Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead.
Previous thread >>>/ask/3229
Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead.
Previous thread >>>/ask/3229
Posted this right before the other thread had been archived. Sorry if reposting it here is spam.
Hello all, for the past few months I've been seeing the numbers 3 and 6 in many places. Like I'd look at the clock randomly and it's 3:33 or maybe I'm playing a game and the score is 666. It's been happening enough to be noticeable. I had been looking into Satanism for a bit on their meditations and ended up reading a lot on their page. Another funny thing is I was playing a game where random players can invade and kill you, so this player named Lilith joins my game and she just acts friendly and lets me win. Not too sure if it means much but it was bizarre to me. Is something trying to contact me? For better or for worse? Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Sounds like pretty normal synchronities. You randomly experience things which you find relevant, taking the form of hidden messages that only you understand.
I've had similar things happen with always accidently looking at the clock at 22:22, but it never led to anything. When I played online games I would press the key to show the clock and it was very often 4:44 (match time). If it means something to you it does, otherwise ignore it.
Synchronicities don't mean shit. Get used to it. You're looking for something, so you give it to yourself through syncs. Whether you're manifesting it directly or another entity is wanting something from you I dont know. Trust yourself and not the signs around you. Take everything with a grain of salt.
>Jews want you to worship their g-d.
>Either you worship Yaweh (Moloch) or you worship Satan (Moloch).
By spreading this flawed notion, you're ironically being the good goy they want you to be. Neither is Satan/ENKI associated with the Semitic bloodthirsty anti-human deity Moloch, nor do the Jews "worship" Satan.
>Does the current of electricity disrupt our bodies' bio-electric fields?
Yes. And nearly all modern technology gives out electromagnetic pollution. The only exception I have found to date is the BEMER; it induced increased flow and harmony on my energy body when turned on. Presumably it was doing some sort of EM massage of the energy body.
>Anyone else get a feeling like their energy is being disrupted when any part of their body gets near electrical devices?
And as I've gotten more sensitive to subtle energy I've also gotten more sensitive to the disturbances. I can't even have electronic devices near me without experiencing the pain of the distortion of my natural auric shape. When I was more mundane I didn't notice such things but I'm sure they still brought harm.
Dank. Praise Kek.
Nice easy, Slightly stupid question bout the workings of the board.
How do I do the big red or bold text that pops up every so often? I don't know the tags in question.
Also do we have spoiler tags?
Here you go:
Or just click the FAQ button at the top of the webpage.
Now you can do brightly seen text
Invisible text
and many others
>It would be fair and in line with the function of a normal capitalist market
When you apply for a job in a normal capitalist market, the first thing the employer does is look at your CV, and if you don't have certificates, references, experience, etc., you've got no chance.
>I'm fighting uphill here and the whole discussion started by me saying I was giving up on /fringe/, I feel like the circle is more or less closed now. If someone can't become enlightened, why try helping them.
We've given you more than a fair chance to convince us. The problem is either with your idea or your inability to express it properly.
>And as I've gotten more sensitive to subtle energy I've also gotten more sensitive to the disturbances
Does developing one's sensory abilities make one more vulnerable in general? I've been reading a book which claims that African witchdoctors have enormous powers to attack the minds of fellow Africans, but much less power over spiritually stunted Westerners.
You're right, I consider most posts here to be absolutely worthless I personally only come here for those 10% of posts. I don't even see or acknowledge stale shitposting and it may as well be lorem ipsum filler text. As long as you overcome this and aren't scared off by worthless posts, then this is the ideal format for discussion.
>just like you want to say
Not sure why you would think and project this onto me, I could care less about some Jews on the internet seeking prosecution and shitposting near information they'd like to horde, but this entire argument seems to have stemmed from calling out the Cabalah for what it is. If you're this triggered and are just arguing in a roundabout way just stop or at least go back to what you think it is.
The stuff on JOS is the best stuff you can find on meditation and energy work. If you remove the baggage the term "Satan" has gotten through Christian indoctrination that most Westerns have, then there's literally nothing wrong with it. If it was called itself the Cult of Enki or something similar, you probably wouldn't have a problem with it at all.
What are the effects of following both the right and left hand path?
say you've done extensive use and training through both and have used both only for a better tommorow.
>Does developing one's sensory abilities make one more vulnerable in general? I've been reading a book which claims that African witchdoctors have enormous powers to attack the minds of fellow Africans, but much less power over spiritually stunted Westerners.
Somewhat, the sheer power of disbelief in the ability of such things can protect a mundane person. However I wouldn't say I became more vulnerable to just more aware of the disharmony, however my increased awareness has also allowed me to protect myself to greater degrees as well (creating mental defenses).
>About the electric fields, I wonder if ORGONITE actually works to balance fields.
It does. I never leave home without one, it helps so much.
>I'm fighting uphill here and the whole discussion started by me saying I was giving up on /fringe/, I feel like the circle is more or less closed now. If someone can't become enlightened, why try helping them.
In truth all you are responsible for is your own sovereign being and you must respect their freewill choices, even if they be stagnation; you can not do the growing for them.
Often it's just a matter of time, and letting the seeds of enlightenment germinate and sprout.
1. Go to upper right hand corner of the screen, there should be a link named [Options]
2. On the General tab (the first one that opens), scroll down till you see the section named Formatting Options
3. Enable both:
- Enable formatting keybinds
- Show formatting toolbar
4. ????
5. Enjoy your new superpowers.
One more thing to mention, red text only works on its own line.
==doesn't work here== <-doesn't work
Here it works
^it works
Cult? The Joy of Satan presents literally all of its information face front. There are no secrets, there no necessary initiation rites, no needed mandatory 'donation' or whatever, and none of the information is barred from non-Satanists. You can go to the website and perform any of the meditations and/or absorb any of the information presented without ever needing to support Satanism in any way, shape or form.
You want to speak about cults? JoS is absolutely clear about its deities and what they present, its morals, values, traditions and practices; absolutely redpilled on every facet of reality and zealously anti-kike (where else do you get to do Reverse Torah Rituals and curse the Jews and empower and liberate gentiles? We fucking do something about the mess of this planet). This in comparison to pretty much any other fraternity, society, group, lodge-based system, Masonic and variations thereof, or whatever the fuck hush hush cults, where you need to bend over and get fucked by Judeo-Christian dicks before you get some scraps of diluted information littered with disinformation and nonsense, all the whilst you lavishly worship (((((((Canaanite))))))) deities such as Moloch disguised as whatever flavor of the organization you follow, never advancing spiritually on your own or doing something to better society or your race - in actuality, you're enslaving both yourself and your kind following this route.
>nobody will join
Do you see me handing out "sign here to join my awesome clubhouse!" leaflets? No - I pointed out a flaw in your post. You're making an absolute fool of yourself by stating that Moloch equals Satan. If you only studied the origins of both these beings you would know - you don't even need to do more then spending 5 whole fucking minutes.
Its absolutely clear that Satan/ENKI despises sacrifice of any kind. He is a most sympathetic deity and respects all forms of life, excluding anyone/thing that is anti-human, pro-degeneracy, pro-kikery, etc.
Pic related; ENKI.
>no necessary initiation rites
>practically every other line of JoS is saying you need to a blood pact to continue.
Giving entities some nice art or a little offering in the most I ever do.
Go fuck yourself too.
Any "god" that requires worship is nothing more than an engorged loosh leech (see Yaweh, father of lies and King of Jews). I like Kek, he doesn't ask for NUFFIN. Well he'll fuck your shit up if you try to evoke him without knowing your shit but that's just because he doesn't like people fucking with him for no reason.
>implying any being is ever on your good side
Gods are like humans, they're always trying to get something out of you. You'd have to be a moron to trust a god.
nice aura of untouchable ironic shitposting you summoned there, got a pdf for that somewhere?
(the lord of lords is there for you, call his name if you feel threatened by satan or his underlings)
dont you have some chicken wings to sacrifice?
Jude 1:16-19, “These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts; and their mouth speaketh great swelling words, having men's persons in admiration because of advantage. But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ; How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit.”
>accept jesus christ as god and saviour
I'm feeling ban trigger happy. I'll show you the door just like we did with that muslim cuck if you're going to keep up this fear propaganda and shilling for your Jewish God. Your kind is not accepted here and will never be accepted. A literal traitor to your species is what you are.
Okay I'll go offer 666 bulls to Yaweh my new G-d I am now officially jewish. Thank you for enlightening me Rabbi.
A christcuck that is neither kind nor humble. Now I've seen it all.
Your superiority complex is just as bad as the edgy satanists you're trying to fight. Enjoy being a slave to a spiritual war you know nothing about.
were all sinners here, i never said i was perfect.
maybe shed some knowledge on this lowly peon, o cosmic wayfarer.
The only problem I have with JOS is that it appears to replace the Jew-Christian-Muslim monotheistic god with Enki. Given that I can't know for certain what happened 500 years ago, let alone when humanity was created whether it was a sci-fi novel-like or a more atheistic Darwinist creation, worshiping anything that calls itself the creator of mankind raises red flags.
Assuming that Enki is what JOS say he is, I still do not know for certain how evocation works, or what exactly it is. This would be like setting up a ham radio and expecting the first thing I talk with to be the creator of mankind, if this example is silly then I only ask how evocation works biologically other than it using your brain/body to communicate much like a wireless device.
Even if evocation works like its said to work and that sigils send you to a specific entity that you want, without fail or "phone tapping" so to speak, then an entity that's persecuted like Satan/Enki, I would assume, would have its sigil erased or altered to redirect traffic to some other controlled opposition. Given how Christians enjoyed burning books for a period of time, I'm interested that nobody has spent time researching how sigils got to where they are today. It could be that the sigils that we have today are not related to any Babylonian era gods and goddesses but rather imposters loosh farming. Though obviously I can't back up this claim since I don't have the resources to track down grimoires from the 1500s when this stuff began to resurface in Europe.
>Assuming that Enki is what JOS say he is, I still do not know for certain how evocation works, or what exactly it is.
Read PME, just read it even if you're skeptical of Franz. It explains pretty well the concept of evocation/invocation.
You don't read a radio operating guide in order to understand how what you say into a microphone is translated into electromagnetic wavelengths which can then be retranslated back into sound by some other radio. It's just a guide on how to get it to work. PME and other evocation guides from people like E.A. Koetting are instruction manuals, they don't talk about what I'm talking about at all.
If you're interested in learning how someone could listen in on your conversations when using a radio and even pretending to be someone you want to talk to, the guide isn't going to help you. Same thing applies here.
Yeah there's a chance that it's just some other entity other than what you think or that it's an egregore you made yourself.
That's the reason evocation is generally seen as something for adepts and masters, there's a huge margin of error and you could just be talking to some asshole pretending to be whatever god that wants your loosh.
What are some complete beginner 'hands-on' books on the topic of Lucid Dreaming and Dreams in general?
>you've done extensive use and training through both
What do you mean by that?
>Any "god" that requires worship is nothing more than an engorged loosh leech
There are gods that require you to give them your energy, and there are Those that empower the practitioner. The internal worship with assuming the Godforms is where it's at.
>I'm interested that nobody has spent time researching how sigils got to where they are today
Yeah, that's why it is always recommended to go straight to the source. When I became interested in Inanna I dig some academic works on Her and whatnot and coupled this with reading the translations of Her myths and poems from Sumer.
Tbh I also get kinda skeptical when someone calls old things by new names. If the new thing is so great then why use the provenance of something ancient to legitimize it? But I'm aware that my view is heavily influenced by the fact that I've studied a lot of Tantra, and whenever someone from "neo-Tantra" tries to present their teaching as something ancient it is always made up bullshit.
IMHO this library is pretty weak. WWA, really? Also, nothing really pertaining to LD and dreams and that was the topic that was asked about.
I don't really know much books about dreams and LD, I focused solely on practice, and you don't really need books for that. The techniques used for LD are very easy to find on the Internet. I'd suggest you practice for yourself.
The Tibetan Yoga of Dream and Sleep by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche is very nice if you can handle the Buddhist references and general operating philosophy. Also, research dream yoga.
astralpulse.com has some nice techniques and posts, but it's mostly focused on astral projection (the "full body switch" kind and not the one that Mossa thought in the sessions) and not lucid dreaming.
Adventures Beyond the Body by Buhlman has some techniques too, but again - it's mostly about AP and not LD (but those phenomena aren't really that different as one might think).
Also, The Art of Dreaming by Castenada, but I haven't read it personally, but it's all about dreaming and "sorceric dreaming", we have a thread about it
I have some books about LD and AP on my tablet that I haven't read yet, maybe I will go through them in a moment and see if anything is good enough to share it.
>What do you mean by that?
it was an redundant statement, I'd like to know if there are any effects from embracing both paths to their limits or as far as one would know.
Depends on how you classify LHP and RHP fam :^)
Seriously, I'm not really trying to be so relative all the time, but there are so many possible outlooks that I don't know what view the other person has about the topic.
Tbh I don't really associate with either path, but it's not something set in stone really. It's not like everyone who consider themselves to be LHP have to go through the same experiences etc.
Here I wrote something about LHP and RHP. Can't really answer your question if I don't know in what sense you are using those terms (maybe I couldn't even if I knew). So yeah, what do you mean by LHP and RHP?
In the meantime I'm gonna go look for dem books.
The only thing I found that at least doesn't seem completely retarded. Take with a grain of salt. Or a whole pinch. As you should do with every book anyway.
I'd still recommend going with what I already posted previously and with basic practice (dream journals, RT, affirmations). Maybe find some technique, WILD for example, but if you could pull off WILD you could probably pull off full body switch AP.
Where are the actually good guides to doing hatha yoga?
Everything online is new age bullshit and everything in books is jargon. I just want a practical guide to hatha yoga that is understandable.
Despite that, masters like Bardon and Koetting, who seems to know what he's talking about, don't talk about this aspect at all.
Even if their process are foolproof and secure but don't talk about it, they don't talk about the more human controlled aspect of what sigils survive through history, which I assume would be like given the wrong radio channel that leads to things one wouldn't want to happen.
Pretty sure Franz basically just assumes that if you actually complete step 8 of IIH you know your shit well enough not to need warnings. He explicitly advises you to fuck off if you don't know what you're doing.
>practical guide to hatha yoga that is understandable
>ctually good guides to doing hatha yoga
Choose one.
Or learn the jargon. It's really amazing - the knowledge you want is there, but you are too lazy to study up. All you dream about is being spoonfed by someone who actually took effort in their work?
>masters like Koetting
Become the living meme boi
Failing lack of jargon at least a book that tells me what the traditional order of learning asanas is or something similar.
Am I just supposed to learn every fucking asana, there are hundreds. And I'm pretty sure most of them would break by bones because I'm not flexible enough to do them
Those same manuals that require the jargon also tell you about the most important asanas… There are like three of them.
When siddhaasana is mastered, of what use are the various other postures?
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
I focused on this one, it's really great for meditation and is not so hard to pull it off.
Tbh asanas are important but are only a small part of the charm. The real work begins with chakras, Kundalini, cleansing nadis by pranayama, work with 5 gross tattwas etc. AFAIK this stuff isn't properly explained in any book that doesn't use "the jargon".
>I'm feeling ban trigger happy. I'll show you the door just like we did with that muslim cuck if you're going to keep up this fear propaganda and shilling for your Jewish God. Your kind is not accepted here and will never be accepted.
What the fuck? This is totally out of order. And what's this about banning 'that Muslim cuck'? What's the point of having an Islam containment thread if you're going to do that?
He tells you not to read PME unless you have completed step 8 of IIH, if you don't listen to someone it's not their fault if you fuck your shit up.
If the white race is superior it will survive, it's that fucking simple.
But honestly the answer is whites need to kill non-whites.
I'm aware, but he doesn't mention specifically what I'm talking about or at least the specifics that would make me understand the dangers like an explanation of how EM waves does for radio operation. I simply can't assume that he even considered what I'm talking about, or worse purposefully didn't warn his readers what I'm talking about. He also doesn't talk about sigils and their history either.
I got the feeling he meant to put a lot of information in the third volume of The Holy Mysteries but the Russian army the fucking kikes ! arrested his ass and gassed him.
RIP Franz Bardon, one of many to be killed by the jews for revealing too much
Your feelings don't change the fact that he didn't and that nobody on evocation has written about this.
>nobody on evocation has written about this.
Anonymous did, and that's good enough for me. Peer review and relying on sources is the cancer that has destroyed science. Information attains validity from its distance to Truth, not the source.
Are you referring to me? I've never seen this brought up anywhere on /fringe/. If relying on sources is cancer then why would you recommend that I'd go reread Bardon?
>This would be like setting up a ham radio and expecting the first thing I talk with to be the creator of mankind, if this example is silly then I only ask how evocation works biologically other than it using your brain/body to communicate much like a wireless device.
>[concerns about sigils and evocation]
You're raising a valid question and point. An easy and efficient way to discern whether or not you're communicating with a being of your choice is the following; demand the being you're in communication with to SWEAR on all that it is, to be the being of you assume to be communicating with. Eg: "I hereby demand that you swear on all that you are that you are the being known as Satan and ENKI.". You're making the being in question invoke ENKI that way if she/he/it is not ENKI.
This has a multitude of effects. The names of ENKI are allegorical and not just "names". They mean and imply things. The name Satan means "Eternal/Absolute Truth" in Sanskrit - think about what happens if a malicious being invokes that name when trying to deceive and subvert. Secondly, the names of ENKI/Satan bear a very strong to connection to, of course, ENKI. ENKI being highly evolved and immensely powerful definitely exercises authority over whomever invokes him. Meaning that, whenever such a being applies his names to his own, he/she/it invokes all of ENKI right into itself. This is a huge thing, considering it will essentially give ENKI to reign over said being as his own. For any (inferior) parasitical being, be it a kike, angel, reptilian, this can quite literally be lethal if ENKI decides so. Remember, these beings are Hostile to ENKI.
Anyhow, because of the above, many beings do not dare and bother to portray themselves as ENKI. Just be cautious to NOT EVOKE any Hebrew demon, like "Samael" or whomever. These are literal phony replacements, bearing no connection with ENKI, and like many other Jewish things, corruptions and meant as traps for us Gentiles.
>The only problem I have with JOS is that it appears to replace the Jew-Christian-Muslim monotheistic god with Enki. Given that I can't know for certain what happened 500 years ago, let alone when humanity was created whether it was a sci-fi novel-like or a more atheistic Darwinist creation, worshiping anything that calls itself the creator of mankind raises red flags.
Its actually the opposite - study Sumer (first civilization of mankind) and ancient history in general. ENKI was the first creator God, having created humanity and sharing knowledge regarding civilization, spirituality, what have you, with us. He treats us like his children; caring and protective (speaking out of experience now as well). Now as with all Jewish "inventions" - they take something original and corrupt it to suit their own needs, then replacing the truth with said corruption. The story of creation as portrayed in Sumer actually has good historical and factual reference, whereas the biblical tale has none. You can easily check when the Bible originated in contrast to Sumer to verify its no more but a corruption.
I hope I addressed your concerns.
>I know all the Gods in an out and I can tell you with pin-point accuracy that you cannot trust them, trust me Goyim!
Its always funny how Christians always shove everything their own God and deities are capable of doing and responsible for, off to Satanists/pagans. Even in your phony bible does your bloodthirsty God kill literal millions, deceiving essentially everyone, and lying at every chance it gets. Whereas Satan? Didn't kill anyone. Didn't lie, not even once. Even offered Adam and Eve knowledge - how cruel of him! This is of course against God's will, as he wants everyone weak, unempowered, dumb and as obedient as possible. Amazing how some people's ability to rationally discern is virtually non-existent after chugging some Hebrew thought forms.
I didn't ban anyone, I was clearly warning him. The problem is that he is neither answering a question in this thread nor posing one - in a question thread. He is only trying to instill fear whilst (trying at least) cursing us. Besides, he is shilling for a known Jewish and toxic, malicious entity. Remind me why we want Jewish lackeys/infiltrators here. There's plenty of imageboards/forums/communities with Jews and their servants roaming about, spreading disinfo and cursing anyone who doesn't conform to their ideas everywhere. I won't let fringechan.org turn into such a place. No.
Mossa was responsible for that ban - not me. And I do not agree with said ban either, its uncalled for.
Reverse Torah Rituals. The latest one is; http://www.angelfire.com/wizard/pixie666/72.htm
I actually looked up the corresponding Hebrew verse to verify if its actually in reverse, and it is. You can check this out yourself as well if you do not believe me. It also ends with a nice;
>• The Jews are fully exposed to the world
>• The Jews have lost all protection
>• The Gates of Satan have permanently opened wide
>• The Jews have lost all of their influence and power over Gentiles
>• The Jews have lost all of their power, control, and influence over the world
>• Gentiles are powerfully and effectively reacting against the Jews
>But honestly the answer is whites need to kill non-whites.
No. Just racial segregation and all races confined to their own countries under a national socialist system. The only race that needs extermination is the Jewish one.
>I didn't ban anyone, I was clearly warning him
I know. Although you did say you had banned that Muslim.
>The problem is that he is neither answering a question in this thread nor posing one - in a question thread
Neither are these guys >>4006 >>8742, but you didn't threaten them.
>Besides, he is shilling for a known Jewish and toxic, malicious entity. Remind me why we want Jewish lackeys/infiltrators here.
You'd better make a rule against Christianity before you start talking about banning Christian posters. Or better yet, don't do either, and stop throwing your weight around. I've never known an imageboard where the mods are such an overbearing presence.
I'm not at all pro-Christianity myself btw, only pro-free speech.
>Although you did say you had banned that Muslim.
A warning ban of a day if I remember correctly, considering he shat all over the board as you might remember. I referenced the Muslim poster as the Christian poster used roughly the same content in his posts, and by referencing the Muslim shitposter, making it clear that we are not going to allow it.
>Neither are these guys
You're taking my quote of context. I responded the way I did to Christian poster because he was propagating malevolent fear propaganda and binding us to his curse - which definitely falls under the umbrella of senselessly spamming shitposts. The anons you quoted did nothing of the sorts. Added to that, they were single posts in contrary to Christian poster who essentially made post after post doing nothing but shitposting.
>You'd better make a rule against Christianity before you start talking about banning Christian posters
There won't be any rule of the sort. I explained my reasoning for addressing Christian anon above. He didn't discuss Christianity or object with substantial points, instead he merely threatened us, tried to bind us to his curse, appeased his Jewish overlords; thus shitposting.
>Sumer (first civilization of mankind)
I've read that
>Sumer was founded by the nephilim.
>Cimmerians/Scythians are descended from Sumerians
>"dem jooz stole our like everything!!!!"
Scythians are in the same stock with Thracians, Phrygians - i.e. top Aryans. From them we have Bacchis and Orphic mysteries.
Hyperborean Priest Abaris is known to be Scythian.
protip: if you want to share an unconventional wisdom support it with citations.
an experimental post. trying to break from the legion-mentality yet avoid namefagging.
I'll share with you my thoughts in a personal way.
Morning in a gym. 'Gym Radio.' A negro-rapper singing.
I think: 'why the fuck I - in a white man's land - have to listen
to negro music that dirts your subconscios?'
Listened closer: 'All I need is money and power' - ok, nice.
Later that day. Loiter around my neighborhood.
Gaze catches a new graffiti: pyramind with an eye, 'illuminati' and phrase 'dogs rule'.
"this is huh, wow", I thought.
"yea, It's cool. I like instant art whatever it may be.
but who'd do this? some kid. Probably, after he watched 'Gravity Falls'.
got fascinated by the idea of awesome secret society. Read wiki.
His first attempt at identity making." "What did he mean by dogs? Dog-star?"
Imagine this kid grows older. He will associate his identity with this new cool illuminati.
Imagine, tomorrow they announce: "YO, this be our NWO. Here you may have whatever messiah you like:
this cool Russel Brand jesus type of dude. He's cool. Smokes weed and cracks jokes."
"oh yo, you can even be a messiah yourself. buy t-shirt"
"we're all equal. we're all cool and like.. gods!"
Anyway, just to refresh our memory.
>Illuminati created by Adam Vapeshaupt on May 1 1776,(special day for commies)
>a former jesuit
>they were responsible for the French Revolution of 1787
>supported materialist-Enlightenment against Rosicrucian-oriented spiritual philosophy
>idea is about egalitarianism, abolishion of private property, "make them equal", mixing race
>communitarianism. communism. reds.
Ok. I thought, 'they must be the dark side! and I don't mean that dark-side from which light comes. They're the prison-guards. And they need equalized cattle to farm loosh without having them mad Aryan Gnostic uprisings.'
The left. Yes, they are The Left. Just like the negro sang: "power and money". The left column - Boaz - 'power'. Sub-saturnian realm. Anti-spirit.
forgot the pic. The Reds.
btw, what if red-pill is not what we think it is?
Remeber, that Morpheus (god of dreams/sleep) gives Neo (backwards One) the pill
that leads him deeper into the rabbit hole and not to a pleroma-escape.
The true gnostic was Agent Smith.
Perhaps, we need to develop an Aryan Gnostic Blue Pill.
cause, (1) ((((the enemy)))) has already sieged the red one.
(2) we might have been decieved about colors
also, have some negro-jewish purple pilled humour.
Working on IIH and I've run into a problem trying to transmute/transform my attributes.
I stopped masturbating and became completely celibate some months ago but I still have ingrained sexual fetishes from years of degeneracy. Is there a better way than auto-suggestion to clear these fetishes up or should I just keep on repeating to myself that they don't exist anymore?
Despite all the other paths you, I, or any one else may not see as the swiftest path, it does nonetheless not invalidate those experiences had as an expansive part of their being.
That said, the bible has much wisdom, the only problem is it is also so often misinterpreted. If one can discern the propaganda and sift the truth it can be quite insightful. In and of itself, it's alright as far as holy books go, the problem with it is actually more so the folk, claiming authority to represent it yet ignorant of the cosmic humility that would be present if they actually understood it.
As long as the debating isn't invasion tier nor degenerates into sheer and incessant shitposting it is healthy. Though IMHO that muslim guy was pretty much the former.
> the sheer power of disbelief in the ability of such things can protect a mundane person
It only means they align themselves with a demon who spreads disbelief in such things, and thus get some minor protection by being part of its field. Not believing in something that factually exists is an act of falsehood/deception, so it will align with demons no matter how you do it. (no I'm not saying demons are "bad" but it's part of their nature to trick others or obscure the truth)
>And I do not agree with said ban either, its uncalled for.
It was a sloppy way of telling those other posters to write shorter, more readable posts instead of going off into an argument that's of no value to anyone else, for what felt like several pages.
>I've been reading a book which claims that African witchdoctors have enormous powers to attack the minds of fellow Africans, but much less power over spiritually stunted Westerners.
The sphere of consciousness in the non-initiate is mainly caused by the quality of the vessel. Negroids have the lowest quality of vessels and most varieties of them have the consciousness of basic primates.
Generally the quality of a natural human is determined by their similarity to the progenitor race, the closer they are to green/blue eyes and pale skin the more natural potential their body has. Of course this doesn't regard the capacity of their essence or the fact that the vessel can be improved, but generally negroids are incapable of developing much during their natural lifespan.
I don't really have a negative feeling about what you describe. From the first time I heard Rihanna I liked her and over time there's been more and more added to the image.
This was the first song I ever heard/saw with her
Now with that in mind, look here,I used to play this alot and always as grasshopper. A car with weak armour, not very fast or anything, it's only strenght is "handling" and it looks cute.
Now it happens to be that the driver is a girl looking very much like Rihanna in that vid…. and the ending is pretty wierd
There's been a lot of talk about Rihanna being an illuminati because of rather obvious symbolism in her videos. But she doesn't really make classic "black" music. That first song is just power metal.
I think what you are mentioning as the NWO is a false illuminati, created as a containment group for the trash of society. The real illuminati will remain in control by controlling them, and removing them. The killing of jews which did take place was probably their doing. For anyone in the containment illuminati it will create unbearable butthurt when something like this happens, they think they are invincible and can't take being reminded they are not at the real top of the food chain.
>The true gnostic was Agent Smith.
Ikr. Tbh my favorite character of the Matrix series has always been Agent Smith, by far.
Even in the Matrix universe it makes more sense that he is the One and not Neo (like the Architect saying that the One was "born in the Matrix", while Neo wasn't) but I don't want to go full on autistic about this.
Here, some great inspirational quotes.
>the NWO is a false illuminati, created as a containment group for the trash of society. The real illuminati will remain in control by controlling them, and removing them.
That's an interesting moment! Try developing it.
Who's in charge of who? Jesuits hiding as illuminati to create a controllable foe (Da vinci code movie)? I've read in many books that Jesuits and Freemasons are in a conflict. Both are in possesion of hermetic knowledge, but playing for different teams.
From Eliphas Levi - we have two powers: Masculine (centrifugal) and Feminine (centripetal). Differentiation (for example, nationalism/racialism/ethnicism) and Communitarianism (universalism, collectivism, 'equal rights').
Differentiation = freemasonry = with it's idea of Luciferian Rising = Transcendence.
Communitarianism = jesuitism = Catholicism (Universalism)
However, it seems that communists/jesuits/illuminati(proponents of materialistic philosophy) are building the New World Order.
But at the same time, freemasonic God Albert Pike told us about the NWO. Perhaps, we are witnessing conflict of two
differents NWO's: one Aryan Gnostic Anthroplexed NWO, the other sleepwalking eat-pills race-mixed NWO.
I've already mentioned this, would be good to make a set of defined concepts and create a /fringeFAQ/. So we'd have reality map.
we could start with defining the enemy. Because jew is a too vague concept. There is the sinister (Left) idea beyond semites. I suppose it is hegemony of the Left column (Boaz/Power) "all I need is power and money", of course you do. you're a fuckng golem
>going full autistic
What do you think of redifining Real Gnostic Pill as the Blue One?
Blue is good, imo. Color of ocean and sky. Of the Dawn.
>What do you think of redifining Real Gnostic Pill as the Blue One?
I don't care about pills. How you define or redefine some pill meme doesn't mean anything and is just creating some labels for the sake of creating them.
Also, indigo pill is best pill :^)
Someone talked of the "3 mysteries" being spread in the world, saying chan boards were
>making headway with solving one of the two false mysteries
I had already figured out all of those are actually "false" because at the top is the false group used for containment. Still they think they are in a position to spread 2 false and 1 "true" riddle in the world for people to get closer to them. It's layer after layer of lies.
I know I got close with this one, I felt their reaction
but it's all useless, just like the mason's mathematical systems. Looks nice but can't be used for anything, it's all for keeping you occupied and in the shadow.
Lads you need to stop masturbating.
Now hear me out. The vitae is depleted when one masturbates, but that's not the reason you should stop. Pursuit of pleasure is inherently damaging, you will only really know what pleasure is when you no longer want it.
sprölö, sprölölö, splölölö sprö, lö. spörölö.
seriesnlosE goos, benis spö spörölö.
It's not inherently wrong.
Depending on your goals it may be completely fine, not everyone is going to become an ascended master.
i haven't fapped in 2/3rds of a year and have no desire too, but i basically live to fuck now. so i don't think just not fapping will fix the desire for pleasure.
need to focus my life on magick, maybe have a kid with a housewife and let my blood flow on.
Dialectic between the world's two great powers
>1) Masculine (centrifugal)- Differentiation (Nationalism, racialism, ethnicism)
>2) Feminine (centripetal)- Communitarianism (universalism, collectivism, 'equal rights)
Real world connections
>1a) Differentiation = freemasonry = with it's idea of luciferian Rising = Transcendence
>2b)Communitarianism = jesuitism = catholicisim (universalism)
Types of NWO
>3a) Aryan Gnostic Anthroplexed NWO
>2b) Sleepwalking eat-pills race-mixed NWO
>would be good to make a set of defined concepts and create a reality map
I agree. A brilliant idea. There are some points I think need real conscious attention and analysis by our community in regards to the creation of a reality map.
The idea of a reality map may be antithetical to this board's original existence. This board is like something akin to an old inn amidst some back roads that takes on different travelers. That is, we're from all walks of life, literally. To the extent that even the concept of "reality" as an objective phenomena is up to debate here.
However, old fringe, admined by smiley, is the chaotic and individualistic /fringe/ that would have powerfully declined the idea of a communal reality map. This /fringe/ is its cultural antithesis in certain ways. Mirroring the greater dialectical forces in play in our world today, this fringe is communal and "feminine" in its altruism for its members by its mods. Thus, I think that although many of us come from multiple walks of life and congregate here together, a communal reality map deserves real consideration.
First I'm going to start by mentioning that an attempt be made at making your attempt to add to such a map be, of course, objective. Second, If you don't already know, subjective lives, including the history of humanity, occur via dialectics. Neither side of that dialectic is "perfect". Neither side of a dialectic is right or wrong in a "pure" way. The dialectic is the means by which the universe may strive to achieve perfection via synthesis, but until it is a perfect synthesis, it is of course imperfect. Third, by connecting some more concepts to the two sides there to give some context to what it is you're talking about. And fourth, keep in mind that, while there can be said to be "two categories" here, each category can be divided into further subdivision, fractally, and well as be put together again and seen to be a part of a greater division, such as that of "masculinity and femininity" (which itself isn't the top).
>To masculinity: Capitalism, Protestantism (individualism. Abrahamism is ruled by Yaweh, and is "masculine" in its single-ego worship, but Protestantism is a masculine way to go about Abrahamism), Yahweh, Rule by egoists/psychopaths, parasitism, STS, Monarchy, family as units of society, the Left hand path, Testosterone, "Us vs Them", Nationalism, Racism, Ethnicism, the Patriarchy (this phrase should have a powerful new meaning now, based on these associations), Rule by separate Private Interests, Elitism, Competition, Materialism, personal Ego.
>To Femininity: Communism, Catholicism (Universalism), Lucifer, Rule by the "ego-less", Mutualism, STO, Democracy, Communities as the units of society (tribes), the right hand path, Estrogen, "We're all an I, We're all in this together", Globalism, Race and Ethnic Irrelevancy, the Matriarchy, Rule by Social Contract, Cooperation, Spiritualism, mob mind.
As you can see, my "map", if you can call it that, is scatter-brained and isn't fractally connected yet.
Perhaps this "reality map" needs to be tackled on two fronts. First, on the outward, objective front. Both the reality of our planet, and the reality of existence itself. Second, on the inward, subjective front.
While an outer reality map I thinks is a brilliant idea, I think the inner reality map is a much more pending one. A map on subjectivity not in the philosophical or esoteric sense first of all, but in the communal sense. Wherin we gain greater self awareness of our collective's place, that is, of what online communities are, where chan culture fits into that, and where we fit into that map.
Anon from the last thread, >>3966, I think you should try to collect your thoughts. You certainly had something going that perhaps no one else on this board can or wishes to chime in with, and objective insight on this board as an outsider who is on the inside with us.
Reply to 2nd pic: the illiterate are those who went thru 9 years of public schooling and still can't read (an increasing number). That guy had too high expectations of human development.
>>To masculinity: Capitalism, Protestantism (individualism. Abrahamism is ruled by Yaweh, and is "masculine" in its single-ego worship, but Protestantism is a masculine way to go about Abrahamism), Yahweh, Rule by egoists/psychopaths, parasitism, STS, Monarchy, family as units of society, the Left hand path, Testosterone, "Us vs Them", Nationalism, Racism, Ethnicism, the Patriarchy (this phrase should have a powerful new meaning now, based on these associations), Rule by separate Private Interests, Elitism, Competition, Materialism, personal Ego.
