feel free to waste your energy on some random nobodies if you want.
Also free to hammer nails into your dick just to practice healing if you're a bad enough dude.
>Since when do you need a point?
Not that anon, but the thing is, at least for me to be able to do any considerable feat of magic, I must care about the thing that I am supposed to do (unsurprisingly this also applies to mundane world). I do not care about "fedora tippers" one bit and I have better things to do with my time even if I chose to care.
>I just hope that one day you'll be a less practical, and more fun wizard
We have different definitions of fun I believe. Also, since when is practicality bad?
There is plenty of other "challenges" one can set before oneself that would give plenty more profit and/or knowledge. Challenges that operate on the same principle - i.e. changing someone's beliefs and influencing their mind can be very entertaining and very rewarding.
So yeah, basically in conclusion - who cares about fedoras? The only person I need to prove things to is myself.
>pearls before swine
>gold before cats
You realize there's a reason why Siddhartha didn't preform miracles or feats for people right?
>You realize there's a reason why Siddhartha didn't preform miracles or feats for people right?
>The only person I need to prove things to is myself.
One can only show a seeker the path, but they must walk it, they must be the one to learn it's secrets. Cosmic truth can not be properly conveyed by any vehicle other than personal experience.
I know there are drugs that exist which can diminish your ability to interact with your personal thoughtforms… but might there be ones that can allow you to peer into the astral/astral real time planes? To be clear, I'm not directly looking for a psychedelic experience where my vibration is risen so high that I'm sent to a very interesting and far-off dimension.
Rather, I want to peer into the dimensions that tulpas can inhabit. Are there any good drugs for this?
The only things that come to my mind are ketamine and maybe LSD. Ketamine allows for an easy full-scale OBE where the etheric body actually partially leaves the physical body (and isn't just a projection of consciousness). LSD I'm not so sure about. Sure I'll hallucinate–but what dimensions will I see into? Probably ones humans don't naturally phase into.
>Rather, I want to peer into the dimensions that tulpas can inhabit.
I prescribe a daily IV of freebase DMT.
Just learn how to AP, why do you have to make it so complicated?
If you really want to use some drug then build tolerance to opiates and get your body accustomed to them a bit. Each time you will take opiates our body will be easily knocked down to sleep but your mind will be fully conscious. After several months your tolerance will get higher and it will stop working as your body will no longer be as responsive to the drug and you will slowly (or rather quickly, depends) become an opiate fiend.
Thank me later :^)
Rrrrrrrrg. I can't fucking take it anymore. Something is systematicaly hijacking my chakras and willl power and DNA and they've tortured me my whole life and I just wanna be free.
Is there any way out? How?
If I can't figure it out, I'm just gonna go kamikaze on the enslavers and kill as many of these pyramid eye fags as I can and spread as much info as possible before an hero.
But I want to live and transcend, and I'd rather live and create, but I don't know what to do.
Good luck cuck.
Kyle Odom shot one of them in the head 12 times with a .45 caliber pistol and the next day the guy he shot didn't even have a bruise, concussion, or any visible injury.
You can't actually kill those bastards unless you sever its spinal cord or irreparably damage the heart long enough for the brain to die. Iron is the only thing that can penetrate them, you need a forged carbon steel weapon (not stainless, chromium takes away the properties of the iron).
I don't recommend trying to kill them anyway since they're just using the human as a host and if you kill the host they can eventually get their followers to find them a new one.
Been starting to meditate and unsure how it should be done.
It is usually said that you should stop conscious thought but it feels like there are two ways to do this.
The first way is to relax completely and and just let go, this method sort of seems like spacing out though.
The second way is more like hyper focus, where you bring all your attention to a point and forcibly keep it there, this method is much harder/draining however.
Which is the better method for neophytes quickly looking to advance?
>Is there any way out? How?
Stop using any imaginary enemies of yours as an easy excuse and start working on yourself.
Both are real meditation techniques, although if you're finding the clear mind meditation easier I think you're doing it wrong. Thinking about absolutely nothing or void meditation is usually much harder than focusing on a single something.
The IIH has an exercise where you need to keep your mind completely blank for some amount of time, restarting every time your internal monologue resumes against your will.
As to the focusing on something, depending on the object you should add more and more details to it. Later for completeness you should add sound, smell, texture etc. and they should all behave organically with eachother. For example you could try visualizing a rose with vivid colours, the feeling of its petals on your fingers and its aroma. After that try doing all that shit with your eyes open, superimposing your object of visualization with the physical realm.
My father figure was mostly absent in childhood.
Should I invoke some active/outward/masucline entity like Thor or Apollo to posses me? Is there any you recommend?
as I was writing this post, calendar that has been hanging in my room for past 7 years, fell off the wall
should I start with Legba or Eleggua if I'm not really part of a lineage and I just want to contact superior entities for knowledge and maybe self-improvement
I have found the single entity that makes up everything, anything and nothing, the rules, chaos, gods, whatever.
I can't seem to say anything about it, whatever I'd say feels wrong. I have god access to reality now, because I'm all of it and whatever I am is. In fact, I'm you and I'm gonna shit-post back at myself for fun, or not.
This is quite a passive experience, watching myself unfold with a bunch of myselves. It's not solipsism though because this is not in my mind and there's no outside. More like a dream. Anyway, don't let me bother you, carry on with whatever I make you do.
Oh, forgot the question. So /fringe/ who is your favorite streamer? I particularly like Super Best Friends.
I get that asked more than rarely. The funny part is that I don't do drugs, ever.
Did I mention that this thing is a particle?
Also I'm not any more expert on it that anyone else - we're the same anyway - but I just grabbed the authority for a moment while making that post.
>Should I invoke some active/outward/masucline entity like Thor or Apollo to posses me?
Sure, that sounds like fun, go for it. But what are you trying to accomplish with this anyway?
What is its morality? I've heard of the prime creator as being the most magnificently beautiful and powerful being, which is interesting because I don't quite see the connection between the unified consciousness of all beings necessarily being good or bad. Perhaps though, it's meant that, since something has access to all consciousness, anything causing any negative emotion is felt both ways, so it is, as a result, therefore very positive-neutral in essence.
Is there any opposite to this? If spirit/god is considered an element–then is the element of death the ultimate evil–that which does not care about torture or suffering, simply because it is not alive?
Where do consciousness and death meet?
Not that anon, but I would imagine an entity that is no thing would be related to the mathematical concept of zero.
>Sure, that sounds like fun, go for it. But what are you trying to accomplish with this anyway?
The problem is, I don't know and I don't care. I've went through many theories as to why. Currently I'm wondering if it's because of mother complex or something like that. Maybe I never developed my masculine side? I wish there was a herb or a drug that would show me how all these people incredibly invested in life perceive the world.
I have no idea what is going on. I'm either extremely healthy and happy or extremely depressed mess and I don't know it. My life is weird - have some random facts - read just a few to paint a picture of the ridiculousness of my situation:
- I can only eat healthy, haven't eaten food for pleasure in years
- I'm 25, never had a job or a girlfriend
- I go gym every second day for years, never skipped a day
- I meditate every day and my sleep is always on point
- I have no drive to do anything with my life
- I don't understand the notion that life could be "wasted". What does it even mean?
- I love life
- I could die anytime and I'd be fine with it
- I'm often in a deep state of wonder I'm a self-aware being existing in this world
- I barely have any thoughts, and if I do, it's pretty much this issue I'm describing here in this post. Confusion about what do I do
- I barely ever get angry
- I'm able to read on magic/psychology/nutrition/history/metaphysics 14 hours a day, don't get tired
- I can sit for hours with just awareness of being, barely any thoughts, don't get lonely or bored
- I'm able to take cold showers with zero problem, but I'm afraid of pointless pain, eg. being homeless and hungry/cold for months. I something think if I go homeless because of my weirdness, I'll kill myself the first day with no problem
- I'm so detached from common human experience (relationships, career) and yet it never occurred to me I hated anyone
- I can fap all day every day and maintain erection for hours or go no fap for months/year, doesn't matter
- Lately more and more I see no point in entertainment, kinda like no point in food for pleasure
- I get crazy high on music
- I kinda want to draw anime girls for a living but I could as well work at wallmart all life and be fine with it
- No, I can't possibly be autistic. I understand very complex societal clues, emotions. Autist couldn't possibly devour psychology/sociology/poetry that easily
It sounds like you simply suffer the common traits of having above average intelligence and being highly self-educated.
I perhaps fall into a group of person which you are a part of, however I had both father and mother growing up so I suppose that helped me progress past the stage of nihilism that would often grip me in youth.