>>To Femininity: Communism, Catholicism (Universalism), Lucifer, Rule by the "ego-less", Mutualism, STO, Democracy, Communities as the units of society (tribes), the right hand path, Estrogen, "We're all an I, We're all in this together", Globalism, Race and Ethnic Irrelevancy, the Matriarchy, Rule by Social Contract, Cooperation, Spiritualism, mob mind.
I'd like to add here that some of the concepts you want to place as part of a gender, imo are deeper than just "conceptual" and needs to be looked at from the context in which they appeared.
Protestantism, being a reaction to the degeneration of catholicism, shouldn't be seen as an independent movement. Luther's ideology doesn't make any sense outside the context of criticism against catholicism. If you grew up in that setting today you may still see it as logical, but growing up with protestantism all around, leaves you wondering what the point of the movement is.
As a first argument here, I think any division between male/female needs to take into account if the male/female manifestation in itself is a reaction to an already existing movement, or if it is an ideology in itself.
If it is a reaction to something "male" it should be labeled as "male" because it is part of the male system.
So from this I would remove from the female side: Communism, democracy, globalism, which are reactions to male concepts of capitalism, monarchy and nationalism.
From the male side I'd remove protestantism for being a reaction to female catholicism.
This is major part I think, using only "pure" concepts which can stand on their own as independent systems. Having an internal controlled opposition within a system shouldn't be seen as that opposition being an actual opposite to the system. Rather, it supports the system by representing the "evil" which said system needs to define to maintain itself.
> Abrahamism is ruled by Yaweh, and is "masculine" in its single-ego worship,
an interesting twist! - those who worship Divine Femininity (the Virgin) are active-in-relation.
Thus, they are truly masculine. They act as men in a relationship to the feminine. The Active pole.
Otherwise, those who subject themselves to a higher diety (Allah, Yehowah), subject to an outer will: Passive/Feminine.
There are two faces of Female Gender: (1) the Mother goddess and (2) the Virgin goddess.
(1) Androgynous Mother-father figure that tries to control and rule over his child: Istar, Cybele, Astarta. it's called Mother-Son worship; May-day (birth of the Sun) Jesus and Mother Mary. also, may day as a special day of the illuminati.
(2) Virgin Goddess - an object of the highest desire, object of Troubadour's mystical poets cult, Simon Magus and Helen; Jesus and Mary Magdalene
> Having an internal controlled opposition within a system shouldn't be seen as that opposition being an actual opposite to the system.
Agree. Real opposition is an alternative system, a not criticism. Similar in nature - gets in conflict, different - complements each other.
Let's say the system is Catholicism. Their internal opposition - satanism. Remember, you have to be a former Catholic priest to prepare an authentic black mass.
So these are two faces of the same coin. Real 'opposition' - The Alternative - is a complete spiritual current of Gnostic Christianity/Pagan Mysteries/Hermetic Wisdom.
universalists want to supress your shadow, your left arm, (the Black Order. "light from darkness") - so you'd not become Complete and they continue rule over you.
Hermetic laws work everywhere - in self-development, in politics. What we are doing know could be compared to an alchemical working: we'll throw topics into the heap (prima materia) and then seperate "the subtle and thin from the crude and coarse, prudently, with modesty and wisdom."
>you could be learning an instrument, a language, history, philosophy, occult knowledge, improving your body through exercise, or working on your mental and spiritual bodies
>but you're not
>Anon from the last thread, >>3966 (You), I think you should try to collect your thoughts. You certainly had something going that perhaps no one else on this board can or wishes to chime in with, and objective insight on this board as an outsider who is on the inside with us.
If you want the tl;dr since you don't want to continue arguing down a position that you or someone else lost, all I see is someone trying to make /fringe/ into their personal following/cult. I've never seen someone recommend forced identities on an anonymous imageboard outside of IDs, and given the low post velocity of /fringe/ IDs would probably eliminate 50% of the posts here due to people not being able to samefag.
The only reason I can come up with is someone's desire to get a smiley-tier cult since they don't have the organizational skills to do it in somewhere that already has identities, as hinted by this post >>>/ask/3863
>The major difference is you have to register, making a new identity only works 2 days until people figure out who you are, you simply can't dodge it.
All I smell from that is someone who has experienced making alts on forums and then being ridiculed into leaving. This person then finds /fringe/ and would very much like to get his or her own cult following from it, the first step being that they propose forced identities so they can't be "forced outside" by the "collective behaviour/culture/dogma" of /fringe/ which is hilariously malleable in the first place.
>objective insight on this board as an outsider who is on the inside with us
To you as well it seems :^)
>we gain greater self awareness of our collective's place, that is, of what online communities are, where chan culture fits into that, and where we fit into that map
It's not that difficult to see as an individual, but can the community see it? Changing the collective understanding of what chan boards are or can be is the issue here.
A map drawn from one person's point of view may not make any sense to a broader audience, I've found it being hard to transmit even with a small group of people known personally where your general understanding is shared.
That's where I've inevitably identified feminism's rule over the male identity to be the main obstacle, and even here noone is willing to stray from it. The self-cucking is strong in this society. The right to degrade yourself, giving up your masculinity to reap the benefits of modern slut culture is being defended right into the arms of moloch.
The blood of aborted babies is the sacrifice offered, and people are all sucking up to him from the fear of being left out. What you get in return is worthless, still here you are defending the lie.
It's a pyramid scheme, everyone who takes part in it gets ripped off but as long as you add new blood at the bottom you can keep up the illusion that you're not at loss. Yet.
> the "collective behaviour/culture/dogma" of /fringe/ which is hilariously malleable in the first place
Good. Then we agree it exists and that changing it is fully doable.
It is, but only if you're subtle about it. I don't know what you want from /fringe/ but since you didn't talk about anything else in my post I'll assume I'm right about everything. Good luck then.
Remember the post about ignoring the 90% and use the 10% ?
There's just nothing to talk about other than that part, because the rest doesn't address any of the actual points of previous posts correctly.
I want to learn remote viewing, but I'd like to know if it's possible to view events that happened in the past as well, or does it only work for the present?
Wait so you faggots are basically arguing because one of you wants to create a groupthink and move the beliefs of people on imageboards? You do realize that anyone who's truly woke can't be influenced by your pathetic and futile efforts right? The basic tenement of actual esoteric thought is to be able to transmute your beliefs and emotions in order to avoid external influence. The only reason I still use imageboards at all is due to their anonymous nature and the ability to gather information based on the quality of the information rather than based on some abstract notion of the author's credibility.
"The past" doesn't exist, anything that exists can be viewed. You can either listen to bullshit occultists and go into a spiral of chaos magic and bullshit to get remote viewing quick or read Initiation Into Hermetics, the choice is yours. The freemasons don't want you to read Franz's work because if you actually follow each step to the letter you'll get woke as fuck lad
I'm not sure if it's the same ability but viewing the past in my experience is easier than viewing the present. Even more so if it's related to you personally, your family or previous lifetimes.
"Remote viewing" implies you're looking at something present from a distance, historical viewing is probably a different kind of ability because you need to dig into the records of things that happened rather than just looking at another place. But present viewing can theoretically be obstructed by time moving differently in different places which seems to exist simultaneously but in reality are seperated by a barrier, so it may be that a combination of the two abilities are needed to do this successfully in all places.
>You do realize that anyone who's truly woke can't be influenced by your pathetic and futile efforts right?
It's not aimed at those people obviously. Why would you need to effect them, they're already where they should be. Those unawakened people however needs to be controlled and helped by a beneficial culture so they don't go in the wrong direction.
>pathetic and futile
That's how humans are, only a correct culture can turn them into something more than that.
>create a groupthink
Nope, the opposite - move beyond groupthink. Reading comprehension seem like a major issue here.
Hey anon from the last thread who ordered from http://theblackcourt.com/, how long did it take you to get your book?
>Nope, the opposite - move beyond groupthink. Reading comprehension seem like a major issue here.
Cognitive dissonance seems to be a big issue with shills.
Reposting from last thread.
Is there a way to generate more, I suppose sex energy? Over the past few weeks I've been "training" with it I guess you could see (mental masturbation, creating feelings of pleasure in other people) and I've had success, but I always seem to run out, and I can never finish(myself or other people).
When I first started out I could only create feeling for about an hour without feeling extremely tired and having to sleep, but now I don't really feel any fatigue I just kind of…run out, and have to wait a day or two to try again. Anyone experienced with this?
>remote viewing
>actually viewing events
Well I'm not so sure about you but I think remote viewing is a misleading name, well as far as I have had experience with it. You don't actually "see" or "view" the subject in question, you just receive information about it. Or rather, that's how it went for me.
When people are stuck in a collective mindset keeping them down, the easiest way to get them out of there is to lead them to a self-eliminating collective mindset and let them do the work themselves. That should be the pupose of a "correct collective culture", to cause it's participants to rise above and beyond it, eventually leaving it completely.
Merely ignoring/being ignorant of, the already existing culture won't do the job.
I can see mental images of the event, like they were memories or something lifelike being retold for me, making me see things visually. It's not always exact but the situations are logically manifested in visual form.
From what I've heard "remote viewing" refers to closing your eyes and seeing full moving visuals of distant locations.
>creating feelings of pleasure in other people) and I've had success, but I always seem to run out, and I can never finish(myself or other people).
If you're male aiming this at females, you should use their energy or allow them to use their potential by leading them. Females are a lot more durable (in this area)and once you learn to do this you can keep somone going for hours, even in everyday situations.
If you try to carry the weight as a male it may lead to what you describe. If you make use of what the female has, she will naturally provide energetic feedback and you will have the same endurance as her. It should be a positive circle of feedback with you leading her and she providing the energy for it.
It may be that as a man you think you should do the work and have endurance, but I've found that to simply not work. The male needs to restrain himself and not use his energy while the female is opposite from that, for her it's about being lead to use it in the right way, restraining doesn't work.
I am looking for advice on how to transmutate my sexual energy.
I am perfectly able to 'keep a lid on it' (having done so for streaks of multiple months in the past) and am now looking to transmutate that energy with intent.
What is a good place to start?
What should I read to get understanding of Astrology?
Why is there a 13th sign (ophiuchus)?
Your point for everyone having an identity was because you weren't comfortable with shitposters challenging your posts and then I had to explain how imageboards worked. I'll take your nonasnwer as a yes that I guessed correctly.
Why not just be straight up, adopt a name if what I'm guessing is what you want, make some good posts and change the board culture without ever having to talk about what it is in some abstract way. Instead it's about you creating a strategic map of how to conquer the board, as if there's anything here to conquer. There's no point in trying to get what you're after here the way you're going.
>Your point for everyone having an identity
Not what I proposed. I don't think anyone said they wanted that. Again, reading comprehension.
Being an individual with a personality instead of following a herd mindset is what was talked of. Nowhere does that imply having names online.
>it's about you creating a strategic map
That was a contribution by a different anon.
>There's no point in trying to get what you're after here the way you're going.
A culture is a "thing" of material existence. If you've worked with things in the /fringe/ field you should know these concepts. If you have a little more experience you can see the culture's function yourself. It's an artificially constructed thing, and it controls people's thinking and behaviour as long as they are at the lower parts of the mind. Which most people are a lot.
By "seeing" I mean in a concrete way. It's there, materially. Denying it over and over won't help. It makes you look either like a newb who can't see it or a shill actively defending it.
That said it's starting to budge, I know my posting is effective. I'm soon done here, so you won't have to be triggered by my posts much longer - it's starting to be automated and by then I can do this directly with no posting.
I'll just take the time to write this (hopefully) last post to once again clarify what was said before since it's being wrongfully represented again.
I think I understand your posts well enough.
You believe in an ideology of "As without so without", you have delusions of grandeur and think that reality can be influenced through the actions towards individuals or groups of them. This is insane.
The endless conflict between left and right is a source of purpose to many. It seems to really stir up some and is a great source of anxious energy and motivation. Some people build their whole identity around this, and it pushes some to achieve a lot.
I can't experience it and I blame meditation on god (on the complex systems) for it. It makes me wonder, is god meditation really that helpful? It makes you less involved in the details of life because you spend so much time trying to look at the big picture. I understand this phenomenon in spiritual language is called "not being grounded"? I heard gym is grounding, is there anything else? What are your opinions on this?
Meditation on complex systems can put you in a pleasant high state, but the thing is you don't care about much because deep down you feel like in the grand scheme of things everything is fine. It feels as if it would be fine even if you died.
To continue on this thought - I'm sure that all high achievers don't quite feel fine. For some reason they feel incomplete and want to achieve their dreams to feel complete. They're very desiring. Rightists/leftists whose purpose is to prove their ideals are right is one of many examples.
>left and right
> It feels as if it would be fine even if you died.
Triad: (1) everything is fine if you fly away your camera. (2) my soul is trapped in this demiurgic prison = each one on its own is unbalanced: first will make your spiritual spear floppy; second one will make your loosh run out in streams of paranoia.
(1) + (2) => I should seek and evolve while keeping my spiritual vibration high.
Triad = humour = the balance of wet and dry substances. However, humour is could be dangerous as it can lead you into the nothingness. Remember purple joker? One has to avoid weed type of humour, and make it sharp and pointed like a gothic architecture. This spoke zarathustra
So you're saying the way out of (1) is to counterbalance it by believing in (2).
I don't feel trapped in anything and I'm sure that's why I don't experience (2). The thought "doesn't matter, it's fine" is something that just keeps coming back. I'm very comfortable right now. Either some miracle happens and I get out of this frame of mind somehow, or it will end me.
This frame of mind was a blessing initially as it saved me from social anxiety and other problems. When I was younger I used to suffer a lot. Stopping caring and some detachment was a successive defense mechanism. I guess it worked a bit too well.
>However, humour is could be dangerous as it can lead you into the nothingness. Remember purple joker? One has to avoid weed type of humour, and make it sharp and pointed like a gothic architecture.
Memes and ironic detachment can be intoxicating. For me, Kek has always been the embodiment of Internet nihilism and nihilistic smugness. It's comforting.
But lad I experience (1) and care more than when it was (2).
The only difference between detachment and enlightenment is perspective.
>Some of the concepts… need to be looked at from the context in which they appeared… Protestantism is a reaction to Catholicism and shouldn't be seen as an independent movement.
I agree. I was kindling our conversation. Further clarification about what I mean down to its core is needed now. Protestantism is a reaction to Catholicism, but Catholicism is a reaction to previous forms of religions, which are all themselves reactions of lower, ever deepening causes until you get to the source. It's a fractal. Every single thing in that list follows the same logic, as does all of existence. If you think about it, it's self-evident that they are all effects of deeper causes, that go on to be causes of higher effects themselves via evolution. To say otherwise is to say that anything can exist ENTIRELY independent of anything else. As in, anything that exists in our universe, within or without, is a substance that has no connection in anyway whatsoever to anything else within our universe, and may as well have popped into existence at utter random and for no reason/by no cause whatsoever. If such a thing were possible, then the universe would be unintelligible, unstable, and it would be impossible for life to exist in anyway that we know it as.
In other words, it's a fractal, a hologram, where everything single part has within itself the whole, and the whole has all of the parts. As above, so below. As within, so without.
>To start, I think any division between male/female needs to take into account if the male/female manifestation in itself is a reaction to an already existing movement, or if it is an ideology in itself. If it is a reaction to male, then it should be a part of the male system.
We both agree that nothing exists as an ideology in itself. So the rest of your analysis is a category error. It is impossible for a concept to be pure if it is evolving, by very definition. Everything is a reaction to everything else, including any kind of movement in human history. The only thing that isn't a reaction, an effect, evolving, ephemeral, is the source itself.
For example, while you may be able to argue that communism is masculine because it's a reaction to a masculine base, I would say that because it's a "communal" and "cooperative" form of government, utterly antithetical to capitalism's "individual" and "competitive form of government, it should be seen as capitalism's feminine counterpart. And then, I'd say that governance itself, that which brings together a species to create a connection that benefits every individual in the species and creates something greater than any could do alone, from tribes up to modern countries, is feminine to its core. Then argue masculine "law of the jungle" is its antithesis. Both of these I'm sure of branches of a deeper, masculine vein, and so on until you get to the source.
>Those who worship Divine Femininity.. are men in the relationship because they are the active pole.
>While those who subjective themselves to Yaweh ["Divine Masculinity" in this light] are the passive/feminine pole.
That's a good definition of this level of the fractal.
Western Society is governed by the Masculine. All the way up from God to, down to monarchies and rule by psychopaths, Husband's as the head of the family, and men as the dominant in heterosexual relationships. Given that our society is, while not initially founded on the masculine (pagans/tribesman held both poles at equal reverence), has since been championed by the masculine. This has lead to the world we live in today where the psychopathic elite dominate us with their wealth and power (top 88 richest own over half of the world's wealth, according to oxfam), well over half of us believe in a singular male god, virtually the entire planet is a cesspool of toxic human ego…. and so on. As above, so below. As within, so without.
>It's not that difficult to see as an individual, but can the community see it? A map drawn from one person's point of view may not make any sense to a broader audience, I've found it begin hard to transmit even with a small group of people.
"Don't throw pearls before swine".
I think that's almost always the fault of the person trying to educate the other. I've found it's a matter of going down to their level, and then creating the subsequent steps. So long as some will is there to do the pushing (which itself can be manifested without force if you really want them to elevate), they can ascend the steps to understanding whatever it is you're talking about.
First, I've noticed that it tends to be the "implications" of ascension that stop people from wanting to ascend with the person trying to show them some higher awareness. Generally people don't want to ascend if it means they'll have to submit themselves to the person doing the ascending. Which means it's the ascender's ego that gets in the way of the ascendee's growth.
Then some may then make the claim that although their ego is already well in check, they still can't seem to get certain people to where they need to be. I'd argue it's because that person refuses to become temporarily egoic in order to be "one of the people". The ascendee here finds that they need to descend themselves, from non-ege-dominanted life, whcih they refuse to.
I doubt my view here is wholistic however.
>I've inevitably identified feminism's rule over the male identity as the main obstacle
At its deepest level, the world desperately needs the feminine pole.But in context of today's society.. could you explain the self-cucking of our society further?
I recently read that Sweden, known as the most cucked society on the planet in virtually all imageboards, is actually the best of us among western societies. In the sense that the government and its people are just trying to do the right thing, that which would make everyone feel welcome, equal, and at home within the country.
The problem is that western society, with Swedes as "the best of us", have yet to realize how unequal, divided, and different the people of our planet are. Swedes look at all of us and see that we're all just people on this planet trying live a wonderful life. They see the best in us, to a fault. So much so that a Swedish woman thinks that if she can just say no to an immigrant and he'll decide not to rape her. They're looking at the good of us all so much that they're blind to how much of a shithole our planet and how shitty most of us really are. They're a feminine society that grew up isolated and sheltered and nurtured, like a pure and innocent little girl whose cherry is about to get forcibly popped by our overly masculine world.
>All I see is someone tryign to make /fringe/ into their personal following/cult.
I agree, though if this user gets his ego, intentions, goals, method, and overall wholistic outlook in check, what he said holds a lot of weight. For example, we're only using imageboards because it's just what was easiest to transition to. While that poster's deeper intentions were in the wrong place, his logic and ambition still holds value.
>to you as well it seems
You're right. I was losing my purpose for writing here in the first place when I saw the potential in that anon's posts. I'm trying to stay mindful of that while I type now.
You seem to have fallen into a common rut that I see people fall into while trying to understand hermeticism.
Many times people mistakenly believe that words, thoughts, philosophy, and such have deep meaning. You laud word upon word, thought upon thought, idea upon idea.
"Truth Is Silent", while information and symbolism are necessary to lead the individual to the knowledge they need to understand their self it is a tool not an end. All of your ramblings are meaningless, there is no Truth to be found in the ideologue of a man, Truth is the core and exists at the prime center, it is by removing that you reach it not by adding.
>So you're saying the way out of (1) is to counterbalance it by believing in (2).
Yes. Hermetic dialectics.
>nihilistic smugness. It's comforting.
quicksand: it consume you, yet you feel comforted. "jokes, man", as your mounth keeps swallow sand
>Western Society is governed by the Masculine.
But is it truly 'masculine'? I've read somewhere that the foundation of every empire is homosexualism. Lol. you know Jack Donovan? "Way of Men". That type of shit. 'Men.' Just extra terrified beings who form hierarchical groups to fuck other men in arses. Because, 'yo, if you don't fuck their arse - you'll get fucked. that's a life kid'. Not saying that mannerbund's are per se bad/homosexual. King Arthur's round table is a good brotherly example. Note, round, circle is feminine.
Cross and Circle (Kyklos - Apollo's symbol) - is a graphic representation of the idea of balance. Points of the circle are on equal distance from the Center.
Pyramid - hierarchical parasitic structure. Pharaoh, archontics who try to steal your VRIL
Agree. Words get you further from the truth. Graphic representation of ideas is useful.
Ultimately I see /fringe/ as a place to gather and disseminate information. I would hope the people who use it have the sense not to fall into the pointless ego game of "community" like /pol and so many others do.
How do I turn my inner inverted pentagram to on the knees?
I feel I've transmuted myself into a slight backwardness. did anyone went through this?
>following a herd mindset
You've said, twice, that you see this 'herd mindset' as leading to a circlejerk over Aleister Crowley and obscure books, and a refusal to listen to any idea that isn't backed up by books. And I've twice challenged you on this, to no response. Probably because you know that it's total fucking bullshit - it's a gross misrepresentation of /fringe/ culture. This whole stupid argument is based on that bullshit and therefore is bullshit itself. If anyone feels inclined to continue arguing with this guy, please read this post and remind yourself what you're wasting your time arguing against.
>>So you're saying the way out of (1) is to counterbalance it by believing in (2).
>Yes. Hermetic dialectics.
>>nihilistic smugness. It's comforting.
>quicksand: it consume you, yet you feel comforted. "jokes, man", as your mounth keeps swallow sand
Is there a way to escape it, now that my core beliefs are so nihilistic/ungrounded? And to be more specific, I don't mean just smugness or memes. Memes is just a contributing factor, something I get high on sometimes.
I mean that I've been programming my psyche whole life in such a way that now it has the following consequences:
- I know getting laid is not important, so it's not my drive in life
- I know death is not important, so I don't derive my motivational life force from it either (no feeling of "I'm wasting my time, I better do something")
There are other beliefs that are difficult to pin-point but you get the idea. Is this true such situation is called too much yin? I also get very high on music with romantic chord progression and I have a lot of appreciation for complex systems, space. Here I like how "ungrounded" can figuratively mean detaching from Earth to see it as one object, with all the natural consequences of being detached, that is, not being involved, purposelessly drifting in space.
Anyway, I go to gym now, eat diet full of protein and fat, and I've been considering some anti-yin herbs. Is there anything else I should do.
I've read the Way of Men a while back but I don't recall any homosex in it tbh.
There's nothing inherently faggoty with forming close bonds with your fellow man.
Do these 'way-of-men'-men unite around the sacred femininity (circe) or the sacred masculinity (pyramid)?
Grounding just decreases your yin, it's a shitty shortcut to "fixing" yourself. I'm guessing if you're the average person you have a weak body, focus on improving the body to maximum capacity through yoga and balancing exercise, while improving diet. Qigong and sungazing wouldn't hurt either, try to work up to 30+ of sungazing at a time.
I don't do sungazing because I take vitamin D already. Besides, risk of injuring eyesight is too high!
What is it that some of these monks are doing, when their bodies remain warm and un-decomposed hours after death?
>The only thing that isn't a reaction, an effect, evolving, ephemeral, is the source itself.
> Protestantism is a reaction to Catholicism, but Catholicism is a reaction to previous forms of religions
I can just grab this from wikipedia
>In the sense of indicating continuity of faith and practice from the first millennium, "catholic" is also used in some other Christian traditions, such as some Methodist[2] Lutheran,[3] Moravian,[4] and Reformed churches,[5] in claiming to be "heirs of the apostolic faith",[6] as delineated in the Nicene Creed.[7] These denominations consider themselves to be catholic, teaching that the term "designates the historic, orthodox mainstream of Christianity whose doctrine was defined by the ecumenical councils and creeds" and as such, most Reformers "appealed to this catholic tradition and believed they were in continuity with it.
It's even a common view that lutheranism is catholic. So is it male or female based by your standard?
Just an example.
If you look at catholicism it's generally worshipping Mary over Jesus, so it has a female patron. Luther just gave his view on some things within the religion and created a branch. The relation between past religions and catholicism is not nearly as defined as the relation between catholicism and protestantism. I think you're generalizing too much when you say
>Catholicism is a reaction to previous forms of religions, which are all themselves reactions of lower, ever deepening causes until you get to the source.
Some people do consider the source of catholicism to be Mary, that simple. Any further reaction to this faith is in direct relation to the faith in her, and not an independant thing, as with luther reacting to it.
The relation from older religions gets a lot more cloudy if you try to reach from judaism to catholicism compared to those branches of christianity who worships Jesus first and foremost. Jesus was called "king of the jews" ironically, but there is not such a strong connection between Mary and judaism, making catholicism more of an indepentant system. In my opinion, of course.
I started doing Falun Gong quite ambitiously after having a kind of awakening when reading the main book of the practice (zhuan falun). I doubt this in itself is the reason however, abilities like this are not actively practiced in this method. I believe it had a cleansing effect and this made it possible for me to use what I already had.
I've always since I was little been able to see some weak energetic signatures, like when a person does something, an intentional movement, there is a trace left in the air for part of a second. It's color and other qualities tells something of what the person was thinking when doing that movement.
I just saw these but noone ever talked of things like this so I never mentioned it to anyone. After doing Falun Gong for a while (2 years or so) it started getting stronger, and there is mention of Remote Viewing in the practice's main book so I suppose it's just something you have, which can get stronger if you practice and cleanse your body.
If you haven't ever experienced something like this it can probably be developed unintentionally if you just practice in general.
It can maybe be compared to learning how to skate. At first you just stand there not knowing what to do, then you try moving and after a while you just "get it" and you understand how to move to get somewhere.
>being a braindead sissy wizard
>thinking vitamin d pills do anything
>actually believing the propaganda that sunlight harms skin and eyes
I think I found the problem, you're a mundane.
I have a gf and we have sex regularly. Is that in any way a problem to my development?
>propaganda that sunlight harms skin and eyes
As a ginger I can attest to the suns great and powerful hatred of me.
Unless you wanna get into some "SO HOL' UP" nonsense about me being "the dysgenic seed so obviously black african sun-god ra's rays burn my evil whitey-skin" you might need to walk that statement back.
I have natural pale white skin and freckles.
I stay out in the direct sun for 6-8 hours a day and sugaze for 1+ hours a day.
>b-but the sun causes cancer goy
>I stay out in the direct sun for 6-8 hours a day and sugaze for 1+ hours a day.
Then you'll need to elaborate on whatever technique allows you to bypass the reality of UV. I've actually had a blisters-and-skin-peeling burn before so you can't just "nuh-uh" and handwave as if it isn't a real phenomenon. You're welcome to make extraordinary claims in this place, but you do still have to provide at least a metaphysical framework for those claims.
>b-but the sun causes cancer goy
So anybody who has gotten a sunburn in their life is a part of some grand hebraic conspiracy?
Their aura, sensing their bio-electric energy capacity. Testing the waters for exchanging energy. Alternatively; ask? I hope you are not trying to invite in any of the aliens of deceptions programs (starseed programs, 'intergalactic council' bullshit this and that, "family of light", Pleiadian-esque trash).
May I ask the origin behind the question?
Git gud and bend this timeline to your will. Nothing but your own lack of effort is preventing you.
What do you mean exactly?
As for how to do remote viewing, I'd advise you to first follow the "scientific" methodology of remote viewing. I did so as well with great results. I wrote essential starter information about it, please refer to my post on this @ >>>/ask/2020
>but I'd like to know if it's possible to view events that happened in the past as well
Past, future, present - all concepts. You can view anything and everything, even communicate with beings from the past (if they are/were capable of answering, noted by their spiritual progression). Future is not set in stone so its subject to change depending on the course of energy.
Images related to SRV (scientific remote viewing) and were my first attempt at doing this. Keep in mind I did not know at all what the target was, as this was done "blind". Read more at >>>/ask/2020
>Git gud and bend this timeline to your will. Nothing but your own lack of effort is preventing you.
I'm gonna regret asking, but how would one go about something like that?
I've had sunburns when I was younger because I didn't go into the sun gradually from a life inside like a cave person.
It's like sungazing, you work your way up gradually until you can handle it, you don't just go out into the sun until it burns you or stare at it for hours the first time. Moderation in all things.
>go out in the sun for 10 minutes a day week
>15 minutes a day for a week
>20 minutes a day for a week
>etc until you can handle the sun
Your body needs to adapt to the sun, if it's not used to being under it the sun will hurt it, just like if you've never done yoga trying to do splits will fuck your legs.
>I'm gonna regret asking, but how would one go about something like that?
Meditation, introspection, self-improvement, etc.
You know, magic and shit.
I'll ask you since you seem to be an expert on the subject. Is it possible to just pray to Satan or one of his servants for some improvement in life and get some help from them?
Wouldn't a better method be to resonate with their central point and from there help them?
Hypnosis seems a crude ritual.
Since the very end of last year I've been having the weirdest recurring instances of IRL dubs/trips/quints. It started when I got in touch with my aunt who began to shove me on the path towards a profession and now seems to happen pretty sporadically.
What do they mean? I can't seem to provoke them into happening and am not sure if I want to. This period of time in my life has been absolute hell.
Synchronicity? Maybe the "universe" is just trying to talk to you, bro.
Has anybody here ever experimented with Ganzfeld techniques? If so, what were your experiences like? I've tried dream machines before but I'm not sure if Ganzfeld would be any differen.
I've been coming here about once a week for the last few months, and EVERY time I start to read the beginner stuff my mind gets incredibly cloudy and I can't focus at all and just give up. I don't have this problem with anything else I read or do.
Is there something trying to stop me from learning from /fringe/
Not really related, but you prompted me to look up Ganzfield experiments and it seems that they have failed to produce reliable evidence of telepathy. Why do parapsychologists always seem to be incompetent or dishonest? Is it because they feel the need to come up with spectacular results that can't be ignored?
It could just be a subconscious reluctance to abandon your mundane life. Change is scary.
Almost complete Mundane here. All the experience I have is in a bit of self-hypnosis. I wanted an eidetic memory because I''d find it useful and I find most memory books teach really trivial tricsk,( like memorizing a deck of cards or your shopping list,). i'd like to be able to memorize books veribatim among other things. So i read pic related but I'm afraid I've just missed something in it and don't understand how to continue or what its'telling me to do.
The guy mentions the process of memory by association relaxing your mind to "crystal clear lucidity" (like in Part (A) &(B)).
But then he talks about (C) Tulpa construction and (D) Reinforcing and anchoring and both of those parts read self-hypnosis scripts for like believing in yourself and feeling good about yourself. Yeah he said you need to be in a good mood to be in the right receptive state for memorizing, but I don't seem to get what I have to do once I've achieved (A) through to (D)
Once you're in the right mindset and have control of your thoughts, what do you do? I was expecting the whole process to be:
1. Relax and concentrate, calm your mind and get into the right receptive frame of mind (Part A through to D in summary)
2. Some missing process about building a Tulpa, maybe through normal means of building a Tulpa
3. Some missing process about somehow training or making said Tulpa to help you store info and help with instant recall
4. From then on, whenever you want to memorise something, you enter that positive and focus mindset from part A -D focus on it what you need memorised, the information would go straight into your memory where your Tulpa will help by sorting and storing information and later recalling it
5. Proceed in life by memorizing whatever you need or find useful, books, songs, videos of carpentry and DIY repair like the author does, etc.
I have read the meditation superthread about reading books and walking memory but I really feel like I have missed something in this guide and an eidetic memory is just one thing I'd like to have. I've also read one of Atkinsons books on the subject but in the end it came down to developing focus and attention and practice memorziation. I have checked almost every question thread and they either reference pic related or the meditation superthread or sending loosh to your memory.
Aside from looking at pic related and meditation superthread, i've only been using affirmations in the Scott Adams way, writing "I will develop and eidetic memory" on a page about 10 times a day and trying to really believe it.
TL;DR: What have I missed in pic related and/or how do I develop an eidetic memory with perfect recall etc.?
Also, pic related mentions something about flash mental calculation which he does not talk about so any info on that as well?
So what's the difference between the Temple of Set and Joy of Satan? From what I've read Satan is Enki and Set would be the same deity and the only differences between the groups look like semantics.
Also how does the order of nine angles fit into all this? I'm reading their material, but its word soup full of weird names for things that they made up which seem to already have names in other traditions.
I wish I was careless/submissive enough to let someone hypnotize me. Hypnosis makes manifesting look pale in comparison. It's just so solid and straightforward. Let's say you hypnotize yourself to derive immense pleasure from working your shitty job. The next thing you know, you not only love your job, but also get promoted because you're working so well, you're cheerful, energetic and enthusiastic about working.
I touched on basic but quintessential timeline bending and manifestation in >>>/ask/2604, but for everyone that doesn't feel like jumping into that thread, I'll just copy pasta it here (an individual asked how to boost one's intellect);
You basically have to make your desired reality into the now.
You see, you could sum it up into two parts:
- There is the now. The now is basically how all the energy there is in the universe in its current state. The now changes continuously based upon the interaction of conscious beings - this ultimately boils down to beings both attracting and repulsing energy.
- There are potential futures or 'nows' which haven't taken shape yet in your scope of reality but might, depending on the timeline. In your case, your desired 'now' is that you have superior intellect.
To make your desired future into the now, you have to will it into existence by drawing your desired future into the now. This is done by affirming it as if it has already taken place, as if it is now. This is literally attracting energy.
You first have to form an intent. Yours for example would be: "My intellect is vastly superior and of genius levels."
Then you have to pick an approach of solidifying your intent and allocating energy towards it. The simplest way is to literally affirm it by spoken words.
1. Meditate, void out and try to still the mind. Your mind has to be clear and your focus steadfast so that your conscious can act as a magnifying lens through which light shines upon your goal - thus fueling it. The light in this metaphor is literally energy - the lens is your consciousness, or focus rather.
2. Once you feel your body relax and getting lightweight, you're entering a (light) trance state. In this state, energy will flow more easily and will respond quicker to your intent.
3. This is the moment where you will start repeating your affirmation. Do this over and over and use the appropriate tone and pitch that feels right to you (important! emotions matter as they are sources of energy too!) - if you do this effectively and have nothing else on your mind, you will delve even deeper down a state of trance. What happens next is:
- You program your body with said intent - and it will respond!
- You draw a timeline - your preferred now - into existence by attracting the energy that would allow your desired reality to take shape.
4. Repeat the affirmation over and over, as you are essentially allocating energy towards this very goal at that moment.
You can expand upon this by visualizing your brain grow for example, or "feel" your mind accelerating (as intellect is also thinking-speed based). The more you draw your timeline in, the better.
Another method of solidifying intent is by forming a sigil and allocating energy towards that. There's plenty of tutorials out there on the web but most of them are piss poor because most of them are written by cancerous new agers that know nothing about what they actually do, I will soon create a thread that will cover proper sigil forming (not like the shit smiley wrote at 8/fringe that was utterly useless as well).
There is more, but these are the basics a newfig like you can practice right now, no special initiation required. God speed unto you and welcome to the family. More questions - feel free, I and many others are here for you.
Just to get some preliminary information out the way; contrarily to popular belief (such as the Keys of Solomon/Goetia) Satan/ENKI is not a servantile or servitor-esque being that will simply obey to your will. You have to understand that Satan and his Demons are Nordic extraterrestrials of a highly advanced raced that has ascended to Godhood - meaning that they have a perfected multibody complex. Meaning that, if you evoke them, expecting them to conform to your will like a master and his slave, you will be unpleasantly surprised.
That said, them having created mankind, Satan and his Demons are very caring for mankind. If you treat them with respect, they will do so in return as well. Depending on what you mean by improvement in life and receiving help, they will in most cases. If you mean in the general sense of guidance, protection and care, they can and will deliver.
Take in mind however, that they will do much more for someone that has done the dedication ritual. I recommend you to do the dedication ritual if you are serious. The dedication ritual is a pact of trust you sing in blood, symbolizing that Satan can unconditionally trust you and vice versa. Singing this, you will be under constant protection and guidance. I myself have had plenty of experiences where the Demons aided me, protected me and guided me, and many others I know as well. Added to that, Satan/ENKI has the most comforting radiating energy I've ever experienced, he truly feels like a timeless father that absolutely cares for his offspring - as we are his direct genetic and spiritual children.
If you have any questions -and I mean literally any-, please don't hesitate to ask. I'd be more then willing to answer and help.
I'm mostly unfamiliar with the Temple of Set, but at first glance, I think the Joy of Satan is more comprehensive and all covering. For example, the JoS does obviously not refrain from calling Satan/ENKI by his Sanskrit name, which in turn means "Absolute/Eternal Truth" - long predating the Hebrew bastardization the ToS cowers from. This matters. Everytime someone "Hails Satan", they vibrate the following intention:
- Hail Absolute Eternal Truth
- Hail the Adversary of the Jews
Do you see what I'm getting at here? The name has a huge metaphysical implication when recited. Secondly, I see no reference of the origins mankind on the ToS site, no touching on the Jewish problem nor the state of the planet and the interplanetary war we are involved in. Thirdly, I don't see any Reverse Torah Rituals or something akin to this. ToS seems to be entirely centered around the self. If you wish to reincarnate into a non-communist planet, you *will* have to fight for it. Refraining from liberating your race and fighting for your remain to exist free is, in turn, also hurting the self in the long run. Therefor, its logically flawed to only focus on the self and not one's race or environment. JoS Satanists do their best to usher in National Socialism by the tens of thousands, every day, reciting spells to manifest this. And its very clear that they do, you can see the effects in today's world clear and well. All the while they also work on their self to progress to Godhood.
>order of nine angles
Bunch of fucking garbage. Please - don't bother with it. Its akin to Christian Satanism in that it uses "Satan" its name - but the similarities stop there. They make no rational sense, have no historical backbone or even reference, and seem to be edgy for the heck of it. Please don't waste your time with it.
Pic related is Astaroth, daughter of Satan/ENKI. To the Sumerians, she was known as INANNA, to the Babylonians, she was known as ISHTAR to the Assyrians and the Akkadians, ASHTART, ASHTORETH, ASHERAH, and ASTORETH, to the Egyptians, ISIS, ASHET AND ASET, to the Phoenicians, she was known as TANIT-ASHTART and ASHTAROTH.
Any good info on nordic runes out there?
Been looking around but most of it is pop-obullshitism and disinfo.
Why do modern RHP teachers want us to sacrifice? I've read and meditated on Yajña and Vedic Sacrifices but it still doesn't feel right that letting go is the way forward, although I do feel genuine love from their teachings and am way more at peace after emptying thoughts. I guess my biggest worry is that it seems similar to hypnotism where by emptying your personality, desires, and more, you're at your most susceptible to other's influence, becoming fuel for something else. I feel like there is a lot of confusion around enlightenment and "ascending", almost as if you're moving from one illusion to another. I recognize faith as a big part of this process, but something is keeping me from embracing this path. What's it like up there?
Never read any of them, but there are is a book or two on runes in there.
As above so below
You let go of possessions and desire because of spiritual growth, spiritual growth doesn't come from letting go of possessions and desire.
Scroll down in the meditation thread to the book meditation. All of that stuff you're listing is pointless bullshit.
Do any of you use visual art or paintings in your work? What role does it play? I've noticed a lot of connections between artists and practicers, many contemporary illustrators heavily use occult themes.
I want power, influence, or sway over the laws of the firmament of reality, but I don't know how to exert that physiology.
I don't buy into karma, so anything down and dirty is welcomed
in the middle of the night
open my eyes seeing a giant spider over my bed. run away. then realize It was a 'dream'
what is this?
I know this is somewhat unrelated to the thread, but do you have more of the images such as this one and the previous one you posted? It would be much appreciated.
Posting it somewhere in /loosh/ would be fine if you prefer keeping this thread a bit cleaner, unless you don't mind either way.
I'm living in a college dorm, so I can't do the dedication ritual.
I tried doing it in my astral temple instead.
Does that still count? Is there any way to find out?
My visualization was not the best.
But I do want to get involved in this.
Unless you felt unusually tired and drained of energy after waking probably just a dream.
>initiate flag
>asks these newbie questions
Did you check the website at all? It covers all of this stuff.
Are cryptids real and if so to what degree?
Cryptids are something that really make me think because unlike spiritual practice they require external, not internal proof. I mean there are claims that a bunch of creatures exist that most people haven't seen, maybe they're only partially third density, I dunno.
While sloping you leave your body and intermingle more with the astral, allowing you to sense the realms of dreams and spirits, these "spiders" and other "insects" are leeches, banish, kill, remove it.
It's feeding off of something, one if your issues, find that issue before you kill it, then kill it and fix your issue.
> I will soon create a thread that will cover proper sigil forming
You wrote about it 2 months ago. Can you do it? I'd love to see a competent sigil thread.
How to banish?
I'm mentally unstable right now. I feel paranoid about standard LBPR. Kind of can't do it because not fully sure, do not believe.
>earth assigned to north
>jewish names
>doing it clockwise
I feel I'm deep into leaches. Like my internal pentagram is reversed. and something in my head wisphers shit about myself and others.
LBPR is a meme, a big fat meme. Just do Inner Smile and affirm to yourself that you are free from any influence external and internal.
It's true.
>"In the Name of (((God))), the (((God))) of (((Yisrale))): may (((Michael))) be at my right hand, (((Gabriel))) at my left, (((Uriel))) before me, (((Raphael))) behind me, and above my head, the presence of (((God)))."
Obviously there are many variations but they're all basically asking the volcano demon to protect you from evil which is on its very face a ridiculous nation.
Honestly the very basis of LBPR seems ludicrous to me. What is the rationale that it is better than a simple magician's circle?
How would it be a meme? Channeling is basically giving the control of your body and free will to an external entity.
Telling people to give their free will to some entity is a meme, most people who claim to be channeling are LARPers, the rest who are actually channeling are completely possessed by the being and don't make it known.
It seems to me most protection "devices" you can find manuals for (or pay someone to perform) are functional but very ineffective. A protective spell for sale at creepyhollows is about as good for keeping unwanted spirits out, as a 2 inch nail in your doorstep is for stopping a home invader.
IF he steps right on it he may change his mind about robbing you but I wouldn't recommend anyone to rely on something like that for protection.
Is anyone here interested in a thread about how to do a succesful "nofap"? I have some things to share but I won't bother if noone cares.
If so, do you want it on /fringe/ or /loosh/ or somewhere else?
>I think /fringe/ is ok.
In what sense is nofap /fringe/? It doesn't even belong on /loosh/. Well, too late, he's gone and made the thread now.
Renouncing Lust General is a /fringe/ tradition newfig. The nofap thread that moron made is just a reddit style blog post about how masturbation is good because "muh feelies and muh science trust me fellow goyim".
> about how masturbation is good because "muh feelies
The opposite. It's showing you how to actually be succesful with it. I think we spotted the real jew here.
>Renouncing Lust General is a /fringe/ tradition
That isn't the same thing as 'nofap'. There has to be something linking it to /fringe/ topics.
Would anyone be interested in a complete introductory guide for neophytes?
Been thinking about making a short book that gives basic instructions and reading materials (which would be hosted in a MEGA ordered list) in a simple way so people don't have to sift through the 6 million books like I did when I started out. I'd make it with the goal of keeping it as dogma free as possible because I think that imparting personal views and theories in an introductory book like that is retarded and egoistic.
I'm pretty sure there would be a stage inbetween if the being respected the original owner.
Why is summoning not recommended more around here?
Requesting help from Buer got better results than I was able to produce after weeks of effort.
In my experience when the non-initiated attempt to summon it results in almost all cases in one of the following outcomes
>failure, nothing happens
>"success", the neophyte creates a thoughtform fueled by their ego which they take to be the being they attempted to summon, ie a delusion/tulpa/figment and the information it gives the neophyte is all produced from within the neophyte's imagination
>"success" a malignant entity appears in the form of the being the neophyte attempts to summon and subtly manipulates the neophyte to its own ends
The kabballic tree of life is an incomplete form that represents the incomplete nature of the jewish soul, just fyi. A regular chakra map would be more useful.
Okay it'll probably take a while to write out and compile a guide but I've collected a preliminary folder of reading material for it which consists of mostly practical works and some theory.
If you think it's missing anything let me know. I'm not putting Atkinson filth in it so please don't bother.
I remember reading a post on a tulpa forum about someone thinking about using a tulpa to create a "HUD" in their vision. Has anybody here done similar using a thoughtform? (Which would really be the same thing, except then thoughtform method would be much more efficient)
I've also been wondering about it's usefulness compared to training intuition. Would it even be valuable to train visualization to the point of being to constantly see information visually, when you could just immediately know it through intuition? I imagine you would need that level of intuition anyway to pull the information, so the visualization would just be a neat bonus.
Also, what's a good way to keep track of thoughtforms? Apparently you're not supposed to name them or give them a form, so I usually assign them a color and a function and that's it. I figure if I forget them, they weren't needed anymore. Should I be storing them in an astral space?
How come I always think about advancing myself while in school during the day but when I have free time as I am home I end up just watching shows and playing games?
Anyway to break free from this, or does it just require a better will/desire?
>watching talmudvision
>playing the videojew
You probably drink fluoridated water and eat store-bought processed goyfood. Wake up goy!
while I appreciate shitposting like the regular Joe, why don't you keep it outside of the questions thread? Or at least shitpost and bit and then give a little bit of information. Don't just be a shitposter, most people come here to learn .
Are you implying I'm shitposting you fucking jew lover?
What part of my post was insincere or illegitimate.
>r-racism is shitposting!
>one race the human race
> You have a condition in school that makes you have the will to progress
> You have a condition in home that makes you avoid that (first) will by creating a new one- based on a desire to indulge in senseless distration.
You find the material condition and the mental ones that makes you do it and break them. The "pure will" maybe enough but just for so long until you fall into it again.
Being in school and having that disere maybe a real good sign. Maybe you really want to learn and get the at school, like "I want to learn and better but here…" but when you arrive at home you find a easy reliase to that and end up having hours of gaming.
I have to say the times are really different than they used to. Not really easy. Some authors said it was bad 30 years ago yet now its worst. Makes you think about it. Well at least you have places likes this - I guess.
Avoid blaming yourself too. Don't do what the shitposter did (even if its funny tho :^). Don't blame anything, not you nor other. Just try to get the thing around. You may want to avoid whatterver is doing that to you. Just block your gaming machine, get ride off it for a while. One week maybe enough to break the cycle. Try to understand at that moment how to get a "grip" of your will.
If you can, call for help (irl people) ask them to help you.
>>> Implying you have some good parenting to help you.
Set up goals you can achieve and slowly work your way up
Start with ten push ups every morning for a week
Then 11, then 12.
Same for meditation, start with meditation once a week. Then twice a week. Start small. As small as you need to.
You're literally breaking the conditioning, lad :^)
> Being away from distrations makes you more able to focus on what really matters.
Wonder IF we were not so stucked in material wellfare and "modern" cities if people would be more happy, especially women. Like we trade our "animal" world but instead of evolving into something better we just lose contact with our - true- selfs.
> Maybe if I fuck one more person, if I buy one more, if I see one….
Just set yourself magical goals then. One banishing ritual every week. Twice a week. Everyday.
Read the tarot for your friends every weekend. Twice a week. Every day. Become a gypsy. Go to jail.
the sky is the limit
Setting aside a place for magical practice would help. Don't do anything but magic and study in this place. And consider beginning your practice with a simple ritual involving changing your clothes or taking a shower, in order to get into a focused mood.
Sometimes using a mantra like "I am exerting my willpower" can help, but there is no substitute for regular goal-setting to get in the habit.
Hello guys.
Do you think one should never try a type of magic that isn't related to his ancestors?
For example, to invoke a quality, one shouldn't use the name inside of a pantheon his ancestors didn't use?
I'm asking out of curiosity after seeing someone on halfchan /pol/ saying people should never use "alien" magic. How true is that and does using "aryan" magic when you're not aryan (as in nordic with blue eyes and blonde hair) hurt you? I always thought white isn't confined to blue eyes blonde people but maybe there is a more distinct link between certain people and their gods which might prove hurtful for someone who doesn't possess it.
In other words, how important is a bloodline in magic?
>blue eyes blonde hair
Stop ingesting low grade memes. If you're 100% white (European) you are descended from Hyperborean genes and of Aryan descent.
>halfchan /pol/ is my source of occult knowledge
Read the sticky.
Ritual magick is just one form of doing magick, and yes - some civilizations have developed certain rituals that were inserted in their genome, or were refined to fit their original phenotype (see it the way you please) -, some tools give better results in some hands. But the essence is the same, and everyone can adopt whatever ritual fits their own preference (more often than not it will be the racial ritual).
The classical examples: druidic, voodoo, taoist, mayan traditions may even manifest naturally in certain individuals that present a strong spirit/race concordance, but can be adopted by just anyone.
For instance, a black man living in England may choose some form of druidism instead of voodoo, because he now lives in a place where nature speaks differently, and the LOA won't feel home. Whatever the reason, he gets in touch with the same principles.
Those of non-European genetics are not descended from the hyperdimensional hyperborean solar race, they are fundamentally dissimilar to the aryan descended human. Asiatics (including "native americans" and eskimos etc.) and arabs/semites are the combination of corrupted aryan genes and the two of the native races of this planet over long periods of time. Negroids and Aboriginals are likely the result of native homnids having their genes and soul matrices uplifted by the collective consciousness which came to reside in the planet, while North Africans are the further result of mixing with aryan genes.
It's amazing how many people on /fringe/ nowadays don't know basic greenpilled history. At least read some Evola.
>people who think there is a human race are browsing this board
>believing in disinfo
>thinking anthropology is an actual science
>i was just uncertain about this peculiar argument since I never entertained the thought that maybe some Gods don't want anything to do with a race they don't preside over.
You don't understand the fundamental nature of gods but it's late and I'm working on a project so I'm not going to go into a page long post explaining it so I'll just tell you this: Fundamentally anything worthy of being called a god (a thought matrix ie thoughtform with a central medium of Will existing in the fifth or sixth density) is ambivalent from a human perspective. You seem to think that thought matrices of this order operate in the same fundamental manner as a human thought matrix (a 3rd density being) but although the basic theory and principle is the same their matrices are like an ocean to our drop of water, it is impossible to understand a being more than one density above your own.
What do the Norse gods think of pedophiles?
I'm a nationalist and the like, and I always disliked Christianity. However, the idea that the Norse/Germanic gods exist raises many conflicting emotions. For one, it's very reassuring that we have gods who care for our race. On the other hand, I have no idea for certain what they'll think of me for being a pedophile. I hear tell that my kind were stuffed into the bogs, so, despite my lifelong conviction to my race, it's really sad to think that the gods of my race will forever think I'd be better off perma-dead.
Also, it's really hard to get a feeling of what the Norse gods want, as many esoteric NatSocs seem to be lied to by qliphothic spirits who guise themselves as the figures from the Norse pantheon.
>Joy of Memetan
Nothing against Apalm but any group that seeks to recruit or proselytize is anti-aryan, read Evola.
The thread >>108 has a guide by Khan which is quite decent and requires reading Robert Bruce - New Energy Ways v2, and Robert Bruce - Energy Work is also good. Both are in
For more advanced energy work I'd reccomend Mantak Chia.
There are no "norse gods", there are only Aryan gods of which the Aryan peoples communed. The gods of Ancient Greece, the Norse, the Egyptians, the Sumerians, the Atlanteans, the Indo-Aryans, the Ancient Jomon, all Aryan civilizations descended from the Solar Race, they all communed with these forces and respected them. They were not seen as beings to worship but rather primal and alchemial forces of reality, the deification and worship of these forces as gods was a corruption which progressed with the corruption of their civilizations and came to the point of monotheistic religions which further corrupted to material nihilism.
I'd recommend you read some Evola, it will change many of your perspectives. And stop listening to /pol/, they are not "redpilled", National Socialism and Fascism are not good ideologies, read
>Fascism Viewed From The Right
>Notes On The Third Reich
>Revolt Against The Modern World
>Heathen Imperialism
If you actually read Evola and consider what he says you'll understand exactly why National Socialism is not a good ideology and was doomed to failure.
Now regarding "pedophiles" it depends on the age range you are referring to. For the practice of sexual alchemy it is best for females to begin before puberty so as to train the energy system and be better able to supply an adequate amount of vital energy both from internal reserves and external source (sexual intercourse) in order to properly conceive and bring to term a child. The optimal period of first childbirth is generally 14-16 and can vary depending on the speed of puberty and maturation, artificial hormones found in processed foods and chemicals and heavy metals found in tap waters can damage the body so this is variable.
But ideally sexually energy would begin to be cultivated to a high level before the first childbirth as to ensure maximum vitality is delivered to the child, and reserves of sexual energy in females are built best by sexual intercourse properly achieved without ejaculation of the male and with multiple controlled orgasms of both parties (taoist tantric sex). As it takes years for the average person to develop large energy reserves it would be ideal for training of the sexual energies to begin at a range of 10-12, and regular alchemial sex to begin no later than 13. This would insure the energy body having sufficient time to build up reserves which supply the infant during gestation.
Now this is all true from a theoretical standpoint. Traditionally our ancestors would wed girls at around this age and first conception would begin around the ideal age I specified. However the degeneration of the Aryan thought by foreign ideals and religion (spread by jews which are a hybrid of degenerated Aryans and small amounts of Aryan and have been degenerated over millennia to the point that their energy body is fundamentally different from that which is regarded normal and they both lack a heart chakra which is replaced by a energy matrix that connects to each jew, and their crown chakra is severely deformed) that it has fallen into a rut of morality and dogmatism.
So is there something wrong with your attraction to females who fall below a certain age? Certainly not. However you should meditate on the cause of the attraction to insure that it is not a perverse fetish fueled by the ego and that you have a genuine desire to mate with a single partner in order to union with her and raise progeny.
On the note of primal, alchemical forces representing Tyr, Odin, Mercury, Ares, etc.: this is an interesting conception I've not yet considered. However, this conflicts with my understanding of how thoughtforms and spirits exist in the astral. I chanced upon the GOODS thread and from that I heard of the occultist Bear Heart who has been initiated by Thor. So the question arises: are these gods not truly extant (and Bear Heart was therefore beguiled by a non-related spirit into a false communion with Thor/Thurs/Thurisaz) as your wording suggests, or, have new powerful spirits been formed by sheer thoughtforce, whom we attribute (falsely) as gods (which should be labeled as a planetary consciousness instead)? If I am to trust Bear Heart, he posted a video once of a computerized voice, supposedly an acquaintance of his, who went on a trip with Bear Heart, and on the way encountered a cave full of reptilians. Later that day, Bear Heart summoned the planetary sphere of Mars to them, and the normie/skeptic was transported by astral projection to the sphere of Mars. Bear Heart also contends that he's seen Mars himself. If I am to trust Bear Heart, it does seem like he would then have a reliable connection to real gods, and not other spirits posing as such.
Are these primal forces the planetary spheres, runic in character, or something entirely different?
Personally, I'm attracted to prepubescents of both genders in addition to having a normal heterosexual to adult women. Sometimes even (adult) twinks look good to me. This has never bothered me until I stopped to consider whether the gods would banish me from the domain of my ancestors.
Honestly, I feel like non-exclusive pedophilia is common enough that people would have adapted to it in the afterlife, after learning some things about human nature.
>However you should meditate on the cause of the attraction to insure that it is not a perverse fetish fueled by the ego…
I haven't done a meditation on this, but I would expect that this isn't the case, as I feel a bodily attraction thereto.
Bear Heart is a meme honestly, and I mean that legitimately. It's like Atkinson, just garbage that Smiley (a delusional and insane jewish bullshit armchair occultist) pushes because he thinks it's cool. LBPR for instance is a ritual that basically feeds your energy to lower tier thoughtforms. Legitimate occultists don't try to become famous on the internet or create cults of personality, LARPers and idiots do. He commands some skill of mental mastery and can AP (which is not as large of a feat as most think) but wastes it by not developing himself on an emotional level and continuing the spiral of fueling his ego. I have nothing against him but I cannot say he is a good role model.
I'm writing a thesis on my views of the universe's nature currently but it won't be ready for a long while still, I will post it in the thread I will make for the initiation guide I am working on whenever I eventually finish it.
In regards to your ancestors they are dead, their thought matrices can be viewed as residual holograms but generally when the average person dies their Will inhabits a new vessel and their thought matrix dissipates. Unless your thought matrix is bound to something in the third density by very strong emotions or you ascend to fourth density your thought matrix will likely dissipate sometime after death.
Regarding your sexual preferences unless you attain tao/zen/enlightenment you will be subject to the karmic strings of Cause And Effect in any case, violation of Awareness vis Will creates an imbalance, this is usually done through persuasion or manipulation, indirect or direct, conscious or unconscious
I suppose the question would be to what degree you manipulate the thought matrix of another being using Will but that would delve more into philosophy.
Your choices are yours alone, I can give you information but to tell you to do one thing or to do another would serve no purpose, to listen to those who do such is to listen to monkeys.
>AP (which is not as large of a feat as most think)
You mean like, the using your minds eye Mossa method?
That is Astral Projection in the traditional sense.
OBE type AP is a more advanced procedure that is far less common. The OBE method is also a fundamental step to achieving the power of translocation.
By definition wanting to have sex for pleasure is a fetisch, from a universal perspective you are no different from the average person who has sex for pleasure.
It's a really odd question and an even more odd place to ask it… but, I can field this question from a purely heathen perspective without the philo-hinduist theosophy if you'd prefer.
First up, define "pedophilia".
Do you like the look of the budding of adolescence? New growing breasts? Forming hips? A flower half in bloom? A lot of the people got married arounds 14-16 so you're A-OK as long as you're not some old man (>35).
Are you talking pure prepubescence? Literal children full-stop? Years 0-13? No adult features whatsoever?
>both genders
Alrighty then. As a joke lets think about what would happen were you in an AFA/Odinia kinship. Thing is they take a lot of camping trips to get closer to nature. Lots of people go missing in state parks y'know… Would be a funny prank that I'm just joking about.
This what the catholic church is for, go join that instead.
Please explain Franz Bardon's tetrapolar magnet to me. The first time it's mentioned, Bardon says
>The reciprocal action of the three elements together with the Earth element became tetrapolar; therefore the Earth principle can be considered a tetrapolar magnet.
But earlier on it's made clear that only Fire and Water are polar, with Air being in between them and Earth deriving from them. This is a bipolar model, not a tetrapolar one.
Then later Bardon says
> the Fiery element produces the electrical fluid in the body and the Watery element the magnetic fluid. Each of these fluids has two polar rays, the active and the passive, and the mutual influences and reciprocal actions of all four polar emanations resemble the tetrapolar magnet
Here, the two opposing principles of Fire and Water are bipolar themselves, making four poles altogether. This makes more sense, but later Bardon adds
>the Fiery principle in its active form causes the vitalizing principle and in its negative form the destructive and decomposing principle. The Water principle does the opposite in its negative form
This suggests that positive Fire and negative Water are identical, as are negative Fire and positive Water. So Fire and Water cancel out and we're again left with a bipolar model, this time between the 'vitalizing principle' (which resembles the original description of Fire) and a 'destructive and decomposing principle' (which resembles the original description of Water).
I've read Rawn Clark's companion but the tetrapolar magnet is not covered.
I'm pretty sure the translator had an issue with translating that part because the concept didn't directly translate to English, that's a problem with German.
>maybe there is a more distinct link between certain people and their gods
Li Hongzhi (founder of Falun Dafa movement) talked about how in the past this was an issue because different races were the lowest cells of corresponding gods' bodies. This is supposedly why racemixing was forbidden, it would make people lose the connection with their race/god and they would be spiritually homeless mundanes.
Today this is not important because those gods are no longer connected to the human world. I've used eastern practices successfully and I'm nordic, so I wouldn't think it matters.
>I've used eastern practices successfully and I'm nordic, so I wouldn't think it matters.
Eastern practices are derived from Aryan practices.
Like some other anons pointed out, what do you mean by this? The word used in my context (which happens to be nordic) makes me think of gays attracted to 7 y/o boys -toddlers.
If you're looking at it from a modern feminist view or if you're american, you'd end up being called a "pedo" for being attracted to a 17 y/o girl.
Legal age is 15 where I live and if you take Japan for example, from what I've read it's actually 13 with parent's consent. They even encourage relations like that if it's meant to lead to marriage.
Take a look at the anime "Danna ga Nani o Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken" which is basically propaganda meant to increase the birth rates. There's one episode about "how did you meet?" and it shows a university student dating a 12 year old girl. Then they get married when she's 18.
Unless you're gay or an actual rapist I don't think there is a problem.
He already said he's a gay pedophile, read his later reply chain.
I'm not sure whether homosexuality is caused by physiological abnormality in the brain due to developmental defect, fetischism created by ideas during childhood, or both, but it is certain there is something terribly wrong with them.
Well yeah, I have the same view. Sex for pleasure alone is a sick fetish. It being mainstream doesn't change anything.
If you can see it as a "ladder" of different steps where the goal is procreation and you are just keeping sexually fit for that goal, it would be different. Mindless pleasure is destructive, from a basic perspective it's a waste of time and energy. You achieve nothing by it, the moment you're done the effect is gone, as is part of your lifetime which could have been used for something else. If you add up all that time and look at how much you lost, how much could you have achieved instead?
I had a boss at work who was a gay pedo, and everyone knew it. He didn't do anything illegal, it was just extremely obvious and cringy.
He was also a boy scout leader and active in an evangelical church. I'd suggest not taking part in things like that if you have this kind of issue, because think about the negative publicity you'd give that group/organization if you did something stupid.
Whatever you want to support, stay away if there's any risk you'd hurt the cause.
>I had a boss at work who was a gay pedo
Willing to say his last name?
I'm willing to bet on it being coincidentally jewish.
>Willing to say his last name?
> think about the negative publicity you'd give that group/organization
I like that organization so no, I can't risk it. This can't get out, even if just rumours, it would hurt people who don't deserve it by association.
On the bright side too many people are aware of him so I don't think he'll ever do anything, everyone has their eyes on him.
Hi guys odd question here, my body's center of perception is completely screwed up. I've attributed this to my horrible posture growing up while staring at a screen everyday. I realized this when I was on acid and realized my consciousness was focused only on the left side of my body and then it expanded only on the left side. Then I developed TMJ and started losing hearing on my left side lol and decided it was time to go at it. I try to consciously be aware and force myself to relax and even out the body but it slips sometimes but meditation helps me hold it longer and longer. I'm hoping yoga will help my aline my body and am looking into that atm. Am I on the right track here guys? I am pretty certain a lot of the tense muscles are due to childhood trauma as I started sales while I was 13 and dealt with a lot of angry people lol. I try to meditate on it and remove all emotional response to that event but is there another more efficient method? Thanks all and sorry for the wall post.
There's a reason it's said to master the fire before using the corrosive waters.
Don't use drugs before you turn 21 kids.
Eh, I first used psychedelics at 16 and they have helped me enormously along the path. This is not to say that I wouldn't have been better off without them, but things seem to be coming along alright.
>they have helped me enormously along the path
Didn't you say you have balance issues? The development of the physical body is a fundamental requirement to say you've advanced to me.
>As above so below, As below so above
I'm a different guy. Look at the flags.
To answer your question though, I am beginning to develop my physical body more, it is certainly behind my mind, but without the psychs I would likely still be wallowing in mundanity or dead (suicide.)
The real problem with psychadelics is that they cause your brain to consume excess amounts of iridium and rhodium.
I'd recommend you eat a lot of concord grapes and take some colloidal iridium, maybe some colloidal platinum too. Lack of these in the brain decreases your IQ.
If the concept makes sense there must be some way of expressing it in English. Either the translation is bad or Bardon doesn't know what he's talking about.
It is the same with the cosmological order: "'The world is eternal,' 'The world is not
eternal,' 'The world is fmite,' 'The world is infinite,' 'The life-principle and the body are
the same,' 'The life-principle is one thing, the body another,' 'The Accomplished One is
after death,' 'The Accomplished One is not after death," The Accomplished One both is
and is not after death,' 'The Accomplished One neither is nor is not after death'—this is a
blind alley of opinions, a thicket of opinions, a wood of opinions, a tangle of opinions, a
labyrinth of opinions, painful. desperate, tortuous, not leading to detachment, not leading
to progress, not leading to vision, not leading to awakening, not leading to extinction."'
The doctrine of the Accomplished Ones is described as that which "destroys to the
foundations every attachment to and satisfaction in false theories, dogmas and systems"
and which therefore cuts off both fear and hope.' The reply to the question asked of the
Buddha: "Perhaps Lord Gotama [this is the Prince Siddhattha's family name] has some
opinion?" is categorical: "Opinion: that is remote from the Accomplished One. The
Accomplished One has seen."
I'll look into that. Why concord grapes? Do you have any good resources on making ORMUS that you could recommend?
>years ago started sleeping on a thin mat on the floor because I noticed that it was better
>a few weeks ago got rid of my pillow
>a week ago made a sleeping box so I could sleep sitting and did that for about four days
>for the past three days I haven't slept at all or felt the need to sleep
This is normal right.
I suffer from depression. Feels like parasites are eating away my attention span/awareness/loosh. Mushrooms help me to restart the system. I feel fresh. I can rest. on-the-edge feelings goes away. But I don't have any at the moment. so I start having these thoughts:
>hmm, all my friends tried lsd. they say I should too. But.. It feels like they did not go far in a sacred understanding of reality. What if "LSD is CIA"? And it blocks something important in your brain/soul?
>if mushrooms aesthetically is – medieval times, Might&Magic, Ultima Online
>then LSD is aliens, science fiction, Mass Effect, computazz etc.
You can't combine medieval/magic/sorcerers universe with one of aliens, UFO's etc. It is either angels/demons or aliens. Honestly, I feel connection to mushroom universe. Even a feeling that I should not betray it by taking LSD.
But what do you guys think? Is it paranoia?
>Can't imagine Witcher taking LSD
LSA at least exists in nature, LSD is a synthetic. Synthetic chemicals are all created in order to destroy the masses, don't trust them. Chemical extractions like pure DMT are fine, they're just alchemial purification of natural substance.
>You can't combine medieval/magic/sorcerers universe with one of aliens, UFO's etc. It is either angels/demons or aliens.
Of course you can, you unimaginative peasant.
yes, you also can take both pills and down them with beer.
imagine robots and magic. Wtf man
What are your thoughts on weed? It did wonders for me. My depression goes away and under I experience Absolute Light. I get very creative and my will-to-live goes sky high.
yet, it seems to me you get less perceptive to certain things when you smoke (while not tripping). like it is taking something from you.
You operate on the flawed mental constructs of natural=good and unnatural=bad. Everything synthetic, including LSD created by accident, exists in nature. This imageboard exists in nature … when you fart, the fart is nature, the fart is GOD.
Even things like white sugar, a disgusting poison, weren't created to destroy the masses. They were created and established by people who wanted to get rich. They wanted money, not to destroy the masses.
>bullshit sissy wizard who thinks he's a hermeticist without understanding "As above so below as below so above"
>thinks natural refers to the existence vis plants and not to the inherent chemical structure and mental vibration of the chemicals
Why don't you chug some 'natural' bleach.
You're just being a dick. Post something constructive and informative about " the inherent chemical structure and mental vibration of the chemicals" if you know something about it or how others can come to know it instead of shitting on people.
Why don't you go to some hugbox if you don't like it schmucko, this is a fuck anonymous imageboard not reddit.
How do I magically prepare myself so I can survive a nuclear war?
wwIII killing me would prevent me from finishing my learning.
The difference between LSD-25 and LSA is analog to the difference between NaCl and sea salt.
Sea salt is great for you, as long as you drink plenty of water you can pretty much chug sea salt without adverse health effects. But pure NaCl will fuck your shit up. Compounds exist in nature for a reason, the effect of LSD-25 on your brain is not bad strictly speaking but it's better if you use compounds that work synergistic in balance.
Yes. Yet, 'I got that feeling somebody killed me I got that feeling zero feeling'. I try to meditate but it does not generate loosh. I get less annoyed and that is all. Feels like a dead wood man.
now I'm thinking maybe I should get back to ritual smoking from time to time. Once a week while doing rituals and meditations.
was exactly 21. Before that had problems with depression and panic disorder. just overused weed. it did help, in terms of curing depression/anxiety.
also, it helps to break out of mind-control, that is established patterns of thinking/acting. when weed-drunk you become aware of mental processes and can correct them.
Made a simple guide document, any criticism of this would be appreciated.
You just listed several books and told people to read them. Can't call that a guide.
I'm not terribly convinced of the importance of Mantak Chia writings either. Having 2 authors on the list that is supposed to lead someone to an "initiate" degree would really only give a very narrow view of things and nothing else.
Planning to inhale large amounts of colloidal metals with a nebulizer. Anyone interested in me journaling the results and sharing them?
I've come to the conclusion that inhaling colloidal metals is more efficient than simply drinking them and will work much better in saturating the body.
Sure, go ahead.
Whenever you get out of the hospital, make sure you come back here and tell us why we should not do this.
Ayo, fellow alchemists, what is the most basic spagyrical recipe? To increase libido or get more awareness.
Since I was a child I felt like something was holding me back from taking actions, it wasn't that I consciously didn't take them it's that when I thought of them they never entered my conscious if doing.
Like just walking over to the side of the room when I am lying down or go over to look at something when I am going into work.
I thought to ask cause you guys appear to be intelligent and wanted to ask if this feeling was perhaps subconscious exertion of societal programming, instinct programming or perhaps if I was feeling my self being pulled along the universal will we all follow to a point.
I don't get.
Whenever my life circumstances get better, I get a real throwback days later. And I mean real Babylon shit like losing my job and suffering financial struggle or losing social contacts or lately a case of biological suffering.