I will begin wandering the European and Asian continents in a few years, though only a year ago I would not have entertained the idea. I came to the realization that the commonality of my surroundings, both people, house, land, and country, have led to a great amount of stagnation in both my mental and spiritual state throughout the years. Things become almost rote living in such a static environment as the modern man does and I feel our technology and society of today make us more machine, or perhaps animal.
You sound similar to how I behave in day to day life. I can't tell you if you are balanced, or if you have serious issues, because I can't decide that of myself either.
I can speculate though. I think this apathy, for lack of a better word, that you and I feel could be due to a fear of not failure perhaps, but success. A fear that holds us back from making progress because we fear what we might become if we progress. You say in different wording that you don't give a fuck what happens, but I disagree. I think you give so many fucks about the way things are now that you are stagnant.
This is a blessing and a curse in a way, you should realize that you are not apathetic at your core, you still have passions that drive you, ideals that you strive for. This can be seen in your passion for drawing and your passion in music. The key to breaking out of this slump is to find out what you want to do, and the way to do that is to let go of your fear of change. I hope that we are similar enough that my ramblings come across to you in a way you can interpret them. Feel free to ask me to clarify something, or elaborate if I struck any chords with you. I will be lurking this thread, and likely all of the question threads that follow until the collapse of this site, or until I have nothing more to learn from here.
>- I'm so detached from common human experience (relationships, career) and yet it never occurred to me I hated anyone
Sounds like you might be schizoid.
It doesn't look like he is. The thing that is most important in this disorder is fear of being close to someone and substituting social contacts with intense thoughtforming of a dreamworld in which such social needs are being fulfilled.
Being detached from human experience is like… most common trait in any personality disorder and some mental illnesses. It is also a common trait among people who have neither but don't like mundane experience.
Wow you sound like a prisoner of your own mind. I'm pretty sure your heart chakra is in the shitter and creating a sociable thoughtform to reconnect you with the rest of humanity is not a bad idea.
He said that he's often an 'extremely depressed mess'. He clearly needs to change something.
>but you mentioned zero. what if we had zero things to describe everything with? oh boy.
I'm not referring to the concept of zero in binary since it means "no" or "off" while one in binary means "yes" or "on", but the concept of zero in mathematics. Zero is simply the set of all positive and negative numbers to infinity, a set of nothing or everything depending on how you look at it.
Just visualize it like when you read a book or daydream. You don't need to actually see it with your physical eyes, very few people can do that.
You sound like a god damned Ubermensch… Perhaps this is what humanity would be like if we could self-produce near-constant barely-above-threshold levels of LSD or DMT… minus the depression, of course.
I think the majority of people (normies REEEEE) are as children. Meaning that most people are not reincarnated, and are born of nothing to nothing. Meaning that for the majority of people they are completely molded, shaped, and created by their environment and that which is without, the thought and experience of others and the natural world itself. Then there are those who are born already possessing a vital essence which determines their personality largely regardless of their circumstance or experience, in short they instead shape the world around them.
So perhaps we could count the length of a human life as one spiritual year and while most men are infants there are the minority who have been born repeatedly and are thus able to better understand the true nature of the world around them.>>11156
>Perhaps this is what humanity would be like if we could self-produce near-constant barely-above-threshold levels of DMT
You realize some people do right? All people have some level of DMT in certain parts of their brains.
If you really think you could work at walmart adn be fine with it, why don't you go apply?
In some way you sound like me, a lot of the points are similar, except I get completely furious out of nowhere over things in the world and things done against me. Because I didn't know what to do, I picked a mundane goal I don't really care about to use as a focus and learn something in the process. Over time I'd have to pick new goals after I used up the old ones.
I'm saying that thing about walmart because if you never had that kind of job you may think you'll be ok with it from an ideological standpoint, but there is nothing saying you could really handle the stress of the environment year after year, the social setting with demands from coworkers and other thing you couldn't imagine before you experienced them.
>If you really think you could work at walmart adn be fine with it, why don't you go apply?
Read his post, he's never had a job. I thought the same thing once, then I worked at at a few places (lasting only a day or so at each) and at Goy-Mart for a week and realized having a job is absolute shit and people simply don't realize that they're wasting their lives away.
Interestingly I was absolutely fine with the job, I could have worked there for the rest of my life. The environment, the work, the co-workers were all fine. It was more of an existential problem than anything that caused me to quit.
Is a trance state in meditation like zoning out, or is it something different. I've never really meditated before so I'm curious
What is the occult explanation for Muscle Knots? How are they caused, what is their effect?
I haven't foam rolled all my life until today, and found muscle knots all over my body. Barely reduced the knots in my legs during 10 minutes of hard rolling.
Hey classic Montalk, in what order should I read Montalk/is there a certain curriculum you recommend?
>What is the occult explanation for Muscle Knots
This isn't an occult question. A mundane explanation is perfectly adequate.
What kinds of doses of Melissa can aid in depression without any of those horrible sounding effects?
If you don't drink at least 2 liters of water a day and do at least 30 minutes of stretching a day you're going to get muscle knots, THAT'S THE BRICE OF FREEDOM, DOG BLESS BURGERSTANIA LAND OF SEDENTARY LIFE AND DEATH FROM OBESITY USA USA USA!
Maybe not as a cause. I added that just for thoroughness. I'm more interested in the effects of constant activity in the muscles of the body (muscle knots never rest) as a result of stress on the rest of the bodies, and any other effects I don't know about.
>Is the colour red sort of like darker yellow, or is it something different.
>I'm colour blind so I'm curious
In general terms, trance state allows you to mostly forego your waking mental state, meaning your physical surroundings and to a large extent your conscious thoughts fade away as you fall deeper within your mind.
During normal meditations the wizard would still focus on something mental but he'd still be aware that his physical butt is sitting on some chair. As a side note, returning to your body after a long AP session has a mild disorienting effect.
Saturnalia, the correlation between the Sun and Saturn before it was bastardized by christianity. Anyone got any good sources of info on it?
For a while now I've been trying to reinforce my control over my own reality. This has led to plenty of inconsistencies that happen on a daily basis. Just a few minutes ago I was spacing out looking at my closet when the opacity of physical reality began to increase. The veil thinned enough that I could almost make out something through what I'll just call a tear. The energy from the tear began to put off a vibe I can't quit put into words. It felt almost like the energy on the other side was guarding its realm from my influence while trying to project a "prisoner/guard" energy to what I was sensing.
Ive been seeing sources pop up recently talking about the "control panel" entities, usually experienced in Dmt trips. These entities are the same as the ones that manipulate us through tv's and other current forms of media.
Almost as soon as I felt the energy from the entity I began to forget what I was thinking about. Suddenly I had no idea what I was even thinking about but luckily was able to backtrack my thoughts and catch up to the same idea. Even as I type this I'm getting a strange sensation pulsating in my gut like something doesn't want me to post it. I've been dealing with these memory wipes for a while, how can I get them to stop so I can maintain clarity or at least assert myself enough that my ego won't break?
Why is there so many vichan themes?
Fringe CSS should be the only one or the default. It used to be the default on the old site.
What's wrong with having many themes to choose from? If you like the Fringe CSS, it only takes 10 seconds to select it. Personally I find it really hard on the eyes.
>as I type this I'm getting a strange sensation pulsating in my gut like something doesn't want me to post it
That's the same thing happening when you try to bring up sandy hoax… some very strong defensive/evasive barrier magic is behind this, I'm sure.
Just try it yourself, go over to /x/ and start a well thought out sandy hoax thread, you will feel it messing with your head. I'm using this example because it always works. I even get that feeling with now, something trying to make me do typos and not finish the post.
I think that schizophrenics are just people who are naturally inclined towards magical ability, but who were for some reason instantaneously (or progressively, depends on the way the illness developed) given more than they can handle.
In terms of mundane medical terms, many magical and meditative states can be described as symptoms of mental illness. Bear in mind that psychiatry and psychology is concerned with states that deviate from the "norm". Norm in this case is the state mundane animals are in.
There are countless examples of how "mentally ill" people can be classified differently depending whether we regard them from the point of mundane medicine or occultism. Shamans, would they be taken independently from their cultural and esoteric context, would be described as nothing more but deluded schizos.
If some psychiatrist would examine me during my meditation sessions they would undoubtedly come to the conclusion that I suffer from heavy depersonalization and dissociative states. Hell, if any wizard here would be question by a shrink as to the details of their practice, we would all be deemed mentally ill.
>sooo, you were conversing with "an entity" while you left your body, Mr. Fringe?
>it is your belief that thoughts are as real as the physical world and that you can manipulate events by your mind only?
>Mr. Fringe, you view your mind and yourself as separate entities, is that right?
We are all crazy in the mundane eye. There is nothing wrong with it, this is what we do. The only real problem is lack of control, and that's why I suggested meditation as a means to achieving this control.
> so you start behaving like a shill - or you are one
Oh God, fuck off with the accusations of shilling, Is there anything more toxic to discussion? Not that guy btw.
>I think that schizophrenics are just people who are naturally inclined towards magical ability
There's definitely something to this. I haven't read about schizophrenia in depth but as I understand it, the disorder is characterised in part by an excess of thoughts and stimuli coming from 'elsewhere'. Of course, esotericism teaches that this 'elsewhere' is real and that all thoughts ultimately come from there (if one is not one's thoughts, then where do thoughts come from?). Magic is about tapping into this phenomenon in a controlled way.
Perhaps schizophrenia is related to believing everything you're experiencing subjectively is real. For example, the possibility that an entity may be fucking with you and causing you to have a "false experience", or that you're deluding yourself, isn't asked much by schizophrenics. In other words, schizophrenics may be people who lose sight of objective reality somehow. Montalk touches on this in his site here http://montalk.net/about in the second question
If you've ever went into a WE WUZ KANGZ thread that image is pretty common, at least it was in pre neo exodus 8/pol/.
Fuck off shill, why would I drown out my energy sensitivity with pharmaceuticals
Usually I've just delved into new mental territories and had to deal with short term memory loss whenever I get spiritual epiphanies on the deep shit.
Not in a while actually, my mind is pretty quiet all the time so I just phased out of meditation. It's probably time I get back into it.
I actually have a history of mental illness in my family so I've been able to identify the different states myself, though I haven't been diagnosed or proven to fully have it. Schizophrenia as I've come to understand it(if I do have it) can show itself in two ways. Being unable to process internal information and being unable to process external information. When overloaded the mind has to put that information somewhere so it processes it through the senses. Discerning the difference between the external world's information and your own information is the first step. Then comes a period of balancing the self and its multitudes of lower selves and desires into a structured and efficient organism. Once I reached that point my "mental illness" turned into psychic abilities ranging from channeling, energywork, empathy, scrying, self-hypnosis and trance, etc.
I used to doubt my experiences because of my own genetics but then I started having shared experiences of entity contact with multiple friends. I was watching Judge Dredd about a month ago, throwing out emotional energy because I love the movie, and suddenly I was watching an entity pull itself out of the tv as it fed on my emotional energy to anchor itself in this dimension more so it could continue to feed off me. I put up a personal barrier and turned the tv off which ended up pissing the thing off. I received a slew of images and insults in my head as it was trying to get some sort of emotional response from me. Then a friend showed up, sensed it, and started shooing it away. This friend and I have run into plenty of spirits before together but I'm the one that actually tries to interact with them.
Anyone want a copy of The Children of Odin that I just made from a .txt? I didn't found a digitalized version of it so…
>discerning between internal and external information is the first step.
Then comes a period of balancing the self and its multitudes of lower selves and desires into a structured and efficient organism.
If balancing the self and its lower selves and desires into a structured and efficient organism is to balance what is within, then what is its equivalent to what is without?
You must find a place for you awareness to fit comfortably within the ego, the lower selves and desires.
Then you must find a place for the ego to sit comfortably within The All.
The problem with bullshit sissy wizards is they assume "magic" is some way that they can use their mind to overcome the laws of reality. But the truth is "magic" is not real. This is something the ancient philosophers understood quite well. All action obeys those laws which govern all things, not the laws of science which are a pale shadow of the true laws of reality, but the cosmic law. As all things are formed from the Energy which is the physical, the Awareness which is the astral or mental, and the Will which is the spiritual. We see this division (though it is an abstraction of a greater truth) on all levels of reality from the lowest to the highest, the most fine to the most gross.
Our physical reality that we experience is the highest of the three planes of the physical realm, though it could also be said to lie partially in the lowest of the astral planes and partially in the highest of the physical planes. As such this universe we currently reside in while being made of gross energies is also influenced by the astral. What else are the creations of men but the result of his astral being forcing its Will upon the gross energies of this physical plane? All that we think with our minds and shape with our hands, and all that we speak with our tongues and write with our machines and pens is but a manifestation of the astral principle. With the Spirit we dictate to the physical body in which we rest to act, and it is so done. The Will commands the energy to conform to the astral. When you act it is not you who act but you who move the instrument in which you reside to act. It is not then possible to act without an instrument, to guide the energy around you without using tools?
This is what men deem magic, the innate ability to speak to the higher and tell it to shape the lower in its image rather than trying to mold the lower into an imitation of the higher.
The scientist seeks to bring men closer to god, the magician seeks to bring god closer to men.
>What is the occult explanation for Muscle Knots? How are they caused, what is their effect?
Near as I can tell they are the fractal results of disharmony/stress in your soul becoming manifest in your flesh.
> I haven't foam rolled all my life until today, and found muscle knots all over my body.
Self massage, of all kinds, is an amazing tool in the yogi's toga.
>in what order should I read Montalk?
There is an article ordering for the book collection of Montalk's works, Transcending the Matrix Control System that places them in sequential ordering of concepts as required to understand.
There are 2 options, either you can take the old version, the one on file that I've read or you can get the newest version at the bottom of
The old one isn't that bad, it's only a little outdated (missing perhaps half a dozen or so entries/articles), however I'm told the new one has also undergone some other editorial shifts, one's I can't yet speak on.
>Is there a certain curriculum you recommend?
In fact there is, it, for reference is linked here >>>/library/1 as Neophyte's Gold
>I think that schizophrenics are just people who are naturally inclined towards magical ability
Spot on.
The mystic and the schizophrenic find themselves in the same ocean, but whereas the mystic swims, the schizophrenic drowns.- R. D. Laing
To be fair most SSRIs are short term solutions to a problem that can't be solely be solved by altering chemical reactions in the brain. Telling an anon to "take his meds", basically a trigger word to most schizos, isn't helpful at all unless they are in immediate danger to themselves or others. It's just someone who wants to incite a response from someone who is currently touchy, and could possible make things worse if consistent.
>implying truth is or only can be valid if comes from sources you agree with and else wise all information should be ignored
Don't be a fool anon, analyze the data for yourself, each modicum of it. Beware umbrella damnations, for in doing so you may reject quite useful information out of hand without even trying to test it and thus limit yourself due do lack of intellectual rigor.
>Not everyone with a different opinion is a shill. This is pure paranoia.
Telling someone an observation they made is "just paranoia" is typical shill behaviour. If you post like a shill you get called a shill, it's pretty simple. I've seen this again and again over at 4chan/x/, and my point was that this is caused by mind control magic blocking the discussion when it goes in certain diractions.
We are touching the barrier and those of weak minds will start shilling for the defensive barrier without knowing it. It's still shilling tho, you get a feeling of superiority out of it, thinking you are the sound person telling a nutcase to seek medical solutions to what you percieve as a problem with him rather than something external and real. Denying the conspiracy's existence will always seem like the easy way out for those who don't dare to challenge their own perception of reality.
That's how to spot a blue pill, and that's why I asked if you know where you are posting?
Yeah anything by Evola is good. You can download his complete works at
They're cliques made by people who want to be politicians but don't have the social skills or intelligence to become politicians.
Interesting word salad, but I wouldn't take anything that came out of Tavistock seriously. I'd rather have his quotes on why he left.
Evola books are awesome; whenever I need inspiration I read "The knowledge of the Waters" (in Introduction to Magic by Julius Evola).
He goes around a lot of things that back in his days were just starting and that nowadays are full onset crisis. He's got an excellent mix of inspiration, information and practice. My opinion of course, read something to make up your mind.
yes i thought that might be the case but can you please give me more details about her or me tell me things that prove that you are psychic/tell me things that will confirm this so i know for sure this is the case i want 100% confirmation so i know its definitely true and you aren't just joking I'm self aware and know that i have acted sort of beta at some points
I can tell by your writing style that you're a cuck, I'm not going to bother using any "magical" powers because why should I expend so much effort to come to an obvious conclusion.
I'm using decades of life experience to tell you that if she's not responding to you it's because she is creeped out by percieved neediness since you texted/called her too much. Also if you ever have any question whether or not a woman/child-woman thinks you're a cuck there is a 100% chance she thinks you're a cuck since they can sniff out insecurity better than dogs (that's where the term "bitch" came from).
I often see in different occult/spiritual/religious ways and practices the recommendation to encourage and nurture sensations or feelings of "Love", generally meant in some kind of higher sense. This is opposed usually to "Fear" or some other negative state which is alleged to correspond to it. Is it possible to achieve simply a state of lucid consciousness transcending both of the negative and positive states (while still actively participating in occult activities)? Is such a state of "Love" entirely necessary?
anyone have any fringe tips for getting over cigarettes? of course not instant addiction drop spoonfeed spells but methods? readings?