The problems go away at some point obviously but it's still annoying as fuck because obviously something is holding me back from having an easy and good life.
I don't believe in coincidences anymore, this shit happened way to often now. At first I thought that maybe I manipulate myself subconsciously into failure, but like I mentioned, the setbacks are not exclusively failing efforts anymore but rather external influences.
Now life on Earth is not exactly a walk in the park and according to the bible, man is thrown into this existence to experience some suffering, but still. The pattern in my life is just too obvious to be a mere statistical suffering.
Now I see 3 explanations:
1. My higher self wants to guide me away from establishing the regular life that I'm working on nowadays.
Or maybe it is a trial and I should keep pushing?
Life lessons to be learned the hard way? I could imagine that it's a "learning program" to teach me intuition and indeed I get warning signs just seconds before the throwback chain of reactions goes off. But using these warnings to avoid the happenings would be "Final Destination" tier, to give you a rather exact picture of it. And like in the movies, I don't see how avoiding those throwbacks would actually be a good idea if it's really the higher self behind them.
2. Some malicious entity shit wants to traumatize me into becoming an anxious mess that is afraid to excel because of possible intense throwbacks.
This one is pretty scary, my latest throwbacks have indeed traumatized me slightly. And this experience taught me that such traumas are a very efficient way to disable a human being spiritually.
3. Karma shit.
I'm not sure about this one and don't really care because I'm one of the kindest people around tb absolutely h.
I'm stuck on this one and don't know how to act or react to this which leaves me in a stalemate situation.
Anyone got this figured out already?
>current year
>following corrupted teachings of spiritual self mutilation
>not empowering yourself so you can help liberate your race, nation and environment
>instead, becoming a loosh battery for the anti-human alien factions
Stop. You can still turn around. The ultimate final destination of any RHP oriented path is either assimilation by a force beyond you and thus becoming nothing but a gear for something else with little to no self, or you as a soul stopping to exist entirely. True and natural ascending, enlightenment and Godhood comes from perfecting the multibody complex (energetic, emotional, physical, etc). On this path, you will naturally drop interests in degenerate desires and the likes.
This has little to do with "As above, so below." One does not need to drop or discard desires in order to grow - this is just senseless mutilation and literal disinformation. At the very core, desires are no more but driving factors that motivate us. The desire for spiritual growth is, like it says, a desire itself. Thus the notion that this core principle of the human being, desires, should be discarded, is flawed in essence. The problem with today's world, which I agree with it, are degenerate and unhealthy desires. But not the very core of desires itself. That's like saying a knife is bad because it can kill, completely forgoing the practical value of a knife in many instances. Just because the tool/component is misused in others does not invalidate usage of the tool/component.
These concepts and definitions often present in corrupted spiritual knowledge (things like desire, detachment) all stem from concepts that have been corrupted way beyond their original meaning.
Detachment = This comes with meditation. Unfortunately, this word has been really corrupted in most meditation texts. What happens with consistent meditation, one is not affected by one's environment like others who do not meditate. For example, in emergency situations, the meditator is able to remain 'detached' and keep a cool head. One does not get rattled/upset. Consistent Hatha [physical] yoga, along with meditation will bring inner peace and will also free the practitioner from craving substances such as recreational drugs and alcohol.
Desire = as with the information in the paragraph directly above, with consistent practicing of yoga and meditation, the desire for indulging in harmful substances will go away. Unfortunately, many mainstream books on yoga and meditation, along with most other New Age articles and publications completely pervert the concept of desire into something negative. They promote a "lack of desire" in wanting for anything material and such. This is NOT true! This is only another false teaching that works to keep all wealth and power in the hands of the enemy. Desire is a very positive emotion and without desire, one would never achieve anything in life, such as personal goals or anything else for that matter. Desire is essential for life. Yoga and meditation take away the desire for harmful and negative things in one's life and give the ability to detach in a positive sense. I speak from direct experience here. - HP Maxine
[source; http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Spiritual_Code_Words.html]
>I want power, influence, or sway over the laws of the firmament of reality, but I don't know how to exert that physiology.
Empower the self; increase the volume of bio-electric energy you control. Learn to steer this and use it to fuel thought forms and the like. Secondly, alter your aura to attract or repulse other beings or things.
Read: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Kundalini.html
And then: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/AURA.html
When you've read that, start opening your Chakra's [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/OpeningChakras.html] and do energy work to increase your bio-electric capacity. Do this daily. It will empower every of your magickal workings.
>Now life on Earth is not exactly a walk in the park and according to the bible, man is thrown into this existence to experience some suffering, but still. The pattern in my life is just too obvious to be a mere statistical suffering.
How much value do you place in the Bible? I don't just ask this for no reason. The Bible (and all Abrahamic "holy books) is an anti-Gentile work, devised to take away power from us, corrupt many ancient concepts such as our true Gods, spiritual practices such as magick and self empowerment. Its drenched with spells to disempower Gentiles whilst empowering Jews and their ET allies. The book and others like it are full of toxic energy and malevolent attachments to whomever inhales and consumes the material contained within. Its spiritual imprisonment, which manifests in all sorts of misery when one is resonating and full of said energies.
It very well could be that you have some of these attachments I just mentioned from your current life actions or from previous ones. I need to know more about you before I can say for certain.
>1. My higher self wants to guide me away from establishing the regular life that I'm working on nowadays.
No. Your "higher self" would not traumatize you or harm you like this. This is clearly the work of some anti-life, anti-progression attachments/thoughtforms/beings.
>3. Karma shit.
If you mean Karma as in its original definition, meaning literally "action", and more aptly, meaning "action/reaction", it becomes quite meaningless and you can't strictly denote this to the sole reason, as literally EVERY event is both an action and reaction.
If you mean Karma as its New Age variants of "I do some good shit, I receive some good shit" and the opposite, then stop. There is no such thing, the Universe doesn't enforce behaving one way or another. This is again disinformation devised to harm Gentiles and lead us astray - and more importantly, to make us passive and not change the geopoltical state and fight against the ZoG or take misery for granted because "muh karma". One ALWAYS has the right to take power in your own hand.
>2. Some malicious entity shit wants to traumatize me into becoming an anxious mess that is afraid to excel because of possible intense throwbacks.
Either malicious entities or their attachments that you've bought into.
Look, I do not know how powerful of a being you are, but your path is dictated and directed depending on many factors. The more you meditate and spiritually cultivate yourself, the more chi/prana/vril/bio-electricity you possess. The more of bio-electricity you possess, the more you are capable of steering your own destiny and avoiding misery like this. I'm out of time, maybe I will touch more on this later today. I have to travel now.
I'll address all the other questions and replies I have gotten very soon.
>This has little to do with "As above, so below." One does not need to drop or discard desires in order to grow - this is just senseless mutilation and literal disinformation. At the very core, desires are no more but driving factors that motivate us. The desire for spiritual growth is, like it says, a desire itself. Thus the notion that this core principle of the human being, desires, should be discarded, is flawed in essence. The problem with today's world, which I agree with it, are degenerate and unhealthy desires. But not the very core of desires itself. That's like saying a knife is bad because it can kill, completely forgoing the practical value of a knife in many instances. Just because the tool/component is misused in others does not invalidate usage of the tool/component.
>These concepts and definitions often present in corrupted spiritual knowledge (things like desire, detachment) all stem from concepts that have been corrupted way beyond their original meaning.
>Detachment = This comes with meditation. Unfortunately, this word has been really corrupted in most meditation texts. What happens with consistent meditation, one is not affected by one's environment like others who do not meditate. For example, in emergency situations, the meditator is able to remain 'detached' and keep a cool head. One does not get rattled/upset. Consistent Hatha [physical] yoga, along with meditation will bring inner peace and will also free the practitioner from craving substances such as recreational drugs and alcohol.
>Desire = as with the information in the paragraph directly above, with consistent practicing of yoga and meditation, the desire for indulging in harmful substances will go away. Unfortunately, many mainstream books on yoga and meditation, along with most other New Age articles and publications completely pervert the concept of desire into something negative. They promote a "lack of desire" in wanting for anything material and such. This is NOT true! This is only another false teaching that works to keep all wealth and power in the hands of the enemy. Desire is a very positive emotion and without desire, one would never achieve anything in life, such as personal goals or anything else for that matter. Desire is essential for life. Yoga and meditation take away the desire for harmful and negative things in one's life and give the ability to detach in a positive sense. I speak from direct experience here. - HP Maxine
>[source; http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Spiritual_Code_Words.html]
So you didn't read my post worth a damn and you haven't read a single page of Evola, noice.
A bunch of people say sungazing and the sun's 'good' for you. Can I get explainations?
By my own personal and extensive research, I have concluded it is not. Ever since I did my darkness meditation (see Mantak Chia), the sun gives me intense headaches after I spend a day outside without ultraviolet blocking sunglasses.
I believe this is all to do with the pineal gland, responsible for the production of melatonin, a hormone that is secreted in response to darkness. Sunlight (ultraviolet) inhibits this. Therefore sunlight decreases the body's ability to resist aging and repair itself. As well as the spiritual harm of ruining the spiritual organ of the third eye, aka, pineal gland. So this is very relevant to our interests.
People with dark skin are designed/evolved to spend longer in the sun, because their high melanin content mitigates the inhibiting effects. White people do not have this. This means white people age far faster, if in the sun more.
>Racial differences have been noted in the rate of pineal calcification as seen in plain skull radiographs. In Caucasians, calcified pineal is visualized in about 50% of adult skull radiographs after the age of 40 years (Wurtman et al, 1964); other scholars argue that Caucasians, in general, may have rates of pineal gland calcification as high as 60-80% (King, 2001). Murphy (1968) reported a radiological pineal calcification rate of 2% from Uganda, while Daramola and Olowu (1972) in Lagos, Nigeria found a rate of 5%. Adeloye and Felson (1974) found that calcified pineal was twice as common in White Americans as in Blacks in the same city, strengthening a suspicion that there may be a true racial difference with respect to this apparatus.
Yet there are people who insist that sungazing and sunlight is GOOD FOR YOU. Explain yourselves, please.
>left side of face hair still has color in it
>eye is bright and clear
>right side hair is completely white
>eye is dull and rheumy
Really makes you think.
>entitled enough to think you deserve an explanation because you can't figure something out
>entitled enough to think you deserve an explanation because you can't figure something out
If you read my post carefully, you'll see I have already figured it out.
I am only giving people with the opposite opinion, to give me a good argument. And, if more people are made aware of the truth, then everyone benefits.
Nowadays most people in the US have calcification. Anyone who drinks/showers with the tap water and/or uses fluoride toothpaste is guaranteed to have it to some extent. The African countries most likely just did not use fluoride.
Melatonin is mostly produced at night-time, so being in contact with the sun during the day is not bad. In fact, under normal circumstances you'll want to do so as it will maintain circadian rhythym. You normally do not want melatonin to be produced all day or you'll be sluggish and not clear-minded.
The exception would be if you're doing a dark-room protocol, where the melatonin builds up and gets metabolized into other substances, eventually DMT.
Sun gazing actually stimulates the pineal gland and I don't think I need to explain why that's good. Posting all the info you or others would need here, have at it.
Firstly, I would like to say that I don't believe the sun is evil. We do need it, but like many things, a certain balance is probably best.
>Nowadays most people in the US have calcification. Anyone who drinks/showers with the tap water and/or uses fluoride toothpaste is guaranteed to have it to some extent. The African countries most likely just did not use fluoride.
You do make sense. However, it is true that even in the fluoride saturated western countries, white-skinned people have twice higher levels of calcification than the dark skinned. I would say, it is a factor, but not the only one.
Part of my quote above includes this study dated 1974 …
> (1974 Nov;122(3):503-7. Incidence of normal pineal gland calcification in skull roentgenograms of black and white Americans. by Adeloye A, Felson B.)
Whereas mainstream fluoridation began well before this, according to wikipedia;
>Fluoridation became an official policy of the U.S. Public Health Service by 1951, and by 1960 water fluoridation had become widely used in the U.S., reaching about 50 million people.
>Melatonin is mostly produced at night-time, so being in contact with the sun during the day is not bad. In fact, under normal circumstances you'll want to do so as it will maintain circadian rhythym. You normally do not want melatonin to be produced all day or you'll be sluggish and not clear-minded.
Your daily dose of ultraviolet light, directly affects the amount of melatonin your brain produces in the nocturnal part of a cycle. (This is further impacted by the calcification, speeding up aging, and inhibiting melatonin production, exponetially.). So, excessive light, carries over and makes your nocturnal cycle less effective. Many people have sleep problems due to this. This is where the balance is important. People taking melatonin to sleep, are trying to circumvent the problem rather than having their bodies work properly.
I can't find the study that cites the norwegian miners (if i recall correctly) having their melatonin production significantly reduced, by high exposure to ultraviolet light during their working cycles. So I will substitute studies on animals instead. It is often recommended to people, to stop exposure to 'blue' light, if they have sleeping problems.
>Suppression of pineal melatonin in Peromyscus leucopus by different monochromatic wavelengths of visible and near-ultraviolet light (UV-A).
>The suppression of nocturnal pineal melatonin in the Syrian hamster: dose-response curves at 500 and 360 nm.
More darkness, Less light = higher melatonin.
Less darkness, More light = higher serotonin.
But, as balance is needed, you need to have good melatonin production, to be able to handle the destructive ultraviolet radiation from the sun.
>Application of melatonin cream 12.5% protects against natural sunlight induced erythema.
Those links you provide, seem to be sites that don't provide much in the way of hard evidence. I will keep reading them though, and see if I can validate or debunk their claims.
Also the links do themselves say this: Warning! Blindness can result from doing this wrong! Extensive research could not confirm these claims.
>muh science
>no mention of the essential prana and vitae absorbed from Sol
>reddit spacing
Straight Outta Reddit
>muh science
Magick, in the context of Aleister Crowley's Thelema, is a term used to show and differentiate the occult from performance magic and is defined as "the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will".
the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.
>You normally do not want melatonin to be produced all day or you'll be sluggish and not clear-minded.
I forgot to mention that, melatonin does not stay in your body after your eyes let in the light. It is immediately flushed from your body, and goes into the bladder. The only time you're ever inundated with melatonin is when you're in total darkness. I can confirm this is an extremely lucid and trippy experience, and not at all sluggish.
I wish to find a meeting point of both perspectives.
I don't know any of the physical science behind sungazing, but I believe the goal of it is to take in a large quantity of energy, of which could be re-purposed towards healing or anything else the user wants.
The entire point is to absorb prana/chi/vitae from the sun through the third eye, the same as how you do grounding meditation to absorb from the Earth.
spagryical preparation of aloe vera is one of the most powerful tinctures known to man
It consists of almost pure rhodium in a form the body can use, rhodium is the real reason aloe vera has such amazing benefits.
Anyone know a source or book that goes really far into depth with Chinese Astrology? I'm looking for something that uses the minute-hour-day-month-year hierarchy and explains how to use it. Where you can assign an animal and element to not just the year but also the other ones in the hierarchy. Therein lies the depth of Chinese Astrology. I'm not sure if this some kind of new system which may explain the scarcity of information or if it's always been there as an adaption or the year-only version has always been mainstream.
Crowley's definition of magic(k) is the most widely accepted one. Sneering at him is pure contrarianism.
>Ever since I did my darkness meditation (see Mantak Chia), the sun gives me intense headaches after I spend a day outside without ultraviolet blocking sunglasses.
Then that meditation fucked you up.
>Sunlight (ultraviolet) inhibits this. Therefore sunlight decreases the body's ability to resist aging and repair itself.
Why do you think the body cuts melatonin production when exposed to sunlight? It's because melatonin is a nighttime hormone and it is detrimental to proper daytime functioning. Our bodies have evolved to 'repair themselves' during periods of nighttime inactivity, not during the day.
>People with dark skin are designed/evolved to spend longer in the sun, because their high melanin content mitigates the inhibiting effects
White people will tan (i.e. produce melanin) when exposed to strong sunlight, thereby adapting to the sun.
>Racial differences have been noted in the rate of pineal calcification
That doesn't necessarily mean sunlight is the cause. Certain races can be more susceptible to certain diseases even when environmental factors are accounted for. For example, South Asians are more susceptible to diabetes.
Hello, I have seen small white and black sparks and small flashes already, but today I have seen a big red flash for the first time, as if a red lamp had been used. It lasted for a fraction of second. I saw that on the street and checked if this was a car, but the light was much brighter and of diffrent quality. And once more in home, just seconds after reading "Hey doesn't that red flash anger you too?" on the internet on a random website, I saw a red light pointed at my face just before blinking. Source could not be located and an ear tone followed.
What do you think about this, what could a red flash signify?
The whole situation seems very strange to me, just as if someone was trolling me through synchronicity.
I would say that this about sums it up without getting too nitty-gritty. There are some that combine it with energy work and affirmations to super-charge them and help bring about results. However, the "pure" form is to bring about spiritual growth, karma cleansing, and attainment.
In that sense, it's versatile much like many occult practices. You can use it for magick, or personal development, or both at once.
IMO, the main way in which it can be of benefit is to propel forward spiritual practice, by energizing the light body and breaking down energetic blocks. But, I have not gotten to the point where physical changes would occur so I can't discount that it could also be used for physical healing. In that sense, though, it's probably not the most effective tool, as there are herbs, foods, etc. that could work more quickly and with less effort.
I would say scientifically speaking, stimulating the pineal gland is a main way in which results are obtained through the practice.
>Scientists at the University of Pennsylvania, including Dr. George C. Brenard, a leading authority on the pineal gland, observed sun yogi HRM for 130 days in 2002. They found that his pineal exhibited growth and reactivation. The average size of the pineal is 6×6 mm, but in HRM’s case it was 8×11 mm.
(from the first link I had posted. Note that HRM has also been confirmed to have gone over a year without eating by National Geographic)
I do agree with the other poster that you're maybe approaching this a little too materially-minded. Nothing wrong with science though, why not make your own observations by trying sungazing and seeing what *your results* are?
I posted a pdf and two different links with info on how it can be done safely. Maybe step 1 is to realize for yourself that it is safe under those circumstances? Conventional science will not even agree with that statement.
Sungazing has been around a long time and Egyptians were well aware of it as well as the importance of the pineal. See pics related.
>Crowley's definition of magic(k) is the most widely accepted one. Sneering at him is pure contrarianism.
Yes, I'm with you on that. Too often I've seen decent discussions shut down just because one person says something that's not accepted or popular. Then, everything descends into name-calling and nobody bothers ever pointing out why they don't even agree with one another.
Not particularly useful and frankly embarrassing as a board. Even if we get shilled (which we clearly do sometimes, not speaking on this particular situation) you would think we would stay firm and stick to relevant discussion, but nope, it seems to work too often.
If we want to keep the level of discussion acceptable, we can't fall into those traps.
>Then that meditation fucked you up.
I do agree that something is amiss, though it might be my habit of staying out of the sun that is a bigger contributing factor.
According to the Universal Tao website on eyesight :
Coal miners have observed that mules kept in a dark coal mine, eventually lose their sight. One of the major causes of poor eyesight in this so-called "modern society" is staying indoors during daylight hours.
> Why do you think the body cuts melatonin production when exposed to sunlight? It's because melatonin is a nighttime hormone and it is detrimental to proper daytime functioning. Our bodies have evolved to 'repair themselves' during periods of nighttime inactivity, not during the day.
Many studies done on circadian hormone productions show that melatonin production is indeed decreased by exposure to ultraviolet light. I guess, it is within acceptable parameters usually. But it's how it's regulated. Take away all light, and the production of it goes through the roof, which is the basis of the darkness meditation - turning it up to maximum. Then it leads to pinoline and DMT production, when in the blood long enough.
I see flashes of light quite often. I think it is part of your astral sight developing.
>observed sun yogi HRM for 130 days in 2002
I have read up on this dude a bit. The thing is he's just the one guy. There's also a guy who can run forever and his muscles never get tired. There's another guy who can live without ever sleeping. One person is an anomaly. Two or more is better. iirc there was another guy, who was revealed to be drinking a small amount of ghee milk every now and then, so he got busted.
Thank you for the pdf and links, I do intend on trying sun gazing out for awhile, it would be silly to conclude there is nothing to it, without at least trying it out. Only problem is, here in Melbourne we have dismal overcast weather 9 times out of 10.
>One of the major causes of poor eyesight in this so-called "modern society" is staying indoors during daylight hours.
I've heard that the reason the Far East has high rates of myopia is that their heavy eye-folds prevent sunlight reaching the retina. In China, 85% of university students use corrective lenses.
>Take away all light, and the production of it goes through the roof, which is the basis of the darkness meditation - turning it up to maximum
Useful for very particular activities like this meditation, but a big obstacle to most activities.
>The thing is he's just the one guy. There's also a guy who can run forever and his muscles never get tired. There's another guy who can live without ever sleeping
I think inedia is different. People can easily imagine genetic freaks who can go without rest, but going without eating is something that should be impossible, according to mundane laws of physics. It only takes one proven example to shatter the materialist paradigm.
>it would be silly to conclude there is nothing to it, without at least trying it out
I also want to give it a try, but I'm a bit worried about the danger to my eyes. I don't want to fry my retinae.
>I also want to give it a try, but I'm a bit worried about the danger to my eyes. I don't want to fry my retinae.
I'm convinced people are scared to look at the sun because of disinfo campaigns.
I've stared at the sun for an hour and didn't have a sunspot the next day.
When I did the sungazing two years ago I ended up gazing for 1 hour in the morning and one in the evening.
A good way to avoid getting the infamous blue spot in the retina is to turn your head left and right together with the vision or just look with your eyes in a circle around the sun.
The general rule for sungazing (for beginners) is:
If it can hurt your skin, it can hurt your eyes. If you don't feel that the sun is frying your skin it's safe to digest with the eyes.
Yeah sungazing is liike getting a tan.
If you do it right you'll only get positive effects, if you do it wrong you could get majorly fucked up. Generally you want to follow the same rules as tanning and build up a gradual resistance. If you have no tan and stand naked in the sun for 8 hours you'll probably get third degree burns, if you stare at the sun after a sedentary indoor life for 8 hours you'll go blind, you need moderation and common sense.
I've noticed a quite interesting development in the grocery market and was wondering if fellow /fringe/rs have noticed the same where they live.
At least half of the salt now sold is "Himalayan pink salt" or rock salt, with most of the rest being table salt or iodized salt. Himalayan pink salt is rock salt which is poison to humans, it is a mineral and not the ionic form which is used by the body. The only type of salt which is actually beneficial to the body is SEA salt, as it contains the various ionic forms of magnesium, calcium, etc. in ideal proportion to IONIC sodium chloride.
Now what I'm wondering is WHY is sea salt being so undersold at groceries, in my city only one grocery has sea salt, the rest only have table salt, "sea salt" (the white morton pseudo-sea salt which is heated and processed) and rock salt/himalayan salt. I'm not sure it's a government conspiracy but it could be. Thoughts?
Yeah starting at 10 seconds and increasing by 10 seconds a day is good for most people, it varies by person though. i started out at 20 minutes and was fine.
It must be depending on where you live. I find sea salt to be a trend around here. There's even butter with sea salt, bread with sea salt and so on. Going to have to look up that rock salt thing, I had no idea.
>Himalayan pink salt
I found it on the company's website but I've never seen it at the local store, my guess is it's not selling enough so it's been removed from the shelf or never been tried. Actually never heard of it before.
It's an American thing, most Walmarts in America are phasing out sea salt in favor of pink rock salt since it has a much higher profit margin and people think it's healthy.
> I'm not sure it's a government conspiracy but it could be. Thoughts?
The manufacturers design campaigns that spread emotional and linguistic connotations that are beneficial for the manufacturers. The campaigns are overt (ad campaign) or covert (shills in the most unexpected social spheres). However, the 95% of the job of spreading the malicious memes is the job of people themselves. People with no agenda spread harmful memes to get high off some kind of emotion.
When it comes to very specific products, until recently you could push little paradigm shifts in the inter-subjective reality with a surprising ease. 8 years ago for as little as 10.000$ you could make half of the world believe that certain type of lentil or coconut oil is healthy or unhealthy. Now the opinions of various products are safeguarded by the respective companies. All the first food-related results on google present information someone's paid for. So nowadays you'd need some more, unless you're creating a new health fad or are trying to set up the public opinion about some obscure product.
The government is not exempt from the corruption and scheming, but it's important to realize all the "conspiracies" in the food industry and all other industries is not something that comes from just a single entity like the government. And while really a lot of the poison on the shelves of groceries hinder your spiritual progress and hurt your physical body, it's only a side effect of some guy's pursuit for money or career.
All the disinformation and generally the spectacle we live in is being generated spontaneously by millions of individuals working independently. The patterns of their selfish behavior is similar (lack of awareness and getting high off their bio-survival and emotional-territorial circuits).
>Himalayan pink salt is rock salt which is poison to humans, it is a mineral and not the ionic form which is used by the body.
Where are you drawing this conclusion from?
The only information I'm finding on it, is that it is only suspicious to some because of the extra mineral content found in it (ie, small amounts of mercury, lead, uranium, and so forth)
The salt content is, apparently the right form. It is being mined from what used to be an underground ocean after all. Salt is salt.
Spring water, which is healthier than tap water - is so, because it is like this rock salt, saturated with minerals, rather than chemicals.
How about the fluoridation of salt?
>The general rule for sungazing (for beginners) is:
>If it can hurt your skin, it can hurt your eyes. If you don't feel that the sun is frying your skin it's safe to digest with the eyes.
Correction: If it *warms* your skin (cheeks), then there's enough UV for it to potentially hurt your eyes. It's easy to tell the difference when doing it. Just don't force it.
Like the other poster said, I'm not convinced everyone has to start at 10 seconds and build up only in increments of 10 seconds. That is the safest way to get started, however.
>I've heard that the reason the Far East has high rates of myopia is that their heavy eye-folds prevent sunlight reaching the retina. In China, 85% of university students use corrective lenses.
I would say that >>4287 is more correct on this because of pdf attached. It's more to do with what you focus on (schoolwork and computers) and not having variance in near/far things to focus on, which you would have in abundance if you were outside more.
Genetics play a role as well, of course. The PDF is interesting stuff for way to get rid of poor eyesight, btw. Could be combined with other techniques to greater effect.
>salt is salt
Haltie (rock salt) is not the same as ionic salt which is the form found in sea salt. Since Halite is a mineral and not an ionic compound it separates into the mineral forms of sodium and chloride instead of their ions poisoning the body, the body cannot use any sodium that is not ionic so it just fucks your kidneys up for no good reason.
>Haltie (rock salt) is not the same as ionic salt which is the form found in sea salt. Since Halite is a mineral and not an ionic compound it separates into the mineral forms of sodium and chloride instead of their ions poisoning the body, the body cannot use any sodium that is not ionic so it just fucks your kidneys up for no good reason.
I cannot find any information to back your claims up? Perhaps you mean sea salt has iodine naturally, and rock salt often does not. So it is added. This does not make it any less healthy, however.
121dietican.com article says,
Sea salt, rock salt and table salt all contain around 100% sodium chloride.
Lakshya Garg, BSc in Chemistry from Utrecht University says,
Table salt is largely rock salt that has been crushed and purified. There is little real chemical difference as both are largely sodium chloride.
Aastha Dogra, on another site:
One thing that is common between sea salt and rock salt is that both these salts are natural. Rock salt is derived from sodium chloride. It is the mineral form of this compound, which we commonly refer to as table salt. Sea salt, which is created by evaporating sea water, is a healthier option, as compared to rock salt, since it contains iron, sulfur, magnesium and many other minerals as well. Although, the content of iodine in sea salt is very low, yet it has iodine in the most natural form. Rock salt, which lacks iodine originally, is iodized industrially, so that its iodine content can increase.
Salt (sodium chloride) is a mineral, regardless of it's origin.
What if the occult and every manipulation of reality is a work of satan? how can i know the consequences of choosing this path?
i see a lot of machinations in place to feed the general public occult information: videogames (the whole FANTASY genre), books, movies, music and music videos. politicians are starting to talk of aliens(which are a common denominator/theme).
this leads me to the assumtion the "occult" is not really occult anymore. it is mainstream and in the open.
why is that happening?
who is pulling the strings here?
i was like you some time ago. even with the tinfoil hat flag running. i like you and give you a quote: the biggest lie the devil created was that he doesnt exist.
Let me be trite with you retard.
"Satan" means adversary, the traditional christian usage of the term is in reference to the negative aspects of the ego, read your fucking holy book you deluded heretic.
>but the jewish version of christianity is the only real one oy vey!
What is YWYH
is it the true god, is it a "god", the demiurge or what.
if he is not the universal spirit which all emanates, what is?
>What if the occult and every manipulation of reality is a work of satan?
Your view is too simple. "Satan" seems to mean the religious version in your vocabulary, "the enemy".
Occultism in general do seem to tend to the demonic side, but this is not the work of this kind of satan. Demons have their place in the world as well, because there are people of demonic origin incarnated on earth, so not letting them have their practices spread wouldn't be right. Universal balance and all that.
Last 4000 years or so have been dominated by christianity/judaism so isn't it time for demons to dominate now, for the next 4000 years. Just saying.
can you back yor statements up? how do you know someone has demonic origin? where do you derive yor concept of universal balance from?
From my own experiences in dealing with demonic entities I know to do some things you need to wait until you get a safe passage, metaphorically. If you barge ahead and try to do something, others may feel that it wasn't right and oppose you. It comes from this undefined feeling, that someone is satisfied or had his turn with something. Even if, in this case, those religions and those people with that alignment say they want to continue dominate the world, deep down in them they lack the energy and will to do so. After exerting your energy for a period of time you need to rest and recover, even for a group doing something over many generations if you are sensitive you can feel it.
Being able to view seemingly abstract things as concrete is essential to understanding this idea. A person will be happy or satisfied when certain material conditions are met, no matter if he wants to or not. It's objectively measurable, even if you can only make an assessment of it by your own ability to sense it.
Universal balance is caused by the feelings and emotions of all beings, being happy or unhappy over a longer time period. If you are unhappy and feel cheated you will build up rage and eventually you will rebel. This will balance out the imbalance that was created by one group being satisfied while the other was not. When you are happy and can do what you want, you may not think about struggle and over time lose your ability to fight. This opens the possibility for those you oppressed to hit back and turn the situation around. This is universal balance. Occultistists have been oppressed for a long time. Now those oppressors have done all they initially wanted, their movement is losing direction.
Knowing if you or someone else has demonic origin is a matter of searching inside yourself, examine your values and your real beliefs. When being completely honest with yourself you will find what you are.
>without desire, one would never achieve anything in life, such as personal goals or anything else for that matter.
Well, duh. The question is, are those personal goals really worth it?
Thanks for the pdf, it makes a lot of sense. It's a shame that doctors today seem content to simply hand out corrective lenses rather than addressing the causes of this debilitating disease.
>What if the occult and every manipulation of reality is a work of satan?
Kek, Alpam's going to be mad when he sees this.
You seem to be starting from the Abrahamic premises that Satan is the great evil and that human beings should remain in impotence and ignorance. In other words, Adam and Eve should never have eaten the apples. I think when you examine these premises they fall apart.
>i see a lot of machinations in place to feed the general public occult information: videogames (the whole FANTASY genre), books, movies, music and music videos. politicians are starting to talk of aliens(which are a common denominator/theme).
>this leads me to the assumtion the "occult" is not really occult anymore. it is mainstream and in the open.
The vast majority of that stuff is not real and the stuff that is, is so deeply mixed up with the rest that you can't identify it on your own.
>why is that happening?
Because people have a natural attraction to the paranormal and the otherworldly which modern religion and philosophy do not satisfy.
Jews don't even believe in the Satan Judeo-Christians do. In traditional Judaism Yaweh and Satan are both part of Ein-Sof.
Jews still believe in Satan, and the difference between the Jewish and Christian conceptions of him is not significant vis-a-vis my point.
>Being triggered by people who are better educated than you
>Not just quietly assimilating the new vocabulary
Listen you reddit chucklefuck, you don't use uncommon words just to sound educated you underaged little shit.
I don't believe there is one such spirit. What everything comes from, materially it seems to be from the contradiction of what doesn't exist and what does. Then those opposing existence from the view of existence appeared, and that's what is known as "demons" in religion, or "satan" in the form of "enemy".
Original demons came out from the ancient grey rock. After being materialized, this provoked the positive beings to manifest. This is how I understand why religions opposing demons are always behaving as if they are in the weaker position, no matter how big they become. They're the black player in chess, who's always one step behind, and they can't get over it. Original demons in this way represents something else than material existence, and are not afraid of it's end (because they can reappear again every time) while other beings are different from this. Maybe they do come from a "source" but I have no idea what that is, other than "opposition".
It's everyone for themselves, with different skill levels. If you're good enough you can avoid reincarnation and that is the basic requirement to call yourself a "god". It wouldn't matter if the universe as a whole was destroyed, anyone with this god standard can maintain their own dimension large enough to hold the things they need.
Collectivism of the type "all of heaven will fall and we need to follow the one true god to be saved" is just propaganda by certain individual gods who want followers (and it seems they are not demonic).
Been Meditating for a year now and honestly I'm not seeing much progress. The only thing that has changed is that I can sit down and do nothing for an hour and feel ok and I saw what looked like a blue ball of light once but other than that nothing. No astral projection, no lucid dreams, nothing. it doesn't feel like I'm going anywhere and I get irritated more often. What am I doing wrong?
>you don't use uncommon words just to sound educated
You're right, I don't. I use them because I AM educated (more so than the average man on the street, at least) and it doesn't occur to me to restrict my vocabulary just to avoid hurting the feelings of plebs like you. The thing here is that there's no shame in not knowing a word (it happens to me all the time), but there is shame in getting butthurt when someone uses a word you don't know. When someone uses a word I don't know, I'm pleased because I've learned something.
Vis-a-vis isn't even an uncommon phrase. Someone back me up here.
The real 'God' is unrepresentable and indescribable. None of the gods of which we have conceived come close.
>No astral projection, no lucid dreams, nothing
Well, those things don't just come from simple meditation, although it helps. There are books on those subjects in /library/, and Mossa does tutorials on AP (see >>7426).
>Vis-a-vis isn't even an uncommon phrase. Someone back me up here.
It's more common in writing than it is in speech, but yeah, it's been around awhile.
>Well, those things don't just come from simple meditation
right but most of the books say the same junk like you must reach "gnosis" or trance state in order to progress. my hands go numb whenever I get into deep meditation but other than that I got no fucking clue if I am in a trance state.
Have you tried varying the type of meditation you use? There are a shitload of methods in the thread >>3. I don't think you have to perfect your meditation in order to make progress elsewhere, so maybe shift your focus to other magical practises.
Roman Saturnalia vs Jewish Sabbath
Roman is about having fun. Jewish is about grievances and abstaining from anything productive. am I right?
I don't honestly think jews even understand the concept of "fun" as other races do.
Jews are missing a heart chakra (see kabbalah), their sabbath is about
>having an excuse not to work
My Aryan intuition tells me: jews are of this .. world or eon, so when the seasons change - they vanish with the 'yesterday'. Hmm, maybe for that reason they wear watches on the right hand. same with kebab.