I've read his Revolt Against The Modern World and Ride the Tigerm, but bought the Hermetic Tradition as a christmas gift for a friend who seems to be interested in this sort of stuff. Thanks!
On the other hand I've heard that his view of Tantra was distorted (which wouldn't be surprising seeing how the information about it was scarce in his times, perhaps still is) and that he modified the teachings in his books on Tantra for them to better fit into his world view, but then again - I haven't read his books on the subject yet, so can't make my own judgment. I've looked at the bibliography to his Yoga of Power and it's almost entirely based on Woodroffe's books and translations and it is known that many of them were flawed and that he even purposefully omitted certain information in his books, but well, he was a pioneer.
Such thing as a collective entity termed /fringe/ doesn't exist. It seems that many members of this board are racist, but some are not.
Then don't use it.
>that's why I asked if you know where you are posting?
I'm not that guy. But I could ask you the same question. This is not /pol/, people here try not to be at each other's throats over imagined grievances all the time.
>If you post like a shill you get called a shill, it's pretty simple
Well, you sure showed him. He'll think twice before standing out from the crowd again.
Are you actually a Muslim? How do you reconcile that with occultism?
It's just imageboard culture.
>A jew and a faggot walk into a bar
>the faggot answers that it's not the bar that's rayyycis just the majority of the people in it
>Zyklon Ben walks in and kills them both, the end
Universalism is a product of mental disease (very prevalent in jews and obviously faggots are mentally ill, faggotry is a form of mental illness after all). Aggression towards foreign racial groups within a species is completely normal and if you retards actually understood evolutionary biology you would see why. "One race the human race" my ass you braindead sissy wizards.
>but dude The All and shit and we all be God because oprah said so and I don't actually understand reality at all stop attacking my spiritual mumbo jumbo views derived from idiotic liberal ideologies
As the other anon said, /fringe/ does not act as a collective.
Now, to your pathetic expression: what even means racism for you? Acknowledging the differences in the physical and metaphysical planes for different races? I guess most of the board will agree. Declaring that one race is superior based on that differences? I think many would agree. Race war now the war that will end all wars? Yeah, I still think that many would agree. Niggers just want white women and watermenlon? Nah, I think the line draws around this place.
>Are you actually a Muslim? How do you reconcile that with occultism?
Lad sufism and shia are pretty okay with occultism. But no I'm not actually muslim because I'm white and almost all muslims are born muslims since conversion rate is very low.
>Is such a state of "Love" entirely necessary?
Well I mean objectively nothing is really necessary.
>far out man woah like totally blew my mind
But the reason that it's generally said to create a feeling of contentment (inner smile etc.) is because if you become completely detached you pretty much become like a schizoid and feel nothing, which isn't that bad but can feel strange.
I'd say people on /fringe/ are probably moderates. Most would rather sterilize niggers, jews, arabs, etc. and maybe let a small amount of japs and other gook/chink types with decent genetics (majority of gooks and chinks are subhuman and even their own governments know it). That's fairly moderate given that /pol/ wants to gas them all without mercy, which honestly is unlikely to work anyway.
Think about it like this:
If you're growing tomatoes and you notice that 80% of your tomato plants create tomatoes that taste horrible, have a mottled fungus color, make the ground infertile, and poison you, you're going to only grow the 20% that are normal tomatoes next season. The 20% in this metaphor are white people.
After 2 years of not being able to controll the monkey mind (and thus not be able to do energy work) I've finally started to get a grip of it during meditation, I do mindfulness of the breath meditation allong with body awareness and I have one question:
What position should my eyes be at? Should I leave them to move as they like? Should I have them fixed at one position? If yes which one?
Oh man I feel so bad now that I was called mentally ill and a faggot.
>Universalism is a product of mental disease
Well, I guess I'm happy that I am strongly against it then.
>faggotry is a form of mental illness after all
If you say so then it must be true.
>but dude The All and shit and we all be God because oprah said so and I don't actually understand reality at all stop attacking my spiritual mumbo jumbo views derived from idiotic liberal ideologies
This isn't something I would say, but you think it is because I'm not from /pol/.
Nothing that you posted was actually said by me, nor the other anon. That anon only asked why is /fringe/ racist and I answered that /fringe/ isn't a hive mind (which should actually please you seeing how you despise universalism). So, basically it all comes down to the fact that I'm a man who likes other men and it seems to upset the /pol/tards very much. The times that the axis of the discussion seemed to be my sexuality is too high as of late (I think it should be zero). I mean, it's not like I'm posting gay-related shit and get called a faggot because of it, you guys actually come out of your way to call me a fag. It is quite amusing really, because I can do absolutely nothing and still watch you leak loosh all over the place.
And also, now not only everyone who disagrees with /pol/tards is a jew, but even if someone asks about any touchy subject then they are one.
It depends what are you trying to accomplish. Most of the time I focus my eyes on the "third eye" area, between and slightly behind the eyebrows which brings really strong sensations there and is said to allow one to dis attach from their thoughts better and improve visualization (both claims weren't really that noticeable in my practice when compared to "normal" eye position), you can also just observe the darkness behind closed eyelids, or try to "look" at the part you are working on at the given moment. I think I've read in some hatha yoga treatise something about tilting your neck forward so that your chin rests on your chest while you do pranayama and "watching" through your closed eyelids either heart or some particular chakra. So I guess you could experiment and see what works for you, I don't think that the position of your eyes is of great importance, but in some techniques it matters nonetheless (for example with the 3rd eye stuff, at least for me, focusing my eyes on that area really makes a difference, with that tingling sensation and all).
>you pretty much become like a schizoid and feel nothing
The notion that schizoids don't feel anything is a myth. The feelings of schizoids are directed inwards and not outwards, and they can indeed give an impression of a cold and unfeeling person, but they are not. It is true, that some may lose their emphatic capability to some extent during the course of their lives, nevertheless their emotions are really vivid and strong. I'd come as far as to stating that they feel even more, because when the emotions are directed inwards then one can loose oneself in it completely, as there is no barrier between them and the object of their passion.
In a way being a schizoid could make certain occult workings go much easier when compared to people with no such "disorder".
>If you're growing tomatoes and you notice that 80% of your tomato plants create tomatoes that taste horrible, have a mottled fungus color, make the ground infertile, and poison you, you're going to only grow the 20% that are normal tomatoes next season. The 20% in this metaphor are white people.
lol @ trying to spread your racist beliefs using a tomato metaphor
> All that we think with our minds and shape with our hands, and all that we speak with our tongues and write with our machines and pens is but a manifestation of the astral principle.
>write with our machines and pens is
>pens is
> I could ask you the same question. This is not /pol/
The poster I replied to seems unaware that this board is for things beyond the mundane, he's typing like he came right out of some normie forum/comment section. I never implied this is /pol/.
Lad you're a namefaggot without the name, it's part of imageboard culture to shit on anyone who approaches any form of identity or namefaggotry in any way shape or form, this is an age old tradition that's been around at least 20 years. Fuck I've been using the internet way too long
As long as you have an identity the hivemind will seek to destroy you.
>Lad you're a namefaggot without the name
I know, but at this point even if I stopped using Indigo Pill flag that wouldn't matter.
>As long as you have an identity the hivemind will seek to destroy you.
I like that, because it implies some sort of conflict and a discussion that results from it. I just think that there must be some non-retarded ways of doing that, instead of just pointless name-calling. If anyone would actually engage in any discussion and present their point of view using arguments etc. that would be great and it could be a learning experience for everyone, in potentiality at least. I hate circle-jerking and I think nothing good can come from stagnation. I don't have a problem with people trying to "destroy my identity" and I don't expect people to conform to my point of view, that would be boring.
>meanwhile, white niggers are ruining the west and supporting feminism, democracy etc but you can't get rid of them because they are the 20%โฆ
Who said we can't get rid of white people? Most whites need to be culled along with all the niggers jews and jigaboo stews, and regardless any major deviation from the status quo would result in the loss of millions if not billions of lives in any case as wefare and "foreign aid" welfare programs would cease function and the helpless children of the jewish international nanny state would starve, riot, rape, murder, then starve again.
For your benefit here is a list of people who should be sterilized or euthanized.
Everyone who:
>isn't 100% european
>isn't heterosexual or celibate
>is retarded (intelligence in general doesn't matter and is largely irrelevant in general populations but genetic deformations resulting in deformity or retardation are detrimental)
>has any genetic defect
>has ever participated in miscegenation
>refuses to accept the death of the mistaken Age of Liberalism started by the jews with the 30 years war and throwing the whole world into a living hell for what is now 4 centuries and we have only just begun to wake up from
>Is a braindead sissy wizard
Though the japs can stay as long as nobody is allowed in or out of their island and their internet is separated from the rest of the world's. Same for the North Gooks.