Where for us white boys it's fun and games at the end of the week (Saturday), we dissolve cares and duties, because we now that Future is OURS; for them.. it is the last day when they mourn, grieve, 'end times, ooh, aah, let us praay. maybe yehowah will have mercy on us'.
fuck them pussies. FUTURE. NOW.
well, anyway, maybe Future is already here. But it is the duty of each one of us, not to talk about it, but to go there.
>My Aryan intuition tells me: jews are of this .. world or eon, so when the seasons change - they vanish with the 'yesterday'.
I think this is ridiculous. See, people can hold beliefs which are given to them by their cultural, religious and educational upbringing. I think this is a major influence on their worldview. This is the aspect about them that NEEDS to change, to make them a more tolerant and caring people.
It is thought by historians that the Jews were created by a collection of ex-slaves - possibly a situation quite similar to the story of Moses leading his people out of Egypt. So they were likely created as a 'race' about then, and no such country such as Israel ever existed, until after WW2. Which means they are not a 'separate' race, more so a blend of what existed at the time.
If you want to focus on 'separate' races. What I find more interesting is Ra's account of the destruction of the two other earth-like planets in our solar system (ie, Mars and what is now the Kuiper belt) due to interplanetary warfare. There are vague accounts of this warfare in other literature. Ra says that the souls that were on those two planets were moved here, as distinct races. Perhaps as an admonishment, to try to 'live' together better. And that due to their distinctive planetary consciousnesses as a species, they have tended to keep separate. Perhaps this is the origin of the three distinct human types (Asian, White and Black?)
>one race the human race
If you bothered to read my post, you'll notice I said something very different.
A little more effort in your loosh farming next time please.
It's an easily understandable analogy and didn't mean that simulation theory is necessarily true. If you want something that isn't so triggering of an idea, one is to "god" as one is to the Egyptian Ogdoad. It amounts to the same thing.
My friend has been trying to get me to do Acid, he keeps calling it LSD but I doubt it's real LSD. Should I try it?
> people can hold beliefs which are given to them by their cultural, religious and educational upbringing.
Nature or Nurture? Both, perhaps. Though, Nature is more essential. You grow out of your pre-existant spiritual seed.
>Moses leading his people out of Egypt.
What if you should understand Moses and Egypt as metaphors? Moses - impulse that leads out of materialistic (cult of the dead) realm (Egypt)?
So, I can relate myself to Moses and Trve Israelites - 'normal' semetic 'jews'? - really don't give a fuck about them. This is for butthurt newfriends who are obsessed with being bullied. Victims.
>If you want to focus on 'separate' races.
I'm not focusing on 'separated' 'races'. I don't give a fuck about races, honestly. Only thing that matters is spirit/soul. It is manifested differently through different races. Want proofs? - Check classical music. Think of differences.
>Perhaps this is the origin of the three distinct human types
Cosmic warfare, different races from different planets - really, sounds like weak low energy youtube-level 'spiritual-stuff' for newfriends.
Do you know what also is in your pre-existant spiritual seed? The evolutionary program that rewards you with a high every time you feel like protecting your tribe. And you're getting high off that shit like a junkie instead of using common sense. Yes, the junkie comparison really works. It's because this evolutionary program that you indulge in is nested in the first 2 mental circuits that can be activated with stuff like heroine, benzos or alcohol. The most brainless, brain numbing drugs relating to the most primitive, innate systems concerned with survival, suckling, safety, dominance and submission. No wonder drunks and junkies are the first type to get a boner and start drunken emotional rant about politics.
The boner you have for race is result of traces of the evolutionary programs that were truly useful when we were animals. Send your ancestors my most sincere regards for getting us here. However, the moment awareness emerged in our species it would be a logical to, you know, grow out of these circuits. Respect them, use them, but also realize them for what they are. I mean, Jesus, at this point you're over-indulging in these circuits and jerking off about race only because it feeds you your dose of "feel nice" chemicals.
Or, you know what, whatever. Do whatever you want, get your highs. Go beat up person that your child-like unconscious registers as different tribemen. It will make you feel nice. The brain should send you the best high if the person you attack is of different color. The greatest the difference, the greatest the high. All of you, go club yourselves on the streets. And when first symptoms of coming environmental catastrophe start appearing in the world, keep blaming different races for it. Gotta get high before the self-destruction!
>The boner you have for race is result of traces of the evolutionary programs
Distasteful materialistic explanations. 'chemicals'. Lol. Today I went to buy some fresh water. my ear caught the song that was playing, I could hear a negro singing: 'we are all animals', 'bananas', 'trees'. "lol", I thought.
When we start saying 'animals', 'evolution', we will eventually end up at metaphysical communism: 'we are all equal. it's just life. god does not exist. science, man'. Racial aesthetics - Arts, philosophy, every trait - is a fulfilled potency of that spiritual-grain.
>Go beat up person
>It will make you feel nice.
It will make me feel n01d3d. AYO.
Anyway, having arguments about race is pointless. It's a matter of private space. but we got it, you feel offended by barbaric racism! 0 fucks given. At my hood we're living on a flat earth.
>Distasteful materialistic explanations
I could explain the same thing using first two chakras instead of first two circuits. Just replace the "oral bio-survival circuit" dealing with safety with root chakra. Or the Moon, and the second with Mars. You can say you "communicate with the ancestors in trance" or "tap into ancient blueprints saved in your DNA".
We're not equal. However, all of us are equally slaves to our evolutionary programs. All except certain extremely rare tribes are capable to become self-aware of these programs through meditation.
The programs must be exploited by humans, instead of humans running blindly on them. In all of the parallel universes in which humanity doesn't adapt, the humanity is doomed. We happen to meet on our ways through the timelines. However, we're going the opposite ways. I'm in the process of moving away from these doomed ones, while you're getting embracing them.
>is there a way
>should i do it
no. Just ask yourself: Should you lie to people in order to make them like you more? Then why would you make use of magical arts to influence other people's Will?
No. If you don't know what substance you're going to take, better play it safe and pass. It's not worth the risk. Good LSD can be bought online these days for as low as $5 a hit, i don't see why would anybody risk it .
"As above so below, As below so above"
If you fuck with other people don't be surprised when lo and behold people fuck with you
Ok, I get what you are saying.
>I'm in the process of moving away from these doomed ones, while you're getting embracing them.
describe mechanisms of which you became aware in meditations. you're on a way to becoming fully astral?
Try developing your end-destination. ok, evolutionary-programs are keeping us from.. from what? what are meant to accomplish, you think
I'm not an expert but I would expect, much as in the earthly realm, that most people would reap what they have sown. Even if this earth we have ways to influence people without using our will. Money. Violence. Intimidation. Are you trying these methods? Probably not. You are somehow aware that these are not very good methods to get what you want. To a certain extent, imposing your will on other people might have the same consequences. I suppose we do always try to influence other people, with the way we talk, the way we move, the words we use etc. I guess the problem comes when you stop using these things organically as they come naturally to you, but when you try to force this energies into someone else's sphere of volition.
Advice for people wanting to make actually progress: Stop browsing /fringe/. Stop contaminating your Mind with useless posts made by theorists.
>The boner you have for race is result of traces of the evolutionary programs that were truly useful when we were animals.
>believing in the mason's false mysteries
Evolution theory is one of the 2 false quests, after enlightening to it's full image you still know nothing, but the experience may overwhelm you and result in you no longer searching for any other truth, thinking you know it all already.
>How much value do you place in the Bible?
Oh, I already felt like it might trigger some people. It really shows in your response tbh.
I only picked it for a lack of better and more popular rhetoric that expresses suffering as an ingrained part of this existence, sorry.
Also I might have backtracked the reason for the intensification of setbacks lately. It all started when I hit some LSD for the first time a few months back, before that the setbacks seemed different and not with the traumatizing intention. Some shit must have slipped inside my mind when it was open due to the effect of the psychedelic substance.
I don't know this guy and had to reverse image search.
It's just a show about karma, what's your point?
>Evolution theory is one of the 2 false quests
Do you mean that it's harmful for an individual to set up evolution as one of their core truths? If yes, could you please explain why?
In my view it's useful and I'm going to present my argument below:
In Evolution Meditation one constantly considers all aspects of reality from the evolutionary perspective. Evolution Meditation greatly enhances the effectiveness of Awareness Meditation because everytime you become aware of a thought, you simultaneously become aware it of its evolutionary nature. It means that you really start to feel love and acceptance toward your inner self (the inner that generates the thoughts and some of your decisions). You feel the love because you understand it so well as an evolutionary system and can empathize. It also allows you to transcend the mundane and counterproductive aspects of your self because you start to believe that these aspects are merely evolutionary programs.
I've embraced evolutionary thinking lately as a test and it's looking perfect so far.
However, I'm asking because I know there are many belief systems that are technically correct, but in the end they're counterproductive. One such example would be nihilism. It's one of completely valid perspectives of approaching the world, although embracing it could potentially lower the wizard's quota of life force. Is evolutionary thinking a similar trap? Is evolutionary thinking something a wizard should embrace to increase his energetic potential? In the end I'm not interested in truth as much as the potential that the belief system provides.
>after enlightening to it's full image you still know nothing
You're an ant in anthill unable to consider and understand the whole anthill in your mind. If you enlightened to even a partial image of evolutionary complex systems, you'd have a glimpse into the nature of the anthill.
Everything around you seem chaotic and random because you're looking at the anthill from the perspective of the ant. If you zoomed far away, you'd see the patterns. You only see what you evolved to see (the least you needed to see to survive and exist). A tiny part of the big picture. Communication with ancestors or entering other dimensions is extremely difficult from your perspective. However, if you made your nervous system self-aware and provided it understanding of evolutionary systems, you'd tap into god's consciousness
Isn't it as much forcing your will on people, as it is forcing your will on the world? Because you shift to other timelines?
>It's just a show about karma, what's your point?
Opening of the show has the same line you posted
>whenever something good happened, something bad came to take it away
>that's when I realized it - karma
Your situation sounded very much like the show itself, and I think sometimes it really is that simple. When you get something, did you get it by unintentionally hurting other people? If so, you'd have to pay them back, there will be a negative energetic consequence. Take something, lose something.
You said you're a nice guy, but sometimes that's not enough, if you take part in a society/country that makes profit by hurting people you are still responsible for it. The more "enlightened" you are the more likely you are to experience negative effects directly in your life, it allows you to correct it in this lifetime. Morons will just rip people off all their lives and the enemies they made will be waiting for them when they die, they won't have any chance to make it right.
> If yes, could you please explain why?
If you believe in it you will reach the end of it, I suppose. I did. The issue is it's very likely you understand it negatively, if this is the only belief system you have. That's why I said you'll stop searching and then you won't get anywhere after that. And that's one of the "false" truths freemasons may enlighten too in whatever they practice, they'll then get overwhelmed and think they know everything, in reality this is a bait to lure people away from the truth and make them stop looking, and return to mundane life again, applying this controlled form of enlightenment that was given to them.
For me it all came down to a full conclusion in a dream where I walked in a prehistoric landscape, following a trail of fossils. There was knee deep water with small islands and palm trees, the sky was orange/yellow/purple. It was a calm place but except for plants, everything was dead.
I reached a small island, in the middle was a stone altar covered with blood stains. On the altar was a statue of a crocodile.
This is where the dream ended, and for me this explained everything there is to know about evolution theory. It's symbolic and made sense to me, from specific things in my life and references I understand.
From what you write I hope you can see your own version of it fully and then move on without dwelling on it.
You are looking at it from inside evolutionary thinking, I do not apply this view (because I consider evolution to be false).
They don't cite their sources too well, but I like the amount of references to look into.
I suffer from astigmatism in one eye, I'm not sure what type, but I'm going to give this a whirl anyway.
A small tip, using a forefinger and thumb to form a "lens" has helped me clarify whatever is inside of the "lens". It doesn't have any effect in use with my good eye, though.
>I do not apply this view (because I consider evolution to be false).
I agree with this poster. Evolution Theory (re: genetics) is a false theory.
Do some research on how DNA works. It is clear to anyone (with smartz) that it is very unlikely that's how we came about, but it is certainly pushed very hard, so no one bothers to dig very deep.
The very system of how cells replicate is designed to combat mutations. It is POSSIBLE we could evolve, but certainly not in the short timeframe they claim us to have evolved in. It'd take millions and trillions of years to evolve from an ape into our configuration. Countless 'lucky' mutations, and yet where are the 'mistake mutations'? Every single mutation is a good one, and there are no bad ones.
We are, as an organism, absolutely fucking perfect. Thousands of intricate systems and inter-systems all working together in ways we cant even fully understand yet. And this isn't just us. Every other organism on the planet is like this. Down to the fuckin' amoebas.
Sure there are some bad genetic results. Such as down syndrome, for example. I believe those are the far more likely result of evolution. Evolution as a mechanism cannot be self-aware, and is 99.99% more likely to cause failures than success.
The second law of thermodynamics states that the total entropy of an isolated system always increases over time, or remains constant in ideal cases where the system is in a steady state or undergoing a reversible process. Things fall apart, they don't miraculously come together into order! Not without help.
Furthermore, we actually have DNA of other species inside us. Only a tiny miniscule fragment of the DNA that makes us, is what builds our body. The rest, they call 'junk' but some think that this junk is the DNA for everything else. Contingencies, further changes that may need to arise, different species, you know. Extra programming.
It is as if, there was a big program written, all on one strand, to program the entire planets repository of creatures - the original egg. And we all have this inside us.
It is obvious to me, looking at this, that we were created.
> It'd take millions and trillions of years to evolve from an ape into our configuration
About 5 million years, to be exact. The process of human evolution is well understood.
>Countless 'lucky' mutations, and yet where are the 'mistake mutations'?
They fail to be passed on. Literally survival of the fittest.
>Every single mutation is a good one, and there are no bad ones.
Detrimental mutations happen all the time, usually resulting in miscarriage.
>We are, as an organism, absolutely fucking perfect.
We have bad backs and dangerously narrow birth canals, both resulting from our evolution into bipeds.
>they don't miraculously come together into order
Miracles don't come into evolution theory. Natural selection is not chance.
>some think that this junk is the DNA for everything else
Pure speculation.
The Earth is a living creature.
>veins of magma
>flesh of earth
>bones of metal
>fascia people call that moves the plates of its skull/egg
>nerves created by the interconnection of plant roots and bacteria in the soil
The Earth is a metal-based based lifeform, Mars was also such a life but died. Jupiter is a living gas-based lifeform.
Wake up you believers in mainstream science that offers no real proof of its claims. Look at the truth which doesn't need proof other than your own mind and eyes.
>but my peer reviewed studies!
>about 5 million years, to be exact. The process of human evolution is well understood.
You are wrong, clothing was first worn about 200,000 years ago. So in this time. 200,000 years, we evolved from just beginning to wear furs off dead animals, into a species that flies into space? No, evolution can't work that fast.
>They fail to be passed on. Literally survival of the fittest.
If evolution was indeed how we were made, then we should be far more disorganized than we are. All systems left to chance display high entropy. Yet, all our biological systems inherently display vast depth of good complexity and beauty.
Pretty much all genetic mutations known to exist in humans are bad. If we're able to evolve good mutations fast enough to turn into a space faring species a mere 200,000 years after gaining the synapses to learn that furry shit keeps ya warm. Then we should have a few beneficial mutations in the pipeline by now. There ain't any. They're all bad ones. Why?
All systems left to chance display high entropy.
>Detrimental mutations happen all the time, usually resulting in miscarriage.
You misread me. I was pointing out the falsity here. You're actually agreeing with me here.
>Miracles don't come into evolution theory. Natural selection is not chance.
Exactly. It cannot happen. Because what has happened is a fucking miracle.
Scientists - Especially historians have a very good track record of ignoring evidence that does not coincide with their worldview. It is only human nature, I don't blame them or you.
Look at the giant skeletons. The smithsonian issued an apology recently of its systematical destruction and suppression of all giant skeletons found. Yet, where are they in the official record? They aren't there.
There is a truly vast amount of evidence that is simply ignored by your beloved scientists, simply because they cannot fit into the current paradigm.
Look up "out of place artifacts"
>So in this time. 200,000 years, we evolved from just beginning to wear furs off dead animals, into a species that flies into space? No, evolution can't work that fast.
We can barely fly into space. And 200,000 years is plenty time for evolution to do something like that. The smartest humans lived, the dumbest died naturally. Thus breeding more and more smart humans until we were capable of building great societies, and then those brought people together enough to do great things. Dogs split from wolves ~40,000 years ago, and now they have huge biological differences. Imagine if someone bred the smartest dogs from then until now.
>Pretty much all genetic mutations known to exist in humans are bad
Because we don't call them genetic mutations when they are bred into all of us. High entropy means nothing when the bad mutations kill the host, and the good ones eventually end up being a part of every human through enough breeding.
>Look at the giant skeletons.
There is no actual proof of this, and every pic has been debunked as photoshopped.
Okay; i'm really getting into Christianity, since i liked the concept of theosis, which means becoming one with the Godhead.
But it differs so much with the Old Testament version of Christianity. Christian monks live a really fringe lifestyle, no fapping, less food, less water, hesychastic prayer that is similar to meditation. What are we looking at today in Orthodox Christianity?
How do i know which is the true path, because christians say that anything other than prayer is a demonic trap leading to illusion. Also, if i want to learn about more /fringe/ stuff, where do i begin
>becoming one with the Godhead
>i'm really getting into Christianity
Just wait till you discover Buddhism or RHP Tantra.
>How do i know which is the true path, because christians say that anything other than prayer is a demonic trap leading to illusion
>Also, if i want to learn about more /fringe/ stuff, where do i begin
Christians don't really know their own faith, which was heavily altered and doesn't really resemble the original teachings AFAIK. If you have a hard on for Christianity then research Christian gnosticism, Nag Hammadi library and stuff.
>we evolved from just beginning to wear furs off dead animals, into a species that flies into space?
how is that evolution? that's just technology advancement
>you are wrong, clothing was first worn about 200,000 years ago
Human evolution did not begin at that point, in fact it was almost finished by then. The hominids of 200,000 years ago were much, much more like us than like chimps. I think you are severely underrating the degree of intelligence needed to craft clothes. Many tribes of homo sapiens today have not gone far beyond that.
>So in this time. 200,000 years, we evolved from just beginning to wear furs off dead animals, into a species that flies into space?
You are confusing biological evolution with the accumulation of knowledge. The German savages documented by Tacitus were no less talented than the Germans who pioneered rocketry, they were just less well educated. Civilisation develops at an exponential rate.
>All systems left to chance display high entropy.
Stop going on about chance. Evolution is not by chance.
>Then we should have a few beneficial mutations in the pipeline by now. There ain't any. They're all bad ones. Why?
Literally everything in your genome began as a mutation, which was then passed on due to its beneficial or neutral effects.
>Because what has happened is a fucking miracle.
Again, no. Beneficial mutations survive at a higher rate than detrimental mutations, that is all. No chance, no miracles.
>Look at the giant skeletons. The smithsonian issued an apology recently of its systematical destruction and suppression of all giant skeletons found
'World News Daily Report is a news and political satire web publication, which may or may not use real names, often in semi-real or mostly fictitious ways. All news articles contained within worldnewsdailyreport.com are fiction, and presumably fake news. Any resemblance to the truth is purely coincidental, except for all references to politicians and/or celebrities, in which case they are based on real people, but still based almost entirely in fiction.'
I don't even know why I bothered typing this out tbh, this is ridiculous.
>When you get something, did you get it by unintentionally hurting other people?
I won't even hurt a fruitfly, get on my level.
But indeed, lately I have practiced my will to achieve some mundane things instead of waiting for fate to line everything up for me (like I usually do). It didn't include hurting anybody though, that's why one of my assumptions was intervention of the higher self. Otherwise I'd agree with you.
>make them stop looking, and return to mundane life again
What's the point of magicz if it isn't engaged in this mundane physical experience?
>>Then we should have a few beneficial mutations in the pipeline by now. There ain't any. They're all bad ones. Why?
>Literally everything in your genome began as a mutation, which was then passed on due to its beneficial or neutral effects.
Sorry, I misunderstood you. Here are a couple of examples of recent beneficial mutations:
>a purely physical phenomena
>implying rapid evolution through 4th density influence didn't create modern humanity
Sure is reddit in here.
From what people here say you would think that Reddit is a utopia where people use advanced English, value the scientific method, and back up their assertions with evidence. Alas, no. This shithole we call /fringe/ is actually the best we've got.
>Wim describes his ability to withstand extreme cold temperatures as being able to "turn his own thermostat up" through breathing exercises
Isn't he the guy who does it just through meditation?
You're right, oops. Here are a couple more articles.
>where people use advanced English, value the scientific method, and back up their assertions with evidence.
Yeah they're pretty euphoric at that
Nobody said it was purely physical, just that humans didn't appear overnight. We definitely could have been, and likely were, helped by higher beings. I think this is less about human evolution and more about race differences though. Some aliens came down and decided to merge some genes with a group of humans and those became whites, which is why whites are more empathetic and less earthly, almost being foreign to this planet.
I think further discussion of evolution should take place in it's own thread, so this thread doesn't get filled with argumentation and it's easier to search.
>I think further discussion of evolution should take place in it's own thread, so this thread doesn't get filled with argumentation and it's easier to search.
Yeah I think I should probably stop here.
I'm just disturbed by some peoples lack of openness to ideas, I think.
>I'm just disturbed by some peoples lack of openness to ideas, I think.
Oh, piss off. You just can't get your head around high-school level science.
My genetic superpower turned out to be really low blood pressure. It's a really shitty one because I don't ever eat garbage food anyway. I'd gladly trade it for some other cool mutation or evolutionary defect, like sexually sensitive nipples or telepathy.
On the other hand, sensitive nipples in men is a lot of risk, because apparently it could come with some really shitty mutations like identity of the wrong gender. Fuck this noise, I'm fine
I try sometimes, but there is absolutely no info on this. On prostate there are detailed guides about gentle kegels and meditative relaxation. In case of nipples I don't even know what I'm looking for. Are there any signs I'm doing it right?
Sometimes I get thirsty from nipple stimulation, and apparently there are hundreds of people on Google who have the same thing. I suppose we trick the evolutionary program that makes women drink a lot of water when breastfeeding? Well, that's useless. At this rate I'll sooner trick my subconscious programs I'm a woman feeding a baby…
TL;DR How does nipple stimulation feel like if done correctly?
>What's the point of magicz if it isn't engaged in this mundane physical experience?
False enlightenment will not give you any significant powers, most likely you will "realize" that magic is an illusion and that you need to focus harder on mundane things, that those practicing "magick" are delusional and interpreting coincidences as success, etc..
In the case of the 2 false mysteries, the enlightenmen involves
>1) realizing that evolution is a false theory, all species are in a fixed position in the food chain, and nothing ever changes
>this leads to a passive mindset where you give up struggle and competition, accept your superiors as genetically better than you and start following them blindly, turning yourself into a useful slave of the current world system.
>2) if you enlighten on the other false mystery, you realize that social classes are fixed, revolution will never be successful because workers lack the skills and understanding to assume a management position, as they only see life from the viewpoint of a worker, they are mentally unable to grasp what management are actually doing.
>this leads to a similar passive mindset, just as the 1st false enlightenment, making you stay put in your social position and working to support the current world order (whatever that is at the moment)
>the "correct" enlightenment in their view is to accept humanism as your guiding ideology, basing all your actions on the needs of humans, as individuals, as seen from a simple mundane viewpoint
>this last "real" path is true in some way, but very limited, once again, those finding this "truth" while in the ranks of masons or similar groups, will stop struggling to better themselves and become passive - which is the reason these teaching are spread, to lure people into thinking they know it all.
If you really want real power in the world, you should move beyond all of these 3 mysteries, on the other side lies the real true leader group of the world. The system of the 3 mysteries is ensuring their position for all future, all greedy and selfish people with mundane goals will remain entangled in the false enlightenment.
>inb4 source
You can see that this is logical by reason alone (or you can accept the false truths and defend them by argument)
You're joking but I actually considered this a possibility. I mean, I thought I will only make nipples work if I stimulate the gay in me. The gayest I can go without losing a boner is Japanese futanari and feminine traps. And so I tried. But nipples still don't work.
Looks like the prostate will be the only way for me to gather, channel, and utilize sexual-emotional energy in magick
>How does nipple stimulation feel like if done correctly?
Well, after a few weeks your nipples get really sensitive, and I mean really, accidental touches through clothes are easily felt and give some tingly sensations. Your nipples get hard and you can get a boner from it.
>I thought I will only make nipples work if I stimulate the gay in me
Being gay helps a lot I think.
>Looks like the prostate will be the only way for me to gather, channel, and utilize sexual-emotional energy in magick
What about sex magic or just generally directing and utilizing the sexual energy even when just fapping? Where did that idea that playing with your ass is a method of utilizing the energy came from?
It was talked about multiple times. Here, have one of many possible techniques
I use a slightly modified version.
Anyway, playing with your ass is fun and you can get full-body orgasms and it is usually much more intense than regular faps so I'd think that it would have some effect on the amount of energy you can utilize.
>cool mutation or evolutionary defect, like sexually sensitive nipples or telepathy
Is telepathic ability hereditary? It would be huge if a gene were to be associated with it.
>apparently it could come with some really shitty mutations like identity of the wrong gender
Source? I didn't even realise gender dysphoria was genetic.
>Sometimes I get thirsty from nipple stimulation
So your nipples are sexually sensitive? I don't think mine are.
>This whole topic
What ideas did you even raise, beyond that absurd 'giant skeleton' thing which does not exist beyond a humorous article from a satirical website. All you did was attack a straw man which you had labelled 'evolution', and now that you've had the real thing patiently explained to you, you have the nerve to walk away shaking your head ruefully at us. You're the one who isn't open to new ideas.
>What about sex magic or just generally directing and utilizing the sexual energy even when just fapping? Where did that idea that playing with your ass is a method of utilizing the energy came from?
It's the most bizzare thing. There are people who are very energetically developed because of prostate stimulation, and don't even know it. They just do it for the "pleasurable waves".
It all started with medical device prescribed by doctors to resolve prostate issues. It wasn't sexual at all. A lot of guys started kegeling with it in to help prostatis or whatnot. And guess what. With absolutely no idea of concepts like energy work, ankhing, or Mantak Chia a lot of them accidentally rediscovered all the ancient knowledge on their own. Turns out prostate stimulation requires the kind of meditative state that is similar to sleep. Some people fail to achieve anything, then fall asleep, and wake up with what they call 20 minute whole body orgasms. And it doesn't stop there. You have a lot of people who report weird emotional-sexual afterglow that is pleasurable but can be annoying eg. in workplace. And some guy discovered on his own on the forums that it helps if he puts feet firmly on the ground, contract the kegel and strain the legs. Then the buzz comes down the legs and stops. So he actually figured out and applied grounding technique without even knowing what it is.
These guys have no idea what they're playing with.
>So your nipples are sexually sensitive?
What I mean is, you must get something out of it or you wouldn't have so much experience of it.
>So your nipples are sexually sensitive? I don't think mine are.
Getting thirsty is not a sign of them being sexually sensitive.
They also get hard quickly after touching them, but it doesn't change the fact there are no special sensations. Also, they often get really hard when taking a dump. I suppose this is the part of the trick that body often runs when peeing or pooping. Ever got weird shivers during peeing? It's your body working out the nervous system by giving you mini-orgasm. I've discovered it gets really common and strong during long no fap. After 1 month no-fap during almost every visit to toilet I get a flash of cold and my whole body jerks. Should include hard nipples too, although didn't check because I only made the connection right now.
Then I fap and the jerks stop. I'm sure it's some kind of preventive mechanism that makes sure certain structures related to your nervous system don't atrophy, or the reset/defrag thing like ejaculation during sleep.
I'm almost certain it has to do with breastfeeding. Apparently there are a lot of hormonal evolutionary programs tied to female nipples to make sure the mother drinks enough water (thirst), or likes to do it and therefore does it (sexual arousal during breastfeeding). And since we got the nipples too (because of evolutionary efficiency) we also got some of the programs. I mean, why would I get thirsty from nipple stimulation and so many people on the Internet too?
(wow, why does the topic of evolution keep coming back in different contexts? is someone from 8ch fringe practicing memetic magic targeting this thread?)
>There are people who are very energetically developed because of prostate stimulation
I don't know if it's true or not, but I buy into it totally.
>You have a lot of people who report weird emotional-sexual afterglow that is pleasurable
Yeah, I had it too, after a particularly good session of… umm… stimulating my boypussy with a dildo I had a few hours of a really nice afterglow, it was so good!
>Turns out prostate stimulation requires the kind of meditative state that is similar to sleep
Don't know about prostate massagers and stuff, but putting some long object inside you really calls for a very deep relaxation. Don't know about meditative state, I meditate a lot and haven't really drew a connection between anal masturbation and mediation. Of course, as with every type of masturbation you have a very enhanced ability to focus on your visualizations (mostly sex fantasies ofc) and direct energy, which is why sex magic has worked so well for me I think.
Thanks, gonna now penetrate the ancient mysteries of anal energy work with double the effort! :^)
>focus on your visualizations (mostly sex fantasies ofc)
I meant that most people use this for sex fantasies, but in using sex for magic it is necessary to replace them or have a total control over them.
>move beyond all of these 3 mysteries
>posts only 2
Dude, I'm so triggered right now. You totally know my sweet spots.
>50 posts of faggots talking about how gay they are
>previous 100 posts before that all obullshitism and fedora tipping
>just imagine your desired situation already achieved and your feelings about it
Has anybody here had success with it? Except small synchronicities here and there.
What would you define as a small synchronicity? What are you trying to accomplish?
This happened to me a week ago.
>Want a red coat. Have a thing with wearing red, cause crazy.
>Don't know exactly what I want, but have a strong feeling.
>Friend invites me to a thrift store to go shopping with him.
>Head into mens section.
>Hung right in the front, there's my coat.
>It's a womans coat. Appears to have been accidentally put in the wrong section
>Don't even care. Exactly what I wanted.
Things like that become the norm when you learn to expect them.
That's part of the mystery.
You start off with a question, after solving the mystery you have an answer. The 2 false mysteries let's you see your original question and the answer you found simultaniously.
The 3rd mystery will have you start with a question, and during the process of solving it, your question evolves into the answer. What remains is only the answer, the question is gone. This way you cannot expose the 3rd mystery to anyone else, the question is (has to be) of personal nature, while the answer seems to be the same for everyone. So the thing you need to solve, is how to connect yourself with the answer - one could say it's a backwards riddle, you need to find your mystery/question corresponding to the answer given by someone else. What you do end up with will sound similar to what you already knew, but it will relate to you personally on a deeper level.
Why would you believe "humanism", has any value? I always saw it as something used by atheists to deny anything they don't believe in.
But taking a new look at it, if you really go by the needs of the individual only, you'll find yourself taking up stances that seem contradictory and chaotic to most people.
For example
>supporting women's rights, because they are individuals
>opposing abortion, because the babies are individuals and should have the same rights
>being against religion in the aspects that works oppressive on the individual
>supporting religion when it protects the individual
>supporting free speech, and freedom of choice for the individual
>supporting law enforcement against individuals who limit other individuals' rights
>protecting the rights of those same people once placed in jail
>supporting the right to divorce from an abusive partner
>protecting the children's rights to have good relations with both of their parents
A lot of this will look like the average liberalism or leftism, but it comes down to humanism as an ideology in practice. This is the agenda of those people.
I hope you can see why you shouldn't dwell here and stop improving after reaching this point.
I see it as preparing the necessary space for the situation to become real. Once it's realized you will believe that it is real, so by starting in the other end - believing that it is real, you have the most important part already done. The material part is the simple part.
A lot of the time it's something small like I want to find a book or certain old movie, and I just know it's out there somewhere. All it takes is some time, and it will be there, at a street stand by someone's garage sale, uploaded to someone's cloud drive I accidentally find by lurking some unrelated online discussion… if it's information related it seems easier than if it's an artifact, but those are still doable quite easily. You can also do this with meeting people or finding situations you want to find/experience.
On a side note, I think it was the russian writer Alexander Solzjenitsyn who described how he read about the "Moscow trials" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow_Trials
and found certain things to just not make sense from by logical reason. At the time he was an honest believer in the sovjet system and had no intention of criticising it. He talks of how someone's wish to find the truth will lead the person to the place where this truth will be found.. and it does happen, he gets arrested. During his time in costudy he meets the relevant people and learns the truth.
>What would you define as a small synchronicity?
Your story seems to be one, for example. I meant something more grand, like acquiring new home in other part of the world by just imagining it.
This planet is saturated with curses that keep gentiles stuck in an endless cycle of distraction. These curses are mostly found in the Abrahamic works, and are recited daily by its millions of followers. As we all know, the aim of the Jew is the enslavement of the Gentiles. Spiritual progression and empowering the self can lead one to liberate himself and the rest of the Gentile race(s), and thus is made as hard as possible. That is the reason why all mainstream spiritual paths are completely chock full of disinformation, and why Pagans were mass murdered by the (((church))).
You need to build up an aura of protection to defend yourself from thought forms that distract and cloud your mind. http://mirror.spiritualsatanism.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Protection.html
That is for protection, now you also need something to to clean your aura and energy body of attachment, thought forms and other negative factors. http://mirror.spiritualsatanism.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Aura_Cleaning.html
They are rarer then the rarest pepe. Highest of demand, lowest of availability. Only handed out with my threads and posts from time to time.
Yes - that still counts. Satan understands our situations. You can alternatively evoke Satan himself and verify if you so desire. It probably worked though.
Also, for you, and anyone else that is interested in Spiritual Satanism - I created a Discord and it already has a high population.
Everyone with interest is allowed. You are encouraged to ask questions and inquire. I'll create a thread about it, but here is a "early bird" ticket - join here; https://discord.gg/9TerfFC
(No seriously - really soon. Will create a wiki page on it on my new website with plenty of references and resources so its not just the much hated "one trick pony" deal I so much despise in occultism.)
Too little time to write about this now. Join the discord above and I will have some people help you.
>using the incomplete, corrupted Jewish, originally Sumerian tree of life.
Enjoy your mutilated heart chakra.
You forgot
>"success" an original and benevolent Pagan God shows up and helps the Gentile in his fair request.
Problem is that many people have attachments to Judeo-Christian thoughtforms and beings, and that they are incapable of discerning astral deception so they are easy targets.
The latter doesn't happen when one is under the protection of ENKI - only the former.
Read the reply I gave to the other guy in the beginning of this post.
>any group that seeks to recruit or proselytize is anti-aryan
All as individuals, we stand zero fucking chance against the ZoG and their non-terrestrial allies. Many people who ascend to a competent level of spiritual development will also get visits from maleovlent ET's and other beings that will make sure you are neutralized, because you would become a threat to the prison planet regime. Sure - by all means, stay on your own. This way, you will:
>never really get yourself anywhere on the spiritual ladder because you will be neutralized - this often happens after a kundalini awakening.
>never get your race anywhere because you don't stand a chance as an individual against a multiplanetary spanning alliance of parasitical beings
If Hitler did not band up the nation to fight against the Jewish lead Soviet Union, the entirety of Europe - if not more - would be all covered in the communist plague. We would live under constant tyranny, no breaks from the constant forced work we'd need to do, and have no room to spiritually improve. We are globally slowly but steadily gravitating to global communism yet again, and if we do not take a stand TOGETHER, we will all fall as INDIVIDUALS.
I've said before - Satanists perform Reverse Torah Rituals in union, while affirming the liberation of the Gentiles Races and cursing the Jewish races. The effects of these are amplified tenfold of us doing it together, with support of the Gods. Secondly, we can achieve Godhood and develop ourselves without having to worry of reptiles or angels, or whatever invading and neutralizing us. There are already Satanists that have ascended to Godhood and explained the steps.
>They were not seen as beings to worship but rather primal and alchemial forces of reality
False. They are real beings like you and me. I'll cover this in my own thread - it deserves more then just a reply here. I will also address your other claims.
>What if the occult and every manipulation of reality is a work of satan?
I'll just create my own thread to cover Satan and Satanism in full. People like you keep popping up despite me having it explained time and time again for more then six months now. Read this question thread and the previous ones, and just CTRL + F + Alpam
The efficiency of your manifestations depends on how much subtle energy/bio-electricity/prana you allocate to your desire. Try to draw/paint with barely any paint - you won't see much. Try to talk to thousands while only whispering - your voice will not be heard by anyone. The same applies to magick. A low amount of available or allocated energy, means a low or inefficient manifestation.
>A low amount of available or allocated energy, means a low or inefficient manifestation.
I thought so! So, Taking his example as an…example.
>I meant something more grand, like acquiring new home in other part of the world by just imagining it.
That's a lotta loosh right? So a person who has undergone a kundalini rising, and therefore has more efficient chi-generation would have an easier time manifesting in theory, right?
Also, My 'system' uses emotional resonance to get what I'm after. Are there more efficient means?
Atkinson was an armchair occultist book salesman who put tiny amounts of gleaned content he found from third party sources into huge books in order to make as much money as possible, most of his content is filler and the rest is not even original and derived from whatever information he could find.
Also his books on Yoga weren't really written with the help of a yogi friend as he claimed (or by a yogi, I don't remember what he claimed exactly) and are made up bullshit mixed with some information taken from Theosophic translations of some texts, which translations were often faulty in various aspects and didn't present the teachings in their entirety or didn't present the more occult aspects of them.
Although I have to give him some credit at least, Kybalion is a nice entry-level book, but that's pretty much it. If you have never had any contact with the occult whatsoever then it is a nice read, otherwise there is no point in reading it. But I guess that other occult books would also do just fine too.
I don't understand what any magick is good for. I've been under the impression magick was for the most part, negative or a distraction. Why not use a physical mean to lead to a better physical world? I also don't know what good the astral stuff is. Or what good the occult is. These things seem like distractions. The history aspect is of course very interesting. Elaboration on what they are good for is appreciated.
I really don't know what I'm looking for here truth be told. Vedic books were captivating but that seems to be pretty well lost stuff to learn at this point. Too many options to do, leaves me paralyzed of pursuing any.
I mean no ill will. Just another lost soul not sure where to go when I perceive so many important fights to be in the physical realm. I will spend time on the montalk.net. I suppose that seems like a fine starting place. But any guidance is always appreciated. Thank you.
"The truth is this: The march of Providence is so slow and our desires so impatient; the work of progress is so immense and our means of aiding it so feeble; the life of humanity is so long, that of the individual so brief, that we often see only the ebb of the advancing wave and are thus discouraged. It is history that teaches us to hope."
>I really don't know what I'm looking for here truth be told.
If you don't, how do you expect anybody else to?
Atkinson is the best occult writer I've ever read. His stuff got me results and cured me of a serious illness.
Have any of you participated in group-based healing? A while ago I was with a circle of people who were able to pick up on my anxieties and bad health. One person started directing love towards me and all of them joined in. I felt a lot of energy entering me and wash away a kind of inner filth, it was almost overwhelming. What would be the best method for recreating this experience or just advice for group healing in general?
What do you guys make of Aphantasia? Causes or explanations? Is it just a lack of practice of visualization?
If you look at the top of the webpage, there is something called 'IRC'.
Because Smiley the bumbling retard schizo jewish obullshitist who owns 8/fringe/ created the reading list.
>listening to a insane jew who has been in and out of the clinc more times than a celebrity
You seem not to be aware of the phenomenon of sexual arousal during the lowered brainwave state. By relaxation I actually mean almost half-sleep state. If you massage prostate gently during this extreme meditative relaxation state, you can talk of sexual magick.
The general rule is, if you have strong sense of passing time, then you're not doing it right. If you have strong sense of where your body is in space, then you're probably not doing it right. Usually in this state you almost stop feeling like you're lying on bed. It's more like falling backwards, spinning or drifting away.
After I fap for a long peried of time I get the perfect state of mind so clear and focused. Is there a way to attain this state of mind without fapping? It's a waste of time and I usually feel like shit after the period of clarity ends.
Yeah if you don't masturbate at all and transmute your sexual energy you will always feel like this.
>only my definition of sex magic is viable
I don't care, it brings results and that's all I need.
Tbh I didn't do a lot of sex magic via anal masturbation, usually just straight up fapping is an easier option when it comes to directing energy, result magic etc.
>this is why I said you're not doing trance sexual magick
No, you didn't say anything about "trance sexual magic", you said
>It doesn't look like you do sex magick at all.
which is curious as for a very long time sex magic was my go-to when it came to results magic or healing.
If you define "trance sexual magic" not to be confused with "tranny sexual magic", these are different things! :^) as
>half-sleep state
>massage prostate gently during this extreme meditative relaxation state
then sure, I haven't done it, nevertheless there is a plenitude of ways one can use sex in magic and I don't see why your way of doing things is the way, one and only, of doing it.
>not being able to transmute sexual energy while fapping
>not being able to direct it and use it
>not realizing the power inherent in sexual urges
Who's bullshit wizard now :^)
Truth be told, I thought I knew what I was looking for until I got reading threads in here and there is waaay more variance than I thought there would be.
There is even more variance as many things don't find their way into fringechan. Just study up fam.
As to your original question - what good is magic for - it is good for everything. You can advance and become le enlightened master maybe or you can go about mundane matters by unmundane means and everything in between. Contact entities, divine future, manifest anything you want into your life etc.
I don't really think there is one thing that magic wouldn't be good for. Magic is everything.
I thank you for suggestion. See the part that seems terribly hard of magic is from what I've read so far you will never know if you are being hoodwinked until after the fact. This seems very bad. Is this actually common problem or am I just a bit to paranoid of it?
I do love asking questions….
If you manifest something into your or someone else's life intentionally, and then see that it truly happened, you can be pretty sure of your impact on it. With several data points, you can therefore prove it to yourself.
At that point, it would be ignorant to think "that would have happened anyway"
Even energy work is very clearly real as can be discerned from the fact that it makes you feel and/or perceive differently. IIH water techniques are very rapid ways of siphoning off negativity, for example.
Does that help, or were you thinking of another kind of being hoodwinked?
Those are good points. I'm complete newb and the broadness of what is magic I guess is making my questions difficult to interpret. I guess I never even thought of manifesting something into someone else's life, I suppose this would be akin to praying for something to happen but you are using some sort of magic to will it into reality?
See, I never thought of energy work as magic, I just thought it energy work.
I guess when I'm thinking of magick I'm thinking more of the occult parts with contact entities, spells, and that sort. Maybe that is where my confusion is derived from.
>Why not use a physical mean to lead to a better physical world?
Why do you think making the physical world better is the most important thing? Not that magic can't affect the physical world, but it's fundamental to the enlightened mindset that the physical world is not the be-all and end-all. Making your physical environs safer or richer will not satisfy you in the end.
>Being a homophobe
Wow, just wow.
>I've been under the impression magick was for the most part, negative or a distraction.
I find that it's a tool for one to put to use for one's own purposes. Even if they're good or bad, it's irrelevant.
>Why not use a physical mean to lead to a better physical world?
That's also something "magicians" do.
>The history aspect is of course very interesting
Agreed, it's probably my favorite part of occult material. There's so many varied traditions and teachings, but a lot of them are very similar in a few ways: the consummation of the self and/or knowing divinity. Neither of these two things are distractions or useless, in my opinion.
>I really don't know what I'm looking for here truth be told
Same here. I don't know what specifically I'm looking for, but if I had to explain it, it would be like a paradigm shift in being, or a new method in which to think. I don't know if I will be able to find this in any arcane aphorism or ancient literature, or even in my own introspection, but I feel as though it's a step in the right direction.
>Too many options to do, leaves me paralyzed of pursuing any.
If you enjoy the Vedas, there's no reason not to stick with them. Take it slow, understand as much as you can, and keep digging when you feel ready.
>I perceive so many important fights to be in the physical realm
There are, but you don't need to chose between the material and the immaterial, as they're very much one thing.
>I will spend time on the montalk.net. I suppose that seems like a fine starting place. But any guidance is always appreciated. Thank you.
I haven't been through much of Montalk's writings, but I liked the heavy focus on Gnosis. Extra-dimensional entities and other such topics I found to be superfluous. Oh, and he does a great job at designing his website. If anyone's going to distribute knowledge of fringe topics on the web, use Montalk's site as a standard of quality.
Also, as a general rule, always try to research someone's research. Never take someone's words to heart and not attempt to prove or disprove them.
From Atkinson's writings, I've found a good amount of "The Arcane Teachings" to be purloined right from Hermetic ideas. If you're going to study occult topics, start with earlier works, as a lot of modern texts tend to express similar teachings, usually for the worse in my experience.
Regardless, I'm glad to hear that his works helped you.
Yeah, Smiley certainly isn't the best wizard. He could stand to work on mastering more mundane things before trying out his "projects" and whatnot. I think he'd find some success that way. Or maybe he could keep gardening; he seemed to be good at that.
>See, I never thought of energy work as magic, I just thought it energy work.
I don't think we even have an accurate definition of magick. I know some anons last thread were arguing over one, but I don't think anything came of it.
>Making your physical environs safer or richer will not satisfy you in the end.
This is true, though they're certainly good places to start so that your foundation for success is a stronger one.
To your earlier point, yes, it does often make sense to use physical/mundane means to improve your circumstances. However, there are situations where you're better off addressing them through meditation, manifestation, etc.
>See, I never thought of energy work as magic, I just thought it energy work
>I don't think we even have an accurate definition of magick
I think that Crowley's definition is good, but often someone has a problem with it for some unspecified reason (usually has to do with disdain for the person who came up with it).
"the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will"
Regardless of definition, meditation and energy work are foundational practices. Personally I think they count because internal/subjective change is change nonetheless. Also, if you were so inclined to measure them, you would find there are physical correlates that correspond to these practices (i.e. brain waves, levels of cortisol, blood pressure, etc. - which are not insignificant)
Prayer is one way to manifest change, so it could certainly count, but there is also: remote influencing, ritual magick, sigils, influencing the thoughts of others, autosuggestion to change your own thoughts, just to name a few.
As you can see, contacting entities (one type of ritual) is hardly the only thing that's possible. In fact, evocation is not recommended for beginners.
Occult just means hidden, i.e. the study of the energy underlying perceived reality, and the metaphysics that govern that energy. This term has been spookified in modern times to be associated with demons and spirits but has little to no natural association with that.
Anyway, to sidestep the "what is magic" discussion, this is a fringe board so discussion on anything along these lines is welcome on here regardless :)
any good quality youtubers out their making videos demonstrating and explaining remote influencing, ritual magic, sigils,autosuggetions etc. I'm a very hands on person, a lot of this stuff is natural for me. for some reason I find it more effective with someone else mind their. even if it happens to be a biography, some sort of first hand account or role play that has good factual information so that Im able to more fluently contextualize. thanks - rig
Thoughts on the Initiate folder in The Occult Seed? It seems like a lot of the books are obscure, possibly incorrect, and come from paid programs. The writer of Ageless Living died in his sleep, the book Transcendence is only on the writers site and has no mention of it elsewhere, and the Bates method still having corrections made to it (although apparently it works according to people here).
I think the evil people have enormous power right now and the world is being led to trying times that could only really be countered in the physical. Seems like it would be easier to lead to a better life for the majority to just purge the bad in the physical realm, then focus on the spiritual is all I mean. It seems like it is hard to progress spiritually when the physical realm is so rubbish. I'm very drawn to helping on the macro level so to speak.
Thanks for your viewpoints and advice. I only mention not doing the vedas because I'm under the impression they need a teacher and who knows one lol.
Thanks for your explanation, that definition does help a bit to sort out the confusion for a beginner.
I clearly don't want to mess with evocation at this point. But dealing with these spirits, divination or what not, they help for free? What is the tax here? Only example I really know would be the Edgar Cayce example where it shortened his life span to go to the akashic records more than twice a day.
Good evening Fringechan,
I haven't been here in about a year, since I took the limited Kierkegaardian leap of faith into Christianity since. However, said leap of faith can be applied to any sort of belief system as well, and Christianity hasn't truly resonated with me but has provided me temporary comfort, but more conflict than comfort in real-life scenarios. After a long, conflictive path, I'm discarding Christianity and following my intuition. Truly, I can confirm that it was a huge waste of time to force myself to believe into something that doesn't "fit" personally.
When I was back here in 2015, I was interested mainly in Hermeticism and visited and read some stuff from Montalk every now and then. There's firm and powerful knowledge to be found in /fringe/.
A firm belief that I have is that everything is made, to the core, of the same substance (natural monism, classical pantheism) and that most likely, everything has been predetermined. Regardless of this, we can tap much more deeply into that same source or substance and possibly acquire enough self-insight and certain abilities to be used in our true path or find a true meaning. This might sound a bit like Taoism, and probably Thelema (I don't know much about it either), but I still don't find the latter quite to be "it" in a personal sense.
Hinduism and Sikhism have also resonated with me, so I believe there might be a common ground in belief here.
Despite of this, I'm willing to take a leap into the "absurd" and keep searching for the knowledge that I can use for good (more common good than personal good, but they seem to come hand in hand).
Is there anyone that can guide me to a particular framework of thought that comes close to that which is described some paragraphs above so I can expand on it?
Thanks in advance, and have a great night.
Forgot to add, another influence of mine has been Stoic metaphysics (not quite much with their ethics, though, but their knowledge of the acceptance of one's fate is amazing)
Evening anon.
I don't know as much about other religious/philosophical traditions as I do Hermeticism, but I think it's kind of similar to the beliefs you currently hold. Also, I'm going to make a distinction of "Classical Hermeticism" and "Modern Hermeticism", as I feel it's an important topic that is almost never brought up. Keep in mind, this is just my opinion, an opinion that definitely needs to be refined with more research.
Classic Hermeticism would be the current extant writings of Hermes Trismegistus, the Corpus Hermeticum, dating back to 3-7AD or even possibly sooner. (See: G.R.S Mead's "Thrice Greatest Hermes: Volume 3" Section IV, Concerning Dates).
"The Emerald Tablet" is an important piece of writing that is also attributed to Trismegistus; however, I currently have doubts on it's origin and validity as a truly Hermetic work.
Modern Hermeticism would be things attributed to Hermeticism during and after the Renaissance times. I would include everything from Hermetic Kabbalah, Franz Bardon's Hermetic works, the Kybalion, and other workings of Hermetic secret societies. Currently, I find a lot of these practices have little to do with the former Hermetic texts.
If you're interested, start with G.R.S Mead's or Brian Copenhaver's translation of the Corpus Hermiticum. Both are very good reads and also extremely heavy note-wise. Afterwords, work your way chronologically through the rest of the material, or maybe look into Gnosticism, as it has many similarities to Hermeticism, but with the added Christian flavoring. Hope this is of use to you.
I was also wondering, what was your experience with Christianity like? I've always been interested in learning about it history and teachings, but every Christian I've ever known only talks of "Jesus is Lord" and seemingly negative, diluted eschatology. On top of that, there's a ton of different denominations that, at a glance, I feel are particularly pointless in the grand scheme of the religion. Finally, the idea of canon and non-canon scripture is bizarre to me. All of these things together makes it seem like too much of a hassle.
A kind and caring Aryan man whose doctrine was corrupted by jews and useful idiots soon after his ascendancy. Very similar in many ways to Prince Siddhattha in many ways.
> Bates method
If we are talking about the eyesight exercises they do work with some effectiveness.
I've been doing the "long swing" exercise for a few minutes daily during the past year and have gotten back to being able to read some screens again with no glasses. (specifically a digital scale I use a lot and used to need glasses for) The improvement isn't miraculous but I guess I could have put in more effort as well.
Hey all, what does it mean when a bunch of flies die gathered in the same spot in a room?
>I meant something more grand, like acquiring new home in other part of the world by just imagining it.
>That's a lotta loosh right?
Depends on your current situation. Energy will take the route of least resistance. Meaning that, if you are already have an open channel where money is supposed to flow in through, doing a working to acquire a home might just get you the money you need. This would be the case if you are a business owner. Or say, you are employed and suddenly get a raise. That sort of stuff would require little loosh/energy. However, if you do not have any desired timelines "close" to your current one, you will need a tremendous amount of energy to manifest one that does. As you can see, it depends highly on your current situation. There's another side to this; if you do not formulate your intention carefully and properly, you might manifest a timeline in which you acquire the aforementioned house in a sinister/negative say - like your parents dying and you inheriting their fortune.
>So a person who has undergone a kundalini rising, and therefore has more efficient chi-generation would have an easier time manifesting in theory, right?
>Also, My 'system' uses emotional resonance to get what I'm after. Are there more efficient means?
1. Planetary magick through magick squares (highly recommend - highly efficient).
2. Directly generating subtle energies and allocating them to a servitor.
3. Evoking the Pagan/Gentile/Satanic (all the same pantheon) Gods and asking them for assistance - however this is not really recommended unless you've done your dedication rite. I give that warning out of a risk, as without Satan, the chance to get your astral communication intercepted is stupidly big.
Does not ring a bell, no. But if you any questions about the left hand path or Hitlerism, or both, feel free to ask.
>I don't understand what any magick is good for.
In the broad sense; reality consists of many layers, and magick is used to manipulate the non-physical. These layers, in turn, interact and manifest downwards with the physical. Truly you must see the benefits of this.
>Why not use a physical mean to lead to a better physical world?
Use both physical and non-physical. Its what we do subconsciously naturally anyway - magick is just refining it all and doing it consciously.
>I will spend time on the montalk.net
>current year
Unless you want to go full metaphysical communism, go ahead. (((The All/The Godhead))) is eagerly awaiting your submission.
Stick with the authentic and original metaphysical framework that was practiced all over the globe uniformly by all ancient cultures and peoples, before the Jews and their systems reared their ugly heads. All other metaphysical paradigms are watered down and diluted forms, purposely castrated of most fundamental truths by the Jews. Me and a few other scholars are currently in the process of creating a wiki on this, but for now, the main source of authentic knowledge you will find is on the Joy of Satan website. Start here; http://mirror.spiritualsatanism.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Origins_of_Satanism.html
The site is at times difficult to wade through, but sources and objective references are always given.
Fictitious Jewish entity that never truly existed. All the stories and miracles he performed were blatantly ripped off from Pagan history before that. Added to that, not a single Historian out of the hundreds at the time, besides a known fraud (a Jew, surprise surprise), noted any person described as Jesus, the Nazarene, the one that performed miracles, to exist. The true purpose of the fictitious Jesus Christ entity was a "fit all size" corrupted being for the Gentile populace, replacing all our culture that went before. He literally is a compilation of Pagan Heroes and Gods that went before, just with much added Jewish flavoring and literally zero historic reference. The fact that the only reference of Jewsus exists in the Abrahmic references and books should be all the warning signs you need. I wrote a reply about the Bible yesterday to someone where the topic were the "angels", I'll just paste it here.
The Bible has multiple purposes besides just fear-based control. The Bible is the following:
- It is a blueprint for communism, which is another wholly Jewish invention. In fact, you can interchange "God" with "State" in the bible, and there you have it. This is pretty obvious, I don't think I need to touch more on this.
- It is a compilation and delicately crafted book full of Jewish witchcraft. For example, the Bible speaks endlessly about the supposed "End Times" and "Judgement". These verses are to this day still recited on a daily basis, read by millions. This obviously enhances potential of efficiency this manifestation has. Does that sound like something you wish to have manifested? This is just the tip of the iceberg, there are many more cruel and anti-Gentile curses in the book. The entire point of the book is to enslave the Gentile populace whilst empowering the Jewish race of people. If you want, I can find a couple of verses. Even having the Bible in your room amplifies the thought forms contained within (which includes the Angels, but more on that later).
- And this is the most "annoying" part; the Bible is designed to be slander and corrupt the entirety of the history of mankind that was publicly known before. It is in every form and essence a corruption. Ever since Sumeria - Humanity's first civilization that popped up out of nowhere approximately 40.000 years ago - the consenus was that man had been created by a pantheon of physical beings that "came from the Heavens" essentially globally. The earliest occurance of this story stems from the aforemtioned civilization; Sumeria. The leader of the pantheon's name is ENKI. These beings were known to be responsible for teaching mankind literacy, society, spirituality, argiculture, and many more - but most importantly; proclaimed to be the creator of humanity. (note: specifically humanity and not the entirety the planet, let alone the Universe, as 'YHWH' dares to claim). Having studied ancient cultures and societies, the same pantheon seems to have been present in other places as well - under different names, yet they all taught the same history and taught us the same methods. One of these being Egypt; where ENKI was known under the name Ptah - they have the exact same qualities, and when individually evoked by an individual, they will confirm to be the same. Yet these beings again show up in Norse history, where ENKI was known as Odin - again, same being bearing the same qualities and will confirm to be the same when evoked. See a pattern here? The Yezidi's, another ancient culture long predating most others, claimed to know this very creator God who I have just mentioned before under the name Shaitan. In India and Vedic writings, was he known under the name SATAN/SATNAM. The name Satan actually means "Eternal/Absolute Truth" in Sanskrit. But in Hebrew? It means "advesary".
The Bible, in essence the Jews, took the existing known history, and corrupted this all to conform to their own desires and needs. The (Pagan) Gods that were uniformly known throughout the world were unjustly labeled as evil, as Demons. They replaced these beings that Gentiles would originally speak and consult to with "Kosher" and Jew-approved beings; the Angels.
Anyhow, read more here: http://see_the_truth.webs.com/Jesus_Christ.htm
And here; http://see_the_truth.webs.com/
Pic related; judge a tree by its fruit
A lot of Christianity was maliciously manafactured, but it also has been developing and spreading naturally because it was such a good egregore at the time. Its memes provided people exactly what they wanted and pushed the right buttons. Same with Islam.
I don't quite understand how come you're enlightened to the nature of belief systems such as Christianity, and yet you're a proponent of Hitlerism. Do you not realize that Hitlerism works on the same principles as other belief systems, eg. Christianity? I'm asking because most occultists I talked with, who have these insights, don't let themselves be infected by any strong belief systems, at least for longer periods of time. They usually remain suspended in chaosphere and only appropriate some belief system when they absolutely need to. It's easy to drown in a belief system, even if your intention was quick submersion.
Anyway, you seem like someone who could answer me the question that had been intriguing me. Did you get to the bottom of the motives of the Jews and other groups that happened to be similar manipulators? The answer that it lies in Jewish genes to manipulate doesn't satisfy me. I feel like something is really not right here. Most importantly, Jewish Kabbalah provides especially deep insight into human psyche. Common characteristic of a person with great understanding of human nature is that he goes beyond it, in a way. For example, one of many fundamental programs on which we operate is the desire for security. I can see a person manipulating to acquire security. But if your whole religion centers about awareness about programs like this… I'd say at some point you would break free from them. I observed it in myself and anyone who went through some spiritual growth. How comes then, that the Jew still wants to manipulate, as if he still was addicted to security, despite all his spiritual awareness.
I'm interested in your explanation. One of my theories is that I'm mistakenly operating on the assumption that the Jew in the past could afford to bypass the addiction to security, domination, power. Perhaps it's only thanks to the comfortable modern times that we can break free from these programs.
Or perhaps Jews didn't in fact have as much insight about human nature as we have now. They only had enough to get by and in their ignorance they kept manipulating?
In other words, I can't wrap my head around the motives of the Jews in the past or now. It's a worrying to me that people with such gift for logical thinking, math and insightful religious systems are just as manipulative and ruthless as clueless teenagers with emotional problems.
>jews created Jesus
>all direct quotes from Jesus in the christian bible are openly derisive of jews and everything they stand for
really makes you think
I'm sure a "Satanist" isn't biased about this one way or another :^)
Jews stole the Kabbalah from Aryan traditions, they are not actually Israelites either (the actual Israelites were white and died out around Solomon's time) and just claim to their civilization and culture one of many they stole. They are an ancient nomadic people who have systematically infiltrated and destroyed every great civilization in the history of this planet, they are the great plague of mankind. On the spiritual level they seem to be non-human as instead of a heart chakra they have a void as expressed in their kabbalah. As far as I can tell they are pretty much a hammer used to forge humanity, by continually destroying us they force us to change and adapt, they are a tool used to push the cycles of civilizations.
It seems to me that every time someone talks about "the Jews" in this context, or everywhere on the Internet, they actually mean just few Jewish bloodlines. It is often that Jewish bankers, professors, or Hollywood producers can be traced to one particular year of students at a particular university, one street or one family. Before the Internet, the world was a really small place. 100 years ago it was a REALLY, REALLY small place. There were very little well-educated people who had historical awareness. These that did usually knew each other. Please realize that with the exception of books like Bible, until 500 years ago, you usually had just ONE copy of book containing specific knowledge. And it didn't even change that much till the Internet. Even in XX century you had like 5 true experts per field of science, those with access to knowledge from the past. And they all came from the same year at one University and were friends. I feel weird explaining this stuff on occult-related board from all boards, but then again here are people claiming ideology is genetic
>oy vey goy how dare you generalize us this is like a 6 millionith shoah apologize you ignorant fool!
In the Jewish texts, Samael [Hebrew word for "Satan"] is called the Father of the Aryan race, openly. The White race is also called "Amalek" in the texts, where the Jews heap blasphemy upon the White race, Satan, Gentiles in general - and they give direct orders to exterminate Whites/"the mixed multitude" (Gentiles). They describe the different "Goyim" but they put the White race into a special category "to be bolted out forever", as it states we are the direct descendants of Satan/Samael.
The Jewish Zohar v1 pages 28b 29a state;
"At the time the mixed multitude shall pass away from the world. The mixed multitude are the impurity which the serpent injected into Eve. From that impurity came Cain who killed Abel. For they are the seed of Amalek. Whom it said "thou shalt bolt out the memory of Amalek." Gentiles who are compared to the beasts of the field another from the mazikin [goblins] for the souls of the wicked are literally mazikin of the world: and there is the impurity from the side of the demons and evil spirits: and there is none so strange among them as Amalek who is the evil serpent "the strange God." He is the cause of all unchastity and murder and his twin soul is the poison of idolatry, the two together being called Samel… This side of the serpent is accused above all."
can you give your interpretation of an inverted pentagram.
thoughts -
>Quintessence pointed downwards - nigredo stage. V.I.T.R.I.O.L.
>two horns - dualism - strict seperation of matter and spirit
It's what the Jews think of the White race, their perspective upon us. Very much revelant. They see us as the enemy because we are of Satan (which means "adversary" in Hebrew, *their* adversary ans that suits me just fine) whilst they are our enemy as they stem from the murderous and vile thoughtform, YHVH, which is a collective of enemy ET. Satan means "Eternal Truth" in the oldest (gentile) language in the world - Sanskrit.
The Jews made up the Christianity Hoax. What do you expect from a book that says "Salvation is of the Jews." ?
Vespasian who founded the Flavian dynasty as the Roman histories stated built a statue to an Alexandrian JEW who through Titus was the reason he became the Emperor. This Jew was Philo Alexandria, whose money funded the Flavian Dynasty and who was made a core member of the Dynasty along with other Jewish power elites. This Dynasty created Christianity.
>Evoking the Pagan/Gentile/Satanic (all the same pantheon) Gods and asking them for assistance - however this is not really recommended unless you've done your dedication rite. I give that warning out of a risk, as without Satan, the chance to get your astral communication intercepted is stupidly big.
Never invoked or evoked Satan and I don't think my astral communications were intercepted in any way. Where are you coming from with this? There is a plenitude of really powerful Deities that can help the practitioner out. Although I come from almost purely Hindu Shakta world view, but the way you say it implies that not invoking/evoking Satan as a guardian or whatever is not system oriented but universal.
I'm aware of that, but I'm an adherent of Shaktism, to a certain degree at least, and I don't go on about telling people that if they don't do sadhana to Kali, or any emanation of the Devi for that matter, then they are in the world of pain. Even though in various scriptures and texts such a view is actually present, but it is obvious to me that it applies only within the limits of the system through which the practitioner is working and not to any practitioner of every system. There is no need to preach about Devi's power, even though I'm completely convinced of it, so I try to understand why is there a need to preach Satan.
Maybe "preach" is a wrong word, maybe it would be more suitable to say "advocate" for Satan or whatever, but I think you get the picture.
The way I see it, every system, or at least every system that is complex enough and is a complete system of occult workings, have measures to protect the practitioner and/or? put him in contact with guardian spirits/entities etc.
So, why is there a need to specifically evoke/invoke Satan so that the powers that be or whatever don't hurt you? Or is this, understandable although a bit immature, way to boast about your chosen system implying that only this one system is capable of fully protecting/empowering/etc. the practitioner and that the system is be-all end-all of all systems?
The only other option I can think of would be that Alpam views Satan as a sort of a being that is present in any and every magical and spiritual system of cultivation although under different names, but that explanation would be a bit lackluster in my opinion as, at least to my knowledge, it would force Satan into a role that is incompatible with the Joy of Satan Spiritual Satanism in many cases.
For example, I've heard that some Spiritual Satanists (don't know if Alpam is amongst them) equate Shiva with Satan, nevertheless that creates more questions than it answers them. Many characteristics of Shiva, at least from the point of view of esoteric systems such as Tantrik Shaivism or Shaktism, are absent from the JoS teachings, and vice versa I guess. I'm not some specialist on Shiva of course as I devoted myself completely to other matters, but I do know a bit about His cult. I think that equating Satan with various other entities from other systems is reductionist and doesn't make sense if one researches the matter thoroughly, although I see profits for the JoS in presenting this kind of view.
I'm not against JoS in any way and Alpam is a great guy, but I'd like to know why he wrote what he wrote.
Is this fellow talking about Satanism the same type of Satanism that sacrifices people and have sex with kids? I don't really understand how that can be good.
Not really, and I doubt that
>Satanism that sacrifices people and have sex with kids
exists at all and is anything more than a bogeyman created by Chistians to undermine occult practices or just scare their flock into submission.
In short, JoS is a system that heavily relies on energy work when it comes to practice (the people who are into IIH often say that they stole many exercises from Bardon's work though, but I don't know anything about that) and their agenda is centered around the metaphysical combat against exoteric Christianity, among other things, and weakness and delusion it brings. Which is precisely why I consider them a natural ally, although I often find myself at odds with many of other things they claim and teach (assuming there is any "they", as Satanists tend to be strongly individualized afaik), I find some of their theory and scholarly work behind it very lackluster, as I already said in my previous post.
Also, they are, again afaik, heavily inspired by National Socialism, which isn't something I am involved in nor desire to be associated with, but I do very much enjoy their more metaphysical agenda.
Not really an expert on JoS though, just my personal opinions here, maybe do some research yourself or wait for Alpam to respond.
Also, they don't like Jews too much.
Discussing what satan stands for is futile. Every person attempting to connect to satan will connect to a different dimension of satan.
There are thousands of entities. A lot of them were appropriated over the years by various cultures many times over, and what stands for them changed many times over. And it's not all. Most of them you can't explain without delving deep into the ideological/cultural context from which they emerged. Every time you throw names of these gods and entities into discussion, people with whom you're talking have different connotations to them. Even you had modified each of them the very moment you learned about them.
Satanbro what kind of stuff do you practice? I also remember there being some kind of three month guide on JOS, but I can't find it anymore
What do you call a demon underling?
I feel like there should be some tradional terms for them (need to know for better web searches).
I have found that synchronicity often reveals and underlying pattern manifesting.
For example, you might start seeing success symbolized in people, symbols and situations days before you get a raise and stuff like that.
Whenever you do magick you can sometimes detect this prelude to manifestation. Most often than not it's totally spontaneous, and sometimes it ends up being nothing, but you can still see the pattern. They're literally omens of something. Sometimes consequential, sometimes not.
>either … or …
Nice polarization.
rhythm meditation.
stand up, be limp, shift gravity from left foot to right foot until you get a rocking motion.
also yoga.
>Is this fellow talking about Satanism the same type of Satanism that sacrifices people and have sex with kids?
You're thinking of talmudic judaism, pretty much everything attributed to the satanist stereotype is actually done by jews, they just created a scapegoat so it seems outlandish to accuse them of raping infant boys and drinking their blood.
Yesterday I bought a replacement lense for my broken camera. It came in a small ziplock baggie and I figured I'd replace it today.
…It seems to have vanished. I only handled it within the room so I've got no idea where it could have gone and feel completely retarded.
Can anyone teach me some entry level scrying to find it?
It had gotten stuck to a chocolate wrapper and made its way into the bin somehow. But found a piece of Orgonite I'd misplaced so guess it isn't all bad.
I've been watching the Tom Campbell videos linked in the sticky. Here he argues that the constancy of the speed of light proves that the universe as we know it is a digital simulation. Basically, speeds have a limit because the 'matrix' has limited processing power. Does his logic hold up?
I don't know if that makes sense or not, but a pretty solid proof that we're not living in a digital simulation are irrational numbers, such as pi. It doesn't terminate, it doesn't repeat and goes on ad infinitum which means that whoever programmed it in has an infinite processing power. Well, if somewhere pi starts repeating, on a quadrillionth decimal place or something, then yeah that could be a solid proof of us living in a virtual reality. I mean, we already are living in Maya the way I see it, but that doesn't imply that there is any programmer that programmed our digital universe from their analog universe. Also, "the matrix" and Maya aren't really the same things, if we are talking about semantics, but that doesn't matter much.
Also, there is much I'd like to talk about in regards to speed of light, Maxwell equations and relativity, but all in all, no one knows why the speed of light is constant. Also, the rules of quantum physics are counter-intuitive. For example, if you have an object that is traveling very fast (lets say 100km/h measured relatively to your speed) and you are traveling and accelerating, this object will appear to be moving slower until it will be at rest (0km/h), relatively to you when your speeds will be equal. Now, that isn't how light speed works. No matter how fast you travel, the speed of light will always be constant to you.
But I digress I think, could c = const. be a proof of our universe being a simulation? Maybe, but I present a counter argument - things that aren't constant and are infinite such as irrational numbers which are decimals that don't terminate.
a nice popular science video that talks about speed of light and presents some theories as to why it is as it is if you are interested
>I don't know much about magic
>I urgently need to know
What you are describing seems to me as something that can't be easily or quickly learned. I mean, what we do here aren't some spells or rituals in which correct sequence of doing things brings the result and which anyone can perform, no matter their skill and level of affinity with the occult.