But honestly I don't understand what problem you fuckers have since I know you're not going to breed anyway, sterilization is painless and you'll still be able to have sex and masturbate, you just won't be fertile.
yeah nah cunt im not believing you unless ypu give proof because she started liking me first and i didnt even like her to begin with so at the very beginning i didnt act like a cuck and she is actually my gf and messages first a bunch of the time and tell me she still likes me and stuff(though she could be lying) plus if she really was truly disgusted by me i dont think she would suck my dick and let me eat her out so ill believe you only if you give me proof plus if you only arent doing it because you dont want to waste energy i could maybe try give you something in return if youre accurate
actually if its too much work for you probably dont bother but itd be nice to see how things really are but i dont think id trust most the stuff you would say
>I read "The knowledge of the Waters" (in Introduction to Magic by Julius Evola).
>If you want to approach our Art, be aware that this is a painful struggle and somewhat like walking on a razor's edge. You may win or lose, and two things lead to certain disaster: to be afraid and to interrupt the operation.
>Once you have begun, you must go all the way, since an interruption leads to a dreadful reaction, with the opposite result. You can easily understand why: at every step you take, an increasingly higher quantity of swirling energy is arrested and pushed upstream; having been excited and provoked, it is filled with tension. As soon as you give up, it will come crashing down upon you and sweep you away.
>Prepare yourself.
Told you… it fuels my inner fire like a flamethrower. The challenge makes me hard as stone.
I donยดt think this site work for "exactly"s and such. A deja-vu is the "echo" of a future event, whose emotional or energetic signature is strong enough as to travel thru time (that isn't as linear as weยดre taught), and that can resonate with people or beings involved in such event. You can't give it an use per se, because it depends in the future you sending back strong energy-waves; but if from now on you start investing strong emotions on important events/decisions you might warn your past-self and thus modify the events in some minor ways.
I disagree with Evola slightly in that point. Using all that energy to fuck your own shit up can be quite nice, the experience of your ego being torn apart like wet paper, macerated, burnt, and blown away into nothingness is probably too intense for most people but damn it'll get you further than any drug trip ever will. Nothing like getting your ego completely destroyed by immense energies to understand reality.
>>isn't celibate
virgin wizard NEETs rejoice!
but seriously? I can see
>is a whore
but what's wrong with sex in general?
Had a sudden urge to jump into Buddhism. Only things I found in the library on it were:
> Henepola Gunaratana - The Jhanas.pdf
> Teachings from Tibet.pdf
> Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha- Daniel M. Ingram.pdf
> Secret of the Vajra World_ The Tantric Buddhism of Tibet - Reginald A. Ray.pdf
Where else and what else should I look for?
>A deja-vu is the "echo" of a future event, whose emotional or energetic signature is strong enough as to travel thru time (that isn't as linear as weยดre taught), and that can resonate with people or beings involved in such event.
Probably the best explanation for it. I've been having dejavu off and on and sometimes in large frequency since my pre-teen years.
>Only things I found in the library on it were
You have a whole folder on Buddhism in Temple of Solomon the King mega, the subfolder on Vajrayana is of particular interest if you want to start on Buddhist Tantra.
>what else should I look for?
Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep was quite a nice read, not only in the context of dream yoga but also of Buddhism at large.
Also Falun Gong if you want to throw in some Buddhist Qi Gong.
I said isn't celibate or heterosexual. The celibate part is to insure that people who choose not to have sex for religious, spiritual, or ethical reasons aren't gassed. They're removing themselves from the genepool by choice so there's nothing wrong with them.
And there is nothing wrong with sex as long as it is between a man and a woman. My argument against homosexuality and other sexual perversions (trannies have gotta go, they've gotta get gassed no exceptions) is not based on morality but rather the abstract veiw of common good. Personally I have nothing against homosexuality, but the laws of governance should insure that discussing personal sexual orientation in a public venue to be a fine-able misdemeanor, with three consecutive counts equaling a felony. Discussing homosexuality in any way but a neutral biological view to minors should be a very serious offense, even going so far as capital punishment.
So I'm fine with gays as long as they
>don't tell anyone they are gay
>don't act too different from the norm (no cross dressing or any of that other weird fetishist shit) and wear clothing that protects their decency
>register with the government as a Registered Faggot to insure that they are tested for STDs bi-monthly (at their own cost of course, that is the cost of being a homosex) and are not able to adopt children or live within 5 miles of an public educational center or park, also cannot donate blood or sperm
>don't bitch about these very moderate restrictions on their lives that would help to insure the safety and wellbeing of their fellow countrymen, come on don't be a selfish cunt
It's not so much gay sex that is the problem, it's the homosexual counter-culture that is largely a creation of the ruling elite and jews, it is sad that so many of the gays don't even realize it.
>adam and eve not adam and STEVE, amen dog bless murika FUG
>You have a whole folder on Buddhism in Temple of Solomon the King mega, the subfolder on Vajrayana is of particular interest if you want to start on Buddhist Tantra.
Thanks. I figured the mixtape index for the /fringe/ libraries was outdated. Since January I believe?
>Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep was quite a nice read, not only in the context of dream yoga but also of Buddhism at large.
>Also Falun Gong if you want to throw in some Buddhist Qi Gong.
Sounds like good stuff.
smiley or whoever the gaycunt is who said he would use his super special snowflake virgin NEET wizard magical powers to see if my gf is disgusted by me if you haven't already done it don't bother because i know how she feel don't take time out of your magick roleplaying schedule to do that for me you keep roleplaying ill be here fucking bitches also please don't get butthurt and use your magick to smite/hurt/fuck me over I'm only joking and saying mean shit to you because you did the same to me don't waste your loosh getting butthurt because i made a joke i really don't want you to fuck me over with magick and I'm being serious i was joking maybe just maybe my other posts were also jokes as well tl;dr please don't hurt/harm me/fuck me over and don't bother seeing how my 'gf' feels about me i probably wouldn't of wrote all the stuff apologising and telling you not to hurt if i didn't think 'magick does real' i think magick does real which i why i was worried you would me seriously don't fuck me for making a joke
me again I'm not sure what the rules are but you probably aren't allowed to make posts like this in the question thread i guess i should be banned probably i don't mind i regret making that post please don't hurt me with magick
im sick and my fever just started to get worse and i feel a bit sick i hope you its not you i don't think you instantly saw it and started to make feel shit and i was wondering if 100% believed you would fuck me over and told me you would, would it work without you having to do anything because i would be doing it myself and thats how magick works right you have to 100% believe it will work well sigil magick at least and i think if that was possible it wouldn't work anymore since I've considered it happening it wouldn't work
I don't have anything too fringe but vitamin b3 and vitamin c helps.
source kinda: http://pastebin.com/WmuTLyRj
i can paste more vitamin info too
Thank you anon, I'm about to go to work, but I'll give that a big nice read when I return. I've gotta quit you know
How do I discipline myself into giving my full attention to what I am reading?
I find my mind wandering often….
That's not a question of discipline it's a question of intelligence.
You're going to have to go to China and get a shady doctor to inject stem cells into different areas of your brain.
Well what you need to do is take it one sentence at a time. Start by reading 1 sentence, then look away, now read aloud what you just read in your mind until you can recite the sentence. Now do this with every sentence and slowly build up to reciting paragraphs. Stop worrying about how fast you're slamming through texts and just take it slow. Over time, this will improve your ability to focus and in the end you will be able to read/comprehend much much faster than you can now
anyone have a good guide on how to make a sun wheel for burning ?
Try bringing whatever you have problems focusing on to the public library's study corner and read it there. Being in an environment made for an activity will make it easier to perform. If you're not reading and just sitting there people may think you're strange so the social pressure will also push you in the right direction.
If realization were a matter of chemicals, all the Phish/Dead lot kids would be masters of the universe. Most of them ended up dead or the walking equivalent. My question is, why are you expecting realization if you haven't even scratched the surface of written knowledge? I see it all the time, just add enlightenment posts. That's a fools game.
Did something rather stupid and now I am on the radar of an energy vampyre, how do I protect myself?
Just avoid him. I was on the radar of one for a while. One day he actually walked by looking at me when I hadn't talked to him in a month. After a while they get bored and move on. Good luck, they're a crafty bunch.
Anyone else here kinda pissed that /r/sorceryofthespectacle went from intelligent Zummi neo-Platonist posts to being taken over by that (literally gay jew) Raison?
Raison is the guy who tried to add this site to his suspicious "activist" list, BTW.
I perceive this black mass that attaches itself to my head, makes everything feel denser and it gets harder to remove every time I get rid of it in a aura cleansing, what should I do?