Magic comes through the understanding of the forces of the universe and through direct practice and getting yourself accustomed to using and feeling them. The first thing is to keep your lower mind (or whatever you want to call it) in control. Usually it is acquired through the practice of meditation so you can perform magic undisturbed by the mundane thoughts and can focus on your working completely. Of course this is just my point of view on doing magic, others might not agree. I often allow my low desires to roam free, but when it comes to magic I channel and direct them so that they help me in achieving my various goals rather than be an obstacle. They still can be an obstacle in some other workings though.
With that being said, I think that if you really desire it with all of your being, you could achieve that, using the raw power of your emotions to balance out your lack of occult knowledge I think.
>downloading a persons transgressions/fears/whatever the fuck into an object or artwork so as to liberate their being from its hold on them
Now, what you are describing sounds like something a shaman would do. I've read in some book (Harner's "The Way of the Shaman" if I remember correctly) that shamans used to "suck out" the illness of their patient into some external object, while being in an altered state of consciousness. But they were often having help spirits and again, it's not something one could learn overnight.
Nevertheless, I think that there are many ways to achieve your goal - liberating the person from their fears etc. that don't require using an external object, as I really don't know much about using such in my practice. My modus operandi relies purely on internalizing everything and not externalizing it. If I ever wanted to help someone get over their inner demons I'd astral project into their mind (possibly with their agreement for such a thing) and there actively evoke the things they are trying to cope with and help them push through it. But I never wanted to do such a thing and again entering someone's mind isn't something you can learn very quickly. Unless you really are interested in having an object imbued with someone's nightmares of course, maybe that is the whole point of your post and I just misunderstood your intentions.
I think that helping people in such a way isn't really… well helping them at all. We all have our issues and demons and I think that the whole point of life is learning how to cope with them. In a way they are a learning experience. If you are weak then you have to get stronger. I've been struggling with many things my entire life and honestly, if at some point someone took my inner demons away from me, at this moment I wouldn't hold even half the power I do now, provided I'd get into the occult at all. So yeah, I suggest you let that person suffer, in hope that someday they will grow as a person because of it. That may seem cruel and maybe it is, but I think that until the person learns their lesson the problems they are struggling with will return with more intensity. Will you be able to protect them for the rest of their lives? Because surely the fears will return, much worse than before, and since you've stolen the previous learning experience the person will be even more helpless in dealing with them.
I wrote that assuming you are concerned with their well-being more than yours. Of course, helping them would bring more power to you and will possibly make you feel good about yourself, so if you are still really interested in going through with your plan then I have an option for you. The one option I can think of would be invoking or evoking some benevolent entity and asking it for help, either with dealing with the problem at hand or just learning how you can do it. Most of the invocations I've done were done from a Tantrik system of magic and would require you to do much more research into the practice and the entities than the commonly used in the West system of contacting entities so I can't really help you with it, you will have to do your research yourself, but the most common version is this:
>get into deep meditation
>focus on the sigil/name/whatev you have and call out the entity
I think that in this thread
there is some information regarding invocation/evocation but I may not remember correctly.
Also, going straight into contacting entities without any previous knowledge of the occult workings may be dangerous, but well, if you are really determined to do it then who am I to tell you otherwise :^)
Just be prepared that if you succeed (and your chances aren't the best imho) then the life of the person you are trying to help is your responsibility.
But maybe I'm exaggerating, maybe you could tell me more about the situation you and they are in, maybe it doesn't call for such extreme measures and some basic ass wizardry 101 sigils or visualizations will suffice. First of all, is that person aware of your intentions?
Thank you so much for the thoughtful response, it's already a big help.
I think I was a little unclear in exactly what I was getting at. This isn't about helping another person but rather myself, and hopefully by extension the people around me by no longer having to subject them to the less palatable aspects of personality. What I'm talking about is a novel I'm writing where I'm hoping to figuratively pass on at least a large share of my baggage and prejudices onto these fictional characters so that I can free myself of them and say all of the possibly shitty but I think in many ways valid and useful things I want to say in a contained way that won't hurt anybody who doesn't inflict it upon themselves by agreeing to read it. The characters all mirror different aspects of my personality and I want to have one of them get into magic and the idea of that sort of shamanic practice you're talking about with hopes that both I and whoever reads it will be able to look at it and recognize the parallel.
Good afternoon anon,
I found an amazing version of the Kybalion on Spanish audio, which I think I'll revisit before the Corpus Hermiticum, since the former is a very brief work and I need to refresh a bit myself on /fringe/, but after it I'll carefully read one of these translations of the Corpus.
The experience with Christianity is mixed, but there's definitely a sense of calm and a sense of having a firmer grip on life after being with God for a while, and reading Scripture and praying every now and then.
I began to have a couple of dreams and definitely better days since I became a Christian, and strangely, in one of those dreams Jesus 'warned me about Taoism', which I obviously think has no greater meaning but that was pretty funny either way.
Denomination wise, it's pointless in the grand scheme, just a major emphasis should be made on Protestantism and the Catholic and Orthodox Church.
Protestantism bases itself purely on Scripture, and since this is somewhat subjective, it has branched out in denominations mostly over the US, and there's a lot of shitflinging among Protestants themselves. Differences are minimal and the fighting is useless.
There's the Roman Catholic Church which I believe is absolutely abhorrent regarding how teachings have been modified with time for personal interests of the Church via "ex-cathedra" Law, which would mean that the Pope would receive a divine message and this would be applicable throughout the entire Church globally.
The Orthodox, on the other hand, remain mostly intact in their teachings as they split from the Roman Catholic Church for several reasons, one of these being the Pope. They're much more mystical, and in my opinion, the real "catholic" (as in one) Church.
Either that or Lutheranism are the only worth alternatives when choosing denominations.
Canon scripture was disputed by Luther over its source/authenticity and is called the Apocrypha, yet, I still see this as a minor issue in the grand scheme.
Regatding the occult again, I've seen many parallels between Thelema and Hermeticism, yet, I can't flesh out the main differences between them other than polytheism.
They seem to have the same basic idea, yet, Thelema seems to focus more on the realization of True Will and Hermeticism on realization of the Universal Laws for trascendence, yet, I'm not sure about the role of the individual's Will (its probably the same).
Sex Magick is also mentioned in Thelema, and that just sounds like a gimmick for the O.T.O.
Oh, that changes things totally. If you don't mind me asking, maybe you could share some more details of your problems?
Actually there is a multitude of easy are fairly quick ways that you can use to help yourself. The occult helped me immensely with coping with depression, anxiety and plethora of other issues, so I don't see why you couldn't benefit in the same way.
There are many ways in which the occult can help your chosen art (and vice versa I guess - your art amplifying your occult practices) and I will list some, along with more general purpose meditations and exercises you can use to help yourself, but I will do it later. Tomorrow, or later today as I'm a bit busy atm. If you want then share some more details. For a person who's writing prose so far you've been really sparing with your words.
I always wanted to be a novelist ;_; well, it isn't too late I guess.
>Yoga and Oriental Occultism
Yoga Sutras are good, yes.
Actually the whole area of Oriental Occultism, as you called it, is an enormous field of study. I've been studying Tantra (and only one of it's main schools) for some years now and there is so much I still need to know.
So yeah, if you want to go full on Eastern magic then research Tantra, particularly of the Shakta subdivision. Good place to start is a book Kali Kaula, although it is a bit lacking when it comes to the actual practices etc. but it is one of not so many occult books on Tantra, written by a Westerner, which are actually based on solid research and not that whole "spiritual sex" urban legend and it nicely puts you into the Tantrik mindset. After that you may want to start reading the actual tantras or just specialize into one of practices that are employed in it, work with tattwas, chakras, maybe some sadhana to a chosen Goddess etc. This is a truly powerful and a very quick path.
If you are more on the spiritual side of things then Shaivism would suit you better I think.
Tantra is basically the teaching the more esoteric yoga came from and provides a complete metaphysical system for the practitioner. Many yogas are taught in the tantras and these two disciplines are really intertwined and Yoga, understood as a system although the division isn't very clear, could be understood as part of Tantra. I think that there is great value in studying such things, seeing how often Western occultists freely borrow things from it (see tattwas, see chakras, see Kundalini etc.) and often without understanding the underlying basic principles. I'd really recommend any occultist to get at least some knowledge in the area just because of the prevalence of misconceptions and straight up lies in the field.
Here is my post dealing with "tantric sex" meme, if you bought into it
This is a nice resource page
some nice article on chakras, although take it with a grain of salt, I don't like the author too much :^)
Well, it is worth adding that "Oriental Occultism" is as broad as a term can be. It encompasses all of Tantra (with various schools and subdivisions often being totally different), Taoism, Yoga amongst others.
I don't really have time to write a proper response, I will do it later, maybe recommend more books or do some sort of "how-into-hindu-shakta-tantra" guide, but as of now I must go. I will tell something about Shaivism and generally about yoga too. I'm no expert on Buddhist Tantra or on Taoism bear that in mind. There is a lot of original yoga manuals out there, but without proper training and some scholarly work you are not likely to gain any benefit from reading them. Hathatattvakaumudi for example.
So yeah, excuse me if my response is a bit chaotic, I will write a better one. Always be very careful about the sources you learn about Eastern magic. This is a very misunderstood topic and it is easy to learn a system that isn't actually real Tantra or real Yoga but only a bunch of misconceptions and made up bullshit. But I guess it is the same in all fields of knowledge.
>I found an amazing version of the Kybalion on Spanish audio, which I think I'll revisit before the Corpus Hermiticum,
That reminds me, I should probably give the Kybalion another read as well. It's going to feel weird to reread it with this new perspective on Hermeticism. The Kybalion's seven "dualistic" laws against the discourse of Hermes to his disciples/son. It'll definitely be interesting.
Oh, before I forgot, I also referred to a section in Mead's book in my last post, but I forgot to give a link to it. The book can be found here: http://www.gnosis.org/library/hermet.htm
The entire three volumes can be read (and even searched through) from that site. The particular part I referenced is here: http://www.gnosis.org/library/grs-mead/TGH-v3/th346.html
It's pretty far down on the page.
>strangely, in one of those dreams Jesus 'warned me about Taoism',
That seems like it could be an ill premonition, or more hopefully, a silly dream.
Thanks for the quick write up on Christianity. One of these days I'll buckle down and attempt to give it some serious study. However, as something that big, I probably won't get to it for a while. It makes me a little glad to have the current extant Hermiticum at only a few hundred pages; it's a bit easier to manage.
>I've seen many parallels between Thelema and Hermeticism, yet, I can't flesh out the main differences between them other than polytheism.
I really want to study Thelema for a long time, as it seems like a really interesting modern religion. I kind of want to get a solid grasp on Hermiticism before I start trying to get into comparative religion though.
>Hermeticism on realization of the Universal Laws for transcendence
Yeah, that's a good way to put it. It fits both definitions of Hermeticism I gave, but in seemingly different contexts. The Kybalion focuses on the seven laws leading to transcendence , while the CH's discourses are very fluid and detailed on the workings of attempting to know god. Basically the same goal, under two distinct guises;
"I long to learn the things that are, and comprehend their nature, and know God. This (I said) is what I desire to hear."
Poemadres V. 1-4.
Apologies for the grammatical errors. I don't proofread very well when I'm tired.
That sounds like a really healthy and hopefully productive thing to do.
> I've seen many parallels between Thelema and Hermeticism, yet, I can't flesh out the main differences between them other than polytheism.
Hermeticism is really a magical system rather than a religion. It is very compatible with Thelema but it serves a different purpose.
Have you heard of a Fiction Suit?
It's when someone writes themselves into a story - and then their life begins to take on aspects of their characters lives in their story.
Alan Moore’s done it. Jack Kirby and Stan Lee did it. Osamu Tezuka did it. Grant Morrison did it so regularly and intently that he gave it a name.
Read up on Grant Morrison's "The Invisibles" and his experiences getting sick when his character in the story got sick. He switched up his character, and gave his character a hot girlfriend instead when he realized there may be a connection.
So, it is possible for you to accomplish what you're trying to do - but perhaps make sure your characters in the story get their problems resolved by the end!
Thank you all again, I will look into all of that.
As for the specifics of my problems, it all pertains to a chain of events that started happening to me at the beginning of this year and culminated in the destruction of a wonderful life I had built for myself and the alienation of almost everyone I care about.
I sunk into a horrible depression and started doing all sorts of things in a desperate bid to get myself out of it. All in rapid succession with eachother and with quite a lot of overlap I began binging on dissocative drugs, reading books like The Four Agreements and The Power of Now, discovered Rick and Morty and with that began seriously entertaining simulation theory and the theory of infinite realities and also was introduced to BDSM, alchemy and the idea that suffering has no ultimate purpose other than to lead you to the conclusion that it has no purpose. I let people tie me up and cut me and I forced myself to laugh about it instead of crying and the pain started to feel good and the laughter became real. I came to the conclusion that getting ahead in this world is not about the circumstances of your birth or having good ideas but rather all boils down to dominance and submission, and cultivating the ability to accept the present without labeling it. I believed 100% that I achieved nirvana and started doing whatever the hell I wanted all the time and refused to back down. I wanted to become as completely authentic and unshackled by other people's expectations as possible. I got a big crucifix with wings tattooed on my back, I spent all day and night manically creating art and felt every piece of my personality which was nothing but an elaborate construction built to protect me from pain start to fall away. For the first time in my life I started to really attract everything I ever wanted, which all fell apart eventually when I reached what I now see to be the inevitable result of becoming totally arrogant and no longer able to function within the framework of the material world as everything just started to look like a big joke that was beneath me.
After much reflection the way I see it now is that to have any hope of continued existence in the material world I'll have to start playing a game again. But I'm still so filled with angst, and I feel that my story is worth telling, the idea of not telling it makes my stomach turn with dread. I just can't let it go any other way. I think that if I can pass my transgressions and entitlements along to these characters I might be able to return to some degree of normalcy.
I absolutely love your story! That was one hell of a year :^)
I wanted to recommend some basic ass meditations and whatnot but now I have to rethink my options.
For what it's worth, falling through the cracks of the society and facing some dark shit in a self-propelling rage and hatred is a great opportunity to gain knowledge of yourself and power. The key is to not become deluded though, and it's a very slippery slope! Glad that you were able to come back, if only to tell the story. When you write it I'll be more than glad to read it.
I absolutely know what you mean, at some point in time I also wanted to share something with people, to write a story, to convey some meaning through it and eventually emerge a different person from it all. But well, I chose otherwise, and I eventually felt that there is no one I'd actually like to tell the story to, and isn't that the whole point of writing?
As for exercises and other "occult-self-help" stuff - do you really want it? Now I understand the depth of my misunderstanding of your post (well, it's also your fault). I'm afraid that if you resolve your issues in some other way then the story will become less of a real channeling of your emotions and more of a just remembering these things.
Turns out I'm still knee-deep in unfinished work so I will write my response tomorrow or Friday. If you want it that is.
>and I feel that my story is worth telling, the idea of not telling it makes my stomach turn with dread. I just can't let it go any other way. I think that if I can pass my transgressions and entitlements along to these characters I might be able to return to some degree of normalcy.
embrace expression as your meaning
realizing that you're not the only one with high awareness breeds humility and empathy.
>taking the role of a Joker who sees the game for what it is
even Joker is still a role. Joker needs a society to exist, and the society needs a Joker. becoming truly aware of the game means realizing your own role too.
all in all, you're in a great spot. you went through all of this and came out sane and grounded. and with greatest treasure still in your pocket. by treasure I mean the awareness you can do absolutely anything you want in this game of life. most people who are aware they can do anything in life are simultaneously ungrounded, and therefore anything they do is foolish.
i thought Christianity was different than other religions, but once i realized it has some rituals you need to do in order to achieve union with God that kinda put me off, because it doesn't really differ from other pagan religions, it just sounds pagan to me that's the jist of it, i thought it was all about virtue but whatever
the point is, there's a lot of inconsistence on what /fringe/ believes to be worthwhile reading – i believe all religions to be derived from one, or to at least hold some truth because they are taken from intuitive sources of knowledge, which means the same place - right?
tl;dr what's a good framework to understand how the universe works - afterwards i can just experiment naturally, and one more question, why does prayer work? i use prayer to help fight against sin, it works, but i don't achieve a meditative state or anything – i've read the kybalion a little but it doesn't sound like The All is an intelligent being, but an AI that just blurts out thoughtforms randomly
>implying christianity is pagan
>implying paganism is something bad
>implying paganism isn't about virtue
>fight against sin
Just how brainwashed are you exactly? There is so much wrong with it that I don't even want to start a shitstorm which normally I'd do.
>doesn't sound like The All is an intelligent being, but an AI that just blurts out thoughtforms randomly
Well of course. If the All is the all that is then obviously it contains within itself every pair of dualities which makes it sort of metaphysical groundwork from which everything emanates. Just like Brahman in Hinduism. The notion that the ultimate reality would be just a being, with it's own reasons and whims is preposterous. It's actually Christianity that has a huge theological hole in the middle of it - with the God both having a will and exerting it and being a omnipresent metaphysical principle.
>there's a lot of inconsistence on what /fringe/ believes to be worthwhile reading
Believe it or not but /fringe/ is not one person. People tend to have different opinions on books and stuff, it's not inconsistence as no one expects a group of random individuals from around the world, each working pretty much through their own individualized system of magic, being inspired by different things, to form some sort of collective hive mind. Individuality and free exchange of ideas is where it's at and from where new things can come into existence. Circle-jerking never solved anything.
>what's a good framework to understand how the universe works
For me it's Hindu Shakta Tantrism. For you? I dunno, maybe go read some books and figure it out on your own.
>i believe all religions to be derived from one
That's a nice idea, but so far my research into the field of religious studies and comparative religion leads me to believe that while indeed there are some things that are common to many religions, there is far more of them which are not. I see any system just as conceptual basis that is eventually abandoned when you can experience the absolute yourself. Religions don't hold any truth in themselves, they are just tools to be used as needed.
>why does prayer work
Same as ritual really, you trick yourself into using forces you can't consciously access. I'd also say that you are contacting Godforms which may heavily affect the results, but seeing that you are Christian it's not very likely that any forces you come across would be willing to help you in any way, shape or form.
Anyway, there seems to be an influx of exoteric Chrisitan sheep as of late.
Prayer is just internal conditioning and affirmation.
You pray to prevent "sin", ie you are self-affirming to change perceived negative behavior.
But it's cool. I don't think physically seeing things is possible without insanely advanced visualization skills. It's more valuable to use your intuition which will naturally develop as you progress.
That really depends on what you would resonate with best and what you are looking to do specifically.
If you want to practice traditional ceremonial magic, you have a lot of reading to do. To get a handle of it's basic intricacies, check out Qabalistic Tarot by Robert Wang for theory, and Modern Magick by Donald Michael Kraig (11 lessons).
If you're into postmodern, anything goes kind of stuff, look into chaos texts by Peter J Carroll and Phil Hine, etc.
If you're into Dark, satanic stuff, look into Temple of Set material or O9A, though I would recommend learning to discern amd se your own personal wisdom well when looking through those texts.
If you're into more eastern type of stuff that goes into the actual basic techniques and practices, look into Buddhist Texts, and meditation books. "Mindfulness in Plain English" is a fucking gold mine.
Also recommend looking at Uncle Bearheart's videos on youtube, and read through the old backup of his goods order blog, and keep a wise and skeptical but open mind nonetheless in relation to him and his information.
I would recommend looking into all these categories and explore different options. I am personally building a firm foundation on theory right now and doing very basic meditation practices meanwhile.
So, check out these sources:
1. 'Qabalistic Tarot' by Robert Wang
2. The writings on http://www.chaosmatrix.org/
3. Temple of Set material (specifically 'technician's guide to the left hand path' is a gold mine… if you want a copy let me know I'll provide)
4. For meditation practices, look into 'Mindfulness in Plain English' by Bhante Henepola Gunaratana
5. For a practical beginner's guide to ceremonial magic, look into Donald Michael Kraig's Modern Magic: 11 Lessons
Also, watch and listen to this uncle bearheart guy on youtube, and follow the rabbit with his many leads that he provides. Learn how to look for them.
That is all. Good luck! :)
1. Q
When I do energy work I notice my eyes move with the movement of my consciousness on my body.
should I try and keep them from moving as I do energy work?
can anons help explain some weird phenomenon thing for me?
i like to read about some occult stuff but don't get results and i'm not super serious, so i don't understand what's happening. for a while now my dad noticed if i put my hands on him (like, my hands on his hands or arms or back), and hold, they get very warm and they somehow help his pain/soreness (he's a construction worker, so you know, basically sore all the time). basically i just hold my hands there for a short time, he starts to feel warmth (sometimes he says he also feels it kinda icy or tingling), and actually i start feeling very hot too, to the point of sweating (even if before that my temperature was completely normal, and his too). then he notices his pain in that place is relieved, either completely or if any soreness is left over it's gone in a while shortly. now when i do it i try to ham it up and think of "healing thoughts" and random positive stuff while i do it, but thing is, it worked like this even before i did that, and before i even knew it would help him. i could hold my hands on him, think about nothing, and still get very warm and his pain would go away.
when it started last winter (or the one before) i thought it was just that he had a cold, so his body temp would be feverish-out of sorts, but i do it now that he's healthy and it still works. then i thought it was placebo but he had a severe back injury before to the point he couldn't go to work and just stayed in bed reading, and it helped him then so he could move comfortably. i also thought it was just a matter of putting heat but afaik heat packs etc don't work on him like this, and also he gets results from what i do much faster than from a heatpack i think. i like to do it on him as i don't like to see him in pain, but i don't understand it. any idea whats the process going on here?
Can someone confirm if the astral plane is crazy golden right now?
Read this
For some ideas assuming that it isn't the placebo effect, I recommend you try to read the whole thing for some background on how this "magick" works. As soon as you get the idea of just what your hands may be doing to your dad's back or bored from reading about the glory of salamanders, skip to page 227. That's where he goes from a scientist to an occultist.
Does anyone recommend a version of the bible to read? I want to go into it with the knowledge that it's a metaphorical book about the mind rather than a historical one. Thanks
Watch the E.A. Koetting videos in Youtube :-)
No, seriously, don't watch that scam; he got so caught on selling his books that he forgot how to magick.
Realize that you are already one. And by that I mean, learn to wield your awareness, to move it to and fro and maintain it's steady focus, learn to increase the level of detail you can perceive, learn to hold more objects at once in your consciousness.
This is the path, and it is achieved through meditation & exerting your will so you transform your being into what you desire.
There are many other things you can do and many of the threads on here address various aspects of such. Read the stickies >>1 & >>>/library/1 and follow the links.
No one can hand hold you nor can any one walk the path for you, to be honest it's even hard to describe the path itself as it lies beyond the realm of words entirely. We can only metaphorize it at best.
tl;dr believe you can are becoming that and transforming your being into it every moment of every day, persist in this and it shall be.
I'd recommend the translation by the "international bible society", it's straight forward and doesn't have those annoying paraphrases used in other versions (a lot of political correctness in most translations).
Geneva translation is the best English translation, Nag Hammadi is a good source of apocrypha and the rest can be easily found online.
Ware that after the fall of the second temple the Israelites were mostly scattered and killed and completely supplanted by the jews who claimed to be their descendants and perverted most of the histories and works seen in the "old testament".
Israelites were white, Moses was a white Egyptian.
would I be correct in my assertion that by definition the meaning of everything is movement itself.
meaning is defined as the expression or expressing of something, literally everything in the all at some level moving ether it is atomic or cosmic.
The very path of spiritual upliftment or spiritual degeneration would also be apart of it.
Am I partially right or am I missing something?
I made over a grand by betting on Trump but it wasn't just occult means that allowed me this opportunity I suppose.
The more I search the less I find
I've been absolutely devastated and I have prayed to god for any sign, just one sign that I can follow , and received nothing
I don't have hope anymore. I despise religious people because of their blind faith. Magic seems like nothing but placebo. I am on a huge rock traveling through space and it doesn't seem like my existence is any different than say a dog or a cat.
So I have been given or I have received self-awareness just so I can be aware what a useless piece of shit I am
>I have prayed to god for any sign, just one sign that I can follow , and received nothing
To pray is to accept defeat :^)
>Magic seems like nothing but placebo
Have you tried it with any substantial dedication?
>So I have been given or I have received self-awareness just so I can be aware what a useless piece of shit I am
If that's the way you choose to view things then sure, sounds about right.
Thanks for the empty words. Yes, I have tried. Substantial dedication? I don't know. How much is enough? Magic sounds kinda like one of those animes where they just keep telling you "No no, it will get better after the next episode. I promise". Yeah, keep trying. Another ritual. Another evocation. If you don't feel it then you haven't tried hard enough.
I'd love to believe in magic because I am afraid of my own mortality and of not existing but honestly I just can't stop reaching the same conclusion, magic seems just like a left-over from old religions which had no idea about psychology and it is no longer relevant as a belief, only as a hard science (memetics and such)
>I'd love to believe in magic
If you don't believe in the reality of magic then you either aren't trying hard enough or you're doing it wrong. I think you need to say more about what you've been practising.
Are you suggesting that magic only works within the mind? This can be disproven with certain experiments.
>it is no longer relevant as a belief, only as a hard science (memetics and such)
Memetics is hardly a hard science, but why does the 'reduction' of magic to a science make it less valuable? People here seem to hate Aleister Crowley for some reason, but when he said his system was 'the method of science - the aim of religion', he was on to something.
>Thanks for the empty words
Np, and I've got more of em coming.
>How much is enough?
Till you succeed of course.
>to believe in magic
Magic isn't something you believe in, it's something you do. It isn't a belief system. It doesn't work solely within your mind. That's the basic stuff any practitioner can tell you. You can influence the physical world with magic and see the results for yourself.
>"No no, it will get better after the next episode. I promise"
Well, I don't really want or need to convince you of anything. You do your thing, I do mine.
>Another ritual. Another evocation.
>classical ceremonial magic
There are many ways to practice magic. I've never done a single ritual outwardly. I'm all about meditation and mental rituals, if you wish to call them that. It's not about doing some one ritual which will bring fruits, but it's more about slowly working with yourself until you can harness various occult powers imho.
>it is no longer relevant as a belief
Again, magic is not a belief. I don't need to believe in electricity, same way I don't need to believe in something I use daily and the effects of which I can perceive with my eyes.
If you keep viewing magic as a belief system or if you will go into it with the "it's all psychological" mindset then indeed your chances of learning something substantial aren't very good.
Anyway, why did you come here? Do you want to enlighten all of us delusional faggots that magic isn't real? :^)
Nice Taoist flag you've got there. Have you been keeping up with your energy work? You can't expect results if you don't have the juice to run the whole thing.
>energy work
>You can't expect results if you don't have the juice to run the whole thing.
Well, it's disputable. You can get solid results with no prior energy work, just as I did. Just directed will, emotions and creative visualization suffice to do many feats of magic. Results magic is the easiest thing.
Tbh I can't think of a set in stone distinction between things you can do without energy work and things that you can't. I'm half tempted to just say that energy work is a name for a system that is viable as any other when it comes to magic. You don't need energy work to AP, influence people, divine future among others. Maybe it helps, but then again energy work is such a vague term.
I'm not doing "energy work" as in Bruce's energy work (although I plan to finish NEW one day), but I've been doing a lot of other practices that could be described as such I think. Mostly stuff that comes from Tantra - pranayama, work with tattwas, chakras and Kundalini etc. but also some Falun Gong lately and tbh the primary practice in most of them seems to be being able to visualize with clarity and lucidity. But then again I naturally have very good visualization skills, but not so great skills with "feeling" the energy, although when I'd been training them for a while I had some progress. So I dunno, maybe I'm just offsetting my lack of "le energy work" with good visualization and raw emotions. Or not.
What do you think? I'd really like to know how others see it, as I frequently encountered the opinion that "you can't do shit without energy work" while me and others well… have done plenty of shit without it. Or at least without calling it "energy work".
But well, the way I see it is "everything is energy" kinda meme. For example mantras are really powerful and the whole science behind it is that certain states, energies, even Deities have their corresponding vibrations and mantras are just those vibrations. Sound is a form of energy, but even vibrating them mentally brings about the desired outcome because you permeate your consciousness with given vibration thus changing your state. So in my view mantras are a form of energy work, but in this view everything is energy work and the term becomes meaningless.
You mean permanently? Otherwise research and learn astral projection.
Well, to be honest - I don't know. All I have are my beliefs and educated guesses in that matter.
>Do we even "need" a body?
Well, I think that we have them for a reason - it is our vehicle in this physical realm, so the question really is about the need of being in this realm. My answer is that we are here because we need to learn things that are only possible to be learned here.
>Any consequences for getting rid of it?
I don't know. When people "get rid of it" in conventional ways they just incarnate in another one. I don't know how to become… an astral entity, for the lack of better word and what are the pros and cons of doing so. I think there surely are cons. The astral world is much less… well, solid, and I think that maintaining stability when existing solely there would require effort.
The question is very complicated and requires the understanding of mechanics of existence on several planes and I confess, that because of me being a cunt stuck up on the physical and only caring about playing around here, such matters often elude me because I haven't given it much thought or study. I consider myself more of a sorcerer than a high magus tbh :^)
My friend who is better versed in such matters said that the elementals often are envious of us humans, precisely because we are composed of all the tattwas and we can move about freely in every astral plane. But then again, I don't know if discarding your body would change that in any respect.
First of all, I think that all of our bodies are connected, so that only complicates matters further.
So yeah, if you find anything interesting during your research then share it please, I am interested in knowing.
I don't want to sound like one of those "SHOW ME PROOF OR I WON'T BELIEVE" because that is not always appropriate but in this case I will say: Show me proof that magic is not just watered-down psychoanalysis. What experiments do you have in mind? Yelling at jars filled with rice? Trying to guess what a drawing on a random card means for you?
Energy work is not magic. It's exercise
Memetics is a science, nearly the same as marketing
Meditation is not magic. It's relaxation.
You might say that I haven't tried enough , but this would not be the first thing I have tried to get into which requires you to "have faith" in your future gains, and always tells you that "you're one step away from what you want! keep trying!" while at the same time the results are so lame and laughable that you might as well just discard them as circumstancial and just accept that it doesn't fucking work.
I love /fringe/ and all my life I was fascinated with the occult, only to get disappointed and bored once I started learning more and reading books. It ended up being like the Wizard of Oz. You thought magic was great and occultists knew so much about life and god and everything and then you grow up to realize it's just a bunch of lonely kids trying to fit in with a few assholes using "magic" to seduce people and rob them from their power.
I guess what I'm complaining about is the lack of a real magical world, or the fact that I seem to never be able to experience it. As I said, since I was a child I was fascinated by ghosts, aliens, UFOs and all that stuff. I used to write fake x-files episodes on my journals and I always wanted to be some kind of paranormal detective . But nothing paranormal has ever happened to me , ever. Not a ghost, not a sighting, nothing. I meet people who don't give a shit, men obsessed with pussy who drink their lives away but when they talk to me they tell me that sometimes they have lucid dreams and they complain to me about how boring it is and how they just want to wake up and forget about it. I hear stories from women whose IQ is probably a smaller number than my penis size (excuse the joke) talking about seeing dark figures or ghosts all through their lives.
And me? What about me? What have I seen, what have I experienced? Absolutely nothing. Not a single thing that I can take and say: YES, HERE IT IS. SOME EVIDENCE IS WEAK BUT WITH THIS I FINALLY HAVE A CERTAINTY. Is it so bad to want proof of something? I don't think so. Most religions would disagree. Do I lack faith? Should I just lie to myself and force faith into my brain? Should I go against all common sense, against every logical conclusion that I can draw based on the facts I have about the world around me? Should I just brainwash myself into having faith and just let my new personality be carried away by whatever cult or belief system first manages to get their grips on me?
>Show me proof that magic is not just watered-down psychoanalysis
You can interact with other people on the astral plane, without any material means of communication. That for me is proof that magic exists objectively, although, like with anything empirical, you will have to either take my word for it or do it yourself. I wrote a detailed account of one of my experiences on Mossa's session log, but he has deleted the whole thing because of some petty fight with Alpam.
>Energy work is not magic. It's exercise
>Memetics is a science, nearly the same as marketing
>Meditation is not magic. It's relaxation.
Exercise and magic are not mutually exclusive. Neither are science and magic, or relaxation and magic. Magic is most commonly defined as 'the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with Will.' There is nothing magical which cannot be discussed in these prosaic terms.
>I love /fringe/ and all my life I was fascinated with the occult
I don't understand how you could have a deep interest in the occult and not know these basic things.
>Show me proof that magic is not just watered-down psychoanalysis
1. What's in it for me?
2. Why should I care?
>What experiments do you have in mind?
Doing magic for some random thing you have no control over to happen and then watching it happen. Do multiple tests just to be sure. Or I dunno, divine something you have no mundane way of knowing about at a given moment etc.
>Energy work is not magic. It's exercise
>Meditation is not magic. It's relaxation.
Your argument is not an argument. It's reductionism.
>"have faith"
>"you're one step away from what you want! keep trying!"
>putting words into my mouth
I feel insulted. I'd never try to lift someone's spirit in such a manner. You can't do magic, or don't want to do it, it's your thing. I have no business in encouraging you to do anything.
>the results are so lame and laughable that you might as well just discard them as circumstancial and just accept that it doesn't fucking work
Okay, you just did that. Now, if it's all just so pathetic and laughable then why are you here? If I were you I'd let deluded autists play in their own little sandbox. Btw why are you thinking that anyone that have ever gotten into the occult for real was satisfied with circumstantial evidence? Do you really think that you are the one special snowflake that can think critically? It's not really some superpower you know.
>the fact that I seem to never be able to experience it
>Is it so bad to want proof of something? I don't think so.
If you want something then you work to obtain it. You don't ask people to kindly provide for you. Or at least that's how this world works I think.
>Do I lack faith? Should I just lie to myself and force faith into my brain?
Now, probably the only thing I write in this post not for the sake of being an unhelpful asshole - magic is a subtle thing, relying heavily on your beliefs and mindset, thus for the time of working you have to have an unshakable belief in your success (it helps at least I think) but of course you should drop the belief after you finish the working and analyze the results with no attachment.
>Should I just brainwash myself into having faith and just let my new personality be carried away by whatever cult or belief system first manages to get their grips on me?
>and other "belief, brainwashing, confirmation bias" stuff you wrote
For a person who claims to have read some occult books, you don't seem to know anything about it. You spew nonsense after nonsense. Or maybe you read shit books only. You really don't do justice to your childhood's dreams.
FWIW, I really feel a bit sorry for you. Not too much though. Yes yes, you failed at magic, so there is absolutely no possibility that someone else might have succeeded, we get that.
>But nothing paranormal has ever happened to me , ever. Not a ghost, not a sighting, nothing. I meet people who don't give a shit, men obsessed with pussy who drink their lives away but when they talk to me they tell me that sometimes they have lucid dreams and they complain to me about how boring it is and how they just want to wake up and forget about it. I hear stories from women whose IQ is probably a smaller number than my penis size (excuse the joke) talking about seeing dark figures or ghosts all through their lives.
>And me? What about me? What have I seen, what have I experienced? Absolutely nothing.
Have you tried the dreamflights posted on spirittrainchronicles? It's one of the easiest things to be successful with imo.