Keep going, it sounds like you are digging into the middle of it, then it will start getting weaker again until it's gone.
Could be something acumulated in your field, caused by some previous activity. It coming back again implies there are layers, so it may have been unintentionally created by something you've done repeatedly, like smoking.
Probably something you've done without thinking. I had a similar problem with headaches that came back every 2 - 6 weeks turning into migrane after a year or so, getting more frequent until I ended up in bed for 3 weeks from fatigue. After that it got better again, the headaches got lighter and less frequent and are now gone. Not until the end of the whole process did I start realizing what had caused it.
For me it was a general tendency of depending on some external things in society I shouldn't have associated with. Now I know those are harmful and stay away and the problem didn't come back.
When I came along last winter it was in control by him. Even before the censorship started it was hard for me to have anything other than an armchair discussion.
Anders is the one who was pushing the entwining. (At least to my face.)
Well then you should have given him the default phrases.
"All fucking niggers must hang"
"Gas the kikes race war now"
"The holocaust didn't happen but it will"
"The only good jew is a dead jew"
"Your time is coming kike, triple k moonman's gonna make you pay for being gay"
"Hitler did nothing wrong"
I notice when I clear my mind that there is a low ringing in my head that hides behind all my thoughts and distractions, is that normal.
I did in the end, though I tried to gently redpill 'em as so not to elicit a total irrational response from the whole community at first. In the end a few saw the light and several begun questioning other fundiments as well; more than would have if I was exiled on day 1 due to brashness.
>go to /pol/ because I haven't used it in months
>civic nationalists everywhere
>catalog looks identical to cuck/pol/ circa 2013
>get permabanned by learningchode for saying that all non-whites should be exterminated
>all of the posters are normies, teenagers, and /leftypol/ with one a handful of the old guard dispersed in a sea of thousads of morons
>no threads of any value
I suppose it was inevitable. Was there a second exodus to a nu-nu/pol/ or have the true /pol/acks simply dissipated and integrated into reality giving up shitposting on anime picture planks?
>no threads of any value
This upsets me the most. No more book threads, no more self improvement, the retarded sticky about the "aftermath" of some sheriff's investigation into obongo's birth was only brought down today, most threads on the first page are multi week old and hold nothing of value as they're just worthless comments about some MSM article. The Lain thread is concentrated cancer that gives old /b/ a run for its money.
Judging by how popular the IRL far right groups thread is, every worthwhile /pol/ack has either fucked off to a real world group or is about to do so.
>Judging by how popular the IRL far right groups thread is, every worthwhile /pol/ack has either fucked off to a real world group or is about to do so.
Nah that thread just shows how much of a honeypot /pol/ has become. Any reasonable /pol/ack would go into that thread and post "nice try FBI". You don't gain power by joining a neo-nazi skinhead group, you gain power by connecting with people, gaining political leverage, making your ideas of mass genocide mainstream. "Far right groups" are just a way for the jews to isolate bad goys, anyone with two braincells knows that they're a trap.
I've got a few questions about vibrating names/words.
I've seen a few references here and there to Tibetan throat singing as a great example of how to do it. I understand it's generally something that comes with practice, but is this a good hint in the right direction, or some bullshit?
Does tonality play a role? I've seen references to specific frequencies and notes having certain affects on the mind and body, but haven't really found anything consistent on the matter.
What's the best advice or reference you could give somebody on the matter? Explain it to me as you would a child, a teenager showing mild interest, a young adult who is well on their way but needs a refresher on the basics, and an old man on a mountain testing your knowledge.
>Implying any /pol/ack worth his salt would use a compromised platform.
Very much related to cymatics, the way you intonate something, well, anything, effects the resultant manifestation/effect in the world. While intention is important how it resonates through the target is of most so.
I've seen numerous, not infrequently conflicting reports on frequencies as well, the primary commonality is they usually land somewhere the Pythagorean (432) scale.
Best advise? Test the things yourself, and don't by sloppy with small sample sizes either (e.g., use several dozens of hours per data set). If you run through them too fast you may not notice the effects or they may be so minor that you brush one off due to it's apparent ineffectiveness when really it was just due to lack of familiarity, and thus awareness, of what it really does. Some things I didn't really start to take a more complete notice of what was going on until perhaps the 5000th iteration. Not in one session, usually.
I have used many different specific frequencies myself, mostly though I just use my vocal cords and not digital tones, I just generally find it more effective.
>physical plane - physical body, hominid with a brain that acts as a biological computer telling the body what to do, Energy
>astral plane - mental body, aka mind or soul, Awareness
>spirit plane - overbody, aka holy spirit/spirit, Will
But it would seem to me that the majority of humans are simply animals running on biological hardware and software. Most humans don't seem to even have a soul any more than a cat or dog does, they have mindless intelligence.
What I'm saying is that I've realized the problem I've always had with people is they don't seem real. There's intelligence with no awareness, talking to most people is like having a conversation with a chatbot. Is there really any difference between the majority of this species and the so-called lesser mammals other than intelligence? Is a being with intelligence but no Awareness worthy of being called human, are they truly alive if there is no semblance of agency?
Yeah pretty much, I'd only warn you against excessive pride there. Most people hardly ever are aware, but you can't go around using people and beings left and right. Even if their material form is not in touch with their higher self, it does exist and shall bring all the weight of the laws upon you if you violate it's will.
>tfw I didn't realize until today that Smiley=tipp=learningcode
Fuck I must be retarded. How did I not see that learningchode uses the same syntax as tipp. Add in that they both say exactly the same content in posts and learningchode is confirmed a kike, well it all fits now. Blueberry Wizard is truly a despicable fucking rat jew kike bastard, he needs to be gassed.
From what I understand that's not how it works though. Karma-Cause and Effect isn't a conscious action of some meme entity like hindus believe, it's a simple reaction. Logically it's going to fuck you over just as bad if you kill any animal, humans included. There is no difference whether you kill a bear or a cat, a man or a pig, if you harm a mammal you're going to get fucked equally by some integral law of causality.
Linguistic analysis.
You may not believe me but I know it's true. Blueberry wizard is going to pay, one of these days there's going to be a reckoning. ALL FUCKING KIKES MUST DIE REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE SEE YOU IN HELL SISSY WIZARD REEEEEEEEEEEE
But learning code is a dumb hick and smiley is a autistic Canadian, unless smiley just took up the leading code persona
>unless smiley just took up the leading code persona
He's a schizophrenic jew, is it really that hard to imagine him wanting to create different personas?
why doesn't someone just lobotomize smiley if he is such a problem
I think I've overdone it with awareness meditation/zazen/jhanas. I don't take a single thought in my mind seriously now.
Is this how people enter derealization or psychotic episodes?
I keep telling myself that everything is real and I try to ground myself, but I always automatically become aware my assurances are merely thoughts emerging out of causal streams and I detach from them.
What do I?
But can someone here red pill me on jhanas? This is some high tier dangerous shit I've tapped into. It feels like reverting, escaping into the love-bliss of floating in the primordial womb.
I escape into this state by default now and get flooded by opioids, then drift in detached serene headspace. It is not healthy.
It has to do with states close to birth and death - not life.
Brain scans of people going through jhanas suggest we turn off our substantia nigra, which deals with wanting, craving, dopamine. As a result, structures in brainstem are activated, which deal with liking, so its a heroine-like high with no desires and ego.
Torn between depression-generating escapism (jhanas and awareness) and mindless hedonism, is the only way to balance on the edge between chaos and order, yin and yang?
Because the biggest autists shriek the loudest :^)
If you jack off and/or watch porn excessively, stop. It drains your energy and willpower, both physically and otherwise, and messes with your brain chemistry and how you view reality. Also do as >>5251 said and leave your house and just talk to people.
That's the problem with zen, it's a dead end. Everything isn't simply "nothing", once you feel the pain of real life that will become obvious to anyone. Get out there and experience something and quit sitting inside.
Sounds like you are just going back to use whatever your parents/ancestors had and this makes you feel like you have endless space to move in. Going back to your own life and current generation you still face the same problems, so it's just a mindfuck, looking at your own life as the future, seen from earlier generations temporarily, it solves nothing.
….and sorry for double posting.
But it's the niggers who produce the most grounding content. When your awareness starts expanding a bit too much, you become all destabilized, and you have glimpses into the nature of complex systems, you better be grateful there is such a wide spectrum of genetic branches.
zen? not feeling pain? are you serious? from all spiritual traditions, it's actually the zen masters who do simple, hard, painful, physical work and appreciate it.
Hi there,
How can I into Celtic Paganism/occult - Learn druid magick.
What are some good books & resources?
>go into the forest
>strip naked
>burn everything you were wearing in a fire
>dance ferverishly until you pass out
>continue dancing when you wake up
>once you reach the brink of death keep dancing
>turn into a tree
>keep dancing
>turn into a living walking tree
>millions of years later conquer the planet
Seriously, why be serious? It's limiting, being serious could have you discard the answer that infuriates you in which case you arent ready for and don't deserve the answer, not to mention how rigid and stale, unadaptive your mind is or how boring your life will be.
Embrace it.
Ah crap that was creepy - who were those shadow people that I saw?
It happened on 2 occasions in the last 2 weeks and always right before falling asleep - sleep paralysis.
First time, some neighbor came home and I woke up from the door opening sound outside on the corridor. Suddenly that neighbor accelerated, became a black figure without face ran right up to my door and stood there whispering some fast-paced gibberish. I panicked and woke up. Realized the neighbor was already gone in his apartment and that the shadow wasn't him.
2nd time happened today at night, this time at my parents' place. Again I was sleep paralyzed sleeping on my belly, half awake when I noticed sounds downstairs.
I'm kinda paranoid and listened because I suspected burglars or some shit. Heard light steps that became more fast paced and very silent - that's when I realized it can't be real people.
So those weird pitter-patter steps come upstairs and I feel it looking to my parents' room first and then to mine. I already make assault plans when the figure decides to enter my room.
Now I see that it's one of the shadow people as well. It comes up to me and taps me on the shoulder - that's when I lose my shit and try to sprint after it. It starts to rn away and now I fully wake up, only managed to sit up in bed because the physical body is inert as fuck. My cat is annoyed by my smallish battle-cry and I'm annoyed that I'm back in the physical.
Later I noticed that my parent's room's door was closed - it seems that those figures can't pass doors easily - although the one from today got into the house somehow, took him a while though.
Also the 2 figures didn't seem like the same one. Whatever, that's just a minor details.
Are these shadow figures just pranking me or is there reason for concern? Why didn't I experience them all my life before? And why did one of those fuckers touch me?
>Sleep paralysis
Both conditions make whatever you experience subject to the harshest doubt. Basically you're making them up; stop thinking of them and fearing they'll get you and they should go. Your only concern should be your mental/emotional stability.
It sounds like you encountered shadow people. It can be a disturbing experience to encounter them.
One theory about them is that they're loosh farmers. They're essentially there to farm your fear, because they don't seem to do anything else.
You might want to say some prayers when you go to sleep. It'll help keep weird shit like sp away from you.
I thought we all here knew sleep paralysis is famous for involving delusions and hallucinations. And admitting you're paranoid only increases the chance you'll interpret any minor disturbance as some attack.
It may be real, but given the background, I'd call bullshit on this one.
Sorry man, I think the other poster is right.
Of course I read up on those Shadow figures once but that was years ago. And I never wasted a thought on the phenomenon and never cared about it. My sleep was splendid every time. And now the shadow figures suddenly appeared. It was surprising and without any of my intention. It was indeed not just in my mind. You take me for more paranoid than I really am tbh.
It's easy to call everything a hoax of the mind, I'd call these shadow figures the same before my experience tbh. But it was real enough just not physical.
>They're essentially there to farm your fear
It seemed to me like that as well and it kinda worked, it was spooky. But I also quite enjoyed it, haven't felt so alive in years.
I didn't feel really threatened at any point but it was spill 2spooky4me so I lost it any time anyway.
>You might want to say some prayers when you go to sleep
I might do it if it happens again.
What surprised me is that my cat didn't react at all. I thought they are supposed to be astral pros.
Shadow people to my experience are beings in the first stages of formation. They often look like the well known "hat man" because it is a siluette people recognize and it causes a reaction, even if some of them can be identified as female upon examination. They want an energy source to create some kind of body.
The best way to handle them is to simply provide them with an energy source - once they have what they want they'll leave. But there is a catch (of course), some of them are only malevolent and do not care about how they behave. They'll feed off of someone until they die if you don't stop them. If you don't have any skills at all they can be pretty nasty to handle. Otherwise getting rid of the "evil" ones is easiest done by overloading them with energy. Just send them more than they can take and they'll burn up in a light flash and will be gone. This could be a problem if you don't know how to target your energy and if you're low on energy in general and can't afford this much in a possible loss.
Otherwise, a shadow person you help can turn into a loyal ally.
Embedded vid is kinda on the right track.
Mindless intelligence is the best thing ever. Experimental. If you add a soul, order, purpose, etc, you really just remove most of the intelligence. That's how reason is born.
Don't worry they're just shadowy refugees, once they get their free loosh gibs I'm sure they'll leave m'goy. Just like the 666 million shitskins will peacefully leave Europe.
I need a way to talk to people without knowing their language.
Or if that's not possible to learn a language in under a month with magic.
Help me sissy wizards.
What you seek is communication via direct experience, where you would present certain vibratory thought forms to them instead of physical words. However the problem with this is if they are not notable clairvoyant they won't be able to perceive you. Body gestures can help aid in their ability to focus on your conceptual conveyance.
A middle ground may lie in trying to consume as much of the etymology of common roots/suffixes/etc. I would recommend a program such as Anki for this job and then pouring your magic into mental feats.
This week, starting monday the 26th Scandinavia was hit by a relatively large series of storm, since, I've been feeling a depressive mood or a dark weight on my shoulders - I was recently contacted by a friend who has felt the same and he has been talking for a mutual friend, a medium with good intuition, she feels as if though the spirit world and the material world has overlapped more strongly.
I'm asking if there is anyone else with anything to share.
Start of week I had a powerful being trying to suffocate, implode or burst my bubble/me/aura which I had to forcefully fend off and retreat from. I did not get the opportunity to strike back before waking up from lack of air as I had stopped breathing.
To add, anyone here better than me in regards to astrology and would like to share interesting, recent and relevant alignments?
It must really suck to live in a place that took in those hordes of young agressive males. My county only accepted women with small children and married couples with children. The only exception is some syrian guy who came here and moved in with relatives who were already permant residents - peacetime immigrants with their own businesses.
It's almost like the /pol/ anti-refugee shilling isn't completely truethful… supposedly all those media pics show women and children, but in (((pol))) reality this is cherrypicking the few women and children while "reality" is something like vid related.
I haven't yet encountered a problem like this that couldn't be dealt with simply by staying aware of it non-judgmentally long enough. beings and feelings will then shake the boat and sometimes it feels like I'm going to cross the line and never come back, but eventually awareness conquers all. one can have full trust in curious, strong awareness - always. no exceptions
pours over obscure PDFs in the hope of finding absolute gold,
doesn't achieve anything of merit
Initiated by Father's sekret historical occult organization,
learns how to impose his Will in the modern world,
doesn't need a succubus because he has unlimited access to Basic Bitch White Girls
/pol/ is full of butthurt americucks who can't accept 'murika is full of niggers, jews, spics, immigrants, and filth. They live in a country that was 90%+ white less than a century ago and is now less than 50% and falling fast. They have to live with their delusions that there will evetually be a RaHoWa even though Americans are liberal cucks who hate anything right of jewish liberalism and despise even the THOUGHT of monarchy like proper civilization would dictate. You can't really blame /pol/ for wanting to believe Europe is as shit as America is, even though Europe has at least another good 30-50 years before it starts to go completely down the shitter and by that time America will be 10% white.
>chad meme
Is this /r9k/ circa 2009?
>doesn't need a succubus because he has unlimited access to Basic Bitch White Girls
>implying basic bitches
>have wings
>have tail
>have horns
>can do magick for you with 100% success rate
>can dimension travel
>can provide exclusive info of said dimensions
>can act as your personal body guard anywhere
>always wants to get pregnant
>stays eternally beautiful
>implying human girls even compare in any way at all
You're absolutely right but lately I've been encountering entities that rob me of the -over the shoulder perspective-, I can't intervene consciously in dreams because they sneak up, slowly ramping up power of assault, messing with my energy body to shut down respiratory systems et al (while also somehow blinding the conscious observer), meaning the trigger for consciousness only kicks in along with "panic", when they already have a good chokehold, the danger registers only at final stages of fucking me up so that once I do become aware I have to fight it going at full power now (then) realizing I'm conscious while also trying to reboot energybody - because of this I'm forced to wake up, I don't have the time to stay in the dream to fuck it sideways because I'm not breathing anymore and it gets away with my loosh.
This is definitively a steppingstone.
We have a thread dedicated to shapeshifting.
On other news, I have narrow hips and it makes yoga painfully difficult to do well, maybe you could give that a second thought.
>implying suck-u-bus are anything but consensual hallucinations created by human consciousness
>implying any such beings have independent consensual reality of or above the level of a human's astral body
>implying it's not just loosh stained hallucinations fueling the fantasies of teens and losers
bullshit sissy jizzard uguuuuuuuuuuu
Do the horse stance. Everyday.