Go here and read the 2 first introductory links (your first flight and how to manifest your own ship): https://spirittrainchronicles.com/galactic-fleet/
Then wait and look for the weekly dreamflight post (the event is on saturdays). As long as you prepare properly and express intent you will have a dream experience different from your ordinary dreams. You don't even have to believe in anything, just follow along, it's what I did and it worked first try (this was a while back, before 2012, the site is less active now, as far as this event is concerned).
>I don't understand how
Talk about one-dimensional. Not trying to come off as an asshole but one thing I am confident I can distinguish is a sentence devoid of any logical reasoning and you definitely score high with your line. I have been shitposting on the Internet for so long that I believe I can positively read between the lines and put myself in the position of the person writing. You tried to make yourself feel superior by saying "I don't understand X", meaning "I should understand X because I understand stuff but the reason why I didn't is because it is pure nonsense. Doesn't have anything to do with my comprehension skills. Not at all. Your X is pure shit, because I don't understand it."
>Now, if it's all just so pathetic and laughable then why are you here? If I were you I'd let deluded autists play in their own little sandbox
Inspiring words. Just kidding. You suck. What were you trying to accomplish with this advice? I'm puzzled
You guys sound like such pricks. And I am a prick myself so those words are not empty. I can be full of shit but I think I have a good understanding of Internet arguments after witnessing and taking part in many a conversation back in my days. Honestly if I didn't know better I would probably be like one of those facebook faggots who think any word with more than four syllables is arcane wisdom, and I would be dazzled by listening to you guys talk with such property about so many books and authors that I'm sure 90% of you haven't really read beyond a few pages.
>For a person who claims to have read some occult books, you don't seem to know anything about it
Enlighten me, oh great master. Tell me how magic working is different than blind religious faith. Tell me how praying to Jehova for eternal life without any proof that he exists —other than a book some people claim it's divinely inspired and tells you that the book itself is the proof of his veracity— how is that different from just believing into astral entities and magical powers? I know you guys think occultism is better than religion for some reason, but judging by the results one can obtain, it would seem that a great range of "magical abilities" can just barely affect a few ideas or thoughts inside your brain, no better than what one would get from Placebo results. And that's about it. I know you "wizards" and many people in the past have claimed to have great magical powers and to be able to alter reality in incredible ways that are almost other-wordly, but at the same time I'm pretty sure I could easily compile a list of 10-20 books with amazing claims that you would definitely disregard at a first glance, because they just sound like fucking made up shit. So what makes YOUR SHIT better than that other shit?
I guess I just wanted some reaffirmation that these things lead somewhere, that following the instructions from IIH or trying to summon Goetian entities is different than just being an evangelical christian and praying and shedding tears for the Virgin mary and oh how much she suffered when she gave her son to be sacrificed. I don't believe there was ever a crucified Jesus, the whole story makes more sense as a bullshit claim to control and pacify a bunch of desert tribes who were fighting each other. How is magic any different? Can you guys claim somehow to be better than this? Judging by the responses obtained so far, the answer will always be "you just don't get it. we get it, you don't."
Are there any occultists who are accessible to fools like me and who don't write like pricks on an imageboard?
I have already explained how magic is not a belief system and how it can be proven. I'm not sure what else do you want from me.
You seem to try to enforce your point of view while not listening to anyone else's. Fine, it's just I don't see a point in it. I don't care whether you think I'm a crook, a prick and a liar. I only care about opinion of one being, namely myself, and I have proven those things to myself beyond any doubt long ago.
I'll save this quote from you
"You can't do magic, or don't want to do it"
Reminds me of my mother when she insisted that me failing maths class meant I was just too lazy to study. She would never tell me that I needed a break, or that maybe I was looking at things from the wrong angle. Much like you, she insisted that the fault was entirely on the student and not at all on the system. Since I don't talk to my mother about intellectual things, I guess I'll put you in the same drawer as her. I have nothing to learn from you because you have nothing that you want to teach.
>selectively quoting stuff
>You can't do magic, or don't want to do it, it's your thing.
Meaning that if you can't or don't want to then I don't care, not that you are somehow incapable of doing it. Listen, I don't care if it's your fault, or is it this wretched world bringing you down. What is it to me?
When you save quotes next time make sure that you know what they mean.
But quite touching story with your mother. You are such a poor guy, your mother didn't want to blame the system but instead she treated you like a responsible human being. How awful of her.
>I have nothing to learn from you because you have nothing that you want to teach.
Maybe I'm just saving out for an adequate student.
I know I'm probably just adding to this garbage fire, but could you describe what actual practice you have undertaken? I mean daily practice, not one-off rituals and sigils and such. Could you tell us the techniques you practiced, for how long, and how consistently?
Also, for my own curiosity, why would you say you want to learn magic? What is it that draws you to it?
>Talk about one-dimensional. Not trying to come off as an asshole but one thing I am confident I can distinguish is a sentence devoid of any logical reasoning and you definitely score high with your line. I have been shitposting on the Internet for so long that I believe I can positively read between the lines and put myself in the position of the person writing. You tried to make yourself feel superior by saying "I don't understand X", meaning "I should understand X because I understand stuff but the reason why I didn't is because it is pure nonsense. Doesn't have anything to do with my comprehension skills. Not at all. Your X is pure shit, because I don't understand it."
Your reading comprehension is appalling. 'I don't understand' was a polite way for me to tell you that you lack understanding of some very basic things. Nobody who had read up properly would come here thinking that magicians were all charlatans, or that magic was no different to organised religion, or that meditation cannot be magic.
>Not trying to come off as an asshole
No, you're coming off as a moron.
>You tried to make yourself feel superior
I didn't try to make myself feel superior, because it's already obvious that everyone who has had some success with magic is superior to you. You came here looking for help, so have some humility.
>Reminds me of my mother when she insisted that me failing maths class meant I was just too lazy to study
I'm starting to notice a pattern here. You fail to grasp a system that works for everybody else, and you blame the system, even though everyone else is telling you that it works for them. Do you not realise how staggeringly arrogant this is?
You know, every so often some mundane comes here with ill-defined grievances and he end up drawing a ridiculous number of responses. From now on I'll do my best to avoid being part of that.
God, you're such an insufferable person. You took the story of my mother and twisted it to try making fun of me. Again, this is such basic shitposting. But I'm sure you think you have the wisest arse on the whole board
>Maybe I'm just saving out for an adequate student.
You sound like you're full of pure stinky delicious shit. I have no time for people like you who can't even put themselves on someone else's shoes. Find another prick that wants to suck your dick without complaining about your methods. I could try to visualize a big juicy cock for you, but since I never get any results I'm afraid your boyfriend will be tiny as fuck . My most sincere apologies.
I meditated daily for at least two years, my visualization skills didn't improve a bit. I joined Mossa's session and I didn't see shit. I have tried to build an astral dreamspace but it never took form. It was always too vague and disappeared whenever i wasn't looking at something. I never got any divine inspiration, never saw anything that I wasn't creating with my own mind. I went to abandoned places, sat in the middle of fucking nowhere, lit candles and tried to call spirits, call someone, see something unusual. Nothing ever happened. I practiced kung fu for a good number of years (8 or 9) and I can see how you can use your body in ways you couldn't do without exercise, but i would just call that good exercise, not magic.
I did guided meditations to pray for advice from higher entities and never received any visions, any feelings, didn't "visualize" anything or felt anything. I followed the first steps of IIH and I was never able to really smell or hear anything in my meditations. I fasted and prepared myself for one of those drug ceremonies, I probably worked harder than anyone else in the fucking meeting. While all of them ate meat and smoked the very same day it took place, I ate only greens and water and didn't touch anything toxic for two weeks prior to the event. Wanna guess who from all the people in the meeting saw absolutely nothing? While the rest of the participants were rolling on the floor having visions and crying I was just pacing across the room there thinking "I must have done something wrong. Why else would this not work for me? It must be my fault" — Because that is what all these systems seem to have for people like me. That is the conclusion. They take a million people, feed them some shit, and it works for some of you. And for the rest? "Well, you didn't try hard enough." And here is where the story of my mother was relevant, it was a parallel between her constant "you can do X and if you haven't done it it is only because you're lazy" and the actual systems of belief/magic which tell you that magic will work for you but only if you believe in it. See again picture >>4552 . But a twat like >>4555 couldn't possibly understand the context because he himself would only use emotional stories to draw energy and sympathy from other people.
It's not that I shun effort, I don't shun hard work. I don't want to harm people , >>4556 asked why did I want to study magic, and it's just because I want to make sure that I don't miss the opportunity to learn how to live forever. I don't plan on living a frugal life and then dying , I want to ensure my existence first and foremost. There is nothing more important to me than knowing that my own life is not at risk. And for many years occultism seemed like the right place to go. Not so much anymore. Let's be honest, what percentage of occultists have managed to stay alive after practicing their teachings? 0%? 0,000%? 0,00000000000%? I don't want to shoot chi balls from my hands or levitate. I just want to have a reasonably solid communication with the source of our existence , if such a thing exists.
Let's be realistic. And this is something the occult community seems to struggle with. Much like religious fanatics, some of them are absolutely closed to the idea that hey, maybe some of the things they practice and believe in are pure shit. Hell, maybe ALL of them are shit. How can you tell? With practice you say. Just practice a system and you'll see the results. And what if you don't? How come these enlightened people never really share their experiences? Even people like Bardon and Crowley are always criticized (even from withing the occult circles) for having thrown a lot of shit into their writings. It's only understandable, we are all human. Well guess what? I don't trust humans. They (we) lie and twist their words all the time.
>Nobody who had read up properly would come here thinking that magicians were all charlatans
Rehashing the same argument already? And throwing a blatant generalization along with it? Gee, how many stupid things can you fit into one sentence? You truly shine as a shitposting god. Respect.
>You fail to grasp a system that works for everybody else
>a system that works
>works for everybody else
Oh yeah because magic has a success rate of 99,9%. Right? I'm the 0,1% . You have NEVER seen anybody practice magic and get no results. You have NEVER EVER EVER done a magical working and gotten no results.
>every so often some mundane comes here with ill-defined grievances and he end up drawing a ridiculous number of responses
See, here's another clue about your personality. You might not realize it when you use the word "mundane"; but these things flash like neon lights when I read them. You know what they say? They say "I'm a prick, i think stuff works this way, and if you think otherwise, I'll use a word to define you. Nigger. Illiterate. Mundane. One of these"
As I see it, there are different possibilities here:
1- The real systems are still hidden and most of what passes as occultism these days has been created as a distraction
2- Most of the occult literature has been unveiled and it turns out that most of it is just mind-control and brainwashing (tulpas thoughtforms astral etc) . Modern psychology should be studying these things but regular folk still think the subconscious is a magical arcane entity and not a real thing happening right now in your brain
3- I am just lazy and I need to read more books every day for the rest of my life until I die
Thanks for the conversation /fringe/. I've been lurking in here for a long time now, and I don't often ask questions myself but lately my faith/belief has been very weak. Interestingly enough, the more I read and the more I learn, the more my beliefs are being shattered and the ground upon my feet seems to turn into quicksand. If I was to play the "wizard" game I would say that this has been eye-opening as to what kind of truths are being held by the people and how to determine what they know based on how they write and how they express themselves.
Apologies for all the jimmies rustled.
Until next time,
Dang, didn't think anyone could be this salty about failure. Then again I always did think that only a small portion of humanity has the capacity for successful magical work, sorry that someone here deceived you.
>I always did think that only a small portion of humanity has the capacity for successful magical work
Why is that? This guy is the first I've heard of who seems totally incapable of magical experience. There was even a guy with ADD who successfully completed an AP session, and I would consider that quite a serious impairment.
The more you struggle, the faster you'll sink. The more you pull, the faster you repel. Really want something? Surrender to it. Realize it for what it is, and take away its power. "Magick" works, but only if you give yourself room to work. Visualize and expect your desired outcome, but don't put it on a pedestal. Things become easier when you realize in your heart that you have everything you'll ever need in this moment, and regardless of the outcome, everything will be ok. Remember, "don't put the pussy on a pedestal." The more you attach yourself to a desired outcome, the further out of reach it gets.
Take a break from the occult for a bit. Learn how to find the good in life regardless of the cards you're dealt, and things will be alright. Enjoy the ride. Don't get so caught up in the destination.
I'm of the opinion that those who understand what they are attempting and apply themselves consistently will eventually succeed. I would agree with you in that only a small number of people make it to that point.
Also, a quick litmus test is that if you don't have your mundane affairs in order attempting magical practice will be exceedingly difficult.
Have you tried Falun Gong?
It's the first systematic practice I learned after doing martial arts for a number of years (karate, judo, ninjutsu) and for me it was easy to transfer what I already knew of the philosophical side of asian martial arts to qi gong.
Because it's part of the method in Falun Gong to no have intent and not pursue any supernatural results, I just focused on the practice itself, trying to reach enlightenment. By this I mean the sudden realization, where everything makes sense and all your questions are answered.
I did get many things solved, but what I discovered was too different from the ideas I had when I entered, and what I saw was that the questions were wrong in themselves, based on misconceptions.
I didn't expect any supernormal results at all, but after a while couldn't help notice my awareness slowly changed. At first it only amounted to being able to change my feelings, suppressing fear, feeling where I had tensions and relax that part of my mind or body… this is how you'll begin.
It seems from your posts that you have an attitude of "blaming" other people or the method for your percieved lack of success. If you measure success only in something of an external nature coming to you, that seems like you're just looking for outside validation, you want someone to show up and show you things and then you'll be happy.
You can attract this attention, but then you need to actually be good at something. Controlling your mind and your emotions is a very basic exercise, and this is where you should start. Noone will be impressed by your current state.
>This guy is the first I've heard of who seems totally incapable of magical experience.
His energy signature is that of a complete atheist fedora. It's quite surprising someone with this kind of thinking is even interested in the subject tbh, but then your environment can suppress you a lot if it's bad, even if you have potential. At least he has determination.
How to do invocations? Is it worth it? What i need to do them?
I don't care about the consequences, just teach me how to do it, and what Daemon is easier to "talk".
I see a lot of people here and elsewhere look down on atheist fedoras. But I can't blame atheist fedoras. They're just a teenager counter-culture to the insanity of modern understanding of spirituality.
I mean, half people here probably would be atheist fedoras if they didn't read on history of belief.
If we're to look down on mundanes, it's the uneducated modern believers with no understanding of history, using religion as a drug.
It's possible to look down both on exoteric religious sheep AND atheist fedoras.
These are just two sides of the same mundaneness which stops people from further inquiry.
Do you have a source of one of them saying it's just their image? I thought MC Ride was seriously going through extreme time in his life. If they're pretending, then they must have researched monologues of schizophrenics and various too-yang people a lot. Because they're pretending so good.
Oh well, I dunno. I've read somewhere that MC Ride is actually a different person… in person. Well read and very intelligent etc. and not some mad rap shaman. But don't quote me on this, maybe it's just bullshit.
Yeah, their music is very primitive and animistic. And that's precisely why I like it. Although I wouldn't go so far as to say that magix fucked his mind or something. But well, I haven't researched it too much, just enjoyed the musick.
I really love music that has some connotations to the occult.
I'm a bit lost from all the responses in the thread, but indeed, Hermeticism seems like a very compatible worldview from the one I had the basic idea about, it's also very similar to Taoism. I read the Kybalion and Corpus Hermeticum.
However, I can't get myself from the idea of separating myself from a conscious God that I can connect with as a source of guidance, as the Father in the Trinity. It might as well all be an omniscient, paternal projection of a God trascendent being that I created for myself with Chritianity, but the element of comfort and of a trascendent friend of worship and help is what got me through rough patches in my life (even if it might as well be a tulpa, of no offense to any Christians or Gnostics here)
With mentalism I might as well be able to create my own Gods for guidance, as being direct entities from The All (possibly as tulpas) but for some reason I can't distance myself from the idea of a conscious Creator in a panENtheistic model. The idea of the Holy Guardian Angel seems interesting, which is more present in Thelema but I just can't identify with Crowley's philosophical-religion.
The Children of the Black Rose (Satanists) worshipped a conscious Creator in the panentheistic model, for example. In Taoism and in Hermeticism, the Tao and the All seem a bit impersonal and I really need the comforting personal deity, yet in reality, those two frameworks are the ones that I truly believe to be objective.
I'm making an eclectic mess right now and I just woke up, but I hope that someone here can get a basic idea of what I'm referring to. Panentheistic, monist or mentalist models with a possibility to connect to The Creator source seems like a beautiful framework. Maybe I'm not ready to abandon the Trinity. Satanism in the CotBR framework appealed to me for some reason.
After this kind of reflective path, I might be able to start doing initiatory work on magick based on the Hermetic framework.
Sorry for the massive mixture of concepts I'm making up right now for the purpose of personal comfort.
>In Taoism and in Hermeticism, the Tao and the All seem a bit impersonal and I really need the comforting personal deity
I know that my every other post is about Tantra, but well… actually Tantra addresses this need. You have the All - Brahman, which is the ultimate non-dual reality and as such cannot be grasped by our dual minds. However, there are emanations of Brahman, Shiva and Shakti, which still are impersonal metaphysical principles but we're getting somewhere. Shiva is the passive aspect of creation, pure transcendental consciousness, while Shakti is active and is power, energy (this includes matter) and well… She is everything. Shiva as such isn't worshiped in Tantra, Shakti, in Her various emanations is. You have various Goddesses, which have form and can be grasped with mind, but They are nevertheless of the nature of the Brahman. For example Kali (still, with further emanations - Daksinakalika, Guhyakalika, Śri Kalika, Mahakali etc. also worth noting that to an adherent of certain Tantrik path - Kalikula for example, the Goddess presiding over that path is also the All, at least in it's active aspect - Shakti), Lalita, Chinnamasta. Those final forms of the Goddess can be indeed worshiped and contacted as a personal deity.
Of course that is also a bit of a simplification, as the whole of Tantra is very esoteric and worship is in fact a ritual which empowers the practitioner and is not worship as in "worshiping something that is apart from yourself". For example Devis can be internalized in chakras and worshiped there, or your whole consciousness can be imbued with the energy of given entity via mantras. It's not just worship, but it's a certain path which brings both knowledge and magical abilities to the practitioner, while being in contact with powerful Deities. Devis are both representations of cosmic energies and separate entities, and more. For example Prana Shakti - being both a representation of prana and a Deity in and of itself. Those Deities often grant boons to the practitioner and help him on the path.
As those Deities represent every aspect of creation, some are very wild and gruesome, while others are compassionate and calm. It also depends on the given Tantrik path (LHP or RHP). Nevertheless, regardless of Their appearance, They are benevolent towards mankind.
>God, you're such an insufferable person… My most sincere apologies.
Impressive banter. anon.
>While the rest of the participants were rolling on the floor having visions and crying I was just pacing across the room there thinking "I must have done something wrong.
It sounds like it should've been an interesting experience, but was it really that unremarkable? Surely you wouldn't be that cool-headed after taking, presumably, some kind of hallucinogenic drug, right?
>I want to make sure that I don't miss the opportunity to learn how to live forever
Why do you want to be immortal? More importantly, how do you think Occultism will help you attain it?
It's just the symbol for sulfur attached to the inverted symbol for mercury.
It has no meaning it's probably just a dank wallpaper or used to look 'occult' and 'mystical'.
cultivating VRIL through long far. w/ dry multiple semi-orgasms
worked in your case? i'm now experimenting
When I was child, I saw a white humanoid with purple stains across the body and oval head on the door of my room. He did not do anything, just looked at me, and then kept walking. What could he be?
You didn't write a lot so it's a bit limited in expression, but I'll give it a try (not trying to be rude, just describing what I see).
Your signature is dominated by what I'd call a "masculine interest", it has direction and isn't the worst I've seen. There is some kind of tone I'd call "sour", like a feeling of air in a closed off room where you'd need to to let in some fresh air. If you can imagine opening a door and walking into a room of 5 guys at a table, all wearing heavy leather outfits (maybe bikers), playing cards and drinking cheap beer, but noone is smoking so the smell of leather and after shave is taking over.
I have a feeling if you were to get into an argument, you may have self confidence with a tendency of being blunt and rude, but you have a certain level of self control and wouldn't go all out. Some people may respect you for this.
>a glimpse of what I remember seeing
I have a memory from before being born, it's something that came to me like remembering something, and it stays there.
It's basically 3 scenes.
>a snowy field
>howevering by the ceiling of a room, seeing an old trunk
>seeing a mirror with an antique frame, feeling something "ancient" like an old culture is touching me
These came back to me very early, when I was a kid, and it felt very real. I know it was something I saw when being in a spirit form, I didn't even know the words for it when it appeared.
Now I live in the place where the trunk and the mirror is. Both of them are family heirloom belonging to the house, I had not yet seen them when the images appeared in my mind.
>I really love music that has some connotations to the occult.
Most music does when you start listening carefully.
All occult means is hidden knowledge, please stop using occult as a blanket term otherwise it will become a husk word like magic did.
I think everyone knows what is meant by 'occult' and 'esoteric', even though their literal meanings are quite limited.
I think that it is obvious I meant music connected to magic, magical systems etc. (like for example Coil using Enochian calls in some of their pieces) and not some hidden message pertaining to, I dunno… a veiled message about self hatred (like for example Archive - Fuck U). Of course, most music has hidden messages, this is what poetry and song-writing are all about.
>please stop using occult as a blanket term otherwise it will become a husk word like magic did
Now, if I called some mundane song by the term "occult" simply because it has some hidden meaning, it would be correct, yes, but at the same time it would give a wrong idea about what the song is about.
By "the occult" I meant the general "occult scene".
Mines not one from when I was born but it's when I was young and
The dream, I was in darkness but there was a light behind it, like a black screen on a powered tv.
I could see but I did not think nor did I feel, I'm pretty sure I didn't have a body.
It is the first dream I remember and when I woke up I was in my home, I did not know it but it was familiar as was my family, I didn't know them but when I went to talk to them there names just came out of my mouth.
I'm sure that's normal, it's probably nothing.
Is Hermeticism deterministic? Just like Taoism and some schools of Eastern thought, in that respect.
I don't know magic and don't visit much but I try to throw my knowledge out there due to it's scarcity.
You seem in a distressing compulsive games condition. I suspect, after a little reading and application, you will find your current state quite alien. As is what happened to me. It may affect your visualization ability, but I wouldn't know.
The addendums are kind of lengthy and boring and placed before practical for some reason.
Curiously, there have been no takers to my knowldge despite the simplicity and effect of this model. I suppose it is still ahead of its time. Things like mindset are only just gaining popularity.
I wonder. There must be some way to meme them. There are many common game states that may be exploitable. Like your mother for instance. Forcing these to become conscious may raise the general quality of the chans.
so if the jews within the last few hundred years are lizard people would that mean that any mischling would be part lizard person?
ages ago i think on 8ch fringe there was a link to a video of a black guy screaming and tapping into a camera and he was talking about some spiritual shit and people said he had crazy wizard syndrome does anyone know what I'm talking about or have the link/name of his youtube channel
Right, I just assumed the second post was the same anon.
The general image has 3 components.
>There is the line where you interact with the world, how you present yourself. This being present is a good sign, it means you are connected with the world.
>There is something nasty, it looks like a ball of poisonous spikes, either aiming at suppressing you, or they were earlier created by you to be used against other people, then later you realized this was counterproductive and started taking it down. It could be both, to make a wild guess it may be the signature energy of drug abuse (I don't know what that looks like but it seems reasonable that such a thing could create neglect of other's needs as a part of your character).
>The last part showing is your path around the spike ball connecting you to the line described in the first paragraph. What you chose to do has led you past that part of your life and given you a chance to overcome it.
If you (anyone) wants a more balanced reading you should post with anon flag, it's easy to fall back on previous experiences of what a person has written (because all posts give off some kind of signature and it's something I remember, most people here have some kind of individuality that's usually missing in "normal" people).
With that said:
Referring back to the last post
and using the same form to explain it:
>Your signature has a stronger line representing your connection with the world. I'd even go as far as calling it a "strong faith". You are definitely overcoming (having the possibility to do so) the problems you may have experienced earlier in your life.
>The negative aspects are actually not harmful to you. Assuming you really are the "indigo" known here from before (maybe you're not him?) this is a bit surprising. It's not that I have looked closely to identify it before, but I had expected the negative aspects of your life to be more reckless and chaotic. It seems everything is under control.
>Lastly the path describing your connection with the world, and your current lifestyle; this is the part that has the most negative energy of the 3. It's a bit unusual to see this, because it means that part that is usually harmful to a person, for you it isn't, while the part that is normally your strong side, the part where you have control, is bordering to harmful to you. This is contradictive, it means the path you are following to reach your strong faith, is crudely and mostly incompetently performed. To use an example, this is like saying a runner is in the lead in the race, by not exercising, and instead spending his time drinking, partying and being hedonistic in general. It's illogical, it means someone is getting good results by doing everything wrong. It could also mean you potentially could improve a lot if you made an effort, maybe in the example of a runner, you are using only 1% of your potential while those closest to you in the race are at 75% having exercised a lot. But maybe there are obstacles in your personality obstructing you. I don't know what it means, you'll have to interpret this yourself.
Ok, that got long, but I got a bit carried away because it didn't make any sense.
Real magix/10
>If you (anyone) wants a more balanced reading you should post with anon flag
Yeah, I thought about that but only after already posting it. And yeah, I'm that Indigo faggot which has been posting here.
Everything you wrote makes perfect sense when viewed from the perspective of my life. Well, maybe not sense, because it doesn't make sense even to me (although I have some possible explanations), but it just is that way.
>The negative aspects are actually not harmful to you
>Your signature has a stronger line representing your connection with the world. I'd even go as far as calling it a "strong faith".
What do you mean by that exactly?
>the part where you have control, is bordering to harmful to you
Could you elaborate a bit more, I'm not sure I get what you mean?
Maybe I can write some short interpretation on how it looks from my perspective, if you are interested, but I need to know if I understood what you wrote correctly. Although it is personal, so I wouldn't go into too much detail.
> in what way are you using the word "negative"?
This meaning:
>You mean generally problems, depression, anger, sadness etc
People from my view usually have 2 sides, one which contains things that are harmful to them, it can be external (ill intent of others) or internal (your own bad actions biting you in the ass). The other side contains what is good for you, your motivations, your will to do something positive with your life, generally taking action and gaining control of yourself.
Now for you it seems there are no negative things. Noone is trying to hurt you, noone thinks bad things about you or anything. There are also no negative things from your own actions. It's just null and void.
This in itself is not strange, but it's more likely to be the situation of a person detached from the world, like some 80 y/o monk in a distant monastery that noone knows about and who doesn't interact with anyone.
When it comes to the positive side, you do not have a lot of positive things there. If you did bad things, this should normally lead to the negative side building up. But for you it seems the negative consequences of your lifestyle is contained in your positive side, meaning it's subtracted directly from the good things you should have had, it doesn't build up hostility or illness on the negative side.
For example it's possible a crime boss would have many positive things in his life, he's doing what he wants and reaching his goals. But in turn his negative side is huge, everyone wants to kill him and he may have cancer from eating and drinking too much.
This is the best I can do to describe it, and I hope you see why I think this was unusual.
>>the part where you have control, is bordering to harmful to you
>Could you elaborate a bit more, I'm not sure I get what you mean?
This is where you should have your salary paid in a check, but instead you get paid in poisonous snakes thrown in your yard. Sure if you catch them they're valuble and can be sold, but it's possibly harmful and kinda not the deal you wanted.
Forgot one thing.
Faith is the same as being connected with the world, reality, while not having faith means you are stuck on your own delusions. Contrary to what some tend to think, being critical of everything does not bring you closer to understanding the world. If you are connected with the world and people around you, having faith, meaning you believe the world is real and existing, you will not be easily effected by negative thinking or hopelessness. When logical people tell you it is hopeless (an illness can't be treated, your financial sitution is unsolvable etc) you still think the world is huge and surely there are ways to solve it. In a way faith defies logic and reason, and can solve problems by not listening to negative arguments.
In my usage of the word of course.
if our post give off certain signatures, would seeing more than one help give a more accurate view of us?
if so
dream thread, I post alot in there if more is needed
would you read me again?
>if our post give off certain signatures, would seeing more than one help give a more accurate view of us?
Not necessarily, it's best done by just grabbing something quickly and taking a closer look. It's easy to be effected by the message in the post and make interpretations from what was said instead of the "signature".
I'm not sure about pulling an entire thread for this, consider one reading takes 20-30 min with writing down the observations included, and I may have 1 hour daily to spend for leisure browsing online..
But if there are more people willing to do similar readings (I know there are people who can here) I suppose a thread could work.
I've done this before at /x/ but then I asked people to take a pic of their hand, holding it up so that part of their room was in the background, and post that in the thread along with a short personal info (favourite food, color, what kind of place you live etc).
Problem is there would be many requests at once and maybe I can do 1-2 every 2 days, most people wouldn't even stay around to see it.
Maybe I could contribute, I've been learning how into Tarot for some time now and although I'm not terribly good at it but my skills suffice for some fun, quick reads.
The biggest successes that I had were in regards to meeting people, social situations etc. I even created a spread for this. For some reason I really don't get the Celtic Cross one.
Now, that makes a lot of sense, especially in regards to my practice, world view and general lifestyle but explaining it all would take too long. Actually I also don't feel comfortable enough to do so. Thanks anyway!
I have a question regarding astral projection:
my family is part of a african religion that is famous in the southest part o Brazil, my mother and father are like "priests" of that religion, and i live in some kind of "temple".
When I enter in AP, is it possible that the entities that reside in my house, could contact me?
It is, although I'd think that it's more about the place you are mentally in and not physically. Your fears and expectations have a big role in it, and if you really feel connected to these entities then the chances of such an astral encounter are higher imho.
Is them contacting you a bad thing? Maybe use your natural connection to them to your advantage, but I don't know anything about the nature of said entities. Could you share more info?
On the other hand, AP is not some totally different state. You have an astral body at all times, not only when you are projecting in it. If they really wanted to make contact then they could do so in a multitude of ways with dream being the easiest.
If you have time I'd appreciate a reading as well, if not I understand.
Couldn't they live in the astral plane? Like somewhere near me?
No, I'm just curious. In fact, I was hoping to meet them, I think that is always good to have a guide on the "other side".
Some of the entities are based on aspects of nature, and every person of the religion borns with one of these entities, like a "father" (somekind o guardian).
Mine is Oxalá, he is associated with the creation of the world, the first son of Olorum (like a "supreme" god)
And there is the Exus, they are not entities born of Olorum, nor aspects of nature. They are persons that made "bad" things in life, and chose to work with "bad" spirits for evolution. People ask them jobs opportunities, lovers or to harm someone that you don"t like.
They are associated with "demons", but they are not evil or good. Also, they protect the house from bad spirits.
I'm not practicer, though.
And for example, if i'm not having expectations to meet them, is it possible that they come at me? Like asking what the hell I'm doing here.
>Couldn't they live in the astral plane? Like somewhere near me?
Places in the astral don't correlate with the physical dimensions. Where lies your memory of the first day at school? When you wonder where will you be in two years time where are these thoughts located?
No, you don't need to traverse the astral on foot.
>Couldn't they live in the astral plane? Like somewhere near me?
That's what I meant when I was talking about mental place and not physical one. If you focus on them and in a way imbue your consciousness with their energy and you have a clear intent of meeting them - that constitutes "somewhere near you".
For example, one time after moving out I APed, but instead of being in my new apartment I found myself at my old house. Mentally I was still considering myself more living there than here. I think that it doesn't really matter where you are physically. Of course the aura of the place might influence your thoughts which in turn influence your astral adventures, but IMHO there is no direct influence.
>Mine is Oxalá, he is associated with the creation of the world, the first son of Olorum (like a "supreme" god)
Nice, gonna read up on this. From what I know from my quick glance on Voodoo about a year ago, those spirits have Veves (and from my understanding it functions much like yantras and mandalas do), so I think that a great way of meeting one would be meditating on it's Veve and mentally asking them to guide you in your projection. Basically anything you can do to get mentally closer to them will work. In Tantra it is primarily done by mantras, yantras, dhyana etc. but other systems have their methods too. Even just looking at art depicting certain entity can bring you closer to it.
>And for example, if i'm not having expectations to meet them, is it possible that they come at me? Like asking what the hell I'm doing here.
I don't know, it doesn't seem likely to me. I mean, your intentions are pure and your parents are priests. I don't think any spirit, let alone your guardian spirit, would behave in such a way.
Also, there are many books about Voodoo, Voudon (it's my understanding that such things are right up your alley, right?) in our library. They weren't my cup of tea, but maybe you can learn something from them.
Two books that really caught my interest were "Voudon Gnostic Workbook" by Michael Bertiaux and "Exu and the Quimbanda of Night and Fire" by Nicholaj De Mattos Frisvold. Haven't read them in their entirety as Voodoo is too… external and ritualistic for my tastes, but they might be a good source of knowledge.
Have you considered talking to your parents about that, or generally learning from them?
Well, my family is deeply connected with the religion, but i'm not. It's interesting, but I don't have planes to follow the religion.
Thank you, I'll have a look.
Yes, but i'm don't think that kind of subject is their speciality.
Also, I heard when you AP, you are vunerable to other spirits. And the fact that I live in a kind of temple, could it provide me protection?
>Also, I heard when you AP, you are vunerable to other spirits
Tbh personally I've never had much problem with it.
My only encounter of this type was this:
and it was more silly than anything.
With that being said, I always have measures to protect myself (with the one I trust the most being mantra of my personal Deity - Daksinakalika) so I'd suggest you find or create your own protective rituals, spells or what have you. One very simple but very effective way is to thoughtform an atmosphere of safety and well-being, for example visualizing a protective sphere around you and mentally affirming your safety. Maybe meditate a bit on Oxalá and try to feel him out, form some sort of relationship before you jump into AP so that you can have a powerful friend "out there" :^)
There are other ways of protection, some strongly advocate the use of LBRP (Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram) but I am not amongst them.
Also, oftentimes the most effective magical tools are the ones you come up with yourself.
>the fact that I live in a kind of temple, could it provide me protection?
Don't know much about that, if you really feel the connection to the entities then yeah, but I don't think that the fact that you live there is in itself any protective measure. I can be wrong though.
So yeah, I wouldn't care too much about it, but I would nevertheless find some means of protection, you never know when it might come in handy.
The most dangerous thing in the astral is yourself. If you feel troubled or depressed then you might find yourself in a very low state out there, tormented by your inner demons.
But, from my point of view, that's a good thing, because face-to-face confrontation with your fears isn't something that is easily given to ordinary people.
If you find yourself in trouble then just clench your fists and push through, nothing can beat you if you don't allow for it to happen. If you are confused or worried then just fall back on your protective measures and come back later when you've found your resolve. If you find yourself in that situation for a second time that is.
I must go now, if you have any further questions then they will have to wait. Good luck!
So if the world is mental and all an illusion, whats stopping me from doing things such as teleportation or becoming strong like superman etcetera?
And whats the significance of loosh?
If I want to become a 4th dimension being do i have to reincarnate as one?
If every time my physical body dies and i forget everything from my past life, how to I ever progress?
Or is forgetting things only on the third dimension?
What determines who I will incarnate as, i.e into a rich family, poor family?
Why is this so confusing?
there are three basic layers of reality
the mind
the spirit
the material
each one has laws that govern it
the world is mental but isn't an illusion, it has rules and laws.
science lays out the ones for the material.