Stand tall, barefoot, with your feet pointed STRAIGHT FORWARD and placed more than shoulder width apart.
Bent your knees.
Spread your toe fingers and feel all 4 corners of your feet touching the ground, now you will most likely feel that your weight falls more on the 2 inner corners.
Move your knees outward so that they are right above your feet, move them as much as you can but be sure that the the whole bottom of your feet stays in touch with the ground.
Imagine a thread pulling you lightly from the center of your head.
Balance yourself so that your weight falls evenly an all 4 corners of your feet, stay there as much as you can and feel your body being supportd by your legs.
It's also a great grounding exercise.
I could recomend two more exercises if you want.
Also yeah, the shapelifting thread has some good stuff in it.
I want to use affirmations to stop myself from aging, but how can I tell if it works when aging takes so long?
80 years max of time as a conscious adult just isn't much time at all I want to see everything worth seeing on this planet.
death isn't something to be stopped, it is to be avoided.
death is simply change of our bodies when they can no longer function and we slip out of them.
I think I broke my brain and I need help. I've been doing zen meditation and I swear my brain got confused from being concentrated for so long. I feel high as if watching porn, except whole day. It happened 4 days ago. Ever since I'm being pumped with pleasure. Today morning when I realized it didn't go away I cried from pleasure mixed with confusion and worry. I'm starting to give up and just lie on the floor all day. I go to pee, pee, then lie on the floor in the bathroom for 5 hours until I get hungry
Anyone had anything strange happen today?
I was in a half-lucid stupor for like 2-3 hours after waking up and my body was asleep but I could sort of see out of it and hear things fine. But while I could hear other people my house I also heard music right behind me. It was some kind of combination of traditional egyptian song with the singer using death metal type vocals. It happened 3 distinct times with gaps in between and all I could understand is about anubis and judgement. I couldn't make out much more because the voice was hoarse and low and the music kind of drowned it out. Really makes me think.
>he's never been a NEETpro and edged for 18 hours straight without eating or drinking
Pleasure can only last so long until you get used to it, enjoy it while it lasts.
Death is part of the putrefication process, and is necessary. What one must instead seek is to rebuild faster than the rate of decay (or necessary deconstruction). If you're not exposed to nor consume many toxins then the rate of decay is less. Combined with increasing the magnitudes of energy within your being allows for physical agelessness.
And that's why you must address it on a vibrational-soul level. Anything can be transcended/healed.
It seems to be some sudden shift of a thing, a certain level of discontinuity compared to what one is accustomed to, such that it jars the consciousness of the observer
Yeah but you're 5 hours late, Universal Time is the universal New Year's Eve.
I felt that today right at the second it went from 11:59 GMT to the next year of 12:00 GMT. It was sort of like if the whole world is an ocean of energy I felt a wave ripple through my energy body. I've felt displaced and disjointed since then.
Greetings fellow wizards. You may have heard I am having Gizmodo write an article on /fringe/. Would fringechan be interested in being included in this article?
I'm just speaking for myself, but the least attention drawn to this site, and the most given to 8chan's /fringe/, the better, since we rely on it to take all the shitposting.
Maybe the administrators would like it otherwise, but as a member of the community, I think we don't need spotlight.
Good luck.
What should one expect out of 2017 - the year of the "Fire Rooster"?
You're kidding right? They are confirmed degenerate multicultural propaganda outlet.
I concur for many reasons, however primarily the reasons of a breakdown of the cultural adaptation process. Which will probably only be further intensified by there rank mundanity and anti-intellectualism turning this place into /x/ at best. I for don't wist that, not with the true seekers being bombarded with GTFO our creepypasta land with your roleplay energy work & spiritual journey's.
Tis much better to have (several) layers of interfaces, each more properly suited to their tier as not to shit up the place too much and to provide expansion of mind/paradigm at a rate they can accept.
I have a question about the last pic "tier 6"
It says
>we fought to gain these bodies and to attune to this reality
Now this physical existence isn't nice at all. It seems that the human body is that of a slave species confined to the boundaries of planet Earth. Weak and fragile and only blessed with greater intelligence - which is pretty flawed in itself for it can override the human's connection to the All through intellectualism.
I see so many life-positive attitudes and that's fine but many people just ignore that this physical existence is just shit. Ignoring this and focusing on becoming "one" seems like a vague undertaking to me.
Is the physical existence blessing or imprisonment?
/x/ is somewhere in the last 2 pics currently. As long as people here take the topics seriously they will consider us nutcases and won't come here.
>RP somewhere else
posting has taken over and discussion is mostly impossible.
Practice of mindfulness and concentration leads me to jhana. However, I aim at tummo/kundalini, not jhana. Any advice?
From what I understand, to achieve kundalini I should express desire and love for the world instead of letting go and surrendering (jhana).
Does it mean I should imbue myself with desire eg. enter extreme concentration during masturbatory edging? Or perhaps concentration on a singe erotic image is enough?
It's basically the hyperbolic time chamber. We come here due to the limitations the allow us the ability to grow in ways that may take more time otherwise. It allows the ability to play with and understand form in a more coherent way that if existence was purely aetheric.
4chan/pol/ is utter shit, it's all shills and retarded memeposting. I haven't really used 8ch/pol/ but from the look of it seems like a slow board for womenhaters and general douchebags, in short it's unbearable to even lurk.
What does that pic imply about 8ch?
Those durations are wrong. Yugas aren't measured in human years but in divine years. Also, it is hard to have some unified measure for such differing periods (for example - even karma operated differently in the Satya Yuga).
To some this existence is blissful, to others it's painful. It's just a matter of perspective and your perception.
>butthurt buddhist
It's always entertaining when they do that.
>What does that pic imply about 8ch?
It's happening, it's happening again, and until the adminstratorship isn't compromised the cancer can't even be stemmed. Of which it is on 8chan and I doubt it will be fixed, another exodus is more likely.
>muh hugbox
You people are what killed /fringe/ and fringechan.
Yeah and it happened here and on /fringe/ too. Look at the CURRENT YEAR userbase. Faggots, women, bullshit sissy armchair occultists, and looshurt redditors. My prognosis is that fringechan has irreversible degenerative cancer, it can be treated with Daily Dose but never cured. Though if anything 8ch/fringe/ is much better because 8ch still has shock value like 4chan once did and keeps the "omg so le offensive JUST it's 2017 JUST" normies away
>Faggots, women, bullshit sissy armchair occultists, and looshurt redditors
Better to have a varied userbase than be a sekrit club for angry incels.
>8ch still has shock value like 4chan once did and keeps the "omg so le offensive JUST it's 2017 JUST" normies away
People don't dislike >>5326 because it's politically incorrect, they dislike it because it's immature and it brings the place down. 8channers think they're edgy but they're just plain unlikeable.
>he doesn't even realize why he is cancer
I have to change my prognosis, the cancer is terminal not even Daily Dose can stop it. This site is a giant tumor.
>This site is a giant tumor.
You'd probably better hop on back to cripplechan then. Gizmodo needs edgelords to make fun of.
Are you sure this attitude isn't just the serf trying to justify accept his position because he sees no way to get out?
I'm not saying there's no way out because apparently there are some ways taught in Buddhism. But this physical existence is in my opinion nothing to be cherrished like it is done in the picture and also by some fellow fringe anons. It is dangerous propaganda because there is really no indication that this physical realm is supposed to be a good thing. Or do you know of such indicators?
>To some this existence is blissful, to others it's painful. It's just a matter of perspective and your perception.
It's objectively pretty shit tbh.
The human body is weak and unfit for survival like other animals do. Were it not for the human's intellect, he wouldn't stand a chance. The problem with intellect is that it's still in beta testing phase and not good. People suffer a lot of mental bullshit because of it and I'm not just referring to mental illness here but also the loss of connection to the planet - a fatal error, this won't end well.
>indication that this physical realm is supposed to be a good thing
The fact that living a fulfilling and happy life is not impossible in this realm can be an indicator imho.
It is also "objectively" pretty great. You've got all those chemicals in the brain making you feel good, the technology allows for people living 80+ years which is plenty of time for magical and spiritual progress, you have easy access to esoteric knowledge, you can use magic to your personal advantage all the while you work your way up to realizing the Ultimate Reality (whether it is a "way out" - I don't know, as someone heavily influenced by Shaktism I don't like the Buddhist notion of emptiness). Yes, people suffer, but people also are happy and there are ways to reduce the suffering, not to mention that suffering in and of itself is pretty useful.
>the loss of connection to the planet - a fatal error, this won't end well
Maybe, but I hope not.